b'Labor Law Posters vs. Poster Guard: Meet Labor Law Posting Requirements Which Should You Choose? with Federal and State Poster SetsComplyRightREVISION DATE: 2023 WORKERS COMPENSATION TIME OFF FOR VOTINGFederal and State Labor Law Poster Sets STATEWORKERS\' TION New Y ATTMPENLTOIOYNEESATENCIN A TODOS With the growing number of mandatory employee postings issued by states, counties andpr T a e i y f REVISION DATE: 05/23 EN w o Cr Eac If T of b ofti br y yheup o e imc H as ul cr sp n y toR es p o sth etP Ca lo lw . S e l pe c ax cpl $ e t au 1 R ub t im 4t io na nt s , v LABOR LAW POSTINGS hel v 2 e e i s 7 slns ie0 b T e s fa ss Tf d E r r n e ygt c t f cia h vi m n les c ns ls lin t po vo in .icpb g tec rti k r rp es a pl th a usw y yr I st me lv re l s. t n o igw al a o vi e d ir ti is n ts u es n m pl i pli n w oa s ht e b t ay er o n nc if v cd h is t a pl , s ne oy isisvi y ,n t r lu m in iti y er t m o or g mc er v ol S dss t r b . to e. ir h ti s i atr e n sg .s ec i t c o e e sc ec i r o th le th e s m e ii v . c e o iclo iti e nx y n ul ct typl e , e la . ye vt wu isAl It i ex il il l y es a j d f c b Ca Are o E G ai liti ro s o no u x is ul oyh e o n es A Di ( N St a gn e t cr l t ati m h h a t i s d n o t c in x s r ata u n w sa n d li ft , a ti si i lirw A e fda o bi4 us ion er n t ram lt f nc u r p n na c ul s r itr ae l x o te ot i sits ai , vi n yo e rd P nfs u es se es n ro b c r f o s t h tio y , ot c s t i n g r es o cr l m ec a es V maE n) rta tai n p in- o 1 i s e o as o t ec at m 2 pl m s of ra d v 4 ) af f o e6rf s e i dHmc p ob tio m r ic et a lon ( y t pl a , a a n O os wiV e m rm ecp y n. l c ti y m a l e pi as w s thi O o s m at o le e o C w is y h S ntpl es n m ev C tos i a Hb t tre ol u sm P y pia lti winc ) e e c tal d es th to e td g d d m E U i . y E d z p w r fo i d x i s -f l A is g s s V t b s w n p e oa u c rc o e e n in O s e c i r i lic lo E s c g a r y r es a i ste e t im tig S m r ( o h l n i s d a o se ps e ? s , H ar h u e iotn w a at pl : c ibi r pl r s r o n in n )s w at e L se oa ic g ) ,d s o r o il nc a io s f o s at l o n, inn n ersi la ro ro eaio i en si i r f e m ac mem th v e( ly sna res e dplcp y e .i e ed A lo s ins o A s r t r f o r s ie yll i r e le be t ees nd m t f ce o , otl r rd nj l on o he os a e orrs e e Il ics ciupie us g f l l r raa nE ilr hip s lttyers s,o a W dt ne s ,t se b n io S rsn ioARE ne n rtedS E s di R W C b ( n d E Haras P A p s r m c e t t y, b a 1 ht 1 sattaiol wn) u COMPENSA I 4 CP ) r a P Ef e Ne e si K ty r a a a pn B v s id e e h an o n Prn s a e n o in sna c a rpe dtb loi i leeth le ie e s e sau A , m m r vC p pl s o H of l i is P ee L s sS O tat n o e r i o nf pIla ro Your employer is required by lawtini c ooi e sn .e h n6 t f w A O h E P d A th o Y a T E N nzP e w C S e m a TF f d H L PS o p y TA I l u er\'A o S EsyT u. sb e na m N e b T Fd e o l -related injuries or illnesses.Benefits are paid forpre-existingEI Oe H ah t m at to h te N O T m e u s E uo I S t I e bcN E re e m rF eI a O l N le rRyaAo1 P A R t T my b O o v I ea O U uY d r N s w I oor N in ld tah E Ein th t s N oL1 w T w 4O n o o P rk L dh .e i A o c n o a t C e m r os Ea t ie edisco se n ed ursing employe k.3-1 3. 1. 2. 4. e herALL E s r kr ie ta s p an Ot e s rnm gd in which to vote. b s everyand1. 2. 4. 3. d Sni u in c q ( e s el c a S cio e e b m LOS EMPLEADOS a a ep e m e rs u e se u d nhp tr o ar btdeas jode,injuries that are caused, in whole or in part, by an employee\'s work.This may include the aggravation of a tates that: La Seccin 3-110 de la Ley Electoral del is a system of benefits provided by law to most workers who have job 3-110 sork State Election Law SectionEstado de Nueva York establece que:condition, injuries brought on by the repetitive use of a part of the body, heart attacks, or any other physical problem caus 0. Time allowed employees to vote e m3p-1le1a0d. Toise mpo permitido para que los by work.Benefits are paid regardless of fault. vayan a votarKeep your business in compliance with federal and state employeeScan this QR ceo de OSHA IF YOU HAVE A WORK-RELATED INJURY OR ILLNES , TAKE THE FOLLOWING STEPS:If a registered voter does not have sufficienten cualquier momento durante las elec p iones, led oe 1. GET MEDICAL ASISTANCE.By law, your employer must pay for all necessary medical services required to curetime outside of his or her scheduled workingee c snuu avsolq htoaurineatres dilanabs ecorrniat beoll ne qosuetsiee nl aeo ls aeudlfaiasc i,pe upnaeterda eti e iirr m aap v vooo tftauarer ,r a cities across the country, more and more employers are recognizing the exceptional value voerr icfiocmatpiolina.nc EEOC: U.S. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTU or relieve the effects of the injury or illness. The employee may choose two physicians, surgeons, or hospitals.Ifhours, within which to vote on any day at whichtiu a, tiene rihcaaio tsontmaal ad qor utsei e (p2m)up heood draa ets oi rsm aina dvro edap , a rdidaaravocational rehabilitation, within prescribed limits.Where necessary, the employer must also pay for physical, mental, or countshe or she may vote, at any election, he or she 2.as one of your two choices of providers.Preferred Provider Program for workers compensation, the PPPOR STANDARDS ACTla tesauthe employer notifies you that itFLSA: FAIR LAB may, without loss of pay for up to two hours, NOTIFY YOUR EMPLOYEhas aR.n approvedYou must notify your employer of the accidental injury or illness within 45 days,added to his or her voting time outside his or NITY COMMISSION take off so much working time as will, when Job Safety and3.either orally or in writing.To avoid possible delays, it is recommended the notice also include your name, address,If an employee has the opening of four consecutive hours the polls and theqeemlpdooapad eple olear d spouetrcimeuientneeticar,u a oa vt frouotea (r4ra.)horas telephone number, Social Security number, and a brief description of the injury or illness.her working hours, enable him or her to vote. triu buto report accidents that result in more than three losteither betweenaen c jooe rmqreupBOARDP INIA ULG PLY WITHAINGE STANDARDS.TECTIO Hd TiS Oh ent o rUT.ESRS. in. E iT HE C m n c n tm om pheirai HEm y Know Your Rights: S e F U eyn? LEARN YOUR RIGHTS. engedl EMPLOYEE RIGHTS . working shift, atlas urnas elecrsteo u reraln lfeainssfa iecl dlieeencte tiempo u teurrtnuora d de e posting