b"POSTING COMPLIANCE FOR LARGE ENTERPRISES POSTING COMPLIANCE FOR LARGE ENTERPRISESPoster Guard Poster Compliance Service is designed to satisfy the posting compliance needs of all U.S. employers, regardless of size. We have extensive experience servicing the nations largest enterprises and expertly managing complex posting requirements across thousands of locations and in multiple states.Request more information or a free quote at PosterGuard.com/Enterprise.A dedicated Account Manager experienced at servicing enterprise organizations is readily available to ensure you have the coverage needed for complete posting compliancewhether you operateve or 500 locations (or more). MyPosterGuard.com makes it easy to maintain centralized control while ensuring accountability at each site. Expanded Services Available Log in to:View all federal, state, county and city posting changes Federal Contractor Industry-Speci c Canada that apply to your locationsMandatory labor law postings forMandatory postings for restaurants,Fully compliant labor law postings companies with federal governmenthealthcare providers, public sectorand automatic updates for CanadianAudit compliance at every location in real timecontracts employers, retail establishments,locations, available in English orView all federal, state, nancial entities and more French See full images of required postings at each location county and city posting Bilingual Access printable PDFs of recent poster changes changes for your business Optional bilingual (English andNo-Weapons Applicant Area Check the status of all poster replacementsSpanish) posters for states whereState-compliant postings toAll required labor law postings forlocations atSpanish postings are recommended communicate your no-weapons policy areas where job candidates ll outTrack shipments and con rm delivery of replacement posters MyPosterGuard.comapplications; digital format availableAdd/delete/update locationsfor onlineSpecialty Posters Custom Services Transfer coverage from one location to anotherLocal contractor postings, customer- Take advantage of posting facing industry postings and othertranslations in any language, bundlingI-Verify Service Verify poster receipt and acknowledgment for remote workersmandatory postings that meet speciccompany-specic postings in yourGet conrmation that each location location requirements shipments . and more. Just ask! has received and properly displayedMonitor pending posting changesthe most recent postings Verify account statusDownload reportsGet timely updates from our legal team about regulatory activity at the federal, state, county and city levelsVerifying Compliance Has Never Been Easier with the ComplyScan TMFeature Access our FREE Minimum Wage Monitor for up-to-date information about current and pending minimum wage ratesREVISION DATE: 06/23 EEOCU.S. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION FLSAFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACTSimply scan the QR code printed on the poster set using any web-enabledScan this QR code for compliance verification. Know Your Rights: EMPLOYEE RIGHTSmobile device. Youll be linked automatically to a web page where you can verify yourWe are committed to safeguarding your information. Our data centers are posters are complete and current.Workplace Discrimination is Illegal UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACTSOC-certi ed to ensure the strictest technical, administrative and physical controls are in place for your protection.ment O n (EEOC) e s that protect you fromFEDERAL MINIMUM WAGEFEDERAL LABOR LAW POSTINGS T i he U.S. Equal Employ ment pp l ortunity Commissio een discrim n i l forces Fe i deral law rk or in app l lying for a$7.25PER HOURdscrimination in employ . If you believe youve b inated aganst at wojob, the EEOC may be able to hep. What Empoyment Practices can be Chalenged Who is Protected? Union members a as Discrimnatory? 