b'Extend Your Compliance ProtectionFull Compliance Protection forwith Industry-Specific Services Federal ContractorsREVISION DATE: 01/23 NOTICE TO WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES NLRA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACTScan this QR code for compliance verification. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS Poster Guard for Federal Contractors FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES PAID AT SUBMINIMUM WAGESBusinesses in certain industries face additional mandatory posting requirements underFEDERALThis establishment has a certificate authorizing the payment of subminimum wages to workers who ared by the e disabled for the work they arFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)e performing. , Authority to pay subminimum wages to workers with disabilities generally applies to work cover . Such subminimum wages arthan the FLSA minimum wage McNamara-OHara Service Contract Act (SCA), and/or Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA)commensurate wage rates and are less than the basic hourly rates stated in an SCA wage determination and/or lesse referred to as , and CONTRACTOR productivity of experienced workers who do not have disabilities that impact their pr oductivity, no matter how limited, in proportion to the wage and of $7.25 per hour. A commensurate wage rate is based on the workerquantity of work in the geographic area from which the labor force of the community is drawn.s individual productivity when performing essentially the same type, qualityIf your company does business with the federalLABOR LAW POSTINGS Employers shall make this poster available and display it where employees and the parents and guardians of workers with disabilities can readily see it.WORKERS WITHworkers earning or productive capacity for the work being performed. The fact that a worker may have a Subminimum wages under section 14(c) are not applicable unless a workers disability actually impairs the DISABILITIES For purposes of payment of commensurate wage rates under a certificate, a worker with a disability is defined as: An individual whose earnings or prficient to warrant the payment of a subminimum wage.disability is not in and of itself suffederal and state regulations. Poster Guard Poster Compliance Service features expanded86-463-4574WORKER NOTIFICATION those related to age or injuryfect pr, for the work to be performed.oductive capacity include an intellectual or developmental disabilityrates: educational disabilities; chrdinarily af, psychiatric onic fect oductive capacity is impaired by a physical or mental disability, including Disabilities which may afdisabilityparole or pr, a hearing or visual impairment, and certain other impairments. The following do not orproductive capacity for purposes of paying commensurate wage unemployment; receipt of welfare benefits; nonattendance at school; juvenile delinquency; and corrEach worker with a disability and, where appropriate, the parent or guardian of such worker, shall be informed ectional www.posterguard.com PAY TRANSPARENCY e under which such worker is employed.obation.government, you must display up to 10 employeePAY TRANSPARENCY actorKEY ELEMENTS OForally and in writing by the employer of the terms of the certificat Isuch work in the area.ement of theMosted work. SCA contracts NONDISCRIMINA COMMENSURATEwho do not have disabilities that impair their productivity for the job) against which the prTION PROVIS worker with a disability is measur dThe objective gauge (usually a time study of the production of workers oductivity of a ONNondisabled worker standarPrevailing wage rateor similared. work and whoevailing wage rates to be paid for SCA-coverposter services for restaurants, healthcare facilities and more. NONDISCRIMI Theali T ca IO eARENCY o e I p N WAGE RATES manneriredinclude a wage determination specifying the prare performingDocumented measur evailingReportar al Inspector general del DoD.productivity for the sameThe wage paid to experienced workers who do not have disabilities that impair their Evaluation of the productivity of the worker with a disabilitypplicants or bein cauansey production of the worker with a disability (in terms of quantity and quality).againcontrst mploywill ees not or adischargeothervediscriminateoductivity of hourly-paid workers must be reevaluated at least every six months opriate, at periodic notices in addition to the federal postings required forPAY TRANSP NP w R ev O er V m O tpa haanotherThe wages of all workers paid commensurate wages must be r e is a change in the job or a change in theReport to the DoD Inspector General.intervals. At a minimum, the pr opriate, whenever thereviewed, and adjusted if apprdiscussed, or disclosed their own pay or thehey yof inquemployeeevailing wage survey must be conducted at least once every twelve months. In addition, prwages must be r uoral minimum wage is increased.abot, and a new pr eviewed, and adjusted as apprN pp A nt. H SI section 511, which places limitations on the payment of subminimum wages to individuals with disabilities byReportar al Inspector general del DoD.prevailing wage rate, such as when the applicable state or federTheaTheA contr Y TRANSP an ARENCY O N edN ig loyees or whWIOAapplicantseessentialed by this Executive Ore calculated pursuant to certificates issued under section 14(c) of thePECTED THREA ABUSE OF A MISMANA ABUSE OF A BRIBER USPELEAKS TION AGGAINSAINST WISTLEBLTLEBL LEAKSLEAKSRETALAIATION AAINS ABUSE OF A ORMA ORMA UTHORIT BRIBER O LEAKS HUM BRIBER FFI BRIBER LEAKS UTHORInsation Thein a e c g i cn in Thetto d N e i a co ap ios t nv fig m P .ne ti iu n N i w d jobin in cso c i s lic vi p n a r gati P e u tn vtd o h n fu l s p ho e N e o ua c s w t.etls nm o r f A c e ig s coaw a et me n u ti s a e na a ra v nu oof w d ch eI m oe D e w o slop I S n w H i n y o d r ocd n e c S ee f a o ,notl o I o ve t o o v e w e S e to v C n r s e e n e n d m ri o R s v C oo d ,o o at R er t uiiss o t rv i p h pcR m r, e g notb oe .397 I o tisl o p I es r a th e yt a M o mp I i pt ge b p y io iniginp p e inabr yl e r l p t a w l t i y y io information of otherc i n ye a h i I s lo c e I e c n ica i I e iine o n o , a e sn e s e th sse a e n p e n , sv ts s h n n , ew pftw r tssh orp oreav s e r pa wu o pa a a e t e h om pa m orv hyv h c s v b r b cy ce p yr y e e e e oo o e TT T e a yt yy a p e e t ofa cca e of h a inh tol toac c d d oro h cc l I cc d a I i i o a y u av n cn au an e u t ae e i c se e y e g u a s e n g so s av e , ,s, , e eye ys acrt s e h ti g s ss ea t r r to o ea pa ey o th , , et ca ora t hc r o o ey co pa e orhr h s n ase co t irc s t cen P e one i m y o h c yP g o c ch yss a ) t r , p g( m R e a co e ar )e / o c en ,r yvtotc i y )s h o ea pr enah o s ( m co s n o ane c c c at ve ein gt an sat ns t ) i oorcs c i , p f h ofV o q s a o s t o tno ta e CCP e io i ofn v m on a , tin c r inn t orc in e o p o n d h ore a o ,s I e c u d n c am e lu i n w orn u I S I is t n t i a s it d n io oi ip i a S n w e h o s u r f t n , employeesd mi o i t n d ,n C u n ov t I e m ti h e ort a t t,n a,n h eg ais i oe t n ),it a r i( n pt n o ah too b a t n)f , eo c n u i( o ,l w ort t, b u r n) ,oa m e aio t ni ,yo have accas essatpart o thof e ctheir ompThe Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) amended the Rehabilitation Act by addingMI MI MI MI RETALIAALIARET RET RETALIA MI MIRETTION A ALIA MI MI SUS ALIA MI S WMI ALIA TION RET US TION RET MI TION A ALIAA RETG MI ALIATION A GAINS SUS AINS SUS S ALIA TION A SUSSUS US AINS MI MI MISUS MI AINS P TION A T WIS GAINS T WIS SUS AIN T WIS GAINSAIN TLEBL FI MI GAIN MISUSSUS MI T WIS ST WIS SUSP SUSP OWERS NG W OTLEBL RETRET WAS WERSO T OWERS OWERS CKI TLEBL ASTE NG CKI NG Y ALI Y T WAS T WERS TE RET O NG ABUSE OF A NG TIONY WERS Y A T ORMA T THREA R SUSPE TYY W SUSPE Y WAS ALI USPE RET T Y TE Y CKI UTHORITYTY ECURITY ABUSE OF AUTH ALIA TIONY ALIA TA TE NFNF NFSUSPE W TY TION A SUSPENG W NG LEAKS RET G RET Y S AS Y SALIA E FRA E FRA GAINS ORI CTED THR WA U SUS TE LEAKS EAEAT U ABU RET TY LEAKS EA D RET Y TION A D Y T TION A T TI T WIS CYBER TION YY T WIS CYBER S ALI THRE ALI EABUS EABUS ON FRA RETALIA W RETALIATION A ABUS GAINS TY ABUSE ETY SRET UD SUS LEAKS EA RET TLEBL LEAKS TLEBL Y E S EE T BRI TION A T S CYBER T AT THRE ABUS OWERS OWERS RET ON T YY LEAKS GAINS TY THRE LEAKS GTLEBL MI MI A LEAKS ALIA RET RET AINST WI ABUSE OF A RET YYMI MI ALIA ALIA EY RET RET T WI E NSE S ALIATION ORMA T A S ORMA S OWERS ALIA ALIA TION S O T WIS T SWERS THREAT MI MI T WIS TL THRE TION A Y Y LEAKS LEAKS TL GAINS THRE Y Y LEAKS GAINST WI THRE EBL TION A TION A EBLAAGGAIN AI TION Y T U AT Y T O Y SUSSUS T AIN OWERS Y GAINS WERS T WITHRETLSS SUSPE NS S SUSPE ORMA THO MI MI TLEBL ABUSEORMAGAINS G SUS MI MI ABUSESO W AT AIN BRIBER W T WIS T WIS T WIST WIS THRE Y Y TLEBL Y LEAKS S THRE THREAS T WIS T WIS ABUSESRI TION ABUS TLEBL TION ABUSABUS RETALIAALIA Y T TTLEBL A ABUS RET Y T T O US T O WASTETE OWERS W Y TLEBL SUSPEWERS YTLEBL TLEBLETLEBL TE AS ABUSETPE TION A ARET W EARET FRA WERSNG NG W WAS T OWERS A Y T ATS TO HO Y S T CTED THRE O O C S TO HO S AS T CKI CKI LEAKS ORMA USPE S AS NG NG CTED THRE WERS WERS TED THRE ABUS ABUS RET THREA THREA ABUSERI ABUS O RETALIA ABUS ABUSERI RET O Y Y ABUSEALIA ALIA T WIS RET WASTE WERS YUD TE TE WERS TE ECURIT ECURIT YENG NG ABUSE OF A Y EAT TION T Y Y TION AGG AL T T ECURITY EAT Y EAL S T ATS TO HO SUS RET O TION TION RET O WERS SUSPE SUSPE USPE W WERS AINSABUSEY Y AINS T I RET RET IA W Y Y CKI WASTE ABUS UTHORI AS ABUS T WISHR ALIA ALIA ECURIT ALIA ECURIT AEAEATE Y TLEBL ABUSETY TY A TY TY TION A TION A NG NG AT EA ERET EAO RET O ORMA WERS T SI WERS Y T FRA T HUMAN TRAFFICKING G GAINS W W TS I T FI S S T S FI AINS S UD LEAKS LEAKS HR RETALIALIRET Y Y TECYBER BRIGG BRI CYBERCYBER T WIS TI TI S T WIS T WIS CYBER CYBER THREA THREA THRE AS AS A ABUS ABUS ON ON EA RET RET Y Y ABUSEABUSETTLEBL CRIME ATION A ATION A CRIME SI T WIS Y TLEBL Y ALIA ALIA T G RET T T RET S BER BER TSALIAEE CRIME CRIME TION A TION A AINS TD S T AT AINS TE TE ALIATION A OWERS OWERS U LEAKS LEAKS ECURIT CYBERCRIME NS GAINST WI GAINST WI THRETT THREAT ECURIT GTION A GAINS LEAKS LEAKS TLEBL THORITTYY AINSORMA Y Y T WIS S TIONORMA RET O O TION RETALIA AT WISYY S S GT WIS THRE THRE TAINS HUM TL TL Y Y LEAKS LEAKS Y D S TION WASTE D SECURIT EBL EBL FRA TION TION FRAUUDD A AT Y YT T U UTHO TLEBL T O O TTLEBL TTLEBL WERSTION WERS WERS T WIS SUSPE SUSPEY Y TION ATE THO ABUSEABUSEY W W Y FRA TY RETALIATION A T T WIS RETALIATION A C CABUSETHRE THREASUSPESUSPET TION ASTE ASTE TLEBL S S Y TED THRE TED THRE ABUSEGTHREA ABUS ABUS RET RETALI RI RIUD US US OTHREAO AINS LEAKS LEAKS WTHREA WASW WAS ALIAA WERS WERS Y OWERS FRA THREA ASTETE FRAUD UD AST WIS TY TY T T AT OWERS ION A ION A PE PE EEOWERS TE A A T WISNG G T T G G LEAKS LEAKS G S TO HO S TO HO AINS AINSAI YBRIBERY FFI O AINS T NST WIS TY ABUSEABUSEABUSEABUSET WISTLTLEBLEBL RET TTLEBL RETALIATION A UD T T WISTLEBLTLEBL T TLEBL T T WIS ALIA Y YTHREA MELAND S MELAND S CKI THREA THREA FRA TY RET O O TION ATY WERS WERS Y Y O WAS NG ATION A WERS O NG MI O G WERS AS HR HR G WERS AINS T ECURIT ECURIT ALIATHRE AINS T TE TE THRE T RETALIA ABUSE OF A ABUSE OF A UD T RETT WIS T EA T WISTLEBL ABUSEABUSEY Y SUS T T ALIA THREA TION A RI I I S SST T RIT FI FI GEMENT T GEMENT UTHOTO HOMELANTO HOMELAN A UTHO AT ED INF ED INF TION A Y OO MISMANA TION A Y U CYBER CYBERCRI T MISMANA WERS THRE T MI THRE T MI CYBER CRIME RET T RET G GAINS ME RET RET GG Y ABUSERET Y SUS ORMA ORMA HUM ABUSEAINS AINS SUS D SECURITD S RIT AINS ALIA ALIA ALIA ORMA RI GEMENT ECURITTION A TION A UTHO T WI TION A T WI AN TRA Y ALIA T T WIS T WIS ALIA TION TION Y YGAINST WIS TY GAINS MI STL SG WASTE WAST WIS FRA FRAUDUD SUS GAINS Y MI ABUSEAINS TE MI RITY ORMAORMA Y Y THREA THREA FFI ORMA TLEBL TLEBL TY T RET RETAL YTLEBL TLEBL T WI ALIA T WI CKI IA THREA FRA FRA THREA THREA T T ION A ION A FRA O O YY TIONY NG STLABUSE OF A WERS WERS G G SUS O AINS AINS T BRIBER SUS BRIBERY UD UD T T MI T T T WIS T WIS SS GAI THREATYTY ORMA LEAKS THREA TION A THREAT THREA T TLEBL LEBL UD TY T Y Y LEAKS Y FFI O O MISMANA T WERSRETALIAWERS RET THRE ABUSEABUSENS RET TION FRA T TIOY TION ABUSEABUSETIT WI W BRIBER UTHORI BRIBER W BRIBER Y Y U RI RI Y SUTHO N GEMENT S SUS ON THO UTHO ALI T WI G AT AT THREA TION A US US T S T T UD MI MI RI CYBER CYBER AS FFI US AS Y T T GAINS GAINS A Y Y Y TY ABUSEY S SMANA RIT RIT ABUSERET TION MANA RET LEAKS WAS Y T T Y Y Y YWIWI U TS THOTHORITYTY S S ALIA CRIME CRIME TE TLEBL TL SUS SUS ALIA TE RET GEMENT GEMENT SUS RET EBL T ORMATIOTIOORMA TION A BRIBER RET A CKI O O ABUSEWERS WERS GRET ALIA ALIA AIAI FRA Y Y Y ALIA BRIBER BRIBER BRIBER ORMA ORMA ON A ALIA N N ORMA ABUSE OF A ABUSE OF A SUSGAI GLEAKS T THREA THREA TION A MIS Y T TE TION A RET UD UD Y ST WIS LEAKS RET FFI FFI T T Y Y TION A BRIBER RET RET TION A NS RET NG GY TIT WI NG ALIA W W YU UY Y ALIA AI THO THO ON TION AG Y ALI ALI TI ECURIT Y G SUSP SUSP ECURIT GAINS T T ALIA RI RI NSAS AS AINS CKIT T ONON T TTIA A GAINS TION A ABUSEABUSEY Y TYGEMENT T LEAKS LEAKSGAINS TION A Y RET RET T WIS YY TION A ON Y TS Y TION A T WI MIS T WIS TE TE YY ALIA ALIA T WIS MIS MIS RETRETA TYS BRIBER BRIBER TY Y G NG NG TI T WIS NG ECURIT NG NG TION A TION A TLEBL OWERS OWERS ECURIT AINS ECURIT ON TY GAINS TLEBL NST WI ECURI Y Y ECURI Y CKI Y CKI TLEBL G G N YAINS T T WIS NG Y T T OT WIS Y TION T WIS NNYSTLEBL Y G Y TY T T G TLEBLWERS NG AINS OTLEBL G T WIS T WIS Y NG Y Y TLEBL G Y WERS T WIS ECURI Y Y TY TYTLEBL T WIS T WISTLEBL N NGG NG UD T O OWERS TLEBL O WERSYECURI ECURI Y CKI CKI Y TLEBL WERS TY N NG WERS T T NG OWERS OWERS Y Y O OWERS Y Y G TYYT WERSNG NG OWERSjobactor O D ND Y TRANSPARENCY N rm discriminate thee of othermandating the completion of certain requirements prior to and during the payment of a subminimum wage. SUSPECTED THREA CYBER ECURITY LEAKS ECURIT TION AGAINS ABUSE OF AALIATION A BRIBER UTHO SUSPE USPE YABUSE OF A UTHORIT UTHORIT BRIBERABUSE OF A WERABUSE OF A LEAKSCRIME WERS TLEBLOWERSagaincontrsN PAY TRANSP N ARENCY th bto rwse hpaavEXECUTIVE ORDERExecutive Order 13658, Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors, established a minimum wage thatPECTED THREA SUSPECTED THREA CRI THRE WHIS USPE TLEBL LEAKS HUM HUM BRIBER LEAKS TS TO HOMELAND SECURIunless ind O scdsaputi O N ofywillC isywillnotdischarges orAAfunctions ROcannot IOdisclosetothe13658 es toemployeesgenerally must be paid to workers performing on or in connection with a covered contract with the FederalBRI ABUSE OF A HUMAN TRAFFICKING THREA UTHORIT SFRA YSUS LEAKS CTED T MISMANAGEMENT AL BRIBER PECTED THREA NG TS TO HOMELAND Sinformationacontr o dHo actorywillse notinM in N N hpa Abein IOO theN N other O O ieorV nq IS V ofO cqo ct is o st (a) inuorac ding, hearing, or action, in Gover toder and due the full Executive Order minimum wage includePECTED THREA FIED INF MISMANA WHIS UTHO REPRIS FRAUD AL BRIBER FFICRIMEagadincontractorpactordisclosedlic Mjob orid hav O als P asRhmannerabout, ens FRINGE BENEFITS workers with disabilities whose wages ar ABUSE OF A HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABUSE OF A UTHORITFRARIUDYUDTPE REPRISWERBRIBER CKI UTHORIN nment. Workers cover ABUSE OF Ajob functionssclussned, or willdiscloseindi oofcortheotherw a ofpartoioordo no theirion essentialemployer, or compensator ionapplicantsincharge n) ,PECTED THREA MISMANA ME ME THREA USPECTED THRE LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF OABUSE OF AABUSE CYBERFRACRIMEUDTYS TO HOMELAND SECURITinformationo od n er, ememployeesthee acas cea s anotheremployeedGenerally, if a worker is performing work subject to the FLSA, SCA, and/or PCA, that worker must be paid atTS TO HOMELAND SECURIT GEMENTLEAKS THREA CTED T ABUSE OF AUUTHOTHORIRITYTY TLEBLTIONOORMA SMANAGEMENTindiv otherother dischargewhapplicantsotherdisclosuretion ation, proce format, i(ob eview of their wage rates by an Administrative Law Judge. NoABUSE OF A SMANA OWERS SMANA LEAKS ABUSE OF A AUTHORIT BRIBER CTED THRE ATION A TION AG ABUSE FRAUD ABUSE OF A D SECURI GAINST WIS TS TO HOMELAND SECU RITYPECTED THREA HUM CKING ST WISTLEBL AINOWERS GEMENTall employers. If you are in the construction industry,dipspcluicsasen ap er a inv d, Hor disclosed their ownlsorpa paoreinofha oranythecaspa mp haveof anotherg(bn employeeresponse to a formal complaint orFLSA. with theorkers paid under a certificate authorizing commensurate wage rates must require such fringe benefit payments eceive theSMANA USPECTED THREA CYBERUTHORIABUABU ECURITY CRI D SECURI WHIS CTED THR HUMAN TRAFFICKING SUSPE OWERS OLEAKS HUM CYBERSMANA TLEBLTIONTIONOWERS CYBER EBLOWERS O BRIBER LEAKS EBLOWERS HUMAN TRAFFICKING OWERS CKINGinjob functionsplot. of other(a)erw adischargehrao applicantsothermannerinquired bou orborbytheCHILD LABOR (c) consistentNeither the FLSA nor the PCA have provisions requiring vacation, holiday, or sick pay nor other fringe benefitsBRIPECTED THREA ECTED THREA UTHORI ABUSE OF A GEMENT LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF UTHORIT BRIBER AL ATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERS CYBER ABUSE ssied, or disclosed theirunlesstoavthe pay ofmannerudiscriminateapplicantssuch as health insurance or pension plans. SCA wage determinations may r ABUSE OF AUTHORIT UTHORIT AINST WISLEAKS BRIBER USPE TLEBL AL MICRIME GEMENT CRIMEdischargeccothery of another partrdiscriminatecharge full fringe benefits listed on the SCA wage determination. CYBER RETS TO HOMELAN THREATTS TO HOMELAND SECURITTHREAT BRIBERYBRIBERY THREAT BRIBER ABUSEY ABUSEY BRIBER Y BRIBER ABUSEBRIBERY ABUSMISMANA E ABUSEGEMENT MISMANA GEMENT ABUSEABUSGEMENTEMISMANA LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF GEMENT WERHUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIMEHUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIMEHUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIME HUMAN TRAFFICKING BRIBER FRAUDFRAUDY BRIBERYBRIBER FRAUDY TS TO HOMELAND SECURI BRIBERHUMAN TRAFFICKINGcovnfutrsratunlessacgto thefunctionsother1.800 nv(a)plo their own paapplicantssspartofccp mannerCCPinicf discriminatediant, gi(o ban) n, PETITION PROCESS (or a cash equivalent). W BRI ABUSE OF ACRI TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT SUSPECTED THREA MISMANA S TO HOMELAND SECURI GAINST WISUTHORIT TLEBLOWERS O BRIBER ABUSE OF A ABUSECKING UDinformationemployeesyownig otherhanother employeeeessentialOVERTIME 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) cluding anLEAKS OF CLASSI SMANA UTHORIT WHIS ABUSE OF AS TO HOMELAND SECU UTHORIT AN TRA ALIATION A MISMANA OST WISTLEBLTCTED TTO HOMELAND SECUGEMENTMISMANA S TO HOMELAND SECURIcannotdisclosewtheotherformal partapplicantsLEAKS OF CLASSI BER GEMENT TLEBL AN TRA TS TO HOMELAND SECURITindividu disinformationlsdisclosureatheir the.889.5627other employeesntact OF theirrnsa .397.6251ntact OFCCP least 1 1/2 times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.dance with the child labor provisions of theABUSE OF A ED INF S TO HOMELAND S ReepppooorrttaaarrrraalllIInnnnssppeeccttooorrrggeennneerraaaallllddeeelllDDDooDD.eant. Howof e cannot employeesformal to tof hetheircomessential pe essentialFLSA. No persons under 16 years of age may be employed in manufacturing or on a PCA contract. ABUSE OF AUTHORIT TS TO HOMELAND SECURI BRIBER THREA REPRIS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF CYBER TS TO HOMELAND SECURI ST WISTLEBL CKING OWERS YCKIunlessd, or disclosedplo response employeestheirorBER GEMENT TS TO HOMELAND SECURI SMANACRIMEGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGpcu licfunctionshcannot ediscloseownvapplicants.dol.gov employees employeethe| TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccp Minors younger than 18 years of age must be employed in accor ABUSE OF A ECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKING UTHORIT LEAKSREPRIS FRACTED THRE ABUSE OF A PECTED THREA ABUSE OF A THREAn inapplicantsGEMENT UTHORIT GEMENT SUSPECTED THREA ALIPECTED THREAatheidlthecannot.6251theempto loya erformal .dol.gov complaintWashington, D.C. 20210. W LEAKS OF CLASSI BER CKING TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT MISMANA ABUSE OF AABUSE OF AUTHORI LEAKS UTHORIT ME WHIS MISMANA AN TRA TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT NS TO HOMELAND S GEMENTWERSTLEBLOWERSOWERStihtheunless rthedisclosurectedntot tsotd(a) h bythertiw iresponserformalcomplaintisten formation,ithWorkers with disabilities paid at subminimum wages may petition the Administrator of the Wage and HourABUSECRIME MISMANA THREABUSE OF A BRIBERYCTED T RETALIHUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENT PECTED THREA RETALIATION A RETSUSPECTED THREA GEMENT GEMENTncehof an nemployeesmploy h41 CFR 60-1.35(c) tcharge lcharge particular form of petition is required, except that it must be signed by the worker with a disability or his or herABUSE OF A BER GEMENT CYBER HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENTSUSPECTED THRE ABUSE OF A CYBER HUM PECTED THREA TION AGAINSTS TO HOMELAND S GEMENTandisclosure1.800 disclose response| wwwlegal duty to furnish information. Division of the Department of Labor for a r SMANA SMANA TS TO HOMELAND SECURI FRAUDE SUSPECTED THREA ABUSEUTHORI GEMENTTS TO HOMELAND SECURIT ABUSE OF Aitonr s legal duty to furnish information. aemployeesnapplicantsparent or guardian and should contain the name and addr SMANA UTHORI UTHORI GEMENT ABUSE OF ATS TO HOMELAND SECURIT ABUSE OF AABUSE OF A CTED T ALIHUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING UDconducis te(a) d the.889.5627 | www (ncomplaintofccp SMANA SMANA UTHORI TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT PECTED THREA MISMANAABUSE OF A AUTHORIT ATS TO HOMELAND SECU ABUSE atr igtaratdisclosure.397.6251.6251response(ccomplaintitcharge wCPith Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, Room S-3502, 200 Constitution Aess of the employer. Petitions should be mailed to: venue NW,PECTED THREAFIED INF TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT D SECURI SUSPECTED THREALEAKSTS TO HOMELAND SECURITTHREA TLEBL ABUSE OF A PECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFITS TO HOMELAN| TTY 1.87741 CFR 60-1.35(c) SMANA TS TO HOMELAND S UTHORIT ABUSE OF AGEMENT ME WHIS ABUSE OF AUTHOTHORIRITYTY GEMENT LEAKS ABUSE OF A MISMANA TS TO HOMELAND S UDin furtherance of an investigation, proceding, hearing, or action, including anWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION 1-866-487-9243 W AS AS UTHORI DE FRRAAUUDDETS TO HOMELAND SECURI WERAINALIA FRA MANA YOECURIT GEMENT legal duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) AS SMANA GEMENT F SPERDICI ALABUSE OF A O THREA GAITLEBL TS TO HOMELAND SORMATIONECURITYthe number of additional postings can be up to 12. 