b"Many Locations Across Multiple States? MyPosterGuard.com Gives YouTurnkey Compliance for Large Enterprises Full Control Over All Your LocationsPoster Guard Poster Compliance Service isAs a Poster Guard Poster Compliance Service member,designed to satisfy the postingyou have access to our secure, compliance needs of all U.S.members-only web portal, givingemployers, regardless of size.you complete visibility to all posting We have extensive experienceevents and account activitiesacross your covered locations.servicing the nations largest enterprises and expertlyWhether you operate fiveor 500 locations (or more), managing complex postingMyPosterGuard.com makesrequirements across hundredsit easy to maintain centralizedof thousands of locations. control while ensuringaccountability at each site.Log in anytime to:View all federal, state, county and cityposting changes that apply to your locationsBenefits that matter most to our enterprise customers include: Audit compliance at every location in real timeView all federal, state, county and cityCentralized Control: Easily monitor posting changes Dedicated Account Management: Work directly withSee full images of required postings at each location posting changes for your businessand shipments, update location addresses and contacts, an assigned account manager experienced at servicingAccess printable PDFs of recent poster changes locations at MyPosterGuard.com. see all account activity, and audit posting compliance organizations with hundreds or thousands of locations. at each location through our self-service customer Check the status of all poster replacements Timely and Accurate Communication: Get instantwebsite, MyPosterGuard.com. email notifications whenever a mandatory posting Track shipments and confirm delivery of replacement postersComplete Compliance: Maximize coverage change occurs and again when updated posters Add/delete/update locations with the most comprehensive posting solutions ship to your affected locations. Transfer coverage from one location to anotherfor todays workplace, from county/city and Site-Level Accountability: Use our convenient industry-specific postings to electronic formats auditing tools to ensure every location is Verify poster receipt and acknowledgment for remote workersfor remote workers and job applicants. displaying up-to-date posters. Monitor pending posting changesVerify account status23 Download reports EEOCU.S. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION FLSAFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACTREVISION DATE: 05/ Get timely updates from our legal team about regulatory activity at the federal, state, county and city levelsVerifying Compliance Has Never Been Easier Scan this QR code for compliance verification. Know Your Rights: EMPLOYEE RIGHTSPoster Guard Poster Compliance Service offers two ways to ensure every covered location remains Access our FREE Minimum Wage Monitor for up-to-date information about current and pending minimum wage ratesin full compliance with posting regulations. Workplace Discrimination is Illegal UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACTComplyScan TMFeature: Simply scan the QR code printed on the poster set using any web-enabled rtunit forces Federal laws t t you fromFEDERAL MINIMUM WAGEmobile device. Youll be linked automatically to a web page where you can verify your posters are FE RAL LABOR LAW POSTINGS T i he U.S. Equal Employment Opp l o u bel y Commission (EEOC) en i l ated against at wor a hat protec ying for a$7.25PER HOURWe are committed to safeguarding your information. Our data centers are dscrimination in employment. If yo ieve youve been discrimin k or in applcomplete and current.DE job, the EE tected? What Empoyment Practices c n be ChallengedBEGINNING JULY 24, 2009OC may be able to hep.SOC-certified to ensure the strictest technical, administrative and physical I-Verify TMService: This optional service prompts the poster recipient to acknowledge receipt and Who is Pro as Discrimnatory?controls are in place for your protection. Employees (current anders U i nio li n members andrshipAll a i s s pec r s of em i ployment, including: s employers to display this poster where employees can readily see it.former), including manag app cants for membe tproper display of the posters with a simple click. Confirmations are tracked on MyPosterGuard.com.