b'Manage Employee Attendance, Time Off Streamline the Process for Managing and Schedules with Web-Based Apps Time Off Requests Routing: Human Resources 2024 Time Off Request and Approval__________________________________$ 99 ComplyRight Please Print HillBarbara __________________________________2024 Time Off Request and Approval Employee NameLastFirst E 2 15 21//_________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________Middle 4536 C reativeA YEAR Employee/Payroll # _______________________________________Department________________________________________Requesting time off has never been this easy!31413 //Employee Hire/Service Date_________________ Status: Full-time Part-timePER APP Employee InstructionsThe calendar format allows employees to clearlyComplete information above.Indicate reason(s) below.Make requests below by placing s in calendar days.Sign below and return to your supervisor for approval.request dates in the upcoming months and alsoLegal Public HolidayJanuary February Marchhighlights legal public holidays. Supervisors can seeSMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS Jan uary anzeaa 2ars D023 eay nds123456123121Kwew Y1 N7891011121345678910345678915 Martin Luther King Jr. Daythe bigger picture and confidently approve time off 14151617181920 11121314151617 10111213141516Februaryxxx xx 14 Valentines Day 2122xx252627 18192021222324 1718192021222314A232419Prsehs Wideednntess dDaayywith a 12-month overview right at their fingertips.282930312526272829 214252627282930March317 St. P ncd bs DApril May June 10 Ramaadtarinka eginaysSMTWTRouting:Hu ma S Resources TWTFS SMTWTFS 249Palm yFS n M2 GoodSFuriday2024 Time Off Request & Approval 1 __ AprilTwo-part carbonless form, one copy for employee,Please Print 7123456__ ___ ______ _____ _____ _ ____ 2 34234567131Easter Sunday ____________________________89101112135 6 7 8 9 1011812 Ramadan ends 14151617181920 121314151617189101112131415 3 9 PRouting:Human Resources 20Paassssoovveer er bnedgsinsanother for manager or HR department Employee Name______________________________________________________ Da / / May Mothers Dayte _____________2024 Time Off Request & Approval____________________________ 21222324252627 19202122232425 1617181920212212 LastFirstMiddlePlease Print____________________________ 2Employee/Payroll # ________________________________ Department ____________________________ 31 330 242526272829 27 Memorial Day282930 2627282930 Employees mark their time-off requests byEmployee Hire/Service Date _____ /_ _______Status:Full-time Par t t-time September June Fathers DayJuly ___/ Augus 16 / /Employee Name ______________________________________________________Date _____________ LastFirst Middle19 JuneteenthEmployee InstructionsSMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFSindicating the requested dates of the yearComplete informationabo ve. 1 Ma ke req 4elow by placin g s i n c alendar days. 1231234567Ju4l y Independence Day Employee/Payroll # ________________________________Department ____________________________2 3 uests b 56/ /Employee Hire/Service Date ________________Status:Full-time Part-time Indicate reason(s) below. Sign below and return to your supervisor for approval. September7891011121345678910891011121314 2 Labor Dayctions 15WTS March T 1K 314151617181920 January Employee Instru14February 1617181920 11121 Legal Public Holiday 1617 15xxxxx 212 Rosh Hashanah beginsIncludes a ComplyRight guide to help you manageSMTWTFS21S22T2324F25 SM27 WT18FS 9January21 3 end2s22324 22232425262728 October Complete information above.Make requests below by placing s in calendar days.Mwanzaa 20212 34 5 61232611 20 4 Rosh Hashanah ends 789101112 13 45678910 3456782 15 ary11 Yom Kippur begins91MNeaw Yrtine aLruts Dhear yKing Jr. Day Indicate reason(s) below. Sign below and return to your supervisor for approval. 28293031252627282930312930time off requests the right way 141516171819 20 111213141516 171011121314N 1516ber Febru December 12 Yom Kippur endsLegal Public HolidayJanuary February March FS J a 11 n u K N a w e a r w Ye a y rt n i zaa 2 ar u s D t 0 h 2 e 3 e ay n in d g J s r. 