b"Maintain a Single Source of2020 Calendar PlannerTools to Manage January February March AprilWEB-BASED Essential Employee Information SUN MON TUES WED1 THU2R FRI 3SAT4 SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI7SAT1SUN1 MON2 TUES3 WED4 THU5R FRI 6SAT7SUN MON TUES WED1 THU2R FRI 3SAT4 and Motivate 567New Years Day 89101123456148Daylight S 891011121314Palm Sunday 567Passover Starts 891011 App 12131415161718910111213Valentines Day 15Time Beginsaving 1617181920211213141516Good Friday 18 1517 St. Patricks Day Easter Sunday Passover Ends192021222324251617181920212222232425262728 19202122232425 M King Presidents Day Administrative artin L Jr. Duther ay Professionals Day262728293031 23242526272829 293031 2627282930Awards HR SoftwareMay June Ash Wednesday July AugustCertificate Displays 77 Gradience Attendance 12SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI 1SAT2SUN MON1 TUES2 WED3 THU4R FRI 5SAT6SUN MON TUES WED1 THU2R FRI 3aySAT4SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRISAT1 REVISION DATE: 07/16 EEOC U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission FLSA Fair Labor StandardsIndependence D Independence Day Scan the QR code on your state poster for compliance verification. Act(Observed)Equal Employment Opportunity is Clocks & Awards . 78-79 Gradience FMLA Tracker 14 345678978910111213567EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 345678 101112F T inm ce d a a o ed 13At a h i peremits ye p 14a mtes ws tih Federal ),E t E T w T abo a spe r e hc 15n 16soe ast,17a w w Enx l I S e t Al T e T D e G e D a ev nr m e E IS E d s e cr ue pb D h Xa rlef lr C Private EmploEy s A u A etqodfa r iit E ( i k t B m m ii r s o ,e Ti l n e ictird L se , e m T es h s o A in iso tx or f U o r ri cpd (e o e ca yilnd G lo afe S ol A i firr t, y ro E D b m N x c ra tit L , R1 ie m1 , pS m O N e S rn E R ) a R nt de 2t4 C ,l I o n l r 6 ymi F r E c s o l l-s u nf u in i i r s c r Ltai O e fa H p rm dil THE LAW a ele I em ye a L U la , ed r f h m i a Y f to n t B O lion h c S n e E oc g N E or6 de ns, L c Pu x , p n A r ro ie I a cu r e tis,oL Re ea X A 7 sv a o o D s l e f ra itoy jh S to o nl im n e o c prpi o m io f it lo s r r ad d w a li p it n l m o ln sni m naw o d i n er t a tya t a m r l g r n a o c p ve t r s t dn r m o r t sri r e r , nt s oS R eu nt a b ra i no c o s n c o on1 s fe n f-c ic r8e e t t0 s h r iubc o 0 infol l In on a ao er b o ine n 13s e b t o onnf.o , s14T o a e A A nm m N C do pEr V hle C w u EaRstTlo lte p e 1 I w re w ia - A O qu Y e 8ie gr t s t iam ectly clasfr e l d r etieuo b n W r lat lt m 9 t e d d tbheto expres i Fin o l A W m A on H1 10o i T ep 08 d/ay sc.l Daimif RE F LABOR tt c 11e r isc k. tn r 9 im T A w GE m s 3 r 2eclaredranm 101112131415 stitutions,UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT15161418m 1920or Orga 12owing bases: 15 FEDE16 RAL M17 INIMUM W189 erps,l oSytmaten at nAdg LenocciaelsG anovernments, Educationad Lab nizationsRecognition Programs . 76 Gradience TimeClock 13 Mothers Day 181920This posting includes all employee notices required by the federal government. 2324T r tlge Applicanagtes ntocie asn ad nedm lapbloor organizations are protected under Federal ladwefrmompl odyeisec Vyg c ri mfroinmat iodiseecanrstiom, oniann bathltiyeo an cb cianos mihsi omrinf org,ad cpatere,ocmaono lotiro, n,21e la 2223$7.25 PER HOUR 16171819202122 Employee Records1725262016 ComplyRight, Inc. Must be posted in a conspicuous place for convenient viewing by alemployes and aplicants. 