-4574and temporary employees n a unionD chage,rng, or lay-offJob train a in i g n The law require866-463Classi c to OVERTIME PAY regular rate of pay fo d over 40 in a workweek.terguard.cJob applicants Haras l sment ( e including Referral At least 1 times ther all hours workewww.pos om unwecome v rbal or What Organizations are Covered? titutionsphy ii sical conduct) ionObta t i i ning o r r d a isc io losingCHILD lLAB t OR t be a t t l r east f16 years old t s o w orkin most rnon l - farm jobs and at le ast 18 l l t o iwor k i iin lno i n l -farm ljobs de f . claredi g,Most private employersEducational insHrng or promot gene c infom t n ofAn empoyee mus Secrea y o Labor. Youth 14and15 yea s odm rk outsideschoo ho urs n var r ous non- y manu t acturnocal governments(as employers)Assignment employees hazardous by heth certain w ay wo ferent rules appy nagrcutua empo menEPPAEMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACTState an l d l ers)UnionsPay (unequal wages or Requesting or disclosingnon-mining, non-hazardous jobs wi ork hours restrictions. Dif(as empoyStaf ng agencies compensation) medical information of mploy nableemployees hat mightTIPl l C y RED . IT tipped employees iwhomeet lcertai n cond itio it ns t m f ay c l la a im la pa r c t a ia e l wage c i r f e t di t t l ba l se i don t i t ips rec i eiv ed i bythe q i iral ion are Illegal?Failure to provide reasoTS What Ty l pe l s of E u s, a me i nt Disc l i i l rimin i i at r cr l im a i inate a : gainstacco i li i m ili m i oda li t e io i n for al -heldC i i on r d i t u i t c i i t t i l i y d i i iscou i rageingi rg . e,Em i p i o i y e i rso f u p i o lo y l l i ersi m l u . s , I t fp i a y t i p r l p l l ed i e e mp a i o t y i i ees k a l c i a s h h w l a i g i e fo r f ia t t a e . p t st $ i 2 g .13 p s h l rr hou r t o il he . y t c s s a t l m r 2 ar l s i p ,cr il e i t d o t r aga id n i s t o t t h r l e i rgy EMPLOYEE RIGH Under t li i he EEOCs law r i n emp t oye ( r may not d i l is a e b t e s s e i s of s uestsd e sab o ty or a sncerey anceel reasona i b t at rom oppos e ha ng em i p l o u ee s uEm r b s a g at r o t nt r an i l s emp i o oy e r e s tps co mb u nedw t d h e h e em s nu oyers em swag s eo s f e a n p ea s $ y e .13 t per h f p ur t do e n e nue s c u , 30 EMPLOYER COMPLIANCELABOR LAW POSTERGUARD.COM800.999.9111 31u, regardess of yo mmgra on status, on th r g us be f, observ so s meone f mn m n mwage ourywage heempoy mus ma e pt e f enceyo mhce nfoma oneq or practce d c a mn pa on,lng a c them Pm WORK e vdere sonabe e break o r men or ed rs e n res poyee tx d re he b u a c m h k o r v her a p s a n b RaGenetc i er r rBene ts or p s r g c o tng in and PUM LS AT eq ea e e t mpoye s top meth nd e f mpf yeee oxp bea er m a k Empo e s mus ch o ay b ued encudng empoy Coor for, or purch se, ue, o nve a n or proce TheF ArEMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACTRe t g i on l origin dsc d o i s i ure of g i i en tc te i t l s,What can You Do if You B ieve Dscriminationch h d f orl oney at r ro f om ,h e a r c h s s ds b il r . th e r acht vew a ree om nrusion from cowork p b w mgenetc servces, or fam yot erthan ab h th t hededfom Na ona me cal hstory) has Occurred? the empoyeeto expressbea t m k. Do TheEmployeePolygraphProtectionAct Sex ( a in l cl t u i din t g p i re it g i nancy Reta g l i iation forlin l g aposin i gCon i tac l t t i h i e E i EOC promp r tly if yo i s u s i uspe i ct d i i iscrim ll i inat r i i on harge: ENFORCEME t NT s a i u l t a ho i r n it s y .to recover rback wages l i an i dt an eq ua r l i a i mount in l e iqu r id i at i ed l i dam s agesi in in . i s i tanc l es f of s m l in y imum i i s l wag s e,y and rea r ed cond ons,discrm naby op not de r ay, because there ae strct tme lmts forlng a c us The Depa r a tment havo toThe Depa tment maytgae and/o recommendc rmna t pro e a c y uton vEmp s oye t r he mabe a sesed sexu l o enaton, orchar e, reaso tngof dsc mnaton (180 or 300 day, dependng on whee yomost private employers from usinggender identity) l er) i i n a d t i i s g ina i i tio i n, o i r participa i i ,g. live/work). You ca i n reach the EEOC in any of t l/ l h i e fo i r . ow l:ng way o i ve il rt l i t m i e e , yndo l al he i r s for each w o illfuli o l r r i