b'POSTING COMPLIANCE SERVICESPOSTERS POSTING COMPLIANCE SERVICESPOSTERSS R c E a V n I S th IO is QR Dcod E e :0 fo 1/ r2 compliance verification. 3 NOTICE TO WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES NLRA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACTN ATEMPLOYEE RIGHTS FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES Certain Industries Impose Additional Posting Requirements FEDERALPAID AT SUBMINIMUM WAGES , and Poster Guard for Federal Contractors CONTRACTOR McNamara-OHara Service Contract Act (SCA), and/or Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA)ed by the , no matter how limited, in pr ds Act (FLSA)This establishment has a certificate authorizing the payment of subminimum wages to workers who are disabled for the work they aroductivity . Such subminimum wages are re performing. eferred to as , Authority to pay subminimum wages to workers with disabilities generally applies to work cover Fair Labor Standarthan the FLSA minimum wage commensurate wage rates and are less than the basic hourly rates stated in an SCA wage determination and/or less of $7.25 per hour. A commensurate wage rate is based on the workerce of the community is drawn.e not applicable unless a workers disability actually impairs the quantity of work in the geographic ar s individual productivity when performing essentially the same type, qualityproductivity of experienced workers who do not have disabilities that impact their pr oportion to the wage and WORKERS WITHea from which the labor forSubminimum wages under section 14(c) arEmployers shall make this poster available and display it where employees and the parents and guardians of workers with disabilities can readily see it.LABOR LAW POSTINGS DISABILITIES workers earning or productive capacity for the work being performed. The fact that a worker may have a disability is not in and of itself sufficient to warrant the payment of a subminimum wage.For purposes of payment of commensurate wage rates under a certificate, a worker with a disability is defined as: An individual whose earnings or productive capacity is impaired by a physical or mental disability, including fect those related to age or injury, for the work to be performed.parole or probation.eceipt of welfarfect prDisabilities which may afoductive capacity include an intellectual or developmental disabilityunemployment; r e benefits; nonattendance at school; juvenile delinquency; and corrdinarily af, psychiatric onic ectional disability, a hearing or visual impairment, and certain other impairments. The following do not orproductive capacity for purposes of paying commensurate wage rates: educational disabilities; chrPAY TRANSPARENCY dThe objective gauge (usually a time study of the prBusinesses in certain industries face additional mandatory posting requirements underSatisfy all current posting requirements for companies86w6w-4.w po3-st4e5r7g4u 6 ard.com contractor will not dischargeWORKER NOTIFICATIONorally and in writing by the employer of the terms of the certificat I pr ed.such work in the area.ement of theMosted work. SCA contracts Each worker with a disability and, where appropriate, the parent or guardian of such worker, shall be informed e under which such worker is employed.NONDISCRIMINAKEY ELEMENTS OFworker with a disability is measurTION PROVISNondisabled worker standarWAGE RATES ONor similar work and whoevailing wage rates to be paid for SCA-coverPAY TRANSPARENCY COMMENSURATEwho do not have disabilities that impair their productivity for the job) against which the production of workers oductivity of a Productivity for the sameThe wage paid to experienced workers who do not have disabilities that impair their evailing wage rateTheor in any other mannerinclude a wage determination specifying the prare performingDocumented measurEvaluation of the productivity of the worker with a disability, or disclosed theirdiscriminateoductivity of hourly-paid workers must be reevaluated at least every six monthsReportar al Inspector general del DoD.production of the worker with a disability (in terms of quantity and quality). that do business with the federal governmentupa in jobPAY TRANSP i dpi a in in u t e at or af s a i in cr pc a i t ls n u i o g o . ld vfiu s n u nr a i a n t cui H c i w t d d a i i in a c i s s h l vsi n n a r g pi te u a d c s oa d hn scs pa eo a e it u c t li v d soa w t els o u n rt m e t i ., a t o n r f e i s s r cda n g H ew tm n c u a a ste na ve n oo ofd che dm a i p o o o . D n e w o u sH S n c f a i n ye w o oc pr n e c e dfn o , hdofl o on v te C o o o c ve e a e w ise t oa e y C n r od d u s e iu n e n d em rd nv o c s v C i n n e o o n c er t t u ise o t iisrv i p e h ne ct R to m rg b o .397 I o sdt t vs isap er l o p I e t o r a t e y ao d i p h I s l ti gaai h p bg w t e le b y inpl h p y ti pp o in o br yli e e r t ar w l t i y y oi a cw n i h icye I s lo e I ei i ic i e tt I e o n, , esn p aen he s ees in a h s e p , e sh ep ,h h sts p r orp ort w h orav s ree r pa pa u or A pa a a e t o o a e o pa m pa h hyv h c s m b r b ceec c r yy e e oyo e o e TT T a t yy ofp e t e ofc c a c e of h a ch tol ac tos lo d dc too h a cc l I d auu av i o a c y I a y n cn aan t a aan e e i c e e ave an y e g e e n gs so n s av e g ,,,sa e , h s e h yg N s e N r r a t eae pa eo h N , o , t ca o t yhc ARENCY r o aso e ce ey c es oaca r h s n rr yct o i rc asP one (io m y t ri s o s ac()ngn P c ch y s arc p (c m a c so e of) e e , g yv hcoo o o n ) s t t o ,p e ah o s ( m c r s ne tofne c ct c)a vea e o i ht r t nsics nqo iofc p f h V o s av o ti toa n e C e i c n e V ma CP si tn nq t co i n n t i toi c r eC o e t, nn s m d hed orCP osc I n, n u n o in am n e i np w or tu I Sed ufo ict r ie I si n t i a m s in i r n ip c a b oa S nn e wc c h o st u d a f ts o d t o i ith tn C u iotn ova b I m rnti e ora to b)n an heait m s n ir o,u eg t i ,a b , d i( n p t o a th tos e o t b n,n) ,tife , e(u do t o w orti b nr n) ,o,g bmyat | N toth , ebey cor authe se tpa es haanotherire pr The wages of all workers paid commensurate wages must be r e is a change in the job or a change in theReport to the DoD Inspector General. MI MI MI RET RET RET RET MI ALIA MI RET ALIA RET ALIA MI ALIA MI SUS MI ALIA MI TION A S ALIA TION S RETRET USP MI TION US MI TION A RETRET TION A ALIA MI TION A RET ALIAA G G MI AINS SUS SUSP AIN ALIA TION GAINS ALIA SUSSUS AIN MIUSP MI GAINS MI SUS MIMI MI T WIS AINS T WIS ST WISA T WIS GAINS SUSP AIN T WIS T WIS TLEBL TLEBL FITLEBL FI TS MISUS ST WIS SUS MI TLEBL AIN SUSP TLEBL O O SWERS NG OTLEBL WERS T WIS OWERS RET WERS FIFI OWERS OWERS CKI ORMAO NG SUSP THREA TLEBL THREA Y Y ALI T NG T WERS TE NG RET W ECURIT RET NG TIONY TIONY T OWERS A T ECURIT NG T ECURIT AS NG WERS THREA SUSPE TYY SUSPE Y ALI RET Y TE Y UTH ECURIT ALIA Y TION ALIA Y A ORIT A T ECURITA NFNF SUSPE ABU T TION AY SUSPE Y W TYY TION A Y Y G RET Y SEAS UTHORITABUY SEAS FRAALIA FRA YGAINS W T GAINS W U NF TE LEAKS EA U RET LEAKS DDTION A RET Y Y T TI YY T WIS SETI T WIS SFRA ALI ABUS EON RET ON RET Y ABUSEG W ABUSETTLEBL S U AINS S LEAKS EA RET LEAKS RET TLEBL Y D US CRIME CRIME TALI TI T TI T WIS T A ABUS O T 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LEAKS ABUSET WISTLEBL RET WASTE WERS TE TE TE WERS UD ECURI ECURI YA Y NG NG MELAND S ABUSE OF A Y EA Y Y MELAND S PE A ATION AL T T ECURIT ECURITY A SUS EAL SUSPE T A Y RET O T TION RET O WERS SUSPE SUSPE TY TY S TO HO W WAS GAINSABUSE T WIS WERS AINS T LEAKS I RET RET W Y Y W AS ABUSEUTHALIA RETAL AS ABUSEAS Y ALIA ALIAALIA ORIABUSEEC ALIATE YAA TEMELAND S TEEA TLEBL NF NFURIT ABUSE FRAUD T TY URIT A TYYT TION A TION A Y GAINS OO ORMA ORMA WERS SI Y WERS SI Y T FRA T IG A GAINS GAINS W W WASTE A FIT FI UD LEAKS LEAKS RET RET AI Y Y AINS ECCYBER TCYBER URIT CYBER T WIS T WIS TI TION T WIS CYBER UTHORITY NS THREA THREA THRE ALI ALI AS AS A EASITTS ABUS ABUSEA ON RET RETALIATION AY Y ABUSEABUSET CRIME T WIS Y A CRIME T WIS TLEBL Y Y ALIA TION A G RET SI RET FI T EE CRIME CRIME S FI TION A ORMA AINS TLEBL TLEBL TD S T A ORMA HUMAINS ALIA TE TE O OLEAKS T T UTHO ORMA WERS WERS LEAKS UTHORI CYBERCRIME G G TLEBL THREAT ECURIT GAINS GAINS LEAKS LEAKS AINS AINS TION AY T WI T WI TION ORMA ORMA RETG S S O O TION AYT WIS TYY Y S S T WIS THRE THRE T TL TL WERS WERS Y ORMA LEAKS LEAKS Y TION ALIA D SAINS EBL EBL WALIA FRAUD ORMA TIONSUSPE FRAU A AT ASTETE Y ECURIT T T UTHO UTHO TO OWERS WERS SUSPEY Y TLEBL T WIS ABUSEABUSEY W W FRA FFI D RETALIATION A T TION RET C C THRE THRE AS ASTEAS Y Y TLEBL SLEAKS SUSPE Y TED THRE TED THRE ABUS ABUS TLEBL ABUS ABUS RETALIATIONRET ALIATION A RITY RIUSPE OWERSS OTHREA CKIAINS LEAKS WASTE WASW AINS ALIA FRA THREA Y Y TE FRA THREA ASTETE FRAUD UD UD TY TION EE AT A OAT EEOWERS T WIS NG A A T T G Y G G FFI USPE G S TO HO AINS AINS AINS AINS CTED T CTED TABUSEABUSERETALIA UD ABUS ABUSET T RET RET TTLEBLTT RETALIATION A UD TT T WISTLEBL W W Y T WISTLEBL IS IS CKI Y Y TLEBL TLEBL MELAND S MELAND S CTED THR CKING THREATTHREA THREA FRA THREAT EFRA T RET O O TY WERS WERS Y OWERS Y O Y W NG ATION A MI O MISMANA MI O G WERS AS AS HREA HREA WERS AINS T ECURIT ECURITEATS ALIATHRE AINSRET T TE TE UD ABUSE OF A ABUSE OF A UD T A ATT EAYSIIT T T WISTLEBL ABUSESUS ABUSEY THREA TION A RI G ST RI T FI FI S S GEMENT S S T GEMENT AI UTHO A Y AT ED INF ED INF Y MI O Y U U CYBER CYBER NS T OWERS THO THO WERS THRE T MI THRE T MI CRIME CRIME T WIS T RET RITY RITY T RET GAINS RET RETALIAECURIT G Y RET GAINS Y ORMA RIT AINS SUS ALIA ALIATION ATIONGY ALIATION A RI ORMA ORMA ECURIT TION AY UTHO T WI Y TION A T WISTL Y ALIA T T WIS MI T G MI S AINS AINS WAST WIS SUSP FRAUD SUS RET G Y MI T WIS TE RITY AINSTT WI WIS U ORMATIO Y Y THREA ORMA TLEBL T TYCKITHREATLEAKS LEAKS RETALIATION RET YTLEBL ALIATION ALIA FRA FRA THREATO Y TION FRA Y NG S AG A WERS Y TL G SUS OWERS AINS AINS BRIBER SUSP BRIBER N MI UD UD T MI T T T WIS WIS GAI THREA ORMA GAI LEAKS THREA THREAMISMANA THREA TLEBL TLEBL T T O LEAKS UD Y Y Y Y MI TT O O MISMANA Y T WERS WERS Y RETRET THRE NS RET TIONY T T RET RETABUSETIO FRA Y TION ABUSEW TYUTHORI ALIA ALIA W BRIBER Y Y UTHO RI RI Y N GEMENT T WI SUSP SALI UTHORIT ALI T WI AT AT S TION A TION A THREA US T S T T LEAKS T UD MI MI RI CYBER CYBER LEAKS AS ASTY T GS G A Y Y Y TY ABUSERET A SMANA ABUSEAINS AINS RET MANA RET TI LEAKS LEAKS RET TION W T T UTHO Y Y W Y YWIWI UTHORI ALIA Y ON ALI T WI S S CRIME CRIME TE TLEBL TLEBL SUS ALIA TE RET T GEMENT GEMENT SUSP MI RET RI LEAKS LEAKS AS BRIBER ORMATION ORMA LEAKS TION A AS BRIBER TYABUSERET A O O T RET A G WERS WERS Y GRET ALIA RET TI OO AIAI TION FRA FRA Y Y TI O AI Y Y T ON ALIA BRIBER BRIBER BRIBERYTYT BRIBER ORMA ORMA ON A ALIA ABUSE OF A ABUSE OF AON A NS SUSP SG GLEAKS THREA THREA TE TION A US TST WI Y A TION A UDGYTHOAIUDRET Y AI LEAKS RET LEAKS TION A LEAKS RET RET TION A GAIYY G W WALIA YU UY Y ALIA TI S THO ON ONTT AI ALI ALI ECURITECURIT ALIA S S RI RI N T ON A AS AS AINS NS S T TY NST T A ABUSEABUSEG TION A Y S TRET LEAKS LEAKSGT WIS TION A TLEBL TI TION RET AINS AINS YY T WISTION A ONALIA Y T T WI Y MIS MIS T WIS TE TE YY Y ALIAMIS MISRETAG TY BRIBER BRIBER LEAKS TIONRET RETNG Y NG NG TI T WIS N GAINSNG NG TIALIA O OWERS N ECURIT O AINS T ON ORMA TY ON A GAINS WERSWERS G N WERS T ECURI Y Y ECURI Y ST WI TION A T WI TLEBL T WIS G NG Y T T WIS NNG Y T AI TY OT WIS Y TION Y ECURIT T WIS Y NY N S AINS WERS Y TY T ECURITTLEBL TLEBL AINS OTLEBL T WIS Y Y Y TLEBL OWERS G Y ECURI WERS T WIS T WIS ECURIT Y Y CKI TY TY T WIS N N NNGO O TLEBL TLEBL T ECURIT ECURIT G G O TLEBL WERS WERS ECURI ECURIY Y CKI O Y TLEBL T G WERS N N T T WERS Y NG OWERS OWERS OWERS Y YOWERS O Y Y G G T TYY WERS NG NGOWERSintervals. At a minimum, the pr opriate, whenever thereviewed, and adjusted if apprand a new pr uoral minimum wage is increased.opriate, at periodic evailing against employees or applicown antspahey yofve inquemployeeevailing wage survey must be conducted at least once every twelve months. In addition, prd abot, federal and state regulations. Poster Guard Poster Compliance Service features expandedNONDISCRIMI I dispclui einin IOO seyetd. N pa asR P ofO ROVIS N ns IO ees or whWIOAapplicantso thof e ctheir omp wages must be reviewed, and adjusted as appr der and due the full Executive Order minimum wage includeReportar al Inspector general del DoD.evailing wage rate, such as when the applicable state or federNATOHwever, employ o have ac section 511, which places limitations on the payment of subminimum wages to individuals with disabilities by nsation The contr P PAY TRANSP an ARENCY N ation13658 es as atpartmandating the completion of certain requirements prior to and during the payment of a subminimum wage. PECTED THREAABUSE OF A ABUSE OF A MISMANA ALIATION A ALIATION A THRE BRIBER ABUSE OF A BRIBER CTED THRE HUMAN TRAFFICKINGTLEBLOWERSBRIBER ABUSE OF AABUSESMANA UTHORIT CYBER ABUSECRIME FFI BRIBER FFI LEAKS LEAKS BRIBERYN N O O PAY TRANSPARENCY Ndiscriminate the paEXECUTIVE ORDEReessentialed by this Executive Orage for Contractors, established a minimum wage thatECTED THREA CYBER ABUSE OF A LEAKS THRE THRE UTHORIT AUTHORITT WISTLSTLEBLFRA FRA USPE FRAYABUSE OF A TION AGGAINSNST WISUTHORIT BRIBER LEAKS ALIATION A UTHORIT CYBER ABUSECRIME SMANACRIME EBLOWERS FFI BRIBER FFI LEAKS UTHORI TYSTLEBLOWERSThe Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) amended the Rehabilitation Act by adding again actorncap.ntHl ND , orIS not, em M MinformationRofO other employeesce to, hearincomplaintGovernment. Wder 13658, Establishing a Minimum W PECTED THREA ABUSE OF AABUSE OF A WHIS MISMANA TLEBLOWERSYBRIBER OWERABUSE OF A CKI TS TO HOMELAND SECURIagainsted, A ON Y TRANSPARENCY abouor t, y of other employees or applicantsorkers cover n with a covered contract with the FederalWAS ECTED THREA LEAKSCRI THRE ABUSE OF A BRIBER YSRIUS UTHO CTED T LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFGEMENT ABUSE OF A RETALIATION ACYBER ABUSE BRIBER CKI CKINGN Executive Or HUMAN TRAFFICKINGemploye will ISnotRap Rdischarge A pa functions Ocannot IO en disclosethePETITION PROCESS generally must be paid to workers performing on or in connectio ABUSE OF A ABUSE OF A ORMA CRI HUMAN TRAFFICKING GAINST WISTLEBL SUSPE UTHO PECTED THREA RIUD CTED T ABUSE OF AUTHORI LEAKS MISMANA BRIBER ORMATION USPE OWERS ORMATION LEAKS HUM HUM TLEBLTIONFRAOWERSD SMANA O BRIBER TLABUSE OF A HUM ABUSE OF A LEAKS CRIME GAINSTLEBL OST WISGEMENTjob or disclosed(a)theiricantsw wpa oreinhortoIO thera tothereeofotherhmanneremployeeon, proFRINGE BENEFITS workers with disabilities whose wages are calculated pursuant to certificates issued under section 14(c) of theSMANA ABUSE OF A R LEAKS D SECURITY ABUSE OF A THREA BRIBER CTED THRE HREA ABUSE OF A TS TO HOMELAND SECU AN TRA LEAKS BRIBER S TO HOMELAND SECURIT TS TO HOMELAND S OTLEBL CKINGdpispcluicsa sn dis N TheND dactorlodisclosedMjoborpa A ho becauthetheymannerIS V ofO orqu isO oor atino(a)ithin, (banto compensation incharge toorkers paid under a certificate authorizing commensurate wage rates must receive theBRI ECTED THREA ECTED THREAUTHORIT WHISATION A ABUSE OF A TS TO HOMELAND SECURI ATION AGAINSUTHORIT CRIME EBLOWERS BRIBER FRAUD GEMENT PECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURI CKING CKINGinformationjobcontrcontractor will wills nottheirin can N N s tw s or hor av ortheotherPR toranothertheir essentialdina gformalg, or actionor , in format, i(obn) ,SMANA UTHORITABU UTHORIT WHIS TLEBL AL BRIBER NGindividuals who do not otherwise have ac FLSA. ILEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFownotherformaltheir essentialleast 1 1/2 times their r CYBER HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENT CTED THRE CTED T ABUSE OF A TS TO HOMELAND SECU TLEBLOWERSBRIBER CRIMEto 10 employee notices in addition to the federalunless vid The Thecontr ofetheactor willemployeesn f veorapplicantsdisclosureapplicantsion)eCHILD LABOR (c) consistentsuch as health insurance or pension plans. SCA wage determinations may r PECTED THREA ABUSE OF A HUMAN TRAFFICKING THREA BRIBER REPRISAL SUSPECTED THREA AN TRA CRIME TYGEMENTadischargemanneremployeeGEMENT PEHUMAN TRAFFICKING PECTED THREAindifunctionsotherydisclosedindischargey or the pay ofhavo udiscriminateor charge atiresponseorNeither the FLSA nor the PCA have provisions requiring vacation, holiday, or sick pay nor other fringe benefits equire such fringe benefit paymentsCYBERUTHORI UTHORIT ABUSE OF A USPE LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF UTHORITOLEAKS HUM AN TRA ABUSE informations, e orof of othersnot(a) dischargeig the ctothers tpart anotherdiscriminatemployeTIMEr,41 CFR 60-1.35(c) full fringe benefits listed on the SCA wage determination. SUSPECTED THREA MISMANA TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT MISMANA UTHORIT OABUSE OF A BRIBER HUMAN TRAFFICKINGdlorlsdisclosureemployeesvapplicantsa partfessentialMinors younger than 18 years of age must be employed in accor ABUSE OF AS TO HOMELAND S RETS TO HOMELAN THREA T Y BRIBERBRIBERY D SECURI THREAT ABUSEY BRIBER ABUSEY BRIBER Y BRIBER ABUSEBRIBERY ABUSE MISMANA GEMENTABUSE GEMENT MISMANA ABUSGEMENT EABUS MISMANA TLEBL AL HUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIMEHUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIME HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIME HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKING FRAUDYFRAUDY BRIBERBRIBER FRAUDY BRIBERinformationowever, emplo unlesse acemployeesmanneremployeecluding anABUSE OF A HUMAN TRAFFICKING AUTHORIT YLEAKS THREA CTED THRECTED TATS TO HOMELAND SECU CYBER ABUSE informationtheir ownapplicants payanotherinquirdiscriminateOVER (or a cash equivalent). W ECTED THREA WASTE MISMANA WHIS ABUSE OF AGEMENT WERABUSE OF A NGcon ndunless n vtfinhug cannototherother employeesthemepp edin other.dol.gov , opr ea anotherapplicants eessential TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccpntact OFCCP with theegular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.dance with the child labor provisions of theBRI ED INF SUSPTECTED THREA TS TO HOMELAND SECURI BRIBER SUSPECTED THREA ATION AG ABUSE OF AUTHORITY T WISTTLEBL GEMENT WERLEAKS ABUSE OF A ABUSECKING UDLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFa parttheirlcharge SMANATED INF GEMENT ABUSE OF A MISMANA AN TRA TS TO HOMELAND SECURITifunctionso cannotdisclosetheformalemployeesiapplicantsSMANA BER TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT TLEBL SMANAGEMENTTS TO HOMELAND SECURITtheappfunctionsdisclosetiginyown y of othercnom parte o orope employeeGenerally, if a worker is performing work subject to the FLSA, SCA, and/or PCA, that worker must be paid atSMANA ReepppooorrttaaarrrraalllIInnnnssppeeccttooorrrggeennneerraaaallllddeeelllDDDooDD.TTHREAunless s wdisclosed disclosewresponseiotheras complaint inapplicantsLEAKS OF CLASSI BER GEMENT REPRIS CYBER TS TO HOMELAND SECURIcovnetrsIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OF Washington, D.C. 20210. ABUSE OF A T WISTLEBL UTHORI S TO HOMELAND SECURIT GEMENT ABUSE OF ALEAKS HREATS TO HOMELAND SECURI ABUSE OF AT WISTLEBLTIONOWERS ABUSE OF A ABUSETIONALIA A A MISMANA GEMENT WERSTLEBLOposter services for restaurants, healthcare facilities and more. inv fuetsrrtatihcgunlessdisclosure1.800 1.800 , employeesthe.889.5627atis hearing, or action, including FLSA. No persons under 16 years of age may be employed in manufacturing or on a PCA contract. W W LEAKS OF CLASSI ED INF S TO HOMELAND SECURIT GEMENT ME ECTED THREA REPRIS USPE AL E PECTED THREA O PECTED THREA SUTHORIT TS TO HOMELAND SECURI STLEBL MANAUD YCKINGcomplaintSUSPECTED THREATED INF GEMENT GEMENT HREATS TO HOMELAND SECURI UTHORIjob functionshcannot o ondisclosetheve accesss to employeessiaotinor o,ornincharge dirnm, g ( PECTED THREA S TO HOMELAND SECURITY CYBER SUSPECTED THREAhthecannott(a) responseformal legal duty to furnish information. Workers with disabilities paid at subminimum wages may petitioneview of their wage rates by an Administrative Law Judge. Nothe Administrator of the Wage and HourLEAKS OF CLASSI SMANA UTHORITTYY CRIME MISMANAABUSE OF A THREABUSE OF ABRIBER FRACTED THRE ALIHUMAN TRAFFICKING ABUSE OF A ABUSEUSPECTED THREA MIS GEMENT GEMENT1.800.6251on .889.5627 employeesof theirdin.6251Division of the Department of Labor for a r ess of the employer. Petitions should be mailed to: venue NW,ABUSE OF A ORMA TS TO HOMELAND SECURI HUMAN TRAFFICKING WHISTLEBL ECTED THREA UTHORI TISTLEBL GEMENT200 CONSTITUTION A ticgtaotrios itdisclosure.397.6251response| www 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) tent.397 the.dol.gov/ofccp parent or guar, Wdian and should contain the name and addr : 1-877-889-5627 WH1284REV 01/18 HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENT TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT SMANA SUSSUSPECTED THREA ORMATIONTION UTHORI UTHORIT ME UDD E AL WERTION A MISMANA GTLEBL ALIATION A MANA GEMENTinvecsothe t recr traatdisclosureted te(a).6251tresponserrformalgcomplaint1.800 lcharge g anparticular form of petition is required, except that it must be signed by the worker with a disability or his or herBRI BER UTHORITME F FRAU BRIBER DICI AL ABUSE OF A OUSPECTED THREA THREAoornrslegal duty to furnish information.If you believe that you have experienced discrimination co SMANAUTHORI S TO HOMELAND SECURIT ABUSE OF A S TO HOMELAND SUTHORI HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENT LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFUTHORIT HUMAN TRAFFICKING UTHORITGEMENT TO HOMELAND S TS TO HOMELAN ABUSE OF A MISMANAGEMENT ABUSE OF A MISMANA MISMANA legal duty to furnish information. .dol.gov complaintluithAdministratorage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, Room S-3502, 200 Constitution A ECTED THREAS TO HOMELAND S UTHORI SMANA ABUSE OF ACRI TS TO HOMELAND SECURITTHREA LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFTO HOMELAND SECU ABUSEGEMENT legal duty to furnish information.41 CFR 60-1.35(c) LEAKS OF CLASSI GEMENT GEMENT SMANA S TO HOMELAND SECURIT ABUSE OF AUTHORITY CTED THRE ABUSE OF A TS TO HOMELAND SECURI HUM THREA UDIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination co /ofccp ntact OF wCP ABUSEDE FRRAAUD ALIHUMAN TRAFFICKING USPECTED THREA MIS HUMAN TRAFFI CKINGS TO HOMELAND SECURITothe.889.5627 | www 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) SMANA ALIATION AGAINST WIST TION AGAINS BER BRI SUSPECTED THREA MISMANAGEMENT REPRIS AN TRA HUMAN TRAFFI YOSWERS| TTY 1.877 .dol.gov nascis ABUSE OF A GEMENT TION WASTE LEAKS BRICYBERT WIS ATION A E PECTED THREA LEAKS OF CLASSI THREA GEMENT TS TO HOMELANUTHORIT TION A ED INF GEMENT ED INF ALIATION A BRIBER THREA AN TRA GAINSHUMAN TRAT WIS YGTHREA WERSS TO HO TLEBL AIFIED INF TION A LEAKS YORMA TION AECTED THREA BRIBER WERS WERS ALIAT WI AINSTITIT WIS NG GEMENT MANA GEMENT UDelegal duty to furnish information.,h41 CFR 60-1.35(c) HUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIME AUTHORIT MISMANAGEMENT WERNS TO HOMELAND S GEMENT con.397d | TTY 1.877mployr,| www ocon/ofccp HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABUSE OF A SUSPECTED THREA GEMENTD SECURI WHIS REPRIS THREA GEMENT CKING| TTY 1.877 /ofccp SMANA SMANAUTHORI TLEBLOWERS SPER S TO HOMELAND SECURI HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENTpostings required for all employers. If you are in200 CONSTITUTION A If you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OF WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION 1-866-487-9243 ABUSECKING DESPERDICIO MISMANAFRA CKING GEMENTIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination co SMANAGEMENT GEMENTD SECURI HUMAN TRAFFI T WISTLEBL AGTION A ASGEMENT MISMANATS TO HOMELAND SSMANATE TE MISMANA CRIME1.800.397.6251 | TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccpntact OFCCP ABUSECYBER TS TO HOMELAN TS TO HOMELAND SECURITTO HOMELAND SECU BRIBER HUMAN TRAFFICKINGSMANAGEMENT THREAT BRIBERY Y BRIBER BRIBERABUSE Y BRIBERE ABUSE Y ABUS EMISMANAGEMENTMISMANAGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKINGCYBERCRIME CYBERCRIME AN TRAMIS FRAUDY FRAUDY MIS BRIBER BRIBERMANA200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW WVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY : 1-877-889-5627 www UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TTYwww.dol.gov/whd HUMAN TRAFFICKING S TO HOMELAND S CKING CKING ORMA WASTE & LEAKS OF CLASS SUSPECTED THREAHUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENTHUMAN TRAFFICKI CKING TION CKING GEMENT BRICYBERCYBERABUSEW BER TIONTION A BRI T WISTLEBL WERS UTHORITTO HOMELAND SECURIT RETALIA BRIBER TION A ED INF CR TLEBL A TLEBL WERS LEAKS WMISMANA OWERS MISMANA SMANA ORMA TION A LEAKSTION SUSPECTED THREA FRA CRIME UDLEAKS ECTED THREA SMANA CYBER LEAKSAS STION A GEMENT GEMENT BER CYBERHUMAN TRAFFITHREAABUSTWASTE FRA S TO HOMELAND SECURITFFICKIMISMANAGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGGEMENT ALIAS TO HOMELAND SECURITGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFI200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW W ASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp.dol.gov/ofccp : 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp LEAKS GEMENT ATION A TION UD CYBER CYBER AINS ABUSET WIS W & GEMENT GEMENT ABU FFICKING TLEBL SO IFIED INF TION AGEMENTNS BRI HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENT T WISTLEBLTLEBL CKINGMANAFEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORS FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORS HUMAN TRAFFICKINGNG GEMENT NFORMACTED THR BRI ALIATION A T WIS AS GTION A SMANA SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND S MISMANACKING