b'Reinforce Your Anti-Harassment Foster a Corporate Culture ofPolicy with Posters Respect and AcceptanceComplyRight Our Company Is ComplyRightDiversity and Inclusion at Work: NEWHARASSMENT\x1fFREE Our Company Prohibits Respect Works Here Posters Unconscious Bias Training for EmployeesSEXUAL HARASSMENT Provide a constant reminder of your strong promise Help employees understand the value of diversity with Nuestra Compaia Prohbe to provide a safe, harassment-free workplace.this self-paced training program. Engaging training EL ACOSO SEXUAL emphasizes the importance of respecting differences, What Is Harassment? The Consequences of Harassment Our Company is comormk eitntevdir oton mpreonvtid. Sinegxu aa rle hsapreacstsfmule, ntNm arteOutlines rights and responsibilitiesh a uebsietrnat Ceo dme ptraabaaj ose r ecospmepturoomsoe yte l iab rper odpeo hrocsiotingaarm uine nto Harassment is legaly defined as inappropriate conduct based on:wailrla nsosmt been tto-flreerea twed for any reason, at any time, whethero acoso sexual. No se tolera el hostigamiento o acosoand offers steps toward creating a more inclusiveSex y,Religion Onur Compnandy tuct a pakes corommppt alainnd tts ohof hroaugrah inssmenvest exttigartioemn oely sf aerny coiousmlyp, I laint.seex eumalp pleoar dnoinsg, genr menotetisv,o s uyp eenr nviinsogrensom pormoveenetod oproers p. youre an employee, manager, supervisor, customer sexual(includingGenetic information anfd wll co What Is Sexual Harassment? alQu Es el Acoso Sexual? of managers and employees orientation, preg andnancormi ation obtained during the investigation process will be keptor vendor. dgender identity)Disability co Sexu a n o dn al h y c ,es, r El acoso sexuoal elicis untudea fs doe frmaa dvoe dires ssecrxuimalines u oacin itrols tciitpa qos due ine cocnludyue acta vvanecrbes dal o fe tispio sca exualworkplace. Exercises reveal how unconscious biasesColor char If an\x1fn in denvestiatigal to ttiohn re exteveenalt ps thosat asibn emle unpder tloyehe ene cirgacumged in, costances. ndonf tedhi, os pr ava S hom araesqsmueesnts ft is a for seoxurm oal ff unavorls, aawfnud ol ditshcrer vimeinrbaatil oon tr phhayt insiccall cudoens unducwt oelf a scomee sxuaxuelde n S utilice el sometimiento a dicha conducta o el rechazo dindesateuraadols, seza sexual en caso de que:National origin Otherac prteristicsotected underoe oture, when: El someterse a dicha conducta sea una de las condiciones pe alraa m misamntae nceorm eolebmaspel epoara h therr swhise ie ps saurtbicijecpt tato died in asciplinany forry acm of htion, uarasp tsmo imment in vediioalate ttioern omination. lic Age state or local law In addi s w wuocrhkcpoenrdfourcmt ahnacse t horecrpureaptinosgeaonreinfS teim virtoemar decisiones relacionadas con el empleo mismo l rferir irrazonablemente con elConveys consequences of harassment, reportingcan occur and how to overcome them.Race engage in htion, legaarassml lienabt oilitr ry metaay bliate imion tphosat ved aiolgaates finst inederadivl, sidtuaatl oe o\x1er lo endercal lSu ubbmiissssiioonnttoo,osur crhej cecotniodnu cotf ,i ss umcha dcoe nad cuocntdi is tuiosend o afs e tmhep lboaysmis efnotr an employment decision D dpetroeprmsinitoa doa e pfeecrstoo ndaeoin dtee crear un ambiente de trabajo aws.Harassment can occur through any means of communication ct iodfa untinrge, ahsoosntialbel yo rin otfeferfnesriinvegwwoitrhkean n indionvmideunatlsdeiscehma pcoendo uecnt aeslt itlra ub oafje on dsintimidante, horesponda aeivoand at any level oern rdaonrk).i nHga (rsausscmh eans tm caann abgee rv, ecrobwalo (rek.egr.,, of Retaliation ent Algunos ejemplos de actividades prohibidas incluyen: a cmsubordinate or evnptpsr)o, pphriyasteic ea-l m(ea.gil.s,uonr wteaxnt tmede stsoaugcehsi)n ogrovri shuuaglging),ensivej Retaliation against any employee on the basis of at rriceptloyr tp orof hihabraitessmd. Examples of pr S k g Sexualy oriented notes, telephone cals,Contacto fsico indeseado eeloectatrs, nl ios,a dmase nteslaejfesn dicea ts,ext coor rpeoors procedures and policies on retaliationA Unwelcome pohibithysicaed acl