009Employees (current anders applicants for me ndr All aspects of e ployment, including: BEGINNING JULY 24, 2 ee it. g manag mbeshipm dily s866-463-4574former), inclu r din mployees in a unionDischarge, firing, or lay-offRequesting or disclosingThe law requires employers to display this poster w es can rea20 EMPLOYER COMPLIANCELABOR LAW HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 21and temporay e here employe Job applicantsHarassment (includingmedical information of www.posterguard.com zations are Covered? unwelcome verbal or employees OV l ERTIM E iPAY he regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.What Organi physical conduct) Conduct that mightAt east 1tmes t Most private employersEducational institutions Hiring or promotion reasonably discourageCHILD LABOR most non-farm jobs and at least 18 to work in non-farm jobs declaredState and local governments (as e i m s ployers)Assignment someone from opposingge,An employee must be at least 16 years old t s o w orkin years old may work outs r ide lschool hours in various non-manu t f . acturing, imination, filing a charEPPAEMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT (as employers) U t n f on g agenciesPay (unequal wages ordiscr ticipating in anhazard i ou i s b ,y the Secr r etary o j f Labo i r.You t th in 14 o and h 15 rs restrictions. Different ues apply in agricultural employmen Safin or par non-mnng azadous obs wthcer a w rkoucompensation) investigation or proceeding. non-hWhat Types of Employment Discrimination are Illegal?Failure to provide reasonable Conduct that coerces,TIP CREDIT y claim a partial wage credit based on tips received by their EMPLOYEE RIGHTS Under t l l i i he E l EOCs laws, an e i mpl t oye i r may not d i l i li i i it is i cr e im li a ina i te a : g il ainst accommodation for ath,intimidates, threatens, orEm i p i l l o i ye i rs . o ft p i ip l p s l e l i y ds e i m l p . s , lo ye es iw l h l o i m e r et l i s c t e rtai n l c i ond iti o it i n if s t m f a at a le . a t l st $ i 2 g .13 p s e l rr hou r t o if t il he . y lc s la t i l m rar t s ipcr il e t d o itr aga id in i s tt t h r l e q i i ral you, regard s of your immgra on status, on the b ses of disability; pregnancy, childbir interferes with someoneempoyees Em oyermu tpay tpped e empoyeesa cashwage o empoyers cash wage of at eas $2.13 per h ur do no e ues netc tests,or related medical condition;exercising their rights, ormnmum wage ob gaton If an empoy es tpscombnedw h he Race dscosure of g or a sincerely-held religioussomeone assisting orthe mnmumhourw he empoyermumakeup the d ference Coor genet c c servces, or fam ybelief, observance or practice encouraging someone else toage tmed al hsory)ights, regarding EMP EE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACTRe t g i on l originReta g i at i on fo i r fi b n l g ai posin i g Benefits exercise r iminationPU il M f P AT e WOR K m r p , t oye t rs is il to pr i ovde ea so i nab a e b r f eak l t r me f i or e r d s n i urs e f n oempoyee trs expre h s b y ea li s t ,m s k i fo rthe e r e nu s s c n gy LOYNa ona char e, reasona y op cipatng Job training disability discr The e FLSA n r e qurea e tehe c h ds brth each t v m i e the empoyee ne t usoxpre s beas e m a k Empo u emu hc p ov y b a pa d e,Sex (including pregnancy,discrmnaton, or part Classification (including accommodation) orch h d or on ayear ro f om thafrom ewnd reefom n on r mcowork nd t ep b c w hma ue bth, and related medicalin a discrimination lawsuit, Referral pregnancy accommodation ot rtha bathshieldedchildbirTheEmployeePolygraphProtectionActconditions, sexual orientation, i I nvestigat n ion, or p r r c o i ceedingObtaining or disclosing geneticthe employee to express bre i ast mi r lk. cover back wages and an e damages in in . s mployers may be assess e, or gender identity) nterfere ce, coe on, orinformation of employeesprohibits most private employers from using Ag i e (4 il 0 a i nd older) th i re t ats re a late i d to e i r xe i r li c a isingAdditional information about the EEOC,ENF t O i RC , EME t NT s a i u l t a ho i r n t s y .toe e Department may li i tigate an q ua r l i a i mount in l e iqu r id i at i ed l i pro se a c y ution v i E i tanc es f of m l inimum i i l wag edDsab ty rghs reg rdng dsab tyThe Department ha toTh th d/o n recommendc rmna tm ro sonso the aw. Cvmoney employment G i en l eti i c inform l ationequestsdiscriminatio t n o i r pegn ncyincluding information about filing a charge ofo i ve il r m l m i ea nd o al he i r v f o l rt each willful o l r r i epeate d v e iola i t llf on lo r f i i r ld e la i m j orm . u f mi w i l ag s i .o e o i v r e t r h l