MISMANA TION A USPECTED THREA & YT WIS FFICKING ABUSEWERS GEMENT LEAKS OF CLASS GEMENT BRI MISMANA USECTED THREA ABUSE OF A ORMA WERS MANA MANA GAINGST WIS GEMENTHUMAN TRAFFICKI BER ABUSE OF A LEAKSSMANA MISFFICKI AINST WISTLEBLOWERSHUMAN TRAFFICKI SUSPECTED THREAMANA GS TO HOMELAND SECURIVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY ASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY LEAKS SMANA WASTECTED THR ORMAAGAINS AS BER THREA ABUSEMISMANAMISMANAGHUMAN TRAT WIS T WIS FFICKING LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF ABUSE OF CLASS MIS MIS NG NG BRIBER GEMENTASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp SMANA BRI SMANA RETALILEAKS ORMA T WIS BERTLEBL HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENT GEMENTCRWASTION AIME ABUSEABUSE OF A LEAKS GEMENT BRI PECTED THREA MIS HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENTHUMAN TRAFFICKI TLEBLTS TO HOMELAND S SMANA UTHORIT LEAKSTS TO HOMELAND SECURITECTED THREA CRIMESUSPECTED THREA ABUSE MINIMUM WAGE 200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW W BRI BRI ABUSEAINS CTED THR & LEAKS OF CLASSI CTED THRE TSABUSETE BER D CTED THR GEMENT BRIBER FRRAAUUDDEEOF CLASS AINSNST WI IFIED INF ABUSE OF A USPECTED THREA UTHORIT TION AGAINSGAINS GEMENTBRI GEMENT GEMENT GEMENT BRIBER ABUSE SMANAGEMENT CYBER PECTED THREAABUSE SUSGPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKIMANA GTS TO HOMELAND SECURIHUMAN TRAFFI GEMENT SMANA MISMANA MANA SUSPECTED THREAAGTIAIAITLEBLMISMANA AS TO HOMELAND SPECTED THREA SMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBER HUMAN TRAFFICKINGMISMANAHUMAN TRAFFI HUMAN TRAFFICKI TLEBLOWERS SUSPPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENTHUMAN TRAFFICKI LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I SUSPECTED THREATE ABUSEALICTED THR CKINGCTED THR S TO HOMELAN F LEAKS TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT OLEAKS RETALIATION AOF CLASS RETALIA GEMENT SUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKI TS TO HOMELAND SSMANABER FRAAGAINSLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF ABUSE OF A TE ABUSO ABUSELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF BRI CYBER OWERS THREASUSPECTED THREA GEMENT LEAKS THREA THREA TE HUMAN TRAFFICKI CTED THRE TLEBLOWERSOWERS THREA AN TRA S TO HOMELAN GEMENT TLEBL THREA WERS LEAKS OF CLASS MISMANA FFICKITHREAT GEMENT STLEBL BRIBER MANA GEMENTMISMANAGEMENTSUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITECURITON ATS TO HOMELAND SNS TO HOMELAND SSSMANA ABUSETHREA TLEBL LEAKS TLEBL AS GEMENT THREA ALICTED THREA MISMANA ATION AD SECURIT GEMENT TLEBL LEAKS OLEAKS SUSPECTED THREA GEMENTTO HOMELAND S LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF GEMENT BRIBER TS TO HOMELAND SBER MISMANA S TO HOMELAND S HUMAN TRAFFIMISMANAHUMAN TRAFFI HUMAN TRAFFI TCTED THREA TLEBL LEAKS GEMENT DEESSPPEERRDDIIIICCIIIIOOBER RETALIAALIATION AG CRIMETS TO HOMELAND SECURIT THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURI SMANAIFIED INF TS TO HOMELAND SMISMANASUSPECTED THR LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF SMANASMANATS TO HOMELAND SAN TRA IME MISMANAGEMENT BRIBER THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKI USPECTED THREA FRASMANA PECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITGEMENTSMANA TS TO HOMELAND S MIHUMAN TRAFFICKING MISMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKIABUSELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF AS GEMENT FRA MISMANA SUSPECTED THREA ED INF CR GAINSTIONT WISTLEBLTHREA ABUSE OF A ABUSEMISMANA IME LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF CRIME CRIMEHUMAN TRAFFI S TO HOMELAND SECURIGEMENT MIHUMAN TRAFFICKI ORMATION ORMA HUMAN TRAFFIGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED IUD TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT WERSABUSEUD OF CLASS TO HOMELAND SECURIT THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKI BER GEMENT ORMATIONHUMAN TRAFFICKIMISMANAFRAS TO HOMELAND S LEAKSTS TO HOMELAND S CRIMEABUSEAS EATS TO HOMELAND SECURIBER TLEBLOTED THRE LEAKS TEMELAND S GEMENT & THREA ABBUUSSSSOO GAIIFIED INF GEMENT STLEBL ORMATION IFIED INF BRIBERthe construction industry, the number of additionalWORKER RIGHTS WORKER RIGHTS SMANAGEMENT SUSPECTED THREA LEAKS E TSUSPE AN TRA FFICKING MISMANA ABUSE OF ALEAKSIFIED INFUTHORIT OF CLASSYTHREAORMATHREAIFIED INF GEMENT BRIPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKINGHUMAN TRAFFILEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I BRINS TO HOMELAND SECURIT HUMAN TRAFFICKI BER HUMAN TRAFFICKIHUMAN TRAFFI UD SMANA TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT LEAKS OF CLAS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFTO HOMELAND SECURI TTMISMANA LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF WASTEFFITLEBLTHREAWERSNGO THREAT SMANA SMANA GEMENT CYBER LEAKSBRIBERYAT THREAT THREOSMANA HUMAN TRAFFI AN TRA S TO HOMELAND SECURIT LEAKSTMISMANA MISMANAUTHORIT GEMENT ABUSE GEMENT MISMANA GEMENT PECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKIFRA LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF BRI TIONTLEBL CYBERTO HOMELAND S ABUSE OF ABRIBER GEMENTOF CLASS ABUSEIFIED INF MISMANA MISMANA OWERSECURITSMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKI STLEBLLEAKSOF CLASS HUMAN TRAFFICKIFRA EATS TO HOMELAND SECURIT SUSPECTED THREA SMANATO HOMELAND S SMANAGEMENT MISMANA RETALIATION ABRI HUMAN TRAFFICKITHREATT HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENT S TO HOMELAND SECURIT IME SMANA YGEMENT LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF UTHORITGEMENT GEMENT ECTED THREAUSIFIED INF BRIBERABUSE ABUSEABUSELEAKSLEAKS LEAKS ABUSLEAKSEABUSELEAKS ABUSE ABUSEBRIBERYBRIBERY ABUSEBRIBERYY BRIBER CRIMECYBERABUSE CRIMEBRIBERY CYBERABUSECRIME ABUSEABUSEBRIBERCYBERABUSEY Y BRIBERCYBERABUSEY BRIBERYYY CRIME CRIME BRIBERYBRIBER BRIY BRIBERY BRIBERY BRIBERBERYAT THRE AT THRELEAKS TE WERS ABUSEUD CTED THREALEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF LEAKS CYBER THREMISMANA ORMATION MISMANA ABUSEHUMAN TRAFFICKITLEBLLEAKS S TO HOMELAND STE LEAKSTHREA HUM MISMANA UTHORITTHREA GEMENT BERGEMENTBER NST WISTLEBLTS TO HOMELAND STHREASUSPECTED THREAATLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I THREALEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF MISMANAOF CLASS CYBERGAINSE HUMAN TRAFFI PECTED THREA ECCTED THREA S TO HOMELAND SECURI HUMAN TRATO HOMELAND S CR UTHORIT IME ABUSE OF A SMANA UTHORIT SMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKITS TO HOMELAND SECURIT HUM LEAKS OF CLAS BRIBER TLEBLOWERSABUSE LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF ABUSEMISMANACYBER S TO HOMELAN GEMENT CYBERGEMENT LEAKS GEMENTABUSEBRIBER THREA ABUSEGEMENTSMANA MIHUMAN TRAFFICKI BERBRIBERYCYBER TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT USPECTED THRSUSPECTED THREAT GHUMAN TRA LEAKSTHRE MISMANAUNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13658 UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 14026 CYBER GEMENT LEAKS OF CLAS FFICKINGABUSE OF A BRIBERGEMENTTHREA GEMENTTS TO HOMELAND SECURITHUMAN TRAFFIHUM LEAKS OF CLAS TEGAINS TSUSPECTED THREA FFICKING MISMANA CRSMANA MISMANATO HOMELAND SECURIThe law requires certain$12.15PER HOUR The law requires certain $16.20 ed contracts at least (1) $15.00R Mission: BRIBERY Mission: BRIBERYTO HOMELAND SECURIeportAT AT THRE THRELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I SUSPECTED THREA AINST WISBRIBERYFRA LEAKS FFICKINGHUMLEAKS OF CLAS THRETS TO HOMELAND SECURIT AN TRA HUMAN TRABRIBERCYBERABUSE Federal construction and service contracts arfederal contractorsder 14026 (EO) r displayequir this es that federal contractors pay workersMission: w, rule, or r eliable means t GEMENTBRIBERYpostings can be up to 12. MINIMUM WAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023DECEMBER 31, 2023 MINIMUM WAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023DECEMBER 31,PER HOUR 2023 R Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para federal contractors to display this poster where generally subject to a e employees can easily see it. performing work on or in connection with cover To provide a conidential, r egulation; fr o raste, and minimum wage rate under either Executive Order (EO) 13658 or EO 14026.Executive Or poster where employees can easily seeetaryit. denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; January 29, 2022, EO 13658 generally requires that workers be paid atper hour beginning January 30, 2022, and (2) beginning January 1, 2023, andviolations of la violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; If the contract was entered into on or between January 1, 2015, andof Labor in accordance with the EO and appr denunciar Mission: aud, wevery year thereafter to, an inflation-adjusted amount determined by the Secr fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de the contract in calendar year 2023.Covered tipped employees must be paid a cash wage of at least $13.75 perabuse; mismanagement; traficking in persons; serious ations, ative Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable paraleast $12.15 per hour for all time spent performing on or in connection withTIPS minimum wage in effect from January 1, 2023, thropriate rough December 31, 2023, is egulations. The EO hourlyit ive h ilets dtps e:l D /wowD y dl F ig.Im Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable parau spe r r , dil enea r rea ln uos e n amhpolrerao dos personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; $16.20. security incidents; or other criminal or administrProporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de conducta penal o administrativa que involucre misconduct that inolve DoD personnel and operwithout fear of reprisal.v fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra ReeepppooorrttaarraallIInnsspppeeeeccttttoorrggeennnneerrraaaallldddeeellllDDDooDDIf the contract is renewed or extended on or after January 30, 2022, orcombined with the r ough December 31, 2023. If a workers tipsVisc w.dode fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de a new contract is entered into on or after January 30, 2022, EO 14026hour effective January 1, 2023, threquired cash wage of at least $13.75 per hour paid byA c al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor conducta penal o administrativa que involucre generally requires that workers be paid at least $16.20 per hour for all timethe contractor do not equal the EO hourly minimum wage for contractors, thepersonas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra a represalias. m p al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor conducta penal o administrativa que involucre a represalias. e so ee l es recompensas mconducta penal o administrativa que involucre al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor ansdecthome emxaoctfi local Red Cros or A g ociation. These instructions are for adults only (infant and children CPR differ). ENFORCEMENTspent performing on or in connection with the contract in calendar yearREV 11/22 FORENFORCEMENT W Wcontractor must increase the cash wage paid to make up the difference. CertainWMI MI MI MI RET RET MI ALIA RET RET SMANA MI MI ALIA ALIA TION A SUSP SUSP MI MI TION AA SUSPSUSMI MISUS MI T WISTLEBL S ST WIS TS T WIS al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temorFI NG NG RET O TS CKI NG NG THREA THREA Y Y ALI ALI TY T TE NG TIONY 80 A AT T SUSPE SUSPE T TYY WASWAS RET Y Y UTHORITABUY UTH ALIAAA TEG TE T TYY Y SESE FRA FRAUUDD WSUS LEAKS LEAKS EA EA RET RET Y Y o T WIS T WIS ALI ALI ABUSON RET Y Y ABUSEABUSETYYTTLEBL TLEBL EE CRIME CRIME T ATT r O OWERS WERS LEAKS LEAKS GAINSTT WI WI THRE GAI GAINS LEAKS LEAKS TS Y Y t ORMA O r STLS T WIS T WIS THRE THRE T T TLY Y Y Y LEAKS EBLAT TIONY AT Y Y T T U O WERS SUSPE SUSPE Y TLEBL THO ABUSEABUSEW W THREAS AS S ABUSEABUSEABUS ABUSERETALIATION A RET RI US O O LEAKS WASTETE WASALIATION A WERS WERS Y Y TE TE UD TYYTPE ASS ET T ATS TO HO G G USPE USPE AINS AINS T ABUSEABUSEABUSEABUS D D T WISTLEBLT WIS RET RET Y Y TLEBL MELAND S AL AL E RET RET O O WERS WERS IA I WASTE WASTEURIT e e ECURITY ALIA A Ad p pT SI SI Y GAINSNSGAI T TFI FI UTHORIRI CYBER CYBERa a CRIME CRIME T WIS T WIS tT TYY ORMAD SECURIT ALIA r r ORMA ORMA TLEBL TLEBL t t t t TIONYG Y TION TION AINST WIS WASTETEWAS | FRAUUDD FRA a aY Y C RET RETALIATION A Y Y TLEBL TLEBL ALIATION A THREAT FRA THREA THREA OWERS OWERS G G AINS AINS T T UD T T T T WISTLEBL T WISTLEBL THREA T T e Y Y Y Y MI O O MISMANA MISMANA WERS WERS THRE T T RETALIA ABUSEnRI RI GEMENT GEMENT | UTHO UTHO A ATT TION A 6 T T MI MI t GAINS GAINST WI Y Y RET RET RITYYRIT o ALIA ALIA farro o mala gonesettian grias p STLEBL C SUS SUS MI MI ORMA ORMATIO OWERS d TIO FRA FRA Y Y Y BRIBER BRIBER N N GAI THREATY THREA UD UD AINS f LEAKS e T Y RET RET NS TION W W Y Y UY Y SALI THO THO T WI US T P RI RI f AS T TY ATION ABUSEABUSE Y D RET RET TE ALIA BRIBER BRIBER LEAKS LEAKS e TION A i Y Y a d s TION A T WI er o GAINSG GAINSG Y Y ho TION ECURIT ECURIT r t TY TY e s AINS AINS ge T WIS T WIS Y Y h a n T WIS Y Y TY TYOO T WIS NG NG TLEBL TLEBL ECURIT ECURIT s TLEBL WERS WERS ECURI ECURI NG NG T T Y Y OY Y T TYY WERS Od 8.8.202 fuoalirernkrssi sohtoonfi e nsconhtrThe em c e , hs uepxcpelieesd,oarr tiitmcmsl aeeth yswe , e ooexrrmck eepeeqrlsodu y ip($em1mxec0ene,n0ttp 0o. t0n Thhoeceonm anteectrr tewa edcot sr in t k w ae to b o r r lik s wif ah b shoe ytsncmo naiiyd Washington, D.C. 20210 s n vaieg imctt bn i u li l c a tiyb m m a e x e d un in mua nd alm eir ite n yr tion Esta OEsrtga nOirzgaacniinzacin Nil/Cayshas dAwivarudlgsParcioogn reas d a represalias. amae frs raubd aspThe EO minimum wage may not apply to some workers who pr ecoverThe EO minimum wage may not apply to some workers who pr Go to https://wwwa represalias. y d THREABUSE OF A es of suspect n o the DoD me . d e ast e CYBER e, or mismanagement result in cost support in connection with covered federal contracts for less than 20 ovidein connection with covered contracts for less than 20 percent of their hours ovide supportand NAFI emploees w .dodig.mil/CashAwardsProgram to learn about cash rewards for DoD civilian ADDITIONAL The EO minimum wage may not apply to certain other occupations andADDITIONAL The EO minimum wage may not apply to certain other occupations andABUSE OF A hose disclosur THREA BRIBER sa a M vings t ABUSE OF A e IL ed fr o aud, w d ALIATION A CYBER ABUSECRIME BRIBER e FFIe LEAKS e n RETALIA NG n fe STLEBL a sa OWERSara incfhopercent of their hours worked in a week. worked in a week. s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible forABUSE OF A LEAKS ORITABUTION AGAINS WHIS m CTED T e HO mLEAKS HUM ABUSEGEMENT BRIBER e FFI CKI NG saINFORMATION workers. INFORMATION workers. e do not ask workers about their immigration status.W BRI FIED INF SUSPECTED THREA LEAKS d p THRE RETALIATION AGAINS UTHORIT SUSPE LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF n h OTTLLIINNEE UDCHOKING U Follow these steps for adults and children over 8 years of age who have an obstructed airway. DescriptionItem #Price Failure toEXCLUSIONS 2023. age and Hour Division (WHD) iswww. EXCLUSIONS other conditions must also be met.eceiveRETALIA RETALIATION BRI ECTED THREA WAS ORMA D ABUSE OF A ECURITY H ALIATION A ABUSE OF A BRIBERLEAKSFRA RIUDLEAKS e so m H s d UTHORITOWERS o BRIBER ABUSE OF A RETABUSEnto D e de Defensa OWERS OWERSWERSn sloecnasteio wni othftahney v siectriimou. sA vinojiud rmy.o Cvainl 9 1th1 e( ovric ottihme wr ehmeneergveern cpyo snsuibmleb;e br)ri fnograhseslpis ttaon hciem r/ighhetrainwsateya. dK.n Konwo wth ew thyepreeoAfE iDnsju arnydThe U.S. Department of Labor The U.S. Department of Labor CYBER ABUSE OF A D HOOTTLLIINNEEen costos para el DoD.HUMAN TRAFFICKINGTION AUTHO ABUSE OF A UTHORITOWERSLEAKSFRACTED THRE HUMAN TRAFFICKINGworkplace rights and pr protections, investigate employers, and recover back wages. All WHD services arePECTED THREA MISMANAGEMENT ATION A ABUSE OF AUTHO GEMENT FRAUD WERABUSE OF AU LEAKS UTHORIresponsible for enforcing this laws W. WHD can answer questions about yourenforcing this law. WHD can answer questions about your workplace rights andWASTE HOTLINESUSPE MISMANAGEMENTBRIBERABUSE OF A ABUSE OF AABUSE OF AABUSE OF A aaCTED THRE HREA dooddiiggmmiill//hhoottlliinnee ASTELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFTS TO HOMELAND SECU SMANA T WISTLEBLOWERS ONNTTRRAATTIISSTTAAe T THREA THREATBRIBERY Y BRIBER WHIS ABUSEABUSEBRIBERBRIBERY Y ABUSE GEMENT ABUSEMISMANAGEMENT MISMANA TLEBL o OWERHUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIME CRIME CYBERHUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT FRAUD FRAUDBRIBERY BRIBERYcannot retaliate or discriminate against someone who files a complaintfree and confidential. Employers cannot retaliate or discriminate against someonePECTED THREA MISMANA p AUTHORITEBLOWERS a tREPRIS O d HUM BRIBER CRIMEMISMANASUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKINGBRIBER SUSPECTED THREA eS TO HOMELAND SECU AN TRA TS TO HOMELAND SECURITback wages. All WHD services are free and confidential. Employerswho files a complaint or participates in an investigation. WHD will accept aABUSE OF A HUMAN TRAFFICKINGBRIBER TLEBL AL BRIBER CRIMEe can help. SMANA TS TO HOMELAND S ECURITY ABUSE OF A TS TO HOMELAND SECURI SMANA CRIME PECTED THREA CKI UTHORI GEMENT(866-487-9243). We do not ask workers about their immigration status. WeThe EO applies only to new federal construction and service contracts, asABUSE OF A ORMATION CRI D SECURI GEMENT (LNEA MIILLIITTAARRAL CYBER ABUSE TS TO HOMELAND SECURI COagencies/whd/contact/local-offices or by calling toll-free 866-4US-W WAGE (866-487-9243). W ABUSE OF A SMANA UTHORI TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT REPRISCIIVVIILLSUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKING CKINGanrsdtCaPidR k tirtasi nairneg k,e cpotn. tTahcitsyinouforr mHuamtioanndReoseos unrocet st aDkeep tahret mpelancet,olofc CaPl RR e(Cda Crdroiosp ourlm Aomnearricya Rne Hsuesacritta Atsisoonc)i tartaioinni.ng. For emergency first aidlanguage. You can find your nearotections, investigate employers, and rest WHD office online at www.dol.gov/AGEcomplaint in any language. You can find your near or by calling toll-frest WHD office online at ee 866-4US-www. ABUSE OF A CYBER e UTHORIT ddodigi.gm.mili/lh/ otoltilniene D ABUSE OF A TS TO HOMELAND SECURI STLEBL GEMENTSUSPECTED THREAUTHORI RETALIATION AD SECURIGAINS a THREA GRATUITA) SUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKINGor participates in an investigation. WHD will accept a complaint in anydol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/local-offices LEAKS OF CLASSI SMANA Department of Defense GEMENTWorkers with disabilities must be paid at least the EO minimum wage rateissued under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standar ECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND S TS TO HOMELAN TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT GEMENT PECTED THREA USPECTED THREA STA GEMENTCRI ME CYBERUTHORITME AN TRAGEMENT ABUSE OF ASMANAUTHORI MILITAR 703.604.8794.879ATI PECTED THREAAGAINST WIS TO HOMELAND S CKINGLEAKS OF CLASSI BERGEMENT CIV CONTR (COM(DSN)ERCIAL)ED INF TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT ABUSE for time spent performing on or in connection with cover no less than the full EO minimum wage rate. ECTED THREA UTHORI TS TO HOMELANwww.dodig.mil/hotline HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENTMore information about the EO minimum wage is available online atdefined by the Secretary in the regulations at 29 CFR part 23.eater worker pre governed by special certificates ds Act must also rotections; employers . HUMAN TRAFFICKI MTO HOMELAND SECURITFRRAAUUDDEEEE MISMANA MANA T WISTLEBL TLEBLOWERScan help. Some state or local laws may pr www.dol.gov/agencies/ ALIATION AGGAINAIN M BER F CCIVIVILILANCOCNOTNRTARTAISCTAOR GEMENTGEMENT SALITS TO HOMELAND SECURIGEMENT .424.9098 MISMANASMANA ILITLAITRAYR THREAHUMAN TRAFFICKING ATIONALIA AGTITIAION AON ANSTTS TO HOMELAND SABUSETHREADetermineChoking is recognizable when the victim CANNOT breathe, coughdisplay theseemployers must follow the law that r www.dol.gov/agencies/whd866-487-9243 WH1089 Workers with disabilities whose wages arequires the highest rate of payovide greater worker pr WH1091REV 11/22 ABUSEDEESSPPEEEERRDDIICCIIIIOO SUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFI T WISTLEBL CKINGSome state or local laws may provide grequireater worker pres the highest rate of payotections and ed contracts. . More information about the EO is available online atHUMAN TRAFFICKING D MISMANA GEMENTSMANA T WISTLEBLOWERS D FRA CKINGWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION whd/government-contracts/eo14026 1-866-487-9243 AS GEMENT GEMENT D TION A SUSPECTED THREA MISMANA GEMENT1 if the victim or talkno air is moving through the persons throat. Ask, Are youEnglishU1200FC$65.99 PAID SICK LEAVEdol.gov/agencies/whd/government-contracts/minimum-wage must follow the law that r www.dol.gov/agencies/whd AS MI TE GEMENT RET GEMENT TIABUS CYBER ASATION A & OWERS THREAT ABBUUSSOOO UTHORIT LEAKS BRI STLEBL FRAUDTLEBLOWERS HUMAN TRAFFICKINGSMANA GEMENT HUMAN TRAFFITION AGGAINSAINS TE LEAKST WISTLEBLOOWERSWERS MIS MANALEAKS LEAKSHUMAN TRAFFICKI HUMAN TRAFFICKINGSMANA GEMENT MIS RETALIATION A TION AGGAINSAINS GEMENTGEMENT MIS MISRETALIAMANAUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION LEAKS CKING TION CKING NFORMACYBER THREAT ATION A & WERS THREA A MISMANA ALIAGEMENT ED INF CR GAINST WIS FFICKI TLEBL OWERS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF TION A SMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKIHUMAN TRAFFICKI HUMAN TRAFFI(CHECK ONE) HUMAN TRAFFICKI TLEBLOWERSWERS UD GAINS T WIS & HUM MISMANAGEMENT ED INF GHUMAN TRATLEBL ABUSE OF A UTHORIT BRI BRIBER This OTrhgisa Onirzgaatnioinzaerify Esta OrganizacinSMANA GEMENT RETALIA CRIMETION AGAINSGAINS T WISTLEBLOF CLASS SUSPECTED THREA ORMA CRIMEBRIBER MISMANA MANA GEMENTUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR MIHUMAN TRAFFI BRIBERBRI SMANA GEMENT NFORMATION BRI THREA BER TE THREAA TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT LEAKS OF CLAS TION A CR IME ABUSESMANA IFIED INF GEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKISUSPECTED THREA BER SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SHUMAN TRAFFI HUMAN TRAFFICKISUSPECTED THREA TS TO HOMELAND SECURI HUMAN TRAFFICKISMANATO HOMELAND SECURI CYBERTS TO HOMELAND SABUSECYBERHUMAN TRAFFICKING MISMANA2 is choking: CPR Use common sense with any serious injury. p t m. Avoid moving Poster Guard for RestaurantsSpanishU1200FC$65.99 postings WORKER RIGHTS WALSHHEALEY PUBLIC CONTRACTS/SERVICE CONTRACTS ABUSECTED THR AINSBRIBER S CTED THRE LEAKS OF CLAS TION A GAINST WISIME MIHUMAN TRAFFICKI we o hs TS TO HOMELAND SfnidaTO WORK k s ed i cthnet e ir an ParticPiapratiecisp iant Ee-s Vine rEif-yV PartiPtciicapirapt iaec inep nEa - EeV -nVe rEeir-fyiVfyerifyHUMAN TRAFFI CTED THRLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF LEAKS NS TO HOMELAND SECURIT MISMANA S TO HOMELAN HUMAN TRA FFICKITHREANGNGOWERS ABUSEHUMAN TRAFFICKI BERLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED IUD LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATIONTLEBL AN TRAFFICKING SMANA GEMENT SMANA BERSMANAGEMENT TS TO HOMELAND SMISMANATHREA T WIIFIED INF NGLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I S TO HOMELAND SECURIT CTED THREATS TO HO MISMANA S TO HOMELAN RETD SECURIT AINST WIS THREA LEAKS OF CLASS LEAKS GEMENT GEMENTIF YOU HA LEAKS T WIS TLEBLTHE RIGHTSMANAVE TLEBL LEAKS CYBER GEMENTTHREA ABUSE OF A LEAKS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATIONIF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORKFRA LEAKS SUSTTS TO HOMELAND SECURIT CYBER FFICKING THREALEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF GEMENTORMA THREA GEMENTABUSESTLEBLOWERSFRA TION PECTED THREA THREAAN TRARETALIATION ATION A LEAKS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFGEMENT YORMA GLEAKSTION NGOWERSABUSE ABUSELEAKS LEAKS ABUSE ABUSEBRIBERYBRIBERY CRIMECYBERABUSE CRIMEBRIBERY CYBERABUSEBRIBERY THRETHREAT BRIBERYBRIBERYATIf the victim is NOTCal ncy number) forUNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13706 EMPLOYEE RIGHT HUM CTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURIT LEAKS MISMANAU.S. Department of Labor Par This Organization ParTHIS ESTABLISHMENT IS PERFORMING GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK SUBJECT TO:MELAND SEC MISMANA ABUSE TWASTE BRIBERPECTED THREA BRIBERTHREMISMANAEMPLOYEE RIGHTS SUSPECTED THREA ORMATION Gf e othd GEMENT Tfhaast uasrrc e f1too6raprwy pThe purpose of the discussion below is to advise contractors which are subject to the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act or the Service ContractBRIBERYassistance right away. Know the type of injury and the exact location of the vict idroceessnDoetp ataartktkme tethnet ,FEDERAL CONTRACTORS SERVERNMENT CONTRACT CTED THREA GEMENT Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act esow o rraeim(ugnensp,ltle roumsysk ceutrtdtalking, coughing 911 (or other eemr eprogsesoibnbnalaer;y b Rreiensgu shceitlapat tioon h)i tmra/ahineirn ign.s tFeoerara de.m Kenrogwen n wchy efirres tA aEiDds a annddC CfiPrRs t t raraidin kiinitgs, , a croen kteapctttt . y TohuirsHinufmoramna Rtieieosnou PAID SICK LEAVE ON GOVICE CONTRACT ACT (SCA)S SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURIT Act of the principal provisions of