regulations. Youll be automatically enrolled in the FreeV SHEUIRED TO COM TY ACOND Health Protection sSUR OeFEiOscCri)m eninfaotrecd ae.sFg work days to the Workers Compensation Commission.Once the accident is reported, you should receive a handbook thatbeginning of histime outside his If he or or ortrla onsecutivas, bien se yaealn i tsnouradene,o s custiv trrtaiaeb ndaedjoe syu s Workplace Discrimina explains the law, benefits, and procedures.If you need a handbook, please call the Commission or go to the Web site.the closing of end of the or polls, her his or working shift, he or her she working shift shall be oreu cia erjlor o,e oed leela nla ttiene su teisc itoule rdslas de f between the tion is Illega UNDER THEFAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT horas de trabajo para ir a votar. Si l o elIf you must lose time from work to recover from the injury or illness, you may be entitled to receive weekly payments anddeemed tothan four within consecutive hours he It is against the law for an employer to harass, discharge, refuse to rehire or in any way discriminate against an employeehas less have sufficient of Poster Guard Poster Compliance Service for year-round convenience and peace of mind.TIRGIVIRG,ROM PROVHE OCCUALIDETHFASTULEJOBS WA NDOSARKFE to OS NDJ HEAOBIT IONSLSTAH FE PTTROHRYI OUGHO u namjob Jom UTHORITY OF mplMNIApoPe aP b plops fntsilin t i UEE 4An eOF OTTY ed HE u bwi eHEA equest,uh nywseiclacol mcoe vnduecrbtTW ol o necessary medical care until you are able to return to work that is reasonably available to you ce: $7.25 she working hoursof his orhis or hertwom venonfotoarsmr , dpeeuace urmanidtidoa sse s leinpl s consemd ustarae a rta,ienire AFE NIAA NDPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (VOSH) LAW, BY sATRKEce, t Aim .aT qouHn ia ElV n eE IRGIP TITLlyOSoLm E0.1 t t . IOFf yND EM liePvLe yOLTYH oEuECODEv for exercising his or her rights under the Workers\' Compensation or Occupational Diseases Acts.If you file a fraudulenthis or her not working hours more loss than of pay, two enable him hours provided that of or which her he or tos2o cusdauetrtvooo m(lu4an)t r haedol r,ta iepa propo rnd diod ea s b palaajosao r d, os THES he EEtSO, YEo hDst alaIwToHsr k oItNha r itT Hpn arEo ptTepIclMyt inEyg fo LuIo Mfr a roImT S FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGEtip edrmeepysuoueda permitir tomshe may take off his so or much her voting time working time as outside will, REQ DOPTSAND HENUTA LFOR T THE SWTANDARDANDmaUR y bE Ole t nE pp oTAorHEclai eE m, you may be penalized under the law. .Generally, claims must be filed within three years of the injury orwhen added toeiie) horas p e sueld el RS eAlpN. tuAnWLiAty IB SCORTO omLmAASiSEPa Wlt w vote, but Poster Change Notification Service. If a law changes that affectsFEDERAL LAB likel OR L ath AW P ACT TNGSeg thy e and temporar ing d I yi eg m t an eTHE DEFOPALRiLoTMOn mWEeINTSNmGAbe NDOFWrs aEOBnBLd A ABTAIDDOR RESN ATNHSDEWa:s hDait Escrmimpilnoaytmo tion disablement from an occupational disease, or within two years of the last workers\' compensation payment, whichever PER HOUR nin employer may designate, working time off to unlessem n pllega tuarrnao i rd aevtroatbara jsoo ola aml efinnateli zanatr essu d shall be without INDUST ORYF P OFFICEUBLISSHE L Employers THESE STANDARDS MAY BE FOUNDcrAArtee UNCndt?Ta AIQnTTd nts. Complaints may be made at thet Practices can be Chal -sum settlement contract approved by the Commission cannot be reopened.Onlyshe shall be allowed time off for her voting onlySi el empleado requiere tomar tiempo del http://www.doli.virginia.gRS ISovT/dOF EoD li_BTregHE ELuOFEDElatWion TO s/dRRECEIAoLli I_DENregVuETlat ICAPionRINLs. SThEtTmD AlN. CODARD YPOU IESSM OF .AWY T EfAhoHE mroLmpS iloeO Vsry IRGIP)e, iCOrenso c(tlNTNIcueud geesrsSTANDARD elow. hold,later.Claims for pneumoconiosis, radiological exposure, asbestosis, or similar diseases have special requirements. thetusrno dend o torrat; rbsoa aajlovro,ecqgoulone.fo mrmuetu alom qeunet ed ecosignncuee erdl en apn Injured workers have the right to reopen their case within 30 months after an award is made if the disability increases, butas the beginning or end NAMESfurni Dnehepaesalrtm ofcon ap itions exisgorkplace. in a u hown b All aDsispchecatrs of ege,rmingp, oloyr lmsettlements approved by the Commission are binding. BEGhiINs pNINosG JtUer wLY 2h4e, 2re e00m9 otherwise mutually agreed. trabajo para ir a votar, debe avisar a su EPPA: EMPLOYEE POLYGRAP Oor seriION rms emued under the law. eaat lth apply tothe W or r ee at O ho yeelica or anof zat ndustry addresses s tion ing any of their righyer t unor derHiring or promo ludingeyn-oft, ifnclt are resolved by a lump 31182//83146463461501 The law requires employers to display t r sn o ployees can readily see it. it canempleador con no ms de diez das de occupational safety and health standards is ssaueti d un oey thes a h w th An emplW TLab d l gani liev a)l g ions are Cover lonnion iminawith the emplo egal? coasy ( rovide r cases tha IN ures dinJogb t: msE raining Choiliclsicanlgosvos:il inlg e:AtPRV eloeEoacrRksiatfTo:1rIdM:tE3i8m P01e59As//96 Yt78h17e3 72r0e91g29u lar rateST opDrfi Dpn g(ayfDi efeoaldfr)::a l ho23u11r27/s/87 w184o5r27k09e58d97 over 40 in a workwe vote the employee shall than the notify dayg, this section. antelacin, ni menos de dos das laborables plach ee ofm emoplyer so deymhaenl ree fsh trouomo s r haeaecch oognif hz hieisd h emaplzplarodsy eeas em,t a anplre cd soyaumhalensl cingt aom or arndpl a y e withVOsiSlaH, l w, a inc Most private employersor he en yee f (adsu ecamtipolonyale rins)stitutionsFailure t ment (incFor more information, go to the Illinois Workers Compensation Commissions Web site or call any offiarnW k15 uyse restoriclndt- fimoa If the employee requires ten off nor of the to less vote election than inantes de la fecha de ir a votar, conforme a lo Clasi cationC working days before The Employee Polygra W Each em h wR r re i OuiesT uth CT t Cbrywith alrld ocersc iup t pl onal sdeafret they a Lnd v t th Commis you nts Co , r o reta g yp liate es tateag ato Discrimina Re or us crern sc s ted on n mc gan acng om amr splain tonoo religious belief, obs coamr lb- r fsrietee::8w6w6w/3 .5i w2OR-c3ecb0f.tei3alr3.igrn oainlvg o W cr r d n anga rge,SIC CHILD LABOR r lyC tta u ML6awith M eutB e froenr cae n. employer not moreid be eaupla goCada empleador conlleva la