30 deim o islichli ooanIge,Ieeose, fspxt haren Titea V Civil n Rp bgir geaphcnrteste icfgiAents,tnj o s of most private employers, state and local governments, educat ion atl ienstitutions, employmentde m 28ToIPn Ot p- m M tEim PeA s the regular rate of pay for al BEGINNING JULY 24, 20 s can readily see it. 2142526272829 Armed Forces Day Flag Day RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGINs where the ac nlaale ssoifriiciag2122232122, fcrlundgie25cyb),tr9a in4,a agin26Rneo,l iger tecetusrap ,sacr icidantts 19202425 Fathers Day DISABILITY iious of 1 cmndedti., pr 27oina heirno an sinpecclutdse osf f aeimlinpgl otyom r , rinvei pfdehuryaalssilc,faarnol d rodmtihescenrrit aamsl inlpimeactiitationsires employers to display this poster where employeommodation does not impose undue hardship.Tietlpe aI syain s deof td. ilDs isail ibotyiflititynhehd iAirscimnrigem, rpiicnraoantmiso wont iiinothcn ,lDu didisesascbh nialitorigtee sm,Apakcaityn,ogff r rin1e9ag9se o0b,ne aansbe laef meinnwd osn o of n itasc, ncjoob dtmr, aopidnroaintteigoc, tcnlqtasou saithlfiifceiae tkdiPen and Pins 76-772 Memorial Day 272829866-463-4574www.posterguard.com 2829ehm a nloogteh afDt eiiosmcnr pbimloaysinme alified individual with a disabi9lit6y7 w, ahsarge, pay, fringe benefits, jo 26ification, refere 272930 hours worked over 40 in a workwe leasth o18o lt ho owuorsr kin i nv anroionu-fa rnmon j-ombsan dufacturing,3Poster Guard31430discr osreistdminida ims eann daepdp,l picraontte cotr se amppplliocyaenbt tsr aainning, clas thmein pimmloiynueimme suw. maEgm eh opoulobryll y aw 31 20Tfh hanHz aeIrmLdoDplu oLsy ebAeyBmthOueRs Ste bcer eatta lreya sotf1L6a byoear. rYs oouldth tso 1 w4 aonrkd i 1n5 m yoesatr sn oonld- famramywjoobsrka onudt saitdaspects o 3Smart App September EPPA Employee Polygraph Protection Act October ActAGE alidb s imin W erwise quadteif, ontn . iang Ee minp hloiryinmge, nptr oAmct otifo n1, disch SAT3e, bardri nemg pulnodyueee sh 4ar0d yshiapr.s orfa al, gaen od ro tohldeer r fromb ibtp CyienRirEnsD g,o IfnT otni-phpaezda erdmopuslo jyoebess w withho c emrteaeitncwerotrak inh coournsd irtei strsi cmtionfear epnatr tiraull ews aagpep clyr eind iat gbraicsueldtu orna l teipmsp rleocyemiveendt .by theirTUES1 WED2 THU3R FRI 4SAT5 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS pqoad NEIC ef oG sic nrraiemtsioipnnoan itnsioi bnthil iepty rp,o ahuynimbddeisr crsiimmiilnaar tiwoonr kAicntgocof 2n0d0it8io nprs,o itne ctthseaspapmlieca ests and employes from discrimination basedThUe RFLSSINA rGeq Mu ogneu.,sItft h apenayee mmtippppllooeyydee ree mmsp utilpsots y emceoasmk aebcuinpaes hdtheww iadtgihef f tehoreef na etc mele.palsoye $r2.s1 3c apsehrwhoagueroiff t ahte lye acslati m$2 a.1 3ti pp ecr ehdoitu rag daoin nsto tth eeqiru al tendtbofywTaitglee sV tIoowf othmee Cn iavinl dR mighetnspAecrt,fo arsm aimngte asnubdbliessdhtma, nthetnieat lEl.yq equal work, in jobs that require ual Pay Act of 1963, as amended,overtime requirements in order for the employe DecemberItem #PB1-SA100 FREE! Employment Testing 51-53 Labor Law Posting Service36-37 SUN MON TUES1 WED2 EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT lement, etc.)WED lg eIn otfe IV ivue eieeenss THUR1rfiog sstemroneGI IS d ee FRI 2IS oses an unlawful emploi t uwn ym November 9TUES3 EvN bled WED4 ifuicde THUR5 evea twh FRI 6SAT7 who is subject to the FLSAs789101112 ireTs HemEpRloSyers to provide reasonable break time for a nursing mother employeonitGremneattioicn In ifno hrmirinatgi,o np roNmonotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, clasn brtreuasstio mn filkro. mEm coplowoyerkrse rasre a nalds oth ree qpuubirelicd,wtoh picrho vmidaeyba ep luasceed, o btyh etTheFRI 4Polygraph ProtectionGfe dpntto TIO ecetY ding, or otherwise op 9mplsou ym it, sehno t udlis c 10on. eTotSUN1 dgiiseclynloMON2 10TheeFr tDOimeR,aC arEtnmdM eonEttNh hTra s viaoultahtioornitsy.Ttoh er eDcoevpearr btmaeckn tw magaye sl itaingdat aenanequoalrarmecooumnmt inen ldiq ucridma SUNh ethMONTHU3R EmployeeSAT5SUN MON TUES om pisellooteyyaic s LIA nt.r rm dtaiIhtios eoA ir faiansmi lyd e m iniclftyobs mre emrsem.amptilbooney reas rbs(of aaumctq igluye imns CR iteitoidcni c toael fsh tgise stonofe ratiypc);p i lnaicnfodarn rmtseaq, tueiomensp talson yfoese o cte ification, remesfteueicrr mserle,fv r agcdn eo Election Day em ahtl oheyraoecoehmttoi,mtehexa pst ruisces hss he ibemrldepleaosdtymfereo ilhmka. vs iae wne aendd t fore eex fprroems fu lns seoocrrhfithbreast milk for her nursing child for one year after the childs rrl ytc heliemipirt t ofa f m s;e tsh ettiy hmc e aairnpn afpiosflirecpsmaetnaacttttsisiLabor Day pitrsohchserpa errciggti p heibteitcst omr otsets tpsr iveaitthere e mfoprl opyreer-sem fropmlo yumseningt 13RETA OAp 8sto f tee IEVE t ee lawE vtiindhpgeul, ao Uiysls .m Sawve. atnGih hOyroipu iuorglttimately ne Daylight Sco 8t o n-.fo 6A6r9md-da4itt0iioo0nn0 a i(sltionalvflo-afrirlmaebeal)etio ant 17forun acihns ewcmyhh ilaepdye n lna atlahbsolotei r be vsevi oifo aloaslrats tieeoiosancnssehta dhrw eafol ti 12 rld use l eianmabjuotinerrdyi mp.oTurfoh mvaeniwslyiaoa wmngse in.aolHos r ovi eadldparmosaegceust iionn in. Estanpcloeyse orsfmmianyim bue ma swseasgsee,d141516Hanukkah Begins 1819678PROHIBITIONS liero d 1112of involvement in a workplace incident (theft, embez 6in a discrimination proce outrs f ileh aa gperi Time Endsavingcievilea mo 11uvls or renpeatfoeolL aiStiro 13eigmhtenbeitedes ecpr,i evaanytiladmlpi asrootuincnvehgisiy oaapsgnseaseni nsoasslfm ttt ioeheersn dtmlsais wacmy h. abaCyre ivgb aiienls g seosneedyHRAssessments Federal and State Sets9screening or during the course of employment. 7 of these Federal laws prohibit covered entities from retaliating against a person who files a charge of discrimination, participatesADCSpDeercItTiaailnI O porNoc si ioine dt nsh o ding under the FLSA. 146 bhheanedprre asceticve e. th oepreophtlioy EXEMPTIONS 10t eresptlq,o uayeensdetinforgormEX 4Columbus Day 5WHAT ID COLOW Em pectetTidti t AB SE 16b d IMINATION HAS OCCURED acts tract1624workers who file a complaint or participate in any proce , th teh Ce mominmimounmw ewaaltghe ,o af nthd/eo Nr oorvtehretirmn Mariana Islands, and the21222317Hanukkah Ends 26 Enmy pelomyperlosy aereeogre jnoebr aalply pplicroanhtib tiote dta kfreo mag liarege qadieuntsiertinc atgon oe rm ohrha etanrlaye wscuo dltloeedect si ivnn eoe tcb oparnregoaemimniicnp gltoasngsyr te ope rtmohevei nseitom wn pholiocf hyae