these acts.aggu oec. fcmaconattset rarwiahclstsi plo,r tyamanined n cpti rrocofhu ihmbostances ap icipates in E-VerifyBRIBERYHOURS Executive Order 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for FederalTHE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Mission: the provisions of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 525) on a covered contract is not permitted. stablished in section 6(a)(1) oayf Participa en E-Verifythlaec vei cotfi mCP wRwR h(Ceanredviompuelrlmican Heart As PUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (PCA) con urnei, tieU aonnnridsateadsl are fi etmtsy com ann unime unicdr cdeontractors, the act under c lies to secondary contractors performing woror breathing: can result inONE HOUR WORKED, OF PAID UP SICK TO 56 LEA HOURSVE FOR EACH EVER YEARY 30ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Mission: In adition toSrtaote eavt)s nvcnelhti hold fs rptear s must curently be paid not les than the Federal minimum wage e. This OT rtOthgiecirassigpniOanaizrn tEgaei-azstVai nointeinzi roEaifn-tyVioenrifyPEasrEttaiscPt iOapaE arsrOgtt iearacgn inOpa iEzran-gai Veazcanienr ciEnizif-aynVceirnifyTHIS ESTABLISHMENT IS PERFORMING GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK SUBJECT TO: This establishment is performing Government contract work subject to (check one) Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para approach the victim: ENFORCEMENT Contractors, r 1-866-487-9243 WH1090 REV 09/16 (CHECK ONE) CONTRACT ACT ACT (SCA) (PCA)r t S. pr y .S. ontr o or our citiz er s tac y. wagee f ended t ,e w. d Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable paratover Tw lar .S. t C E tC n c a d r o i ra c nd .) ydo e b he law w in w wswa slit nbge i w losy eorrsNd moa ncgoeveroreudstwoo trhke m h r u h i n e a s a ltbhe a y o e n an o d ot o get mortion efo hei n p enrmeodp ecloye ora n s f v t e e nutseere odfsinetrov ibcye if so y tis nan h G is g la ns r rirndg o c n e tr t p c E If Throisv wle e n r A af t H t a I pH F l tt p in e u a e S to o t E t r o A ao t a If u u p PaPrtaiTrcPtihipacisairpates in E-Verify o o deE o l e a e kaI d e s f d o u u p t v u ) F m r r o m m m o e rp p o nsm v -tf i er r r e k k t v g y e - o ooa e A h E A t t afi E o t H h r H t r a I p p F F T c o m m m n V y p ea o ho la o o i c 9 l m m a e o ina e e e i , d o o r o o gsoi u u a a p p h rr er c m m p d d r e gE o o o iv o t lo o I r rn n i a e . lv k r k r i E E a tg sn n v t o y r r - e r r rI nl t t v i a h i i n p p a c i i e e ro m m u m m l m m S Iv r s y u 9 e e sa h l s p p o h h z z n s f m m m n a y ve e o - - e et - - i i y n t i a i i a p o o io i9 e t r u p n t Vt teh f i s 9 e ey o e v t c o o t z z f lv l o o ia i i c l lro ia te r e E i y a ie r y e n h t d e d d a o r r s t b lIk n b t r n a n n o i t i e e e e t e d d . s I- IA Ia ie r o r r r a a u c f l la h t r l r m e ie t t o n e p a t H IE t h T re e yd u d a p c n g e r y - t 9 e e i a a c c a iy e a c n y i i i r A Iz o t a F H a F fe e e r r fe d r u u s S e t t e a s 9n tz zy ir c y y o fu o y u u t ht r e e n c lt e d t cd io if i d o n n t to c c e e p c o o aa n f c u t b p a d t g F n n o S m e w o to t l yo t d E f o s h o ore e e e t . . Ui c a i i n r nta v r t td t g h i r r p p t E s it i itit is e h h r y m ir m t p a e e n n org r r n v r t v l s o a i i o o h p o y n n ne t e o m i e i e c v o m d d de d m r m n s s u u - eg a n o , y e aoq i d r o i w w t p hf o e o ie . o m m in e e 0 - eiy p p o o g V n n t p S o a il o v n u u e o clt c t o o l y y s n fo S l ce u p e d m r i n aeS cit V y v ec e rt fo w e oi o o l v d c s n o r n. n t o ii (n t t tr ay a w w a E oa t t i n u o o e oe j i io a vaal u u o e n r oa r l ae It a r f n e r u n a r fte c o S o o o o t m . yo e ec i e e n so o e e t t e a r iv I r r o a a y - u e e et r r l i t l i a l re c c t no n i i o o e r r t oo ii u n y o o - g n n a lo r r t j i t s a 9 s r - y a a o o n a r o i r c e n i iz nn z z y s a rh c c t S y u d d m m n n n b e e y y v b i nocf s o k k 9 9 d ic y t s bj n o w w ta z m c p s n l i i y V t b o n re r tee t e n yhS t tb r g tn t ny n ie f t n e t c lc o u u u u ioi n y t t b i u t u uco k r c rd t f erf f , g i k e b i im h a e r u h i e rL a n n lr l t ( (h a a ra y i o n o e o n c g o o o o a r V y o o i d d o o d a n s la n o e e e y t a o ( E rai n et o a S S r e A e e , nr b d r p ep r r p f n n rct s a a t t t(j e c o D nc n n y f o in ii o r rtc h o f t ti ii p yS s tS g d rl v f g g i y t j st e i c e e a a e c ri n y n n f f p s toy a u t tS s rut b b - w pc l ) t i t l s o t e t a o o k k k r t h i t o D f c ft a i a am l l o f o o ta r o f v i o pts H y e o t t o o t i e r y o a a V i e i o s ir o w e te t m m ls ytac yo h t, y y s t a r e i e o s e a H s o o y r f A A e e s l tn o i e e e o o b b i t t ic i n n a f o eio r r r r a f i in n a a o o y H ir o y c o e sf g g u i i c r th E d m n n n in u i h S l t a en t y n e (( ep s d n n r w w o bnilessy t s f f m c n i ecc n d m n u u y e v A p f e ) )o n r v oE rt n ow m c D D n e n u u s o y t t o y e n r o o o o h o u ct p o t r s c cl- S e n yds y n ) - e s u e eoe en m r po t sr h f ( t st s a a U m e ty o eEol s o o o to t y a m t t p stS f e t V o n a r d (t ra a a f f v vh tr i r o H H u o a a t u o o h e oo f o )r e o i a r e i V e h h a t tf E m i e e s e a t h q S o U m r f nn oc e e iu n r r tu i - r . f D D or o e e a g nt h fo j sy a e e p iS a n n o c y y , n e e r in o t t a r e t n b r u ub S V g S e y e o k k t yc e c e e o i io o e e a m l t Suy, ue - c . e y d h tr E o k k r r a a pr y y m m e li m e i e e n n t t d o o t l, h c r r n r y n o o tu S t c c e a f V e r b S )A n y n t o l n n e E t t t hc n n aa i o s U U i m Ei b( . g r e t n in a e r - - i r n p s p d a p n n c p a ic f s o i n m r a t u u t fo i y c ue es r ou n p c V V t ) o y m m c n oc D y f n D p n t . io m tn u a o to h o y . )t e - a a i n h fS f y - n t l p o n n , i iv op o E p s en nn i S c a o c o s o c f e V i io V tlf o o fa r oi e o s n s r s n f y tr w ii w s s H s ty o ot r r e e n v te d y r f. H d d tr d r n e in ii s r a H l ru lt o o u o t t n pf o b . c i mr e S in -i V n nD o e e o e r s t t t e y u m m w u o dfi s y a p e e . .o m n no f h o t E E n e r Si y i V st a m m i r c y r e n b m i Ey e n e c l e t y tt S c y r r f f u ys u Sd t r e e u a l a rp to t et a E r a o o at i p n v y h y moi 3 o n s t gr c i n e p p h y e u e li lu a a m p t f o i e o c y a - Se e V s p nr f ya n lp h p s e l u w w t r e a un o f ae tb h r r h h r e y n n V e gl ttr n i e r V y g e a l le o ra o oy n ee r f y m m u r e y S e n l e i St S g m n e a b e c e h o o n e i d d y e p n , i u c ie . n a r e o gd o o i ir h fe e t i n t i r n , t o i d n n y e l e n S a s y tp t t eli e r r r e co t a i y n e q i o f i ee n i ia . d l c y p sn a iy u t y a e e r t h h y n S t r v y n n o uo c i o e c c i tE t y g yo e a t nb c . a o oy p r r ri . c u t. m n u n S u e d f a a u ig m i s l lem y . p o n m ni r tty u e e g u a r c y o ,e t f y y e e d ti in u d a n f E u f fn r r h y r y c o u c y ( d irefy n e o o y-n it t f o r i to y a o u d e lV o aty ra t o v i l t t S o r e H u on o p y r e lu e u w a t p y c c a i o c y tno h - u q q e h w e e o y t y V u r r F r t b i m hi h y nu u , V u r o o o S o t n h b a a o a w m ti e s h e e l d o s S ie u d o e odo a i i y o o t i rs s u u d n n n i e llp e , e u e A tn i a iu i . r p c i y r r r t o fr r h nh is c y ll le i e S e re sr f w w g b, ) l ,l if y r e z f e iy e - y d e v o t il e l y ioandpEstliells b empnleEs f r q e q ,d d h v o E ct a P r o / r s si m P e nv a eu , if f l s a u L o q r p - relul e P s o u l r t e qr te E m s e oe a ea s iu td p E r a iV ule e p t L r a p d S o S u a i d E u p d fs d d / r rbe n av iv e e n iy t ta c e s d b S o . a r e l r r if r on d ee m u u a s sh U e l le o u n p ol o e e u i s e r r fy e a ac i e o i eo a i i d c e m m rt c q E E c nd a aL oE a e p S r q L S t r S d d ir N n t t n n d e q E y a i i p p af tol U E p po r a S S S tn r o q r cp t a l t s a l e oo e s g d d a e e t t ie r aN e c e e b s -s o u u cd q n S l E le o d s a a a u id id eaog r r e nd p p d i m eo a a r p a d r u p P l le up u l l a u o S e e i rd m y o f sd .u ile s q d r s n ee - g u a a i i u o es e E t t e s m d d a r e r a l m .p . g u o a e y y s . v o d da e c ra d m geo r a e e d i r a li E V t m aF y r e o a a e gr g o U U o e a t y y s u .oe la m n r o l l o e e ( a a b a ht h a a a r r o r a -e ci o u u a l as u o o ee . o l ie iS q e i e n n c r u d eer r u e p N N n n u d d p a -U a r r u u ar a ln r o o r e e le eF z U s t b n a ud d ip u ( e le b s r r g a a u v lv r m ia f V l r a F r r c q fre f c t e m i r u i od t b rmd z a s td d a o l v n u S do r r S i e e e t n n a e d r z e o q a m i s u a o i c a r s o ie e a d nq o o o d d e m p a r y l e o . t d fu E c a sa u o i i i.n o a e y p o ie E e m f y e cru i a l a s i a o la e c e S a a i i u a A c c d r n i i ra d e e e e u t n o o s p e d E pd t q c r r e e d re l r a a r r r n d c m p n n S E l d f a ( d r r b o e a r c p ir ml r r F F r u a c e m ds n u r i c e eS la io i f e S bE e.c a A rie e a e a r il r m p d a d )loe pa oeu u y a m co r m d t s n e lf r n f o q. a u s 1 o l d o d a a d o c c o r i l lo l y d o p n f an e ( e oa e ia io s s ia e y r p ld a e b oe t U t i p c e e eh n lu l t )s a S l a u u m o c ta s n n r D lirm u e o b co a a y u a c cl a aN U c o o a ea z a aq r p r l n o o rd a q N ( laa ic d i a u a a h a ari c n m md c c a popp p Ss st ie prn nr ip a U A n e e d a D s m N n u di p e l s a a H i a n n m p d a l lt f r e e n p ld rfn u U u d o d d a o iiefd r a sa e jt clf c a d n n rl e lp e r e a d a e u a c u a l l b fa d o a e p p n o u aio lu ai o u y )o d t t H o r di a m a o t st s d a u a S ie a d e u u u o r d a a a lt y e i c l . oc ac r ( ( a c d e r e e i c o p p a) a o cD s n r r lc ta o o c rta p il r t u . p e ia iF c r n ooeir e e D s s rc r ( r b S l e r r e rji la orr s o eu o r a a p p r . ea ce e r r ,a i o q e u rn ( a a b rl a ji l u S ral a n c dl n o t a il ootI q r e e m te t s i i i a m m a u s o u u i S p p ld e o ) - H H f s d d q s n o e e t sl u n p .n e o e ru e p o u a q r r c r t n a a e a ie fp 9 n S r q d c u e n s c c y rnpaa alE crlt-iVaicina a e c b fo f e sr t a n t e c cer o t d u u a rS r o S ia i. -9 u e t n s a a o oc nd o a d d S a c a a t u o e c d d n n o o e fie E , e. oe l Al e a m ra o r p e m u u c n ni I s e e lr i i r e n t a a lrn i cA u a a q c a de eee n ) c r rc s a e e r e o eu rd - e e a .s e ( al b - e p a lio p )a aa its I- l I e d na n t i o u m m h ea ud r 9 V s p c m a )p s S i t o o( lo q u -s p ( sae ftl n n ns o iu n uc b u lta n l p q is c l lu tn s m t 9 9 e e e a e D l s p ne t a a u o at oD p n aS e o ao r a i lp n a a a a t t f A a i i a l D e e j a a a n o ( a u a a p p s c r n n . . t m aE t ic i r n e a ec td nu j o d o p t aA n H e e rH p d e e izu p r i i a D c c e r i n a s cqo c n u b p tr r rr e t rl n d e t l c r o o e e pfi d ala A a e c u li p -a f a raa jlir t ce e e r t o s s i r o e u u o r p a c i e aa fd y i, d S a a o oa r a a o t c V e a a ir u aer u d o e o ia m f t u q q , o p p a p zo f f n r e d H r S i o u c n l ad a t u. e o e p r r le t t i ais) ,s le e r a u ney fe p p nene c )r ae d i r m e u r e e s a m u u r e e a a a c q id n o nt A Abe n e ) a e y a r u iin Ia sl inu F b n e sm e l l q r r a o , d , S t s tr t o ia o o o Ilt d - t f so e d rr r d n n m e e i i c e n r r sd u mny u d s oo e m r o d cd i e -9 ta d d ce s e 9 u o nz z . e il e r s c u ui t n na E a e ea r r t t t p De -e is e a r c c a t a o)n d ne a a E fr -n e ad ca m e r r te a m tVa re n e a m eu u co r e E d a i V eD a e p y d a p e e lr n r r ei j s c i i o r ,, i c is pc f o r - r ot el d r rV s m m h i re ms zz a n t p s -sl o sse e a q e ps e e e l e r u o o e i i V e p se e y s i r a i a p tb o lp o V q e e E n q t us n n t a a n e l n n y E E u a a te mf a r u m a z el a r m c c e t p e e r e u u re a e d u e p n ua n n s t u r o d e E e e p d tr im i e ua e e il n c o Ac p r n ys fi - - e a s a o b q e tV s t r r za n n a ao d d iv rt rA b t te e tr e o i d V p ea e sp r p aV Fd F e n ou r l r e r e lf e i id t -V o l o id c r y sjl d r te trt u a r i eto to u r u uei tc t u o o a t a rt d l o deen a zpr e e r o o r laa d e y aa n r f i pud o o e e y r i r ty in e a m r e a j a u e p l ue a e y y na fc t l p b b l a q a o e r a o p m z a od r r o r i s s ,o oc , iy r d em e y a lay s r y e a il a s z a A e e a o d d n, a r u ln e i i m m n a o d ryrn a m a s r z i t t ye s p id un pe a o f f o o t tn e to ri m n t a , i r e s d n n e o E i lr rd iz id n pe a e n r ac mu y y iau mrj j ar r c r e ed d im E u u n u p f m eo u u a o o i-h e p o r d i r e l s c o d d u t c ciona ae a o lau -v a yl f u t s d in a e nlF d c o u d n n e -t p a u pn u I p a l oy t s h Vs ri n ru o r r y l rn oo i ro b i p tvV y p a a t e V Ie - o r lrp E e l r o e n t a a d a a a l tl ceo r opr r o-r l t e s sru 9 p tol de d a r a e l9 r e e p e z s yu e u a a i n y a a aa b d e e l d z p d rz sa a y is i o ta n ify io b jo e s . r e a o z b b c a cv a o m alr d a s o a e e et arvj a i I c yt t o a n . a is t nf a a i f r d r. rit U ie e d nuic ur o e o e a r - a u t fz zt 9l, n l yly te la U ur r in p a r staecdi ne p o o oa r y ,a n d . s sa l ,e io l e y a ia arl t o laI - 9r denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; MINIMUM WAGES dsdenunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin;inormaw ction on protections rom discrimina o tr huen dceonr twraocrkt.cThoen dsiatiofentystahncontracts awarded by the Government prime contractor.PUBLIC CONTRACTSfraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de SERVICE CONTRACT ACT (SCA) All provisions of the act except the safety and health requirements are administered by the Wage and Hour DivisionGovernment to prequirovide employees working on or in connection with established f y Act minimumfraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico dean e complicted.Call IER tbda nsicon r-aGteo voef prnamy efnotr,aple hrfoocarumrtsee sdw oo bfr ayk gethedPull your fist Make sure it is safe toEmployees Employees Includes all mandatory, employee-facing federalBilingualU1200FC$83.99 PAID SICK LEAVE needs, including pr es certain employers that contract with the Federal . SERVICEhazar benets. I Federal(FLSA).will if a wage bepersonas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otrak. Overtime isC douvee reondtwheor baersasiys mporfuo stthet ecb tte ot hpteaamli dhso eatluv rleess as aspgte aoninnt intau annll n woteonnrekti-o, hnGaalol f vthiemirldne msltaeorsbie oers n,vg iboaluagilteidodinnbt,h yo eo rbp steuarrfirnooinrmugn adcneincrti Ie rm oerh yVivcher nF m ak sds tah e.S inet meatxpec leoemsyespe oloifyn m4 a0en nadtta m m ineh jE m fis )m ite .m eso ep rh ca ateerisf yin iayn rfE re nd pc -Vwertii l h g rmluarr algoier es rla ce pa fdo t m r d elre adl a ad zid pl es -V im taedba poaeeep g rie ) o rem rtb ceema a.mEe saEp rcFV-iooepronmr dirfuyecl aiysrunpi aoraFr oI-opr9 mo rrucina orn ta detina personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra conducta penal o administrativa que involucre Minimum WageCovered employePUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (PCA) the Fair Labor Standards Act.to assist a family member who is ill, injur SAFETY CHILD & HEALTHLABOR SCAdeterminations may requishouldnt g itsor toll-fr conducta penal o administrativa que involucrecru efrdin Immigrant and Emplo sh Aocutrs a nwdo rthk tional origin. ant ptrlaacctors are liable for violations of the act com 9ie ho cn teIo srs cw ta Aa cd ng l vfiecedipernartamele gn io ks oudmcycgm -V ntaote eeu iiatdi s areger one uiSrareui dqtEeSpou-narVie r tEirlezoo-ra proporciol an la l p ein n er ,fnscs q nbsm m uar arp izsatd ao upatoraio l la inform apuDONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYthose contracts with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours theyFRINGE BENEFITS determinationleestablished by the Fair Labor Standar ces isU al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temore t toased on citizenship stayatus and naee Righ ped rsfoarfmeteyd o ifn t hpela enmts,p lfoacye s m r cy ethoeveIo t m -9 w in leacggt evwi Fo rk th hF m th to g min t9g rfo e ytda lm t Swfa (S -dwip g a oe .iuCnot h er s nfd Noticew iuri m t c p, l tothy , u ensmlo ma th tU Vm uarpb d tlqauctw rru naad ae rized ew arEaal g cteo lin m ridc te m n los .Et e.p tm or partaidc in r iqepusae te un a sEute-tVod erifay y dreop m n s liafy Ve q ,o jar Ee dre I-ja9atorrnab arI-j9a IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORKOvertime illness, injury, or other health-reventive carelated needs, including pre; or for red, or has other health-reasons resulting freventive carom, or to elated e;A higher as rate mayplace y Ito wou haor, you wve the skills, e al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor1-800-255-7688 T ts Section (IER) proTvhiodse ethmperp ofleovyider a p te m ir o erdifey d cnoon pfiuremdaer c qounef uirmsterdqesut rustaed eplace y a represalias. national origin or citiz or age certicates are acceptable.3 toward the 1 MUST MUST and state postings for choking assistance, CPR,suspension orEmployees must be permitted to use paid sick leave for their ownOVERTIME PAY Your rate must by the be no Fair less Labor than Standarthe SCA determinationan read this la a represalias.U Call IER i an emplo n -Veriftion a dee week in which covered work is performed.TY 1-800-237-2515 tandfa tor iw This emplTohyiesr e pmaprtliocyipera tpeasr tinic Einpte- vtartmnand anweoigau os oEa Ec.oUenUnfq Vie r alpneaistd oy qu m m en ao tr paubeajdar workup to 56 hours of paid sick leave each year DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYDON\'T LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYcontractsxperience, and leg Does not hir Child Laborhe la s to observe a copy on the way to or fromt in the wenship or immigr Call IER i an employer are unsanitary or haz EamrdopYour rate must be no less than the federal minimum wageviolate a part of the lae you or ryerenship sw aes yt ou ectatus (this maause o your yinormaw ction on pran e complicotections rated.Call IER tom discriminao get mortion e ay.Neither should the ation sal righour tatus tSafety and Health victims stomach: assist a family member who is the victim of, domestic violence, sexualposted wage an attachment applies. be requirSuch to ed this wage for Notice.PCA reUcontractsee born or another aspect of y H U.S.C.(a(.S., including while c health provisions of the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administratioes to permit employeieEa-uVt cn rizado para trapaymentsan attachment to this notice. ds Act (FLSA). national origin or citiz PostingDuring the period that covered work is being performed on a contract subject to the act, the contractor must post copies of assault, or stalking. requir A higher rate may be r f y to wou haor, yequirve the skills, eour citized for SCA contracts if a wage enship or immigrxperience, and legation sal rightatus tDoes not hir m fairly while checking yompleour righting the t tofenn ased on citiz v/ier ac itnAthcetaUpnpitlieedstSota etevesr tyh crooungtrha tcht e thme pUloniyteeeds .S tCaotenst ed by their covered tip S) or So nrtiir foyefd andoportunidad de contactar al Departamento de Rules about when and how employees should ask to use paidFRINGE BENEFITSU naottional origin. part o U enship status andd a Tror in the U e you or renship sw a es ytou ectatus (this maause o your ys Working on Government Contracts in a sufcient n uPmrimbeercoofE-Verify t yotuo w grivitet eyno iun swtriutctetino ins stypm l m mbalances and must appr You must e fringe bena The ects legally-authorized w.S. immigrorers rom discriation laws - viola .S.te a part of the la etaliay (this ma to Employe w.justice.gov/ier This emac ttohresDanisdtr sicut ctobsirass, .in the nU eb.Se.gin tlory yineiol clut uroarS lSir gteesgESobuseivrgeteru lcoeron efir pmraorb qlreuaantoe F pD ueda de nEmployers are required to inform employees of their paid sick leaveall hours(or paid shouldnt g w tha t in the way.Neither should the HO fairly while checking y their place of employment. .justice.gogov rk inhnoc to contact Derequirements is available at www. Morove all valid re information about the paid sick leave .dol.gov/whd/govcontracts/eo13706equests to use paid sick leave.exceptions. a cash 1.5 equivalent).he la mination ased on their citiz M DU OTTLLIINNEE Immigrant and Emploenship staytus and naee Rights Section (IER)tional origin. woonrmktrpainclgoty ooerr\'es st hc deoo wl rod t Depa mep tma t srreeyrc vooi eiom t c rk, this emSt otr h Scaotc yniofairlum S ae rtceh uarti ytyou apraer aS ceognufirom Saorc qiaule ( SusSAte)d p easrat qaueto pruizeadao e pmaprae ztarar ba m yjda rmvez ou weree born or another aspect of y worm I- .S.C.(a( or (a(secondary contractors.national origin. .S. immigration laour wseats ytUou unor usingResponsibility for Secondary Contractors regula C.ant and Emplo. ou can read this layee Righenship sts Sectionw atatus and teats you un .S., including while comple te the IER@usdoj.determination applies. Such wage determination will be posted asE-Verify (this may violate the IER@usdoj.govsick leave also apply OVERTIME PAY (IER) ma fringe benet do notts discre wR. yer trart .eatsup f w aC.(a( ork as prd our righ e or e fe 1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 mse,ebnatne ncdeo mnttsursa, wct tmh wiacionht r th ieun n cSdeeercrtr aaeintmt es r o m(D caento lmorapsaela sErgr aoEocude tque ieulcempleador national origin. part o Uprotects legally-authorized worers rom discri- Retalia a tour righe Service Contract Acthe la Immigr . ou cequir Deepp Tror in the U ainst tt yo wou because yt otou arected be speaking y this lawU.S. Departmenyee Right o Justs Section, Januartice, Civil Rights Division, Immigry sure employers comply with Executive Or ENFORCEMENT Nocontract. mination ased on their citiz artamentoo ts guidancD sa inp athidenlooct alelistysftoh rEa tvnhe etrh yec lsa mesrvsoiincceeat ateriomyn pw liano gyweesh i,c pahen dtr (Dtosa t hyt her oFo acrbtkae nrsge aacninedisn sfgari nraygg feore bre etmhneee npttes. r Tf(oinhercm l cto Dnefirmpartamatructionslaoietn mnyydeto or un a fei sa rree yuoiraSureLtiuqeeqtEoudruos-emrSettLeVoeneioiurze irmn miassEdmlr-aitoa edeo Vdea arhocEuuidiaf oai ooe po jar, e m lio sste empleador esaeidy una cedzoarr(IER) may be able t tion of this la orm I- es agohiits r ect, and has no f De and Emplo AJARThere areor this lao help if an emploe atCS.CheRetalia or usinga specic exemption applies.If the victimwash hands wash hands cancellation ofservices ar . WHD can answer questions, in person or by telephone,Work not ymust .SCA wage determinations may r orw ar atus migrTIENE C.(a(tion a y viola e de la leto y ATRABo nC tohnetr cacont etWnraoecrrtkalilnHy eo auxprcpse liSsessot alee ha oH mer p ls lo oont m cin voy -VerifW fo eru d ascb, ouonnrt lehraaeegs ks rh lin mpl m ooynocueeyro m 8 lin tdn dl tSeetc 8 itie rsm ettioenmrmampca 8 7if rle 1 8 if erif or 8 m mfco m rm se clc m um s sm ma latr ye reE mD. epa cplu rd fa rm ara T toael dejodro plaueda fairly in violaou untions tional origin. t IER en (the la or y w pr the principal purpose of which i sT htoe f uSrenrvisiche s eCrovnictercash equivalent). PCA contracts do not requirw ae fringe benefits.law atU.S.C.(a( or (a(ting the times your basic rate of pay some for e fringe benefit payments (or aGeneral Provisions SIUSTED up for y w pr DERECHO U.S. Department o Justice, Civil Rights Division, Immigrant C. dooddiiggmmiill//hhoottlliinnee Wages and Fringe Benets PCAperson worked under over 16 years 40 in of a age week. may be employed that are sanitaryon ayond hat is required b ainst tt yo wou bec ONNTTRRAATTIISSTTAAThe Immigry be able tant and Employee Rights Sectionyer treats (the la es agohiits retaliaCO performing on such Federal contracts must observe minimum wage and smarmufeisntty g b aaenn fdyu h roneifsa thlhtehe ds 4 becomesObserve the situationbefore before handwashing, sale of alcohol to minors, and othersyour contract. ADDITIONAL The Wage and Hour Division (WHD), which is rotections. WHD can investigate der 13706, has ofesponsible for making ces acrossandcomplaintyou unw thafairly in viola tion of this la MIILLIITTAARR tour righ ork as prause yottou arected be speaking y this lawand Employee Rights Section, Januaryerf gthtphe servicoenlg i ngsu ecpdoe nrot rsuio acrntns oisiso y toh agivaveue t ahycocruetohi zwpp erm ild eina m v-teetaeo ) te snteta sbagS m uadnaigcn ile otuso m Aa or m l cacimon y)oer .n tions ech er d aneudSSoriecteptyhoggoeumurScaoqt rreuueoppuioqdengomlte uoiSr auprudtaimz n-V -Vr qm puru cylnnaittdaadcdotdaerel Facol Drnm puerdl u to de odos odosod soit IER eno help if an emploenforceable responsibilities be tion, in aco be a final agency action, has no legally binding eregulations or this lae arw are some exceptions.e atCR. art .y the terms of the applicable las.The Departmen fforney General Jee documenfforcerson B. Sessions III, oThis guidance document is not inabout your workplace rights and pr safetcontract.be dous performed or dangerunder ous conditions to employees\' health and tts: Prohibition of Improper Guidanc CIIVVIILL ne etexrcmeisnse ts, including this guidanc t emp the em oien ve-Vistrat r emiW li stf ihtmheWor fyer oo er l in one ueyrgietiyrnc taonr teosmoarSlreve escgorussFuncio Funcio de tra E-Verify worked over 40 in a week. Ther orces isU.S.Che U.S.C.