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Attention to Detail Test Can-Do Attitude Assessment Light Industrial Skills Test (LIST) Can-Do Attitude Test (CDAT) Workplace Safety Attitude (WSA)Evaluate qualifications based on Find employees willing to go the extraIdentify safety-oriented individualsConfirm that an applicant can proof numerical Find employees willing to go the extra mile the specific requirements of lightmile with a positive attitude.and textual content. with a positive attitude. to reduce potential accidents inindustrial positions. Paper Test - LD2-T0812 the workplace.Online Test - LD2-T9835 Online Test - LD2-T9819 Paper Test - LD2-T1866 Quantity 5-4950-99100+ Paper Test - LD2-T0068Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ Quantity 5-4950-99100+ Price Per Test$20.00$18.00$17.00 Quantity 5-4950-99100+Price Per Test$10.00$9.50$9.00$8.50$7.50 Price Per Test$25.00$23.75$22.50$21.25$20.00 Price Per Test$24.00$22.00$21.00 5-test minimum.Price Per Test$9.50$8.50$8.005-test minimum.5-test minimum.5-test minimum. 5-test minimum. Mechanical Ability Test (MAT)Interpersonal Skills Test Comprehensive Personality Assessment Workplace Essentials Profile (WEP) Measure aptitude for a wide range Clerical Skills Test (CST)Identify applicants who have excellent customer service,Gauge how well an applicant is suited for a particularIdentify reliable applicants by assessingof mechanical skills. Measure a wide range of clerical abilities teamwork and workflow management skills. position (entry-level through management). critical attitudes and work ethics. from reading, writing and proofreading Paper Test - LD2-T0070Online Test - LD2-T9845 Paper Test - LD2-T0025 Quantity 5-4950-99100+ to basic math.Online Test - LD2-T3014Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ Price Per Test$20.00$18.00$17.00 Paper Test - LD2-T0864Quantity 5-4950-99100+Price Per Test$25.00$23.75$22.50$21.25$20.00 Price Per Test$25.00$23.75$22.50$21.25$20.00 Price Per Test$24.00$22.00$21.00 5-test minimum.Quantity 5-4950-99100+5-test minimum.5-test minimum.5-test minimum.Price Per Test$20.00$18.00$17.00Customer Relations &5-test minimum. Skills Profiler Test Light Industrial Workplace AttitudesApplicant Potential Test (APT) Interpersonal Skills (CRIS)Assessment Identify problem solvers, topIdentify applicants who have Retail Skills Test (RST)Establish competence in basic math and language skills, performers and fast learners. skills associated with excellent Evaluate key skills for retail positions as well as attention to detail. Ascertain an individuals reliability, attitude towardincluding calculating discounts, matching illegal drug use and more. customer service.Paper Test - LD2-T0065 model numbers and treating customers Online Test - LD2-T9828 Quantity 5-4950-99100+ Paper Test - LD2-T0059 with care.Online Test - LD2-T3025Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ Price Per Test$20.00$18.00$17.00 Quantity 5-4950-99100+ Paper Test - LD2-T0816Price Per Test$25.00$23.75$22.50$21.25$20.00 Price Per Test$20.00$18.00$17.00Price Per Test$25.00$23.75$22.50$21.25$20.00 5-test minimum.Quantity 5-4950-99100+5-test minimum.5-test minimum. 5-test minimum.Price Per Test$24.00$22.00$21.005-test minimum. Workplace Essentials Profiler AssessmentTake a Free Test Drive! Identify reliable applicants by assessing critical attitudesVisit hrdirect.com/test-drive and work ethics, as well as essential skills. Developed By J. M. Llobet, Ph.D. __al _ ____ _ N ___ ___________ SkillSeries __________ ___ ______________________________Date SkillSeries / / SCOREDescriptionItem5-4950-99100+Math Skills_____________________________________________________________________ infryismtheFirst .Reading Compr __al _ ___ +_ _ N ___________ _ ___ ______________ ___ __ ehension Skills _____________________// SCORE SkillsSeries Teststo request a FREE sample Name (Please Print) that measure youriny kabilit testto perf proresentbasic ______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ Attention to Detail (2 Minutes)LD2-T0107$9.50$8.50$8.00_LastM.I.SociSecurity _umber ________________________DevelopedBy J. M. Llobet, Ph.D.Samplecalculations the ontofthemost ed appropr riatight.e response Prob lem:3889 3910 M.I.Below are pr 20.ob Y proulemob arlems similareut teso place to to ans those aw checerfoundaskmar manto mathematicalName (Please Print)3778 4889A samplepr oblems as you can.3852Online Test - LD2-T9831 You will have 4 min1. $45.25 $46.35 _____________________________________________________________________1. First$100.00 ________________________ 37SkillSeries Last AREINSTRUCTED2.