epeate d violatio nof i i t l he la i m j n rmu f mi w i ag s i .o e o i ve t r l n me p ,ivi n lp r s o n s y on e e o s ltiest aw. C e v as mone d prohibits Age (40 and od nves cr t mnaton lawsut n Submit an inqury through the EEOCs p t ub c po ta px cv nmonm p y en s t e e assessed f r voatons ofthe FLSAs e ch dbo ry provs y on n H rghe o ed e c amo c ep s na men may b ysesseemployment Disability a on, or proceed Call https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/Pora Lognas pe a es hi a ld a ob rmined to deathi o llf r u s l o r r ous nu ed .o an lmal o oemp hi y i e s ret d lia u in h as ai s st or d s ima ar b i eg lie detector tests either for pre- 18006694000 (toll free) for each clabor violation that results in the be wrepeat The aw s pro bt a t gag n sch gnscreening or during the course of employment. 18006696820 (TTY) ideo phone) double r d when f i t l heviolatio l n i s arede r te icipate in any proceeding under the FLSA.18442345122 (ASL v worke s whoe acompant orpa tof involvement in a workplace incident (theft, emb zlement, etc.)Additi i onal information about the EEOC,Visit an EE . O oc.go ld of iece ( l i f n i formation atADD r I t T i IONAL I i NFORMATIO li N ents are exempt from the minimum wage, and/or overtime pay provisions. Certain narrow ez includng information aboutling a charge ofwwwee Ce v/f d-of ce )Ce an occupatons and estab shmPROHIBITIONS rally prohibited from re detector r treq , uestingmthat resulted i n economic loss t or the iemployer.S discrimination, is available at www.eeoc.gov. E-Mail info@eeoc.gov exem i p l tionsi al i so a pply lto the pumpi at work requ S iremen , ts h . e Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Employers are genea liequiring oest and fro The law doesnot preempt anyp ovsion of any ate or local lawSpeca provsonsappy to workers n Americanamoa ttany employ , ee iorl job applicant t i o t ake take a test or for exercisingwith respect to lie d gaining a t gr s ee . ment which is more restrictiveEMPLOYERS HOLDING FEDERAL CONTRACTS OR SUBCONTRACTS atus Comm s onw l e l alth o i f Pu i e r r e t o t l R a ic t l o. r e if m ployee p rot e i ctions e ; empl t oyersr mu t st co mply wit h both. ac tu r all y e t m il plo yees under the F i LS i A.discharging dsciplining , or. discriminating against an employee oror any collective bar etector e ts ted, they are subject to numerousThe D l e i partm r ms (OFCCP) enforces the no i ndisc i r n imina The Vietnam Er teran S . t s Readjustmen i t A i ssistan l ce A ntS t o a i m i e e tat ev aw t s i sn ov r de t gre d c if e s i s e y c w or k t er r sasly nd l ep o i n i de n incont n ac l o y i ees (u i n c le il t i h i e yaret) e . a p e i en le t s edtotheFL i SAs imnmumprprospective empoyee for refusngtocted Ve Somep mpoyer e co ayc r y tec a ons andco eenthe tw fed depe dent rswhen t s t s s e s xemp ot ads t nmum wage other rights under theAct EXAMINEE RIGHTS Compance P ent of Labors Of ce of Federal ContracttionProte a Veteran .C. 4212 ct ofI ws m n ortant r t oknow hefer n ebew rectcassbecause em r po co ntra b or e are n b hanthemograeEXE r M , PTIO NSlocal governments are d by the law.Wher i e polygra s p htests a i re p f ermit nduc i t and ,i length of the test.to aand a i f r i ma i tive action com l m e itm r ents of compan r i es do ly gi e g for1974 i l , a i s a i m i ended i , 38 U n S e l quire , p t r f oh is b a t t l s e i mp t t oy i m o recrui t t l , Ce ge a a ind u o ll i -t e l ime m i t f i p a en p s i , o s tu t ent l t ear ners, apprentic f es, and worke swthdsa mayFede al Stateandnot affecte nment tostrict standardconcernngthe co ific rghts ncluding the rightbusness wth the Federal Govenment. If you ae app ed n raldscrmnaton aga n nst, a d r poyme s a rm b ve ac e on t s, recen yun rt r sp f eca cesud te ts ue dby heDepartment o Labor.Also, the law does not apply to tes ity-r al Gover tivities. Exa t mneesi haveanumb s er n o spec ight to refuse or discontinue a test,. a job w is th r , o i r a i r t e a i n empoy l e of l , a co i mpa : ny wth a F eral lawem l p a r oy, and adv t a i n ce i i. n e . m ith t i i n thr n t , d a a ti ed v i e ch ran e o i rde rt c s s dts given by the Federargivate individuals engaged in national secur elated ac wri ten notce before te ti g, the r ized persons contract or subcontract, you