responsabilidad that he or she requires time phnditio P e ro s ationplsy and o tatONA e given a an e V the a tee am og rar amde inie S scriminaag rachave bet D th P nd scbe pri eral vat e of g a, to erni, o , a tom osinging rgyof d accommodation for aY L ted by A WE genetic information ofng owu ays: non-mining, yn goey, etrhsetoe mprpolovyideermreuassto maabkleeubpr etahke t dmif ramys. wDjoobifrsfke a renodnu tt asrit udleele ass cstahp o1p8oly l t hoin ow auograccordance with the provisions ofde publicar este aviso donde se dispone de or theexercising their rights under the Law, may file a complaint with thedisability or a sincerely-helddis ker M OYREKRPLS AMCUES TAN DDIS CPOLAM TIP CREDIT election, every Such or forth notice shall befcilmente visible en el rea de trabajo, con no your postings, well notify you so you can update your posters standardspl, ruoyeeles s, re hagull clom T H yees CT eportin rbe s of y theloymen th c Staf ng agencies sigpunenmneo pqen Busines honeRequeaystinng or disiocln of osingTh UeM erm loiyees W res RK mwpa stfr.r c place imv arormol noj-yommbase nnduet.fcaclatruerdinlas estipulaciones en esta seccin, en un lugar icultnuriaonl u-esfSee the comparison below to make the best decision for your organization.EMPLOYEE RIG Empl T em S n od ppoa rtunity toCom sitr on Re lud l bo ing of th t S l o g a strworkrelated injuraly or ilness.pe urcvhiacse, us c t or practice rred? ages orf Yad nngcwlaoi medic loyethe format din g. emm LE nimatio Em geo n-hazardos jobsi pwpphleoody e meemesep ttil pocesy ecreotasmi na b cci Not less than ten employer working shall days of work post before where to their thedispuesto en esta seccin. his own actions and conduct on the job. yef thes en Ac Adm Rplinieg Under the E dlesOCs laws, an employer may not discriminate againstBene ts he E Bu o i ecte dabtee r Conduct that mightEmployers of t pioplobpyleiegdras tei mmonup. slIoftyapenae yesconspicuouslympthe place settingsecde ,b ymenos de diez das laborables antes de cada The P entaeqtive rauthaori E Inspection ioner of the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry within 60Policy ivnum u B reasonably dis, c o oluipnrpg a caogesinminpimum w be seen of work, as employees this a in notice section. comeeleccin.Dicho aviso permanecer publicado days of the alleged di our imigration status, on the bases of: doa.1 nt3 ip tpi pcesrrerehdocitue iraveaod ntyottth heeeqiirrual nenshddiwtwiaoitnghes tohmef a ayetmclleapaimlsoty$ae 2rps.a1 3crt apiaselhrww haaoggueer ciorf eft adheitt y lbe caaslsat $2EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH repr La mpany t t za repthene emiplve oo Raceloe CASPA(including employer requestsoor p mrasitrmigtiiacnitftraioot inmg i rmin kept posted until the close of the polls onhasta el momento del cierre de las urnas provisions of p accere the oy he Vo athOSH ied ecem ace. ion purpose of aiding the insSng sH peiafnsctietonpey .cantor dAct, railre e aon cepdm lity rig toc hal tat Pelran Apublic a Genetic informationditng. es i has O ps:/publicportal.e aO invce eoneapion im herie y chhtild plo r onree qyuiahr er axofpot eer s, ttshh bear cte hiasi lsdst hsmie billdkiret. tme election day. ic m , wuhsitc hp rmovay electorales en el da de las elecciones. mus ot consult wi s nth in t orinzped abltor f oyeer repres atg Saf OetdmSyHA inian (sdtrad Heatdresioaln:foier, or p t d hat cccaun You D thorityK her otphan a to expres breast milk for their nursing and stay in compliance.lieroheibteitcst omro ts heap ial pre a reasof Ci e numbe yof employtatieese,concerniO he ,p whi lac heof er c.) the Stat oa Sex (incluedd cing ponrdietgionnans, cyo at t inv edical history) ior np alarwti Cal ntacla 1 8800006669964082000((TtoTl e D e e mloyefru hefraocmhtvimiewe t ahned e fmrepelo fyroemnienterduss ioton e fxropmre scso wbroearksetr ms ailnk.d E mthpel opyuebrl UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCElth co e worom eged violation must be corrected.sexudael loa 0 a ientation, orenckises, c, bertaiusn Fedineini ca rd rogram. e sector busine SubmitecaEusOe tC pherore amprte sly if ytricot tu simue lspeimct dits fisocr rim liinng a cationh. Dargo e TIME yd ecp mncloesy eorsfmminayim buem a swseasgsee, dTo apply for unemployment, you will needd ets tpsr iveaitthere e mforlnslegpeic ntg s r-emptatio usienngtoyer. E The VOSH pr ingor F ntity State Coverageunimer thelive/wiscorrimk)i. nYaotuio n (can1 8r0 oeacr 3h th0e0 d E ysC, d ine paenynd oinf g othen w fol TheF DOeRpCarEtmMeEntN hTas authority to recover back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages in inEsscreening or during the coc up ionprode ionuc Vh OS viH b mp pe pr loysto ue m a f e hah al t p nmat pled zz ar tthe Laach cw, a itationVoluntar d b y ef ed r orts inatby t ion d oedkera pply to al buott ww charge, reasonably op Visitan inquiry through the EEOCs public portal: owDCDerItTaiIn erb vvioFmOpRlaMintA oTrI pOaN r th. eTh FeLSA. You may be eligible for owYour Social Security number. taliation forling a isicnwil uspecify a time period within which the al oyd ter o t ed on er. e ene tedtoobtainerai indcluid d rol ram heex eman ld t luntar emActivity e o v.ferv E-Mail wn E oc.gov oc.gov/Portal/Login.aspx exemptions also aply to the pump at work requirements.law also prohibits retaliatin YMENTNames and addresses of everyone you worked for itaton rse of eolatelioniev ses i an om ploatorr ad d Tning ge (Progishe der t to yer t bo e E y an ork d Health Co info@e Yf)riedee)o phone) UNEMPL discha in the last 18 months. be embusinesses covered by the Federal Maritime jurisdiction.re ate leg to warn e n for threeof daor uth m t m with the Law are encouraged. Voluntary Safet w.eeohee s civil money penaltieseoi olations are de ollat rtse iopes oee dtd itignsacotefhilatdhn edl a/mboroin rir empcuroomvm imwsioeangnsed.oHorreieogvmhetperltnoim criminal prosecutionnv. ieghions of tieolmtivil sgsemosnseedy Reasons you left each job.oyee atf nth eveai toFha PmROploHyeIBrsI aTrIeO geNnSeralE y prohibited from requiring or requestingohf aint t The VOSH citation must be prominentlyhe di spl al l vo s l r,v u ee l dte mvi d eo nlat in t ioin e m ca o pln o m r s k ic p d l l aa o yc s sn e s it n o r c s nti t id h l te e at ne v( n h aitol y atih ex efy t th atetor emtli vo up ers andres crim iional i Vo vai in a n assure ien ts t ow . T OC.g ace is in iInd ccnsesomusul mpltatitraiyanyonbceew8w4E.4OeeC o2c3. 