(a(ffect of laeden.The document.Fvember 16, 2017.or more infe, do not est may be rescinded or ormation, see tablish legally You must be paid 1.5 times your basic rate of pay for all hoursaantey sa ac oft$o2 b,5e0 p0r emvaumodified at the Departmen cordance ith applic e Documenable sts, from tatutes, regulations, or binding judicial precMemorandum for ll Componenemployers and recover wages to which workers may be entitled. AllContactage and a Hoursponsible thevisit for:ee itse sanitary, and notOvertimegr preonsepetcst irveeq wuiraegdearraete udssau$na2dl,5ylo 0sy0pe eeacrsie pe ndeor fti nos rtumhbing work on such co inmc asnqa uftihereety tmhaneind ipm hauyemma erif fet0y0 S tthaantd raerqdusi rAec otroul or E e Funciodpel ea T -fiyz e E- r ify una vez in English, WHD will accept the complaint in any language. Specic DOL Wagencies are reDivision by for calling information administrationScetr.v iHceow ceovnetrr,a tchtse TahcehticFdaho ired soL a renbqootrueirSxetc atehneadra ardlfringe benets)e jce occtno tntaotira npecrdtebvinau tiali ng ratenaft redatecyt tSesrt mabenin dpaaatridiodnsnsAo aesc o4G0o ave wrnemeke.n Tt hceo nCtroancttrsa cint Wxocreks Hs oouf r$s1 S0aih en a buonilndssai nnogifst at horyer or E rify, o me na P na Povsioiunconscious: 2 and attempt to wakereturning returning INFORMATION the countrye free and condential. If you are unable to le a complaintCHILD LABOR No person under 16 years of age may be employed on a PCAta de una maner .)a injus of the contract be paid less than the minimum wage established in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. of $2, e cpdet ohrfreo, awrlmthhiec pdhr o inavr eis tiou fa m or tD atn or E mE- ceo ia ce stsilD 8 one ey 8 8 e youtLqe ouh 7 e co su 7 do el1 jerify r erif se n m o.u na P edaa T lau ou odos oredade This guidance document is not ints discretended ttion, in aco be a final agency action, has no legally binding ecordance ith applicable las.The Departmenffect, and has no fts guidance documenorce or ets, including this guidancffect of la.The documene, do not est may be rescinded or tablish legallymodified at the Departmen in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.enforceable responsibilities beor ll Componenyond hat is required bts: Prohibition of Improper Guidancy the terms of the applice Documenable sts, from tatutes, regulations, or binding judicial precorney General Jefferson B. Sessions III, oedent.Fvember 16, 2017.or more information, seeMemorandum fOrder. of these line site the laws. at at 1-866-4-USWAGE To .dol.gov or obtainand one-half the regular rate of pay fo cooenmts rme Forv Em For m aa atk erifkso he pon ulario I ara Tpor The law prohibits discriminating against or discharoceeding under the Executive ging workers whohelpwww.wagehour (1-866-487-9243),is morne dlimingitse od rin u nscdeopr we othkainn gtThceho eFn adaiictri oLt npasbro, ovpri rdoSetvsiadn etdhdaa trb dyns o oAr p cuatnr and ences work on a contract in exces Em r (or sub- -mle a complaint or participate in any pr SAFETY & HEALTH hazardous or dangerous to employees health and safety. involve the employment of laborers, mechanics, guards, watchmen. ha ny actionor m a ofeWebWork must be performed under conditions that ar Safety and Health (OSHA)SI USTED TIENE DERECHO A TRABAJARthe victim: Executive Order 13706 applies to new contracts and replacements forENFORCEMENT Specific DOL agencies arNO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE locye f tehthxeeccesosesnrvt roiacf ec$sto2. r,T 5oh0r e0s u smabacfeyotyn b ta5ran0, the contracee or E oneone usted csfaruevseo r rqe csueopnf oastnvuaso ceartmb eci opalilnd eDataaHdcSeote.srdahe aD EvHi-oSVle.ardiofy, por Contact by the calling Occupational 1-800-321-OSHA Safety and (1-800-321-6742), Health Administration orsu rhrouzardous or dangerous to the health or safety of service emNotice to EmployeesOn the date a service employeeeService Contract Act are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.2017. It applies to federal contracts for construction and many types(1-866-487-9243) these laws. T derecho leg e responsible for the administration of ee help line atrequirement. aen eedm oplno ytehe eThrweeitv hce oars etnro iantcic tor isaelocfrtaehtieqou nci orewmdh pteoer enin sistae tmirota inyn raeblqel u susirebeedcnobnbyt Forvm I-v9.aForm I-9.orks for Ever fy 8 ver dhs 9 .goer -V eresypo-Vnsailidae bc na P rifa Tto work.Notice to Tippedto work.as required by your state. (Up tove industryexpiring contracts with the Federal Government starting January 1,visit its Web site at www.osha.gov. NO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE rahctsa tmhe ctp.lTohbyeoe rep sso tspatenindrgfao rrodmfstinchglea uascet s csopmemciitetedd b by their coveredf or Everyone es, 97-77 suserifsFuncio ou smoa etsar ar -S V.earodos , ieo vr isif,oiya oodr osiSome state and local laws also r www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts U.S. Department of Labor For additional information: i us(WHD) by calling its toll-fr .dol.gov/whd REV 04/09 ar elo de esta le in 29 CFR Part 4 for Federal service contracts exceeding $2,500. tes y Empleados,r of apDp.lCica. Ibnlefo rr E-Verify W iE e e erli ymeovaerEu riot henma to p tnDH dhs.go/e- -vv er E-Verif 1FuncioDH a T ara Todoswith paid sick leave. Employers must comply with all applicableWage and Hour Divisiono file a complaint or obtain information, contact thewoangtrea detoter) rmmuinsat tipornov) icdoen tt Forhee ( icnocnlutrdaincgty wathinley saraeptgpisulfail one o-r 8-888-897-77avoerifr bcioliyndna P Funciotadcna PaEHodos y, podosof federal contracts for services.equire that employees be provided1-866-4-USW S ted dispone de las capacidades, ewww aten. Llame a la IER si un empleador: Notice in Subcontractscrt-espanol/ier E-VerifyE Wp-leVorerifaskse cyf Woor Enortacksvter DfH Ve n,E 8 tiess, E-Verify Funciona P or Contact theAGE (1-866-487-9243), or visit xperiencia yNo lo contresenata o lo despide a causa de su Esta ley puede ser complicada. Llame a la IER para ms ciudadana no debe repr, su es orio o depodra repr Responsibility for Secondary ContractorsPrime contractors are liable for violations of therequirements. TTY: 1-877-889-5627 1-866-4-USWAGE abajarar en que us stculo nacionalidad de origen o estatus de ciudadana (es discriminacin por motiv E-Verif itn -tVe ttdrh iiftayst t yeo-sVuperore h tiieoersn ,sibs verif mTTY: 1-877-889-5627 esenttar un ob Cdig tar una vulneracin de part formacin sobre las pren.otos del esecciones etatus de ciudadana o xistentes contra ladhs.goningn otro aspectal a tro de su nacionalidad de origted naci o, niwww.osha.govOccupational Safety and Health Administration Seccin de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Empleados (IER)WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION (OSHA) by calling 1-800-321-OSHA (1-800-321-6742), or visitepresenFormulario I-9 secondary contractors.w.justice.gogvov/For moreF ionrf omro Wmraetorionfkso ornmE-teyniVnilofom yoEesnui ypr-r ba mafpyslh, ooyre iirfi hasustaPeadr ca rmPeu iae5 Begin chestIf you do not suspectU c Employees postings may be required.)2023 ComplyRight, Inc. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WWW.WAGEHOUR.DOL.GOV W e echos de 1-866-487-9243 contenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) del Ttulo 8 delctor la nacionalidad de orig echos de Inmigr n, ask you yiooFulvoay bitrooee ulmdalp iob tevieytlreevsiodeoel aipElueisaltease contac E3 cs. iDbiHliSti. ilfamesposnu favore contacteEnglish / SpanishEngPoslitsehr / SpanishPostertampoco lo debe ser el lugExiste una parte de las leyes migratorias de los EE. UU.Lo tr any other laws or agreements providing for higher labor standards.mgautiolanti opnesr taainndin ign ttoer psarefeatyt ioannsdmh, D.C. Ecop-VnleetaraicsfyteDrceoHsSpt.oa usu srted cresea reb qislupido asnduseaselbm e ndsi elapisuddl e o ieo bmErnr e-eh pVsa loeEe-rbaiVifrdoyeelo, ra Eorque protegen a los trorizacin legabajadoral paros de su esa tres que cuenabajar de la en.Puede ctatus de tan con la arcomprao de los EE. UU Other ObligationsObservance of the labor standards of these acts does not relieve the employer of any obligation he meaaayyltbhhe sa ovtaebn tudaanindrdeedsrcompressions: 3 a back or neck injury: Un LosLosIMPORTANT NOTE: One or more of the individual postings on this panel may not apply. Coverage depnds on y discriminacin por motiv a le WHD Publication 1313 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 la le m obar su derompleo de los EE. UUtecho a trabajar en los EE. UUta a la forma de o utilizacin de., ar1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 Employment Standards Administration 88888 sus rfeasvpoorn csoanbftaialvid ecoatre dc aeo snDEtaadHaad-eSVcd Et.eose-r VSa he. Dar iHfyS, .prdivfye, Epviolado-oVre a Poster E213003/19debida aut onsult E-Verify (esto podra r Additional InformationU.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration Wage and Hour Division www.dol.gov/whd incluyendo al c from the nearest ofce of the Wage a nAdd dHitoiourn aDil vInisfioonrm oar tithoneaNnadtio cnoapl iOesf ocfetihne W aactssh ainngtdo WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION a de es tiv .Los r TTY eglamen al gove Ttulo 8 del Cdig ntracts a tar una vulner y (la le IER@usdoj. nformati ice administrator. Wage and Hour Division5 8-889-88-87-788 ify English / SpanishPosterciudadana o nacionalidad de origUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR may be obtained from the nearest ofce of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the National Ofce in Washingtonesta ley contenida en la Seccin 1324b del Ttulo 8 delWH1313 page 1 of 2 eprabajar al ampar o de los EE. UU Departamento de Justicia de los EE. UU., Divisin de DerechosU.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 - 421-004/5907 797-797178-7178Cdigo de los EE. UU ontenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) o (a)(6) del .)Inmigrantes y EmpleadosSeccin de Der. su derecho a tr esalias, segn se indica en la Seccin enero del 2019 E-Verify.govEs posible que la (IER, por sus siglas en ingls)rn oma ry c epresalias en su contra por haber defendidoCiviles, Seccin de Der dhs.govdhs/e.go-vervif/ey-verpueda ayudar si un empleador lo trata de una formaprohbe las r d other fa s. For more iinjus y que hace cumplir la IER es la Seccin 1324b delent coLa le a, en c o de los EE. UU : 1-877-889-5627ou empl 1-866-487-9243AGE AND HOUR DIVISION yers ederales. www er .dol.gov/whd 1324b(a)(5) del Ttulo 8 del Cdiged employee is an ematpuloitieyese. who customarily and regularlyUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR arte 44 del Ttulo 28 del tos deWH1313 page 1 of 2 yes aplicables.Los documene de la agencia, no tiene ningn eftos de orienrminos de las letacin del Departectyes aplico jurdicamenables, los reglamenamento, ente vinculantre ellos este y puede ser tos o los te document o deEnglish / SpanishEng / Spanishrencedievre Mard moylrea thand lna w$30, a tipp each month in tips or gr Ttulo 8 del Cdig tacin no tiene como propsitamenameno ser una decisin definitiva por part odos Los Componentes: La Prohibicin contra Documentos de Orientacin English / Spanish Posterdicha ley se encuen REV 04/09Cdigo de Reglamentrtan en la Pos FEste documen en responsabilidades jurdic to, conforme a las letes ms all de lo que se requiere en los t Poslteishrorientacin, no esto de orientablecado a la discrecin del Departrescindido o modific te vinculana emlo custo empleados in nprecedentes jurdicamenal General Jete vinculanfferson B. Sessions III, 16 de notes.Para ms informacin, vase Memorndum para Tviembre del 2017.I o s Maryland law prohibits an employer from requiring a tipped employee to reimbursevera an geempleados Impropias, del FiscIft y y ao urua atreree o nf o1t0 t0r atoin 1e2d0 i nco oCmPpRpr roers asasiroen usn ac omminfououtrteta a ubnleti wl ainth A yE if io the yer omrm paery a lean veems theplo eymer fploory the ers placamoune oft o bfu a csinustoess wimerthos cut paharyige nfg for foor theod o crh barevgg aes. I nsp Du ar r raribibvileleist ya ntnod p irsrso o rvevaiddey r feosrc uues eb, r rtehaet vhvhsisc, t sikmkmip b setgeipnss 6 6to oa mnmdo 7v7e a onrd E cMonSt t pieneuruseo pnpnenreflo tramkeiein ogv cehr ecsatr eceo omf tpthreeees vaddicetidddmitiou. ction, unln to aness ot emhpelorwiyesee prs woagvided es toby co lvaewr the c, and oestm ofplo a cyeru isst promoehribs citehdar frgoe fom mr foakod or 6 After 30 compressions 4 Immediately beginbe ves theioeio plac DEBEN DEBEN Price chest compressions: chvaregrage foe ifr fo thoed cu orst boemveerrag leeasv.es the employers place of business without paying theItem # If lavarse las lavarse lasopen the airway andleyou think you have beme ysso wuitr whwhoagut paes ryielatng tedh toe charges, you may contact themanos antesn required to make an a c imuprstooper pamers ycmharengt oes ifr the there c huassto bmeeenran begin rescue breathing: improoper deductio bn ubor manos antesleamm nere o off La frsion and Industry at:Co ess U1200FONLYREST$41.99Commiss de volver de volverIf you aree o nf o1t0e0s t rise, because it is im ncomfortabnletetei lwlw ainth A yEoDu ar r rarbibivileleist ya ntntodp pirso o orevevaiaddey r feosrc uues e eb,r r rtehaet hvhvhisisic, t t sikmkmip b setgeipnss 5 5 5 to a nmnmndo 6v6e a onrd E cMonS t pienenruseo npnpnpnenenreflo tramkiein ogv cehr e e csatr ceceo omf tpthreeees s vsiicotnims.al trabajo.Do not try more than two times to give a rescue breath thata mt aaaaa k kreaeast the chtratoin 1e2d0 i nco o CmPRpR r oers asasiroen usn ap momritnauntte t uo continue chest compresions. al trabajo.After delivery of twoAfter 30 compressions gently pinch the victims nose shut and cover the mouth with yhohoe urs,cc vv Department of Labor ERG02 ERG02 Is Your Company a Federal Contractor?7 rescue breaths: 5 open the airway andvririecetaim tting awo fn auilrl, stiglohohw rt sw rt sw reeasl, ocue br usre a meathso. Euath gch rueasrcd aue bs srheoawth sn. Ghoivuve tld bakee b Division of Lt abStaonr daanrdded, Ss Room Seruite 1vic 660e0 7delivered in one second and should cause the chest to rise. Mbegin rescue breathing: n each rescue1100 aw sSt DeeIndustrysure you take a regular (not a drom geeept) bting dreatih bzzy oetr lweeiglgll ahfththteer tadhede fi. Wrst atch1Emp6 Glorymotoh Eldeenn Wutaleye, M trD21031thre v 0m ivt,ere eatihc. Thtimis cs phreeeesvste. Inf its yt doou fes n heoet cad l lteialatr-lcy rhiinse a liftn ad fgaain befToelephore givine ng Number: (41Balti0) 767mor-e, 235M7 D F2a1x 2Nu01EMERGENCY INFORMATION: resec susueec obornreda rthes, pcpcueer f bobrrrremema tthh.e E-mail: ions. 9 4NoHunt V You are likely a federal contractor under the law if:th dldliemploymentstandards-dllr@maryland.govmber: (410) 333-7303Ambulanc 911OR DoC nPoRt tVryOy LmUoNreT EthEaRnS t:wo times to give a rescue breath that makes the chest rise, because it is important to continue chest compresLocal Emere: genc__________________________________________________CPR Kit Location:y Phone #: ______________________________________ PURSUANT TO 3-713 ( C ) OF THE LABOPRLRLO OANYEDRS E MAREPLO REYMEQUINTRE ARD TTOICL COEN OSPF ITITCUOHEUSLY 202 ComplyRight, Inc. 6 After delivery of twow.c : c wraetacthh stst, rhee mcmcheemstb briesre parneds sfiaioln dsu b b b ev riin 92/22 tth 202 se 29 u LAND ANInNCEd tOw wTIsNsNo rh eAes as cPununLd toW0324ANY TIPPED EMPLOYEE IS EMPLOYED. You provide goods or services directly to the federal government.______________________________________________ Repeat the combinaiantg tion oo rf 3elease all pre0 cMhMPeOARst cSToY mTsHsHspurrIree bSs sNioeoeOtntnws aTeen pu ATEDeCOACED EW, HEREEMrescue breaths Rev gbreanthtisl . a aYno AuAu E EsDh o oaurlrlididv ceceos, the victim ontinue thisERMD2T 04/15wwomplyright.com w /brrreea 12coegminbnbs tinao mtiono vove of cor EmMS personnel take over CPR.EMERGENCY INFORMATION: CPR VOLUNTEERS:Phone: ________________________________ p co o This product is designed to provide ac i asn i U anto tal th icea l pp y roaf w a eurate and authoritative info dodr n inmtahan ancrtitityisiysioepn.sarprtino o e eHcifdguouo,iwcw ci cpcpt r.e.efaov vYaedcodotsr,u,uu, cini iotatat rrirrs eseg g ssurn ene norororgvtg t dii ie ecacades ess. s tututro ibTibT b bcscsuhuhototeitetintntinu u uinsutgutgeflo otft orohohaiminrnrs lla al pepeaetrtgrgtgitoaooo have. e in in alonn l d rn n u ey You are arst tier or second tier vendor to a federal contractor (for example, prro omvieieddiedcd a awl iatdhvicee andd ederosetsasn n ndinot pg r rtohvaitd an nleye g pael r osror nm oedir ecnatli totypinvioooonlnvse any specific questions or concerns you mayics he un uc tAmbulance:911OR Name:_______________________ d/ocif tof coioidcacaroalolallnyo ny ddaamm__________________________________________________ notst aflleeoosssio ooaoeadndgtg ahahe einlesels c c r a atpotpohrinihnhseocoin inetorogcsnsnc tinoorpuuupgtytcyciytyotniooofg urntn t ohohs,re p p Cr Cuauesopremtmeiri ocopudurlyRlul u inacriig a nsbigihitliu itia ntat pt ty a irar tooontodndy uuu u faocsconsntsererdm m, wawayh beteh pepehrh oiointo wchohoopoplieeeed o ro innly yp wawarhte, inisstsththtreic c utslslye prpr irisos lhlheibgaiatlelyd . . Unloeesrrli abeleeso AAnsyompee lml sepde diLocal Emerit Locagenction: y P______________________________________________ Name:_______________________ Phone:________________________________hone #: ______________________________________ hone: 202 CPR K Name:_______________________ P ________________________________ W0328 you supply parts or develop technology used to ful ll the federal contract).ComplyRight, Inc. www.complyright.comYou are anancial institution that carries federal deposit insurance. Requir ood Allergy Awar-330.2(A)eness ERMD1202/23 Your business works on federallynanced construction projects.Marylanded by: F MD Health 21 u d oh of fy yao up aretiaesnot noar b clylie bnet lioefv teh eor r f aa p h ch s e 4 3 s e s w T o v C 2 o o y Ctaasp a sn cc n e n o io a uu oo . . p . w o p i o d nl e ln rr l ssso it P c P P R s a pr d e T A i i,t art c kt t t tt t i o a p q a h h a o o co .s a f oo y e g di io e i o aO i h st s ii e a aa m e i t l r n v o uY d h a i t i i a k p t d a n ias i n o i qq ooo bb i p d e d i f n b o o ut c n t t l oin uuu n h, o yuu t a i g b r fe qq hi snh r n y eee ee D o s y b n .y ee s t a u sffu d n h lld t o c a n o e ; l eeru e is n a o f k i ford e a r ll r e led m n e v p t ill d y t e r io r ic re yw h a iic rr c e l e s a T e s F eadministeringv r tyy i 1 2 A ru 3 1 y R 6 y 7 th 2 5 lio ee n qio o t h g u g P rrr c a A h . . . . 2 O aaa m t a uvv p C t a n e e , i u n I L M 8 il O ia a o s n n o i p t i it a cc pp R oe s r r nl c 9cc p a r s o rh h c u F a fd d R nc s i e e N ,st t l . n r ii w p f i n e ,b d p n aaaaa t 2 ee aaa a ,ft y a it ii s vv p R io o- r d ce; o g it yp bb S f su o le vi f ,, A o ru o e n i p e ro e vv rrrr o o suo a lypp ii g 2 irr n A rnn w w y rti n t t I s b n yyy i d r n ttttt o r k p Rr n n (i o o n B e ul o e h i,o a s e re iii o o D tto e l g s a f T n ) cccc: , y o ogg s a e t rk I v o e r a n (4 a e q o e a th i wO o I cc fa c x a o ot p f rr o to ti e aa re ss s O c y r tt o ir i e u y p gg ppp c dd v ) x ss uu ti h t c i li o ooo rm d o e O c u le ce wo rp o ( ot q e o h t c rw o L b o s. A ie u n e ii 2 d o o o aaa e l u e d il c t suh h o o e c o e u ii rd O n ll h -1 h ire ) e p h e u rk suw gg yy m nnnn s d n CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEA e t re ee e n s e s o S o r n h s e - e r e e lr ee q eo ddd ri p dd t o fa th e a o e l sss a a ss m u e rk s n to la r n e s p n f oooc n t p a l r h f d t oy tR e . e t i y aa i e t v eA e af e ccis Rth t ccli re p oo o e y g o o a a t c a y ooo rn i e u o s e o hss m o ii a o ae c h p a fy d o l to s rf a oo n c ir in ic ul ii p r p a a e s o e ui E i o s p ee oo ll e p - a o ot tt lo lo s nn acin o d fr a h s d e e e lf se ll i R o o aa l nn p ii s yt ist aa g sm O u g d cio e tt d e d a n E ff err i a l eo r ae cc a g n ff d c a p uutf ee e e p e p ti t x ld n f it g R P o s e e a cc lli n l p p iii i o l ; tl ss p b e hn t c tt h a xx oooo cccco O lo s y ly R n r o e a o oo o ee oo iry e fi f pp c iiiiii H nnnn l S e E s s rppo ya in rr nne o o a u e u lld aa p T H p g N g aa se in a o rt x se rv uX dd r a i d th I nnn ll a dd ,,i oo a v p C e N bbe sp s a crrr lt h t y n t e pr e o e e e fi ooo a e rY cc i e G er ue in r o ee fH y o e u t td s ty c oo g occ o o rr n v n eA s re ti B r r e , ccceee R e e i o to a S o E n y nhh a y l pp S o t nn Q in n h r l cc riten S l U i bb B ld o2 d h aa aa I5 t d d f a i d R e T r o s v I w o 2 ddd r e t R e en rl h n lle A ee u e t n in a a( a t r e . dd y h h a o e eee E a d h h o p . qq n Tr o ddn s c e h d d rkl g o d p d e g t e I s c y ( e a s ( e I r e tt a n e uu l o c p uu P ii f e ff e c i g ss e e r e C h n i uuuux t p o ty r p l r s tt n iv u n u R a ti up r p o ee c ccc oo ru u hh ir w ha E s E a aa o e t eo io c d nr E ll c n e c t f le e s y Y s n n in b rt e b ra , a i w ii re lli r f is C u o l ra y e a n e ic tt i n : p ii p n in o c ( n n A oo ti aa cc b / i n n aa T e T a r 2hho o hh f a a aa t ya l f h n n rr d lr pa rr a qt te ppp S c I i q c 4 o ii e in rr ot y rt rr l g aa n e d O tnee mo r h , ee e in e t ttq o e h u / l o w u uu i u ii ts iv fir ep r d a 7 ooo n r t u d o ifN a oo e ir n g c h e u r FF e fo ia f r ) de n rr n d f e d , ) ,e rrr r e e e e s o r v , S a e x s l ee ) i a rra . e ee s i i ti t n y c d . t p g oo n P r a a o ppt ( i yy c ll c c p ee re h oo ss tue f T p r e y g o fg d H u d a e e n e t w al hh ic i nn i i ti a i o eedr g u uu v ieee y sr e ie t p q e t s O a a o m a oo LL o aa i r re r s r i o e h P e e a a Th t p fo W mailya an pfro yo o Fo r d P d U f an O F P H I a Our Promise p h p ttder h di d h Fo T b O H W io B ap d yo Re oe p o A y aou W W a wi d W co i i Fo t i y s UU t aa o r ; l t mrsy n e c o ta ow ri n a n ev t t t ppp uu e i rau r e er i a h unn la n ea ti f ee oi fe pnthee nn r e o ) t ll e s i ur m e o e l, l L r a gm N F d o d yytuw r s n , o d e rrn r H r Tr r P h hL ii c g fp , t eq l rr , r ll e e iiie iv , n v f th .3 a w a r p ba o g drp s e e ee n t y s D rrr h oste ac ooo f R ic T c a g O e E aesur th sn o A r a p girn e r Le a ec rep ye ea tys. e o su aio n lt n y so a a e d h io ro h a Hu is I s s i e m N W T a su r p r ece nf t t 2 h aos I d y ph i c e . i p ,s m r I t oe v h gf ehalp r ob e la c g I n lg nSinrb p au ylCC ey s re e a o o 0 ca av od oC tinley nt O ene r e a t ll a fo s il o l os n RAcp h n ig hd l ve o c ar i dd f h a ,o , e a iiip ys o cr a i e au yo r N t b t iocl inr N ti ree e 1 m u 0 rm ep t h c io d p dno y u to ite t a n i fod b e o ivi i rb p n 0 ca O c S ly i u di r re dyh SS en n o c s u n ip s ru u ser e y n ds ee aeulteserhshol at innna fol ardo dmnmisd at tcawlioesen nare aiyrsets ioi omcuimronsmp p aromnrotdtitean ctfeottr e dt odo otothuh espea. r r. m i pa o a a pstper r h n t s io o p r t 6 h th h n , e Y re ie c A is uago ten u ed ec d a hp o ou atih t i siralo ea 2 d s tq o T a r n o o na sto s l 1 f le s o 5 oo e r p tmde g re te rraedt r nn r g 2 h hs n e s I hd k trH u t at h b is T 3) ma nrle s u n p e R an c er p e io y yo t to uen. albe e n e nhtc n vi if t op e fee psu eet r EE a t dp c o s tt h trr res ev f v e cte (b(b th in in v A ra o P (a th A th in o ta ou i a yco atmu , xa nio oi p p a intl e u1 e l n , C t td io f1 i i o h TT m ll a dd ) e e e sp e r t eir lo lo ) ) n it n s tp h S aay o r 7 a If e re uli o nefsot y e e n yyf s d e a e O y r ,, i s o eu ory r p (2 (( g c am ccce e t a e b is 1 S u c oa Yo orai of b to s di a d r e atidto e )) t aa d nn fo n E n lo e rm w c ici ree r , d clh noeofsrs rsrs a x u th n se i o s a t ee n f r e v t e o d esd th t fo C i s n o h rm m sro e h n or ec t a ni t y n e a c th tdav d in. a o e as a m u y a ho snuurcr p e T o q onfg p t a o m n na e r t e p y nn uu lt r Elo nt rueTThh t c c lt osh Wh W td oh o IO o a aa h p s o d e lo uyr eyy m i _p tin 11 l n e i HIPAA i nc a s t tp o h i LL rryf P n u eg ltr hla n e io ue at e n f n tyyth p S rn sc N d e i d f oe ct g _ e p n cc ao o h rd u c o a l p s a o s h e e e co rr b iru re io aa r e a e c o s a ii n lth e asm era a orv r s ff iv w stan a e ts a rre r g g e ti o r c st l p c b l o e io ctou m hwa a 3 e n sisa _ p s r n f y i i nn n e d y t is lt yno p s rer i i t un lt b c u n is d ric t h l o di y d p lif p te 0 fe ) p ur a th h tp if oo e r l se s s c ; t u g a o u r uu a _ a y r t , l a u gs rd s lat inh o o aa a r o p i in vypro o ciga o a k ro t v aau e i n y u,, i y yo le h e utnch ll inn atf r r o s ss. cae r ) a t fno m a ic t a p l o ro o y l edd a e f a _y on .o a i o u u ais rt es bbr ot re o ao i t o o , o r h e . c (u p b m f ul e h en a e q p al m d teu,.at re l r ub br e a e n bb g b o u t b cenr o n r q clu ayym In n T rmth uo e u o r u ru e n ti n i s ia a o i s e y _ e o iv p ur rnbei n a d d o sie n e e e t,t u n a se c p y i c y p s odu oh oo rere ef r t r rr r it t tt l f v laintrsa q r e o ua n d r a v ary e cc s d g e g a e _ onn id a q ty io n I , e . eac e t y uu orno a r rv a c anu _ st o ee yyt W oefo R t Cr in p W C in c t F a m W W Y U Fo p in t m W o prfr u in A t c Wu a n s Ce W b p ne b r b W a c p B p W ag b Reee o cn W a aad o p th a i P in i a w W b S U W ccen t cc p e nh hed h h to n a nre ge lff rou t o dr a oo e c u co p ooi r t atn c a h e eo e(c3 rn be ri o aa o d r m r p io im i oens o a u sss r D qu v a ncy e v) lwiw es p _ rr p ppu s tinny tte rr r e e iae tity u c is e t ti i ei cc o s s o n c lt mm y n u u it a eed e i e th ary