200 CONSTITUTION A tractors legal duty to furnish information. If you believe that you have experienced discrimination co UNITED STA.dol.gov/ofccp TTY: 1-877-889-5627 WH1284REV 01/18 ABUSENGNG TION A ASTE GEMENT ATION A CRIME T WIS W & CYBER TS TO HOMELAN UTHORIT TION A ALIAGEMENT UTHORIT GAINS WERS ORMA WASTION A AN TRAFFICKI LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMA RETMISMANA LEAKS AL ORMA LEAKS LEAKS MISMANAMISMANA GEMENT GEMENT200 CONSTITUTION A the41 CFR 60-1.35(c) .dol.gov/ofccp : 1-877-889-5627 www TES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR www.dol.gov/whd HUMAN TRAFFICKING LEAKS TION CKING NFORMATI ATION ATLEBL W ABUSE OF A ST WISTLEBL PECTED THREA E THRE LEAKS ORMATION MELAND S MELAND S LEAKS CRI TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT GEMENT FFICKI LEAKS TLEBL WERS THREAWERSOF CLASS WMISMANA ABUSEATS TO HOMELAND SECU PECTED THREA LEAKS RETALIA HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENT SECURIT UDatrio 1.800 If you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OF1.800 ABUSEHUMAN TRAFFICKING BRIBER MISMANAGEMENT THREATS TO HOMELAND SovnetsrIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING LEAKS OF CLASSI SMANA UTHORI BRIBER TLEBL SUSPECTED THREAAGFRA TIBRIBER MIS GAINSTLEBL MANA GEMENTIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination co GEMENT BRIBER HUMAN TRAFFICKIHUMAN TRAFFICKING ORMAOWERS HUMAN TRAFFIsn legal duty to furnish information. /ofccp HUMAN TRAFFICKI GEMENT BRIBER TS TO HOMELAN EATS TO HOMELAND SECURI WER LEAKS| TTY 1.877 SMANA GEMENT RETALIASUSTION A SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY LEAKS AN TRA PECTED THREA MANA CKI ECTED THREA UTHORI TION AGAINSGAINS OWERS GEMENT200 CONSTITUTION A con.397du | TTY 1.877.889.5627er,| www.dol.gov co/nsistentASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTYAGTION A MI GEMENT TE GEMENT TCTED THR UD GAINST WIS GTION A ABUSE OF A PECTED THREA OWERS SUSPECTED THREA CRI TEMELAND S GAINS D SECURITY ED INF GEMENT T WIS GAINSECURITT WISTLEBLY REPRIS RETALIA BRI ABUSERETALIATION A OORMA HUMAN TRAFFICKING200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW WVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY HUMAN TRAFFICKI WASTE & THREAT THREAT Y BRIBER BRIBER Y ABUSEBRIBER Y Y ABUSGEMENTEABUSE GEMENTMISMANA MISMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKINGCYBERCRIME CRIME CYBER HUMAN TRAFFICKING MISMANA UDY FRA FRAUD BRIBER BRIBERY CRIME TS TO HOMELAND SGEMENT MISMANA TS TO HOMELAND SECURILEAKS GEMENT FRA GEMENT1.800.397.6251 | TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccp TION AGAINST WISTLEBLWERS GEMENT BRI SMANAGEMENT TTHREA REPRIS FRA UTHORIIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OFCCP HUMAN TRAFFICKING TLEBLOWERS DESPERDICIO BRIBERHUMAN TRAFFI GEMENTVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www SMANA T WISTLEBLST WISOST WIS S TO HOMELAND S CTED THR GAINS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF HUMAN TRAFFICKING THREA MISMANA MISMANA TION A ED INF CR TLEBL A OLEAKS LEAKS OWERSTHREAABUSESMANA IFIED INF TION A ORMA ONLEAKS CYBER MANA MANAT WISTLEBL CRIME GEMENTSMANA BRI TE GEMENT ABUSE OF ATS TO HOMELAND SECURIT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGLEAKS SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITALIATION A GEMENT UTHORI CYBER MANAMANABRI BRI TE GEMENT SMANA PECTED THREAFIED INFFIED INFS TO HOMELAND S LEAKSPECTED THREA GEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKI BEROF CLASS LEAKSUSPECTED THREA PECTED THREA MIS RETTS TO HOMELAND SECURIT MANAVENUE NW W ASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp.dol.gov/ofccp LEAKS SMANA ATION A AINS BRIBER AS ABUSEABU TLEBL SO LEAKS LEAKS YORMA SUSPECTED THREA AN TRA HUMAN TRAFFICKING GEMENTMISHUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKINGGEMENT LEAKSHUMAN TRAFFICKI GAINST WIS UTHORIT BRI ABUSE OF A CRIMESMANA T WISTLEBLTLEBLAINS BER HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABUSEBRIBER MIS BRIBERASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp LEAKS GEMENT CYBERCRIMECRIME LEAKS OF CLASSI WERS UTHORIT F ABUSE OF AUTHORIT SMANA HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENTMISMANA MISMANA ABUSE BRI HUMAN TRAFFI BER MISMANA GEMENT GEMENT FRRAAUUDDEEOF CLASS MIS HUMAN TRAFFICKING200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW W HUMAN TRAFFICKI LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I ORMA T WIS 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SECURITTHREAHUMAN TRAFFICKI FRAOF CLAS AN TRA ORMA LEAKS IME MISMANA TION ASMANA MISMANA NST WISTLEBL SUSPECTED THREA SUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKINGTS TO HOMELAND S MISMANAFRAHUMAN TRAFFI SUSPECTED THREA THREA MISMANA GAITS TO HOMELAND SECURIT WASTE UD OF CLASS ED INF CR THREA IME MISMANA UTHORIT TION A TWERS GEMENT LEAKS TS TO HOMELAND S AINSTIT WION S TO HOMELAND S MISMANA GEMENTGEMENTTS TO HOMELAND SECURIT HUMAN TRAFFICKIMISMANA HUMAN TRAFFI T WIS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF ASTE HUM GEMENT YPECTED THREA CRT WIS FFICKINGOF CLASS MISMANA TION A GEMENT CYBER NGWERS CRIME TS TO HOMELAND SECURITTLEBL BER MIHUMAN TRAFFICKI LEAKSTION OWERS HUMAN TRAFFICKINGABUSELEAKS S TO HOMELAND SECURI SUSPECTED THREASMANA CTED THRE TLEBLOOWERSOWERS GEMENT CTED THR D WASECURIT S TO HOMELAN GAINS & WERS THREA ABBUUSSSSOO THREA BER GEMENT CRIMELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I ASTE PECTED THREATO HOMELAND SECURI CYBER FIED INF FFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKI BER STLEBLLEAKS FRAABUSEORMA T WIS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFSMANA OGEMENT AN TRA FFICKINGTHREAWERS ABUSE OF A ABUSEBRIBEROF CLASS AIIFIED INF NG GEMENT ECTED THREA LEAKSHUMAN TRAFFICKI UD AINS AS USTPECTED THREA BRIABUSEALIATION A & IME UTHORIT SMANA ABUSETS TO HOMELAND S CRIME ALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLTY TO HOMELAND SECURIT SUSPECTED THREAAGAINS ORMAT WISTLEBL CYBER LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF LEAKSOF CLASSOF CLASS STLEBL GEMENT BRI WERSHUMAN TRAFFICKINGSMANA LEAKS MISMANAOF CLAS USPECTED THREA FFICKING LEAKS RETMISMANA GEMENT SMANAGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGAT THRE AT THRE GEMENTAT THREAT THRE HUMAN TRAFFIBRIBERYLEAKSSMANA THREA LEAKS WERS SMANA TS TO HOMELAND S LEAKS CTED THREA USTTPECTED THREA S TO HOMELAN LEAKS CYBEROF CLASS LEAKS GEMENT GAINSYORMAIFIED INF MISMANA IFIED INF BRIBERLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I TESMANA ASTE GEMENT MISMANA GEMENT ORMA HUMAN TRATO HOMELAND SECURIT TMISMANA MISMANA LEAKS GEMENT YTHREAT MISMANA TIONLEAKS BRI IFIED INF HUMAN TRAFFIRETALIA OLEAKS BER LEAKS CTED THREA SUSPECTED THREA GEMENT S TO HOMELAND SECURITMISMANAOF CLASS MISMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKITHREATIONNG LEAKS THREA LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF STITLEBLLEAKS THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKIPoster Guard Poster Compliance Service for WORKER RIGHTS WORKER RIGHTS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED IUD WASTE THREAATT HUMAN TRAFFICKI FRA AN TRA CRIME HUMAN TRAFFICKI IFIED INF GEMENT NGOWERS ABUSECYBER RETALIAORMATION A ORMATIONFRA TION S TO HOMELAND SECURI BRI TIONTLEBL CYBER S TO HOMELAND SECURI THREAABUSE OF A ATIFIED INFGEMENT ABUSELEAKS OF CLASS MISMANAFRA HUMAN TRAFFI CTED THREA GEMENTFIHUMAN TRA THREATMISMANA LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF GEMENT GEMENT MISMANAGEMENT MISMANA GEMENT PECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKIOWERS TYYAHUMAN TRAFFIOF CLASS S TO HOMELAND SECURI SUSPECTED THREA BRIBER IME MIHUMAN TRAFFICKI STLEBLLEAKS MISMANAHUMAN TRAFFI BRIBERABUSETHREA GAITNSS TO HOMELAND SECURIT LEAKS SUSPECTED THRAS GEMENT LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF TLEBL LEAKS HUMAN TRA ABUSEBRIBERCYBERY BRIBER CRIME ABUSE ABUSECRIME ABUSEABUSEABUSEBRIBER BRIBERY ABUSE BRIBERY BRIBERY BRIBERY SMANAGEMENT CYBERCRIME CYBERCRIME ABUSEABUSEBRIBERYBRIBRIBERBERYY BRIBERY BRIBERY GEMENT BERY BRIBERY BRISUSPECTED THREA THREAT MISMANAAITT TO HOMELAND SECURIT LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF LEAKS CTED THREA ALIATION A BRIBER ABUSEBRIBER MISMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKITHREA BERTS TO HOMELAND S TS TO HOMELAND SECURITLEAKSTHREATO HOMELAND SECURI ABUSE OF AUTHORIT HUMAN TRAFFICKILEAKS CYBERTO HOMELAND SECURI MISMANALEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFLEAKS OF CLASS CYBERTO HOMELAND SECURITLEAKSLEAKSABUSE ABUSECYBER ABUSEABUSLEAKSETO HOMELAND S FFICKING ABUSE ABUSECTED THREA BRIBERYBRIBERTO HOMELAND SECURI CRIMECYBERY CYBER LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFSMANAABUSEPECTED THREA GEMENT MISMANA CR IME HUMAN TRAFFICKI BERBRIBERYLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF MISMANA UTHORITABUSEGEMENTHUMAN TRAFFICKIHUM UD GEMENT BRIBERGEMENTSMANAAT AT THREUNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13658 UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 14026 HUMAN TRAS TO HOMELAND SECURI HUMAN TRA FFICKINGABUSE OF A RETALIAGEMENTTION AYTHREALEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFBRIBERYFollow these steps for adults and children over 8 years of age who have an obstructed airway.FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORS FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORS Mission: w, rule, or regulation; fr SUSPECTED THREA CR eportTHREMISMANABRIBERY BRIBERYTHREFFICKING$12.15 PER HOUR $16.20 PER HOURTO HOMELAND SECURIor talkno air is mo fi Use common sense withf t ahney v siectriimou. As vinojiud rmy.o Cvainl p :.9 t1h1 e( ovric ottimhe wr ehmeneervgeenr cpyo snsuibmleb;e brr)i fnogrhaseslips ttaon hciem ri/ghehrtianw g sa te ya . d K.n Konwo twh we thyepreeoAfE iDnsju arnydFederal Contractors satisfies all current postingMINIMUM WAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023DECEMBER 31, 2023 WH1089 www. FORMINIMUM WAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023DECEMBER 31, 2023fr.dol.gov/agencies/ R it ive h ilets dtps e:l D /wowD y d MI MI MI MI RET RET MI MI ALIA RET RET ALIA ALIA ALIA TION A TIONAGGAINS SUSSUS l F AINS MI MI T WIS Mission: T WIS FI FI T TLEBL NG NGY T TY TE TE TION TION Y TY W RET RET UTH Y ALIA ALIA ORITYABUY T TE NF TY TY NG NG SEEFRA FRA G W W UD UD LEAKS LEAKS RET Y Y TI T WIS ALI ALIA ABUSON Y Y ABUS ABUSETTLEBL TYY ABUSE OF A EET A AT OWERS OWERS T LEAKS LEAKS GAINS THRE Y Y ORMA ORMA S O BRIBERr STL STL T WIS THRE THRE T Y YY Y LEAKS LEAKS EBLOEBLAAT TION Y Y TT O T WERS WERS SUSPE SUSPE t Y Y TLEBL ABUSEABUSEW W FRA THRE THREAS AS v Mission: SUS SUS ABUS ABUS ABUS ABUS RET RETALIATION A RI O WASTETE WASALIA WERS Y Y TE TE UD TY TION A EEASS A PE EET T ATS TO HO ATS TO HO G G USPE USPE AINS AINS T T ABUSEABUSEABUS ABUS T WISTLEBL T WISTLEBL RET RET Y Y s AL SUS EE RET RET O OWERS WERS WASTE W ASECURIT HR e ECURIT ALIA ALIA TE d EATS EAS S Y Y T IFISTS T CYBER CYBERCRIMEa ra eae frl Dsm T WIS RET D SECURITD S r ECURIT TLEBL t t TION TION Y YGAINST WIS TION WASWAS | FRAUUDD FRA e soTE TE Y Y TYY T C RET RET BRIBERY ALIATION AALIATION AFRA FRA THREA O G GAINS AINS T UD UD T T T WISTLEBLT WISTLEBL r LEAKS THREA T TY Y aud, w Y MI O O MISMANA WERS WERS THRE T T RETALIA ABUSEABUSEa SUS SUS RIT RI GEMENT GEMENT | UTHO UTHO A 6 T MI MI t c we GAINS GAINS Y Y RIT RIT e o T WI T WISTLSTLEBLY Y ALIA C SUSP d aste, andMI MI ORMA OWERS i itio FRA Y YY BRIBER BRIBER SUSS GAI THREA THREAT UD LEAKSTI T Y Y RET W Y Y UTHOUTHORIRI to Y SALI T T P T T T ABUSEABUSEY Y er RET RET ta ty nTE ALIA ALIA o RET t BRIBERe RET e NG NG a v s a ORMA n Y Y s h o Y Y TION ECURIT ECURIT i r S STLEBL TYTY e TLEBLT s t Y Y a n T WIS n Y Y TYY e O TLEBL ECURIT a s w WERSECURI ECURI sa CKI CKI N N T T Y O Y Y G G T TYY WERS NG NG ed r rea ln uos en amhpolrerao dos ye nsa e.n t c e , hs uepxcpelieesd,oarr tiitmcmsl aeeth yswe , e ooexrrmck eepeeqrlsodu y ip($emm1xec0ene,n0ttp 0o. t0n Thhoeceonm taneectrr tewa edcot sr i c i fo n t k w ae e to erfoo b o r r lik s w b s oe y ia h f cm tsn h o di Washington, D.C. 20210 n v imcm ade in c f 4t rtulmin te r yr f s in E-Verify n E Esta OrganizacinaciniBRIBERY GEMENTCHOKING anrsdttahideekixtas catr leo kcaetpito.n T hois information does not take the place of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training. For emergency first aidThe law requires certain federal contractors to display this poster where generally subject to a der (EO) 13658 or EO 14026. e employees can easily see it.The law requires certain federalper hour beginning January 30, 2022, and (2) beginning January 1, 2023, andR and NAFI employ igI.mN Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para. LEAKS BRIBERNG fe esult in cost minimum wage rate under either Executive Or performing work on or in connection with covered contracts at least (1) $15.00violations of la Mission:Federal construction and service contracts arcontractorsder 14026 (EO) r to displayequirthisposter where employees can easily see it. To provide a conidential, reliable means to rExecutive Or es that federal contractors pay workersdenunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; every year thereafter, an inflation-adjusted amount determined by the Secretaryfraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de abuse; mismanagement; traficking in persons; serious Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para If the contract was entered into on or between January 1, 2015, and equires that workers be paid atof Labor in accordance with the EO and appr Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable paraations, January 29, 2022, EO 13658 generally r minimum wage in effect from January 1, 2023, thropriate rough December 31, 2023, is egulations. The EO hourlypersonas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra ative denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; security incidents; or other criminal or administrProporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para the contract in calendar year 2023.$16.20. ough December 31, 2023. If a workers tipsdenunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de conducta penal o administrativa que involucre misconduct that in personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra If the contract is renewed or extended on or after January 30, 2022, orcombined with the r without f olve DoD personnel and oper pensaas mla goensetitan grias penaedenunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; ReeepppooorrttaarraallIInnsspppeeeeccttttoorrggeennnneerrraaaallldddeeellllDDDooDDand CPR training, contact your Human Resources Department, local Red Cros or American Heart Asociation. least $12.15 per hour for all time spent performing on or in connection withTIPS Covered tipped employees must be paid a cash wage of at least $13.75 perVisc w.dode fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor a new contract is entered into on or after January 30, 2022, EO 14026hour effective January 1, 2023, threquired cash wage of at least $13.75 per hour paid byal personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor a represalias.ear of reprisal.fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de conducta penal o administrativa que involucre generally requires that workers be paid at least $16.20 per hour for all timethe contractor do not equal the EO hourly minimum wage for contractors, thepersonas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor conducta penal o administrativa que involucre a represalias.conducta penal o administrativa que involucre DetermineChoking is recognizable when the vicving through the persontim CANNOs throaT brt. Aeaskthe, Ar, ce yough ouPoster Guard for Restaurantsrequirements for companies that do business EXCLUSIONS spent performing on or in connection with the contract in calendar yearEXCLUSIONS contractor must increase the cash wage paid to make up the dif al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temorrt CRIME D de Defensail/CshAwardsProg al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor 2023. other conditions must also be met. LEAKS THREABUSE OF A BRIBER a represalias. GAINS s d UTHORITOWERS BRIBER , des rspilcfoarmro o mThe EO minimum wage may not apply to some workers who pr The EO minimum wage may not apply to some workers who pr Go to https://wwwa represaliasdodig.mil/CashAwardsProgram to learn about cash rewards for DoD civilian support in connection with cover in connection with covered contracts for less than 20 percent of their hours ferovide support ence. Certainees whose disclosures of suspected fraud, waste, or mismanagement rchoking? If the victim can breathe, cough or speak, stand by, butENFORCEMENTThe U.S. Department of Laborcing this laws W. WHD can answer questions about yourENFORCEMENT enforcing this law. WHD can answer questions about your workplace rights andW RETALIATION MI MI SUS TION A BRI T WIS TS SUSP A cuayas divulgaciones den c Y Y e soostpo e IATION A s p chaa IL UTHORIT raouDbd.ee l en e ABUSEEBLOWERS e de D LEAKS MIS sa OWERS OWERS 8.8.202ram para inforThe EO minimum wage may not apply to certain other occupations andThe EO minimum wage may not apply to certain other occupations andPECTED THREA WAS