conttivities include:act N( orkietse onr(ceo.gm., min paictures displayed in an ofice). Our Companyorn py aemrticiplopayteioen w inho a r ethaaraliassmtes enagat ininvstes at igapertsioonnifso rs these reasons is subject ein layd vasugngceess toivr es ewxuoradls, in gneusteurndes,oe-mails, text mesages or faxes Avances, gestos, palabras, bromas celular o facsmiles de carcter sexualw to disciplinary action, up to immediate termination. If you feel you ar joexu ive flirtationDiscus we ing or inquiring about ones sexual ol einmsinenutoacis soenxeusa qleuse sugierenaConversaciones o preguntas acercaLqueAvailable in two downloadable versions e b es,a desires or experiences Flirteo excesivo de los deseos o experiencias sexuales per.ogh.,i obfiftes nhsaivraessment of any form, even if the person to whom retaliated against, please report it immediately to one of the persons listed. Comentarios inapropiados en cuantode una personaExcesit is directed appears to welcome the behavior or reciprocate it.oReporting Procedures Indiapvpirdouparlisa atep pcoemaramnecnets o ra bbooudtyapna rts S t i e s r s eCotneo o teinstuin alfcteomed e dleaunspae cptoer fsosincao o a partes del cuerpop L as, deacexarprcetseir nse cxounatli o a treonmcionntiecso h, auya aclaradoqin nrtgr t ob eeinxpgr einsfo sremxueadltohrerinomtearnetsticnuada de un inntear vsez Ailttnhoesusg ohr y boeucro bmeeh aavwiaorre m oaf yth bee b aechcaevpitoarb lme atoyfsionmd eit,ootfhfeenrss ivweh.Ive in pecific traits isErsoteprieaost idpeolsreexfoer dideo uns aa c paerarsonactersticasel objeto de dichas masw t o uoaun my iuss atwa brinreg o fy it. Report your complaint to one or mo sum s e eostsypion,in gdi asbpolauyt,goern edxecrh-savneg oeb ojef cts,Making promises or suggestions (actual daepobojsetesois,n, p aenxhcaibrtiacis, din ob uinjots,er dicaamgrabiomimplcitas) de trato s en las missa (l roe anleegs aoti voDescriptionItem #Price -LMS version with SCORM and AICC files E ohf athet th efo Clom retrre artembuetntat la os f as erexusualtladvances contgeennideso u s eoxutroaslmexpatleciriatole osgsugrfeicriodso c onHuaec enro p trieonme eisnatse or s purgeefreernecnicai lManager Responsibility hfa yraosusm feenel t,yo yp re being harasseodur,ocor ifm pyolauinvtetwo iotnures astetden wtiohan.tyDouon bte lieasPeoxus aly explicit or suggesti or implied) of prefereonf toianl eosr a ncecgepattiavnecim como resultado de la aceptacin de los wing individuals: posters, pictures or other graphic materiala vherarya smsmaneangter-fr aene dw sourpkerplavciseo. rM isa nresagper osn msiublestsfoetrafnos etxerainmpg lea nfodruappphrooldinpriagt eName: ______________________________________________________ aav panercesos ndae,coa rdec stuerrseecxhuaazlo p doerlpasa rmte idsme as was ldeesa lo wf withh esitthueart itohnesr eo hf ahsa braesesnm ae nfot rams aslo oconm aps ltahineyt.Phone:______________________________________________________ Su Responsabilidad Harassment-Free -HTML-5 web-based versionbeocrokmplea caew baerhe aovf itohr,e ams , wreegl ard Name: Your Responsibilities Si sapiernotpe qiadua qe eus oe ubjsetteo dd qe auiecroe qso sue dexuesali, insta dfoe dirme a lcha ca ponedrsuocnta. Aa resspimonissmabole d, dee tbear pl cornedseuncttaa r Employee Rights and Responsibilities is e h nu f o our Compsumanye ts ahtatt oenur Ction soo tmphaant wy ie cs awaan tre oake af itp. Rprepoporriat yte aour cctioonms tpo elainnd tt toh esin a di DL2-Q0036$31.95If yo gageinel tg in inhat yoau apprroe bpreiinate cg soexundaulcly ht thaarat ysoseu wad, yonu st it thoo sultd inop. Yfooru am tlhso me indiusvt bidruinal wg yohur oin______________________________________________________on ara fu quejac hao a la caotesno sciexun dael. N la Co somuppoangaa q, puae lra a Cqueo tmompaema eos slat as ml teadnidto das neel acecsoasroia. Ps prearsae nptoe snu erle complmainet tnt. Df to nhe fot aolslowing individuals: queja a una o ms de las personas siguientes:ry employee has a right to be treated fairly and courteously in the workplace.Phone:______________________________________________________ ore o