n i e i e p ,ivi n lp li a o i ney pen i a s lt ies m i ay be a i ssessed lie detector tests either for pre- (ncudng empoyer r raccommoda on discrimination, is available at www.eeoc.gov. cv n at oneyp y en ls t e si o ssessed for vioatons of o t heFLSAs e ch u e b ury p rov e s y on n H rgh o e oy d e c r a tm such asses s me r nts may rbeg screening or during the course of employment. for, or purchase, use, o u Believe Discrimination has Occurred? ge ofpe r ea l c es c m i a ld l a t b o r be io a la a i ion that resu r ltsi in the death or s o ro e s n tedo anm . al o o emp b e s e d tng agan to dschagnfo hha o voWhat can You Do if Yo do he v tons are dete mned t b w u p a Th L S aw s p t aict time limits for filing a char ubedwheneding under the F A, etc.)Contact the EEOC promptly if you suspect discrimination. Do not delay, because there are str workers who file a complaint or participate in any proceNS lly pro g that resulted in economic lossincident (th l eft, embezzlement discrimination (180 or 300 days, depending on where you live/wor : li l. . l i . k). You can reach the EEOC in any of the following ways: . i l i ADD r I t T i IONAL I i NFO l RM t ATIO li N en ts are exem ir pt from. the minimum wage, and/or overtime pay provisions. Certain narrow of involvement in a workplaceVisit an EEOC field office (information at PROHIBITIO era tin to the empoyer. Submit an inquiry through the EEOCs public portal:x www.eeocgov/fed-offce )Ce an occupatons an t desta b u shm atwork requ e ntsEmploye i rs, are g i en ining, or d hib r i i ted fr t om requiring or requesoror any collective bargaining agreement which is m ate or local lawhttps//pub cporta eeocgov/Porta/Lognasp E-Mail info@eeoc.gov exem i p l tionsi al i so a ppy l y o o hep k mpin American Sa me a, the Co ariana Islands, and the any employee or job applicant to t i ake ia lie detector test l , and fromThe law does not preempt any provision of any St ore restrictiveCall 18006694000 (toll free)18006696820 (TTY) Speca provsonsapptwor ers mo mmonwealth of the Northern Mdischargng discpl isc mna ng againstan empoyee singwith respect to lie detector tests. 18442345122 (ASL video phone) NTRACTS OR SUBCONTRACTS Commonwealth of Puert o R a ic t o. r employee protections; employers must comply with both. actually employees underFLSA.prospective employee for refusing to take a testor for exerci EMPLOYERS HOLDING FEDERAL COSome state laws providegre e kers asemployees (u en lth ey aret) are entitled toLSthe inimum other rights under the Act. rnments are not aff i ected by the law E t XA MIN l EE RIG r H t TS r i e p f ermitt f ed , t t he t y, a i rel su t bjec f t to i n i umerousT j he D i i l e i par i t t m i ent of L i abo l rs O i ffice of Federal C it i ontrac i r l t i in inationP i ro r t l i e i c i t te t d Ve i te i ra t n S . tatu l s d ir justme r i n i t A i l i ssistan l i ce A s ct ofrui t t l ,S t o i m i t e i emp t l l l o i t y l i er i s r s in if c i o a r t r e t c r i t ,ly tc if las i s e ify lw or etw , een ly ind l t e i pe if n i ,de n i tcontracto t r i s w i h n c e il s it s i s e s xemp ot e .paid less thantheF in As imwage EX tain private individuals engaged in national securty-related activities edWh t ere po d ygra s ph tes e s a ing g the conduc and leng d h oth ttest.est,. Co s mp s ance Pr r og c r t am r s (OFCCP) enforces the nondisc n m r g for aThe V a e n nam Era Ve s t i e . r . ans R i e i a m e , p t r f oh s b a t t i s em i p t t oymenti ec n y I w a s rmpor o ant rto t k t now the d u c fe r n n nce n bco s rrect t r h e two becauser ende n co ntra b tor eare nb them mumEMPTIONS nment toExamineesi have a num n er n o speciicrighs u ncu in i gth n e rgh bu ne firma t ve a e F on commtm r ents of compan r es do y gal1974, as amended, 38 U n S.C. 4212 e s afim b ve ac e on to r ece Ce ge a an dc ve m t e me pay n p s o s t e e t e o t s a ar d er pappe c t ass s ed o ndep kerswthdsamayFederal, State and local gove s rictstan ardconc r e t to aand af s woAlso, the law does not apply to tests given by the Federal Gover en notce befo e t b st , the right to ref se or dsco nue a t ob wt s w h th ederal Govenment. If you ae app de dsc p m a n on aga n n , a d requ n, d a ed ve ran, r under n p fu - a ce ude es su d by t e en e artme n c f e