4geold of5v1/f2ie2 ld c(e (A-oSfinLi fcvoe) rmation atovertime, and other violations. Thel D si oeparn malyL lStoiorA serious injury of any min ee, iaaviynldpm rsoouc syaagpseaseninsass he ltas awmy.abCyre gb aien Dates you started and stopped working for each employer.FeXdeErMalP, STtaItOe NanSd local governments are not afected by the law.stX rihcAet m pe re in ay st re p elic abe e o erio Ssti d lyec E agr ha ce b d. aE s r d y esAa be spR s ls eac is h ed I foprop ot pl a H oy wo nos se m y tT s rn e em bth edSr st a erplf e l oro de yerfai er pa ge lureem ed twi ht t c lPen f,ulec he ty s,v ins i or op a olat eeiat s hued r d b uc ly tut jethh v cf on te p iol t rs ltorccai ao atirni onthum . e L er to eraw o a sEmd plsusoses yersT . O Us mpfnSo ingto ew ng informatio p hartav mn c ystaas oemrs Of linhg a c acth ed30 f Labor and rple i r F n s d nj 10 tr pp uracicies nigtandl rwg rul Protected Veteran Status penalties mhhialedynla atlbhsofoalsars teeioascne htd hw afoitl r ertteicrimpianteed i nt oa nbyepwroilclfeuel odirn rge upnedaet yers must co smwn (thuraencnt if you lose your job Your alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen.dnso c shepamergcpitnliovgye,edeeims ocpirpl ojloiynbein eag pf, opolrircrdaeinfsutcs rtiinom gti antokate itn aag k leiae ga da itenetssettcoatonrrfe otmre psetl,ox aeyrnecdeisoifnrorg mTrhi teah nlaw de ing cs not p or eac Propos on on ealth,agare srle ubjec onal penalties of e a test,anne 69 e.sesy contacting e a re F f O yli HO lab LDING F atoyers tsw . T e reviac n r ed tat th a F er to u eenpide s ortan Th c4r, a imies a tna om a tte, arann.Sd rs. RCe. 4qea2ud1irj2eus a, pstmrfo ehrnmit Abiatts esivse aimstpaclntocioye An tmeo rcnt of t ecruit,ooro urekbaleecrdhs wcwO ohNoc fAuilpeLataI iNocns and establishments are exempt from the minimum wage, and/or overtime pay provisions. Certain nar in the last 18 months). Also, the law does not aply to tests given by the Federal Government towrit $14,270 al sasin t seq n $ ion nc re t etaei na ltion so h serio tnge e co tm toen ed g a orr , a en l91 y or r for eac t to viol onn s tes tght onths, oremfata yee he D em HA pt,ex t bqune e a n a en iptxunet of L an Virginia Deparpltm , a c , p DERAL CONTRACTS OR SUBCONTRACTS Ito aimsg iemeapenmodrp tolaovnyeter trtiosmikne pay protections ploy d c e protet ctdi l onseo; n ebdmeecpnaltuoENT OF LABOR BENEFITS Your Washington State ID or License, if applicable.You will receive:other rights under the Act. E E Wtim O liticLato y m ubtor ve divem N o,Gepe or m ers an , a ing da oftor sp whoiolation and ep ies ons within the proposedprovide EMPLOYERSRecor Fm dkee at, en ping 0) i al C nio e alne ordk ydin mina ketrepin 19s7e V inamtim Eoen andrea Vgda, 3ines8 U Spoemcimal opnrwoveisaliothn os fa Ppupelyr ttooRwoicork.ers in American Samoa, the Commonwealth of thw tsiht eeh yx beaoclick Sign in or create an accountVisit rmtehp .at)cwww taurael ye .esd.wa.govnetmitlpelod yteoe tsh eun F to apply dLeSrA tsh em FiLnand iSmAu. mYour SF8 and SF50 (if you worked for the Federal Government cert of pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors and dispensers. viola Senoda ina for each otherthanserious violation. Penalties of up to $14,270 ublespuplrbplti31aaolinsgu at m idance for rec r 1 al o ordktoti om y pe nger f e a oorm tio king w o mp y wor mp econdanof reporealdease f under WNAIGTE AED SNTD HATEOS DUR DEPIAVISIMON REV 04/23 e Northern Mariana Islands, and theyou to fax or mail us a copy of your discharge papers (Form DD214 The Act permits polygraph (a kind of lie detector) tests to be administered, TheFPub MInN EMesat nu s ofCom mitan cinfic rcitgt o r ge yt f inc lartt ful vv raiortilonm on oth ee on y a finepa nesdisex t bth d a b w ss w h, o r s rfic tm r a d t s th w r e a w s SHA ien ee anW nts a ebfor tr re p ce of F ou htork 24 the u a ynd urs v/rour ior f rlure ew urieto y is g/eempparloayt, aed vnd aetdervaanns (ce ii.en e., wmitphloin tymherene yt, deisaars of dbled viescthearragne os, rr ecentlyCertai snp fue e obreektoewrrers eeacnstlyhni aswpsified indep neetmnrdapceltonoty resceothan the minimum wageIf you were in the military within the last 18 months, we will also askpo lties of up to $142,6 est g (Formcertain private individuals engaged in national security-related activities. Examten n t more tha ue na h o g, the rem efuse o on ontin ati, bdos may resrligi sine ) are res e O las ith t n b ey F es a ed -pa ng oc t requirem nns of c .osh d o a.go urs io. Faina,anof d ge verteransc, otivr Ae drumtye)d F, acotivrce des suety wrvicae mrtimee odal vr cetaemrpanaisg. Some state laws prncoovoirwdr eeth cgetrl eyd acitflaefers rseeifnmycan RT ply leors are not. member 4 or higher).t ys usebjrevcicte t ofi rrmesst (riacrtmioonrse, dto c acre,r atlaainrm p, roansdp egcutaivred ),or jo pobo e m ary Eof um pe 70,000embonyiofmpris or not fore tha ena eye mus acit o gniviem anqu n in rordieral Goupationaler em injurie en o see pu ndnat Retaliation cli-atil ceer stitfuicdaetensts is, sstuuedde bntytlehaer nDeersp,a artpmpreennt toicef sLa, abnodr. workers with disabilities may be paid les The fastest way to apply is online at esd.wa.govand the right not to have test results disclosed to unauthorized persons. ernmentm. If yinm thpleo ypereivsa otefsseeccutorri provitsions of 16ti deVA are aC 25f an-6o 0 -prove260pl.ideoyd feeor i is pn tunheish Laabwle, . Aupnyon wi cl ext.html. n e . Smal rod u discrimination on t, yhe u afole oflowing l Orientation,WorkSource center or your local libraryres nd aLabor may bring court actions to rest Race, Color, Rite on ed ,gNion, S n t na site, gen in e s b rtingho n o otehteai liw artiiiomsen ii noas pptiporonos, ehpisb aidrtteisid accripimagtaeinis inastt a pn aionn O beyr sFFoCen wdCeP praho l croo clneets a ceradcintoog, orms pr ulnaidnt erWH1088www.dol.gov1/-a8g6e6n-c48ie7s-9/w24hd3 If you dont have a home computer, you can access one at a .naltiehs eown cioou act ionsp onex, SeanhdeaAinc te malspolo pyeerems oitsfpporilvyagtrea pfirhm tess wtinhog,saureb jreecat stoon rabesltyr sicutsiopencs,t eodf ering after aEm e repoIdAccidnt Re (8) tity,al OrBest Value! All federal and state-required posters printed and laminatedUNAIGTE AED SNTD HATEOS DUR DEPIAVRISTIMOENNW the 6 M0a0 m AinE SINIA B oy p Ot s rteeV lica l R es e oyeere r w e ma ei w t r re requ , S w n .d iter o eseentas Complaint p v i 680 H R ( 7 se - a0h / 9 a inE wm d )q S 3 auh o7 