Name: ______________________________ Nombre: ___________________________ Nombre: ___________________________ Workplace e osr m ______________________________Eveepreyc tesm thpleoiry eine dailvsoid huaasldthifef erreesnpcoenss. iIbf ilyiotyutoha tvreea dt ocoubwtosr akberosu itn w a hmetahnenre arjtohkate , rs When the investigation is complet thee,tahllege Ceodm hpaaransys erwi lol fad thvei soeu tthcoe mpere sof the _____________________________ ,Phone: _____________________________ Nmero de telfono: _________________ Nmero de telfono: _________________ Features three modules with short quizzesn Name:Ev Phone:whveso rtigaepotiorten.dItfh yeo cou marpe laninottsaantidsfied with the way your complaint is h oandledceomment or other behaviors wil embarras, humiliate, degrade or ofendin Consecuencias del Acoso Sexualsomeone, dont say it or do it. you may report your concern to the President of the Company or otherment seriously. Complaints will be investigatedLa Compaa toma en serio todas las quejas de ac cousros ose dxeul aplr. Locaes sqou deeja isn svee sintivgeasctiignan s ep umnatnutaelndrSexual Harassment company oficer. Consequences of HarassmentOur Company takes all complaints of haras c e kepty completamente. La informacin obtenida en el a no la cdipe luinnaar iinavs.estigaci DL2-Q0040$31.95 to reinforce learningpromptly and thorougehnlyt p. Inosfsoirbmle unatiodn oer tbhtae cirined dcumursintag tnches. Ie innvdiesvtigiduataiols wn phro kocenss wowinill bgly con carcter confidencial edna lsaimnfosrtmna csuijnet afas lasa m eedida s circunstancias. Aqn,u oe lqaus ep seer nsoiengaus en xt q ucoe opproepraorr cenio unnenaian svaebsiteingacin, e edida de lo posibnle e sle cgusr dsis2020 ComplyRight, Inc. This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal advice and does not provide legal opinions on any specific facts or services.Ip ro d t l a poronvfiidde fentailasl te ino tfhoe ermplin I y actin inon. vestigation, or refuse to cooperate in an investigation, l aal sr ecsirpceucntos,t alan cCiaosm, ipnacluasi vtoem maerdi tdoads adsi lsacsip mlinedaridiaassqduee c porureedcecni lnle gqaureaclo dreessppidoon.d Nanu essetrga nPrevention (Bilingual) atiaorn in a Si los resultados de la investigacin confirman la violacin de las normas de la Compaa r inarbtoialinrttmy n taootio te:us Thie thin is psrs oi spvide o ur bee d ps hainrat riccreude alapturin sibglict,u pytrioo odrnucin w anitdhgta ohirnry di dsp spteracifribties.uictin quesg thitios npsro odruc cotn icers nonstliyaobule m foayrahanyv ed. amages arising out of the useaf a onfirms that Company policy has been violated, our Company will takeCompaa prohbe estrictamentnea r feep,r oe saa sliua sp caortnictripa atocdion e emn pulneaa dinov eens tbigaasce ia nsu r erelapcoiorntea ddaere sn inubjveecst ttigo diatiosn cciQ0036 om apducr owt.vie tdYhofutohr ea u runes eurder bgye sdthta teno dinp courgncs huthalsater ta a non anytl tpyo.er rThinseoysnco foorrn mencer tmninitya yin gn oyvolv whcalutdinever ag teprpmroinpraitaiote cn. Oorur Crectivoe ampcatnioy sn its warictly prrarnotehd unibits rdeetr talihae cirtion acumgainstasnt acens, uy ep tmpo aloyned eabuso sexual presentado de bueThe oinf in ment or participation in an investigationcon un supuesto abuso sexual. on the basis of his/her good faith report of harasrelated to aleged harasment.Q0040 Im igned to provide ac bp ly aioodrnu w cinaintdhga tohnriry did s pspteracifirbtui etinqangude t shdtiioso enspsrnooodrtu c pcortn oicvsei nrdnoet s l lieygoaaubllemo fpaoinyriahonanyvs e d.oanm anagye ssp aercifisinicgfoacutst o ofrtsheer vuiscee s.Laminated. Size: 18" x 24" DescriptionItem #Price2017 ComplyRight, Inc. This prfioolidrtmuyc atott i iosu nds eie sst hipsi rsio spv raipdoepddruoc wtve.i tdYh of tuohr eaurunes eurd begyer tsdth ateno dinp curognchs tuhaslate ta r naon anylt ptyo.e rTrnshoeyinsf cooornr mecne rtmnitainyy in gn vyotoourl bvee dp s hainratr criecdue lapaturin bsgli sttroitute for legal adviciecs.The urate and authoritative information. However, it is not a suit,ucor inp oinarbtant note: Th