ECTED THREA D UTHORITABUS ep RETALIATION A a GAINST WIT WI THREA USPE savings t ATS e o the DoD m LEAKS d RETALIATION ATION A ABUSECO FRAUD ABUSE OF A e FFI feresponsible for enfor pree and confidential. Employers cannot r est WHD office online at www. ABUSE OF AUTHORIT THRE RETALIATION AUTHORIT UTHOFRARIUDTY LEAKS M D HO LEAKS e BRIBER FFI WASTE UTHORIABUSE OF AUTHORIT UTHO CTED THRE H OTTLLIINNEEpercent of their hours worked in a week.ed federal contracts for less than 20 ovideworked in a week. ABUSE OF ALEAKS HOTLINEHUMAN TRAFFICKINGworkplace rights and protections, investigate employers, and re free and confidential. Employersotections, investigate employers, and recover back wages. All WHD services ar ABUSE OF A MISMANA WHIS LEAKSD ABUSE OF A n ORMATLEBLTIONOWERS amento GEMENT BRIBER feASUTHORIepTO HOMELAND SECUFailure to back wages. All WHD services aror by calling toll-fr INFORMATION The U.S. Department of Labors Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible for eABUSE OF A CYBER ABUSE OF A 80 ECURIT HOTLINE GEMENT1 if the victimdo not interfere. C Use common sense with any serious injury. l Includes all mandatory, employee-facing federalwith the federal government.INFORMATION workers. age and Hour Division (WHD) is ecoverADDITIONAL workers. You can find your nearetaliate or discriminate against someoneW BRI ED INF WAS OWERS ORMA HOTLINE GEMENT TLEBLOWERSO OWERSPECTED THREA TS TO HOMELAND SECURITD SECURI LEAKS SUSPECTED THRE HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABUSE OF A CYBERCRIME BRIBER CKILEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFGEMENTALIATION AGAINST WISMISMANArtaABUSE OF AABUSE OF A TION AGAINSAINS GEMENT m epa OWERTS TO HOMELAND SECURITGEMENTPECTED THREAEA dooddiiggmmiill//hhoottlliinneeSUSPECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKINGBRIBER LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFGEMENTWERONNTTRRAATTIISSTTAAor participates in an investigation. WHD will accept a complaint in anywho files a complaint or participates in an investigation. WHD will accept aSUSPECTED THREA GEMENT ECURITY CRI ABUSE OF A BRIBER m MISMANAORMAO d HUM BRIBERY CKI STAcannot retaliate or discriminate against someone who files a complaintdol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/local-offices or by calling toll-free 866-4US- ABUSE OF A MISMANA WHIS a TLEBL oABUSE OF A PECTED THREA ABUSE OF A CRIMEagencies/whd/contact/local-offices complaint in any language.e do not ask workers about their immigration status.LEAKS OF CLASSI CYBER TION AD SECURI T dodig.mil Y YBRIBER ABUSE OF A e TS TO HOMELAND SECURI HUM CYBER CRIMEMISMANA TS TO HOMELAN T WISTLEBL (LNEA CTED T ATS TO HOMELAND SECU D 4.879ATITS TO HOMELAND SECURIS TO HOMELAND SECURIT TLEBL AL AN TRAS TO HOMELAND S Dep THREAT BRIBERTHREA a ABUSEABUSEY BRIBERBRIBERY LEAKS aE ABUSGEMENTEABUSMISMANA GEMENT MISMANA REPRISCIIVVIILL HUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERCRIME CRIME CYBERHUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUMAN TRAFFICKING CYBERSMANAGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKING FRAUD FRAUD BRIBERYBRIBERYSMANA HUMAN TRAFFICKING THREAT REPRISAL AN TRA TS TO HOMELAND SECURITTS TO HOMELAND SECURI TO HOMELAND S TS TO HOMELAN TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT MIILLIITTAARR to 703.604.879 SMANA ABUSE OF A S TO HOMELAND SECURISMANA ED INF ORMA GEMENT ME n /hotline PECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFICKING CKINGADDITIONAL can help. issued under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standar LEAKS OF CLASSIUTHORI UTHORI UTHORITME CIV ABUSE OF AUTHOUTHORIRITYYT CYBER ABUSECKINGDepartment of DefenseCRI ABUSE OF A(866-487-9243). We do not ask workers about their immigration status.WAGE (866-487-9243). W SMANA UTHORI UTHORI dodig.mil/hotline SUSPECTED THREA RETALIATION AGAIAITION ATNTNS TO HOMELAND SS TO HOMELAND SSST WIT WIGGEMENT2 is choking: CPR thael v 9i1ct1i m(o rw ohtehneerv eemr eprogse umbge rh)e flopr to a shsiimst/ahnecre i rnisgtheat ad.w Kanyo. wKn wohwe trhe eA tEyDpse a onfd i nfijrusrt ya aidn kdi ttsh ea reex akcetp tlo. cTahtiiso inn foofr tmhaet vioicnt idmo.e Asv nooidttmakoev itnhge and state postings for choking assistance, CPR,display theselanguage. You can find your nearest WHD office online at ee 866-4US-Wwww.dol.gov/AGE WeWThe EO applies only to new federal construction and service contracts, asREV 11/22 RETALIA SUSPECTED THREA BER RETALIA T T GEMENT SUSPES S EA EARETT T CYBERABUSEATION A FRRAAUUDDEEEE RETALIA LEAKS (COM(DSN)ERCIAL) AINST WISTLEBL ECURITY O WORKe can help. SMANAM MILITAR GRATUITA) CONTRECTED THREA MISMANA GEMENTWorkers with disabilities must be paid at least the EO minimum wage rateWorkers with disabilities whose wages ar HUMAN TRAFFICKING TS TO HOMELAND SECURIT F CCIVIVILILAN ABUSE www.dodig.mil/hotlinePECTED THREA BER.424.9098 MISMANATHREAABUSE OF A GEMENT USPECTED THREAHUMAN TRAFFICKING ATION HUMAN TRAFFI GEMENTSMANA GEMENT MISAGTION AGAINST WIS GEMENTfor time spent performing on or in connection with cover defined by the Secretary in the regulations at 29 CFR part 23.e governed by special certificates ds Act must also receiveABUSECOCNOTNRTARTAISCTAOR UDMore information about the EO minimum wage is available online atno less than the full EO minimum wage rate. SMANA MILITLAITRAYR SUSPECTED THREA RETALIATION A TION AGAINSGGAINSAINS UDABUSETHREAIf the victim is NOTStand behind the victim and wrap your arms around the persons sinbclye n; brin employers must follow the law that r Some state or local laws may provide greater worker prwwwotections; employers . HUMAN TRAFFICKINGNG CKING DEESSPPEEEERRDDIICCIIIIOO PECTED THREA HUMAN TRAFFI T WISTLEBLSome state or local laws may provide greater worker protections and ed contracts. equires the highest rate of pay. must follow the law that r AS GEMENT D MISMANA T WISTLEBLOWERSWERSdol.gov/agencies/whd/government-contracts/minimum-wage More information about the EO is available online atASTE D MISMANA GAINST WISTLEBLFRAHUMAN TRAFFICKI TLEBLOOWERSWERS HUMAN TRAFFICKINGand grasp your fist with your other hand. PAID SICK LEAVEWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION www.dol.gov/agencies/whd866-487-9243 REV 11/22 whd/government-contracts/eo14026equires the highest rate of pay WH1091 SMANA MI TE GEMENT TION A D ORMATION S TO HOMELAND SECURI OWERS TTLEBL THREA LEAKS MISMANAGEMENT ED INF CRIMERETALIATION AGAINST WIS IME MISMANA IFIED INF TION A BRI IFIED INF LEAKSTION AGAINSGAINST WISTLEBL FRA GEMENTGEMENT MISMANAHUMAN TRAFFICKINGTION A AGGAINSAINS T WISTLEBLTLEBLOOWERSWERS RETALIAALIATION A MANALEAKS LEAKSHUMAN TRAFFISMANA GEMENT HUMAN TRAFFItalking, coughingwomach (abo lolcaacle R oefd C C PrRo (sCsa orrd iAompeulrmicaonn aHreya Rret sAussscoictiaattiioonn).tTrhaeinsien ign.s Ftrour cetmioenrsg aernec fyo fir rasdtu alitdsaonndly C (Pinfant and children CPR differ).R training, contact your Human Resources Department,UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABORwww.dol.gov/agencies/whd LEAKS CKING GEMENT T WIS TION A CRIME & T WISTION WERS THREA ABBUUSSOOO RETIFIED INF TION A SMANA BRIBERell below the breastbone), BRIGEMENT &OF CLASS MISMANA MANAst aist above the nave the wvel. Maist and wake a fist, with thumb side against theWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION 1-866-487-9243 HUMAN TRAFFICKI GEMENT CYBER CRIME & CTED THRE A MISMANA TION A ED INF CRFFICKITHREA TWERS ABUSE OF A UTHORIT LEAKS BRI SUSPECTED THREA NG ALIATION A GEMENT This Organization SUSPECTED THREAT BER MISMANAGEMENTHUMAN TRAFFICKI BRIBERor breathing: Use quick upward and inward thrusts. Repea Employees Employees DescriptionItem #Price postings WORKER RIGHTS(CHECK ONE) IF YOUSMANAT WISTLEBLOWERS THREAWAS VE TLEBL GAITNSNS CTED THRE LEAKS MISMANAGEMENTCR TLEBLNGOABUSE OF A of et h UTHORIT ORMATIONTION YORMA USPECTED THREA dS HUMAN TRAFFICKI fTfhaast uasrrc e f1too6arrw p fuoalirernkrssi sohtoonfipcggou onhcftrTcmahcaonttset rarwiahclstsi PartTicPhiapisrTa tOhticerisigspOaianrt gEieza-sa Vnitneiizo rEani-ftyVio erifyParEtsitcPaiEap Osratt ariecg niOap Enragi- zeaVannec irEizirf-niyVfyerifySUSPECTED THREA GEMENT SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SBRIBERY MISMANAGEMENTHUMAN TRAFFI CYBERCRIMEMISMANAGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKIMISMANA S TO HOMELAND SECURITY HUMAN TRAFFICKINGHUMAN TRAFFICKIOF CLASS TS TO HOMELAND STS TO HOMELAND SHUMAN TRAFFI HUMAN TRAFFICKINGABUSETHREATLEAKSHUM MISMANAIFI TO HOMELAND SECURI TLEBLOWERS ABUSESMANA GEMENT SMANA BERTS TO HOMELAND SECURI TS TO HOMELAND SABUSEBRIBER THREAATTO HOMELAND SECURIT MELAND S CTED THRPECTED THREA TION ATO HOMELAN GHUMAN TRA FFICKITHREANGTT THREAMISMANA THREATTOF CLASS LEAKS GEMENT CYBER OWERS CRIMELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED I LEAKS HUMAN TRAFFICKI BERSMANA NST WIIFIED INF OORMAHUMAN TRAFFICKI GEMENTWALSHHEALEY PUBLIC CONTRACTS/SERVICE CONTRACTS HAUD AINSLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFTHE RIGHT TIF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORKSMANA USPECTED THRBRIBER TE LEAKS CYBER S TO HOMELAN GAINST WISIME LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF GEMENTORMA AINSTIONON T WISTLEBLLEAKSLEAKS WERSTIONFRA UD T WISTLEBL GAITSS TO HOMELAND SECURIT AN TRAFFICKING ABUSEMISMANA LEAKS GEMENT GLEAKS STLEBLTHREA MELAND SOF CLAS FFICKING LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF THREA GEMENTLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFGAINSORMA S TO HOMELAND SECURI OWERS HUMAN TRA HUMAN TRAFFICKIFRA LEAKS LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF AINST WIS MISMANA GEMENTLEAKSABUSE ABUSELEAKS ABUSE ABUSEBRIBERCYBERYBRIBERYCRIME CRIMECYBERABUSE BRIBERY ABUSEBRIBERY AT THRETAHTRE BRIBERYBRIBERYRETALIATION A ASTEG CTED THR SUSPECTED THREA TE CYBERTO HOMELAND SECURITHREA TLEBLOWERSWERSOF CLASS U.S. Department of LaborPull your fistMake sure it is safe to t as necessaronsciousyDo n, un.til ot put yourself in dangeorc. Do nuted. oCt talol u9c1h t1 ihme vmiectdim iiatef hlye. /sheUNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13706 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AN TRAGEMENTTHREATLEBLTHREA BRIBERTHREA met)nidfo nd hch ltihlod fs rptear unicdr cdeontractors, the act under c Par saie ticipate Participa en E-VeAS MISMANA ABUSE THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS PERFORMING GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK SUBJECT TO: LEAKS THREAOF CLAS GEMENT LEAKS BRIBER ABUSE 3 toward the1 approach c tall 911 immediately MUST MUST handwashing, sale of alcohol to minors, and others EnglishLD2- U1200FC$65.99 can result inPAID SICK LEAVE EMPLOYEE RIGHTS USPECTED THREA HUM CTED THR ORMA ALIATION A LEAKS MISMANA nitelads are its coverage m ann unime s must cur e emplo,r tyamanined n cpti rrocofhu ihmbostances ap ngy niag btni ulilcamtiybeowos rraeim(ugnensp,ltle roumsysk eim undun a erify Particip a OrganizacinAS ORMA The purpose of the discussion below is to advise contractors which are subject to the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act or the Service ContractBRIBERYSUSPECTED THREA Act of the principal provisions of these acts.BRIBERYSERVICE CONTRACT ACT (SCA) Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Actthe obstruction is cleared or the victim becomes unc ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS ravictims stomach: If this should happen, he victim appears to have been electr FEDERAL CONTRACTORS ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Mission: Gouhrneids,t U oeannsnently be paid not les lies to secondary contractors performing wor xnetaaide acinCarefuly lay the victim on his or her back, protecting the head andONE HOUR WORKED, OF PAID UP SICK TO 56 LEA HOURSVE FOR EACH EVER YEARY 30THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Mission: Call IER i an emplo contracts awarded by the Government prime contractor. auannldl wo vth emirnldem slae btnhote r iarv inobdala nstiicoonn r-sa Gbteoy ov oefb rptnaamiyne i ntr,c aplrl th ThisihiOThgirsag Oizrgaatinoeinzantionrify anizan-VeV rcEiief-ryVnifeyrifyPUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (PCA) the provisions of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 525) on a covered contract is not permitted.THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS PERFORMING GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK SUBJECT TO:Ino nad Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para This establishment is performing Government contract work subject to (check one) Proporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para Begin chesta n line a a I an o o s er so yf bou y n e nde d rmly pu n get y g f nlyHOURS Executive Or es certain employers that contract with the Federal(CHECK ONE) rcontract.contract.f y pr .S.f yor our citiz er .orw ar enship s w denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin;.t- T w law lae r rt t C EC c or i a d r a c t t fe f d oe be isC douveemr oepndlow in i w r h therbmkarsasiysm porfuo tstthe ceb te tto hpteaalmi dhs oealuvt rleess a ssaptge aonintn sei i n s o n dergth in teonnrekti-,oh nGaalol fc n s g a mso 4f e nutseere odfsinetrov ibcye y tael ve n h. rir c ndg ( If E F This em i t m e r A If t p T a E H o t p - e u a S t H A a I F r F t p tu hV o dee a l a kd E e so u t i ) F a r r o m e m c e r k p o h ns v - i er e k k t v g y oa o o A T rl A a Ifi Fi o t p p t h H F a Fo E r c o m m m n V r y p ea v t hr o o i 9 le mi e a e o o - e i , v d rt o o i u u n a p p a h r a r c m m V p de d r e g o o iv o or l r ln n D i . lr k r k m E E a t s s n o n v t y r o e r r v v n t t i g gip a h i p p i e e- e rn m m u l m I s y u 9 e sh l s h p p o o z s m m m y v ve e o e et et - ifl it y n ci i a o o iz ep n Vt ti i s 9 ey . o e v vle t c oo lv y i i c le l ro id e Eoo y a h p r y e h da a v d s r r t b. n r n a a o iI te e t d s o I n r o r r a u c f h t e r m e t t e au T a A h o H F r t p E r e e y u a p c g e r a y y - - -S e e e ia a - a a c cy e c iz i I r t A F ao t a h Et H e r r d r u s e u e y t e a s 9 9io n e zi c ou f V y u u a ppt e he r rft e e n t mS e d t cu dr id r t c c e c o a n c b t a d g F n n mo t t l y t dE io e oo o e ei tr e . U o orp c a i i n v es t g ryh h r p t s i iv t it i he ht y i m i m t a m e e n n o a r n v r ls t t g l p a r i i o o h h paa n n ne e o m i ie e e c m v o m d d d t e d m s s u e n a o i d o i w ty t h o h p e o i . o m io n n 0 e -fV ei p p c o g g n rn p S o a ils in u o c c l y s n S l ctu p r n a cipa e cotcc y v e r y a v e o o vd n o r I it t t in t e t t aoa w w a Eu or it tr u n o o e e e jiy i a a u o e n r l a Ie Ie a r r f e r u n a fla te c S at oe o o ot o t m . y e ee t io e n so o o e t t e r r o a a y - ei e e ( t r l i s t a l- i l c c o no i i o o e r r oo r ii u n e y o o - g n n a l r jn E a 9 s r y a c a o o a r it o S r c er n id i n z z y h s a cS tnt y u d d. m m n n n b o e y v b nocf s o k k 9 d y be w w t z z c y p n l i y t o n r t it c n yt t t r gSt n a fj t n e e t e m l o u u u n y i u t t ucp o n b - h r c c rdc f A e e ,l g in k o e n b i . h a e r o u y h i e e rL a e i lo ( ( t h a at a a r o y i o n o e eg c o o i V y o d d o o d a n s mn u o e ru r ei y t a o ( a ia S S o o e r e t e A f n b d r sr u r r p ) n r c s a tc t e D n n o i( i o r c rs o h f t p yS s tf u df gi y t j j st f e ir e e a e ci a i n n n n c pa n S S a t tc ru S s w p l ) i s t e t at k k k k oo d t i h i t o o Dt n f t r i ly f o t r h f v w t isc ot H y e o o ti, e r y oa i e i o s w ot m m lA y a h tt sb t t a e e s e a H m A e s t ir e s e o b tg t i iD n n f o e m ii n a o y H in c y o s g uc u r E dE n u o h S l tr a e y n e ( e ir t d n n n r w w o tf s fo m c n i e n d n u es in E y e A p p ) )i nn v o o D n e n u u s o t t o t y e r o o o o h ct t t r cnyo st( y n )t - s u u et t m p t u s h fs s a cta U m a t o eE l l s s o o o o y -u t n e to fr e t Vh n a d r t ( r r vh f i) i r o o H u S a c a t o o h e o f o o e a e r V t e a te E it e ir s s r e a h q o S e o o U f f n o e cu i n r ro i it - r .c D D p oiS e e r g h f j e ay e p r a n n y y n , e e r t it a n r o n b ro r S V gr S e o k k c e ce e o i n n e e naa l S t u uc b - . e e y d h ti o k k r a r e p y y m m m lcc e i e e n t l d o,i y t l r r o n r yr t u S t A f e r b S )r ni y t t o n e t t t h n n a i o sU Ai m m i E b o( . c g m t i a e - if n s p p i Eo d a p n c a ie a s o n m n r t t t a u t i n y r c n u r e n p c V ) o c y ( f m to e o c D y f n D p t . i u u m tn a u o hh y . s e -y a a a i n ffcs s - y n m t l po o n n , o o i o op o E p s e n n ri S S a o o c c o f t e V t i ie V e o o f r o s n s r s n f v y t i s H li. oo r r e e v t d ay r h f h d d d l c c f in p s r a y lo e r ltu o u o t nr pf o b . c o i mre S - h nD o e e oi e u t t tr e y u mf s y a e . . t m fo a u t E n r S ii a i V s t a l m m ir ro y er d n b m m Ey e i nse S c l t y tt o y c c r r f u y Sd t e eo m u tn a l ) a rp t ty t o Ec a o a p n v h- yio n s a t n ga n c ien ea p h h u e lu U m pri f o i e c o o tU ta ) y - 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f u a a i i u u o ea e Ed t t s m a r o r a o o m e g u e ll yu s v . o d d e c rolo a e e r V t s m e o a a e g g e o d e o o eht y y a a .o lc mi o o l o e e l. a b iha a a r r r a F - c o u- l r j s o o la o i io q q e o ne c r ur e u e pa N N n u d d p a rc( r u u a p V lv q e o s r p p e e t ls z F U U s b n u a u d d i p ui r e b s g al r i V la ai F c rv f f e sal ie t a ei ra p p uzd u t z r s d d d o r n n S d r i e e t r n n u e d r o m u a id r s o ia n a o o d d l m a r y eo .e .i o t d f s E q za s u id o t n o e y E e m f y e ar lld s in o l e E ce S a i c e r n i a i e e e i tre o os p E pd e q a c n r r e d ra r n d u c n E d f oS ( ( ie d r b bl o t r c p im rl r ar F u c e d u r c es lt iS ibq E e e A rs d a r m p d a d o feu S y a c n r m t s n e r fc u o o.i a u i l( o o v d a d o cp c oe i l l ld yt o n f a e qo a e e ia i)s s e y ru r p lc e b oe t o t U i p c e ea y t a S l o a u us n n rl D s lq e o b a a u a h a a U e oi odaz a a r r i p lp n l rcs a ( a d i a a u n j a a hid a n m m m o u c a p t o p s p Ss t t qd in a U A n d a a D a m N n n u p l a a H l n p a l f e e i n p r le a pa c ed o d a r a j if dn n r l o e r as d a d u l a u a lo(u b b a o c a a e n o e a a l a u ) p t . o r a m m o t s d ar t d S i d u u u d r aat y e c ll . ooc n o a a c e i ie cp a a o c s nrf o o c rt p r t) ira c c o e D D s r r r p b l a a e ae r r e ae s e o e u o rn p p .n s c ce e ,a i u rs ( a b r a ja ja i u F a dt op a il oo q r e t t e i a ii i r n mu o n n u n. i u S p l o H H s su n o e e e t t sl l u r na p e l o y r e e p o a q r r der t a ee aua I n r q d ct e n s c y a e u p b f e slr r t n n m t t co e s t d u a r o i iS - u en s a a tn s d d S a c a a t u a m o o e c d d n n r I l e e o fi E , ,c 9a oe l a l arA r o r u u g c e c n n s.e. le n t a a lr i i c a a q c a dqq e er r a D a )ar a i e e sI o e e r - e n e a ( l a b -l ec l q p u c a( s I e e d d noo n ti o i m a h eo o u d r 9 V s p m m a) o o S r id s q u - -9 s s e ft b n s e il n u u a p b d u a lc n l q i l l t a (9 e e u a e D su l s p n t o a bt u oA p n a tu e o t tr p u o r p i lpi n D a t t fa i i S a D D e e e j ra a a a a n e e e o ( a p p s c n nr .H . e e m aE tp ic i rt t n e a ec t n l u ja p odre n p tA n o e a r l lp y ui a D c ei a in s c u b o p t r e H d rq e e to c lc r e e p d as ra A i e c u l i p p f ae j ta lfd e e td ua s n rd r o e e u u r ra pco a c e l a e a ire d S a a r o r, ao t e r a ip u u o m fio t e, op p pc E re H a y i u i n lar d a r u u r tc f rdI e t te i ),.e li e a u u ne p) n r i sb a ea e r.t e a a a z m u r u e e a c il i ni A em n ) a eu ia d e eio ea Eu r s F b n y s e l q r a o , , S t tm p s o i d -zri n a f s e d r p p d n n m m e e ir i c n s r smys olc r d o o d c o e ta. d c sd 9 u o n z e r d s a i o i u u i t n d n E a e e era t t te pd is et n tr r c e cl lr l a a t o)a n a r -n uaa c n r ta a m e aetl a m u uc e e E a e i a e eD e pl e V d a e e l r F n e