b'ATTENDANCEPAPER SOLUTIONS ATTENDANCEPAPER SOLUTIONS2024 Attendance Calendar Name:_______________________________________________________________ Employee #: ______________________________________Absence CodesNotes Paid Unpaid Additional Quarterly Absence TotalsDa te Hours Worked AAd l dit e ionalb Hours ked J Ju il ryf D l i l n / ut l t y i e on ence TI Ta l l l c rd s i t y i u i se t d l Family Name:ment :LastFir stire Date:6 Middle 2017BBere i avement s Wor KTerm a Abs UUnexcC I F Pa c r c r t s al Hour ointment LLe f aver a ofy ave V L Va n a e a D son hek ay Depart :SimonDeborah A //Reason/ 1 st 2 nd3 rd 4 th Yoetaarl/ / Code D n Do u tors App T LE Let Er X n______________________________________________________/ / EEx LA d Jo LO Layof ay L YF a o ttng Hoid ed PositionMarketing 20/ / F M _______________________ HGnju id y onMM it a No Show Zs ay WorCoordinator________________/ / H I Ho lles ay Self NS Nos C n a ion l __ _______________________ Employee/ ____________________________Phone #: 954 554-1234Suse Payroll #:()I n s -PPer p on s __ _______________________5423 ________________/ / January = Legal Public Holidays Vacation Time:___________________________________________SM1T2W3T4F5S6Total Feb ruar y TWT1F 6 daysM4 days :/ / _____________________ Sick Time________________/ / SMMarch/ / 14151617181913456789STotal S34T5W6T7F1S2Total78910111223 / / V V10 / / 21222324252620 2 111213E141516171 101112131489 / / 28293031271819202122232417181920211516 / / 2526272829 2223 / / 24 P 252627282930 / / Notes _____________________________________________ Note 31 1/ / __________________________________________________/ / April s _____________________________________________ NoteSMTWTFSTotal __________________________________________________May s _____________________________________________/ / 7123456SMTW1T2F3S4Total __________________________________________________/ / June148910111213567891011S2M3T4W5T6F7S1TotalQuarter/ / Total15161718192012131415161718910111213148 Sick Time and Vacation Time 212223242526271920212223242516171819202115 Sick Time Vacation Time NotesAllowed in 2024________ Allowed in 2024________ 282930 Carried over from 2023________ Carried over from 2023 _______ 262728293031 23242526272822 Allowed Taken Available Allowed Taken Available 29 January Notes _____________________________________________ Note 30__________________________________________________February Julys _____________________________________________ NoteSMTWTFS6Total __________________________________________________ September TWTFSTotalMarch s _____________________________________________12345August TWTFSTotal __________________________________________________April SM May 789101112134567123S1M234567 June8 July 141516171819201112131415910891011121314 August2024 Attendance Calendar FolderSeptember 212223242526271819202122161715161718192021 October 28293031 232422232425262728 November Note 25262728293031 2930Mark attendance in the same easy-to-use format as the popularItem # PriceDecember s _____________________________________________ Note__________________________________________________Attendance Calendar card on the outside and store documentsA3050$85.95 Verbal Reprimands or Written Warning Notices __________________________________________________ s _____________________________________________ NoteOctober__________________________________________________S6MT1W2T3F4S5Total __________________________________________________ Ss _______________________________________________________________________________________________related to attendance in the dual storage pockets inside. Includes aPrice per pkg/25. Size: 93/ 8 " x 11" DateVerbal Written Comments November __________________________________________________/ / SMTWTFSTotal DecemberComplyRight guide to help you manage attendance the right way. / /1378910111234567121M2T3W4T5F6S7Total/ /8 201415161718191011121314159891011121314 / /272122232425261718192021221615161718192021 This Attendance Calendar is to be retained in the employees personnel file at the end of each year.Note 28293031 2425262728292322232425262728 This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative infoornm oart ieonnt.i tHy oinwveovlevre,d iti niscnroeta tati nsug,b, pstriotudtuec fionrgl oeoegr adl iastdtdrvibicuet ianngd t hdiose ps rnoo otu pcrto o ise nrnonostslyioaoau may have.T d vide legabll eo pfoinr iaonnysdoanm anagye ssp aerciisisfiincg f aocuttsoofr t t sheer vuiscee s. orh ien ianbfiolirtmy atoti ounse i st hpirso pvridodededdu cwt.i tYho tuh aer ue nudregresdta atnod cionngs tuhlat ta anan ayt tpoerrnsey concerning your particular situation and any specific questions r uconcs _____________________________________________ Note 30 293031o __________________________________________________Important note: This is approved for use by the purchaser only. This form may not be shared publicly or with third parties. __________________________________________________ s _____________________________________________ Note42002020 C_o2m02p4lyRight, Inc.Two easy ways to reorder: hrdirect.com800-999-9111 __________________________________________________A __________________________________________________ s _____________________________________________2024 Attendance Calendar 2024 ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________Attendanc I e Calendar J L _ _ Last First ( ) / Middle /A B e K O Juerrym Dinuaf tAiobnsence T Tardy Name: _______________________ Hire Date:________________Absence CodesB Aedrdeiaavle Hmoeunrts Worked L T ty U U Department:tional HoursC Parti Leave o V VanceaxtciuonsedD D LEL arly X F ness in the Family Position:____________________________ Phone #:________________E Exoccutoserds Appointment Leayfto Ef Y Illloating HolidayG MM __F FnMjuLrAy on Job N Noi liCtaarlyl/ NLeoa Svheow Z Last Day Worked Employee/Payroll #:___________________________________________Purpose of the Attendance Calendar I H I H nleidssa y- Self P S P SS l __ ____ ______________ ____ __ __ __ __ _ Vacation Time:_____________________ Sick Time:________________ 2024 Attendance Calendar CardsIl Suesrspoennasion ____________________Ho P __= Legal Public HolidaysJanuary Learn to Spot Red Flags MarchFebruaryThis form helps your company use the same methodS M T W T F S Total S M T W T F S Total S M T W T F S Totalof attendance tracking for every employee. Using theYou need to know how to spot the red flags1 2 3 1 21 2 3 4 5 6absence codes in the calendar format will allow you7 when an employee asks for time off. When an7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Track employee attendance and quickly spot troubling attendance patterns. 