are protec s te s d under Fed sepa s ated vetera v s ( e t , w c ve d ee ye a rs of ds r campagn certain pr mits polygraph (a kind of lie detec rospectiveand the right not to have test result thor from d c o mna on on the fo owng ba a e rientation,ree g e fr t om ac , o e duy), a orce u e y w i r me o eterans. WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION 1-866-487-9243t per tor) tests to be administereds disclosed to unau Race, C lor, Religion, Sex, Sexu l O bad e veerans r Armed F s s rvce medal vThe Acin th e privatesecto i i r, s l ubject t o irestrictions, tot cert l ain p , iand gu , ard . ),E i NFORCE r ME f NT o i ri may brin t g s court act i io l ns to s . r i estr . a l ineesG i r e l i i n i i i d t e i i r Identity, N r ationa r l Or i igin ohibi t t i s employ li m i l entRe t t i a li li t a i i i ti i o r n ti p roh s ib . i r t i e i d a i i g t a i ins t t a p i erson wholes a co i mplaintrUNITED STATES DEPARTM ENT O / F LABOR www.dol.gov/agencies/whd rssee note at bottom)employees of securi t ty service a frmsr (armored car, a r arm is t pensers The S i ecr s eta yo Lab cvl penaltie against voator ctEmpoy Execu n ve Order 11246, as amended, pr ased on race, co o or,lRe h a s a r on is p n s , pa t s c r paes in an OFCCP proceed c ng, ornde WH1088 REV0423Th d o i f pharmaceutcap m l anuf cture ti s n , d , istributors and td c ions tofh vol j at b onandassess n ing heir own court a ons y see it. d e scr o m t na i t t ion by F i l ed i e i c al co i i nt n act l t ors b s n d . en u ty, or nat t na of d er c i e c r m i o n i a p a o o i es d lie c e mna i n on by F i eder li a i l co i l i l nt : ra t tors u FMLAFAMILY AND MEDICAL F 1993(Only applies to certain employeancer eAc t alsoperm s oygraph tes g sub jec atoa es y r suspec edor oapplicants may also br r p go , sex, sexual o f rentato , gender i t ns re equa y ofot es w e se o al law e v s a co tractor has voated isEAVE ACT Otanemploye ho arere son bl o gn, and requres a rmatve ac on to e th e F deLes of private firms w r w ere employees a adil ing About pe c ts of empoym i e cussing Pay Any p s r s n who b r af rmatve ac c ton obgatons under o p run y in al asThe law requires employers to display this poste d job applicants can re Ask , Ds losing, or D nond P mn t ton o ii s should conta t immedateyWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION T OF LABOR www.dol.g 1-866-487-9243 E i xec i l u i t n ive Ord t e i r 1124 i l 6 i , as am t e i n li ded, p i rot i ec i r t i s a l i pp t l i i s c . ants a i ndnO . FCC i f s a i u u h i orte al Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)E RIGHTSov/agencies/whd empoyees of Federal contracors from d h sc p mna p on based o The O ece of Feder e abor.W.YOUR EMPLOYEUNITED STATES DEPA ns ut, dscosng, or dscussng t er com e ensaton orU 0 S. D o partment of L nue, Nt nqur g abo a on of o ants or em oye 2 0 C n nstt ton Av 210 W RTM ENV 02/22 he com l pe ther app c Wash 0 gton, D.C. 20 ll-free) UN FAMILY AN MEDICAL LEAVE ACTH1462 RE Disabiity 180 3976251 (to DER THED Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Ac ilii t of 1973, as amended, protectsIf you are deaf, hard of hearing l , or have a s i i i p i eech d e l is s ab i i e lity,ice li s.What is FMLA leave? that provides eligible employees with job-uncatons reay s rvquali ed individuals with disab tes from discrimination in hiring,please dial 711 to access teecomm mttng a qu ton on ne d by subAO SAFETACT OF pr i omotion il l i , dischar i i ge, pay, fringe bene t l l i s, job tr i aining, cla l ssi cation,OF l CCP m lli ay also b l e contac i t t e p . s S ://ofcc i ph i elpdesk.do is l. t go t v/s/ ,ostThe Family a i nd Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law. The U.S. Department of Labors Wage OSH CCUPATIONALY AND HEALTH1970 referra, and other a i s t p i ects of empoyment by Federal contractors.to OFCCPs Hep Desk ath o t nal or dstrct of ce, l p ed in m protected leave for qualifying family and medical reasons ployees.Dsab ty d a s t c i r n to th on incudes not mak ili ng reasonabeplicantor by ca ng an OFCCP reg Con . Government, De armentand Hour Dvision (WHD) enforces the FMLA for most em leave in a 12-month period for:ot mmod o mna e known physcal or mental li l mitations of a i nte t eph : one di . rec l. tor v ies unde i r U