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Standard: 8" x 11", Compact: 5" x 8" 2728293031 Sup24v 25 s 262728 29e30293031 D Hwanaunzkkaaah b beegignisns Date ________________112e5c eCmhbriesrtmas Dayer iors Signatur ________________________________________________________________ // 20 21 22 23 24 25 2617 18 19 20 21 22 2322 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 Prefer a web-based solution? Consider the Time & Attendance family of Smart Appschoose one or use all three. *Fill-and-Save form varies slightly from paper version. Authorized Approval 2 K Date ________________ 256 27 28 29 30 3124 25 26 27 28 29 3029 30 31 D 2 2 e 5ce C H K m h a r n b a i u n e s k r z t k a m a a b as D eg e a g in y in s sReason for Request:______________________________________________________________ //________________________________________________________________ 25w h b6 Reason for Request:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ApprovedDenied Comments:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Any information entered into Smart Apps is stored in a highly secure database where it is backed up andseamlessly integratedComments: ______________________________________________________________________ Comments:______________________________________________________________________This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal advice and diose ps rnoodtu pcrto isv indoe tl leigaabll eo pfoinr iaonnysdoanm aangye ssp aercisifinicg f aocuttsoofrtsheer vuiscee s . ________________________________________________________________________________Available with Fill-and-SaveT ation i sth pirso pvridoeddu cwt.i tYho tuh aer ue nudrgeersdta tnod cionngs tuhlat ta ann ayt tpoerrnseoyn c oorn ecnertnityin ign vyooluvre dp ainrt iccruelaatri nsgit,u partioodnu canindgaonry d sipsterciibfuict iqnuge tshtions or concerns you may have.________________________________________________________________________________orh ien ianbfiolirtmy to usewith other Smart Apps so you never have to worry about duplication of data or effort. Best of all, Smart Apps are easy to use Employees Signature________________________________________________ Date ______________/ /Important note: This is approved for use by the purchaser only. This form may not be shared publicly or with third parties.Employees Signature________________________________________________ / /______________.cate Two easy ways to reorder: hrdire ctD te / /Convenience Supervisors SignatureA0030_2024 2022 ComplyRight, Inc.Da om800-999-9111______________________________________________________________/ /Supervisors Signature ________________________________________________ Date ______________ no installation or detailed instructions required. Authorized Approval________________________________________________/ // /Date ______________Authorized Approval________________________________________________ Date ______________ ApprovedDenied __________________________________________________________________ ApprovedDenied __________________________________________________________________opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is provided withinability to use thisit isanya substitute fortoinvolved in creating, producinglegal This product is designed to provide acurate and authoritative information. However,thatnotperson or entitylegal advice and does not provideor distributing This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative informatiodne.r Hstoawndeivnegr, t iht aitsannoytap esrusbosnt ioturt ee nftoirty l eingavlo alvdevdic ienacnrde adtionegs,nporot dpruocvinidge o lre gdaisl toripbiuntioinngsthe understandingproduct. You are urged consult an atorney concerning your on any specific faoctt lsi aobrl es efrovri caensy.dTahme iangfeosr mariastiinogn o isu tp roof vtihdee du swe iotrhitnhaeb uileit. t orney concerning your ny to use this product. You are urged to consult an atphairst ipcruoldaru csitt iusa ntioTnh ias nisdaapnpyr sopveecdi ffiocr q uusees tbioy nths eo pr ucorcnhcaesrenrsoynoluy . mThayishfoavrm may not be shared publicly or with third parties. Standardthis product is notandfor any damages arising out of the use or particular situationliableany specific questions or concerns you may have.Important note: This is approved for use by the purchaser only. This form may not be shared publicly or with third parties.Important note: A0045_20242022 ComplyRight, Inc. Two easy ways to reorder: hrdirect.com800-999-9111 CarbonlessA0045_2024 2022 ComplyRight, Inc. Two easy ways to reorder: hrdirect.com800-999-9111Request for Time Off CompactRequest for Time OffName ______________________________ Date ____________________Name ______________________________ Date ____________________Department __________________________ Status: Full timePart timeTime Off Request Schedule Publisher Department __________________________ Status: Full timePart time ComplyRightAttendance Calendar ID number ______________________ Hire/seniority date_______________ID number ______________________ Hire/seniority