La andcer aph (a kind of lie detector) tests to be administer wri t he rig e t results disclosed to unauthorized persons contra h i ,o i r a i u e a i n emp t oyee of ll , a co i mpany w : d h a Fe deral lawem le ar oy, a o d adv t a i n ce in emp t oy i hree years of dscharge ors e c dh D n o b r.and t ht not to have tes ct ors bcontac, you are protected un er Fe sep ted vetera s ( e, wthn t e or campagn The Act permits polygr rictions,ENFORCEMENrestra fromdscrmnaton on the fo owng bases rientation,re d ase fr te m ac ve duty), ac ve duty wartm . D HOUR DIVISION 1-866-487-9243in the private sector, s ubject t o irest to cert l ain p , rospective),The Secretary of L T or may bring court actions to inRace, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual O ba ge ve ti rans,or Armed Forces service medal veterans WAGE AN TATES DEPARTMENT OF L OR www.dol.gov/agencies/whdemp loyees ofsecur i i t tyservice p f h r mst (arm , o r re j d car, a a ar l m sand gu , ard . viol j ations a i nd asse ab civil pen i alti es a i gainstviolat t or ction p . loyees G i e li n i i d t e i i r Id i entity, N i r atio t n i a r l Origin sed on race, col entRe t t i a li li t a i i i o i on ti p rohibi r te i d a i g t ainst a person who files a co i mplaintrUNITED S WH1088 REV 04/23 ABand of pharmaceu s polygra tes ing istributorsnd tdis t pensers or ob applcantsss also brngther owncoura s. Em s Execu ve Orde edeal cont ended, prohibits employm or, Rea s a rm n is p n, pa tcpaes in an OFCCP proceedng, ortical manufacturers, d may r 11246, as amTh r eAc t alsopermsubect to res y ric ions tofhere em ad d e scr o m t na i t t on by F i l l o f r fi enta ti on act l t o i rs ba nsure equality of of d er c e e s d n r a p o os s. elieves a contractor has v l co i l ntractors unde FMLAFAMILY AND MEDI 93(Only applies to certain employerssee note at bottom)ce tainemployees of private firms who a e reasonab uspec edr gon, sex, sexua , gender identity, or nationaloth w e o es discrimination by Federarma ve ac on to e se F eal lawThe law re mployers to display this poster w d job applicants can re ily see it. origin, and requres a ects of empoyment. the rson who b r affirmative action oblig o i ated its erCAL LEAVE ACT OF 19quires e ployees an opp run y in al asp sclosing, o Any p tion o i ato l n : s undAsking About, Di r Discussing Pay nondiscrimina hould contact immedateyWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION T OF LABOR www.dol.g 1-866-487-9243 E i xec i l u i t n ive Order 1124 i l 6 i , as am t e i nded, p i rot i ec i r t i s a i pp t l i icants a i ndnO . FCCPs a i uth i orities s ab ontract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)IGHTSUNITED STATES DEPARTM ENV 02/22 ov/agencies/whd empoyees of F i ederal contraco li rs from d h sc p m l na p o . n based o The Office of Federal C or.W.YOUR EMPLOYEE Rut, dscosng, or dscussng t er com ensaton orUS. Department of L nue, NWH1462 RE nqur g abo pcant onsttuton Avethe compensaton of other ap s or em oyees 200 C ington, D.C. 20210 Disability Wash 03976251 (toll-free) R THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT180 UNDEIf you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,protectslecommunications relay services. qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination in hiring,please dial 711 to access te t d by s : f ubmit l t p ing a que l. stion onlineWhat is FMLA leave? ave Act (FMLA) is a federal laweligible employees with job-CCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970 promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, jobtraining, classification,OFCCP may also b l e contacte ps//occphe desk.d is o e gov/s/ , ortThe Family and Medical Le lifying family and medical reasons that providespartment of Labors Wage OSHAO referral, and other aspects of employment by Federal contractors.to OFCCPs Hep Deskatht lor district office, l t p d in mos protectedi leave for qua enfor the FMLA for most e . The U.S. DeDisability discrimination includes notmaking reasonableby calling an OFCC i P regiona .S. Government, De artmentHour Dvision (WHD)cesmployees. for:accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of antelephone dire l c . tores un i der U ntact Us w . ebpage atandemployees ca upFMLA leave in a 12-month period otherwise