b'Organize Schedules with Yearly Planners Manage FMLA and OSHA Documentation 2024 Calendar Planner2024 CalendarFill-and-Save HR Form Library: PlannerJanuary 1TUESWEDTHURFRI5SAT 6February TUESWEDTHURFRI2SAT 3March MONTUESWEDTHURFRI1SAT 2April MONTUESWEDTHURFRI5SAT 6FMLA AdministrationSUNMONSUNMONSUNSUN 2341Januar y1TUES2WED3THUR4FRISAT Febr uary TUESWEDTHURFRISAT March TUESWEDTHURFRISATNew Years DayndsKwanzaa 2023 E SUNMON 7891011121345678910345678978910111213Subscribe to a library that offers 12 months of unlimited 7123456SUNMON123SUNMON New Years Day14151617181920111213141516171011121314151614151617181920 Kwanzaa 2023 EndsMartin Luther Valentines Day Ramadan Begins 89101112Ramadan Ends 13456789103456712access to all the forms needed for managing FMLA King Jr. Day Ash Wednesday21222324252627181920212223241718192021222321222324252627 28293031 25Presidents Day 272829 St. Patricks Day 252627282930 28Passover Begins 30 requests. Includes step-by-step instructions to guide you 14Mar 15161718192011121314151617101112131489 262429 King tin Luther Palm Sunday Jr. Day 31 Good Friday Passover Ends21222324252627181920ValentinesDay 222324Ramadan Begins 181920211516 May June Easter Sunday August through the complexities of FMLA compliance. Forms can July Ash Wednesday21 1234112345628293031 123Presidents Day 172223be routed and completed electronically, and stored on any SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT2526272829 St. Patricks Day5678910112345678789101112134567891024252627282930computer or printed for employee files.Independence Day Palm SundayApril 31Easter SundaySUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT May MONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT June MONTUESWEDTHURGood Friday SAT1213141516171891011121314151415161718192011121314151617 123456SUNSUN Mothers Day19202122232425161718192021222122232425262718192021222324Fillable PDFs ensure forms are legible and easily routed789101112135671234FRI1 Fathers DayJuneteenth262728293031 23242526272829 28293031 25262728293031Memorial Day30 16171819201213148910112345678 1415Ideal for both on-site and remote workersSeptember October November December2122232425Ramadan Ends 27Mothers Day 2021151617189101112131415 SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT SUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT 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With a full yearsThanksgiving Day Have easy, unlimited access for 12 months to theLegal (Federal) Holidayview in front of you on a versatile wall planner,Two easy2022 s to ComplyR reorder:ight,hrdir Inc.ect. c J om05 6 8 _ 0 202 -9 4 9 _ - B 91 lue 1 most current OSHA forms along with a collection wayyou can schedule projects and events daily,of other documents targeted to workplace safety. weekly, monthly or quarterly. And each one hasEmployee 12345678910112131415 JULY 171819202122232425262728293031123456789101121314 AUGUST 181920212223242526272829303112345678910112 SEPTEMBER 1920212223242526272829301234567891011213 OCTOBER 1920212223242526272829303112345678910112 NOVEMBER 1920212223242526272829301234567891011213 DECEMBER 19202122232425262728293031 The OSHA & Safety Form Library includes OSHA COMMENTS/NOTES 16 2024 Quarterly Planner 131415161718 1415161718 131415161718 1415161718151617an erasable surface so you can quickly make1ST QUARTER 2ND QUARTER COLOR CODE U ARTER 4TH QUARTER Forms 300, 300A and 301; Workplace Injury/Illness B____________________3RD