date_______________Supervisors name ______________________________________________Smart App Smart App Supervisors name ______________________________________________ Request for Time OffSmart App Title _______________________________________________________Title _______________________________________________________Requested date(s) off ____________________________________________Requested date(s) off ____________________________________________Simplify, automate and standardize thePlan and publish weekly schedules,Time of departure ______________________________________________ Manage time off requests to avoid conflicts and Track attendance, vacation andTime of departure ______________________________________________Time of return________________________________________________process of requesting and approving set employee availability and notifyTime of return________________________________________________ give employees a written record. Establish a fair and sick time using straightforwardReason for request ______________________________________________Reason for request ______________________________________________ time-off requests. View and filter requestsemployees of their shifts with online__________________________________________________________efficient process with documentation for reference.codes. Manage time banks and____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________to ensure proper staffing levels. convenience. Self-service portal allows__________________________________________________________add notes along the way. Signature ofof employee___________________________________________Signature employee___________________________________________employees to access their schedules. Time off: ApprovedDenied Two-part form provides copies for the employee Time off: ApprovedDenied Request approved/denied by: _______________________________________Request approved/denied by:_______________________________________ and managerTitle _______________________________________________________Title _______________________________________________________DescriptionItem #PriceReason for approval or or denial _______________________________________Reason for approval denial _________________________________________________________________________________________________Includes a ComplyRight guide to help youAttendance Calendar Smart AppLD2-SA200 $99 per year____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ manage employee absences the right way__________________________________________________________Time Off Request Smart AppLD2-SA500$99 per yearFor office use onlyWeb Based For office use only Paid absence Unpaid absence Paid absence Unpaid absenceSchedule Publisher Smart AppLD2-SA800$99 per yearIf paid, deduct from:PersonalVacation SickOther Item #PriceIf paid, deduct from:Personal VacationSick Other Excused Unexcused Previous Occurrences Yes No LD2-A2203 $61.95 Excused Unexcused Previous OccurrencesYes No______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________SuperSupervisorvisors signatures signature TitleTitle . u narra a pan id d darwit tw h th th ttnhu oeantsdu aune rbsdssuettarbisnstuttadittnieun dftgieon rt ug h lsaetehtgaaoaltrnaa yinnd pyavbi epcrileesiro tasynnotnodo rdo uerosn eeetsn ti thisPrice per pkg/50.21 CompilgyhRtig, Ihntc, .Inc Trhoivsi ppTdrrheooi vldse idpugrcaeo tlldeiosgup dcaintleoiisosipg nidnsnee iosodignnntsao eno dpyn rtoaospvn peyidcr soiefp viaeiccd ccfeiauf iacrctc asfcta euocr rtaas snt eoed rg ivcs i otcphncerning your particular situation and p pfor legal advice and doetsnyi tn oyt o tSize: 5" x 8"retin, proanudth aourthitoartiivteat iinvefo irnmfoartmib ioiolsnnep. f iHroso r wee,dv eir,ii its n iesoationo.v rwHidooeyvevemages arising out of theinvolivnrecvdot.odliYuvnoec ucdt. raieYnraoet ucigg,e e updrrgogdeuc tidon r serervissoi. cd pTeurhsoc. etdTuiihsnce tfnoiiosrntm f noliaorattmib olliaenat for any damages a arnisyin sgp eocuitf iocf q tuhees tuiosne so ro rin coabniclietryn tso y uousemthaiyshave.22022A01223 02C0o3mplyR rodupImportant note: This is approvedt rdiibsutrtiibnugt tinhyncerning your particular situatiooyn tnbaonetdsb hae ansrhye asdrp epeduc ibpfuiliccb llqiycu loeyrsotwiro intwhsitothhr it rhcdoi rndpc aperrtaniretssi .eyso.u may have.Ato dcon sgucuc oolitnnrasgdun ilo tsra fatsotnero ruabnytst eeoty rhb nceyeopthuer cphuarscehra soenrl yo.n Tlyh. iTs hfoisr mfo rmma ym naImportant note: This is approved for uLearn more at hrdirect.com/smartapps10 WORKPLACE MANAGEMENTATTENDANCE HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 11'