qualified individual with adisability who is an applicant orof La : bor and on OFCCPs Co cp/contact Eligiblen taketo 12 workweeks of Job Safety and Health employee, barring unduehardship to the employer. Section 503https//www.do gov/agences/ofcThe birth, adoption or foster placement of a child with you, t you unable to work, condition, andalso requires thatFederal contractors take affirmative action to employ andadvance in employment qualified individuals with Your serious mental or physical health condition that makes disabilitiesat all levels of employment, including the executive level. To care for your spouse, child or parent with a serious men al or physical healthor parent who ECEIVING FEDER SSISTANCECertain qualifying reasons related to the foreign deployment of your spouse, child ITS THE LAW! R PROGRAMS OR ACTIVI i TIES R AL FI i N i ANCIAL A isabilities Ana military servicemember. spouse, child, parent or next of kin of a covered servicememberth is ace, Color, National Orign, Sex s ActIndvduals with D wit eligible employee who is theay take upkweeks of FMLA leave in a single 12-monight Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, h a serious injury or illness m to 26 worIn addition to the prote i ct l ions of Title V i I i I of t i he Civil R prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of disability in.period to care for the servicemember. inWhen it is medically necessary or of 1964, as a r me i nd it ed, T ic t i e V i I of t i h i e C ii vl Rg i h i t i s Act of 196 l 4, asrany program or activity which receives Federal financial assistance You have the right to use FMLA leaveL one block of time.in separate blocks of time,amended, poh n b s ds a r l mnat n on o i t n t i he b i a i ss of race, cooro Discrimination is prohibited in all aspects of employment againstpermitted, you may take FM A leave intermittentlyek. Re Fact Sheet #28M(c) for national or s ig is in in progr p ms or actv sc es rece c v i ng Fe i der r al s persons with disabilities who, with or without reasonable otherwised schedule by working less hours each day or we ad financial as ta ce. Em b oy j m i i e at t d i h rm n na i t d o i n is cov i e i ed by i i naccommodation, can perfor li i i i m the essential functions of the job. i i i i i i i mor on a reduce . paid leave, but you may choose, or be required by your employer, to use any T r itle VI if the primary o ectve of t e fi an al ass r s i tance i n ato If you be st eve you have been d e scrmn r ated aganst i s n a progra more informationEmployers must: povision of employ il ment, or where e i mployment d e scrmn derof any in ul tuton w i h t ch r l ece t v c s Fedeal financal asstance, FMLA leave is notpaid leave if your employers paid leave policy covers the reason for which you All workers have the right to: es or may cause discrimn on in prov m ng s i e v n ces u n 2you sho is d imm . edaey cona t the F ral agency providingemploye ovided caus rograms. Tte IX of the Educaton A endm ts of 197 ede r-prProvide employees a workplace free fromsuch pA safe workplace. prohibits employment discrim i in i ation o i n the b i ass of sex i such a i ss 6/ tance 23) EEOC 06/23 FMLA leave.recognized hazards. It is illegal to retaliatetional programs or activtes whch receve Federal (Revsed27/20 need educaRaise a safety or health concern withagainst an employee for using any of theirfinancial assistance. Am I eligible to take FMLA leave?your employer or OSHA, or report a work- rights under the law, including raising a healthYou are an eligible employee if all of the following apply:PLOYMENT RIGHTS ACTYou work for a covered employer,related injury or illness, without beingand safety concern with you or with OSHA, orUSERRAUNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMYou have worked for your employer at least 12 months, ing the 12 months before your retaliated against.reporting a work-related injury or illness. have at least 1,250 hours of service for your employer dur You, andReceive information and training on jobComply with all applicable OSHA standards.leave employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles of your work location. Yourhours of service requirements.hazards, including all hazardous substances Airline flightes have different crew employein your