tre s n da tde,t s ca e V r en file a e 23219 ompl i ai ly see it 9 N . as, VA 2010.ui eaFF nite sm q 1u p 2iro imiv 0,ny natibo e repo 46b S A A sa o TI u8iit b u in ti u t neg O ,E J g o t ilrl a o 1 do d d a d h o s i e ns n t n 1 OSeta r2a cni n sC t 2 io S ne he 4tn2r g tativ te e to e r ion mp te went ation iam ts e , coiy ofnn thneny psde isFecerrsdimoen wirnala thlai T A 2 ws.er alievfe s a crmatoivne atraccttioor hn oabs vligaiotiloatnes ud ints derd FMLA: FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT OF 1993(Only aplies to certain employerssee note at botom) If you cant apply online, try contacting us over the phoneThe law requires employers to display this poster where e VIRG O or th s a ep d job aha pl e t cant n read nt theon, se en a NS spe r crts of employn tmeo ent. nsure equali o b call Washington Rriday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except on state holidays. Y hoEmpl SH offic ting tiv esri gh if tht to ey believ ce unsafe owirth opipgortund rity i rde er 1 , Disclosing, or Discussing Pay on o Call 800-318-6022. Pelay Service 711. Wersons with hearing or speaking impairments can e are available to help you Monday ou may nearestaR NDUSTRY 207 an inspechetionMtr aCiisn trat, Suite 207 M4oa0rnt0ah s 392-090 Asking Ab The Moa 46, a ns aderdo, pm drotsets apaptlicants aasend odOohFe O. Dofenp scae of Ftritu theonert of L tra.W.YOUR EMPLOYEE RIGHTS experience long wait times.through FWH1462T OF L LABO ww At DEPARTM uENT OF7e 0C st uurtiths N R Mi0c4 243 oau nsdt, 3 P Vinia OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY eInrANnn oVviD HEragtioinnia /DAMrLTiaven,aH O Ss /R s o ( B N B 66 rl3 7) ilC k il D 3 fo e1p o 5 a refer ICE LOCA lo ye eqe uia V V ( 2 P S 3 L L (276) n t u iv 5 is 0 y yn0i 7 e . u o ir4 O n 1 i r c lin d 0 4) t4 o c c e . e h L a )B n n h hbuBt s e Oa e d r 2 3 ae a b a o in 14 ,s, VA o r r 4 85 , u u th d vV x g i 8 rg HAt naa aFe 7 -9 -0i i7V nt t , n h lol c g or,io 2 8 c d2 h e p 8 0 F es A6 w 404 e i ikino v a nta8y 2 y d , 4 R 2f 5 ua ,r a or 0 rarc pdilsiccuanstss oingr e thmeirp clooymepese.nsation ora1din h Ging d ,t e Ae i ne a n R atc l D r o t n hht 180 CCPs autmtion Avenue, N iP le es d by s n o r d ch disability,u e e l T UNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT c You must look for work each week that you claim benefitsREV 02/2FRVAOicXhIC m(E8o0 n(48d0),34V7)i r13g7in165i-a22 34 2237219 1r-2327gSintire (703) Execluitiev ge O676-5465 10t, onrs f VIRG ccriminion b U0.S0 C itieeras l Csahbooour nld ccot Cntaocmt implimanecde Piatreolyg:rams (OFCCP)Visit WorkSource to find all the FREE resources you need to find a job. MaCineInSNDtt l.gov1/-a8g6e6n-c4i8e eas of F n of o LABOINIARDEPANDAR INDTMUSTRYENT OFWashington, D.C. 20210These include workshops, computers, copiers, phones, fax machines, the compenDisabilityReg w.doli.virginia.gov CentmrEaRl Virg BuAr sh2in3aeicm2 2sRh 8mon fo n oaen okeSection 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, protects If you ar 3e d97ea6f, h25a1 rd of h(tol-freeaer)ing, or have a spe bpage atprotecter dD liveisa A leave? fat m(FilyM aLndA)ims eadffieocdarelmrreaola slsato wen smt. hpTalhto yep erUeos.vS.i.d eDse pelaigritbmlee enmt opfl oLyaebeosr ws iWth ajgoeb - Internet access, and job listings. Log onto WorkSourceWA.com-time, youto find in the specified color, font and size required by the government OSHA: OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970 1Wh Paadrkd T73ou i5 diedwa 4g5,tee65VnrA/-t,0 eNS8r 2ou 9 Rlag r1rti5ilv0k 21e0 oad quali etd iionn, dd (43crim ldrg ls w g u ith disabilities from discrimination in hiring, please dial 711 to ac telecomfcmucbupmnhiietcltaipntdig a qoenssk r.doasl.ytgi osoven or/sv/, icnelisne .Wheh atFam isil yF MandL iovMenefd(oWicr aqHl uDLael)ia fyeveinn fAgo rces the FMLA the nearest office.If your work hours have been reduced to part-related injury CenDepartment of Labor OSHA 15oic7rhth0 371n- al, and other aspects of employment by Federal contractors. to O nag a y an O lp D or non-work-related illness or injury and are now able to work ge bene ts, job train Com ary misG. Pacation, clas sioU.S.teiIonnr, daeSTl AdpeE 7nmdein4ni0cs teWra Metoasr Tt le So (804)1a04 Sroaummthweesr tV/ r40 ee1k9 RDroisamboility dis , bero n idnclud peisth hyn asoic td amisl oaabrk imilnitygwrealos l oiimns iaatanblae npsli coafn atn OFCy cCFCP maCl s H so b FCe cCesP rok antt eagchiottetnp.sSl o:/. /Ga oivsetrrincmt ofent ,c eD, leipstaerd itmn ment ostand mployes can take up to 12 workweeks of FMLA leave in a 12-month period for: may qualify for partial unemployment benefits.or b If you have been unemployed due to a worklphia,861-4900 octhcoemrwmisoe dqa wl nw enthaiop telephone directories under Ue(215) PA 19THIS 106-3POSTER 309to e mpDES BOY AND Unemployed WPoster Guard All workers have the right to: y Job Safety and Health r 2ESTABLISHMENTp e p e d , it A lory a G WHICHRIAM h N YOURatio r2EMPLOYEESn c a sm VIRGINIA SAFET r pcs w ition i HEALTH of L I pas:b/o/wr awnwd o.don Ol.govF/CagePns ciesC/ooC so io y i i 0 a v h t )o et i hdisc s a a b b ilri i ti lit atii m ie o fctcapc/t Ucons wtacte. s E istance.w Eligi b THlehoue e ab srireet rhfiouso, ra yd ouompert niostpanousloorr e fpo, hschiytesrlicdpaoll arh cepeamalrtheen ncttoowndf itaihticoahi ns ldet hrwiaoustit mhamyoukeens, tyaoul o ru npahbysleic atlo h weaolrthk, condition, and o r o F n ele le lv E e e . iL hounemployment benefits.orkers at ESD.WA.GOV. EMS 9874 . CC 7540-032-407. Rev 10/17 . UI-biz-poster-ENPhiladEMPLOYERS:MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A PROMINENT PLACE (R350o41a03n) Po5IN ke6et2e,THE-3Vrs5A 8C 0 r e TO d a ue h e eCO September, 202 again, you may be eligible for Temporary Total Disability (TTD) 03 mamlsppo edn eeraml acprolodnytraip tecntot qo trs uhtaalikeead if lnormyieavr. Sitdvui For more information, please refer to the Handbook for disabilities at al NORMALLY REPORT TO WORK. levels of employment, including the executive level.ITS THE LAW! In a PRO dC T olo o t ON otetions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Secth n 54 of te R ISTANCEon th9e7 3b, aass ais omf ednisdaebdil, ity in CYTouoe rcrtain iet aqmruypa losliefyyrievneigcweremhoaes moisn btseh rree. ted teo,cthhield f,o prearigenn dt eopr lonyemxte ontfkoifn y oouf arscpousoveree,d c sheilrdv iocer mpaermebnet rwEmployers are legally required to post this notice in a place