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6to quickly see any attendance issues as they begin14 employee misses w 19 20 11 easons14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16to develop. 15 16 17 18 ork for any of the r 12 1321 below, your company maybe required by law21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23How to Use This Form 28 (depending on your size, location and other28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cards feature a simple coding system for marking missed days and tardies and 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 2029 30 31 25 26 27Use one Attendance Calendar per employee for thefactors) to grant the time off without discipline entire year. A supervisor or manager should use theor any other negative consequence:tsoster parent 31 2024 Attendance Calendarplenty of room to document notes and warnings. Includes a ComplyRight absence codes for all time an employee spends timeNotes_____________________________________________Note f_____________________________________________Notes_____________________________________________away from work. Use the back of the form to recordBirth, adoption or becominga ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________absence notes, and track sick time and vacation time.April M 1T Medical or health-related issues M 6 T 7 W 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 Total June M 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 S 1 Total Card Kit guide to help you manage attendance the right way.MayProper recordkeeping will help identify troublingS W T F S Total S Spatterns of attendance issues. A supervisor or managerC 2 aring for a sick relative or partner3 4 5 6should discuss tardiness or absentee issues with the7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 8 9 10 11 2 8employee and notes about the communication also14 15 Workers compensation injury13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15should be recorded on the back of this form, along21 22or proceedings 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Document and handle all attendance 16 17 18 19 20 12with the date of the discussion and all pertinent23 24 25 26factual information. 28 29Donating blood, an organ or bone marrow 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DescriptionItem #Price Also Available 30 26 27 28Know the Laws Protecting Employee Absences Religious holiday or practice 30 issues quickly and thoroughly through this Even if your company allows employees to use time offNotes_____________________________________________Notes_____________________________________________Notes_____________________________________________from a paid-time off (PTO) bank, it is important toJulyMT Military service obligation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attendance Calendar A4000$74.95in Fill-and-Save __________________________________________________document absence reasons if known. This is becauseS 1 Caring for a disabled service member T W T 1 F 2 S 3 Total September T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 S 7 Total comprehensive kit.Augustcertain absences trigger legal obligations, such as time2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S 6 Total S M S 1 M 2off for family/medical care, military service or jury duty.Jury duty or witness obligationsEmployees are entitled to time off from work for a variety7 8 V 9 oting in an election 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fill-and-Save Format A4000CFL$28.95 Formats10 11 12 13of reasons protected by federal, state and/or local laws.14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21Certain volunteer work (e.g., firefighter or Many of these laws apply regardless of the employers size21 22 23 24 er r 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28or financial resources. Its important to recognize when28 29disast ecovery) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 DescriptionItem #Price Academic Year (August-July)A4300$74.95 an employees absence may be covered by these laws.30 31 Notes_____________________________________________Notes_____________________________________________ Fillable PDFs that Attending a childs school activitiesYour company may have legal obligations that kick in asNotes_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________soon as you learn of an employees request for time off. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50-Card KitA1411$91.95 Fill-and-Save Format A4300CFL$28.95______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ can be routed, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OctoberNovember DecemberS M T W T F S Total S M T W T F S Total S M T W T F S Total2022 ComplyRight, Inc. A4000_2024 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7A1411$147 Fiscal Year (July-June)A4200$74.958 9 10 11 12 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 100-Card Kit13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11Made in USA 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 completed and saved 12 1320 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Fill-and-Save Format A4200CFL$28.9527 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 electronicallyNotes_____________________________________________Notes_____________________________________________Notes_____________________________________________ Price per pkg/50. Size: 8" x 11" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Fill-and-Save item32 WORKPLACE MANAGEMENTATTENDANCE HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 33'