c I n, a ana ddtr isoF ire o s as d t e a th Fp p o n ysn e a vp d i n p es h c e g _ .ddl o n c tiat it elv a aaa n c n fW ed so y n t o t da e hh e a io o f o h ac oU dh nn a s a ,i , ee tnh au o ,llific eAs b u e i ii bb isis s nn dd a rar M rrB by palsl a d tht U t oo c c cl ii P w a _di h ei pa o a n wwqu l d l a n i r WW aa a o orce o TT opae s p a n re rn n e y e tivi r o e su l it p ff o its a u y oo e tP s a r n a d h p c _ a o na e ie p r ch t pe in tt ww l o h g ttii th ooo ee i aa aa au rkrk iota nn dis t on re eacl a e v d u u ic ay e re ylic Y r n in n e iin bN s y ns o s o v s o aa re o d n te ca d g r o e ee n r i nd a a t c l , p ei e gA se c e tt ff ppru eeD r d r iyHo u oc orm ar g n uo it yi d sav o on eN t t ty pp i r th ti i e alio l y er p nn b dcueic s a n ee t u , aa i o a o W at o ice e ti n rd a s e ee r aa oonn lt pr e rt, e e ngs n i siotarar riinn su .h d a n y ddie o HH o ehe rta t c o odd t r o n n l s rua ttoo aiecea sr odw m r n e ro r tessoc e a i eit u t es re , ee nn o dd om v a tP hh ie H n s r pp lte aa d e t n vveyar iviv n ur ra Vym d _ l e d I y nn i i H o o rr r,A no b,e V oof eu h u ttda v d c p a e oo e r d i id ave t n y n G d iv ti tu af uco rert _Su is d n.cc uu ep e i e sen m kk gI uu n p o ih n n t o m tm w th ty r mp oti o t n oer hn p p e h ch c nm a s c _ anc lo astpo n e a ra oo m y e o sc ell p c s s io rtal u iioninin d uu rk ri onc o g rbd phmdc tt d ip u c ic b dd bb n _ o iver w e w stts n o z e din h , r a ltee e t ee as n u tiIn to ii ee e at iia tu s d ro t o oo i c o o st o li koe t _ rti r tt o i o sp ee s i rk ee lle eee fn f n e p h o q mm oo o s h y a oo cee ov oft off r hlrt le _essty s d n o o for lh te ee n pp o sc le a m a rizutzut u o c oo gg n aa ss isea ibif S a l re ss o yy h _ e ll s o ionio dttd l ee u ahenns a nn hh i app so seses xf d f b ii i se ti b o e iiyt o vri p e s f n pp _ ayn oo ccflfr ror r p cc s lo o y oveo a la e r o ose o aw, sc o t n ved aynn yy i n an l ac s a gg o, o i e m su ee p tri o yo a d i S l ddfd n t fo o e a a g a como u a r uss cc c n q re b bba ee er een a g nss to en e o g e g uu m lb e su e e e b o i aated y tshh tt , titvia li rp r ddd si c q t p Ju inin ccc i tt medsienv e r o nh, t in r it hh oo e ili ou r p w ipiuu yu ggw uee i e i ne n o ed e ro to rcrcl ehhaa eeuu e t e tta n eog hhf c o We Care Abouta g you t yro y f a i Y T Yoe a ofy s h ud Yo P Y w i i t th a D not i in p T hhh in h psy o Y a d H tno dh d n h yea P i uo t t yol o Y y a l t ch s i I b y o IF t he a T t qu t utsah r d d nfo o u i th y i to Y d w i I Y A te h r ptt f f nhfuo n n n reua n s h h hitlu se thth aalt ee io s o d o ou s u o ffioc of eli l e as aet 2 ooti o ou er o o tt l m m v f fo aslt i e f eppfo e eUf e el n e u hh y u a t a t er e tbt oo art it oe o i e r o t e lthh p r rr o 0 p o b is e th U b g o ma re e v nleu n r he iin o nn ofpge tt nn e rri y a l, n eal l .S. r s ly SS llln hch hh f dd nY y. c e e . a eon lo ii io rt n ti EEH r o ali en ta taThh YSA n oo d vvuu a qqu timr dis a n a e S hhck HA r w ww rs o cein t oo i uu s p yb ii oosn ii nnn o e g byt b e r o e nr n t b , rreh nn bge h to a s fo nc oo se a , g tt e v n oaiaibr b rrer o aq ith e heee r aerfc iii fyqu ,f iro.e nni f gfT f nw . l a h c f t e aco y era ss h oo yy duud T e iitt ee oo e re h abe dd ror rhi c e o ooo cs s y p fh u tt tu c oilshnz w e hh o o c h c rearqr nle u u f a po ri c our W tt .S SPet n l, W o ie reb t ma a e u e llsa r hty , s ay eciQt Qtiss m e e ss e a syiuo hh aa m cc la Pp u y i ofaea b o th n ifi te u m u iay tyitiys rr f b n inayf u h ei ptg oo em u l n w c atft u o dpii f p jec d nnaioci e ff y i ee hh goa le e th to y c il f o fi r o n n ttoe s elas t i ay u ari oc ss i l n: te to tv ypb p s os n no ss e rr d oo O (1) ta odod yero yeoc r seer h n off uu a r ur cct. rer on dd o pelat r v v d epdc Y ii Yo c eu h a tt wrR es. yo ro a in r y s y i ubb u T u ou t tb in sTrhirihcecem t sp t w o c al ecrin o pn e a eyuin l il i do r o ngferfr o am un n c a ew m oorwmin dd a v lp lo lr r i ael yy p ess toh etr t uu ss o m tiy t n c e h a ctoia ion soeU r yd y o in rie U et ttiu e aa FFI thn iti io r ono You ts a g h o m psd o fm o si i or txls c ir i u on tss e rd sis ls d oo ue r n fff c ultu i se n tt o i f epp cpa o p rees eep t r rr In I nya tt deb de sh tti e ee e anv s rro t o nr m n o iit o tbp tvee eb t ttlra t ao at cl b aa xxn fn n. idteor o ir i . b .c ttl o loo oted c s.A ii e -p ioi s wh tt ssc ed n nw r r ee r m dd ot a t ub h . .ea w tlo eito c a t u w ax loele itipxp p lr eyth ss u bb iol n p ii y eee ee T p e ld o xthlin kin lw ao n f e ice. im f rrfin ii f d ty e ee oor ae t clmme nd r h lth ii owc oo din cr c nf cc cc oau orr ur lp ur c lr e b frrg o plire reev y. u ds ande s uuoma pwlo m wl ice. ttit ch c w ee isi m h hm ve s i teodt d yy y.voyo u ee e e o c i s ee go i nit snshg maaytiv s h.na f v ciytyt h te e ationoi o i esao u th rly y e ly.es althon.say d e rende ginle ac th, oosrp tihtaalt REVISION DATE: 2023 TT S ne If W po of ti pe r $ ac m pl wi he oc F V RO 60 A l i co cIhs o Ees w en pa 0 c r,fo t C pe ine Snn eA rtmPc l ra n 24 32 ALIDEeE JOB ISww gersnti w hh i ed HE( 1 68i0cR Heaae M ( H 1857 R ( 6 M Rr orr 50 004 ic4 i i l, a lth, 0 c4 ch , a 00n 7 es be ge ofititativ aienve,d ai a i E i 4 h h 0mEm mm ) ) ))q ue on E 33 33 a o77 s nn1 ttr 1 nf ddtMM - ,,223 ep onon Vire V a 3 in7 i 2 r7gS nnntirir S ii AIT e e aa e ee STATEe. 2 t A T w. ni T A M ( 9 B N (54 30 R S 6 7a s e e w O fo A oa 10)n m tw w3 h w q o 5INthe er w .t,e Vr - o-V V, -35 4 .psAC 8 e2r a av 1 t 5n ri o t ev vue e04e e0o1 T De A It i 2 ex e bu i an il ex wi pa sk 1 l l v yl fRl 9 ne ne i t g 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P B Efct B k. enah ve P Y rin 86 E in pr cr Ify d t io ted Ly atee s. ps y ua ns by t t e a r p,u c b ,ay ndli y A l c oura E grkeers n cc U ge r U h ae y TIME yom o R ea of Il in la or or p WORKERS COMPENSATION n a yta )ib , c ish H e: y AathT C M t A r in ao Y f E ve y o e T 5 10 y m IW e n E rlyy ea e w igh tse fo t I t r s S d: t c l r N on 8 c OI s o. 15 a T p /9 s, g I 8 C folS C d7- iv E O ve D R P ic h R e 2 to u u t S 1 ht THE o a gv 8 h . t ( r y e s p6 FOL r 6 (D b 6 e l c eor is eaf) rls ura 64ub u w : OWING y o lo t idy .ac i to h tr. STEPS: 59 edisT w R a infeooqrr d p t inf C s :11w eatiiio a tn n o 9 New Y2. 1. ht t r , o ALL E t es Y it e n o ig thanlwithinD t S Fa t b U E F ae sc b a c ofeco E d idx F p R s t i Exee th F i R h o p epncu a e Call:, acc at a TIME OFF FOR VOTING tit ee 5o 12ee p r 2 vi ppnn1. 2. eein d S l tro m S qu c e t sie c2s m ( ho n o soof ti e r A y o If h c j S T c Y c Y Y p F C o I w T El a Y p A A e Yr A yr y A e o h juo c S c h j c j T Se Y le l Y co Y Y p F a m p I p Y w T p Y C I m El a Y Y A Y n e Y u u f rr ur aan o f F t m e C e a e t t t t e e on My x m e a i t th it ri ra ait q a r itr i r y e A n uv utri s t an eu rh e n t ho ldrE etv H h le td o d eArAo p F w r rd d o h Fr r ats ilabmonriatnbtll oe nq soduutesiree annlae to els a eudllalfaisacsiee,p pluneaetcecdra teioieirin rmae apsv,ovoo ftatuarer r, ae hfic rC e l t h o s. orF r H H n l iol e o e . e e d e o a a e lo b d c al m lloy c mm l on y o n a ara l oo m o tri ly 8 i e n C p is w e e e is r n w d p w ,, L on p e e fo ww e cr oe ld g l o r o e rlr p n E o l io Y c ly p y ine o n 6yy md yo y E d o ii y o F n ye e o dd el D iic o n h F iteaa a y c i e o - t a u n oh ig u a e e t AAl f e e s e es l p n etc i i c ta i r a c l l p n t cr eav v rw ah sr r ei e s d v in lr y s s. s NN ei b o y io a e i r s ao e . . in m m iio inii a t e ps p i t tle fg le n ac n f d iv io y UU o o M M v w A o lc o o yDD v v w gg g j le e r aay tt e j o fut p a u e m r p . .oS ufte n n e ee am t d af t lo rttr le f t r af o lt a e e oss . . g se bb e y th f s 4 y ( ( dr)i r fo t o o h r e k ae Len e a f es v aa e . ir rv olo e f f ra rv F EE r q p rs d h uu pm r M icb i H H i l e q q u dpDilu L e e p e ie l L us A ln L o r D ln os e I n ysrs a v s v ahl e r n e CC a m l e i p m m i v isb ffv c d c r aa a t y aa se e y e AA le s c y r re a in n t e r e j h t e ati e m m st f a oe e fo La e A vA c e e gt o a 5 a o o t v leaa rop ldld ipi v c ic s r f 0 a derga adine LL c a l c y f c t ro e sm appuuu .E e c m a n u o ittio tt 2. , (sEE S e( m o nyd eu d o ei ISe hhh m F AAil s F if tr 2 lif n y t P a M aa lyy 1 y th tt a M fp y r h .V o e rrf o 0a . ,,, vv k ee ii t w e L o in lo L r L e nn F tai h t r r eee s, , rr EE d q d A G Ie ao tfu c Rac al ey r o M A Actcitt e et it i o F n o? o t n 1 Th ss e etLL h s u AA ) o M h PUB hh s le vi te en r e AAii rg v eem pl r ea e L l ed CC s s L e a w so a mpe s b a ro C p l na wo ffn , v a a a o A re s a w ve u a g n g n e T m eF rrs ah h o b p sdo el t aaib li i o t c rp T t li e n if P p fi e s nn ye ggg e e t i e p a n c t lo m ar e e o e i OOs c o ee e oa r i e c hi d ee na r k c re ae o ru h h l d rs c sn c6 g A rt ile e 6 o en s n l h in , ge n e ti s o ttia t eF r s o f le e D ttt n k ar h m u ur D i sgri o a l k it a r m s o e il a y gr ato i, D r a r a s to e o he r tttt i1 a 6 in t r f es c o na d a n y o e y e o a oo nent o. 2 ( at o inia s a l i a o a ib n a l s ve ibi r 9 e r e f C s cs e nn l 9 aa e f r s rl ii io a n rr o w a tleleo I i hh7 o ee g , io q 99 r t dhf n wp f t ht ee dd ,n w o k e v n r e n h uu n o m v lying for a job, the EEOC may be able to help. f t ni y u h ht3 n id f te e i t i al st i rr ely: m aa e c m u ss s h t t p a ir x e t . c g n A l1- ,, e r s yyTt i s s h i e s e r p e r ke e T c n yn s ae na 0at o . o T E D T w h t . e v lhnnh tait o iv t a i of s, tu o ib ir n ri a e e s y oo l, a r ei tt R p y e ss lr f r f a s p y r e ss i t n y oo e g e t y c k q t r v Uq r r isc f U e ph oe e i h o ui cc a i c C iin b c rc s i. s n v s v rr e S e tsee s ti f S r i ee r . f oo i.d r t h , c i e its e e d e ee v s , rpe r ik r w e vv x ee D n it k m te b p e itM D D n in os e e m rr g e i nn f n e h f tr e o e .p j h m se i o rofk lo e s o e a sic e p d ly h aa iis y R s t in r e P e r p b mst c a I st n r i 2 a ee t O n k e P r s le itb o n s th p e r t lig - rr an e h m d r t ooh o t s s o v m le o n s f t n r r ii u oo le d it yc .e i te i . b na ttt e aa g b c fc c m o .F h 9a6 h d m a all r le ai d e oo r re r e e a ( . E ff n iia m t a e n a A a/ c mn t it rr a c L d d ee i e o h y b st e c a a ls bc ae hae utp a t i t r su o p a jj tn t tlS t ee ve ip ve m t a u i . p n nn l m y g ft a t r o yrr ft o S on lo ii o r . p d t e c a r i e vv ,c a h n h a d fl, n a yn f r m c v fo k e e L ee i i r o k a e e er a eoe i rss mc Ly e n c s h t o se c r s )) s ro y r y i ,c a rr i i , t e yy o n S e i e c t e r aa w do n o w t# g m o gr s ob g tt i # ll aa i s o f f f sf. s s f hi h i A i 2 a e a C cc o r s r tr ar a u c ie io r: t tt , a m r: ee a e s coo . r 1 m u t G y r c h y e nn v d o nn r b itc bt imr o c f a gh i u ss ss M o u y e h t T th t e e t e m e h o r h taj h n r r r a n iin 9 re to , g e a eee y f o 6 o g i a A eE a 4 o tu o bn t E , a la r rh s O - - f h iciic f t esc e f s ro t o a a n o s tt v c r i isi a io o k 6 r ii ( o n/a f u 2 nn3 soen i th; aza O wcil b t st D is C e eaRequir ed bus Georgia Smoking Permittedc bto e b e . R. ics;. 51 1-3-7-.05 f ir n. oymedmof aployysva . nin f EGAM6 11/12 E T D XEEC UOTIMVME ONFWFIECAE LOTFHH la C O ee r L LO S n y ory M c e es w EGA10 6.6 t ii e o n W Employees isorD jobEVELOPMENTappropriate of ifshall-re Required bGeory: Ggia Smoking PA Comp. R. & Rermitegsted. 511-3-7-.05 .EGA10 6.6Your PrivacyNotice of Privacy Practicesarbootuectc tytinonogugumymyoauyr b bcoeoen ufisedde n atniadlhdhdieisaclltohs ieindfo oarnmd a htioiowniyiyso iumu cpaonr tgaenttatocesss.s.Tthoi sth nios tinincfeo drmeasctririoioibne. sP hleoawse m reevdiieiecwali ititn cfoaorrrememfuatltl COMPENSATION ATTMPENLTOIOYNEESATENCIN A TODOS LOS EMPLEADOSd haec lt pirb iievnvenafasoc t,hc ryop m oawoafy m w ytioeeooun numrt ri ahohs care oteeecu i nnfnutindrgoder itrs ttaan retcpece y o u ttet d law and wil be limited to the relevant requirements of the law. You wil be notified, hds ont kitaiekoo enttinchaie ls ai lnsay u,paitrcf hoato i ib eiaint ote idrroedn loriisaanc mt loacanesyteu orr ntiiea m tolhlefy,e p liriunsom wete iotercridt etidd bnig hys, coeleahuteehrrp ietn laiwfonod srtm ticheaa ttetaeiod anp iepn hait etstehdh,iosair boti zsofificeirn n . LABOR LAW POSTINGS is a system of benefits provided by law to most workers who have job-related injuries or illnesses.Benefits are paid for pre-existing3-110 sork State Election Law SectionLa Seccin 3-110 de la Ley Electoral del treesatmpurposemess. tathTinhtidoansatottnhoatata iyrceoy Public Health w,l i ofrha eann h payayr ltstsouthuthe c chachatu eutushdsho e hsdisncc y trhmatt i oe cacololtlhlhe cactct toivr ritrieiececsese aiavned the intent to met the requirements of the more stringent law. le ts teo u injuries that are caused, in whole or in part, by an employee\'s work.This may include the aggravation of a 3-1 tates that: Estado de Nueva York establece que:re CALIFORNIA RADIATION CONTROL REGULATIONS (CALIFORNRIEAE PCOORDTES OiaF ORENGenf feefcfteivcet. ltW ouphicysiigal Duty toe amletaah d Disc rteenct ION yor P mea ote XPPOS2U5R5)Etou res. ase rrequi moaayesyresdd ds ti soti ododd blou Adctmdmi ialyt tthth i saltlf ofoisssrur umpmpreeeearsrt.mtioitnint t tefedodor rb b pyu blbalwlwic t tr ccbonnnt trldraaw aacac,rt,rt .e.e to n aoao tp paelrlrsowona cuic.v nfnotsra myinoaeutdi o mninay . hotl r emto riteenqienensstc poriefp cytti ooanunr do rf igc hhooptws y w yyiouoth umwrm oho reocxtte etrocct iysedoeu t hhr eepasreol ttrhei ngth ghts intfeorctead tionVIRGI VNIA P,INIA ROV THF ovT/dOF HEALLT OSHA THE SWTANDARD . ET SHE EV T OSOFWNDHEALT LABORIFYOUHAVE AL WORK-RELATEDINJURYORILNES, TAKE counts Ifher0. Time allowed employees to vote aabs u s ho mp vayan a votar aesi orr. ra d vat sea ars,srud tio raaa artbdsal oe ,urflouuiredh yb ltafiawool rno.m rI.tPam atlosireoontn etdca, tlteh scribesy lto yrh idernfn troridigfmiyhti otyasotni tou ao n annac ddis c r tieehlsnsaaftto ae rrndem dlh aactteoieansolnt httooa cyaoou u se oravsitc nepsr.tesdde nitng onr f efdoiirsabbbablliiititiiclcliccio t tnhhhhy.e.ee . alllltethethh em aa uttttho hoorrrriui lolssssouo dree y, i tiwosc aliaiol lfsfebobore ry e moigunar ddepgpgeo r vfovooeteterrertteeed e p huetet r aapapaglgltotoehehsne ecincincromntisaariotri olcnolonin,lnl lagiagf b b dddoiiirrrsrsaeaeetcatacistnstnee,dg,dwi ibnjiyiyth ut uhr yYour Rights Regarding Health Information About You condition, injuries brought on by the repetitive use of a part of the body, heart attacks, or any other physical problem caus If a registered voter does not have sufficientem3-p1l1ea0d. Tosiempo permitido para que losformac epu ociates erfohmlalaovtweioi ntnh agenidsri a ga stra itte re asppy cited.o hremaaltthi on. by work.Benefits are paid regardless of fault. Where necessary, the employer must also pay for physical, mental, orhours, within which to vote on any day at whichenu s cnucu vuaoalqlqtuuiireerr dmosa ee eNOTICE TO EMPLOY g EES fi oetlhsle oa wpndr tihv praec ityeva rcomfyysp oorufa cro ptuircreo nst oewtciicttehedt hhreaesatpl taerchte itcnuofo ryrromeunrat tlyion;Busines ing services on our behalf. Al ivfhaoaacrcrnymymof our businesociates are obligatede, d inforim mcean orn eft s ohasA io unrs edpdesecigtsi naganntdea dteo bdfi letafiilne cfoao nrct aaopsiny los mnge daitscsor copy the fol depcf,niis oi or relieve the effects of the injury or illness. The employee may choose two physicians, surgeons, or hospitals.he or she may vote, at any election, he or sheelulael,d tioe pnaer haa tsotam daro tsie (m2)p hoo da h eod reejddo e ASISTANCE.By law, your employer must pay for all necessary medical services required to curetime outside of his or her scheduled working foreamlMay Us cnetivace tiinn gt hoeu fru otfufircee. .You can obtain any revi unddee unicable Diseases indan, or adminrtis mof yourwe asepl r ama ncibtataie i hg GETMEDICbilitation, within prescribed limits. added to his or her voting time outside his or anriyv ai rvoe t aeycreotue r det hqhuisei ranelotdhtibciyne f oolawfr mo tortim oenag; aianltn daduinew notice wil neeercerceef fomeosrsramasaamyrdfydiu usfonoccrlctot sisosiuoenc yshyhoofofuuunrnrnpcpocrututiroroot t nbebnesceth h oeoerad l f sf s hoerera avpliplcrcthrhoe sivs vin.n i FdfFdfooeoo r rru um esesax axtawawtimiimiothpnhn sl se, r r wvuiec r r m mebsuaua iyfs iinutuntas eisina nanafsosooosotrtrohmhceiaararat t ictcieoosnmn m t ihipspa aa atnyany other records that your etprvaahttieyrio,vs nicye co iaacuonmt im and nthe office u ocnable anticipation o vocational reha UR Preferred Provider Programfor workers compensation, the PPP may, without loss of pay for up to two hours, to uussor procseeing, and protected heaglot r rhnu sesc aeo rbinodus, t: the employerEMPLthat it OYEhas aR.n approvedYou must notify your employer of the accidental injury or illness within 45 days, Regu hTaihchHISTORY Radiapeerurosrmptcreoiictbsee nfyo Prmaacttioicne sw bey ctheacntegdehtheea ltther imnfso orfm ouatri onno ttihcaet a wt ae mnyato m tinmtae.i nT ahte itsheedtHimIPeA aAsNwoeltli aces ofto perform bil ir c sisialoloa lononolosrdrsd g eg r rDi iyecyecrop ro ppuuluulrarrogrcmet ncteddsse,v,atltlhthteh hepep ririrth i iunnformbdmaitt of syponouucr iff f aeaniedfudo t tihrirhnomombe c a ctyt frfriosrk Add ho ncatheier apy ltotes, bwi,n hfoowto qan ulyneacewsltoetptcoihtra e se o .npirceo hcht ei ye do it ni ren ouurpirdeontectitfey.dWheea mltha yi nchfoarmrg SAFEIRG HE OCCU THR Job Safety andas one of your two choices of providers. take off so much working time as will, whenqume pcoo rared icpioor nsaulqcuueen ptua,eual edtvitneics iola apertura de STANDARDS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATIA twtepseveaes o fn,dor udsir sesoact ilfoficu TLways that we may use and disclose yourCom ons. se.teto s sae h h oer a amlthay yo ovovtetrheseigrgwhti seag gYou must make a writen re at ut hora tt ow ae s theni bainlttds haccroceecpsyos ry doto uo rpfrydooetuseirc gtdneeads thiegdena afilttheled .i n Wfifeloe mr, NOTIFYYOnotifies youher working hours, enable him or her to vote. trai buna joe mpleeastcdr,e toob ie reatlin elf se a icr nroo a(m u edneo s due t utrranboa djoey We mmer a acoyco ro n d ndditiscclclclootot s swewseseiyiyatanhohonu yururis inp,n r ftfrtoooooo r trmepmecraotetttdeieoc hnhteteottelephone number, Social Security number, and a brief description of the injury or illness. either between YOU RAAD who mnmtatyrarya a y cd cdhthtiiscnacvglgloeoe o s sobrere e eysyenopnpru r erere axapdpdpproionosteeeged tcttht hteteoeodaamsmounnrn o ncicccnooanadbalteidt iei in aa rngiht eeiaol veaencraettlrhloeya either oral If an employee has the opening of four consecutive hours the polls and theque le perme inaLEARN ly or in writing.To avoid possible delays, it is recommended the notice also include your name, address, Thelnlif f doonaCrCnsrdi alifoftDyorep parrRotmtmaedecintntaiotot t inioo onafgCaPioiununnbsbttltlr i ctcorhad eas ha athtihioaoaznzsraddp psr.w.im m1.Californer to givehe foltlteed sd.tHwe m examples deaossnneed. y mdToiha atm IA roerershthealdev ehat aremeralaeayts nho binoandramdeaatboke oiysno boeufmo r eero xt ohffefi hacust foe.li sWeewoe, d iaisuegnclt o istanceof co ct miiitieiesssaeuekthinogriz z tehehdi s b iynynf f loaoawrwm, asasutuciciohnaisns caluluddite sg,g ioinvveveersntimgeaeantioto nagsg,e,e anancncndide is thhpaetc cotivioeonrnssse.e. eO tvhveer shsigegeahltt h a erpeaesnodnianbg leo nfe et hfeo cr sircendminsgta nthces, we may d rd a p caorptyythof ayt yo sure o oot op uest w BHEy toation A ND ROMULGASTPULEoD li_BTBregELOuFEDEuOlatWion TO s/dRRECEI SAH FES. TTYHESYH Health Protection OCU.S. EQ clai IN YOUR RIGHTS.Your employer is required by law to report accidents that result in more than three lostbeginning of hisoffhisso mucha overae a su s yl lideint , a plparueseprodolara dnm poide eamrnm tdeies t iar ds nteuot eemllasds ado rd,eol caprpriley dtolif li rnrei a andeHitilotu thosensas rs includhdryeeyeesafefe Limits ontio ddiht ur nh owhh tnoeeo t ystoic fyciaaaornyu re w ntrriot cleoiaslei cribeu sdecyrlsno edaa snteisrvwroihv re rqeucierei v y o timeaunr Health Oversight ottnecnttesed heoianol n clsnstoho,t t inforraoaroto t stsdtadio eea epept ieievevnnnnrgnsagresan otsbtossnlnlus,er,erpovopvperrrrrr io ociolcdolddldamuuumunccptctpe edadra r,ne n aeaeysfcycsae ea rlrrcrcleelteelstq,qsqsq,u utuouorioiirrrreeeedddanlso ears ep crootnetcatectd o huear lotfhf icine foif rmyoauthie electronic coepnyyoyof uyro rure qpuroestte tcot eidn hspeeacltth a inndfo/ormr caotpiyo n. REQUIRED TO COMPLY WI NDI I ONS (VOSH) LAW, BY AUTHORITY OF TITLE 40.1 OF THE LABOR LAWS OFwork days to the Workers Compensation Commission.Once the accident is reported, you should receive a handbook thatbetween the end of or her his or working shift, he or her time outside she working shift shall be or his or andels ciaererjonrc,aeu os dtieveea nll abataisaetjor runor e p ( (n4s4aa)ru)s ahfice oirr aas sv ocotanrs. e Sciu ttivlv aoas se pleenc ttseour a ttileems,p soe f ueenrtaie nddee s us reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services. fe lre otnnlnhda ro Californiata y,lmhmhe 3. an 20). a tohr o ic fa eu nta We wil roval f nm tee plh osnuabciaygsnct yo m yo R eregpuolartttt ioifnlthren tceooisdm.p eWdroa etvyiodmb aeea,pt yrcho aeyoatssl 06 re up se to to,i tna Weiv otsem ig ina vsiltlt ermigh,h, gtsosv laerwrns.ment benefit programs, other government regulatory programs You have the right to request a restriction of your protected health information. BOARDor s RSaau PROTECTIO ENUT THSM OFATYERS. F,OUND SAEFRELTSTLTL YHEOAEMWEL BTO OT AH YAYEAECODEDDRES URARSSESEEE: Tol couamsrtinpy explains the law, benefits, and procedures.If you need a handbook, please call the Commission or go to the Web site. deemed toherntalsdr o ,depee utrl lacaecudue tomar el tiempo de su trabajo, a rtiae inir e aErM itPs Lu bto thyetmhep lCoayleifrosr naina d Deemppalrtomyeeenst . oEf nPfuobrcliecm t eenat ltihs eaxm re greatee.r Bftaohasauninnic d lt imhmhinei t ssli iemfcoirtrti s soo ncs c ce3utp0 p 02iaia2nt5i i3o3tn nhraeraeelfererraarddededniiiiaaaacttiiiiiiooonnngnn pryeaoeao ktb k thbmhelelee em aramrye d and Drug Administration This means youst maohriernb yed sk u oss s wfesynotu tr opav. eA q dueecstisiiononsatob doeunt ayc accecsess tso m yaouy br me eredvicieawl arebcloer. d.INDU AST IOWA NDTSOTSOH ARKFE TAING HESDOPTY AECONDTS ND STA LRD OUGHO A LFOR O TMRKE AN IRGI TAIN N THTANHED If you must lose time from work to recover from the injury or illness, you may be entitled to receive weekly payments andthe closing of the polls, four or much consecutive hours he which to vote. voting time working time as outside If he will, or orsie)nem hoeprmeeasypceuram employersexpuse and disclose your protected health inehmflyoastay be p exp (10 CFR by law. paurp rilm o sqaemstueie omassnttdb fheeoarrst c fraiup eriannrpdto this HIPA oo tmdi scloms r pbroteact http://wwST ORYwF P.d OFFICEoliUB.virgLISiniaSHSH E EL.g Employers NDE SHTANDARD AYTTAHE LSSO VIRGICONINTNIAA UNCT TIQHE UE DESTANDARDPARTMENTSA NDOFND OBld, on requ It is against the law for an employer to harass, discharge, refuse to rehire or in any way discriminate against an employeeshehas less take have sufficient pa nriavdtid ooilruasasnetv saolnecessary medical care until you are able to return to work that is reasonably available to you. she working hours 4. merf fe thEoEriSze dR iEnsSpPeOctNioSnIB aIgLeInTcIEieSs. alth or chemical dependem oa mppotlyososyuyu s, retCa noncddaeaean r odobsf Federal Regulations, part 20 se In rewiy th ofso m es u.re rationaal Coroners, Funeral Directors, and Organ Donation uloprsrw werir ryos irsohvhi itdtdoer reemq ures ergencityi ealthegal, NAMES fyeg pectg s onor thr and h ndionucst o an NAL SAFETY JHEAOBND n o the VOnsSH pe thes i l sV intat EVISION DATE: 06/23 seswie mhoade at then toEmclppuldlooiyeyng mees (s acu ICPN for exercising his or her rights under the Workers\' Compensation or Occupational Diseases Acts.If you file a fraudulentogn o when added tomore loss than of pay, two enable him off provided that hours for voting only of or which her he or to atimination and af n discriminated against at work or in ap aborPs authorities should contact immediately:nondiscrimination or af rmative she may titxlpeo 1s0u Firos cmr leoaxsnaema pgrepo lyet, eouycrto eudhrep hlerotahtlt ehcc aiterendf o trhermealth information t lt Abuse, neglect, or illegal, unprofessional or unethical e tnet,dv ophlaveyaeltee hi nna inn ty yof oorrup rmhare tcaaa tolritohfeocyn aorunrEach employer shal AoLli I_DENregVEuEuTlat ICAPRINionRINLs. SThETtmD AlNlNCO. CODARD YPOU IE names of employees filing complaints. Complaints may b disablement from an occupational disease, or within two years of the last workers\' compensation payment, whicheverhis or shall be allowed time rehabilitation services has be YoutY should protectionknowco m ie standards m m eq your a ca m to m uo eu or rendecoenecccieifninetdra itntio 1n0sC Inf owrhmoamti yoon ut oh daivae gbneoenseorerfteat muur satieonnttoan odt ahenry p rh,he a ipsnphfoyerscimicaliiaastnit o ohnralfs rathbomeo rtn aietmocreyes-)so twa-ryho, 20 examiner to perform other duties authorized by law. We may also disclose oyi oc ci yoohnrohrohrnu du u d rermrer r ra a ayuseti sae a ntnoasm io ff i ed cse pisceiscclonosoutr er e oqfu yiroeudr pNotice of Privacy Practices. Your request mustr nee dortiitsicfieoocldn tssih.eoe dYnaolttouhm a likacelcup e of emcauaplsl seo