fc tac / t Us w t e . bpage atEligible employees cankweeks of FMLA,accoFCCPs herwise quali ed individual with a disab ty who is an ap of Labor and on O /agences/o cpcontac take up to 12 woror employee, b i arr v ing undue har l dsh a ip to the e li mpoye i r. S i i ec l tonhtps//wwwdo goThe bir rious me ion or foster placement of a child with you you unable to work, and503 also r l equres that Federal contr ctors take af rmatve action Your se th, adopt ntal or physical health condi hat makestion, Job Safety and Health to emp i oy and ad ance in em l poym I ent qua ied indvdu i as withl. AL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCETo c t are for your spouse, child or parent wit tion t rious mental or physical health condi rent who disabilites at all levels of empoyment, includng the executve leve h a se Cer ain qualifying reasons related to the foreign deployment of your spouse, child or pa ITS THE LAW! R PROGRAMS OR ACTIVI i T itl ES RECEIVI i N i G F i EDER Indi i viduals with Disab ili iliti i es io ct of 1973, a s s a i men i ded il ,ity inAnis a military servicemember. e spouse, child, parent or next of kin of a covered servicememberth ace, Color, National Orign, Sex eligible employee who is theup to 26 workweeks of FMLA leave in a single 12-mone VII of the Cvl Rghts ActSecton 504 of the Rehab taton A n on the ba s of dsab with a serious injury or illness may take In addition to the prote i ct l ions of T e Civil Rights Act of 1964,prohibits employm i en i t disc i riminat ives Federalnancial assistance.period to care for the servicem mber. in one block of time. When it is medically necessary or of 196 i 4, as am i e i nded, Tt r e VI of th ctivitie i s r t e i i ceiv s in i g Federalany program o i i r a i ct i v lit t i y whch rece i l spect i s of e i t r c ea i sonablee job. otherwise permitted,use FMLA leaveLA leave intermittently in separate blocks of time,as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, colorDiscrimination is prohibited in al a mployment againstYou have the right to or natonal orgn in prog j am i s or a iscrimna c on is covered bypersons w d th dsab a es who, wth or wthou n tons of th or on a reduced sc you may take FM ing less hours each day or week. Read Fact Sheet #28M(c) fornancial assistance. Employment d henan al asstance isaccommo aton, c n perform the essental fu hedule by workT a it u le VI if the primary o i b r e i ct i ve of t mployment di If you believe you have b er ated agai i nst i s n a p i r i og i rammore information. paid leave, but you may choose, or be required by your employer, to use any mployment, or where e scriminationeen discrimin sstance, provision of e n of a alnancal a y provdngFMLA leave is notpa paid leave policy covers the reason for which you Employers must: c uc ses or may c l ause dsc is m im a i tion i i n p i roviding s i ervices underyo c ny in i s l t t itutio . n which receives Fed ederal agenc employer-providedid leave if your employers All workers have the right to: s h programs. Title IX of the Educaton Amendments of 1972u shoud immediately contact the FProvide employees a workplace free fromprohibi i ts emp r oyment d cr tivi n i aton o i n the b i ass of sex insu e h a i ss sance 022) EEOC 10/22 need FMLA leave.A safe workplace. educatonal pograms or ac tes whch receve Federal(R vsed10/20/2recognized hazards. It is illegal to retaliate nancial assistance. Am I eligible to take FMLA leave?Raise a safety or health concern withagainst an employee for using any of theirYou are an eligible employee if all of the following apply:your employer or OSHA, or report a work- rights under the law, including raising a health You work for a covered employer,USERRAUNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT have worked for your employer at least 12 months, duringyour related injury or illness, without beingand safety concern with you or with OSHA, or Youyour employer12 months beforeYou have at least 1,250 hours of service forthe retaliated against.reporting a work-related injury or illness.leave, andReceive information and training on jobComply with all applicable OSHA standards. Your employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles of your work location.Airline flight crew employees have different hours of service requirements.hazards, including all hazardous