Federal & StateRac ial as e p pro divduls wi s, c abari h D atiocnt of 1 NOTICE T Ainth eis l aig as ibemleriiousl veo tcoRnd S nesicememeba veFeMr . ngole lesasvbhouelo incrtkse ermi or which youconvenient for employees to read (see RCW 50.20.140).Benefits Annual PosterWage Order Notices, mandatory Spanish, E-Verify andA safe workplace. Employers must: h eiga EMERGENCY INFORM s T ion t l p r,S OR AlC OTrIiVgiInTI, ESSex RECEIVING FEDERALIn FINANCIAL AS o n p nn A ogramYthWORrmK dainjury or illsapous nA neo afc htim tdtaeyen .to Wlrywhiene nes keit.pRisa ermaatde dFeiac cbatll yoS hcnekeesc et os#sfa 2tr8imyM( oecr ),f orThe Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity ESD.WA.GOVEMERGENCY any program or activity which receives Federalnancial as perie orhdwa vtisoee tcphaeerer rm igfoihtrtt e ttdho,eusy soueervFmuMlaeLybAtya lek worki services for limited English proficient individuals are available employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available of 1964, as amended, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,upon request to individuals with disabilities. Language assistance as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, coloribits employmenmay take up to 26 workweeks of FMLA leave in a single 12-monthfree of charge. Washington Relay Service: 711or national origin in programs or acthcie vriimt ineins raantecioican iel aivs csinsg Fisotvaeenrdcee ied by ras lDirscrim lithieiebsi rtwefod ihrom tn a, while el ath sospsre ecwntis of ettiahl fouutn mrceptailoosynos of tmnaebnlt aeh e jgaoinbs.toouistance. Employment dis mnmsi nwoadtitioahti n ioins pd irnotale VvncissiI io roon of ef trg rmamayms . Tcpauloitslye Iem dX of teisnctr, oimhr wie Enathidoeunre ec ianti mpon Amendme pe ou shoneusllid itei mmedihaativece bh rly ceeocenn detiavecis Ft tscrhieme Fdeinreaadtl eed ar nal aangagcineianl ast icy psn a psisrtoavrnidcein, gmO pcahide dleave, but you may choose, or be required by your employer, to use any Poster Set Roluarte edm inpjluoryy o r health ,c oonr creepto beingProvide emplaozyaees rds.aIt workis il a place free from d naunccaitail aonas he primary objective of t olovyidminegn st derivsnicctres of 1ism uinnad9tei7o2 rn acc onu b tue y tioon wu h OC 10/2 ora en iafao re aveed.paid leave if your employers paid leave policy covers the reason f DOMESTIC VIOLENCErehazardous substancesnd safety concern with you or with OSHA, orcurauoch psheibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex inof a istance.FMLAou MrLg-Apibr ius inidot s s T a O BE: e v o efero en n o owing apply: 5 o 12 m ation. SEXUALDOMESTIC VIOLENCE yf yde ng l anynemepdl o Ir eretaliated against.recognized erm to reofta theirliate istraongcrea.ms or activities which receive Federalsuch as emyelian elNo Smoking posters at no extra charge if required aise a safeteyroor irl lnOeSsHsA, withou rn rwt iat h work- aig ght JOB LOCATION: ____________________________ (Revised 10/20/202 You ifg otirbo la e tc aeokmvee rpeFldMo yeLemAepillofe ayaelvrl, e?of the fol HARASSMENT PROTECTIONSCompliance Service Receive information and training on jobainss t un anthpelo lawyee , for usincluding raising a healthUSERRA: UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT A YYououhwaovrekworkaesdt1f,o2r5 y0ou hour erms polfo yseerr viacte le faorsty1ou2 rm eomnpthlos,yer during the Oregon laws protect your right to work free from hazards, including al reportply wing ait woh alrl kapp-rellaicated blien Ojury SHoArisl_____________________________ ouat least 50 employes within 75 miles of your work loc onths before your Com AMBULANCE: nensdsa.rds.harassment. They also require your employer to provide of your workplace if you believe there areof an eye. taleYYav re h, eaamvndep alot yleer ha loyt conactor if t ih fy aear hours oftl se0wr veinimcge pap lorpeylqeieuiess:r edmureinngt sa. supports if you are a victim of domestic violence.in your workplace.FIRERESCUE: ___________________________YOU HAVE THE RIGHT orm e leynd t hte a, d fa tt hlee afso SEXUAL HARASSMENTNotify OSHA within 8 hours of a workplace Request a confidential OSHA inspectionfatality or within 24 hours of any work-relatedProperly classied as an emploAYouiyree orlin we ofrl an independenikg ofcoures rkrr eco av orp p dtv eieous s htralaol y eedrrar You have the right to a workplace free from harassment, dis( t S unsafe or unhealthy conditions. You have3 inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or lossla REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS I se m warilt h e a vtiihcng ep ,pl ayenor uiwo hdhasev neo r y thoeeuxcraluirgsehi ro dp U cr A E If ( IfD t v o ymplo e s ic y y y t . no e o ta ui e man nbem e erco po e l c m y pr e in o t ac e v s uf tae n r equir c d a em g neri u e dare e plo d nye l ly r yd n it o th f titl w anu yi ror t edar y ho dwe r ot min , c u ishthe law when pation, gying houo to WorkRrly o rutooy le a4 \'s fo ry ec h ca H be oro oag su y le n ti Fcf w u w e raork dhe ic r M n a oad ad ce mD t c l e t y vb v en p c A o o n on ,a er e n t n t d o e ht craefy on I a oe n ts, r ers e ag ig s a q Y o e n q e t t u me t c o M u o w e emrrpivere a.y a t on c o ea S l o en af ifsb es ise r lo tr yfi v e tr t n n ad e c t w gtsuc q o tea o u e u d perf i.g es x trje e t o h . g vvs. i ssf a e ib mmp pc n P d da e c p urate pa e e r l o o v d nr en Fs uile ta ymen Ma t C e ust: gr i la tM ag i aw m. at eprr foahmibility inogrdmisecdriimcainl laetaioven rights. en t least 20 workwekss io , sex, sexual orientation, national , or age issault, or stalking 100% compliance with federal and state postingthe right to have a representative contactP lang HOSPITAL: ________________________________ i a practices bTPaid accurately and timely for the serviciYY nouou thwew ork forou perfrt R . FCorT Yt.cco o .an elementary or public or private secondary school, or e sexual assault. Your employer must have a policy to reduce and prevent crimination, and OSHA on your behalf.in ad.YOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRAmore informa igh employes are covered by Title I nemp m h asthese violations. el Management. s, requests for Provuide agerequi and rvoced tarbuainlary theying to a lcanwo unrkerdserstanace. _______________ There are resources available to you if you believe you are being subject to improper classica Fbtion or inaclne cay, suc of the FMLA, administered by the Of Discrimination because of