+$43.75 3 $45.35 STOP. DO NOT BEGIN UNTIL YOU ap Y e ___al __ ___ _ N ___ es _____________ Security __ 1101 F _7 umber __ __ __First__=__ TO ___ DO __SO. ____ ythe ousame ___ 352-01_______50 _Date ,00/_______________ / 2.1.W SCOREDate Training Measure basic workplace Soci2.50Attention To Detail Skillsappr$5.40 can f.or .Read both the let tfirersts. letter and answer the questions that follow it by placing a checkmark in the box next to the most $46.25Belo 10% of $540.00 $27.00band$54.00 You willoprw ariat hae evtw eresponse o4 br miniefut let.es Thenter tso.Eachans readw er letthe aster secondmanis folloy questions letwedter y fivasdoe questions17.53113.28 Developed By J. M. Llobet, Ph.D.12. iv 25e dollar STOP. DO NOT BEGIN UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. Math Skills (4 Minutes)LD2-T0110$9.50$8.50$8.00 3.25 3.27Nam e (Please Print)Letter 1: s is equivalent 30to how many dimes? 40________________________ Letter 1:4.28Last114.27__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________M.I. Quantity 5-910-2425-49 50-99100+ 3.x $7.15 $20.55 douSoci Security _umber13. Mr. Joseph Smith77,292,655Sample Item:Alike Different What type of products is Mr. Smith interested in?4. or 6t y pennies is equiv 8alentF $20.45 Belcoi dwill $21 2kels? reu me txob aeanscrstly, w leaerltitke easr so a rman nddif enyra eitmnemste, st.h e Yasonu pyalouarececan.to aecxh aemciknme aerakc hinpthaeir and to toof ,292,755 352-01y ,392,655 $5,000,000 3.fer Computer softwareNone competencies and simulate ropriate box. A sample item similar to the ones found in the test is presented to the right. 77,392,755 Safety,543,025 250,370we a w rhaeh ev2teh0ep2ramintirhse yout fa n1214.Exo Industries$3,500,000 yse sales product henbe contactedTheNe xtto wmonthseteek up ofaOct meeting?ober 1$21.35.45Plant Manager ars an thed s athirlesd w yeear?re $1,50 Within willember 1 Mr0 da.Smith1y sies specialty? Reading Comprehension (4 Minutes)LD2-T0108$9.50$8.50$8.00 North Kendall Drive Sept TX 75218Dallas, Mr. Smith: What is Exo Industr to how many1nic0If afircostm pyearany,whattripled w ierts es atheles compan in thre$4,500,000Safety Comput teller softwareSTOP. DO NOT BEGIN UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. DearthePrice Per Test$25.00$23.75$22.50$21.25$20.00 5.$10006 plus 6% sales tax $1 08is equivalent to: $11. 1562 N.E. Madison Ave.You and your that forcompanyou your may revieybehaw vinterested.e In been it you referredwillin our seetosafetythatme bywe Maryne ExodaysAlike Dif 4.Trainingmain purpose of thisCan lettter? $3,000,000 indicatedalso line.carryOlivieri I computer ha ofve MDT enclosed softw, Inc. ourare Maryandlat -What is the$1 2. 17967$16015.est catalog products that may be of interest to your company. xt 10 Industries de ould velop Dif 5. W To reschedule a meeting Mary Olivieri referred herToactual tasks with this familyandmeet0,880then discuss willho contact for the within Alik erenttrainingbe with 1562 N.W. Madison Ave02,600AlikeeDiffferentfor going to Dallas? 6. + 216.02 288.1 3. DE-7302116 .I will 61 90,500you asafety1,1 01,500 6productsSafety ters?34likean To let Debra know sell that productsety products Inspection Skills (2 Minutes)LD2-T0105$9.50$8.50$8.00 +325,450 theweek1,100,600you 1,1 ent in Dallas w our 1 1,103,600 72.09 4. Ph #84744.0-728-96716. 17967plan. IOctobercanthehelp Conference and to IwscheduleTtoointrJosephoduce Smith and line of reason saf TToovisitmeet a Mar custyomer OlivieriPh #84744.0-728-9671implement76,770288.011 298.0 appointment.you have any questions, my phone number is 800-999- To expand athes mainer Smithence9111. I look forw In theard meantime, to meeting if you.298.111ackson . hat is Debr J osepha conf5-test minimum. 7.$4,537$1,875 5.Stephen M.14 J dollars is equiv 28alent to how many 32 quar 25,225Alik Difent attendSincerely, Stephen N.4 J ackson Alikee DifffererentSe To meet 24venDE-730221 8.siv 2,642$1,885$2,895 1. 1$3,300 17.Debra Holsten Assistant 1 $1,1 24,325 $1,1AlikeDifferent 1. H C If pr wemploye oy1is e days, what of paper tests. 5-test minimum. $1,895Product 05/31/96-07/31/96 $1,125,325 51326-45-ATT 2,375,4256. 05/31/96-07/31/96$3,500,750 $1,124,225 $1,450 $1,9008. 7. Colson18. 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