substances Notify OSHA within 8 hours of a workplaceYou work for a covered employer if one of the following applies: t 20 workweeksin your workplace.work for a private employer that had at least 50 employees during at leasRequest a confidential OSHA inspectionfatality or within 24 hours of any work-relatedYOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRAYoucurrent or previous calendar year, pri l vate secondary school, or ent agency. Most federalinpatient hospitalization, amputation, or lossin thek forpublic orYou wor an elementary or of your workplace if you believe there areof an eye. ND REEMPL HTS ACTYou work for a public agency, such as a loca, state or federal governmunsafe or unhealthy conditions. You haveTHE UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT A OYMENT RIG are covered by Title II of the FMLA, administered by the Office of Personnel Management.Provide required training to all workers in aemployees the right to have a representative contactUSERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertakeHow do I request FMLA leave?OSHA on your behalf. language and vocabulary they canunderstand.military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster Medical System.USERRA also prohibits employers fromGenerally, to request FMLA leave you must:Prominently display this poster in the workplace. discriminating against past and present members of the uniformed services, and applicants to the uniformed services.Follow your employers normal policies for requesting leave,Participate (or have your representative Give notice at least 30 days before your need for FMLA leave, orparticipate) in an OSHA inspection andPost OSHA citations at or near the place ofREEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS HEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTIONIf advance notice is not possible, give notice as soon as possible. ployer so they the alleged violations. You have the right to be reemployed in your civilian job if youIf you leave your job to perform military service, you haveYou do not have to share a medical diagnosis but must provide enough information to your em oyer if FMLA speak in private to the inspector. the right to elect to continue your existing employer-basedave qualifies for FMLA protection. Youlso inform your emplmust aleave that job to perform service in the uniformed service and: can determine whether the le ason when requesting additional leave. health plan coverage for you and your dependents for up to 24as previous st certifica d for the same r l e h c re provider to verify medical leave and may request File a complaint with OSHA within30 days you ensure that your employer receives advance written ormonths while in the military. leave w ly taken or approve(by phone, online or by mail) if you have beenOn-Site Consultation services are available toverbal notice of your service; Even if you don't elect to continue coverage during your militaryYour employer may reque tion from a heat asmall and medium-sized employers, withoutyou have five years or less of cumulative service in theservice, you have the right to be reinstated in your employer'scertification of a qualifying exigency. ral or stateation or supersede any state or local law or retaliated against for using your rights.uniformed services while with that particular employer; health plan when you are reemployed, generally without anyThe FMLA does not affect any fede es g law prohib l iting discrimin rights.citation or penalty, through OSHA-supportedthat provid reater famiy or medical leave you return to work or apply for reemployment inwaiting periods or exclusions (e.g., pre-existing conditioncollective bargaining agreementursuit of direct lawsuits regarding leave for their own serious See any OSHA citations issued to yourconsultation programs in every state. a timely manner after conclusion of service; and exclusions) except for service-connected illnesses or injuries. State employees may be subject to certain limitations in p employees are also covered by the law but are subject to the employer. you have not been separated from service with a disqualifyinghealth conditions. Most federal and certain congressional discharge or under other than honorable conditions. ENFORCEMENT jurisdiction of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or