race, color ical, or visual), IGHTS ou w vering you f t agency. Most federal PHYSICIAL / MEDICAL CLINIC:THE UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENy ye r our employer A mr, y wes, o dle. rk qfour e pslo as pu M licL aAg ther ndeorpe un e? viola a local, state or federal governmice of Person -related. Sexual origin, religion, marital status, uniformed service, disabilityIncludes all federal and state postings required Participate (or have your representative andProminently ci splaiony this at s posteor nearr in t thheepwlace of orkpl milUidtSiasErcyRr iRsmeAir nvparitcoietn egoc rat scg eatirhnetsa ijt onp bta yrspitge ahsn tsodfpo sfre ienrsvdeiincveti d miunae tlmhs bewe Nhrsoa t ovioof ntluahnel tD uairsniailfyos troemrr i eMndv eosdleuircnvatiacl Sreiysl,sy at lneem v.ae epSmliEcRpalnoRtyAsmatelosno tthpperoo ushintiiibfoointrssmetoem du pslneodryeevrritcsaek fser.oGe IGf vers in C iolor hts aoperlyemploye al vlabor law t colonytmenrations ctot r. Sexual harassment can look like unwelcome sexual advance erent sex or illegal.participate) in antOo Sthe HAin inspectorspection . thoe st aOSHA v diolations. ______________________________ inea sutroper orktion ( ollowsation purposessinesses and f. tionAs a) o wfo emplorke ertime, and pr s an tye actors and o e yo es fonre requesting leave, sexual favors, or conduct of a sexual nature (verbal, physspeak in private ALTERNATE:You have the right to be reemployed in your civilian job if youHEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTION yers arnd woblems, bo visit t the criteria in Colorado R as an independen nontct hreand ar an r eallyorming duties tha ice It can also include conduct that is not sexual but is gender or diff TECTIONSed to fmpeorn law-abiding buegedtat Impr ance c alassica ers cooften called misclassicaees as independen ado. FrMsL nAor mle t t thethat is directed toward an individual.criteria o ve you hayee, ve been improperlyoclassied Yoa Foivellow n oyoic aenv ouricteslry ead the law ency. click oelici yl o nduoiratgender. ployer if FMLA requirements, guaranteed File a complaint with OSHA withina0v ed abyese nOn-Site Consultation services are available toleave that job to perform service in the uniformed service and:E If you beliefy an emploee, oradoui.gyou must meeov/ProperClassication. t insur Youtatu tractor t least 3o0rdp aoaysbeleefd,o give ove harassment can be targeted toward someone of the same ety. your employer must make small and medium-sized employers, withoutyou ensure that your employer receives advance written orthe right to elect to continue your existing employer-basedployment inancsure aancnd canno s if you becomeomuneyourmplohha ae eleave mquaiclifraies fdorg Fne oadss fi ssoo rb ouFnMtaLmsA ups olte sapsveirbolv,e oi.dre enough information (or if you are a parent or guardian of a victim),If you leave your job to perform military service, you havev/cdle/TipFormevised S, or call us a te 8-70-115. ou c ption 4. To be classied as to your employer soDOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROan emplo colorado.g t 303-318-9100 and select Oonline and nd out they rb etya plihaotende ,a ognailninsetofor rb uys mingai ly)o ifu ry oriug hhts.POLICE: __________________________________ hevoeannltt hhifsy wouplanhidleco oninv\'tertheaelge ecm t fiotlirot a cyroubeu nd yure dependuen nsgfor up toier lit2 ed,lenv dee wterams ipnre ewvihoeuth t bene yag ken or appfor tLhAesparmoete cretiaosno.n Y wouh emn ursetq uaelssotin ign afodrdimtio ynoalu lre aevem. If you experience domestic violence, harassment, sexual asmore at colee meployer SHA citations issued to yourcitation or penalty, through OSHA-supported verbal notice of your service; exclusions) except for ser Youran emplo oyer cte eg-ex tributes to e unemplo r unemployment in ur employer may r ) or reeem ts. niy st certification from a health care providertoor ve surpifye rmseeddeic aanl yle satveate a nodrmlocayalrleawqu oe These changes might include: a transfer, reassignment, modified schedule, , changed work station, installed yee,cyono nemymen nett deduct this fr rough no fault of your own.for all employersany O. ne wso rlkogpl. e consultation programs in every state. you have five years or less of cumulative service in theENFORCEMENT f en our hours o teiillnes omputer utplmany Tohl DD aLi nemplo.mU ymen o. tO f efficebed -me ent thatr aprovidesoule rsuit of direct lawsuits regarding leave for their own ser reasonable changes to support your safuniformed services while with that particular employer; ployedr, work and pa educ cere tive ba iye rogfainingag er 1-800-894-7730 (TDD lim tsideCongress. r t tuhse ety procedure, or other adjustment after threatened or actual CAL/OSHA DISTRICT: _______________________ nsm (e.g., p staing conditionyou may be entitled to partial u ver-metro ar o areatod ) or 1-800-388-5515unpaid leave, changed work phone numberCAL/OSHA CONSULTATION: you return to work or apply for reemployment inwebsite at htps:/ ou canno olor -yU ess a c ses wnload cint S all one oAtionfed 303-318-9016 (TC h h c onc on/empltin tfiotenhseoey ery, then clou M raolc ft aormh ner ccsornrtntaaeiinnlthtioa d nsn. coantangrteieosmsnieso nninatlp oeur mployees are also covered by the law but are subject to t o . in Wrlock, new safOREGON LAWSa timely manner after conclusion of service; and Ioutside D juries.the following numbers: 303-318-9000 (D events.Request copies of your medical recaocred,s ,a tneds tsyou have not been separated from service with a disqualifyingThe U.S. Department of Labor e-con Straaitsledt ictoionld oo You can also take protected leave to find legal or law enfor injuries or mental health support, orcement ver-meentro arver-meea).tro area); hearing impair jue move or change your living situation, and more.th haetwmoerakspluarcee h ianzjuarryd sa nindtihl discharge or under other than honorable conditions. EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED BWY Lhat AdW Toes O POSmy emT THIS NOployer neeTICEd to do? r must: assistance, get medical treatment f_________________ , Veterans Employment andYour employer must keep all documents and inftfo ny dom ubil ietanarerefyeitsslieg yirobviluec e wt ooo rub,l edi n r hesaeovmem pea tlcotyaaesindees,d ,yoiaf u yc mooumu shpata drba nebo rltee s bjtoeober.ne da btsoe tnhte d joueb Training Service (VETS) is authorized to investigate andIf you A llaorweeyouligib tleo ftoayment Sick on