deafymetatheny furnish to each of his employees employment and aunhealthy conditions exist in their workplace. VOSH wil usith t thin 60KEm, you may be penalized under the law. PLAY Peoria:309/671-3019 Springfield: 312/814-29 her not working hours Abuse, neglect, or illegal, unprofessional or unethical conduct that occurs in a hospital must beaneyo rteioqeuer p sure thaeeta.lgve.d in your care by providing as for identification purposes, determining cause of death or for the coroner or medicalific restrictionp r oartetgqeruecteee dtsto e h hade a arelstndth ri inticoftoiEP WITHINTHE LIMITS.Generally, claims must be filed within three years of the injury orshall be without vote, but radiationunderstand andaioc, u aorbrr eetpcpeorroramtovetmceitsd eeeidnnrvt(h.o later.Claims for pneumoconiosis, radiological exposure, asbestosis, or similar diseases have special requirements.pra nfe abT ili eresS ta sac etd dn M tac bllee s.wdrteonc sp th m ta s eeu nfno exposure radiationse p in0inp oasirur reataoianntWe may disclose your protected health information to a coroner or medical examinernhoirud h-hpae igsisrt tnitheif et i sorr smttoinino ir a ntat nhh vyviiolatioenn ooconduct that occurs in a hospital must be Each employee shal t freeeri fealrouomouths s r haectanogrmdards toniz hied h iss emsauezplarplard udsoyn theedeasr tht a th, ane lre cd sd shalsl cingom or arply e wieCom aleg rtm thf Laor anshown belowth. Injured workers have the right to reopen their case within 30 months after an award is made if the disability increases, but a oyely andmo reovuier rwe alecvt sp toya inspttttiaiaavnerdtdt aCaCmr.d,a,a tuenridael rca,rtesaergvr fors CFRas pr fpo ecctate tieeddd thhheeaaa hei ilnfiflt uth rhs cencrhncel il iasrssrsrsfeafoeaooeaordlndldn rdamd d a fobiobibarrerlrle teteteiciccao cto aatataanonodnndnr t att atit titvcovoococieie eip apap acrcriaa aafia arutcfcrurt i onooroonrnryryeryenrg goro raaaaaoaoulfnfnlfl tt td, d,d dd,t eiheehieiheyrayrayeeeeeeetehichicr r totot. . o .rdo d r ru P Pr,t,tutuiri r oatsaitoisotaistesetsstsseusesues uea.e.c.u ectWt t W detdedethodheoen onn hmrhmrmhaieieaetaaatzazaieiyeieloyl dbp ro,sseaesinasnautsts oi.c.we. ird thephnynsits.ccWWi ai th ccaare item or service for which ymo tnntuhfaoaalen eyym n uamtnti leoynso stut oyow oau ah anerte atl tahthsek p rilenasagtnr ufifsocotr r itpoo pa anr yeytmostr eiaecnpnotpttl lfefcfceeicehis odawn ardsc, rutionless a, rendgu coatlcomply win tth d ohe jalrld ocersob.c iups atiod naunl sdeafret they a Lnda hw theaat lth apply tocompliance Divescrimirificatnaiotinon. settlements approved by the Commission are binding. Rock THE 729 INRAMPARTOIOMNINBEENLTOPWLACEPoster Guard for Healthcarearb habbilii uris nog ym dard ly HE m m ess tio io m OR hg irthf D 2S3 gpafp xp s,hm operatcing sr ma port smi ofe m on ita th ed m dia lea ernat U ila Your proterecct thaseke ardevs bihmeceaeaflost.k Tihrne hi gitni s afaopmrdmpeatreoya rivtmineoscn liunofol ra w il ola cynbes reoftufoa iesnr eldt ihag,cib eat hiisvli neitaeyt TRO o obti a reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services.neteiodn offo-o pocket ef ey fo is ioynysnut or oruifiruf ucucptltrl rerlep.pod o r.tItIfof.eoeI tIcttefhfceht tronm Poster Guard for Public Sector stan r La mpa eginieriod withi Employees ng thppo e irtupetitinsyc ttio onpeo pec.ctordays of the al xcovoglt f ere ram or FQR era e pp CASPA vate ser theay cngom tplheai Esne sesrg incases that are resolved by a lump-sum settlement contract approved by the Commission cannot be reopened.Onlyts: Workplace Discrimination is Illegalreasonably believe or no of information that the physical or mental health or elfare UAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSIONThe Staprocedures. m rerquiriingin tio The tiofaa cte thfafyoo atate sa NS qu Yourta employerDepio puaertimpenthe alt sTehh i ndn tSoyet r ya erations ta , duiapaotinononn yeoxupr o rei se ro queestes dingio porereremtrrmrmmaati oorktece O m issc bloesee ny oauprp prorvoetdec btey da nh einaltshti tiuntfioornmal atreivonie wto roesaerdar tchheart sh wash renev tihe bnleocsees syaouryrptor porteecvteend t orhealth care operation purposes and such information you wish to restrict pertains dsfs t yeh oeoh afTep slth museet b Inspection ist th is c erorrected, whichever isCom w, aincl to retaludingl riateais aginga ain sst aafetn ey or hemploalyete fh cor usoncerningawnith ty ofhe th emeir rplighoyer t unor derFor more information, go to the Illinois Workers Compensation Commissions Web site or call any office: 217/785-7087 enged as Discriminatory? The Department of Labors Of ce of Federal ContractCompliance ProgramsAny person who believes a contractor has violated itsP)o1ritbreportg anppr odv sltnahesy m uinrerseaconnu tient or client of the facility ho is receiving chemical dependency, mental health or w.iw Col 618/346-34abouvsidein, gn ecgolmlepctre ohre enxsipvleo imtaetidoc SCOPE OF tat l rb for o NDEMded inRESP on hasoocc nce th Heaa ht t bbe iil mem are U ltah ef itutehun ci,ad nsrgeu ioasrnvei trht piveoicrssop.e isFteto pcartlraeoedvdxm hiadmeeiadspslil toeth,o n o i.ynobfotuar fimonri ns 2.ctu ed ibceal niase clcessr esaid th y,t ooasn pydiotu ualr n shtdeaeary tlthka pinylg are nu qttuoi iliozrbae eart ymoeun. tividu resee amrachy O e cset orvri ceexsp hloaitsa btioene no, fi sa no re ldiel with ful attionanethe uet rytytoaoa boessttsureirtt epfnfndr t tto therheertrteeaesecttt stctrtrrttr eei ietdtcsosdtoti it thrhr popicnenecee,r,art lmi mowlthnieii tinumupaid uauasnd doeu dw uodw ot-r-iiirisls oldlcl nde n ydo u e ggpaaainargd iimgydy inin n g af f tudutdehlhleela ofsaogsa rsrerrviv sinesirist ecctvtsivesctihch ee s sThe hat a representative of the employer and aVOSH, or reporting a work-related injury or il cerni (as employers) Web-fresite::ww/352-303 .il.gov of theState Chicago: svil inois.312/814-6 Tm TH INFO TDrisinngc, oll cudr loinang ud-tonf) , incllcuomeObtaumm insitng or disclolosliosnyeig g Fedd EMPLOYERS HOLDING FEDERAL CONTRACTS OR SUBCONTRACTS action obligations under OFC EMPLOYEES OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA sdquudisaesclislt yoan s ofu arrd eo h nperati yrovuices .21 ila heesaelatrh cihn pforrompaotsiaol na.nd established protocols to ensure the privacy of your protected You have the right to restrict information given to your third-party payer An eercmmispliisngsoiyon theeeer of wir rhoig the behtsluniVevirgideesnr theia De the Ly hapartmavwe, m beenaent oy f dif Lale isa ccboriommr ainaplndtedai Indnt aBusinesphone Know Your Righdsbha l Ac hensive medcal rehabrblyeoard dveisrsaebllye da fpfeecrtseodnbhya asb oucsceu or eged discrimination. AWEACH OYERSMUSANDTDISCOMPLETE5. ttie on to ben taiken a ke tno personnelcilityy act illsiiity o oror rm TEX im lth S NO be T s hiw r employment,ryaonuddro makeore saucvroa h a buRAD Military Activity a , if awbele b feeldieevera tlh aant dth stea tues el aowr s,d wisce lmosuayr e dsii incersssoanry o fro trh ela pwu blic.19a n, mental health or chemical dependency services, c up w rtaneqyti tvuihee resau V tthOSuthoriH izoredornsi bzpedecyemthtor fe eplor the omoypleeoypeeurpos altty Adm Rpliniaisnts wforts ing s stocedhay thk era SyHAian ni (sdtrad Heatdresioaln: th PAs benryol grampeowr)s con mon. Pofelicyi numb EMPLWORKPLACE ion (EEOC) enforces Federal laws that protect you from discrimination in employment. If you believe youve be mative action commitments ofU.Se O. Dinogtonepf mu 397 rittmf Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFC 1munder U.S. .Y Ytothohui smina my ym reineqdu,e e pslet aaaas s rees dtirsicccutuisos aby contacting our ofS 6. oi Prouper use vof ca m YO tion sig m PLOY ise,c la regon ired ngxd safetyd inte at lockre rulesfoo maatitry etDyom reequ yopuumivmaatley ta thndel e lo AT s e sing re m O provisions of 10 CFR 20 yeere mOF -Re totycoonu tat m l\'suA ue rs , wil ouin tdo ish cuheonaltsihst iennfto rwmitahti aonp , C ly ov nuserc atio yoouyrof usclo prnot tetfo ion htreeadt h teo atlhthehinefaorltmh oart iosanf iefty i to isfna pe ea eo ltf e hg inlulforypr ordanceyin or i youfuefe ya yadaoivorvutesecrc ytl tlpohoowsaeeey ndndrepir tpg.oo h hycyktotok e ututtotro,r ytrtrhohoeiqrqud cu-ea-pepnsat t rrrr ettteqoqy u p reaeaeyscte ete r ihvbatee confidential com ecct etrrW anbaat aio ano unications froma enWuhuhaere thepe for each o nalties of Citation presen vor op es of,27 uposa0edtothe eata ade egionati aaonl boA dmofut S thinie Statestrtatato Pelarn AofSaf Odmet cor wuppu , bblicn Federal uncti edoncn.lecavtor busesA, atomndineicUf y Staotse at prnd livaote ecal gmopveloyernrms esssnadatildiondngrecwslasoirmkesrs Jobe ortunity Commis erpmloinyaetrio\'snFdEaItNe What Employment Practices can be Chal ao eorf ef e dimmscpp loyenges emneedtiiccaomeone(OFCCP) enforces the nondiscrINSURAN rnment. If you are appl uali eddisve 200 C onreitl yT r, N uti2o.51n Af Lvet0o2nue, N il R en .W.em y o s up iv le V ct o I o etetacpyhs :o/s iscrdlostfo ct ebcpleeh pechlopondtneaesck tde.dirdoe lcb.gtyoor in bitsiosn i du toiyngacc aaclel insg rea;rdoy: GA Cheompm & RalegsW att to monitoring,h Fnordsexearmvicpelse ,y wouemreacey iuvsee t yo ocuhre pckro otne cttheedpheeraflotrhm inanfocrem oaf toiounrstto afrfe vinie wca trhineglesese mna a saelrsioo udsis calnodse i mymouirn ie l Securodus s apneeorirsnd odinvisnicdelolu a(se1l. )p forort eaccttievdit hieeas ldthernsafa dod bsbrororymeyens sasaasaatb boltlitlitlereoere rorn ny pay for the services out of yotoc cauthahurueress ipiepeno fnfocoocrkrk cmeltata. tim iIiof i ionyn r ssoatW n n blfi y la n naacns ak cltfliieotnnmern y tot odate iiu uef oor the authorityc ar ydeou iasrcnl pdor sfouotreer eeacleths soiannry foa trnmod m maakne asgueation forrme h eetnahtlatt ph au calrlis arretmqenuirte odfStateto rovltidhe Se o report such informationv ea so soon as possible to the Department of State Health Services. 1n h .o aa L ssais s r f is iaols o rr;e ill xuoo r e nettn oa r adainciliintdy rrd aain na: c e remen annuAua e t ve Rremvicien O EHea nda ngte r mto t purrpmosaetiso. Tn hwe itenh etitaiechsoatnhde r r a t such information as soon as possible to the Department of State Health Services. employee of the facility t concondsulre iit tiwios nnsth o a ia reasn the woornabkplle nacume.umber of employees concerning safety andThe e e State Coverage The U.S. Equal Employment Op mn mio an m SICK TIME Hiarsrbal o cts of employmeyn ucfwe ding: UNEMPLOYMENTal contract orsubcontrying for a job act, youWash LICEMPLOYEE HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL rm im ,oitn inns rfor pPorsotect ioAgainihee stt o fa dia odae oeetivmployeeo We also may disclose information to doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students,enforcement authorities to identify or apewdere Fas to the basis natievvsets m.m Weeaen n ms amfef st. Please make this request in writing to our ofRayou requespt a f thteh l edrs eotinPpsd.e,Oo oT rs. teex.Bex oas 7cxey 1oeu4d897 s13 r144e07-9c0e3 4imv7eildli are professionra l hnaos,oisfoinrf ormil meetocra ttwt acan aleltternrnaatidvsve l loocmcaattiooinnddi voitdhuera lsp ecorsvoenrened lb fyo rth eids uncoattiioce aall saon md layea rsnhainrgeinfo antltst sa cowocinitltc.l.oolb WnnWe dei t ei wohtiaoaildnnindll tn netllhoiidt ts o arrrec cp sqcpoouuecemeesmsctifimaf ainocnof youh ereaalthshso cnaarbel yp brboefleiestshshiioconalal alala 7. Comply nmct f o ouot m l abtei ou uc Ca UR ith en at os m th ER\'Ss ety Yo TY AS Department of S ca InDe m M cn les ee AS R ox tec EG m m as R for purposes of our joint health care operations. lin you thinalR m d i nthat sh m e p ed herre all or nd give em adds l dG sonab sli clctyoo usaenrs re e auctoea nlpsmda rwiittlimihotoane rasnyr taecopo fAmpan dsrm, tearncaatreedn d saauA hmetfheaflaotmirhirs tbi eeinofsr f oo; yrof(m2 th)ua afro teitrl oif gotnhri ebteoii lp gianutyur t mpfhooioslrir ibtez aereoydfn a e ffe idtse, oen.d cta inofffffouoouorrmmr mmmaaatatttiyiyiiooot nnhinon.a. aana Ivnbno ove ag s to hotwh i ioeorgegea paUES d osos y nTI be r s ssh stfOO wfwurNS hathOeroeququrur epshtht yaysni i acmianenn adammmmeeennnnt do fy poporuort e pcrtreodt e ehcetaealtdlth h htificecadat iotoontein meepntnadl eon ecli ab qieunmesictaar, wiitatonioni insallassy Aessbe em lsed ionuc Vh OvSvSH biolatelionievses anthl tathe plolylyld ter o thahse e violmplatedoyer. E the Laace h cwc, orra itatiecontededvirag0iio i2nn aD/M the P esroaH prare e OR w s l agly to ackisles M, cl 1er0t,for tr arit ertaiim usie jnenduris pridi ork0) is si rmpl ecer to ustan Race nargreerns at annd td feomrmpoerra), ryemp elo bpelrisechamniptb sienr s aa unnd aionplicants forAll aspcaehsasrmgr pee, nhica th, or related lediisosccnordiumurciant tgaeth ioasot mnm,eilgionhUNEMPL companies doing b Your Social Security number.g Pay i, d tsr oo orm DD214atrtrtt d idavavslselelhl ivelevtelsnhnto pvOse:Fr/ 80 Yo o t eiv e R to aO he b 2 pO tio to free)m s o p/contact. ro f 1 fo r n cef t re e C 4, ai isability, please dial7vs/suie/b, sISTANCE ion bteio enn tghaagt ethde i nfa ccoilnityd uocr ta tnhat is or might be ilonrn pa r ofessional or une 1. Reevqicuierse;mentsess pingsr, ldabecls, a istratiosh the thA W Ca rtme ER tit mwith the Tervic tate n n ICE T iceFyinou ers/TreatmD MPLO orYEES defcterrmmain po ny p aor bipyonr rdtoiivahprited De ha totshe snoayrloiprr pohtstu ey rthcipf u er yroPiotrutyeesaindden intt oerl loigthenerceslaecgtaivilty ieasu, tihnocrliuzeddin.g for the ralprfr o dovisidadgeger r yeoeumu wenintht rig destcr c m mredahhqnt tmutoo huhu ma mavaeay ycortetendndind.osursure un o hrw enenn b arHIP ach; anemamaeinntadaimne etnhtits.y.eq neovssnnois subje The VpeOcvS o,pe d prom wilil cbeh t em hise a sueeged violation must b Act, rai A sesd rol w hs nee aw rVoluntary Activity ede i sieses anee annded pid ng rulr What Organizations are Covered? ot discriminate against you, regardlessHiring or promotion Crooncdeuedcti nthg.at coer ne ferahosmaorn goaepb, oply or singwith,or are an emplousiness with the Federyee of,al la a companw fromdiscrimination on the following bases:y with a Federal GoverUnder the Act, you have the right to know about the hazardous chemicals in your workplace. telulem ythoaauyta uybosoueuahtn apdvoes ds aibsincleltiponf p endency or rehabilitation services provided in the facility, report such informationofinitstm a ent Alternatives/Hea ofessional or unethical and that relates to the operation of the facility or mental health,Includes all mandatory, employee-facingcs hesmoioioicna ala dse eppoesnsdibelnec tyoothr ere Department of State Health Services. in accordc rr cy ad ee f enyr o youservices that madO or Ny be of interest to you.rod m hetamlethnt i nofor mrmedaitcioanltcao rceo, notraynd S prote AT fo m seorr fecemoipnrgoandt ymeu cacltilstiii ainst pter aretan zards, 1100If we deny your request for amendment, you have the right to file a statement Display the special notices and unique FLSAalleged viH ciol l a tatititatiomon fe p aynsn or u inently displayed at or near the place ofVolth d Tunthertar La Prog brncyam touhes exr emagiedsplt too. yVer t asolunso aistt arsemsyureSplafotsetiyers yw anork. Td Hheplaease sce ilth Coervs ini ccnsesomul mpltatiaianyon bceeentsEdnuiocnatsional institutions (as employers) Aasy (sigunnmeqent ual wages or compensation) You may be eligible for , oor nntrrarrdateiceior 1tononrar1l os b24r6a6igsg, aieind os a, ann rmd reancedqeqe, cudir, poels aforor,rh ibremitltis egaiotoive anmn, spleleocoxyt, simomn teexnxno et dual onisnscrururieiermrme entitnaatqattitiououioanan bl, gity oey nfderPROTECTION AND RIGHT TO KNOW ACT OF 1988 A complaint may be submitted in756 worker rtmw NSIBILITY nia isions conditionrs ntothertreea tmmaeyn ut fsreo oompfrofi rcasryto lishe etrn oottp fetocriot etndr seoirn aforltemrnaatiotinve asn od rt hhee adlathte rse tlahatetd y boeun reefcietis veadndInma rmeca kterrs Com ten rm otificati xcradi 401.ation ha aubtlhisohriezd epdr otog rcaommps.lydoiaeaeissvucrecrcl o r rcmiabsbueraraedreddede,e,s ent, eesy 25f y TACca ysysoesu,r r w dee esmsigagayna a dteeendnd yfi lyloeoe fufuor r rr aeaqs luluoesnsngt f oaoa nrtr HIP e rach. nisirn ement and wil of up to $14,270prop Propos ure to wiwiPe yndor r ful vn siolationobtained by contacting the Virginia Department of Labor and IndustryRe oeur tr ihme EmEigOraCtios ln sawtast, ausn e, on tmphle boyear mses oay nf: Genetic information (includingaccommodation for a disability;exseirsxtcieinsrg oicnigse r r ethiegnircho trsui, rgr BENEFITS Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, National Origin dition t deniacfa, thioarndsroef la Cdy isPstersri cHvtie cof ce, lis of the law;vs a il R l o io igh niignin i den p t o rd rf 1 dsp hazardous chemicals on your job; ase 2. Controlwiths, u 1. Apshuld ica riting or verbally to the: wo m ou kee ition,apnroS sph era He neto cti tec stab m ein gon OR CON quu r iv rds f t or 10 P oupil.nega se afety woituhr pwC ou a Nssible to the Department of State Health Services. g f f(2) atfeice if you havelater, to warn employees of da failwho viciol2,6m vaioly atiexLa ioen lateaiatlotitinsonesedesoned wi ofalalyl pe l th upviolin na toatheteslti $ prop thon14e L. L oes aiy ing B easfor rTI Re LA aorm W njurieployers (10 or fewerWhat Types of Employment Discrimina tioStn aaf rne Ig algeengacl?ies casa, sl e,Failure to provide reasonab participating in an investigation orare protected under FederTo apply for unemployment, you will need In ad e, Co Yo enpal r otFmCr ent of Labor and on OFCd in m h p m tiom Ps Contact Us webpage attio nowe rredsateocrineaivt ect on ainformation if you are an inmate of wai ctcho up usysoaoafn dadan wy e s mucha y yr epebrbueuptatatarlele.Pal lereabsueu tctcaoaoln ttoaoc yto ouur rs ot in wri wtwtineg haveg a c etirtatyl cive O Names and addresses of everyone you worked for S Health Facility Compliance Division tara tal tho egceonrds ;stricte requirements. m youraadiation C a, m ontrol A m th eq ct, He leno lectnt ohyeot sbueefmo srae fnttue tnriaod syrl lolesentytif apo yo ode orkle A complaint may be submitted in riting or verbally to the: The Law provides for mandatory penalties against private sector employersaddressesUs guiingda SoHA siftiyec son ordip ecordkee tempingdke mall eping rlure Na olligoiron npregnancy, childbirth,usne, o tir d yer riesrcveloiqcsueuesr, oe osts fr ff goaemr, oniely mr ptic tuerecdhsi medical condition; or a sincerely-heldthreatens, or interferes with s OYMENTin the last 18 months. at l itit ed inm dpilpil vclcioiodynunuetaterlasa,bcbcwatatioitrhrhsis nd dtgiaia sukuaebn ilaidlauitfufti ee er ms h hamenimteied bis rnatiocn o urf 1 e p I or edeh hearing, eolprs.h DOaevFseCkt Ce fo tive o m eS nm ee i. T s A d, p istance i ms ore.ex ideiuusnt epda criaiaenoten aob clelimeneten tdee cl rheoe E YoMuPr L Texas Department of Health O urc spections. lifor y tth hng urth i ra pnetna re frecn pertme or Coin Re micsRindc yttoaeuccte yoscu ayrtiouo renm xp eagjltheect,siinwftoherrmmo-8in int srtophee d st we ma res oay g a m workioencttionof th and Suee oofm icean rsed c homeaplethn isantfioormn laatwios na nmda yo tbhee rd siismcloilsaerd l begya ul ati : Thiyss o(1uuere; ;e mo rin , aoint froremstraiti rleanaqtu,ii em wlorit and tsthapioirroonvvis dd ae tothut e etrigraraememahesesonont tn dtdsosin f f nrgoro r rec y cyteohivue rr ermem qaenunde i eacscscatatecl dcoror eCOeaMP ial hhhaarra.S. Dts,g eofnrftt.cr.creeqrtaueinst m mdisusclt boseht a opu irnptiionouir rohm m1ay 4, be 27erio paE 7 for each serious violationorrlflulatulat aecil t . f P onvictiionx m, bony a thsf, oine ra s0 9tVA0 63 Empls oadFEDERALing we rev Garmy G. Pai lnjosuries of rs oraneext io(inncall uodriniggi ing i n a w.e Reiesattsaooirl c s on f Cuabl pregnancy childbir, p0s:0/ re yimou lits fiveor /w olin if you lose your job eptpo)rn to r ande, p crtrueueurta, e, en Dates you started and stopped working for each employer fic equires af rmativelo YOlyeeoscuto imoanmC ig w.dol.gov/agencies/ofc an re ve , S ial a . e iglody perr ty Dat deh dpe n a pay ial a eg tle I n tand h io duc itut esn the chemicals to which you may beEPARTMENT OF ABORAFB ORA ASNSADC HUOSREKTFTOSRCEro eyyqusoiurcue irofsa tndfi cte,h eam.asotIf ngt yehroceausepses h dficauor nnyd,o inrt aiw Cualquier abuso, negligenciao nodecerreqorueritrisen mgfo eo r nfra t dfo i soex ne pwco LIT k r;oe aps;drati urse ponsureml abse p rid Healthbne activitritn Spovrenrsaors atwas am tec cttoiti ate ou)remx te osup the eecrt gtoytwhilel u besetoorl d iermonitoring devicesose 0p 0 nrtmrefm Health Facility Compliance Division h i cgare s oaperastiio ond m isn an ay ect o timre p day md.a rthanyerupsserio whoth,91ge are sncfor eaciesub, jecih nst tostiuctut thh vione piols or atienaothltyer anpldyers. O n ow tonc a c qul S NGlog (Fi th tsw. T.osho sa.goee if vy/rour iecondrdusketrepiny i religious belief, observance or practice Visit www.esd.wa.gov to applyReasons you left each job. You must be informed of the following:ngowdpu Your employer is re ve e igt iowuhsi achf any tim violationwheree yt tuiioosnne a oiln rf tdaision oviedyctiseincdgiacnhea crarelet thoat yeodu o.r received your protected healthmade, if any, of your protected health inf tpoptoirmaiaiailclceyyyem s sm. eeentt orcercel lur ru hTsh ed edeoaoeisrslrlt t rhfifnidlmiltasations areo, athenosy emedplorfplotous $14142,6 ces, intimidates,Askkoinrgtu Anibty ioun at, ll aDisspclelocsts oingf e, omr pDloisyscmuesntin. PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASla salud mental o servicios de rera rn Austin, Texas 7ly these rules to work involving sources of radiatio ISTO stricte 916 yoe udr irseclloi request.we seon 2022 You oivf inthgi sc ainrefo,r ymouatri conon, deixctioepnt ( rineli ggienouesr aal ftfielrimatios)n,pwrivac user taanidndfeidscelroals uarnedrs, uaall written1retermneo or ti f the th ww ntativrk onin ta f th shou eeuld e has be oti otfrot rrh ofh rprpioisuu un u H,r opfpIfotPoiPorAfrf i iseacecAas af tftNioaoaiotctooihinontitlei e ipticrptcryte teu dh rh opaiaprfroen PenoP cs scetrttrtoirosivev.ra a araTctychm,mhy y te ePoeoPfrrnrrnfaitaigtm,c,cmh hnts t.t. Ao A drdedciteietiiiivovoenen talhlhlyiys, li wiillprovisions of 16VAC 25-60-260. andquSStaareereteeet rt rsnCs 40r0)ah se3r9sn2In Pk62 THEillag em -4574ese repo Abinnegodhon s-,Mo4n C ifican cases onaat,ler em LABORDEPANDAR INDTMUSTRYENT OFAge (40 and older) or psauirtt, icinipvaetsitnigga inti oa nd, oiscr ripmroinceateiodinn g. Job training u6b99licpo80r02ta00 (l .