o r j s c o i iz r o ,s c c or r ir p f o r- - r o ecr t s m h o iu r u s ar an z a d n t s -o so e amp l e V s e p e l e r o eq V p sa e y s a i a l tt a lV id e E n s e d p u n t a a r n d ln y tp E E uo ae t p b m a r o m a el qm a r m c e D t e r e feu uy a eo e du u e o p n us np n srti t o d E e e e p t iu a ptoaril aztr aadbo pj e n u c o if c n y f -d - m o a b q s h tpt ri z u n n a a d r s A b eo t e o d V V pdt e si r a p F ee o r r l rl e r e l era r r r y i i liu c y sjel d ro t a pr e ir u e d t u t r ue r ir d fe u o a d o t a d a e n o qe ep a c n r f i o op ea o r i t e a rm p lu ue a e y n a y f t l p a q a e o r m z a e r ri o il s s , i r d e eee y a u a s Ed ynr a aA a a a o o d n, a r u l i c y y n ra dm i a s s i t t ys u p l e a ofd f o o t t e ri d y n t a ,- i r s s e a o E rd n p E a - e e ne r yy u m a rn te ru r cep u n d a e i u uz p m d m a e c o r d ir l s o b u t cu a o la o yn u s i re nn d c o v u u d n - p l u I- p e a t s h r F r r re dp y o ie ra t n tV q t V e Ioi l E e e n t v a d a o a l ceo r ro - sla u 9 pn a d a ea e 9 s o u e a o ly o i a a r e a p d eb l d z d E s o io ta u n p orucion b e s . ziaf r s zty c c ymd a o e e e e v va i crri e a l n iu f a ij r s I-n e d e nyd u at c r jia d t 9 a a ntr a la ty t u ine o or a a r r d la sn le , ia e y c o a ia bued te ov lrl I - ez9 rPUBLIC CONTRACTSdenunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; PAID SICK LEAVE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT ACT (SCA) (PCA) fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de Eyeor sPaPrtaiTrcPtpaisar rtOtiecsi npinn tEei-zsV i-nVati roEif-yVe z-nSERVICE CONTRACT ACT (SCA) All provisions of the act except the safety and health requirements are administered by the Wage and Hour Division.Your rate must be no less than the Federal minimum wagefraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otrak. Overtime personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otrahe laconducta penal o administrativa que involucre Minimum WageCovered employeIf the victimwash hands wash hands Government to prder 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for FederalPUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (PCA) the Fair Labor Standards Act.than the Federal minimum wage established in section 6(a)(1) oaytbecomesneck. Open the airway by placing one hand on the vic htiemads I f ifAboarrte yecs skh eoau aafed, a ll rpipgrhot?r Do ne is no rot seshpaokne tse ohe vr tihce vtim iicf ytim iou ss nuost bpecret a bathiancg ok or or ( n ou bs o oeinh c thing,before as required by your state. (Up to five industrysuspension orContractors, requirovide employees working on or in connection withMINIMUM WAGES establishedI place y I DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYtheprovide icruamrtsees wd oo bf raykg ethed.eiSn et ametxpec leoemsyesp eoloym ,ta0en nadt ev o m hethcU lpi.m iD wrm ne eo e and ae atu t V ire ae ze Si Ee-nV elorsif yES Eni.o UE aor rm rcue e d .rdiuadn le.a o e nod eor(dl ltaac pa r cp ofdinnit ea l m rtcu ne tn - fVdoree n p Era-oVeproirfyciy onpr aor r e to arala trrab raI-ja9 determination applies. Such wage determination willconducta penal o administrativa que involucreased on citiz ts Section (IER)workup to 56 hours of paid sick leave each year. A higher rate by may the be Fair requirLabor ed Standarfor SCA ds contracts Act (FLSA).if a wage beal personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temorinormaw ction on pran e cenship somplicotections rtaatus and nated.Call IER tom discriminational origin.o get mortion e 4 unconscious: ahneda dth e bs rh liaf t t)d e ep trhtehe ch tuituaton before ir ach the victim, tap him/her gently and ask loudly, returning SpanishLD2- U1200FC$65.99 those contracts with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours theyMINIMUM WAGES A higher rate may be r IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK antGovern toE TrohoirTsvmh ied iIms-e 9 ept hmilpTnFoerfhopyo orfleieosrvmrymid e dp eIame-ar9rt irpa p toihtlliano negcrfytoiopefioevrca rmdec itppreaoeaantnrstairm efoitnlini sergc mnEiotintp o-vt Va weEh ctera-eiortnVtshin mfe y yfiyrnoie oria fumuyEnn atr - d aVtrwhneewia dtrtihli lfwyyyoi loaulunardrpaEewlsagrtEialeols ebctmoeie neprfnlmieroEapapm sal flegdetareodoara rb eedcq irompoeuaanrerpl n rpf llutiaoeiracs am ifrnitptedeaficoaddrorieqrpe epmrnuasa tae lerE l cut-an iaVi sciEueninte -V qm sfu ycyFi onarrm rdupeo srrcuii aoFoonI-ra9mstt ajm ord ajarOvertime ti lt-tch hei If y . K ue e an om tr h a. C juroyr a. If tir, hheave a bystander call 91, or call yourself if no bystandersillness, injury, or other health-reventive carelated needs, including pre; or for red, or has other health-reasons resulting freventive carom, or toFRINGE BENEFITSSCA wage e fringe (or a benets. cash equivalent). he lato wou haor, you wve the skills, e ts discre ended t al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temorImmigrant and Emplogov/ier ped rsfoarfmetey do ifn t hpela enmtsp, floacyetoersi eesn,g baugielddin ingst,h oe r pseurrforormunadnincges o of tr huen dceonr wtraocrn.k.Tcoen dsiatifoenNtysoticetahnwefom ru tim r mS nnp ist eymoup alorye(SS r is req en laols g Eo lod de rop ad po iro d eiv mlo crn tra aif m e cUd HtSr)u Sc l dam)a bam todfery eizsatdoim itraA etea -V tn eo m tzo s in raif laaoape nit ire trr yf o .U me ustaecdi n place y our citizenship or immigr a represalias. national origin or citiz or age certicates are acceptable.If you dont see anything, immediately atempt chest comparee psoense.nt, and immediately proceed to the next step. If possible, placeENFORCEMENT Employees must be permitted to use paid sick leave for their own elated e;OVERTIME PAY paymentsestablished by the Fair Labor Standar ces isU w. a represalias. Call IER i an emplo n etalia o ause yottou ar week in which covered work is performed.yee RighTY 1-800-237-2515ptrlaacctors are liable for violations of the act coms to observe a copy on the way to or from rna tm meaom ttc ptlae orDnynudetce mp trai afoinsrntrmeaqeenundiit or aefnd u no lmoaSr para confi irm eta eida .p oidN l l.a. informacin de su Formulario I-9z y U. m p nadeu nna DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYna DON\'T LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYxperience, and leg Child Labor Your rate must be no less than the federal minimum wage Does not hire you or ryerenship sw aes yt ou ectatus (this maause o your yhe la to wou haor, yequirve the skills, e ay.Neither should the ation sal righour tatus t U.S.te a part of the la are unsanitary or hazardous o rN doa ncgoevreoruesdtwo othrkemheaay ltbhe a t in the wenship or immigr Safety and Health 2 b O w d erv te the si o npd gentlye tkil tf othr eotbaksetr iutcng otecaiuostpk in. i n nhone oecise loca r so the dispoavide help with per istance, you or to work.postings may be required.)cancellation of to assist a family member who is ill, injur der 13706, has of CHILD LABOR posted as an determinations attachment to may requi PCA shouldnt gee born or another aspect of y H ea viola talia C.(a( ork as pr dee health provisions of the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administratioes to permit employe tor wi cl au eo tfo mE st efyS hroif Ie t9ca k fw i uw oafr srreeyrc vooi tic V nekoCnot ip nciatl o sotior s DpienwusShr e mjm p,nlohyatH ns r a dium f o er yiyE-in rlu yr th er air ned ted Seguridridi ela l n za .U ad tS te ida -Vrn l pinrao aclr la slae -VNrn dredu ccrcolanei su e so m e s ess e s seqc m rz qu S a nm r Ee m ea mliz od u u s rmm aed ao-r lar ojp ra mabta o.feu na oal iso the hands are overlapped. Straighten your arms, lock elbows . Recheck the victims condition frequently. Employeesassault, or stalking. SAFETY & HEALTH Yequir be dous or danger minaet in the w ds Act (FLSA).ation sal rightatus td paup f or in the U.S., including while c our righ s Working on Government Contracts in a sufcient n uPmrimbeercoofG0of teh I-9winoformatioto rm o c iv -9 m ree temw ce te or o dt c oe uadnaigcn fm yo aHtiS)ntor Scoocnifail mS rethc an diepra el one er a l lu pmor ud sotp aLu fegem l a e saur qemuepule sea eoni aa don u e.uia nla a oiofe eesl r eidfmey qp dol zayeju enpp pue m ,ars le narar adro jon rp ra pezar in the airay. se uction, reach in andneeds, including pr this Notice.re contracts fringe benet do notead this law atnational origin or citize you or ryerenship ses you ectatus (this maause o your y 1-800-255-7688 T ed by their covered shouldnt g ed for SCA contracts if a wageDoes not hir Postinginormaw ction on pran e cenship somplicotections rtaatus and nated.Call IER tom discriminational origin.o get mortion e assist a family member who is the victim of, domestic violence, sexualFRINGE BENEFITSU na ects leg t IER en xperience, and leg yer treats pa Trea ts y ts you unfairly while checking yto EmployeDuring the period that covered work is being performed on a contract subject to the act, the contractor must post copies of,n fvtn am ctobsirass, nt w so youeetn uiaroeupdqotSraoueriurte quEtirzouai-nVdoe rraif dqyau nreolrepidrim por escr m or est prottional origin. part o U violate a part of the law at their place of employment.ally-authorized w.S. immigrenship sorers rtom discriaation latus and ws -t an a n mptt wak h n ereturning son a n vicadtim l o p u tcher can help youf corhming CPR. eck for breac u ov o f Notice to Tipped2023 ComplyRight, Inc. Employers are required to inform employees of their paid sick leaveREV 09/16 ENFORCEMENT exceptions. an attachment to this notice. rant and Emploorers rw atom discri HO e E-Verify (this maompley violaour righting the te the t to.) www.justice.gov t emp ac itnAthcetaUpnpitlieedstSota etevesr tyh crooungtrha tcht e g rahctsa tmhe w i l o tohauthorized to w rif o ke e y li stfh itmheeed me co,. e an the iotn rn m 3 r -r rtha b 3 n e c elS. io st ls atr yoc ue y , p r b e a o f i p - rils r sn V ntl o St h,s io . ar s, yecurarSli tegyogSbeirgeoprnu -/ P/ s - ifr - 7 -V1 8 ter s - P o .pU euia y s n m leae ola a eaF m e 1 en la cd ifpei p,ru atva me i na P ar ta - e da V S a T e.E epnld eoa dl olr ilia T .eoevezy o ador The tional origin.ou can r yee Rights Section OTTLLIINNEE Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER)determination applies. Such wage determination will be posted asased on citiz U.S.C. ay.Neither should thew atUor using .S.C.(a( or (a( IER@usdoj.tion ased on their citiz Responsibility for Secondary Contractors ou were born or another aspect of y.S. immigration laour ws U.S.C.(a(secondary contractors.the pour pr n speaketion, and pr Rules about when and how employees should ask to use paidOVERTIME PAY ects legally-authoriz tion of this la M Dee Rorm I- ou unainst tt yo wou bec y (this maDe ennsa slit nbge.justice.gov/ier AJAR rod authuonriotzpye m tmw trarttoiacrni )inn gtyewyinroiulc lt aaoenp resEos caeels l govrEstg eoecnoEuro qa ubalances and must approve all valid requests to use paid sick leave.national origin. part o U atus andror in the U fairly while checking y De 1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 thme pUloniyteeeds .S tCaotenstac ttohresDanisdtr sicutoo ing te u r2e c th ha ions. Count the number ofother on the hip, turning the victim as a unit. ADDITIONAL The Wage and Hour Division (WHD), which is responsible for making ces acrossand1-866-4-USWAGEnaottional origin. yer treatsdooddiiggmmiill//hhoottlliinnee ne etexrcmeisnsesa aen eedm oplno ytehe eThrweeitv hce oar plo ye cooenmts rme the Form I-9 inf mis gE y-ewoVofo is otanlar n ivWonly o ycouse E-aVerify once you hyuoioarureLtucqp eqhotouodoeurqt une ta pueda eerifadcdoet daepretl a adl Do eunp mida l a A dme qinuise terla eecminpldee alrdorpueda SCA wage determinations may r an red wead this laU.S.C.(a(ting the wwhe la Immigr . ou cequir e atCS.Che orm I- a tour righ ent to tion a d Service Contract Act oppormination ased on their citiz D (the la aes agohiits r-Verif ected be speakingU.S. Departmenyee Right o Justs Section, Januartice, Civil Rights Division, Immigry Unsd l he hveels oor s h straoivge yht douor hwn andPsla.ce the victim on a hard surface in a face-up position. requirements is available at www. More information about the paid sick leave .dol.gov/whd/govcontracts/eo13706 PCA hazar (IER) may be able to help if an emplo .R. art . Retalia or y w pr m .S., including while compley this lawIER@usdoj.gov or ai ngsu ecpdoe ntrovtri fasuiocrntns o isi or toe te aiv ta melFaond S Securi riftoyrm(D ks m eo fo eslu ks m ercy n tcao tm rc c b oy rietry termptoaimnraa rcc io -V m erif ra c pleo mm tielcornmtaualacatr atroaifroe ma rItl-e a9Dn .tedope adtrerat abmajeon yto deyo una vez ou must be paid 1.5 times your basic rate are of pay some for e fringe benefit payments (or am General Provisions you unfairly in violathe victim: If the victim responds but is injured or needs medical as sick leave also apply all hours worked over 40 in a week.There w tha tion of this la TIENEor usingetaliation a y violate theA TRAB mse,ebnatne ncdeo mnttsursa, wct tmh wiacionht rkath ieun n cSdeeercrtr aaeint tion toSIUSTED DERECHO and EmploC. w atU.S.C.(a( or (a(cash equivalent). PCA contracts do not r the principal purpose of which i sT htoe f uSrenrvisiche s eCrovnicterThe Immigrant and Employee Righequirts Sectione fringe benefits.a specic exemption applies.regulations or this laLoectwateend then place the hee to work.BilingualLD2-U1200FC$83.99 the country. WHD can answer questions, in person or by telephone,No person under 16 years of age may be employed on ayond hat is required b up for ytour righ ect, and has no f performing on such Federal contracts must observe minimum wage and smarmufeisntty g b aaenn fdyu h roneifsa thlhtehe dstandfa cDoHn poprEtoh elandi erif dvt dnlito d ascb, ouonnrt lehraaeegs f u or E loteygoanepc dinn Si E-emsaVrSeLteeionuiepuzre rlts mErasimodet-i ocSiedagl (uSrSo AS) ocaiuaral l(rS quSee cm umsted es odosor p azbrE-Verify t IER eno help if an emploU.S.C.(a(oft$o2 b,5e0 p0r emvau(IER) may be able tYou must be paid 1.5 times your basic rate of pay for all hoursainst tt yo wou becork as prause yt ot ou arected be speaking y this lawU.S. Department o Justice, Civil Rights Division, Immigrant you unw thafairly in viola MIILLIITTAARR es agohiits r ts guidanc ts, including this guidance tn the mhe nididplpe olesf t. Phle bace tl ohf te hheee sl oecf oonnd he hand on t maginaa rby lysintae nder must phone 91 Work not ymust .This guidance document is not intts: Prohibition of Improper Guidanc CIIVVIILL CO Wages and Fringe Benets rbtkae nrsge aacninedisn sfgari nraygg feore bre etmhneee npttes. r Tf(oinhrecm lRpepleraose p reastbone by drawainng ad jun ist bop oelof tw the fihat rs t Under Maryland law, a tipped employee is an employee who customarily and regularlyINFORMATION about your workplace rights and pr CHILD LABOR worked over 40 in a week. Ther orces isU.S.Che(the law pr fforne woangtreae or effect of laeden.The document.Fvember 16, 2017.or more infe, do not est may be rescinded or ormation, see tablish legallya ewrnemeke.n Tt hceo nCtoranctrtsa cint W inatiInf n i(n ri gue bel saeyrfrnr o ioo ncsptranuE V or or Employ one itSi e tgSinc taonSrt oeesmgouaSrSlervreeo escgg orSuu let ses ucierFuncio Ap) upeadraeumep pezueardtot vad ar , ainr caluyen rta de regulations or this lae arw are some exceptions.e atCR. art .y the terms of the applicable las.The Departmen ONNTTRRAATTIISSTTAA inp athidenlooct alelistysftoh rEa tvnhe etrh yec lsa mesrvsoiincceeat ateriomyn pw liano gyweesh i,c pahen drthfo ei np e nremodp ecloacsyeese semo israwcyo oenmrtkrpainlcgot yooerr\'e sts h cdeoo lwlineacggt evwienforceable responsibilities be tion, in aco be a final agency action, has no legally binding e y General Jee documenfforcerson B. Sessions III, omodified at the Departmen cordance ith applic e Documenable sts, from tatutes, regulations, or binding judicial precand Employee Rights Section, January compressions: ximraetesl u d hounldse, firs are in linse ab If an uns responsive victim is face down, roll the victim to a face-upItem #Price your contract. sure employers comply with Executive Orotections. WHD can investigate e unable to le a complaint ging workers whosafet www.wagehourSafety .dol.govand .Memorandum for ll Componen www.dol.gov/whd aantye sa cacnrdu efrdin ogr pronsepetsct irveeq uwiraegde a rraet eudssau$na2dl,5ylo 0sy0pee aecsrei pe nedor tifn os rutmhbing work on such co t lesa t hyt her ha EtmhItfpoe rlEroimz-yeVienedr tm sktrea t tiacy plbt ksyW m me tio ym or E ie m one ffi ,t urSiteygurocerpoiqdomaur s m erif mple rs SA) para sloe q m ar na P ar liio fV arodosemployers and recover wages to which workers may be entitled. AllSpecicperformed under ous conditions to employees\' that arhealth e sanitaryand ,Scetr.v iHceow ceovnetrr,a tchtse TahcehticFdaho ired soL a renbqootrueirSxetc atehneadra ardlfringe benets)e jce occtno tntaotira npecrdtebvinau tiali ng ratenaft redatecyt tSesrt mabenin dpaaatridiodnsnsAoso you can be r teiemsnteta sbaacci lona Peompez odos ueda doare responsible for the administrationin section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. e a ycocuteiop zwtei fta5 f yoinocmh ot sus e than 2.4 inches on the chest.received more than $30 each month in tips or gratuities.in English, WHD will accept the complaint in any language. ContactNo person under 16 years of age may be employed on a PCAof the contract be paid less than the minimum wage established in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. oontm thint et0y0 S tthaantd raerqdusi rAec otrH im S. eted t sse ce youtLqe ouresmutetieonsmrmatpmecad hq psfay vooarnorm erif luFuncioD -e de a T re E Ve i irfsiyifio,y pl,a oodr os iThis guidance document is not intended to be a final agency action, has no legally binding effect, and has no force or effect of la.The document may be rescinded orgauthormodified at the Departments discretion, in accordance ith applicable las.The Departments guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally asnqa uftihereety tmhaneind ipm hauyemmal tewhna tr egoqef3 o n pectpostns itiniognby placing one hand gently on the head and neck and theLosservices are free and condential. If you ar 1-866-487-9243 SAFETY & HEALTH1-866-4-USW enforceable responsibilities beyond hat is required by the terms of the applicable statutes, regulations, or binding judicial precedent.For more information, see . t of the servicoenlndto an pDp.liCca. bInlfeo rrmegaut nm m I- Homeland erif un fbo or foryou, eitncludin y rp de 8oneone v 9 es,s Par if 7 e r-VerifcFuncioE ar a rde trabajo y dro psl ebut no mor The law prohibits discriminating against or discharoceeding under the Executiveof these laws. DOL the Wagencies ageTo le and a Hour complaint Division (1-866-487-9243), or obtain by calling information its or toll-frvisit for:its eeOvertimesh Aocurts a nwdo trkh eo nC othnetr caocnt etWrnaoecrrtkalilnHy eo auxprcpse liSsessot exocreks Hs oouf r$s1 S0a0,f oui nr ae m erif fe e E-Verigfy o c rs doeresen su contra, incluyendo laMemorandum for ll Components: Prohibition of Improper Guidance Documents, from orney General Jefferson B. Sessions III, ovember 16, 2017.mal p tely between pushes, keeping your hand le a complaint or participate in any pr Contact byWork must be performed under conditions that are sanitary, and notand one-half the regular rate of pay fo ences work on a contract in exces of $2, -V , the contracW iitfny E usted cree rp pt ya aceptado una oferta de tHealth AdministrationSafety and Health c(OSHA)www.osha.gov. (1-800-321-6742), oris morne dlimingitse od rin u nscdeopr we othkainn gtThceho eFn adaiictri oLt npasbro, ovpri rdoSetvsiadn etdhdaa trb dyns o oAr p cuatnr and Forvm I-c e rnany action again ma back or neck injury: Order. help line at athazardous or dangerous to employees health and safety. involve the employment of laborers, mechanics, guards, watchmen. hoavrtemrmionate cpdet ohrfreo, awrlmthhiec pdhr o ianvr eis tiou buonilndssai nnogifst at horyer Para ms informae zaer Ee Ves rdiefyioWeb site the calling OccupationalSI