Fecurity 7.3.1 thr ve, leyouro e way because you are a victim.RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION AND RETALIATION on USERRA, contact VETS at ECmplo ado Eny o ecurity adoui.gno and eaolat ect cimveem roapfgfl eow wyoehirkle fo yrou aqauretical job with the same pay, benefits and youDescriptionItem #Price This poster is available free from OSHA. Posting is required by Title 8 Section 1512(e), California Code of Regulations resolve complaints of USERRA violations.6ers can do a. theror visit itsct, 8-74-101(2); Regulations C verning Emplo ou r eF e k n jo,pLbA -p ler s / Pub ough 7.3.5 a liofyni nleg arveea soonn ,the same basis as ifCall: You cant be fired, suspended, retaliated or discriminated against in any ormation confidential.If you: For asistance in filing a complaint,or f4 or amploymenforma lica pthen an employer may not deny you:P.O. Box 420603 www.dol.g1o-v8/6age- ncieSsA/-vDeOtsL/.opies of this poster at color AAalold ow yutou ta kteonrrle egtraundvrnoi ttti ooinn tsth,e einr sfcaelumredeinwgjo isbthif, ho tr y aouand vir rl octFuMaaltyLio iAnd, e rantig thhte s eondr t CONTACT US ta e orceEmail:971-245-3844 Protect You At Work ESIS10Lhave aplied fo State of California at htps:/webaps.dol.gov/elaws/vets/user You If your employer isn eels wrong,BOLI_help@boli.oregon.gov are a past or present member of the uniformed service; An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewedexerr octeihsimengr p wylouooyrrek irnri ggc hcatosn under the law. For example, your employer canle t fnish you fo eb:oregon.gov/boliJuly 2022 - June 2023 Department of Industrial Relations If you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable tohrf eyaoutern oar vpue ollowing r membership in the uniformed service; orCAL/OSHA Research and Education Unit Department of Justice or the Office of Special Counsel, asthe law or something fare obligated to serve in the uniformed service; resolve it, you may request that your case be referred to thegive us a call. The Bureau of LaborSe habla espaol.2023S-500initial employment; San Francisco, CA 94142,0603 applicable, for representation. refqteur ree bsmteincpgo lmFoMyineLgr A amu wleaarvese tthocaor tcn ooyfouirpmre rn aewteinhdetgfwohri telehraayv ouWe is H afoDreria ne vrlieesgatisbigoalnetiotohnar .tno m not retalia utend agrathsteyFouML fA or,Includes all county and city postings required EnglishLD2-EFEDSTATE $51.49 Contact OSHA. We can help.ComplyRight, Inc. reemployment; T You may also bypass the VETS process and bring a civil actionem p HAloobyouwermtd yueoutcehrr m oFfiM nyeouLsA tr h rraie gth qytuouse asnd taerder leeesalpoigviebn,le siif, b ayilounityie,r sw ,e iaml nd and Industries is here to enfthese laws and protect you.retention in employment; against an employer for violations of USERRA. youy el iqguibalelif yfor FMLA leave. If your promotion; or Thheetriegxht tof this notice was prepared by VETS, and may be viewed bpe loFyMeLrA mu-prostte noctedti fley ayvoue.in writing:because of this status. s listed here may vary dhttps://wwwepending on .dol.gov/agencies/the circumstances.Where can I find more information? any benefit of employment on the internet at this address: In addition, an employer may not retaliate against anyonevets/programs/userra/poster Federal law requires employers toCalyou may file a complaint with WHD assisting in the enforcement of USERRA rights, includingnotify employees of their rights under USERRA, and employers under USERRA, even if that person has no service connection. may meet this requirement by displaying this notice where theyIf ry ou 1-8e 6plie6rivv-e4a 8teyou7 -la9rw 2rs4uiig3ht t osa rg uavndiinssiettrdy outohle.r g FoeMmv/LpfAlmo ylheaarvtieonb leceouaernnr t vm. iSoolcaratee.nd ,the QR code to learn SaCbAouN tM ouEr ileDba complaint procesfor all employers SpanishLD2-EFEDSTATE $51.49 testifying or making a statement in connection with a proceeding customarily place notices for employees. the Guard and Reserve W o H f . GE A WH1420 REV 04/23 ABOREmployer Support of U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Departmentof Justice Office of Special Counsel Publication DateMa UNITED SWATATES DND HOEPARUR DTMEIVNIT OSIOF LN1-866-487-2365 1-800-336-4590y 2022OSHA 3165-04R 20191-800-321-OSHA (6742)TTY 1-877-889-5627www.osha.govBilingualLD2-EFEDSTATE $83.99 2023 ComplyRight, Inc. IMPORTANT NOTE: The FMLA only applies to employers with 50 or more employees or public employers, regardless of employee size. See your human resources manager to determine if the FMLA applies to your employer. EPAYFEDIncludes foreign-language translations wherever required for all employers (regardless of languages spoken by workers)Federal and state levels only Federal, state, county and cityGuarantees all postings meet requirementsfor poster size, color and fonts Federal and state levels only Federal, state, county and city Frame ismade of brushedIncludes 12 months of legal monitoring to identify steel and clearpolycarbonate tomandatory changes protect your Federal and state levels only Federal, state, county and cityposters. Includes email notification of mandatoryposting changesFederal and state levels only Federal, state, county and cityIncludes 12 months of automatic, free poster replacements whenever a mandatory change occurs Provides PDFs of replacement posters to keep you in compliance until replacement posters are receivedLabor Law Poster Frame Deluxe Sliding-Door Poster CenterIncludes unlimited guarantee against Display your posters in this affordable, protective frame. Securely display your important labor lawgovernment fines for incorrect posting contentpostings, notices and bulletins in this sturdy case. Custom-sized to fit our federal and state postersShatter-resistant, lockable doors ensure your Features members-only website to easily view updatesIncludes screws and predrilled holes for easy mountingmaterials arent tampered with or missing in the and manage compliance across all business locations event of an inspection. Description Item #PriceFederal Poster FrameLD2-F0474$128Provides year-round peace of mind that you are always Item # PriceState Poster FrameLD2-F0800$128in compliance with employee posting regulations LD2-F2018$665Sizes vary per state. Specify state when ordering.Frames are custom-made and require 4-6 weeks for delivery. Size: 60" x 36".32 EMPLOYER COMPLIANCELABOR LAW POSTERGUARD.COM800.999.9111 33'