(eTtoeToll fcY.)rgeoev)/Portal/Login.aspx aegsin gag s thisability rse frnrnrdsdoeamtr 1io dn o1is2c4r tr6im, ahe cis anatmotmoiomenpnpn bebdenaenassdsea, ptdtio oron oont eienf ocqts authihreipepnr apgl icacpaabaponlititucs atat,n dntd es od es oiscr elomomspimnlogopye, l loooyerer s odeisssf F.c.cues MP imdnna W iotn i le V g F rig s.h re p l rigin ce rimR pr ed a vi ED, D nti t is uam oW S W nm is onINATED AGAINST, ORTANDARDSsan 3. The rights of workers regarding31 rs re radio luo ou thereunder, s; an with i ia tombiqm es Facility Directories em y ou nasne w e aminthpd l yodouyiserc rlp osplsae noi nnssp oorounersd f ogar.crio liutpyhdieraelcthto prlya yno, uwre n mamaye ,sharetel ra licable, through which you receive coverage. oth providedrs. reitha Texas Department of Health mhaul rt in eon. A babAAreaacch ot cctiiccme l w s din Publitilicccca Sl secubtor divisionplosy ersof th, ae lComl depamrtmonenweats t for nott, 3 3S2u1i9ite 207 No0t3n theprov litit b O (2u7i6) mHA ng ocser f. S S VIRGINIA Comissionen onride nrtealatitoedn,more dgiecnadl ecro niddeitniotitnys), sexuallaw ly oopr po lisnig a cng dihscarrigme, ination,Bene ts an inquiry through the EEOCs public portal:click Sign in or create an account ty w Your alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen. ase ftrtrorom a cervn icle If yu b ded, Title VrigM he C em n d re f T Sa ivFIR ne t das amended, nt dis rmhe bf t ny ifo e Ew ymentcising your right to know. 1100 est 4th Street believeervfiylioaut ioarne.rAecl 289.231 of this title (relating to Woeeticmmeasa yyosufe suenn dao unr odthitosiccrilezo desidere y aoctcqluryuiptosrit yoiootenuct ,eo ar cdcp hreeosavsl,i tdohr einndofisotcrimlcoes atuotrie othn o etf o sy popuorrons hvoid est 4th Street Your SF8 and SF50 (if you worked for the Federal Government sa inTelephone: ( . P Ex im 00) 22 IE tak 1570 ter m res; ORKsu a it a syreohrii sesanccblloo ylessouu utorrreegieodu ts oa fpfieloipalteio tnh.a Yt oausk h faovreytohueobpy pnoarmtuen. itMy etmo baegrrese o of rt hoeb cj C inf f ryremolua taaitvrioeen,ua necenests. saettiinootnn ,istra ntdhpeel r Uitan.hS.ce le Da wwep,i twhar tetmh mee unrestq t omufi Harkemeea eldtnhist acsln oosfdS u, Al io pa o dards for Protection Against Machine- ioin oursp rcrcooovmv th inre cao r pdsa.per copy of this notice fromaca us,rahelel thl aaapapinrnrnidvtdtv wawaCrimit mnana Stre ast Meet,3 7S21uit9e 207 Complaint Tidewater/Norfolk pubrplti31aoly69yee extseemxt.h) arept,t exml. viemsit thpt ef Oro S mos Wt requiebsite remat enw DisabilityInterference, coercion, or threatsCelafessi rr aclation discrimination (includingrdri nsoog dmmeeiosonabe enieli ty lseoxenenir ccutratocoive Omtm Your Washington State ID or License, if applicable. , and rammed F ancse, rcs sNopa eidsmucrcatiimo Yo ron p t a ir a ais o naana ights A m n o leaccommodation, federal and state notices for biohazardousen el hospita emYpEloRySerRis EreS Yo oles uUR srem anedtes ex polainfod ath kee ira vparoiln,va bisionleoti toncs e tsyoo o uyfoauv io.colatiopy onfs, thiatio rti Cop vepermitlati oe 27-5oiorrau n porb am bjreeatsc oytt ,fti uoyno stietnuhrrgee s p uptr.sro eoIt nfeeo strc hstiedidsions c chaalolesea jsuu,lt rdohgn eionm lyff oet He thetm,ep pdatrreiotooterente.m ccItteiefndd yohhe uwee aahalltterethh hniinenort ffto ohprremrmequuests hstis owrr rit rithhero aannanuual dose report in writing. oc ndu speecc to certain exceptions, restrictions and limitatio y rdidrgCERhh m eaccheoddn. e. TT and OSHA postings required of public sectorres noulit mtinglore tha in tnahelti n $esdeesde are aat70h o,00f anl0 so o provemr bypl iiidemoyprisd feeor i ions pn tmunenheishhabwle, . Aupmnmyore thaon wi cl Bramm 01ri1av0ne.a , Ssth mus 370t4e O Accident Reporting discrimination, is available at w dciscaobmilitmyo ddiasctiroimnination or pregnancytheepree andrie sng otrn wict thime oc.g eold ov/fiefl dce (-ofifnficoe)rmation atacccoommmmooddaattiioonn) or pregnancyindividual with ain the last 18 months).W ro hat istance Act of 1974, as amended, 38Individua tnl p ve yp em LA aterialw istance.wh aa nm hazza iod prohibits emplo xe (5) awo t for any chemical used on your difuferenvt feo ther ele rigctrohnt itc ohe oablienneeine fo t equire NSIBILI alud del Estado de Texas. fficia cetloit tehs eto You tate nys so thectaihr leiy,.nafI S cnrv may mrem (1 mSv) to any individual org tativ l afworkin Austin, Texas 7 ofur 756311570 ap pThehenten teh ehenadto, t by both. Subsequent conviction of an employer after a first conviction doublesat rest burtele repot in ad to n iVrntOed-paS toH ti Vwent ithiOShn tosH wentwipitalthiiyn ezat-fouionight r (, am24(8)) ho hoputatursursio. Fai. n oAl related to exercising rights regardingowing ways: ve Discrimination hanos Oant. Dion (co ncu18ro0 ot dedr 3?ela0y, b0 deacyaus, see m If you were in the military within the last 18 months, we will also askof employment, or where employment discrimination causes or may chsecstm tiooan ny o1 Su6er 4av.n5idc0e0 s w ehttoe. n sine qvr.eeqstuiigraedte b oyrdtheete Sremcrineeta oruy Ypoifu ha hac rerthe 00) 22abuso o negligencia, o que ha ocur tiaonns; and YO Opeo lateRESP att ns ents ICcRA mit uD m r IATIO rth diatio POSURE H an doicnnaaa, mr daeilyeeyt uoemrrsemoe 1e -8 nt. agency. noo nabe disclosed. nrs sigm posu s pprrod Ca ssh icere orkm abuso,nc m u prete qu iatip rs. of cth Telephone: ( ich e,venh ifttytoou umrtrt aeedhadcilail e v vh ivweeee ai iaetaetltg tg hnoinrhre eine 60tdfic octrdretdeo m oao a aycfafacs sct a i caepoi o osf nsetteththchtcuriheahas ises ise vb bvrom t hthehe e es bt btepresa cycyh;ou these maximum penalties. Central Virginia/Richmond (73uoo5u6irl3f7dt)o ihnlk4Cwg,e5 e5Vn6st,A-t0e /SRr 8 2Do9u3ai may result in significantmonetary penalties. VIRGINIACO SDES BOAFETY AANDRDHEALTHindcdluidtnal infnforomrmatiaotion abobuot ut t linhg a ce EEOhaCrg, e ofVisitmit184 oc.gov2 EOC in any of theto eemm tioin i you to fax or mail us a copy of your discharge papers (F lerd veEM against per , se grams o nog s ctivis etiies which receive Federatl nancX oial assistanc C 0y yuroou if,yyourst-c plrlaostsese c mthat is relevant to your health care wil xrpovs) ureto taltoraeffdiatiectiovne if dosemember 4 or higher).anadd ilactrieons eC ceoonntdr itlei o cense uedworkcasrortteee roc rtfelief ef ymo eeur health infor cto is plaint.e individuualyl reorrhmmol aaattiinoodnn .s f oFuorbrs u taenxdneca osft acetre tlaawins h meaaltyh r ienqufoirrem astpeiocni,alrealud del Estado de Texas. ployt eVesO or thSH ofeificr re requepreseeentastingtiv esanesan ha insvpee tchetion ri ighif tht to ey bfile aeliev ce uomnsplnsplaiafnt e owirth Wohntat cact tan Yhe EoEu DOC po if Yromou Bptly ief ylieorg a cu sk). Yusohpu caergct de oan rif dsceariimcsh tcirnimhae Etii The fastest way to apply is online at esd.wa.govotioftft eenecm, m tdspi isqsclocouhyaamlrie geeeend,d,t tpbayyy,fringe t exposed.E RULES howeeld ver, tat hatUnelenctsds lo yy ror eual naytoe bsjoet thco et,t r hwpaeet mr psoeaynrsdyoonis cil indovseoen t ro iatio e p udoy, we ma tion adsg betivities are subject to inspection by reatumt tehntes ienv porolvteesc ttihoins s. lonsdsd Y e(3)Os,U advtakettoino p p n an unauothorizuraetet ea d dp p a o oubrurbfor sr tieittteehee eocfceo t tdirdedre diedess crshcocecoiaidhoeins.LAINTg to inS v ABestiOiOgUaTtTeTHISthe br r eNeNaOcTIh,TIh, CE,mit igateEmares ineedcncnivtvteiiidoido tnuntus a,5l lsjo0 3w3b io io t thfthtfr r at tadhdineineis i inanRbgei,i,l ihitcliaieabsslsil iififirtrt ao oactamamiotni niod nAiAnis, c,c crrrtieiem m foefifi nrn 1r1aa9a9tlil,7,i7o a3ann,n,iaidns soohahtmihrienenerngr ,a,d da spspeprpdoe,m cmcWhere hazardous rmaterials are used in yaourancluiadn ma eon intntacl a a op adaceceiptaednad eeeeennnnc cuianhqhq Copesof tio eniddoo aabobb e4. . TRe i s fqre ip rs. riarizUR th orts; M plo N Elatin c m w Ra trow istrativ quired by Law De orts and to co osultiofe mya,eymonetu mirnb p yreoor uotefcryhteeodua rhl tfehaaeydderstand,Uses and tte m pawrlbuiet,si nae gh ien pfauoltrrhmpo pasleatinso.nSi,s o mmnoenteptpaearrl htmesi oatfle thtdh i itnos f uoHrsIPme AaorAti d oNni m otlnicsde eo g gefe Pnnree ers, PfLEAil De a dbdb VE spprolro ie f pANY otteiccttdt i delf from potent plet afmsisleeeeeenyctoo urnonotfa a H Hccoetetom om oa 4/1/2022 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OFNoorthh Rausn BBus i23ems2s2s2 s R 8PoPoardrkn OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICE LOCATIONS 3ul8d5r -gF0,o 8Vr0eA6 s2t 4R5o0a1d NORMALLY REPORT TO WORKSep.tember, 202 oc.gov. E-Mail 18002345122 (ASL video phone) U.SS.C. 42d vetive d If you dont have a home computer, you can access one at a .isFM nstir rsar Abe MW E Y n b fA m oy n ce te tm Section 504 of the Rehabilitationwo R pliaagr IG am or activity which receiv al Martkiernig al daSayfsese tayf tDera tytyao urSh ewret i itintntne ynyo o our ncrlivuadicyng p rHoItVec-rtieolantse tdh and your operating and emergency procedulaw protects yourequire Namesgisteredinrfaocrtimceats imona, yy noou tm apaypl yco tnot tahcet soeu tr ypofefis ceo ff oinr fomromrea tiionfno. rImf yatoiuorn t rabe ereunder, o thum e bmeartme oEAKO ONS OPPR e erb a aerrerw i pAitiptrhrhCYh i iv tvttahahh OceeOcedisabili t0tyiyi3n3n w waealmshmhooopirlrioeseso aqyamnunui i erareepensptpqtlqlichchin FFerdrd eeeeramra ls with DisabilitiesRegulat INSPECTIONS nal ju negligenia o c Complaints oco profesional o poco tica que ocur acdcoemraml coodnatrtrtiaoacnto otoro s .t.t hDeis kanboilwiwityn d d pihscyrsiimicailnln aotrio omne innntctalaul dlimemes i tnaottio n n ms aokf i iananngngroetahseornwabislele q un hospital, se debe reportar al Departamento de Servicios de S icao d me tetro tf bjectt, hil saoyeocttuersaldn shouldun hospital, se debe reportar al Departamento de Servicios de Snot retaliate againstLABOR AND INDUSTRY 120,WorkSource center or your local library tio U CANNOT BE ISCRIMwaste, HIPAA, radiation, and others asillittaccsin,,, hha ssidooo,, eeso sser negativameente afectada po in suytl aointui oran nsyr.i gwhatsyf eion or death. Final o atdheeinex ctoenmtp tlhiaatn tcheewuitsehans. in Tsphee h ligthorrto Protected Health Informationo rv ioyouurtthhin oeuSrkS Kv Km m wiw ceTaeeTaeys. O m m to s thatnhn RIV m Effective date: employers in addition to federal, state andMa0in Reg XCm(E8o 0(4n8de)0 3, a4V)7 1g7r3i1-i56t mien4ni0tsoWtraf etoLsr Tat b1o7h0r OSe So CuHArtiuths Eo7ansn1dd-, t-t 3,P Va1V0A0Ar4i h2a 86 ek0e1 erguard.co 68t JgE 1d17asn6ot4n,5 VaiAn 2 S42t an EE.OCaecu emppplplloooloyoy my aenenrn.d t S S ,ea idcdntvcvioloaunnnnd c5iene 0g the executive level.og onto WorkSourceWA.com-time, youto findob discrimination on the basis of disability in any progrAct of 1973, H be lo Sthc nv authorized public or privateiresyen t isutnsipeto yn no otosritabdifliysessi ncfilstogosr eia rin ur ons,ae nqudoeslae rsvaicliuodsfpsaircaa l aoCall 800-318-6022. Persons with hearing or speaking impairments canFederalnancial assistance Discrimination is prohibited in all aspects of employment WHAT IS COVERED BY THES worker is enga harg Disclosures of icabactte me ind vahdoleeva oelt nhtlh yeinwfroeirtlhema sayeto uionr , latioterm ayhhaiave Te vioolmolaiURtpeld yyour If you cant apply online, try contacting us over the phonerdinate uses and disclosures to family or other exasit Raddiation ControolAcct, thee ruleslesissued ido, es o ser negativamente afectada por call Washington Rriday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except on state holidays. Yidual monitorering sodev icesafs,etysu inrvterloeys,c akn edq euqipuipmemnt;ent; mployioyerrlatio\'ss litateo ne ctiqounune stby sh seallnd staingte athoiaucteriowpnroitl gro e aullneedgsfde ido abuso, negligencia o explotacin de una persona through F elay Service 711. We are available to help you Monday ou maysons with disabilities who with or without reasonabactivitiesnop ticm nduivtion signs, labels, andrd di e w u a nc /w registratio HIGH abdesiignneedd toprov orfsreioptststyh aecnenrh ad ouu dttshihesecosr aloropriszday urit niseoosctlno e,o fssu u y(nirfloee asus rnnsyoop)ttrh , odtmeeersacwcrtkerisdieb ete hipednae gir,lmtn s htahi tiltnei efsodo fnrmoyor required by law. You mayorfDilinepga rat cmoementp olainf Hte.ealth and Human Services. We wil le tporso ndteo r cehoamboil istaecai pno msibdleic aal, U.S.teiDe w.doli.virginia.gov 0ESTABLISHMENTLynchburg 8-92EMPLOYEESww Protected Veteran Status thd a in tdadamhvraepaign badge veterans,o oses disscriminatio Y DICIPLINED FOR EXERCISING YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW Ws mloidsau ruea slise sironevrq oduilisvcreelddosbieny y y loaouuwrr. pThrhoetae eultcsthee dc oa hrre ed.ailscthlo insufroer wmialt iobneSed,m mHeayalt reh geenccyy experience long wait times.Department of The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment AsServicios de Salud del Estado. mitcca regulated by stthe q N YO io ta (C)sufficient nControl umber oRegulations, f places in eN ry estabemployelishment whs(TA talienmg shspallee ccbtoe re s are emp boyy mnparttativ t notcbDu maay t ytan Cen onaSTl AdPcAe1M9a1l0W6-e3s3t 09 P.O. Box 7 80482 info@e medal veterans. rriohis (bmitYs employment dne yece iiscn errim OURR ing1s2can perform the essential functions of the job sss to rio do T thhi m fiive EVELOPMENTComplyRight, Inc.ou must look for work each week that you claim benefitsSi usted raonablemente cree o tienee iinfoorm REPORTSe Californialesplace of employm . The basic2-750Si usted raonablemente cree o tiene informacin que el hospital o un empleado del hospital e1r oLnea,e VHiAg h2w4 Reeetttaalliai .elo., wy, ai ars omimnf dpapatliooiysn acmhaeagnragti, de o poLOYEEVisit WorkSource to find all the FREE resources you need to find a job.reporte tal informacin tan pronto como sea posible al latio Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado. dutioy These include workshops, computers, copiers, phones, fax machines,which receives Federalnancial asistance,you should immediately contact the Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado. les ted in aRadiationInternet access, and job listings. L itio Y ity, or otportion of a restricted area to obserGve a cLopy on tGhor fIroTm tN Co v0/rhb RH 2364 (04/17)ordance with 25 TAC 289.232 (relating toEMPLOYERS: THIS POSTER MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A PROMINENT PLACEedrteicriaipl catoes intn aracn Otors uFCnCdP per trhroecsee Fedeindge, ora YOU Yooou may present a writ EE d tork12 formm abbeoM sw wigb-artime or c Y u have brequired by your state. (Up to 18 industryo un profesioneagla ml, pdoiciciccoophrao fpeasriririrotincncncncaiaiaiaipl a a aod opopopoo,o,o, ceos t ooexcess 3ofre (re diatio RADIATIONado, est participando o participar en conducta que es local postings. Each state has its own publicPhIniladdee(215) plphndiae,861-4900 WHICH YOURFEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE the nearest office.If your work hours have been reduced to part-related injuryal)ia que aA)ims po Ad f fok out i nio en request to receive a Material Safety Data SheIf you have been unemployed due to a work Federal agency providing such asmay qualify for partial unemployment benefits.ny applicableons prohibited against a person wholes a complaint of discriminRadiation Machines.) This subsection respecifies limits on exposure to radiation. C)EHCA04 03/15 FLSAFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT Unemployed W W UNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACTor non-work-related illness or injury and are now able to work Se puede presentar una que Radpiatio abreles se nstalacionesaplatio nd ee OST opunue pdreo fseesrio ilneagla ml, pdoiccoophrao fpeasrioticnaiplu odpmoecnot alt,i cdae pye ensdoe necsita q ruelmacicioan oa dsoer cviocnio lsadoep reerhaacbiilna cdienl EMERGENCY INFORMATION NOTICE TO WORKERS PER HOURm FMLAl lawt hio heerwise op andLL AM e leldeedaavae?e?l Lae s m m mm 1. e in gr ing (Revised 06/27/2023) pur se en . k HE wou ine n a he nahbyle -month ina hel na(a deice orpfo us uss s iW aou whode r your agency.and Health Pr yeesagain, you may be eligible for Temporary Total Disability (TTD) prroteecttil eelF yDCoies onfthCoisn tronotil Rece shgualatioll ben ps ofstore Ded inntal a sRauf as. Servicios de Salud del Estado. EHTX0410/19 nstalaciones dicas BEGINNING JULY 24, 20 unemployment benefits.orkers at ESD.WA.GOV. M M nd ,, a s A Mn dic W al uDDe pous keeor u ne we e2 vaof sFtML im equ EPARTMENT OFavlfi iose CE os sle ASSACHUSETTSORKFORCE ho o opsupeitdaeleleo o s dedeerererilllllol,sr r rseeprvovovoirctieo st apla irnaf olar msaalucdi mn etnantna lp,p,p,p rdroenpeteteton dceonmcoioioiasqeuam picoas ioiob slslslsee ravli c c cDioesp daer traemhaebniltaoc id ING REQUIREMENTS os epli tahlo os dpiet alol,s r seeprvoirctieo st apla irnaf olar msaalcin tan pronto como sea posible al Departamento deFor more information, please refer to the Handbook for unlss yoarre rp l leole XECUTIVETH OF ABOR AND en Thhoeh teat Faou aiMwor rwa por escrito o verbalmente a la: AREA Se puede presentar una quea por escrito o verbalmente a la: EMPLOYEE RIGHTS $7.25 DOMESTIC VIOLEN and ro M eou IL rious M hous ghihtr M ellttdous rma ay abv tevFMLA ndFMk le ptb m hou 2ntermit im G W RI OMMONWEALFFICE OF ABORApprc l s services. ppo Massachuseotection ftts Workplace Saor Public Emplofety ndMigi ibHleou erm Dpliolovyiyseieoens c(caWan HtaDke)e eunpEmployers are legally required to post this notice in a place postings may be required.) Divisin de Cumplimiento de anctid oann yo "f No25ti TcAe Cof Ch Vio ter 2 n8"9 o mr aordy bereissvieuweded b oyn thlien agency may be viewed at the following location: _an_d eannt.y__ associate n de Cumplimiento desector posting requirements. EMERGENCY STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SEXUALThe Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity H lated ttothhee fooreigni mw m edmdea t o s, tyyou in to ofE its VAN etto TANDARDS an sectiiionontni nsg ahallut bheo erintyti twleid tht o rejgaudrid citoalarleevi 5e0w , elay Service: 711 ra dyd ou ESD.WA.GOVprocliecdu icient n n uMumacbheinr oefs), plac teo,apet rwwmitw e.mdshplos.texyees in every establishment where employes tog oovb/radserviatioe a cno. pOuy orn li thceen sewa ayn tod/ oorrcfroertimfica thetireopflac reeg istratioof empnloDivisi documents, our operationconvenient for employees to read (see RCW 50.20.140). ndeppllooyymeent aol o uru fyyouprrspoussi c atolhweoaolrtrkhpousee, c,child condit PROCEDURE loyed in activities registered, in acym YOUR EMPLOYEE RIGHTSDepartamento de Salud de Texas dicas Departamento de Salud de Texas UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT upon request to individuals with disabilities. Lous LA opetrin oiotstpnanaousl l o oorrfeopfpo, shcshtyhiytesrilcrd c pap aollal harchce eepeamamalrtehee nn ncttt oondwondf itaiahit t ioic ochahn isli l deth h rwaioustit tit mhma ymayoukou d asub m tabl lilo viceme ren, o nt and ffo f contested cases in Chapter 13 of Titfree of charge. Washington R YTYTouohe ec r rab b srierieertr thianguage assistance employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available (For employers holding a radiological license or rHigh Registradiation ation and possessing rArea Warning EHG04adiation-emitting equipment and/or materials.) WCis ear tma in qfoua lsilfifeyirnivngic eremeasoesomnbse re. e, , chi ne , pa or suannt ns ese eplaigritbmlee enmt opfl oLyaebeos r wws iWth ajgoeb oservices for limited English proficient individuals are available UNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT To care for your spouse, child or parent with a serious mental or physical health condition, and1100 est 4th Street75631 tation, mental health or chemical dependency services.) 1100 est 4th Street75631 l health or chemical dependency services.) JOB LOCATION:____________________________ w c ment or understanding that me s to its the more in VE S stse r ae fach cst wag ulM bject to improperlassication or inac mee , aasnseds soetdh ecriv vili omlaotnioenys .p Tenhael C reeiympelnoya HARASSMENT ormed service, disability ne What isie EMS 9874 . CC 7540-032-407. Rev 10/17 . UI-biz-poster-EN lebou Any G tohours oor kweeekss oel foy rouuw e LA at ec t le odecso lo ho GeorO or RIGHT TO KNOW risg. h TtshetsosoePriuiugbhlitics tablisheyees ard in their we required torkplace to comply with theo reduce work policie-relas and prted injuries ocedures Thhee Famm ili taury eiL Fiile a FFMLA leave hi C w onnAn eisli lgiagi ibmblei l ieteamryp lolsoeyreveiec wewmhoem isisb tethre.e sp 122mAustin, Texas 7 Austin, Texas 7 LatV wleE eaRnstTf o1IrMce tmEim ePneAtsYathnedrfiergeu plarro rtaetcet ioofnppaeyr fsoon r al hours worked over 40 in a workwe o hoarzea rindfooursm oacticounp, avtisioitn s.pndad ctcous r e r rm o, us e?Lel)ia feyeveinn fAgAo rfccacte m(sF ilMtyMh aeLendA F)M)M imLs AeAadfifeocdadrel e mrraeola slslato wen msm t. hpTaltho eype erUeo.svS.id. 1bs aat WORKPLACE NOTICEindTelfono: (00) 221570 Telfono: (00) 221570 betwe el: You may be paid overtime on the basis of a work period ofThhNee YF DoOeutpRhaCRrEtmeEn da tdea manadge/os r recommendor er ieo elili a svsvtioeees is ere pedrumciet s can take up to 12 workweaeit ickiohsn il ldot hreiaiaousptloyme include: -month period for: im ey .A w -22-11)454 CMR 25.00 requires all public sector employers to comply with OSHA regulations.Eligible employeyoue FF MLyLAe te a lekybae mi imRequired by: Texas Health & S. 161.132; 25 TX ADC 133.47 (For hospitals providing comprehensive medical rehabiliTexas Reporting of Abuse EHTX02 Required by: Texas Health & S. 161.132; 25 TX ADC 133.47 (For hospitals providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation, mentaTexas Reporting of Abuse EHTX02 COMPENSATOR worked, where provided pursuant to an agre YOU HA THE RIGHT TO BE: Yourhhaa aveett hpe he e ds, cyhoued mualey tbayk ew oFMrk Aac ply: pouslnhy288M(c,c))fof ChapterOccupational Safety and Health Protection Foroouon a reduced schedule by working les f FMLA leave in anahry b yss45ernwwAMBULANCE:_____________________________ less than 1 hours16Oin yUoeraTsr s1H 4oEldan Mdis P t1hL5e Oy meYainrMism EouNldmT m awagyeww.fyooor urkmt hooruustlt esosidc.gceou vspcahtoioonl sh. oAunr s1 u8-nydeearrcoeldrt mainin cimonudmit ioapnpsl.i Fes rt orThe birth, adoption or foster placemen nn cttt oowondf itrehai rirgaen ns tetd ror next of kin of a covered servicememberommunica111tionF ooffinformtheEmployers:EmploDOMESTIC VIOLENCE wit tmhmhmamyoukeeeennnnst t ttya o ic atlol h hwee,a a ocltrhtkhi,l ,ldc oondr pitairorenn, ta ndwho Fm TYTCYCouoe rctrta a asrsieene r fiqousoura ly i ioufmyienerng gn s tprpraemeousl aeoeosomrmr e epnpn,b hshscece hiyrrres.e.hoursed leave policy covers the reason for which youAnned FMLA leave.m ceeLm la atolele hrdhd ep taoaoalrt ehthhiepld df f,to,o oprp 26 workwePROTECTIONS, ,e leaocrarh bv bede apo rye eoqlqicuirui yr wrceeodev bry. ys Ryouetouhader rFemoprLrpLelAlAo i ynyi lenleefarofroa-v-vrprmpemr o ioasaistvt i ndioiinodononed.t.dtppppaaaaiiiidd le le leaavavevev eif,f, y ybouutr ry oueouem pmpmloaoayye crhoohooss pasisid ks of FMLA leave in a single 12-month rer pueliaorceyhme eoesv nemtsr atyiom f reeth cehe oiAvuecrt. cr iimnsintaaln pcerso soefc mutinioimn.u Emm pwlaoygee,r os mvearyt i asy seadlsoeM ouis ga i ibmleil iteaeaamrmere ypy infnf lsolosojeuryrr rr etvyvheh iec eco wew rsmsoueeerdule by working les months, Employees of the (Insert Your Agency Here)FIRERESCUE: Em n 7 and 28 coYn sTeccIoMumtEipveen dsaaytso irnylteimnget ho,f fr ainthsteera dth oanfcoans hao4v0e-rhtoimuerwpaoyr,k awt eae kra btea soisf. notes! wtN heTabss aiteut ahto writy to recover back wages and an equaltD ieaemsp ofoarurnt meta eicnnh lt i qwmuialifdyua ll tiet .n Oregon laws protect your right to work free fromoc us ho isMthee smpapous owing ap Shecet oRrIeGmHpTlo yTeOes *K reNgOarWrWdi nLg A AthWe ,cMaatsisosan chon hustoxiets cGaend nerhaal zLaardwosu, s sprov subsitdtdtaensctraining tyero prs are revenequirt weorkd t-ro prelatototevide prd injuries and illnesses. ocedures, equipment, and HOSPITAL: EXEMPTIONS r e a fb actic inc Properly classied as an emplooberraespseesasteyeee orddfvoiro lb an independenaviotoiorl es avntii oooylfnaou perf stt hiooenfm tthhieanorm timFt c LrueSonmsAul swtrt sca actorihgniel dt oh laer b dooevrea ptrthrio movreisispeoarnyiso .u pHrsoe ivniigsjuhiortyenn soe fo dfanctiyhv eilmlmainwoo SEXUAL HARASSMENT Aoui or e ha dvstsoeertiti cous oy ive. nees ss may vetear . eiekn,eco cune blockeeromiafc thimt dtaeeyn . toWlry w hineene s kie.tpRisae rmaatde deFai ccbatlol yS hcnkeeecse t os#sf a2tr8imyM( oerc) ,forand health hazards. Employees:Emploharassment. They also require your employer to provide maIarI re ee li liangngi iebeblllleieig itibobol e et aeaekme p FpFloMoyLeAe i lfilef eaalvlvl e? e?of the fofolsupports if you are a victim of domestic violence. Ficay take FMLA leave intothe orwpeou have the right to a workplace free from harassment, dis em ore i pe rrmigihtt etdsed,y em pmloayye crhoos pasided , leoara vbee po relqicuiy rceodv beryrsytouhe rreemasoplnon yfoeorr,wtohi usche PHYSICIAL / MEDICAL CLINIC: r fire protection activities is exem Impr mplo roper yers are rwequir tion ( er. Fna impr fide operlhiclassied oD he vertime, and prars ofperf you f y sp a nemp rriwntiael reem emplpolyomyeenetscbay na nr sexual assault. Yder the FLSA. nm YYYYouououououwhhwaoaaovvvereerk w wfaoftoo orlerr kaka e ecsdctdofv1fvoe,2err5 ey0doudouhou ermrm eprmslolo pyoylelofoe yr,yrsee,errr v aitcte le faoasrsty1ou2 mr eomntphlso,yer during the 12 months before yourTheThe Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Executive Order 12196 and 29 CFR 1960 require the headsTehhleeocAatercdet: dbeyole escsut nechodotp faufpbicpiliaclylsot tofof ic pseiearlrssv,oe cn eisn r twvaahinro io imaurmescenadopiaat ctseuit baiejdescv, tois roto res m tthopel so cuyi C vihlessoe ofrffivc ilcieagelis ,lsl aacwet nSr taianntdceih veiodsruolaolf cs SPaaaid acltp agptoeov aeinnrcurtnded mlo aoectelynra tl sand timelyandformaE Dls ou ar iaor e being su es, oAdle. awor rdFo ado. scd a M rggriAneT tweIOroNke te pamentet eac ctoiomnps;l aeimntp olor ypearsrt imcipuastt ec oinm apnlyy w ep vilp molenteieey,s apmnedan yas ublticeeh sams or on a redolele to t id le leavavev eif,ybouut rv y e? eshou thi rhi 7f5 5s e mmrvileile ices WOtheir RKPrigLhAtsCuEn dNeOrO tTheICI e laEa Ew- lm .AA nhoet inoceticemusmmmt be uuuusssttpbe boe s sipitptnenod st ththieieenend EaE in nc gtehlniaststtrha a l lall anlnogcguauatagagigoe.enen .inI n thwe o oworkplace rkplaces whihinefroer meminployg emepepslsloo yfeieiresst3. Reporting Hazards representatives y conduct ane governments. Employes of legislative libraries do not come within this exclusion and are thus covered by the Act. ing hou ine the servic actors and o may e pa ntmen ohc ebeodtihn.g un Aou LA ou orrmmaaut cenoed.td.dt ppspaaaakide FMLA leaof the folowing ap language is other than Enployersg, 45-22-8 (F Responsibilities ofprog GID-417-SF JAN2016Accidents, Injuries and and illnesses.andtheir crimination, and leaavveeiuisvs nALTERNATE: Axneeryct lauatinwivetey,n pafeodsmr coienfm iwsetornratkt ioevrers ,faairnreedp eprxoroetemfecpsttiso iofnrno aemlm e ptmhloepy lomeyien wiemhs uowm ihnow aamngyee we at onrredkg owuvelaeetrkot riimsyeere mpqapuylio rpyermeodve nbis If ea nes buding b often called misclassica mplo Tgn hatsigld am inlaasLty be doubled when the violations are determined to be wil ated. The law also prohibits, sex, sexual orientation, national ce and prevent , or age isou have at least 1,250 hours of service for your employer during the 12 months before yourks1. General Requirements wiitnhr iriantahm tehito Inspection:byorThe Department of Labor Sto evaluatandare workplaceds (DLS) ma conditions and makork-related injuries and DescriptionItem #Price ________________________________ There are resoury pr ces available to you if you belie o tostm orkRIONunN olor m and ar operly ye ageempoyehepfrilo rationsful or r prthese violations. our employer must have a policy to redu FM leYlenYoueouaeav v ferelrig i ,e,g h eamahmndtndt ligible employe t 50employ w owing ap hTof zA ou es dlu, u, ing a loc tiion.45-22-7 kweaou ny wor Public Sector Employers) of Federal agencies to furnish to employees places and conditions of employment that are free from job safety employee the o Correctfrm omplo tyhien go vleesrst itmhaen p 5a ye pmrpolovisyieoenss i.n law enforcement o The law requires emplo criteria o ce classica o emplo ed to follow the law when pa sinesses and f der 20 ye ploc adliesnpdlaayr tdha pend lawent c violao t t theDiscrimination because of race, color Ai eeLppdl loFyyMerrL-AppAr e re e mhmapspsl l oaoytyt eleeleeas s tif al hou soo rrffyeouqour work