USTED TIENE DERECHO A TRABAJAR thxeeccesosesnrvt roiacf ec$sto2. r,T 5oh0r e0s u smabacfeyotyn b ta5ran0orye ng r (or sub- oeyrtam uadcloae reio F Io-9r.m- Vthese laws. To file a complaint or obtain information, contact theNotice to EmployeesOn the date a service employeee please consu rhrouzardous or dangerous to the health or safety of service emaftyao rua atere o nf o1t0 t0r atoin 1e2d0 i nco CmPRp roers asiroen usn ac mominfoutreta ubnltei wl ainth A yEoDu arr aribvielist ya tnodpisro rveaiddey r feosrc uuese b, rtehaet hvsic, tsikmip b setgeipnss6t oa nmdo 7ve a onrd E cMonS tpineur tht line and then place the heedition, unless othen top o provided by law, and employer is prohibited from making aexpiring contracts with the Federal Gover TTY: 1-877-889-5627 WH1090visit its Web site at 1-800-321-OSHAe responsible for the administration ofon o de los EE. UU.) Service Contract Act are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Form I-9. erlmievaeti oothnaVe .i b iie 8 H 8-e dhse.goer m /e -77erify Funciona P E ara Todoson the vicotsimitios cn hcoemst apt aletlel tlyim afetes. Ar elalocw th choe cmphreesst tsioo rn. eAtvuorn tid lo iea Executive Order 13706 applies to new contracts and rnment starting January 1, eplacements forENFORCEMENT Specific DOL agencies arNO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE Foritoa 8 lDviHler 889878-7-87 7 98 er y E-V8a-V aobdnf o io idocatd ece toasn e DdtaaeHc SEt.e-SV ae Drivfa THyS, lp. odosnr the chest between compres 2017. It applies to federal contracts for construction and many typesFor additional information: i us NO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE hee ( icnocnlutrdaincgtyw athnilely sraeaptgipsulilfacy taiothbnilessFunciona Pe aa THodoscompresions by saying one and two and threePush hard Losof federal contracts for services.equire that employees be provided(1-866-487-9243) Wage and Hour Division (WHD) by calling its toll-free help line atdetoter) rmmuinsat tiporno)v icdoen tt s etnro iantcic tor isaelocfrtaehtieqou nci roewmdh pteoer enin sista etmirota inyn raeblqel u susirebeedcnobnbyt ctp.lTlaohbyeoe rep sso tspatenindrgfao rrodmfstinchglea uascet s csopmemciitetedd b by their covered dhs.gov8 ar 7 e v -vv susE if 1 erify oerif Funciona P.ar aridf oladoderecho legal a trabajarepr, su esesenttar un obatus migrstculoatorio o de , ni Llame a la IER si un empleador: Notice in SubcontractsE-Verify W eryone re cI and push fast (rate of 100 to 120 compresions a minute). Locate te e lo t r w m een th hes i c p o p m le p s r . Pl s a io c Maryland law prohibits an employer from requiring a tipped employee to reimburse ane sh. ae LD2-U1200FONLYREST$41.99 Some state and local laws also r www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts U.S. Department of Labor S ted dispone de las capacidades, experiencia y No lo contrata o lo despide a causa de su requirement. discriminacin por motivos del estatus de ciudadana oE-Verify Works for Ever dhs.go ies,a -7 su 8 msou svpo fav trac adsr idfeya,erify, pornishPosterwith paid sick leave. Employers must comply with all applicable1-866-4-USWAGE o de su nacionalidad de orig .dol.gov/whd nacionalidad de orig in 29 CFR Part 4 for Federal service contracts exceeding $2,500.Prime contractors are liable for violations of the E-vVioeriflateydE Wp i-tlVesorerif aEsks-epV lceyef Woror Eainfsyortea r cceksvotser npDoftHyor EanoneSc r hmief ibsilit ustaPaedr car v y Funciona Para TodosAGE (1-866-487-9243), or visittatus de ciudadana (es Esftormacin sobr 88linp e b he midde nle of the breastbone b wnie hnd jsginealroy w mployers place of business without paying for the charges. InWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administration endo al c acin de parte de la leto ya ley puede ser ce las promplicotada. Llame a la IER parecciones existentes contra laatni opnesr taanindin gin tteor psraefetatyt ioanndsmh, D.C. mraetorionfkso ormnf or Ea-tVioenvEifn iitD y,loyrei firyf ,h ores rs peaf e rtqsfaeo u idmrnem fco srasuec m aeiein afmqnouc rpisemloe nbsaa sucrd ieoeob mErnr -he epVs alEeoe vr-baiVifrodye,-Eo sViericiudadana no debe r ar en que usted naci oResponsibility for Secondary Contractorsoy Eoemployer or pay an employer for the amount of a customers charge for food or beverageUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ningn otr ego aspect a trabajar de la over onsultarpodra representar una vulneren o es.)Other ObligationsObservance of the labor standards of these acts does not relieve the employer of any obligation he meaaayyltbhhe sa ovtaebn tudaanindrdeedsr bsilrpidondseasb dilediDH-SVe. poiSV -hreyo a, ro ivfs yifo,i l,paod ros i(OSHA) by calling 1-800-321-OSHA (1-800-321-6742), or visitla nacionalidad de origtampoc oto lo debe ser el lug WHD Publication 13131-866-487-9243 contenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) del Ttulo 8 del Seccin de Derechos de Inmigren. vioFlaoytore mud obvitersieol iEelain-que pr e de las leabajadoryes migres que cuenatorias de los EE. UUtan con la en. from the nearest ofce of the Wage a nAdd dHitoiourn aDliv Inisfioornm oart ithoneaNnadtio cnoapl ieOsf ocfethine W aacstsh inar the vicim ereftake in o gv c er catr e of the e s ife t d e h custo ghn lt ng an imua lo t b ys, l see empleados empleados requirements. TTY: 1-877-889-5627 acin legal parSeccin 1324b del Ttulo 8 delCdigo de los EE. UU secondary contractors.v/crt-espanol/ier antes y Empleados (IER) Foyor um obreeliF eioynvoref omu tr vsehtbVefe a oeEce dtrtlor p-hi ymieVintlfaoveyestatuea rart Ey riicsefoto -thyesenVu pamDrce rtoeo Hp orynesinnlSfpmo yosEt.uoiy ap dhs.go 88 sususted cree quef asvuo re mcopnletaacdtoer a h D vH Posterf the second hand orwi ckw WWW.WAGEHOUR.DOL.GOV : 1-877-889-5627incluy obar su derompleecho a trtar el Formulario I-9 any other laws or agreements providing for higher labor standards.violapteledap sitlease contact DH 88888-889-8798-7 7-781 -v1 nsoa rrn csooarn bctialoidcnattead caet seDdHa English / Spanishwww.osha.gov AR en a los tr TTY: 1-877-889-5627 Lo tr REV 04/09 ontra por haber deo utiliz., ar1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 ice administrator. U.S. Department of Labor E3 E-Verify.gov English / SpaEngnislihshP o/s StpaerExiste una part Additional Information esta ley conoriztenida en la debida aut os de su esen.Puede ctatus decomprata de una manera injusta a la forma de www.justice.gogov Employment Standards Administrationn theeey dl orf oa mer laves theEmployment Standards Administration Wage and Hour Division TTYwww la le page 1 of 2 may be obtained from the nearest ofce of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the National Ofce in Washington Wage and Hour Division5discriminacin por motivWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WH1313 to podra represenabajar en los EE. UUtar una vulneracin deIER@usdoj. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 - 421-004/5907ciudadana o nacionalidad de origOpen the airway by placing otnb hanidn a o n n d g the first so the hands ar so yre oovuer srdlah po ed. Strnari to an emprme lee DEBEN DEBEN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ed1-866-487-9243 E-Verify cy (estenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) o (a)(6) delCiviles, Seccin de Derechos de Inmigran., Divisin de Dertes y Empleados, echos 8977-7781After 30 compressions 4 c Immediately e s c thee vnictlty timilt ts fhoe vrehieyeclotabidumor h aws ns aadn dnd ls. Ueasin ong tvehe heels of both hands, firmly push straight l n pr e se h h ub u ir aveags thes toe em copvloeyr the cers placost ofe of a c buusistnoemss wers cithout hargpae foyirn fog tohde orlavarse las IMPORTANT NOTE: One or more of the individual postings on this panel may not apply. Coverage depends on y Cdigo de los EE. UUSeccin de Der. www.dol.gov/whd Ttulo 8 del Cdig esalias, segn se indic ta ley (la lefendido yDepartamento de Justicia de los EE. UU t o dedhs.gov/eerify English / Spanish/ Sspaterni shPoster E213003/19en yo Es posible que laToma represalias en su cInmigrantes y Empleados (IER, por sus siglas en ingls) echos detio e iine abr a es pueda ayudar si un empleador lo trata de una forma su derecho a tr o de esa en la Seccinv/e-verifyulders a WAGE AND HOUR DIVISIONgove eprabajar al ampar d other factors. For more information, ask your ofhhee ohecr ha egi beverage if the customer injusta, en contra de esta ley. eral tos deprohbe las r o de los EE. UU enero del 2019ouemployers active fTtulo 8 del Cdig rnment contracts anad t bak (hned uad tidlte-chin lift method). Maintaining the opend oawirnw aapy,pcharge for food or beverages.La ley que hace cumplir la IER es la Seccin 1324b del 1324b(a)(5) del Ttulo 8 del CdigCdigo de Ry se encueneglameno de los EE. UUtrtan en la Pos Federales.art.Los re 44 del Ttulo 28 del eglamen page 1 of 26 open the airway andfi M ou eas r e e c c n hest compressions: t dai s n c e ue 0 a p . fore gt hs o i o v r g o roximately 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches on thee) r wired tan improper payment or there has been anmanos antes UNITED STATES DEPTMENT OF LABOR to, c WH1313REV 04/09 yes aplicables.Los documene de la agencia, no tiene ningn eftos de orienrminos de las letacin del Departectyes aplico jurdicamenables, los reglamenamento, ente vinculantre ellos este y puede ser tos o los te documenEnglish / Spanish PoEngPosltieshrgently pinch the victims nose shut and cover the mouth with yours,If yo m u thin lo k w the chest to reto y lavarse las stomerdicha le tacin no tiene como propsitamenameno ser una decisin definitiva por partchest. Release presure completely between pushes, keeping yourrescindido o modific tes.Para ms informacin, vase Memorndum para TnEste documento de orienado a la discrecin del Depart te vinculantes ms all de lo que se requiere en los todos Los Componentes: La Prohibicin contra Documentos de Orientacinvircetaim tting awo fn auilrl, stiglohw rt seeasl, ocue br usre a meathso. Euath gch rueasrcd aue bs srheoatwh sn. Ghoithvo iuae tld nt s n i ngo ormn athl pe ochsietsiotn c beotwmepelned en the victims chest at a a l ti s. Al nh cyou have been requ ages ro melatakeedh toe char a cugsteos,m yeorusmchaary gceos ifnta thect th ceuImpropias, del Fisc te vinculanfferson B. Sessions III, 16 de noviembre del 2017.orien onforme a las letely afteer eacps. C tiosseio u nn. mss d ou ithout paying t precedentacin, no estes jurdictablecamenal General Jeen responsabilidades jurdicbegin rescue breathing: If y be de selivuere yredo u tin oake a rne secegonudla ar (onu fot a drom get l ing dizzy or lightahned padedush f.p p en st s he na s i . ions by saying on improper deduc of n fr si ommanos antes ,All Poster Guard Services Include:co oompr Avunt etnts y nd shoueeld pc) bausreea tthh be cehtewseet ton e roliesaf caecn.h ompres ast (rate of 100 to 1 lemves thio io lace reeb neer wIndustry at: resackuh te bhre veatihct. Thims cis phreesvte. If it does not clearly rise and fall after the2e ammiss iod tr of inu Pt u.sh hard Co essnneLabor andWrastt crescue breath, perform the head tilt-chin lift again be bility p in 0 cod tmpwro a ns a m de volver de volverth ont0rre to 12 d i n CPR or s a vide rescue breaths, skip steps 5 and 6 and continue performing chest compresionsrate of o10b co re m th resiroen us nac omminfuotret aubnleti lw ainth A yEoDu ar rarives and is ready for use, the victim begins to move or EMS personnel take over care of the victim. Do not try more than two times to give a rescue breath that mata kaes the chest rise, because it is important to continue chest co O mreio al trabajo. al trabajo.rway by placing one hand on the victims forehead and Repeat the combination of 30 chest compres the other hand under the victims chin and gently tilht teh oe vpeinc airowuarys,ERG02 12 months of automatic replacements/updatestims 7 After delivery of two5 c After 30 compressions head back (head tilt-chin lift methodn).d c Maoinvetar tinhine mg touth with y t DivisioDenp aorft Lmabenotr o afn Lda Ibnodrustry7ERG02w open the airway andly pinch the vhit scteimal, os nr uosse se a mhut ao. Euath gch rueasrcd aue bs srheoawth sn. Ghoiuve tld bhe e braetacthh st, rhee cmheemst breisrein ag tndo r fael e ions and two rgcreeensacttuine g ao o fn auilrl, stiglow rescue breathsrescue breaths: boegminbs tinao mtiono ove of cor EmMprS pesio dausre aingll p brreeastshusr.e b Yoeut swheeoun pld cuoshndvteiecis anltiiuvm tneed t rtehwdmis ai n k e a roneeg secuolanr (dn aont a dd sheeoupld) b craeuasteh b theet wcheeesn et toa rcih rse.e Mscauke e begin rescue breathing: ives, bstuhrreee ya vthioc. Thtu ti is prevents you from geting dizzy or lightheaded. Watch1100 rtoh Eutaw sSt DtrD2eeivt,e, S1 Room every time a mandatory change occursersnosn/bnreel tatahkse o unvteilr C anP AR.ED arEMERGENCY INFORMATION: D CPR VOLUNTEERS:Pt hone:rh U or medical advice and does not provide legal or mecasn ndt l sr i odr s t r s i s m d p s d e e c e uc d u ,c i c ab ed pe e ry b o alfce l r a o n ssei e ed uo a sa t en e n l d s h prtoh c i r . t s g ci in e t ir hn g s atr o i n i u a g t ny y o pt push e r ,res o C u ar n s m eipo ttor a d u lyRiagh riel cia n n n r t i ts t b ig in a ytt li tuia ip nyv t ot olv ueac ootny d s tsnn e m it nh tana c i i sy re npa s r ti pu l after the firste g u if ,ci r i p t c .nq Y hu o e i tis n ot g nus o r core c so totrib. T-s s y ail:te u a inm spa ia o ed a tgao ti r y t n o oh lnd raies s n u 1094 No6 GHBaltiu0)nt V 767- v c .e t y. 0u 31 Is Your Company a Federal Contractor?Employment Standards Serite 1vic 660e0ese vcuiec tbimres cathh, epset. Irff iort dm othees n hoet cadl etilatr-lcy rhiinse a liftn ad fgaailn before gTelephoivine ng Number: (41 ldmen Wore, eye, Mhone #:______________________________________ _______________________ ________________________________ compel esdg i nstuctioof n SUA riodnuy be nphotocowpuh are do onl d dieEsub nccehuorennt mnfo for lmldli al 235M7 DF 2a1x 2Nu01 mber: (410) 333-7303 Thi esthe second prot issig to ovide acurate and authoritative information. However employmentstandards-dllr@maryland.govo nottry more than two timesa rescue breath that makes the che is n al ly ducin co oedce , it is nrorgvt aic s m titu is inug olt rth911OR Name:_______________________ o give________________________________ proveo/l ie ab wlceii fitfohrl t ahne u dnawdm ranta ainine m p oo r o al opinions on any specific facts or ser yo i nw phaernt, t ihse st uriscertl yi sp lreogahliblyi ted. Ambulance:__________________________________________________ ed to do so. Any other photocopying or repr fodrm, wheth crodueci presses oleLocal Emerit Locagenction: y P ______________________________________________ Name: _______________________Phone:PURARYLANSs sDNio OnANs aTInNCEd tOw TINo rAT AesE cPDuLeCOACED EW, HEREEMPL OANYEYRS TI AREPPED RE EMQUIPLREOYDE ET OISCEOMNPSPLOICUOYED.USLY12 months of legal monitoring, analysis and NT TO 3-713 ( C ) OF THE LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ARTICLE OF THE Name:P hone: ________________________________202 CPR K 6 After delivery of twopl: c braetacbhi nthatei ocnh eosftcroisme panreds sfiaoln dsu /b ev r M v i r n . e . 29 g /22 02 r s reastshusr.e b Yoeut swheeoun pld uceso,n tthineu v e 29e tthi W0324 ERMD2T 04/15 timely notifications about posting law changes You are likely a federal contractor under the law if:Repeat the combination of 30 cPheOst cSTo mTHprIe shes and toComplyRight, Inc.www.comyright.com w ths, remembering to release all pb 01until an AED ariv icimsrescue breaths Re athboegmins to move or EMS personnel take over CPR.EMERGENCY INFORMATION: CPR VOLUNTEERS:Phone:________________________________ o i c aso Trh mis epdirocdalu actd ivsi cdee asigndn eddo etsonprootv pirdoev aicdceura legfpatteehs,e rp rCuaepsroetmri coopudrlyRu linacriiga nsbgihit liutia ntpyt rai toonondy uuafocnstserdmt ahm, insawy yh beteh eprh ointo wcohopilee do or innl yp U n m o t cin in tocs o ru u l a ro sn oda e u di e cru, dts iat iad e ce ss. s tur Ti c to , e bbshuteittinu intgu yul ottshu ea inrms ispaa tlegaln tnth e a ve y nd/o aw hin oie nso ergn tino pyin r nmn. Howe favYqouo rir segsurn eoorrvg tdir f ofromr laetgirtyo haLocal Emere: genc __________________________________________________ Name:_______________________Phone:________________________________nloeptsr selilslmeapbdeel cifdiet of ciodcaroala lpslynor.o y a fAedl ssmioadngaesl e r c a trphh or tehcnoatrli titoyap tininiviveoo inlnvsefo dorn inm aan crtyio e pssaprtpineoecifdcifgu,ic pcitc .rou cin olnu ics100% guarantee that our posting content Ambulanc 911OR ______________________________________ Name:_______________________Phone:________________________________ provided with the understanding that agntctyyoioogurn o estions o cao wrthnceor is s nrssei ctly prohibited. odrnety .You provide goods or services directly to the federal government.ny oey Phone #:CPR Kit Location:______________________________________________Name: _______________________202 ComplyRight, Inc.www.complyright.comW0328 complies with current regulationsYou are a first tier or second tier vendor to a federal contractor (for example,or well pay the fine, no matter how big you supply parts or develop technology used to fulfill the federal contract). Requir ood Allergy Awar-330.2(A)eness ERMD1202/23 Visit service.posterguard.com/terms for details.Marylanded by: F MD Health 21 You are a financial institution that carries federal deposit insurance. Your business works on federally financed construction projects. rehabilitation ste orvri ceexsp lhoaitsa tbieo d ea Y 7 v c o w y T 1 C r apply sc n e h io o a . . o il o d n a u r P a R s T p d L i ktt , s te ia o t f m y o io ,o a uothuo h dt o i e n ti t o s s f n o u i h os i g ny oaer f lo r n s y e o e h r anre e ; n f d hbo o c s o pu r fs i d e c ena r s ll e lm e t i n rR e ty x e otaedcitaiotnio narl h b p uc s s a a e F e r C b t 2 6. 7. 3 2 y 1. 