Congress.Request copies of your medical records, testsIf you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be restored to the jobThe U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment andWhat does my employer need to do?that measure hazards in the workplace, andand benefits you would have attained if you had not been absent dueTraining Service (VETS) is authorized to investigate andLA leave, your employer must:resolve complaints of USERRA violations. If you are eligible for FM eason,the workplace injury and illness log. to military service or, in some cases, a comparable job. For assistance in filing a complaint, or for any other informationyou to take job-protected time off work for a qualifying r on the same basis as if youAllow RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION AND RETALIATION on USERRA, contact VETS at 1-866-4-USA-DOL or visit its Continue your group health plan coverage while you are on leaveThis poster is available free from OSHA. If you: website at https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/.had not taken leave, and he same job, or a virtuall ith the same pay, benefits and are a past or present member of the uniformed service; An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewedAllow you to returnt to t ,locat y identical job w your leave.at h rra.r working condi ions shift andion, at the end of ttps://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/vets/use othe includingyou for have applied for membership in the uniformed service; or If you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable toYour employer cannot interfere with your FMLA rights or threaten or punisht you for are obligated to serve in the uniformed service; resolve it, you may request that your case be referred to theexercising your rights under the law. For example, your employer cannot retaliate againsthen an employer may not deny you: Department of Justice or the Office of Special Counsel, asrequesting FMLA leave or cooperating with a WHD investigation. t may qualify under the FMLA, initial employment;applicable, for representation. coming aware that your needleave is for a reason tha for FMLA leave. If your reemployment; You may also bypass the VETS process and bring a civil actionAfter be ployer must confirm w forr you are e not eligiblein writing:retention in employment; against an employer for violations of USERRA. your em t you are e hethe ligible ornotify you employer determines tha ligible, your employer must promotion; or The rights listed here may vary depending on the circumstances. About your FMLA rights and responsibilities, andany benefit of employment The text of this notice was prepared by VETS, and may be viewed How much of your requested leave, if any, will be FMLA-protected leave.on the internet at this address: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/Contact OSHA. We can help.In addition, an employer may not retaliate against anyonevets/programs/userra/poster. Federal law requires employers toWhere can I find more information? a to learn more.because of this status.notify employees of their rights under USERRA, and employersCall 1-866-487-9243 or visit dol.gov/fml iola int with WHD assisting in the enforcement of USERRA rights, includingmay meet this requirement by displaying this notice where theyyour rights under the FMLA have been v ted, you may file a compla rn about our testifying or making a statement in connection with a proceedingcustomarily place notices for employees. If you believesuit against yourrt. Scan the QR code to leaunder USERRA, even if that person has no service connection. or file a private law ss. employer in cou SCAN MEWHD complaint proceEmployer Support of the Guard and Reserve WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION1-800-336-4590U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Departmentof Justice Office of Special Counsel Publication DateMay 2022 ABOR1-866-487-2365 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LOSHA 3165-04R 2019WH1420 REV 04/231-800-321-OSHA (6742)TTY 1-877-889-5627www.osha.gov E30122023 ComplyRight, Inc. MPORTANT NOTE: The FMapplies to employers with 50 or more employees or public employers, regardless of employee size. See your human resources manager to determine if the FMLA applies to your employer.I LA only"