workplace.Notify OSHA within 8 hours of a workplaceYou work for a covered employer if one of the following applies: d 20 workweeksfatality or within 24 hours of any work-relatedwork for a private employer that had at least 50 employeesuring at least Request a confidential OSHA inspectioninpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss Youcurrent or previous calendar year, of your workplace if you believe there areof an eye. YOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRA in thek for an elementary or public or pri l vate secondary school, or ent agency. Most federal.You wor You work for a public agency, such as a loca, state or federal governm of Personnel Managementunsafe or unhealthy conditions. You haveIG are covered by Title II of the FMLA, administered by the Office the right to have a representative contactProvide required training to all workers in aTHE UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENT R HTS ACT employees OSHA on your behalf. language and vocabulary they canunderstand.How do I request FMLA leave?USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertakeGenerally, to request FMLA leave you must:Participate (or have your representativeProminently display this poster in the workplace. military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster Medical System.USERRA also prohibits employers from Follow your employers normal policies for requesting leave,discriminating against past and present members of the uniformed services, and applicants to the uniformed services.Give notice at least 30 days before your need for FMLA leave, orparticipate) in an OSHA inspection andPost OSHA citations at or near the place of If advance notice is not possible, give notice as soon as possible. ide enough informatio mployer so they HEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTIONspeak in private to the inspector. the alleged violations. REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS If you leave your job to perform military service, you haveYou do not h to sharel a medic lif a i l diagnosis but mus i t prov u mu so infor n to your e loyer if FMLA aver the eave qua es fo ecton. Yo ur empmine whethe taken or appr r FMLA prot reason whe st al mi yo l leave.On-Site Consultation services are available toYou have the right to be reemployed in your civilian job if youhealth plan coverage for you and your dependents for up to 24leave wa re provider o ver y medca and may File a complaint with OSHA within30 daysleave that job to perform service in the uniformed service and: the right to elect to continue your existing employer-basedcan deter s previouslyoved for the samen requ t estingif addito i na l leaverequest (by phone, online or by mail) if you have beensmall and medium-sized employers, withoutyou ensure that your employer receives advance written ormonths while in the military. Your employer may request certification from a health caretaliated against for using your rights. verbal notice of your service; Even if you don't elect to continue coverage during your militarycertif F ication of a qualifying exigency. ra state law prohibiting discr or sup . ersede any state or local law or citation or penalty, through OSHA-supportedyou have five years or less of cumulative service in theservice, you have the right to be reinstated in your employer'sTheMLA does not affect any fede l ores greate iminationightsSee any OSHA citations issued to yourconsultation programs in every state. uniformed services while with that particular employer; health plan when you are reemployed, generally without anycollective bargaining agreement that provid limitation r f i amily ori medic ir al leavel r its regarding leave for their own serious waiting periods or exclusions (e.g., pre-existing conditionStatemployees may be subject to certains n pursu l t of d a ecta aw l su red by the law but are subject to the employer. you return to work or apply for reemployment ine fe mpoyeesreso covea timely manner after conclusion of service; and exclusions) except for service-connected illnesses or injuries. health conditions. Mostderal and certain congressional eRequest copies of your medical records, testsyou have not been separated from service with a disqualifyingENFORCEMENT jurisdiction