1 e li o e qio t h o u P i a x, h d . . . . O a t tl u v a n e e ic u H M I A i 8 PO ia a o s n n i u u t u l i hn a o o c p e R oe s r r , na 9 a c r o rh c p r fdf d nc ss d r s in e e N o l sh . p w e i a ,b d p n a t 23f e a e iv a , it i s R io o- d co p t t ly b m su o l , o o e n i ; ps e v e r id or h a lyp g 2 in n A r n w w f u dn nt t sr b p y i d r t k pr rea r g th (o s f n B e g t e u ld h s e rea lo i o m o gCP i) Dt irt e M o to e i g a Tc a n :y o g s rk I q d v e r a ao h n (e w y lL I c y f c r o se O a oa o 4 a p r a to tio i s O y re in d o e u o y c g p ci d unsblti cr adHieaatilotthnanhhdaaazrsad rsdp sr.wimtt v ) es b ti t li o t a o m o r O c r w o ( i t c o ru e L p b V o p n A a u n e i s , d o o o a e l il o e I e c p o e n u i rd O x n di E h )p ept h e rk li g it y e n s e d n d e n e s e e sS G n c a c o s e e - e fr r e q s o d c oi o e a o l s mI u e rk bT o n e C p n f oc n n le lr e h f d t o t n w R g . h i y i t v eA e i a q e c h c is li dg o a f c y o d t i u o o L s s i m c h a fy d y s s rf a ir u a l i e e D o e it i E li s p e o e p - o t n ac b in s y f rh t l se l R se a d l n p it fs is y a O g s, ci o e a d t a E e e c r ic a u l a a c a g io d a p f e ti e p e dt x ld f it R le P o e a l i l ini i El tl p b h i n t c t rv a x o c O G lo s ly R n o ro e o o o gc o d d yf c e b i r H n S E a a s s eys g io ya se re in o oa u e ld a p T N o g n a e:se in o a o a rxrv uX a d mp I l a d ,i ao C a l N bp sp yo a cr lt t h t no e Taichreyhn a e e f ti o i o a e rY cG r e d u th e in v n o e H r o e ue ty c u g o c a r n g e s yli k a e A s ti B r , c les eb q e c i o to m e tal he ur o E n nh a lt p it S o n Q ti n n a h r I c sS cl U i b e f n n o d o2 d o n h n T a a a I t d d f a 5 i o o w r H s r T w d s v I 1.ISCTaOliRfoYrn H d r R t; e rn h li n e l e A e u n t n i ne a a a ( a t rd y h h x o o e d h h o q p .q n T r o o d N c e dr lr o d c e y c s t g e u e t a n lt o o k p u ie e i g e r C h n tu ux p ru o s c pa s R D e p e v a c u ir ha E s a o u e eo c dE l c i r e s Y s lt b rt e e re ra a w i li ri N io l r a y s e n r : it pif n o t ( n n io ti a c L o b e ae h a ta y l fo ta h nn nte d pa r q t h S c i q c 4 e r in ot y yoral rt r y ge d e mo r h , in ti m n tt q iae e u / p o ot w u e u u i eo r d ain 7 e n v i rg pfd ifd a o i n o r u, ) h u x r F e f o t r w r ) d e r r d f e e a en r e e e o v , nS e x re s ltl e ar ONec e s( io d . a g o P a p a a c p g r o o a s c t9 u f T p r ti ei e d U H u d a n e n n t w a h o c nC l e e il tn a i o e t h u u v t t e yr s . g t ra p q r e t s a r a r o L 6 a i re r r i of e b P e a a a a t r afwa a F f d P O U y a T W t W i dh f B Fn tot W d trea d Iot W y h m y W Re a I o F tren p aot cc d h p Our Promise W oe a w A H F T ind peu he r dra d drrnii b s U ts a o ru ; e e t s o niatt ahh n a n t tp i t p n n o o e ord up ie eact l er e e h u o na ti e op e vit e o ) aly th l ea m e si i sc s el el a r L r a dN F . tc rp o y ey a r s n iv , e o u d e rn r q rproiibst wr i L g fs t i n t lth t e l , etl e i tms m m n ntPT n cd t al hu a w a rh ed o p o b m g u f e e e n ay m s w D r h 3 oitrhu v oa x f re iR n r o sh v t so a l yr re b c t sA u rs a p g sae a e ty a r t ah ati eq esa.ti f tW yl se o h e e m. e d o lt ym a e t arIn r h a o a ip u oT t tH is f r p T a r o c p ho o u f la r t t h 7 ga I dTI 1 ee leu, o e e v a . ofl p m eo r r s o v e s r e y h tuyp I n g p e to ty s e a o e oy r o nt yseliosfiO r e e a in a te ay foa lvt m o n i io la o c fb h rs a dr p c gtls e i r o N e r t aw N u ti se ihcetc 1 m 0 , r r rr s ue t d rv p v/ c y e th y it rw l sac w a n ooa mateio b m a d b lo t ei o r ab elein0 ly S ytv s su ii u w R efi n e i icesyese tn nr a r u cd t 6 n e Y ies ne A22 te hme ec ar d d m tal re iiefe o o ta nt t io e g n is nd ferto rhrremeeaadtlatmT r ndo oal t u ,l an d q s ple to 0 s1 f e 5 sih ete raf e a n ia r r 2 e g 23 ro hn h c,oy s I t ao o enHe n fdc aar dnrmdeisa cot lwopioees near a yriset oi ocuimnorps mp aomrorndtita tentfcetoter dto dtou 2 b T ) lCo d i fo ll oris y ce r o L u t toieoennni d t al e h ivoi v m h e fy t a ecp ye e nsu h or t f tt a t iop (b v th 2 P sh in(a ra A o fo y h isi c u o p s arr C r u et u on g re ly eid ia la cb io f .2ibses l r 1 e m o se d m ll o ciy a d ) e spy d r lo l ic i l Rhp epe et atah mre on o eo h o are8 S o na Sn nf 7 ca I9 ig s re uli in t n y ee d fo t e ea e n erf nfot s f d assrnh,a e . h e sr y t , y h a , 3 i v ices ra o e u m rar w rs n o p (2 e .y e lt oh l t, m o b esrt a e is b o nru m inr 1 a tm n rismm u i id h e c o ea lt o nerg b a to uu a In a in d an yi o .r z ar e ) )tM t r a e a 0 n a n n fn e i ayn E n n ro e hs w c c at sn t r e yd g a i dfor rt e co u 1 , p d c praf oyc tutiirc mens oe fon r a m rs a eu u . oue fam e iv s n n se 0 tim s a s c m to fr tho C in no srneto e , 3 , or e ce m v ot t ea d pemy ilic o y w n bp x t h d r x a c a it aw fsu p in e T e o h ch p. tr y g s p m a vr p nosh i yo e r e y n urrco tou lt e o in oou e 7r a osp th t c T cW k o d lo o I e d hh p ni n o o e d ey s n o r( up fyti eats ri v tfrie eiu O HIPAA i no rgue w . o e t is L rd di k P su s n c n e h T rtn it i d t ithh p y e alseh li r n o prrn t s taef ci e p Soe sc l i d ed r m th tg C e r o cw o e a s l ro r d a p c a e g e ern o ic t o i re a e v ti i g d f a 2 iv rem lo f y et ( eih a ry o o id f n iv s u o e a e r gc neb o r st C n lu p w tan c yo nt a il i t ha e e r n p 1 s h ef f y iy b n s n n i i atc e dt lle i r g lu i ia tso o u w rlth b c u n i r c tdc t a u0 o l e d y d p o l s ru a e p h sb0 f ) a p 0 a h yf w if i q ifi P u o e d l l t c s ica n h p a e f ; tlinn u a a r u r sju a e p fi t , rl a u g hll spo u p o a ra elir s i r e v at u oy an o r u ot t aa na y th u o lt h r n a im r i n n g d ay y le y h hoatt dng n llm a tact r e p s s neu s. so s a i a p g a l\'s de p r o y f l d e n a pn o u bl b si t o r h . s p b m f u e o n d q a d reb e _ lt 2 a e b b o o u e, .t nr s s e q a ts u re In n ttha u o o u o ta ti n y if s i iao ic T e oeun.ei a d u 0 d e pr s n o e a o t, u pe n h a se ac c i p in o e re i r r r rntt t t t ttm f v sta n nnt osa s e e u n i r e a ati v d e onn x i a t g d i I o . e eto n var acec o c s st y r it W W pu d A P W n tx U W i aae e e cg B an Ce U W u p i nee r i Cr les W ifo W u o p w n W p W o h R F i U t m C We Fo th W a i f o w c it r s nut nr n oaeh t n n e nf lff re d a e c st cao o r m a i r f o a a e ed ba ra s t cv t i r io im i o ( orhmo an i pc e t n e lidi wi e en 3 ee m s nyetc rc a u e t sm uliir sy o iieey n g y iasv e n ci ine n a nd se a it a dn n p o d n nn b _ ed d a o n t it e a c d e h o f in l aci u e v ,ln l U a i tAs u ei f oo M i r a u d t U t d i T c qn ea eW e _ h p sp n w a pn hion n i bse o o o oswe s ala f n s y ore lu tu e iiw r nd o o s D es s le p ro s f d o cr it v a nnis o gi tr o e e grP nt ae s a oD nn e ic p zeni i ch ta wa l o h ti yrplu th e au rk iot s c tac o e a v d u ey o Y r i n in is nd c c e b C sto tiN sm fta o lo o _ ic a y pr l g oo l e m n n re c tH , c op , rk c o o t focrD r du v al p t u io a l etau r re s yo a f io s e n e ou p rs nb p i mm r th ti o is e l,as aw u l i n c e n b da a na ne tb in itr c uc c o W r o eish en t n l eio rpr a e t lo e r a ec i l d e e o hm ns aw n n t o w y ri n s g su dta rh . hto i lrdd ni y o H oruo nt uyi o tto y g o d tn r o n rit lt s rea res se t c o ow im r ec e Ad u han u e reH f n d e P v a tP _ n e s l p a ec t n vyae ny iv n ur ri h r tg h p d I ra n i u o it t, r, u r b d V tidnauoim d r t h t l.i d A d a r c n c re ir po a o o e r f i i id a n n n y n G rs d ttfo evi in m vA ucoc e rr sS u t e s n u aaln s.e grn e ,e e l e ,o se s se e g ape i c e u n n n tto f tc I m m w i h ovth r tio g y o o o th pa n a n o h te ee ef a s ao e n x is n t A f era o y o na m cos l ia td c e sy p i i io rr r lsp u ud u t ld rk ri o uouep m tan awn i v d c i b d b _ o h g i ncp c s e r dtui o z d in h a _e n ttnIl e H or a io d d i i r o k a c o nn uo li na tt ti a d t e i sp eeo t s in i fo e e e f a e o yo n q: h o t nr cee e o ou T v lt s th n uh t le ) l b l n o cte ld eo a uy un fo o i c h g ih is zedf atio sat i )f a blsli a S I p el r s oy y _ if r e oa th u A a o Itvhe n e eA e o oh afio e s ttrolc o n xp d fv i i c t b o d b pr a e t f f io o e p dl i _ o r p c s t o h on a e i a e ot o t v ocic nl , det y w n ayo r ed ac n a a n i ltsu m e tri a o a d , osiseeeo g n S l h tam n n t f l o e ors g d o o e a itsibe do i n u avg litsr a c re n g . rk q reu b ba t e err d ti a g ll s se to ofe ne u l n u n e s o u e b o ia r dg e u re a y itiitc cct t , nd sa nis q p Ju t in itse, dt hi e r re i h o e c ngi ili r w i v p u e sp ds ee n n u d w o e to r, ta r e u rv e ct e t e lh e a e h f c of le W a a g i yo Y Yo Y f y t pu t o a a c yn s h anlfr T If H a Y tro uho T i T i r uoo s dh i ansd dif a ofnu wiell n t de t t ha s po do in uoese aa lT ia q D i y Poh hh Aedst r p o n c tt s a io s o noe s o ai a 2 off siu t w c s m m v f eic h o u u v s ri tb ti cere a o i op e fo de ok po t ett p r o d 0 an s, th heduiaokt n b f g n rctaardi r i o a o n o t or e a n e ioein rn l s le h y c e e aytie i at t r n tiYD e r o e o . i nt nt,S n o f T nrh n a e a c n e s be w riilin re oeep o em ern af et t s om ,en the i ei y llynau recp cto u r o i ev r vmt c a,saoifg e r o es , r n h t n npb ncinea gi a se a efd h h onIn v ou taiur n e tey k rni t the re , ca eys. br oy l pr e a sc h o duc p e e v o rirtt e rigce i dth c c a ers y taib fh uo t c htiqs ey u r om orm hr yet c .e ,f po ourW . o dua l, , f l n ta e p is to e m lnancty a te qu n li s i e sea c tr u ti i o fd sac o th isa pla t tirur f b n w tion at any time, in writing, except wfntoodrs t imhtchaeaatet ofle wh e ic e ie d o t lyt fiinr nt o in edn r d atr e f y e h n e t iH ao n s s o l t. i em lr c s i ia t s t bn co e e a,o ro s i o eiv me tipc e eafst i s to t ecy pl huea y n s v a ntl fye do f n r r cn d or c rtv a r icta o e. oan, oewv s d iY i s aim .c rfsA y g i r a y a t i ube trnad pa e rn t c alie eqt m dea l im o h rc e uyi ic r onh d m t, m s l tiu i i tp s asnogrfer n o y fty a a c rl. a m ormw e e a lo a d l e n yuPs iotthac to s f i oa yy a rrm ccc o toreth i o hnis b c ee nrd py e di u is lsn o p rt r t sgo piaornvt y el a a la r niw. ops on i g at e edt yy oou tin o e an. oruy r ur w ot c m o be ref p r oe t d y s eope o ith yt anpp a e eo id r.r an x e hy urin ti d will fris d m im n t ntl eyttshhcteora a tiuub setthehdoi,sairbiofsfav ioteciueo in nr .zo ted p fon ee e: g n irm ta o -r ofhil fd n o lpt wr . n es onr W fm otif f so cs im t motuuostmce. n t e i bdousi rn ay ation tovely. : icet ayn.cted in a hospital to wto wor, you wour citizeree born or another aspect of yU Call IER i an employer our right toinormaw ction on pran e cenship somplicotections rtaatus and nated.Call IER tom discriminational origin.o get mortion eto w t te t t r t p d e r u i rk r s r t i r t t r t t t F r e t o f f o e i ,i ro i r r p r t l r l e . r t s o v t o y r v t h i i lo I r l z z y t - i - This OTrhgisa Onirzgaatnioinzai i t t r . v t z z i l i i r y v t r i t s I iI r r f l l r t t t r r y r - - i - y r f r r f r y s i y y t ri i r t t t t t f s t r r v r t t t r r t i i r y i i t r r t r y s i s r s s - i i i- v t l s f f r r y t l v l t t i t ji i i v r l I r f ft t . y yt I r r - t l ir t i y -r r - r i i z s t y i s i z l y t r r i t r f j t t . y t t t f - r t i . y i i l ( ( r i i i ry t r t f r s r r r t t y f i r r f tf i ( f i f s t t t ) i t t t tf i l lt y t t i r i i t t,i y y r i s r s y r s i i t r f i it i r i l ( r t t s f i f ) ) r tt r s y ) - t s s s l l t y st f r ( r f v t t t f ) t i r t r f i r i r r t fri t r y t i t i . r y y i t ,t l r r y . r i ) i y t l t i i i i - it s i s i i r t i f ( f t . ) s - f s y - t l ,i i s r i s t t i i t f s s f s y r t f i r l lt r f . r r -i r f. . t t y i i s y i y r f f y r r t y t y y y -l t i f i t ) y sf ls t r - l t i ry l l r r y ili f i ,i i fi t i r r y t t t r i y r f i t t rit t l y . r r . f s il y y . r r i t y i u f u r r y r y f et f d t y t t o y l t y y - u t y tion r l t r , ri l r r r r t , y l f y i f f f nd d r r E n r r t e u l a r t E s i e r o t q w t ry e q i d g i l r S e ll l un l ie irr em r t s l l u e r r i t E r r l f t u s b l r d v r r r d i i u Esta OEsta Organi r r i z r i . r t t t r t l t t l fi l r r l l r yr - i t t r. l y s i r l s ar t y . r l l i r r -l j i i r - r s r l r s i ( l r l r i i r f f s r s s l r v r r i uz r r s i r . . t fi z s l i . i i r i t t r r r rr f ( r r i r s ri r r l r s l r fs i l f s s i t t i y ) s rs lr i l l r (i i t s s t l i s l lf r r r i i r l t l t l y ) . r r y l l f . r ( r r t t r i i i r r r r rr s r r ir j iI t il r t i li r it. - s t s l l s r t l i f r s f f l s r r - t t . f i , l l r I l t l i r i rI - . ( ) sr ) r l r - s s l pl t s t t t r s i i l j ( i . t t i r t ti t r t r r li f r jl r t r r r l i r tr i f r , z f i r r r l , t i i ) i r r i zi i i i I s r sl rt f it r ss r r s z i i i i tr t )r r t r i t r i ji i , i f r rr r i s z zt -i r l s l s y s i t l t f r q t e r u s e e d pro i i y y - - s z r r t s r i r r lr t r y - j l t t r zt i t a t r d V r r r f r a aa p a n y a yr l a r z a r r r r i i t e l, s r e z a a o a i c er n ra orcion i s s z y s l f t t r , i r r r y y j t r ui r lt li - f vl l t sry l r - jl l r r z y z p r r a y i t a i jo s . z r a y a fo v l i r rrn u ujtulario I-9i z t r tr l y t .l v rl j zYoeu Cr aPrreiv Aabcyout Notice of Privacy Practicesarbootuetc tyionugmyoauyr b ceon ufisdede natniadlhdeisaclltohs iendfo arnmda htioownyiso imu cpaonr tgaentt a tcoc uesss.Tthoi st hniso tinicfeo rdmesactiriobne. sP hleoawse m reevdieicwa li itn cfoarremfualtlyio.nlaw and wil be limited to the relevant requirements of the law. You wil be notified, Ou riieenvnsaft h,cor ypo mawoyaf wioeeoun nm rt ih oas eyprauehlsetrsaeho antilghtatsi oton a cicse isnsfaouh thseera ronml tptheue d cufno d rs .t atTahtinohadnti sa tortc iaeycrerromy ur oi tutetdPublic Healthpu b,yl ooicfuahrn peyar olsthutec cahtu etuhdsoe hrs eoiatryl d tthhis iclt foiossr upmreerast.mioitn tefdo r bpyu lbawlic t h ecaloltlhe cact ing diseeacatistneedg,wi nbijytu hr yinhfo thae ilsa y nilas u,paifthc rotao ihuoriinszb eiain qtoe urrdie rdis m nleoceanst tsoeu rnroiefatl otflhhy epe uoteioot erecrdte esdbdtri hysic noletogaselhuhentqu iinrefodr bmya ltiaown. I. tP alrsoot edcetsecdr hibeeasl tyho uinr forri vtai coyyonuo oosraoeistl yoo stur pyer uovrusito,c,eitpesnccr.etluesded as err empqoausiyere sdd ti oscb ayl alltethhhe m a ociates oation, if dir intent to me iptti o un ro drif c hgohoptwsywy yiootuhumrre psapyre eocxette rtocc iteysoedutrhh eepsarelo ttrhie gcinthtefsd.o hrmealatht ion. Wer efm uaortgue rraree pqphuhicyi l Duty hatret rrde hl acateetirontnpn forismabblliiitilcciothnyha dasttyh chaoololsrrsiiutotyry d.,e is towc aillolfseobre ey imogunardgpe roofvoterre tnchtmeede pn huter apalgtoehsn ein cyof o ftrchoamnte isss c aolslsaobcoirates thatYour Rights Regarding Health Information About You oirv riteiecsei avne dth Poster Guard for Healthcaresthaen daCrdaslif ofronri apCALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEA i ef Y THenM sidcfa blo oyr e l amw tnnot,m atl hhaiaetna tlmtahina yo t rhi dceeon pnrtdifiimyS Yof rtrla r Ptectecaruecsoforem e pub cg t fh soeun urn svo,iccutr provide us with services if the information isalatowede,dthhatis i sm coanntsa iynoeud m ina yyo iunrs pdecets iagnnda teodb tfailienfaor as long asing records and r Le puay disclose your protected health information to our busin Your mhlaalovtweio ntin hagenidsr a iagsbhtart itteeofmdieenssntcpor NOTICE TO EMPLO gnir oveeftfe yecoctuet. dtWhheeis a nmlotahti yic necfho oarnf mgoueart i tholenegt;alear ndmdu fts ioeolflsoaownu drt n hpoer ittievcraemc ay tsaon otected health information;Busines toponrse hoo toraeu lscf etror obtvheitcheh apeesf. Folra safom r clbrei ,fui isnewiendfo e mirnms aau u sssceia anttnedoras taer company g anyyuiv.c oih Ulo,n tact thedhrio inoyahlat,oisrsaducopy of yourw pe rmotaeicntetadin h tehaelt hp irontfeorctmeda tion any i EESce e tr hneaestpw ea nrcteocttioucr eyr oewunitrll ly b e toee prcefoesrrfam ocrromny fu ftonr bracciltr ocnonctrr.eenobotliformdesignated file contains medical and bil tiodewciisnigo rnsec oaSTANDARDS FOR PROTECTION ACGOADINES OTF R RAEDGIA Heo ectnifveo r Pmfroaarc attiilocl npeswrbotyeecrcetocenedita vhece taiinlnt thghoineu rffo uotrumf Ecte.i .oYnou t hcaatnwobet maiani anntayi nr eavti tsheedtHimIPeA aAsNwoetl ton edu semreaayry ad cihtsinacvlgoe o sber e ysenporu eerax pdproionsgteed ct thteoed dahi cseoeaamltsehmionurf nocicromnadbalteti onins.,e iaf saeu othr omrizaeyd o bthye rlawwis, et ob aeapet rrissonk health informad rtendiroosa tntle. hsaa lA, timtbnjenifenco rtriems tqotr ualateitaoswivntet t ahco oacttmini ospppnirlo eehocrtdi baipnrnitord s eeaocsonabl e n of, a orh uTIONerent ways that we may use and disclose yourCom or disclose any information you hav t ,y ohuorw epvhyers, icyoiaun m anadynthoetiofnfsicpee cuts oesrfcoopr my tahkei nfogliltfeosmremati , o employe ents.ofEnforcementWe wil YOUR Uas RADIA EXPOS2U5R5)EHealth Oversight spresic at otgivohernt asse eO ntvhceyerhfsoiegarh ltthn poedlrneoianctegtbrceo l oneci te feofearro c mou torn hnicryid cdpoeanp out uacaqcet,ou ap rnar dndo ettespicciroigptetnedaac hteeda lteheCALIFORNIA RADIATION CONTtRroOl L RReEgGuUlaLtiAoTnsIONSc l(uCdAeL IFORNRIAE PORTSPrhiev facolylowing examples describe difDis TIONN 3 ofh co o nmt unicable Diseases Ahdaud rgmitieuaesoina wahb tewlmteor fieieaenq ftouarei nas tan thaectol pewcieetrs so.nenidc h a ecalopthyroefc yoordur o pf yrooutecr dtedesi hneaaltthed i fnfileo,rm S,protected health information. These examples are not meant to be exhaustive, but toidentify. We may charge perrm wseeev esar on, d of dsri escso floafisnceed ydmoiasucry l nposreouvetreerschtteahdva hetrmeaelaasytho b nine ft moor ammdaaek teibyo ns oo muforre o t ohffi ect hefo.eWsl loewe d iianrsceglo We v hdmb an re eaparaes nes he iun nmdofoinyrtsgma tnhaceeioeltssionryy tt o ofduano eyrtyyeoucu rceeosst setstrr easlpifo rntnosiia bb iloitDtyhepefoamrr tpmaloedynmet risno isaftn erdoc ing these le ou Publicto Health is2. exx pe thce 1Radiationte oun, weon s Control yinourRegulations requireFR rdin naytoyoursures.ctrem tiss std esm aesuekgt, c lose you r p s inyenfa lrorwoteet bm,n acsttefiduecohhi t npisaealcgnatluhr o imvaersent goea tvntoteioraanng hsm,e enaaennsot nr oegru claomtopryan pryo rgeqraumirse ddoeseutrrm hmphvcontact our of m ntaoyo ice if you have quesct iions ab cy Pracricoe ns iy h sbm ea celretthd vai cininedawflo/ aorrrbem cloceor.at dpio.yn. nizacinora ritriseEthosr e eCmpalloifoyrenrisa employ useretarntgod raegraidvts infordn y o exoammyptier healthn ic pleraotehetltn echchreititt sel inmfo irrtes op coscreutt p ifa inyti ootuhn aere l rcraaeddiviiaaett iiaoonnn and civil rights laws. ourrcago A te ictseie,sv ort atietooian ocltnhos,nrekrptmpporaorot saout mdv ttaesrrsteopetie evnnergan btslsuer,vpprreooilddlauunccttc e rd,e easfcae lrctels,qsotuoirineder You have the right to request a restriction of your protected health information. Includes all mandatory, employee-facing federalab o YMLO ing anldkRnEoSwPt o gm OaNndS IBuILnIdTeIrEsSta ndl idc to npocng yo ury ,o mr neena titlemin entrationstoo wrm ene roe m er p dsueunrradelim t oy cuh beppormo otvectedinrt hv(oelgvae. hirayot n r pth.l,th ae ptroedmo mmaftainfo es e1sr0eu nrCecFi ntRgo ts littiae brya oeb tkmhele eram Fye opds,ao ibisdrc islaoo nol tivit bl inrafolr dmi r fporvo emodcmetndn ed health informse b aoytfi o ty of dbisyc llaowsnd y ofopro rfoot rbp o nereo dtaiitiiclaecuonsotsi.e dnYyouo E-Verify Poster ServiceIF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK PartTiPchiapisra Ottiecrisgp aiannt Eiezs-a Vitnei orEin-fyVerify rganizacinzacinuse and disclose your protected health information to provide, co Btha leis means you may ask us not to use or disclose any part of your protected health ouP tYt ribzye dth inespeacliftoiornni aa gDenecpaierstm.mReapomrt ependenn ed2o0)n.c hr ion tio yo oirs cmlaosnea gper oyteocutr edvhreeh diagnose or treat you. lastaicye di absnees imcpiraaontiv on from time-to- ou im, e( a ding d and Drug Administration one. ta Wtoh ae o c rmo frooayr na tehlsroe o c dro misroecnlodesircea o ly re oxumrae mdicalinfuo op irrmolyesq emaust ioeeamsnts bfdthoeerasrcs tthveYotiohgh papdm rrifne rto sso isse yh oofuImrtP rAeparyAaot tm bNeeceotn tinietcvd,epoh laoevfy eamlPdth reii nvniatnfyooorrru meh caataltioth ceno tfihiscihe rtod.Your refsqprr ertay IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORKreported to the Texas Department of State Health Services. sapfpeootsys0ui,m reCit soc daoenno bef exFp ehoaumy cicaoaanyru ed rodpirs ihhcaeglyosasinltoec s arectrreatmmaterialvicheiosdh .ma eWdsa t etyhoem b aneaptyer cheaeyslasssticionari gayht oistanceby lawe.annyet ridf iitsocac tploioesrnef o yproumurrpopotrsheoetsr,e d dctuettieersm aiunthinog rcizaeud stahites thec es piesc nifoict r reethfw oHconduct that occurs in a hospital must be Abuse, neglect, or illegal, unprofessional or unethical conduct that occurs in a hospital must be dioactive be used, as neinphfyoescrialist or laboratory) w are Coroners, Funeral Directors, and Organ Donation striricti otonraegqreuee sttoe daarenstdr tiocti wnh uomnle ysosu y woua narte t ahsek rieng us to restrict the striction to apoegsruaeldcatitaiiootnino ns3 ,0 ap2na5dr3 t e 2rx0epAbuse, neglect, or illegal, unprofessional or unethicalopera is shYoEuEldS protection o lyyetyael duresr. whichd operati ctivd 3. (s ncnu a s hosu nffh yret nde Your protected health information wil 14 ed in your care by providing as e t ur dents,reasonably believe or no of informatioinv itnhga tc thheem pihcaysl idceapl eorn dmeennctay,lmheeanlttha l ohre aeltlhfa orer Participates in E-Verify ParEtsitcPaiap Orat riecgniap Ea- eVne rEif-yVerifyradiation ptro m re as ie s.pc standardehs andected promptlsy toIf th fiead iin 10Foractiavn2c0ti,o snu bsptaanrtd Car.d,ded, to obtain payment for yourpor opteercmteidththeea fltuhnisceel nyo aosupedretcitoonr t oto a c faurnrye oraul