loc on Ann.s before yourYour agencyirtry Occupational Illnesses employees recommendations for the prevention of wy at mass.gov/dols/wshp.you believe yoblems, both f pensation purposetion, gs. Ations a worker, yo or ees as independen em cploeringind laborofsttee youth minimum wageeeaomdfi plnyol oste yleee rs.is . origin, religion, marital status, unif Aou maIr ee liagngni bew owing ap ye lies: hoo y: GA C leasst 20 w ishus, tt hpe r rnonoovovtice idem mauns tp a arneneernscsuoeoeianvl eandt trtararaiinmininiainang gy be rights, information on how to read an MSDS, ful e inspection tPOLICE:__________________________________ IfourY your e man ou ha NT ve beenIGlaw-abiding bu ollo ) of employu ha.cve certain rightst c aons atrne really yee vs. ther to an readily see it. Yw 88.d67o67l.84g88o79v5/9w26h2473d than $4.25 an hour duringHo irl ilnYi work for a covered employer if one of the fol ible. M lies: Required b ice of f Person gia Right t oM o Kno y health hazards. Head of your agency made,for 8. Reportinganyinjurieshealth ne on-sit have the right toreport unsafe or unhealth mak of- Item #Price ______________________________ rs to dispy ts p their first 90 consecutivees c illegal. You work for a covered employer if one of the fol arIdNoIuNsm Gsuus-bt sbe Etamnccoensnd. uNcteewdby employa comemeapasetent n explanation of employe erreobemasldwho aanantdtde/ oorwrwf wohirrirrrkiriete t.ewith ewithnT ihnes ttttotrotrruxaxciiicntctii onorng. ficials the reportTheto conditionsthetoconfidentialthat is directed toward an individual. leYYYYYououououououav e e hhhwhwh, aaaovvvvvndreeeek awafotot o lerr akaaka e esctdtdt o 1fvf,o,e2e2rr5 e0y0ydou hou erm erprmslo o poylefoefo rsrys,eerrv v aiacte le foaoarsrst y y 1ou2 rm eomnptptphlosprogramt least 20 workwe employees places and conditions of employ- illnesses experienced injury/illnessctive quested. will be kept as an independen orkers in C tractor Sexual harassment can look like unwelcome sexual advances, requests fthwwewew coocooururrkrkrkkrffeooeffoonrrrtr taa aaon n prp r erpepilevivreamemvtvteieeousieous netmtma rcpcpyayalo lleo leoyoyndrndere purpur a atrtrhbhb alyayliti ctceha haorora,r,rdp artitvi vleataeaes ts e 5e5c0c0o ndendemaprprylyoloAt a minimum, nel l Management. will furnish ____________________________port ofaccidental occupational ingworkingrequestmore at coloradoui.gov/ProperClassication.ster w e e gender. AouYiYinYYou es are covered by Titlele IA lleav ve? d at least 50 emplo ysees Your agency relatedaccidents,for allunderwork-Name of Infectious Agent CAL/OSHA CONSULTATION: W OUR DIVISION ou emplo cess a c y are reduc ymen f the fEmployers are required T ymenIFecurity orming duties tha sexual favors, or conduct of a sexual nature (verbal, physical, or visual),ety eoou eramsty iye tfi o mployer has at least 50 employe wt npepnrsirohou cttsiaootn pno nr YnoY ovwoui h e yer durinrgw w thoer k k 1 2l2loc maototinonontnth. repapmnldolpo ylmam rs oFq eksthe_________________________________ Supervisors must submit a supervisor s re- workplace.and and name oforaninspection areequest technical assistance bgov oryan employf an emploee, you must meeyee, visit t the criteria in Ccolorado.gov/cdle/Tipolorado RFormevised S, or call us atatute 8-70-115. t 303-318-9100 and select OYou can read the lawption 4.online and nd out To be classied asIt can also include conduct that is not sexual but is gender-related. Sexual ou I request FMLA lea olicie f tihthhiresnn nofofo o f7f7fl l l 5l5lsosoe e wmrvininileicgesaaop prfpe e eye choo traoisnr of inof n, gatnmhmhdeuicscsnhthf oieoernmrcmcmililude cacaatatislsloshn n iused, f fon t orl awbhoeoaealrnlnkikind hours.glge dodof orhazszTtataohrrederedeo o edum msip n s l luotothbhbyseseset ararw nmocerueksspt.pl lmaTacaheieini,ns t ttathrienaenintatyiy ingpe rpe ecomof rduspersonals otot f fbethis dotnreaepi with nrnroitntneg. pay4. Freedom from Fear of Reprisal b hou to ed, le foyou ma t inpanclsouyre amanetitled to partial u WH138REV 07/16 Ho rl l in YnY woue o frrrrli k kge hofcofcotour rrckcrr afeeo oncwrto o oaoevoev prmrpme rrrpppppievevelroeadedtvyv eeeieieous ememesmhphphpcpcalavolvololeeyynd eeeedrrif a ftfeireirifhfhroyoyaetetn n nnnahetera,bu ngL LlAea velea,ve, or dhuer isnpge techinfeitceto mhploybe azawrdeEeTsY Ynor DmAaTl Aw oSrHk EET (MSDS)-Regulations 9. Safety and Health Committeeswhen an inspection r forarning which contains an ould cOrder tause a ation withYou work for a public agency, such as a local, state or federal government agency. . Most fefederal harassment can be targeted toward someone of the same or different sex or do sault, or stalkingI of f the FMLA, administered by the Of The Material Safety Data She Enforcement: illnesses. See Inspection Summar You work for a public agency, such as a local, state or federal govw do I request FM lieuisrremeinngts a.BIOHAZARD EnglishU1200FPSEC$94.99 CAL/OSHA DISTRICT: UNAIGTE AED SNTD HATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR As an emplomyyereee u c,n yoneomutributes top alorey ( omputer dw to u nemployrt insur muennemy be en cet b c eif b yeon ue betcomo eom t uo cnyeoourlmorpa ldwoyoageudiesg .vo aungdhcnlicok fa onltFoilef y ao Culra oimw.n. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PRO G TECTIONS emotye naay rs m ealv ppo yous m mfourus srte:q: uesting leave, equipm : dl,u, ror ice of Personel Management. ou tmtsmo as s uyuobb bment that are free from on-the-job safety and their supervision. Your agency andDLS may issue a Writteevn Weals a condition which cy issue a Civil CitemployeHIGH Ioutside D ecors of work and paendti atnle unemplod); hearing impair nd canno DD Denver-metro areaen) orver 1-800-894-7730 (TDD-metro area) or 1-800-388-5515outsideIf you experience domestic violence, harassment, sexual as s are covered by Title I on as pos infAorTmEaRtiIoAn LonSAesaFecnhtati tovxeich or ashheyey srigfgror 2. OSHA usesed, Your agency _________________________________ cion,ted injury or illness. DLS mayed in a prr fails to abaevious te a WWrittritten Wen Warningarning, Denver-metrt aco area TS inesnueratnt deduct this fr lock, new saf GeYYiYinouououou thewwwwe oooorrrkkkfffoooorraaa n npu eleblmimic eangteteanrcyy o,o, sru puchb alsiscao lrloc prarilv, asttea tese cocoor ndfedaderyra aslc c ghooovernment agency. Most federal_________________________________ willt is the document that provides Employeestheir representatives wing numbers: 303-318-9000 (Dnemployment benets.events. Ge employerequest FMrMr0stt s L pnoossibi bbaelellfe , , giveive notice as so uesting leave, which to daLeA dateexposed, x dleH reagltuhla Atiodmnsin oisft trhateio an employe supportsafetywork withcererh erprotected from restraint, interference, coer-reasonable changes to support your safIGf a adv v nannonotctcee noottii etm e isisye relei ci yoeosu rfr o nre ereedq fuofoersr t FiM yo ccuopmaptiolyn wali tSha afeptpyl icana istees that are formed from management anding any of their rights under the U1200FONLYHLTH$41.99 USERRAUNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYM -me ).tro ar all one o ed 303-318-9016 (T (or if you are a parent or guardian of a victim), ive iveyour employer must make of the FMLA, administered by the Of tio i n n tuo lu llle rye ro e ave um r empyloeoeyer yri fre hazardoohortm saeeainn,c andeda moriiinfnse tet o ohtrhehee e de mM mMminployStDhSeSe e workplace. efeorsrsarnenqyu teosxt iicicsAs or mn eaheahde mazployatrod oteuhuhees or seumbhpsislstlaoao work-reelanaltyts conditions ide exercis-H owYou d o w I request FMLA leave? tosn3oThese changes might include: a transfer, reassignment, modified schedule,commit-f you cannoenver unpaid leave, changed work phone number, changed work station, installedrrmhee desiignngat.t heedAefrtmeeprp rleof totywueroewcioirsrcrc,ukuk hnagsgstabeen,the requestemployee representatives. Civil P discrimination, reprisal ety procedure, or other adjustment after threatened or actualmust providhdh eme mee n e eu rnrsesoeqtoqtu uu uagehelhlsss s toitioininn n fifognigon rfaramfomdodrdardimttiimttioi mnces: 3. Reporting Hazards Employee Responsibilities or repeawhen an emplontifiePosting is required by Title 8 Section 1512(e), California Code of Regulations EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO POST THIS NOTICE If your employer isn Web: assistance, get medical treatment f Gen Feoral at atw ttenrnarpmslsol i inopnpyreyree eewe r G theevhm N eOf m mefim ice ke lo egetn S ea.rptpificve d ttoo ofgn nM gre roms in mibiuiuliitytly p o lts soo.n wh a.n rovider to verify med proof thattheeestfurnish the employe with efortandcan refuse toemploye theSafety and Health Program. y contacting aonuaulyw, t yoyo rurer qemumepslotye FMrsL nAor mlmeaalv peo ylicioeuesmforu srete:q: _________________________________Colorado Employment Security Act, 8-74-101(2); Regulations Concerning EmploNOR 7.3.1 through 7.3.5 move or change your living situation, and more. ot have to share a medical diagnosisinal e usopprroovid ne urnreseoqtu uagehlhsss itioninn fogoin ramdadradatm m tiio nnyn toatol u leyreaoaao eveveveveumr.aeapnmnmldop ymloeyearyirr f es esFqoqou MutheLsetAyhas will respond to employee reports of hazards in1. Compliance with Standards Public sect Your agencyYou can also take protected leave to find legal or law enfv m hetutauahshysyel l yryr rt etthtqahaqekeuke u leleeesnanasve t to ocrc qrq e earaupruatptailpiilriffirffoieciiocevesvesa ftodfdior oi orf noFnoFr M rMf rf tLrthLohoAeAmes a health care provider to verify medical leave and may request_________________________________ approved __________________________ Responsible Officialssafepublicwy rorkplacetion #1.mailbo There arx@mass.e no written Employers can download copies of this poster at coloradoui.gov/employer, then click on Forms / Publications. Your em L A Ab a darorgogeaeisinsn nininong M agfrefreeecescestmu um babnejenenyncy tctft eft te tththdoaet e t crcra epael rrrrrotottavrvaaini inisdidn telaeclimsismt oe gni frh om FMLsrYo surbiststanc1.e unTdheerer o tothrhr e leioloirc coaoalw wl lnlanw se eororiro io usthe workplace. Your agency the to MSDSocbctuaupipina ttitohohonenea alM SaSaSDfetSty,, orthehealth all OSHA and The Designated Agency Safety and Health Special Requirements for Entering This Area RADIATIONBilingualU1200FBOPSEC$104.99 2023S-500 USER YOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRA HE U rm MED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT ANDUSER way because you are a victim. leave wa ddR no per weouib orcement. trO A MLlxeeia oyyAeesib r rne eedonuort niceeee e adsfosor o ounot et ae aems r Lc ue mplto misisecd rddiidmsiciir craeaaleinlr c ecaletle tt a ilaaalovelavewswnosr oruiuciorgitih tvesshstu tsrps.rre.eegda rbrdyi intghg le ele alaavew employer fails to:exercised diligentVoluntance:tary Your ei,ther with throughcontactingor wDLS aorkplaces mat Your agencyREEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT the law or something f A also prohibitscerGive notice at least 30 days beeqleefu,odufd,o aigrgclclieivefa ieylsos a d tfiodidoai do? sissbp sbpaaaurm m health care provider to verify medical lea employer (a)4. Workplace Inspections Employees shall comply with arnings or pe Name, TitleYour employer must keep all documents and infor injuries or mental health support, Email: BOLI_help@boli.oregon.gov ceoIf advantc heh anvoehihqmouetautahsliyefl yyrr i ntethgqaeeo ofPPerrssono ne l or state rlaeaetawiaioto es rrssuuit of yeof e rimination or supersede any st but are subject to the_________________________________ Assis safetyand theOfficial (DASHO) for:hleeel ec FcMtMtiveiveL m ti cteoi ss hnaortr ep oansvemso oc occupational(508) 616-0461 and choose oprtifification of f a qualilifying exigency. any state or local law orYour agency (b) furnish agency standards, _________________________________ddeo noormation confidential.Name of Laboratory Director (For employers holding a radiological license or rHigh Registradiation ation and possessing rArea Warning EHG04adiation-emitting equipment and/or materials.) ComplyRight, Inc. REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS mployed in your civilian job if you leave that job to perform service in the uniformed service and: n absent due toHEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTION give us a call. The Bureau of Labor t feels wrong, ollowing971-245-3844 W ou e tatw O laord no elsig ou m m tou ayoo .sbb te e f efederal and ce nneienl l MMcoanngaargeesmsmieoenntat l o oer m Cpolonyegreesss s.a.re also covered by the law but are subject to thewill insure that each workplace is inspected an- policies and directives. weatherPublic e________________________________You cant be fired, suspended, retaliated or discriminated against in any ction oU.yS deral and certaniction ooYou have the right to be re CONTACT US oregon.gov/boliThe FMLA does not affect any federal or state law prohibiting discrimaaeirilnlnce elalet tt a taililolaveswnonsrocrocuirgogi t vehsssu tut reedegra r sbredyd i ntegh a ele laaaavewbfourtatahreeei i rs uobwjenc tst etororio otuhese ioner of the Diovri sion outdaoaotfte OdOd.m more than one galon, containing toxicworkplace is: nalties issued fir repror vesenoluntat their wtives maorkplace by file a ctary assistance. omplaint and Industries is here to enforceW ou AProtect Y kou ou At W W ve, your emplwork for a qualifying reason, Thaen uMfaScDtuSr eprr rooovr titidhdereredodug byh the Comm the employof er ims oinrecec o otmhmhapnletefive pounds orEmployees shall use appropriate protectiveThe Safety and Health Designee for this oArk lea ct, your employer must: e oonn t thee e s sasaamamee e p p baayas,s bisibse e anse ififf ift iytsyousou and Your agency Complaints:wand choose opAREA A protects the job rights of individuals wehmop vlooyleunrst afrroilmyodri sincrviomluinntaatirnilgyalegaavines et mppalsot yamnedn ptr peosseitnito nmse tmob uenrdse orft athkeemuniliiftoarrmye sde srveircvei coers ,c aerntda ianp ptylpiceasn otsftsoe rthviec eu ninif otrhme eNda tsieonrvaicl eDsis.aster Medical System.Se habla espaol. e W oralialitsledetch hitecetc ivetmcmtoiop n nnbld oaoiyertifi go goateatnhnhisi e.mO enr ya g aktu eeejrjr eananolclt tf f ta a t t nPnPthteoadedar r tcscscopepeoeernrrnrrrottntnaaveiiinnldldn MeMelcimsmsoa a nginnitragaagegrgrtaeaieiotstsemesnsirseosenfinnfnantatam lp o oeieiulrlruym rC Cosopuorlio itnm yegorerefe eeed ddsdssisc isra. oreof2.Al containers inthe workplacerequirementsarlabeledprominent,2. Safety and Protective Equipment about sa mployees or theContact Phone Number erfnniv oteotb yweeoeanrrks sooerrpalaeprsaptsle yo dfform TION AND RETALIATION rreeetemnptiloon mine entm; ployment; ained if you had not befwEovrhe enyno i fyu o yu are remployed, general e picli ottavore 2yr as4g emerv odincuetrhi, nsygo w uyh ohuilearvmienittlihhteae r rymi gsihliett ratvroyic .eel, eycotu t oh acvoen ttihneu eri gyhout rt oe xbiset irnegin estmatpleody einr- yboausre ed mhpelaolythe rp\'sla hn ecaolthe rpalgan f you h hAatl llon im ylou ye A leleaa LA F job-protected time of endtuleal l yyou desrtpig LABELING- ou hhe sy emmmmmib tul r inaeftheemploye nually for hazardous conditions. she has be and safety equipment provided by DLS at saffeepublicwty and heorkplacealth conditions amailbox@mass.gov or (508) 616-0461yyyooouuu hhr icibe leor ,t oin b se orme cumuslaeptrliovvice with a disqualifying discharge or under other than honorable conditions. conected ilneses or injuries. y without any waiting periods or exclusions (e.g., pre-existing condition exclusions) except for service- exouA add w ytuytuou lerarou nt toolan coveragevwirirhilocati you be hlaabzealreddo uwith s subtshtaeanptionstoeobof etlaeeieidna ewith crhsL Ltmtaoabxuxeisilcts oramlsuhoh sabe tz bedoculeses a ar,Representatives Your agency resista usnt _________________________________ you ensure that your employer receivesey am sdeevrnavtn icciene wain tr itimht e nluynoimfr oavrenmrnebeadr l a snfeotretvirc icceeo sonf c wyluslionsw eoitrfh vis tceehra;vtic pea;r atnicdular employer;If you leaaonvude dyyooounu\'rrt djeoleebp cteton t dpoee cnrotfosnrt fmino these laws and protect you.C hao July w 2022 - June 2023o tr le egtu job-pe thle te s a ed time of t aawork for a qualifyinj leoleg ba v vw of your leave. ces, mixcxolast be . amamCvCailable._________________________________ _________________________________ and may be contacted atENFORCEMENT reouootAltlhllohotinwork v ren,pp,a andhhendaoalthladncg jjo o b ve ora wyoerrkmufor asas tq: ualifying reason, will post Notices of Unsafe orUnhealthfulRights of Employees and TheirSample safety prtion #1.ograms and technical bulletins are available at Required by: 29 CFR s 1910.1030 (g) (l) (ii) (FFederal Biohazaror HIV and HBd Information Sign EH4004V research laboratories and production facilities)RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINA ormed service;The U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) is authorized to investigate and resolve complaints ofAou fte ceisisesm eoeyeyoulisg im btleoy ftoearmkm eFp p MjolLobyA-pe lerro anetveecet,te edyoudttoimredemo o?pfm andHlocl loe on, at theon the same basis as if youandlabelingthe chemical namecoof wnsitttthhihteu u t eshsununetb aswswptahpnrerococnep .trtr iate h Ce ocnoNtnaaistnttiieoetrnunruseaea nof ln tFsi im mcrcreoei x mPturprerreveivssee nmntoneioinioththt. (Telephone and location) Rev. 06-21-21ou tetiono rgr conditions, incl bhif our id id eanrnreteti c oaln ljoebnd until the hazard is corrected, whichever is laterProgramlabeled_________________________________harave eo balpigpalietedd f otromseermveb ienr sthhiepuinni ftohrem uendif soremrveicde ;service; or apnroy mbeontieofnit;oorf employment https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets. An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewed at https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/vets/userra1-866-4-USA-DOL or visit its website at . eoup plooutau lou 48 I 7FFM end ple yo A percent or mo(omNreeF Pof eAxct)eAnwill take prompt are eliminated. action Your fororcontainers2.Safety and Health orghuei nnntnnt hd daarnteofete dada Further Information and health program.EMA2C 11/19If iyloitua rayr es eercpalsoeyes,d a, y cooum mpuasrta bbleerjoebs.tored to the job and benefits you would have at USERA violations. eouAhACalololdlon wnoti n nyutou et ay ykouteon r rle egturaouvrenp,pat ondh e thahleth s apamlanenecjcjoobv,e orar gaevwirhitual lL iou artte ict choaelnj jeoelendba vw eo i iftfth h eyt aou ttrheeeertn ale sloliaiaaaaamrvtv epuee .a nipgaasyihin,sbytoue ynoue ffoi tfrsoaran Working Conditions found during the inspec- whichEnglish andin acordancemass.gov/dols/wshp. If you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable to resolve it, you may request that your case be refered to the Department ofem Abou FM of nd WH,F yMou LA ri Associationyou 5. Correction of Unsafe Conditions areandtoHealth Yourv/dols/wshp This notice highlights ther working conditions, including shift and location, at the end tions for a minimum of three working days, or 1. Participation in Safety and Health For assistance in filing a complaint, or for any other information on USERRA, contact VETS atoyLrLee Arrrri i g gcchhattnssn n eunuooreqund y, wilaniglaohtytitioesnr o .cra nthnor aredigiigib eral laws. _________________________________ Employees and their representatives shall_________________________________ otr er eiricnrcnoo oo ttthehepepre ef lfralearawrewaret.i.ni n F F wgogwo rwri it eheithtxhxh yaa ymaouamou WpWlerlerH ,H F, F DyDMouMou LinLrnr Av Aveem m srtrtiipgpiigggloalohahtytyititeoeosnrnr o o. .crar a ntnthnohnoretat a trteentna a olioliart e puepu anigasasihnihn sysytoutou you fo frf o r_________________________________There questtinigncgg mining aware tha ed fofor leave is for a reason that may qualify under the FMLA, ,have the right to participate in theIfyaorue: a past or present member of the unif Justice or the Ofice of Special Counsel, as aplicable, for representation. Your otehmer pwlooyrkekirn gc caonndnoittio innst,e inrfcfleleuredin wgwg isithifhtxht t ay ou a aayvouer ieism amforerprp l rvyrylieeegaribcertain Fe iflle er discriminated against by who believes he assure Management: and DocumentsnyemployeeYour agencyfter r ebymoueeeercprpo dt loyer must confirm whether you are eligible orno nonoctett tdave. le fo o inrinr F F wMrLrLiAiAti nlenlega:ve. If yourconditionsagency discharged, disciplined,old oyeoumus t coat your ne NON-DISCRIMINATION-Imminent that danger. hazardous con-mass.go agency You may also bypas the VETS proces eexqeurceisssstitninggy FouMrL rArAig lehtasv ue ndtochocaoroe tnrcr oo yftouihirepepmr e e l lrnrna aewwwweti.eh hndFdetg o o fwororh h reiet e ,le bleryrilities, and emisb omulnetohsrta t nono mtat yeyif l qyqigi ubyaoulelif yfouiurnndFwMerrLr i ttAhi neleg Fa:vMeL. AIAf ,y ouremployer for exercising rights giriroahnnn ttheoeedef oOccupational ourn sdsheeretotohbet a aLinaewedS,a akhfnaeaostswyw on. l eeAed ghu copy shall safety eou errrmininyeLeouss trhattynyoufirmFMLA-protected leave. ditions will be corrected immediately shall beauthorized official timeforEmployees these ac- Waerd eerrw eleeeeslshpoialpoigetgvibebnleh,le siie,if, b b ryialiou louniyitieyouie,r s ws ,e ,eiamlamandlnd rebpelloeoFliyMyegeLriA b mul-ep rososrttt e 6. Safety and Protective Equipment tivities. Records an employer may not deny you: because of this status. W Hobmecrcrpo td lmoyeoutyitneergrr m FaF muwiMwnaeLsrAe estt hriagth ytous and ar e r eeslpoigibnlesi o learn more. other man ng the violation of the Law or followinthe date on whic Safety andtheirProgram. More information about theA hrraiigghhtouss e aandsammei stsimiogen the date on whicW h hHereowcman I fi thiioge lhcatotyim daonp lyoasci nfctuo lrmlroeuwdst,ti ng the violation of the Law or followinbry o ocfertrthtief i DeDediv v misail. Howw 6 cm h foi-if9n y2dou4 m3roreorerq vu isieinints ftordoredom lle.gataovvieio,/o fnimnf? ?alnay ,t ow leil abrenFmMoLreA.-protected leave.boefsielnen tatcocoo tmhmhep leleaminployt with er at ththe e om Your agency Employeesto copies representativesIn ae dinnd itiiteaioln net ,m iann pcl eoonymmnepeclnottyi;oernwmiathyano tpr roectaeeialt/hvee tcsi/rpcruomgsratamnsc/uesse. rTrhae/ ptoesxtte ro.fFtheodtiecrea l wlhaewr ere qthueiyr ecsu lations ofE UTSS,E RanRdA .may bp flooe ryve ieeemwspe odlofoythenee tishr. eri ginhttesr netIf ayahloulhl l e1e1re- re-8be6lie6-v4e8 y7ou-9r2 4rig3h otsruvndisite dr tohl.eg oFMv/LfmA lhaa vten b b ceoueouenr t tv.v . ioSioSlcacaatatend ,,t tyhyoue Q QmRayc foileiled ea tctoooom m lepepalaalarininntSawawC th N WtW t MouHEDr will acquire, maintain and require use of appro- and otheraccess acof applicable and regula OSHA-program its standards and procedures statem U.S. Department of Labor ditneg a ugnadines tU aSnEyoRnReA a, sesviesnti infg t hina tth pee resnofnor hcaems enno t soefr UvicSeE cRoRnAn ercigtihotsn,. including testifying or making ar un edtherrisig U haStdsdE lRriseRtseAs,d: hahtnetdrp ese: mm/ plywand bring a civil action against ani s enmotpicloey ewr afso rp rveiopa sermetodmp lboayy reVilrys p ltoaceontoifyti cemes Employer Support ofW uch ofnfn ydyou mr orerequ u ienits fdtdtoreodlmlml .legatoavvieieo/o/f,f, nmnmif ?alnany v v teieionb leceouenr t T NOTE-The employeitou 727 l R -2ig83ht4t4-t)t.o. 0 _________________________________ nd 4 have Accessrecognized standards _________________________________wo yvwaer.rdysodmle.gapoyev nm/adgeineetgncotihneis requirement by displaying this n o ry oufHfHileileD D b ae c cplpieormimvvea ptyeloula a lailainrw tsrs ui iuipgphrtrt o asoa gcguaeandinisnsssset.tr y youtouherF eMmLpAlo yhyeaervr ei abrnenv.m.m iSoolcartaeen.d ,t hyoue Q mRaycfoiled eactoom leplaarinntrights listed above are further defined iCnC CoCophiaeaepst teoeofrfr1th1e1 lFlFa wof andthe rMrMegagasus atihounsetts General Laws Your agencyIf rya oull 1 -8ee6lie6-v4e 872r4 rigg3h ttos cruvndisssst.t your employer andou Regulationspriate protective and safety equipment. tions;_____________________________ may be obtained from the workplace Safety WfileD bac pormivvea ptytelou -alai9nwts uiprt oagaisn er the FMLA ha the Sthtaet eCode of house BookMassstaocreheu u (617-sets A 7. Safety and Health T ed to:can be obtained at and Health Designee.abitouh Wt ouHDrYour agencyUNITED SWATGAE ATES D WH1420 REV 04/23 now ICMnRqu 21.00. i rSietrse esth, o o2SutladnF bldloea or orardrdsdres1-800-336-4590 W WH1420 REV 04/23 SCAN MEK454 m Your agency safety and health policies and directives; ac-SCAN ME _________________________________raining cident, injury and illness statistics of the1-866-487-2365 U.S. Departmentof Justice Office of Special Counsel the Guard and Reserve E AND HO ABOR will provide occupational safety and health_________________________________ES DEPARURR DTR DTMEIVNT OIT OISIOF LN 04 nt of Labor 21UNITED SWATGAE ATES DND HOEPARURUR DTMEIVNIT OSIOF LN training for employees.neiesftoornd,M626A 0-69752023 ComplyRight, Inc. Publication DateMay 2022 WH1420 REV 04/23 ABOR D1e9p aSrttBTBamneol.: 617- Your agencyE7Washington D.C.*Priv565ate- 9s(e28c96t o0Cr). FeRmR p1l9o1y0e.e1s2 0i0n0 )M), aeaensnsfoacrchcheudse e byts the Federal Occu A Standardare covered by a psaiamtioilnaarl l r r eSeSagfufuelatatyti i i oaoaoannnnnn,d,d,d, t t thHhHhee aHltahz aAardddd m m mCionistration (OmmunicationSn H H 2000617-Agency Head SignatureThis formmay be reproduced Required by: 29 CFR 1OSHA F960.1eder2 (Fal Agencedery Pubal lic SectAgency Emploor or F yees Only) E97048 EMPLOYER COMPLIANCELABOR LAW HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 9'