of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or Congress.discharge or under other than honorable conditions. do?that measure hazards in the workplace, andThe U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment andWhat does my employer need toemployer mu :If you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be restored to the jobTraining Service (VETS) is authorized to investigate andA leave, yourstthe workplace injury and illness log. and benefits you would have attained if you had not been absent dueresolve complaints of USERRA violations. If you are eligible for FML cted time off work for a qualifying reason,to military service or, in some cases, a comparable job.Allow you to take job-prote plan cover e on leave on the same basis as if youFor assistance in filing a complaint, or for any other information ontinue your group healthage while you arCRIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION AND RETALIATION on USERRA, contact VETS at 1-866-4-USA / -DOL or visit itshad not taken leave, and he sam or a virtually identical job with the same pay, benefits and This poster is available free from OSHA. If you: te at https://www.dol.gov/agenciesvets/. Allow you to return to t e job,tion, at the end of your leave.websiare a past or present member of the uniformed service; An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewedother working, including shift and loca rights or threate you for at https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/vets/userra. conditions FMLAn or punish have applied for membership in the uniformed service; orYour employer cannot interfere with yourannot retaliate against you forIf you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable torcising your rights under the law. For example, your employer. care obligated to serve in the uniformed service; resolve it, you may request that your case be referred to theexe FMLA leave or coope ith a WHD investigation A, then an employer may not deny you: Department of Justice or the Office of Special Counsel, asrequestingaware that yourrating w leave is foreason that may qualify under the FML If your initial employment; You may also bypass the VETS process and bring a civil actionAfter becomingmust confir need forr you a p a r le or not eligible for FMLA leave. applicable, for representation.reemployment; against an employer for violations of USERRA. em employerthat youm whethe your e re eligib fy you in writing:your,m loye notiployer determinesare eligible r must retention in employment;About your FMLA rights and responsibilities, andpromotion; or The rights listed here may vary depending on the circumstances. How much of your requested leave, if any, will be FMLA-protected leave.any benefit of employment The text of this notice was prepared by VETS, and may be viewed Contact OSHA. We can help.because of this status. on the internet at this address: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ Where can I find more information? rn more.vets/programs/userra/poster Federal law requires employers to or visit dol.gov/fmla to leanotify employees of their rights under USERRA, and employersCall 1-866-487-9243 ts under the FMLAyou may file a complaint with WHD In addition, an employer may not retaliate against anyonerigh been violated,QR code to learn about our assisting in the enforcement of USERRA rights, includingcustomarily place notices for employees. If you believe yoursuit against yourhavet. Scan the testifying or making a statement in connection with a proceedingmay meet this requirement by displaying this notice where theyor file a private law employer in courunder USERRA, even if that person has no service connection. WHD complaint process. SCAN MEEmployer Support ofONthe Guard and Reserve WAGE AND HOUR DIVISI1-800-336-4590U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Departmentof Justice Office of Special Counsel Publication DateMay 2022 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOROSHA 3165-04R 20191-866-487-23651-800-321-OSHA (6742)TTY 1-877-889-5627www.osha.gov WH1420 REV 04/23 E30122023 ComplyRight, Inc. ies to employers with 50 or more employees or public employers, regardless of employee size. See your human resources manager to determine if the FMLA applies to your employer.IMPORTANT NOTE: The FMLA only appl"