td thireecirto dr,u atise as. uWtheo mri inutsi .oochrndemr a yio fc ladtrhei sc colaproeseu rirtaeetio monf opyrou usrer rpopvriseoc t ret in ted su hcea lti hynof ouinr pfomaridmat ioauntsio o ynou ttuo-wofa -iphshoe taclkoth ert ep sitnla rifnuctlfrted. If this ofairwhich. Ipf aotethit es eodfnsfo tilc eoelr yreported to the Texas Department of State Health Services.f f yao up aretiaesnot noar bclyli ebnet lioefv teh eo rf anomp d ec ivinh ofo rothersp monitaored yeovuire rwelevns pmas making a determination of eligibility or coverage for insurance benefits,beees ue msaeradcyh ahdnaisdcs dlor etcdea cbdteay dva ehrnei cina otslinntf,ioo enrymaeloartreiov tiinse wtsuoerbe odsaoerdanar ttchhioaentrsph uwashrp eroenv believes it is in your best interest to permit the umseat iaonnd w diils dcdl enoildso sctouto l protected health under 10wnlara ed aroh itceh mployersiru ic ou ni,cd nsaguerr esc tahseitrtiv epoicrssoe.p iFstetao cprlteraeodxdvmiat rrt y moouufrsyrt,a oduuirap otienoxn p yoeosxuuprrard lth i rnescuormanmceen plda ninformation in reasonable anticipation of death. Protected health informs itehweier d thehealth information, your protected health infor roo vstiyuorderuicepemqaruetreysgtepnwaciytyh er krev ibceefos. rTe hiit sa mp y vinecs lourd pea cyesr tfoarin t ahec thiveitailtehs thaaret y soerurv ihceeas weas 3 2. W.safetyis rec tsen ero agt ided thaf n o coi elfeorarile it ysa employeerk mof lep ca oeufr mmtya enaim annuaAu O lopaye ininonrf oedrmucaatt diem nt,rlnlocswut ON 4-9 hn osaetis.o Tnh wese f y t6) oi m ra asl AT nt o N rrmfleiete vterha rlt r pro vend rm sanat edcal rehab nfooorrmrm agrese.iontWh iait h.ri req uesteed qst rdeuht,e raistc n, we mayenysy nsc orioett ns itursta scenice otteiirn meon n rueg paardy iinmnagg iyaotuive frVerifytion rs celriveincet so fh tahse b faeceinli,t yisohroiisl rbeec eadversely afemergencloy ta n t may xposure; monitoring, ility or yooun reques ICE T to,n oi.nyobfuota rfimnoiran mtgio eanpd pibcrae olvd niaselc cflooerss seaitd hy t,oo as ynpidotua urlnhstdaeearylt tmahka ipynl rga enu qttuoilii orzbae Research mp f awmbelbehean tisoinve a sm ctehfsfemao p irsb seo ed isiscl aoesc peee syraosuroyrn toporr op theeecv tepeudn tb loirc .ofu ty oouf y fouulry o pwna yp ofockr ghymto eutruigh eass tiroee cdtoriirscu ue sih otn i abon given t ected by abuse or neglect, or that and state notices for biohazardous waste, HIPAA,of ry ao uh ereaalthso cnaarbel yp rboefeliesvseio onra l4. n o m he of ionf o la m lloste , me EM er l health or chemical dependeas occur tate m oe Your al T plooac T io patients receiv tm rplooy dy r eoF your anddo msea ker eacvoe sa mp aua trlihrl npoegf otsrofoeeuarsr . tmyond, neglect or exploitation of an elderly or disabled person has occur ParticPipaartiecsip ina tEe-sV iner Eif-yVerify Participa en E- SCOPE OF THE STANDARDSatio fa an e e ale ovm sreh h aewseoe eu qmu nd disclose your protected health information for health care operatiotnhealth information. eliesoon as possible to the Department of State Health Services.prouvsidein, gn ecgomlecprehensive medcal rehabilitatioyn r dntisaabled person h mainta For Health Care Operations ckr on re7Se iniciansi,eth mneteiesh ch proposal and established protocols to ensure the privacy of your protectedor b yhe- pa daarlivtetes19c lrthponsaeaeytd tth,e yo sue rcavinc rese qouuest to tfh yaot tuherpinofocrkmeta. tiIof uhle e la fsogear rsivneisrtce vitsch ees report such information as soon as possible to the Department of State Health Services. ep Dep he provisions of 10 CFR 20. reeosaenlatsirhs tiaal Acaatt d tth oste at htueeselh aowera lsd,th iws ocerlomssuaayfer n, mental health or chemical dependency services, qen re iascerlon dp fosuotrer s cothut aeedrr sfetorr wimoiutashtaiaonpnd,p liinhseir qodur- peasattrttaoyn raelytceeerir nvbe cactiouvens efl onidocea cntltaioiiamnl. icsWo bmeeingu naciccoamtimonosd farteo m che smooicna la ds eppoesnsdibelnec tothicahl aa The Standards for PRroC teFORctioMn A 23ga2-i1n s t Radiat ion definILITYnc ec port s INSPECT eeq IONSares R h, AT eo ising e, yrsdoisncnloesle irte odfeex eB Statexto as 7ocx ey eo1p Head84uro97sorres d e i4m ofiluices lth-RelatedAD euacsho inna re profess ed Fortan di viifsi cdilt uoissal en .percoestescaterydfhorea llathw yafe m ief aotdosorr enmtshsaa eb otblieroana s etaishq sufe toroe mrstthhsoe.tw eWh r oeped qa muoyfmea ycset.otyo h Ps tlweoaca ictsl.oe Wbnmdeei at hkiwaoeinn ltdthnliheodisst r aeorqecrquc suoepmseectstimiafnico ndaw eartiitxoitpionnlan og nbf ta oytainoaos uanklitr f nore e mayEvery employer that participates in the E-Verify program must Participates in E-Verify ParticPipaart eicnip Ea- Vener Eif-yVerifyno r a requiring ta in tro nn odf utct thfaact is or might be il remme tely ef eleuym tho dra h l edrs teoinPpsd.oOe,o rT s. t. ioonn aa toll s adon ocat loyer ar ynnd, io nisaridnnget rveesda itiocar lh ceaart pe YEES Military Activity and National Securitynra l nhaos,oisfoinrf ormil we deny y bteio enn tghaatg ethde i nfa ccoilnityd uocr t atnha etm isp loory meeig ohfttbheeiflalecgilaityl,individuals covered by this notice ent Alternatives/Hea h oemrnca eythm aele anspotpadiurotschploorirsaitteie e ycsoo utnordiprditioeontnetisctf yea dpor phley a,a pwlpterhefor purposes of our joint health care operations. or a health caeaqfeuityp atnl heegal,e tActivi ders/Treatm ation and the dates that you received p s. a otbireeoy mani g pabnpyy mrtoapilhsleitori aa Ddrtyeei A complaint may be submitted in as eluo nersitgg ef ahs t t o filetr wane amm aiten enscttatdaetmidneemhthneenait. sl t 6. Actions to dit,ie YO n afg se epco PLOY lesaRESP thetyto so record rs visio He by h S NO m belie thed u dl ryoisfe gm veointment Remin ice O E IN ro MPLO atiro pae orreom tio ice ua m he re fetyccup as Ra qpea i)e atoin ryWritten an osetiourmnaaluroilttsheimto ayrre rt,an ig arecoth , im rietiers f ;oormation to authorized federalYiosculo haes, uifvree a sthe fnoyr, rigpouf ryhpootur steo s p roterohcter trforiteef ciaqnn dam cg f(2) ent and wilshouldnt gt in the wenship or immigr national origin or citize you or renship ses you ectatus (this maause o your yased on citiz tional origin. TrhoiTsvh iedismeeptmhlpToephry oleifosevr dyi edpeemerar rpatpthlla iocgeryo itfpeievcradei tppreenaarsatmr eitlne iscgnEoiinpt-v V waEete-iretrnVhsifemyiyrn eioaf nEyunt- rda Vwnewidrtihilfwyyi olalu nrd para p E Participa en E-Verify ya or a abajarrkimnesnurveysk u p rewifsicu roeps ise to person a in an pa in accord fetpy he ntsu.iv youUnles ay t a uybsooeuuath npaovde sds iainsbclel ao pstrpeeo ayitonmutrme pnernto to tfpecotiotre ntdr seh oatemra altlehtne rti nnoR ll in altOF nd S nd G dioepnaenl doer nucnye othr icreahl aabnidlit athtaiotn r eselartveisce tsopthroev iodpeedr ainti othne o ffa tchileit yf,a rceilpitoyr ot sr umch information ental health, unprofessional or unye othr ere Department of State Health Services. ch interlmenta fer p rvices h fits and Serv OR C iadth unR o rlysa,oi upsil.nega senformation of individuals who areio ffA m Vryomemutteae ncraatrdenedsaauhealth inf on yn(of2 e rl a(1 grbreiipglaitncu tyrimfvpeae rd You mmaaattaiiyooti nhon.o av.e Tor ertoamine estic afnoarnt sysoesu wurdnevmeme youeerd ynou have th uar protectedthhealth radiation, and others as required by your state.Si usted raonablemente cree 5. bilitatio service foc ns ketion erti x pingndtes e rw worker; ety ou thin rse s, afaisio ndth rtment of S anceTEX les AS R tec EG mayservices that may bloer sp ohefiyyquosurui coe on fo am oese d fuo ional judce ti.or2o3 TRO on to cleho, no rtrealr 1sh tott e ycdoo nbuet taonce trf yietmosu ai ntnodda ryish dad sfrofivciisailos nf oorf c Pr Bre orodtueccttivineg s enarvtioicneas s fo l se tchuer iPtyr easnidden int teorl loigtehnecrse s la aectsg iaalviulyt itaheous, hiiznoecldruiz tedodi nc.og fmorp ltyh e t in th xpovs)uordancepr ddovipsaideryeoaeu whneiettthw a ma reia teschnoo ndupysisn oafonfgry adth nowyueers u remmqcehau dyeir cpsebarteueld rptaateorenred ye of su nctaol ttqaou cyet osout umrr s uotafstftei bcmeeiif you havesedsu ibnjea en f you have the skills, experience, and legal rightDoes not hir E-Verify (this maompley violating the te thehe la ov/ier TY 1-800-237-2515 This em ThTish OisT rhOgirasg nOaizrngaizatianotinizoantion st EstEas tOaE rsOgtarag nOaizrngaizacaincinizancin a rI-a9 trabajarProper uset; of caution signs, labels, and s requirementsFlaaciliectivest to you. hs ct, He or your protection against radiation hazards,1100mad e strgioo nvi sdmb e 25his H TACriting or verbally to the: Reevqiucieres;mentsUR ER\'S The De NSIBrge ay con direct thewasprotecting of ins hat ctito on. A IOsible to the Department of State Health Services.with you at the time to ar cteecoreniaitvlsae cn tth yoteos ubeemf sorea fnteut nrit dl.e aYmoeeturt rn.eA complaint may be submitted in riting or verbally to the: tewith t He s established standards f Inspectorsfety Code, Chapter 401.providedcribemad est 4 00) 22an accounting of certain disclosur quir display the E-Verify and Right to Work posters in English DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYHealth Facility Compliance Division eme coantu diitritmeiomnee itciaeet ys onuut s fsrue rop opofmrfo ir dcyte soiecaudn in tfhorromuagtiho nanontrol A you.h a saanyYoeiut hrm w paoryor ktuesceretse od crdohiemsapclloethns sienatificati latoiostn ea cnmtdead yohtbeheae dlrt sihismc ilnofislaorermd le bagtyai olunlyiefs tyaobul iasrhee adn p rinogmraamte os.f r Texas Department of Health iecldtssi uoaitnrinoevssn oawrlvidiation C isftn c, thesaat o. I gnt hrf Workers Compensatio ecetheadnhetreaaltthme infnt, pormaaymetniot n.orhTehailsth r icgahtre operations as ap pliei twis neto ghaCualquier abuso, negligencia o P andrreepqouritrienmg eonf fors coosntd k il ae Yo thg our ioa byst oSI oeth ork; ga tew io edratiexposureys, uufeav sioc oolatiofp ray doniatiofs, thte Deu d istiron,atheeti ctateena ofSp on Disreoctories m ure inspectorsorma e d om entionm ma ed(re l re lati em die Inmates monaitoringrs,s ex devices sta 10termth iatiet. ys epqro. Health Facility Compliance Divisionurs whiecneda tion f you ha IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK antIf E- Form I-9 information to confirm that you areoli illiz o ae a S eo gb e c u econfiprmara a oe a a .r e n a m m o e e o a paprlteicaidpoar e pna Ert-iVceipraif ye yn Ep-roVeporirfcyi yo nparorp orcionar laesuanlu pda mcieennteta looc lsieenrvteic dioeslhdoe 4. Texas Department of Health ev ou io icero A W talsp iatioorc ERdto mentateh with nc rt ertme n rs enother din eg ip isR pfr oytoeucrte cod vheeraaglteh i aoirarponb amjretac yot,f tuyo ostiuhnerg p wem ithp ylooyuer r pslpaon nssporoends ogr.r oup health plan, we may shareque an coorrmrecattiioonn ainl fa thceili tcyou arnsedoyfou prr opvhiydsiincigaof, Al io h i tyenodfou o.rrm reatcieoinv etdo y porourvi pdreo lteecgtaleldy h reeqaultihres fdo there r du(3) ith m oti oxr fopr intuooItoisPrAf,iarcAea stfa Ntirociinocitl 75631tiv mhah;p pTeonemedtnoh t,teh in eisct bceepl urwedinsai lych; ocguonthteainplace y t in the way ay.Neither should the ation sour tatusCall IER i an emplo te theImmigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) wri a autprh e o h o o i- k E y r- s vi V e yd n e a ee c d a n e o S n h a lom V o oI-9 i e e ao n p in p a o o l tr n o ge m e s u o a o t- e U p n e e k o o S n a E n .m p a Ve h a c en a a it e e e n o h Vo ny .S u ahm that you ar en laolVrea sgoE u dc e o o e s e a ie a U a e h c e n c q E p e n u e a o a q n a u d ua e a o o a a o u o d u q e U e e u o u c a e que e u n n o o c e e .u a o z n n a q a e a n e m c n o d a le o a a a d o a o c drice ,a c o a e q n a op e a e e n e ue a e e aa u a en E-Verifycy e o aa u ae u u E o uFe aoo e c rp m im a d irea e d uu p o o c ad an et F o d a b p ein E a o zt e e d rmacin ngviolation the Servicios de Salud del Estado. Con 1100 est 4th Streetter msu thereunder, epe en t a tionm //wC en Re iati .m ono .c ieve-5 Depaeet mr psoearnysdoyniossucilinsveoen tltvioef yam , De sh iatiolo Na edua lhr tehfaa mlcathri liye,.nafIre m C gisterem indivgi dtou Spe atyionalrep rm e epb on ision onc, toae er cdivecp hr coverage.ru a n dards for Protection Against Machine- urpror s d y(1) our dalf com unrpf r oaenPcsrdetios vl.i raymTc, hytite oaPrfrtiaaiogmcnhtitisc.l teyo A s mrd. Iedectim etexiibovceelnur stahd lolieyss,rlnot retaliate against shouldnt ge ally-authorized w.S. immigrenship sorers rtaom discriation latus and ws -Does not hire you or ryeres you ecause o your1-800-255-7688 T cont Ife e esp Ih ifm h a e oa n s e c a d a a st ze h d thwo f a al a e a s n m neod n c ir s io o e h a e n m D o c e E n c h ac u k a E on e ohy o o s th u n e b Sa E aU g S ed a e iv n S uyo rp c w u ba n uoo wiul ltoa aeutSorizoa p o d n b aey d c o E S o u s d p fd o d to qu ee ai a c o a d ae a o E e o a E a c d u e o ifb c e e o c n UU ns e S o b u rl a u p e e n qtsr d st uc d e n a e e a rm p cac e q t ut ce oe af e au n a tss d tre e a s e d o V tp e u ds d e F otm e lo n e e a d eo m ito essttun o a n ya u aeae unaS E.MP TrhLec eridguhtrse o f ow r ora rke The, a 756 is r 31 toired iss uedpections.thyou. restricteB iatiofaedty nre , pr stricte m ed 1O ohir seacnbl oyleso uturoera you object, we mtayi atoranue.sseArk e and dn You 0ortunity to agre or object to the use orquem orm Dms cay s a yoabfus elusenen d, aot rhnu dtrotohiiusoccgrelhi ozd sediwereh y aoiccctuqlhy ur y itpoosrutyo i msh eedscasesa, or disclosure of your health information.ta lostse orild fat tan bdr tioef of y s thoseth Streeth ithisda alud del Estado de Texas. na ects leg xperience, and legation sal rightatus tviolate a part of the law athe la provide m u n n m e he h F e F e ot c o U p e o h ea n n oa e e e o n n c k d c c p k n a ra d a ef v a nt oc h w e a o m e iS u k a e n a o n n n n o n nt h on o d n S uc c o t w u e e o u a e ir e o h u c S n a a o o rn c eh u F uw u e a rem ca p u Si Epe-a ev o g e E ri- n co e V S ifo E n o er u n a o n e e p U n e o a e a U cp a V F V iS e odp n p o n c e E y u ca e riar a a a c ppj a n a a a n e a e a uu d acp a o firu q o n e n c p a u oe a a e n q c e d o q u aa u o b a a e a o a n n a u p o a u c n e d e p tio q pd u e p u n c n e a a e a n n e a p n zd u d n p a a c eee a a e e F d c o a n e p o a n a o at n u n fi n d A e o a p e d a d e n e r u e d a ud d a e n u n la u p ae re 9 u d ey a .U u d lin a steddarAustin, Texas 7 fica IT m olain akoerk to vailvaobvl ntalnsOtRK meeasadcletrhi beculalotrii sgorieenod lui gtas toi oaw fpuehfisoiil aacptfhflei ioy ltionhau.a You have the op es(1qu the m alen nlativ tio)ee,n,t , owldil lsts his or her an ten reportm roefm y o(1urem Austin, Texas 7 1570 DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYuerent for electronic health records.OYERS fRES rules RESPNSIB registratio om pghra t S tanyetis tect eddis chloeaultrh egim noffo enthrtm,e d apertiootenter. cmItfein ydeo h uwe aahlereththneinorf tt ohprerme saetinto n,ofn thdee r Ut.hSe.lDaewp, waret mmeunst to mf Hakeea dlthis aclnods uHreusm toan yo Suearatindon Telephone: ( ia t i yotoohurn:feet eafp obro tmh cpetdiotdscn n chassbnteyoenobtnirc beet rach.eielceaecch ft Werroodnem.icTar haus,elelryn e. prottional origin. part o UUC.(a( inormaw ction on pran e complicotections rated.Call IER tom discriminao get mortion e (Up to 17 industry postings may be required.) 2. Telephone: ( UR 00) 22 rs.ce 1570 TY AS ow ES res; California rules employerie ra icialm tec agency. prsroeo fesDe q u tatey dai stosecidtohlonHeo unr sg isc d, m He ourtel writ u athw feidscelroals ursatnr eaednx ocaly to theseyh r ienqufo Sino eovide notice to the sponsor of your plan,tions. Ypouunhaha reqvveueu ethetheifstga ve nhhp ifrtto ytttoeoocutore edhbcta avheivineea ae la gtnohr ep ineatdpfi oceetor rmo a cfca otcaeppio st turis OUT THIS NOTICE,IDON\'T LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAY a oEa-uVehrif ed o dn c wog nto o irtmtt w fy or al gEosbt eierpnleaEoal sf gdeteood bree rmiearl nlao ifnefdoermraal clai in fdoerm sua cFiornm duel asruio F Io-r9mU1.ouCr oemmpplylo yewri tihsret YORerquuliraetinesn, tsd ILI Yo artm th oride specific isa ninttyoo uyro ubre hste ianltthe rceasrt. eI wn ithl ) your employer shall give yo compliance with the requirements of Section 164.50 nidc ews htoen in rveeqsutiigreadte b orytdheete Srmecirentea royu rnhotifychi vycauroawhacekiny eb o grto eriny eorigur eees crhoteviiaapelltrt yhhio a innorf m fotof hr wremeh bsaautretil or, yve the skills, e .Neither should thenational origin or citizenship status (this may ased on citizenship status and nayotheir pron, notiv int to the urn(1 mSv) to any individual organ or tissue; orto taltoraeffdiatiectiovne if mail within 60 days of the event. A breach oc3.alud del Estado de Texas. lati thisatc lioss urerlee n. by L circumstanc dsise,c loosnledy .the protected health informationse taanidnare subjec ual dose report in writing.atm rin ieinforef emPlnvnereevem plorit the fol Ue.S.ns,by first-clas poco profesional o poco tica que ocur and Spanish (even if you have no Spanish-speaking employees).I The our citizenship or immigr la Trea.S.ts you unfairly while checking your right towww.justice.gogv opae oD n lplo u I9 e o g n u oin a .S c ea o a la iz o o n u k, tt tchoios nw empl o e E S yiD o o rm o to o th c a o g ooc a n a s e d n o n o o u y h ounee in S e o e mS a up rirpdempl eador partici e a e n u u ra m d fn cen 9 e a o np n ie n e p fy ar lu e A e u b d m a a d u a teo ir o a e em e oy c s u e q u le na ts pd r q s d e pae p iroe cric oe o st binanadd ilaictieonns eC coonntrd W oe its AT IS CO mo riariz rin (C)epssush IA onra RU (re LES osure; mipm s orit howeeld ver, tnat hatcopyistratio Co y or eaul naytoeb soj tetchote, suchsic comp inneutm rinp yreoort ouefcryht yio NS S byworkers iescrtmiclae aatsti nioomdnna . sfy ouF bronot ap eefaoalattryhmpp poseatlsea ioson.f ni,m noetnc tpe rl tativ er If ig r m tections that restrict th,eyin n li n an unauthorized use or disclosure under HIPAA that compromisesplace you were born or another aspect of yourwor in the U.S., including while c Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) Th a E o n k m a im ec n n e e ifuE n e e o ct a eu uc n n y nS iy c o A c a SD s H c riteten mic c n u a hae et lo u a e a h murpe al oqryuee ire ids reequir q w e oupmo g orS n e d a d q a oiu if.oE o e ae n Nz u ie d o lr m tr id eq o eua u n n N a po b o u p a ac p a a p (m o d p n ag n eb c m iu s tr u e m c c no ac e d ue e e a n eea e o e d o nn a a e c Ers a p o in eo e uc o pe u on ous a a e e acr ro s b m a Ia r a ord io I-9 Pnods t oructa gula wi m YoOp late fo viola oreco hin rs. nsera Bre Y TH ge ep wo setrkin hforths; an Radirawti Co n m yourany-8 ject to such a disclosure, we mayPECTIO nnofftoohersar amtsi oissa nrtisaieot aa tiatvrioeen,u a nthcalabeiflyceeeni stns g. information, you may contact our of srtcerkideb theith thelnerclaiiutlvtdetahcd atHIsPm -rtreidolaNnsegro e auin ted Complaints ich deostcrecti patigoainn osftfwurhtathe wr eb rareae cdhoeins.g to investigate the breach, mitigatenational origin. violate a part of the law at IER@usdoj. If V d m od Io sisd d n n a ue o s h m c ptnoeo rwtif coyr ockna fininrn mth tte hc ,Uao.nS yf.iorumatrheat you ar g o aL g a tea iy o st S ao d ds E V u ep o n o a o E e d .p e nia d .r n U ea a a d D n d dd a ar a re eS d a o i 9 e e ae d re ua V ssp u S ja uo o a o ar, a io o c u e n u de o rstt a n E c reae p ro ie pop u s E in ar -o na r p pezayoauEREDiolog your care of yo ltrht si nafnodrm toa ticoon rtdoin aant ae uu derstand,t rto i nsp ice for more informuner aV IF YOSUEHAASVEK T ANYO SPEAK QUES TTIO OONSUROPRRIV COAMPCYL OAINTFFICERS AB.U.S.C ou can read this law at rol rmR nee ortaictitv A n g and emergency procedu tion areecifiesw Ra le pn eeprtific ta oou ontrrol d request.0-8 C) reopcuetrerredas bl e ncesoattn altidntihvitee itn irooersnfotoar r death. Finalenrv theoyrtotoh aesrsibe _e_ _of_ re_ or,iatiounderwriting pur all td morem paatritosn o.f this ioH forr t about theporotectioyinh PLEA latio termathn aftie q laidtepedl ainy yoouturwwi pthrh i vttahhece yUa.S.rdidrgh Dts,eeps patorle tfamisleeencytoo urontfaHccteo maourlpthl a apinnridtvawciythmination ased on their citiz law atUor using .S.C.