Q JanuaryAprilJuly Octoberupdates and corrections.SunMon1Tues2 Wed3Thur4 Fri 5Sat6SunMon1Tues2 Wed3Thur4 Fri 5Sat 6 Sun ___________Tw3 _________ 0638_020-092949_-Blue91 Fri1 5Sat 6 SunMonTues1 Wed2Thur3 Fri 4Sat5Reports; Fitness for Duty Certification and more. MonTuesWed ways to Thur eorder: ighhrdt,ir IncectJcom12o easy2022 CromplyR 4New Years Day Begins EndsKwanzaa 2023 Ends Independence DayRosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah789101112137891011121378910111213678910Begins 11Ends 12Forms can be routed and completed electronically, Quality paper and thick lamination wont 1415161718192014151617181920141516171819201314151617Yom Kippur Yom Kippur1819 21Martin Luther23242526272122232425Ramadan Ends 272122232425262720Columbus Day 2223242526and stored on any computer or printed forKing Jr. Daypeel or discolor22Passover Begins 2621 28293031 282930 28293031 27282930Halowe 31 nemployee files.Choice of vertical or horizontal displayFebruaryMay Passover Ends NOTESAugust 2024NovemberCOMPANYHOLIDAYS SunMonTuesWedThurFri2Sat 3SunMonTuesWed1ThurFri3Sat 4 SunMonTues7 S15M8 1 23 9 2TJanuary W3Wed1 4T1 5F S 11 4 S 12 M5 13 6 TThurW78 1 T1 9 2 F6 171 3 S 0 171 3 S0 181 M4 1 Fri1 5 TW1 2 7 T4 221 8 1 F5231 9 2 S 6 1 Sat3 7 S41 M8 1 5 1 9 2 TApril W 1 184 T11 125 F9 20 6 S Sun1 5 S2 M67TMayW8116 9 2 T10 3 FMon4 S 9 2 S 10 M31 18 4 T1June 1 W513 6 TTues 7F81 S WedThur Fri 1Sat2 (Yearly Vacation Planner and Vacation Schedule121422 10 11819213 18 19141512424 2519March 2129 30 21 2230 6 1137025 26131913 142215 301718 23 24192 271415 Diwali/Deepavali Fillable PDFs ensure forms are legible andFebruary11282916 24172526 20 625 26 27 2822 2331 216 3 2828 2923 242726 27 28 2923 31 251617 25 2620 282221 30 31 27 20 2129 202021 24 30 21 2926 27 45678910567891011456July 7August 8910November 4December 56789 September October 3 available in horizontal display only) C 111213141516171213141516171811121 21 7S322 M81 23 92T10W 325 1 4 T125F136 S 1 184S 12 M 513 2128146TW 715 81 T 1 23 9 2F5 103S22 8 1 S23 M 9 2107 2511 1 3T W4 1 1 81 125T9 20 6F147S 27 1 6 S 3 21 M 71 15 81 T1296W10 3 T11 4 F12 5 S 103 S25 1 1 M 41 812 131 5T 9 W 6147 T158 1 F1692S 1581 S16M92 103T1 W4 125T136F147S 213141516easily routed141516 312417 18 192025 19 2022 1624 1516 2426 1321 20 1429730 17 18 191726027282930291 17 18 Election Day24 24 19 20 21 282930 26272627293017 29 30 6 2728 28 2223 31 252624 202122232223 31 25 26 27 28 114 31 130Valentines Day Mothers Day Veterans Day reo ComplyRight, r J 0107-1 929_-29 0 1214Ash Wednesday s to der: hrdirect.c Inc.om 8 Two easy way2022Includes free dry-erase marker 18192021222324192021222324251819202122232417181920212223Ideal for both on-site and remote workersPresidents Day2526272829 262728293031 25262728293031 24252627282930Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day March MonTuesJANWUedA RY TUESWEDTHURFRISat SATJune UARMYonWED2024 Calendar Planner Sat DTHSeptember FAPRILTuesN TUESWEDTHURFRIFri December FriSat 24/7 web access for multiple users FE TH FRIThurMARCH RI SATSuBR MON DescriptionItem #Price SunSUNN MO N1 Thur 3Fri 1 4526 SUNnMONTUESTuesUR1WedSAT 3SU NFriTUESWE 1URSun11Mon22SUNMO 31Wed43Thur 5SAT 6 Sat7Sun 1Mon 2Tues3Wed 4Thur567 22246 5Keww YanEeznaada 2rss D02a3 y Labor Day9789101112133457689710812913 114 2 53 136 748169 5 10 634758678816 9 1410161117121913 20 14891011121314Unlimited downloads ensure forms never run out11A. 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