Web-based VersionDL2-D0120DL$299LMS VersionDL2-D0120DL$349Respect Works Here Respect Works Here ComplyRightThis is no place for verbal harassment This is no place for written harassment Respect Works Here: Anti-Harassment Each of us plays a part in creating a respectful work environment.Each of us plays a part in creating a respectful and positivePoster BundleHarassment of any kind is not tolerated. This includes all formswork environment. Harassment of any kind is not tolerated. of verbal harassment, such as offensive or inappropriate jokes,This includes all forms of written and virtual harassment, threats, insults, name-calling, comments or racial slurs. such as offensive or inappropriate emails, text messages,This attention-grabbing poster bundle ComplyRightWeinstant messages, notes or social media posts.creates awareness and educates employees about theRespect Works Here: Diversity PostersRespect Works Here different behaviors that can be considered harassmentPromote corporate values based on inclusiveness,Make Us HumanThis is no place for harassment (written, verbal, visual and physical). Reinforcing your acceptance and comradery. Choose from four Againstanti-harassment policy is recommended by the U.S.messages that reinforce the benefits of aEach of us plays a part in creating a positive, harassment-freeSupreme Court and can support your defense in the work environment. Harassment includes any inappropriatediverse workforce: conduct based on: Race Color Religioncase of a lawsuit. A0592017 ComplyRight, Inc. What you say matters.lNational Origin Citizenship AgeA0Disability What you write matters. Contains one general anti-harassment poster Difference Makes Us Human Makes Us a Team Sex Keep harassment out of the workpace. Keep harassment out of the workplace. Other characteristics protected by state or local law 2017 ComplyRight, Inc.politically oriented, it may be considered harassment. 72 Re spect Works Here and four topic-specific posters Respect Makes Us a Team RespectThis means you are responsible for everything you do, say, write, post and display. If its threatening, offensive, disrespectful or And remember: Although your behavior may be acceptableto some, others who witness or become aware of the behaviorWe Stand Together Against DiscriminationRespect Works Heremay be offendedand file a complaint.Your inappropriate words or actions could lead to a formalCovers various ways harassment can occur:patting, gesturing or any other inappropriate behavior.investigation, disciplinary actionand even termination. This is no place for visual harassment posting on social media or writing emails, throughDiversity Makes Us Stronger Makes Us A2028 2020 ComplyRight, Inc. RESPECT WORKS HERE A2029This is no place for physical harassmentEach of us plays a part in creating a respectful work environment.Each of us plays a part in creating a respectful and positive work2020 ComplyRight, Inc. RESPECT WORKS HEREHarassment of any kind is not tolerated. This includes all forms ofenvironment. Harassment of any kind is not tolerated. This includesverbal conversation or physical contact Respect DiversityEmbrace Unity Embracephysical harassment, such as unwelcome hugging, touching,items in your work area, such as offensive photos, posters, cartoons, drawings or anything else with controversial or politically oriented words or graphics.Harassment doesnt work here. Item #Price Item #PriceA0612017 ComplyRight, Inc. DL2-A0084$58.95 DL2-A2027$12.95 $32.95* Price per bundle. Includes one of *Must be same message for set. for set of 3each poster shown. Laminated. Price is per poster. Laminated.Size: 15" x 22".Size: 10" x 14". Find anti-harassment policies and training 2020 ComplyRight, Inc. RESPECT WORKS HERE A2030 2020 ComplyRight, Inc. RESPECT WORKS HERE A2031What you do matters. What you display matters.A073 Keep harassment out of the workplace. A060 Keep harassment out of the workplace. on pages 22, 54 and 552017 ComplyRight, Inc. 2017 ComplyRight, Inc.56EMPLOYER COMPLIANCEANTI-HARASSMENT HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 57'