(a( or (a( www.justice.gov/ier to wt FA th T p o g E o 9 y n e p tm d 9i e pd o p h lo n oeS in o e o o c d e b e o n n nn too o o ls e n ga rufo e S .S o u rnm.f n ec ee istr yi o w o u n o a g in y ao ac o e o an da n p a g e yeod to o resEosl rq go Eees u e o o a p p S a u c E oig o e rp g u o e la b ct dd a c in e e c d ra d do a a q a a c cp A p e a dH e oc o e ri )op ona ar A-as a e u 9 e u e pac e p c c ed o V H p er o o n mll eDanetdpoa rdr eta smte nto de u m a ad e eun hospital, se debe reportar al Departamento de Servicios de S rethe la er idealeeyyt emuosrrmee om obinbrueepl oirsttis iooesn np iranog Youmouldlatio un hospital, se debe reportar al Departamento de Servicios de S 4/1/2022 national origin. part o U.S. immigration lawsorm I- 1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 I-9 information to confirm that you are authorized e rraeq m d ar psconditions; and ofinou dri sparsottere cretelide fh eeaf nsr.i ghtsthe emp public or private entitble forofrspoesstyh acenrhd o udtsheisescr olaopry sdu inresesfsu ( yrieo asfu nrn yopr)to, meteac ection by representatives of the Departmentnduoeslae rsvaicluiodsfpsaircaalaodmeepnetnadl eon celia b qieunmesictaar, protects legally-authorized wenship sorers rtom discriatus and - Trea.S.ts yC.(a( peitaiel nque einotrn 1. Limits on exposure to sources o TIO Control in nc EM anfeac ptaedrasn spt roint eacntsywyaouyf thenf ordddtiisonclo tosu trheesetxo tfeanmt thilayt the use or h Services. The request otherwise permit les eoissu _m hevaenth thiye nw rfeoiltremha sayoet i uorn ,If you think we may have a vpealth and Human Services. We wil egativamente afectada por(IER) ma Immigry be able t Retaliaor ytour righ U.S. Departmenyee Right o Justs Section, Januartice, Civil Rights Division, Immigrythe o H ak H o in ot ro e ioI da a H u c c m m o p ou n o a (iS 9 e g u u a n a S ss g n S d o y A H e on o his h rin tc S A p c m o stlaoernuyndetcrotai foinsnrseaqnudir eadneo d q o n laors EE o ir oa h m E o u e se d a m erc u d lr u dv a c e o d y c a c e d p lp a e S tlild p S hh o p u p ad d d fa ti a o a a lD rn n o p H d a y e o n e m )l i aou o l nD n ri A a o u u u m c n or escrito y una ador est rardoivaidtioen.youracin que la salud fsicauyotu partme y, we may use or disclosen nwith oregard to radiologicaloworking conrs,dition yhfoum e n artme ido, es o (IER) ma ant and Emploo help if an employee Rights Sectionyer treatsup f ou unfairly while checking y o iu uns pterdo freasioonnaabl mlemdeincotehcare pea rticipado, est 2m diatio les require ta that youremployer give you aDepa Atro istrativ ired he(TA hb 2-75 er\'hs license or registratio the resentativeed or required by law. You may thto Effec national origin.ou can read this law atwor in the U.S., including while completing theand Emplo so y o u A ca m altr ta A p t k o h m V o cn o n t9 m n e k ehe c h g e pa o om n D u e a a q n o S p oe ot c m ft VH u c ud o c p c nn h c n le n c E m e - V n eir cn eter-stpteVroeneizr amd fs p ie n mlN u g o g mp U nir S deA ao uci m e c a n to ie c u c u o ip S SE se b m bae Duc a aq e S u c a md mn u m d e te tr md o iim e p ion oa i fy una vez r ohcaubrirliidtaec aib 4. Caution signs, labels, and safety interlock equipment;ISTO permit employeba rk m worker is netn ogfa Sgtateel lu epende work mers.mic agencydc eopus. T m is.eodrn we le tporso ndeto r ecohamboil istaecai pno msibdleic aal, you unfairly in violation of this la.S.Che w. (the law prohiits retaliation atU.S. Department o Justice, Civil Rights Division, Immigrantprovide the federal gove o u o n e e ip H o o a in c on n n foh r no m d m nyie a,a u c nrutforwciitiaythl S yecuur Si tEoo maemmrloia S m oe l probla u d ar oSpc d U a d ip p a S le Snu a p S m a E- uo s.ttm o ea fy opqleadoA opued a stracin r anbcuiason ao o n iengclaigpaencictaiad,a o e qn uuenhhospital quoe pro 5. Exposunm detak s.) an s cRA ports; n thN E latin diatio Regulations, p to to dicaa, HIGH oayalt re en authorization, unles ega i, nlths ta hlinei fsoo fn rmoytoiucaertiopwnrol ittheacettmiendav f cth Duringlido abuso, negligencia o explotacin de una personamination ased on their citiz Rew a es against tt yo wou becork as prause yotou arected be speaking y this lawIER@usdoj.gov u or c opportpurnoivtyid teo t choen ftea o ew o c n cop eatratmcpt Department f e oporaerutqtuounreidrziaoddpo o doa rep td uacanrorainld etar aiadncb tsdaterjrua carcol,c nDaeitltos ielac(antpDecie pAaH tesaardSt mrp mea )ysmql,ad n ta m m lp dp m p e oe ra py m a b a u it Ito ced 9 pleador sci lvmoisdauuy raue slisesi nroerv qdouilvsireddsibne yyyoloauuwr.r Tphrheoaet eltucthse ec doa rrh eeda.islcthl oisure wil be made in compliance with thesalud mental o dependencia qumica, reporte tal informacin tan pronto como sea posible alE2 exposure inlatio RH 23 abuso o negligencia, o que ha ocur Texas Reporting of Abuse EHTX02U.S.Corm I-or using E-Verify (this may viola and Employee Rights Section, January(DHS)p v p p a mS ee e e h a t9 e aea a m no n oe e e e n u no a n w o h o e a o di n p e u kfa e lr a n n n eoU o o ment with g o ih a b enb n y d m o e o n iSt ladt igy r i ty y, urity m u meisnral. clcvUieoUrnn e.f .idrel m i d g a n u a r l es eu e N n l e am ou e n e oIru a a e q ds u u e a o s ao co p ee u p m e. a le a po p s e eae c s rr V la p u b e e sr e n a dctrabajar nItem #Price Copies of this notice tResttheeN YO ers reo ard M rth e w an POSURE H th l2 ace of employment. ie nginspalle ccbtoe rssignedamayworker ordance with 25 TAC 289.232 (relating tocin tan Our E-Verify Poster Service provides the required postings, SI USTED TIENE DERECHO A TRABAJAR to giv rtgehtiu vyonoerTiti outzyhoyp eowipsgudtr oioevitw troecmttreu o wypinntnolto toeiiuatrnyny kcwes t,tirt notdc rce psSn t rDalr gpoavretmrnemnten i t( uu e d c the a eoid eo dE LS d u i e o ur uem ema tu ltle od l ( c mtra io n que st mc es iq D qV oe p ya u m u l u ne delhe laDepartamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado. California Radiationy to or from anyregulaw thations t IER enor this laorw arces isUe atCR. art . taliatUtes ag.S.C.(a( or (a(activities regulatedmu serv d in a sufficient numberR of places in evTery establishment wheo frequentingriv The Immigry be able tant and Emploo help if an employee Rights Sectionyer trea ts U.S.C.(a(nEdeainst you because you are speaking portion of a restricteREPORTS ru exposure he UR copin pu m OST Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado. you unfairly in violation of this law. up for your right to work as protected by this lawto Etm F vi be a E m c d is rn c yn n c d ecmfdn utveheebr c m a V p n c s e p m e SU eb.Se.gin tor yer L ueu u ta e S q g oi d U aprsaoblem o e su rempleo c eema le n s ty m e tamento de o tiene inform Ra d area to e a employees lo eaS RADIATIONThis guidance document is not intended to be a final agency action, has no legally binding effect, and has no force or effect of la.The documenor more infe, do not est may be rescinded or ormation, see tablish legally-amu ny actin w otra m m to mo ee e UyS ce m e n e u a a dq d a mep alue saotnetde se ndste q auue el empleador puedaao puede ser ilegal, poco profesional o pocoRadiatio ton conmo sea pos icientn n Mumabcheinr oefs), plac toe pse inrm eitv eermyp elostayebelissh tom oebnset wrvhee rea c eompyp loony etheseawreay e tompSi uuns tperdo freasioonnaabl lmemdeinctoe h car epea ort itcieipnaed oin,f oersmta cpiarnti cqiupea nedl oh oos ppaitartil coi puanr e menp lceoanddou dcetalhqousep eitas lhe law that IER enorces isU.S.Che(the law prohiits retaliation at au g o Veinm e tz o g d o S e o ion w g d b D k ao u As m tythle tu tuin n a d tr aa no ud n c ng a SA)q a epar aF yaed fy ia oe p dcontacta c esbtte jo d do e lastara, Divisin de Cumplimiento de anctid oann yo "f No25ti TcAeC o fCh V n8"9 o mr aordy EHCA04 03/15 _istratio _n a_n_d_ _an_y_Divisin de Cumplimiento de nstalacionesdicasenforceable responsibilities beor ll Components discreyond hat is required bts: Prohibition of Improper Guidanction, in accordance ith applicy the terms of the applicable las.The Departmene Documenable sts, from tatutes, regulations, or binding judicial precornets guidancy General Jee documenfferson B. Sessions III, ots, including this guidancedent.Fvember 16, 2017. havek moa orp m tih ra -u e in nsdoo pS e o o ct yur eu or e e iAyD yrh er a e n tm u nu rot D e m l g e S u e ad ano c d oyi n y le u SeesgouSSlvreeoeggr Suupu a S id S u ee la cp inrua y eS pla d o a S o a l e sttF e n an ee u oc a s esto e e a eutnd F n e e n a a n d , u e nfp n u iu u d ea ypm on n o to de n etnatna lpr nstalaciones dicas o puede ser ilegal, poco profesional o poco tica y eso est relacionado con la operacin delmodified at the DepartmenU.S.C.(a(A o m o m o g rhfo e .ty ia m e m u a n a eo y su e befora ecug theo o lo y s a n u n n c a tio e c in e . c u o o n ercan uueS iu Est-Vede arify n e re trabajar, esteai re momfaeprl etqaua eddoe ur st rae a d a ll b e re a eq e n if as c-r pr ae a a b o. orTelfono: (00) 221570 ING REQUIREMENTS 64 (04/17)Telfono: (00) 221570 regulations or this law are atCR. art . For E ha m E 9 F I- myV E F a E V a t a woorrizke, uo oe Sg eio w y t h d aa m m h e n o yp oe inm e o rp e g o V nte n tm E v u e er e yone ue u le tme e inrc rp e d e e S e o v y a b ha z a o p e rm oen a c d S ap e. dsnau b c e e o A n e e q .s in u a ae d p el n ar r eEn-Vuetirliuif zya aurtn nEa rVv noa odosMemorandum fLD2-U1200FONLYHLTH$41.99 hn os eplit ahlo os pdeit alol,srseeprovirctieo st apla irnaf olar msaalucdi m , doenpe cia qumica iob see ravlicios de raemhabiltaocinhospi talo os pdiet alol,s r seeprvoirctieo st apla irnaf olar msaalucdi mn etantna lp, droenpteon dceonmcoiasqeuam picoas iob slee ravlic Dioesp daer traemhaebniltaoc idne one year of legal monitoring and automatic shipping of This guidance document is not intended to be a final agency action, has no legally binding effect, and has no force or effect of la.The document may be rescinded orp o F hIv a elrru e9oo e F ot a d kih o ev n p gn y r o sg n it a b a o u en y tr H e D e S u nn ha ork, tyheirs iesm repqlouyiererd is required p ra ed n n id d ed m m ea d o m u c b ue udcuc sp9 c s mop d fe a n d cu ddutr o aamento ar neislte e le uedaCopies onfCothisn tronotil Rece shgualatioll ben sp ofstore Ded inntal a s Rauf AREA _ica Se puede presentar una quea por escrito o verbalmente a la:enforceable responsibilities bets discreyond hat is required btion, in accordance ith applicy the terms of the applicable las.The Departmenable statutes, regulations, or binding judicial prects guidance documents, including this guidancedent.For more infe, do not esormation, see tablish legally a F pv h n c o ne y n p aIA c m c o in u e n a ta n c 9 b Vo n wtc ks v y o m eit nn br ) a E v te a V m o e y n n p e u c do p a ep the temrmatriroen mcasouca u rlo re b erif o d re oy lp erif e ar ) al Depar iz a T b o n u o a b o E u u Ve el emprpopcliecdaubreles,se (For employers holding a radiological license or rHigh Registradiation ation and possessing rArea Warning EHG04adiation-emitting equipment and/or materials.) Servicios de Salud del Estado. EHTX0410/19 modified at the Departmen er I- H a p -eei a igwW e oS e o p op e e g o Vm -tioennst aonf u a one oporteunidadocp ooemr tcpulonenitdtaadcdotdae rel aFclo oDrnmetpaucalatrartiarom a rI-le 9Dn.teop adet oame d naracinor yfroedm in th aecirtiv pitlaciese reg of istereemplody,m ine ant.c _oc_ Finpyou wficgynr oe o r nenmd pcloomyepr eist erdeqthueir edt Segucroidmapdl eSNteagdcuior neidal aFldo(D rNmHaSucl)ia orn iaoa lIa(-9D A.HdSm) ioni ast lra cAidmn ed ceerissvieuwede db oy nthliene a, gaet nwwcy mwa.dysh bs.texe vieawes.gdo vat/rad theiatio follno.w Ouingrloliccaetinseon a: n_d_/_o_r _c_erti_ aeu tahcocreizpetde an E bobeE na a o o n cA o p celbe p e one he oportunidad de contac tc o.na Psdua c eomn d az, aidnr acluyendop laueda ter 2 m sisjoaplatio have aHcocmepetleadn da Sjoebc uorfeyr (aDnHd Sc)o omr pSloecteiadl tShec nomSe puede presentar una quea por escrito o verbalmente a la: a_ss_o_ciate_ en ts, our operationMemorandum for ll Components: Prohibition of Improper Guidance Documents, from orney General Jefferson B. Sessions III, ovember 16, 2017. includi o iso lo o e havea te m t(e rl a e tinp o o Vy e u m n pon o n d oo er ee in c ooaf n th r if ch PLstam c p e ia s a sr leeq u o E m o enmu ao p enFunciol emt doy a Tiafy ez y Homeland Secu nerify W e orksor E -V asld o( NSlvSaelAcriS )eo pl paarrloa(D bqHluemSe paou aean dtlaesAedtemdemp qeinuzieasert e ralecimpnledaedlDepartamento de Salud de Texas Departamento de Salud de Texas aec m ia tdn.omint yi ( rnStiiosSArcao) tnsiotoanc (tS DrS d m c m egcinl alquier (aa -V A) para qo intra,. eincluyetpndo la or pAustin, Texas 7 Austin, Texas 7 Employers c erif a ei tiyss(ueH ,bSe) afoorr iSe yothceiaelt mSeict byuergitiyn to plo no accinu eien a su c smdpeleqo na Pyou cRequired by: Texas Health & S. 161.132; 25 TX ADC 133.47 (For hospitals providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation, mental health or chemical dependency services.) FormE m em ea o nece p o eI ion sa smo Vjn eomiea e ty on p clae eer y, ti yo s oif plea cLE P a a erif u mFuncio o -t9 ro s a TdEur V . rify,a od soi1100 est 4th Street756311100 est 4th Street75631resoAlevdE m V e strat inay uienc jo youks or E n to di ver ty ma m d uer has e a m tr a oo -V n p n qFuncio d mm na Par d a e odos on a s ofeTexas Reporting of Abuse EHTX02 Required by: Texas Health & S. 161.132; 25 TX ADC 133.47 (For hospitals providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation, mental health or chemical dependency services.) replacements whenever a mandatory change occurs.SI USTED TIENE DERECHO A TRABAJAR m tleo solve c t d rm yeo u d ting or u E r em s a ploym pent ddo e eh e Vo Los etemos Los empleado cs nlapoi fe le d m pl odos a vjoelmo mm F erif ocW m dr ue o od for E o n y oy c e ,s qmFao m islo o m oie oe util izaer E-Verifutilizar E-Verify kaet iriannngy y aocutr employment.a V po m n louo clh tm m rp m on haya acepta ra rio I-9aevp Employermcaai nn sotn ylmyouu, including que usted c u a o tado uuaE e jo y9 tu yoe ec- ina ru ea -oE b co se E-Venrify oncesPteadra musst ya ace s maciebd bre E-Veri erify, o siohamve accepted job potff b n e ho pc re completado el Formulario s n sbre E-foyou believe that your em -V beicreeeqinduf eco rrsu empleaodor ha Vvifoladoee que su empleador -h NO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE Form a I-9. rm tls E ea o sks vei f n Esmbilitie one sus responsabilid ampe aE ifHy,S pNO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE b eioltaV oor E esp very E-VerifyfE Funcio lie ad-eVoser rdhifeay ,Ev p-ioVolreaodrorify, por ted dispone de las c , su esatus migrxperiencia y torio o deLlame a la IER si un empleador: inftormacin sobr E-V il ed its aE-Verimfy8 y DHS.is 9878-7-8781E-Va-V r coynna P a Todosder al a trabajareprapacidades, e No lo contrata o lo despide a causa de su Esa ley puede ser ce las promplicotos del esada. Llame a la IER parecciones etatus de ciudadana o xistentes cona ms tra laE iavseetchoantt yocutrD eHSp.rloyeor nhsab,silities,suuss rteeds pcsfoarunevseo ra rqeb csuiploeifdn osatanvuadso Funciocatratd ecce otasearn Ddtaa TaeH Dna Pc SEtHe.odos-VS a.ear Dr ara Todosst E-Verify responsticiudadana no debe r esenttar un obstaculo, ninacionalidad de origen o estatus de ciudadana (estodiscriminacin por motiv violateydE Wp-lV ei or please contac y88-88 97-778 voerifS yes migr on la.contenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) del Ttulo 8 della nacionalidad de origen.erify W ore ycks orcvter er oneP - v - er er E-V i er erify Funciona Pi usecho leg erif Wks DfvHyor EoneS. yExiste una part podra representar una vulneracin de parte de la leySeccin de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Empleados (IER) -VEerif-Verify Wor ntfaor E one rify, orifra v/e sPv y erif 1 yks for Evertampoco lo debe ser el lugar en que usatorias de los EE. UUted naci o en. Cdigao de los EE. UU ta a la forma de .,1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 dhs.godhsv/e.go v ify- a ifFunciona Para ToEe rv-baiVirfdoyeeol,ra Eriodf -yh Vos,a ieo rv siifoiyl,a od so i odos dningn otro aspecte de las leo de su nacionalidad de orig 888-897-7781Item #Price que protegorizen a los tracin legabajadoral para tres que cuenabajar de la tan cLo tr obar su der www.justice.gov/crt-espanol/ier For moreF ionrf omrmoraetionnfo ormn aEt-iVoenr ifnoy, Eo-rV ief .gov/e m if s nrfao rmmsarsruecmieiena mfqnocu prisemloen sbaa sucrdo eeio bEmrnr -eh pVs aledhs adebida aut comprta de una maner.)a injus yoFuo br emlioeyvroeu itn hbfaoetlr imyeovauet irto henam ot pynl oEuy-erV ree hmriafyoDHS. ociudadana o nacionalidad de orig incluy y (esto podra rompleecho a trteprar el esenabajar en los EE. UUFormulario I-9tar una vulner o utilizacin dearIER@usdoj.gov nb ps,l o oyre irf hasustPeadr car meuesun tsqees ui adernee b fqc oisoulapidnebfo taaisnalvduisdcoe ataerseb md c diaeolpie sdDnleEatdHaa-decSVde Ete.oser-diV afhyee Da,r E piHvf-oyiVSo,r e.pl a f rifroy , por discriminacin por motivos de su esen.Puede ctatus de E-Verifendo al c violvayitooeulda pb tivelteesidola iE leisatv-setVee Eec dtorp-h Vinlftayeestta r rEyicesfo-yetsV u D prcereo orHesinnSfmpsyt.oia prbeliolsiytpiosn,s .ibilities, susus sruetessd pr crCdig y contenida en la . Seccin 1324b del Ttulo 8 del onsultarla ley contenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) o (a)(6) delcst iDeiHr liShasBIOHAZARD HIGH esta leo de los EE. UU Ttulo 8 del Cdig fendido yDepartamento de Justicia de los EE. UUechos de Inmigran., Divisin de Dertes y Empleados, echos please contact DHS. 8 ties, -89 easvpofoarn vcsor contacte a Eng nishPosterName of Infectious Agent LD2-U0004S$24.99 Es posible que la Seccin de Der (IER, por sus siglas en ingls) echos deata de una formasu derecho a treprabajar al ampar Civiles, Seccin de Der 888-88978-877-78-7879187-71781 English /l iSspah /ni SspahEningPosslhistehPro / sStpaerpueda a tes y Empleados Toma represalias en su co de los EE. UUontra por haber de.) enero del 2019 dhs.gov/e-verInmigr ontra de esta ley. 1324b(a)(5) del Ttulo 8 del Cdig 88 .govif/ey-verifyinjusta, en canyudar si un empleador lo tr esalias, segn se indico de eso de los EE. UUa en la Seccin ta ley (la le.) dhsSpecial Requirements for Entering This Area RADIATIONLa ley que hace cumplir la IER es la Seccin 1324b delprohbe las r E-Verify.govTtulo 8 del Cdigdicha ley se encueno de los EE. UUtran en la Part.Los re 44 del Ttulo 28 del eglamentos de Size: 11" x 17".Cdigo de Reglamentos Federales. e de la agencia, no tiene ningn efecto jurdicamente vinculante y puede ser osltieshrName of Laboratory Director AREA Este documento de orienado a la discrecin del Depart to, conforme a las letes ms all de lo que se requiere en los tto deEnglish / SpanishEPng / Spanish Posterrescindido o modific tacin no tiene como propsitameno ser una decisin definitiva por partorientacin, no establecen responsabilidades jurdicamente vinculan yes aplicables.Los documenodos Los Componentos de orienrminos de las letes: La Prohibicin ctacin del Departyes apliconamenables, los reglamentra Documento, entre ellos estos de Orientos o los te documentacin English / Spanish Posterprecedentes jurdicamenal General Jete vinculanfferson B. Sessions III, 16 de notes.Para ms informacin, vase Memorndum para Tviembre del 2017.Contact Phone Number (For employers holding a radiological license or rHigh Registradiation ation and possessing rArea Warning EHG04adiation-emitting equipment and/or materials.) Laminated, bilingual. Impropias, del Fisc E213003/19Required by: 29 CFR s 1910.1030 (g) (l) (ii) (FFederal Biohazaror HIV and HBd Information Sign EH4004V research laboratories and production facilities) 26 EMPLOYER COMPLIANCELABOR LAW POSTERGUARD.COM800.999.9111 27'