nriys.mStoatreeroers tloriccatl ivlaewobrhw o1euw-nt8 .e d0Ee0isEocO-r6c.igCm69o,i inv-n6 ao8ctrl2iu o0idnni( ntmisgo s oil oyers Holding Fede abveeler pan h a aritmnFe odmmd to, you shboiluitldycoof nEtaOctC E EtoO aCc tp oronm yoputlry Veterans DayvuispLioa tInNiso anFspO apnlyRd tM eoA swtTaobIrOlikseNhrms ienn Atsm arer iecxanem Spamt foroaeprotections; employers must comply with both. e pay provisions. s under the FLSA. 13141516nvtge,s deuminsdcpieplrol iyntiehneegA,f oocrr t r.deisfucsriinmg intaot itnake a test or for exercising r19 withA reMspINecEt Eto R lIieG dHeTteSctor tests.121415 TphoY:o n Tnn heaub edm oUirube.etSc r.cthEofoaqrrriu egisaenldi f icompanies17enmtw ipo.er i eCFmeoc.ge enrotasvil) s GsEioEonOve (CrEnE mfiOeeCldnt) o , Soommem sotnatee laawlthsporf oPvuiedre togr eRiacteor.employe 2021y employed 13 SkillsSeries 50 Federal, State Service 27 202122Also, the law does not ap 171826Th 11ed, they are subject to numerou sRA n y503O n hcirrfinimtgh licantare protected under Federal law from discrimination on the fol 1523Cneadgretea ra insn pfdeu ocl 18atyne stp sri, sossutteuecddte i 19n thel attiscwseoifs i,be aedn cdina duweseopr eekemnrdpesl nowyt iehoe snd t(irsuaanbcleitlsoitsir eses xa mreema ynp otb)t e.a preai de nletistlse th atnotthheeFmLiSniAms ummin wimaguem2425C Some employers incor erence betwely to tests given by the Federal Government toWhere polygraph tests are permit eocniifgdihct t urcio rgt hatens,fd u inlsee ocnlur dgdhin oigscftothhnete ir nitugee a tshtt .t t IN RE IT s to and employees ofof iosnat yin nalthe b owinliggio bna, seses:x or national origin,It is important to know the dif ify workers as independent contractors when they are actual 20 rteairna pl, rSivtaatteeianndidv ildoucaallsegongveargendm ine nntas taiornea nl soetc aurfietyc-treedla tbeydtahcet ivlaitwie.s . and the right not to have test results disclosed to unauthorized persons. 2122tatioisns A hat rmgea pi9nay, 3 rf,g , NATIONAL ORIGIN 22252627 t ainc emlspolos ofporilvyagtre phfir Rosh HBeginsashanah odf stxrriaitcmtte in nsnteaneods taihce bardvesecaofo nnre tcuemrebnseitnringogt, tfhSes ED ntrac ive,aa a bi ctdlauuk ng D irm t of, k1 hiq buitaaseve oirtunioit 24l aspeascistsoof f reacmep, locoymlore, nret. o fb eamsispl ooyf ment.vtlei mrceteirm ste pa oynt s tle ahaenr dnD ecerospr a,reraptcmtpleryen cnt of Labor. MENT O 28Y:w1 1w88.d76o7-l-.48g88o79v59/w26h24d73 28293031Christmas DayNational Boss Day2324U 25WH1 T 462 EN RE T O oelaF tSiOeocnRrse CtaanEdrMy a oEsfN Lescirv ilm paey nbarltiinegscaoguarint sat cvtiioolats otros .r eEmstrpaloiny e w o othe xptievddi teciutn ified itnod o pr, iinsv NT d ie lg id te d ITIE a insgaem beenndeefidt,s ,p rjoobt etrcat ce tea ROTECTED, AND29viipnd. utSaael lslcim wtioititah t 5ido0isn3saabolsiflo ita inerseqaut iraelaw FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993(Only ap 27om) New Years Eve Two1 e9a syomplCto reor 20 8_0B0u-r9g9u9n-9n1d1y1 The Act permits polygraph (a kind of lie detector) tests to be administeredviN 181920diicatabiboilliitty natieroohmnointilciolndu with a ad 23 qinuga, lifcilaesds iifnicdaiviioduna, rlse ffreormra l,d aisncdr imotihneatr iosnp oecnt thThanksgiving DayUNAIGTE AED SNTD HATEOS DUR DEPIVIRSION V 07/16en dthp loeof y pperhievasar tmoef a ssceeeccutuotriirct,ay sl u smebajrenvcicutef ta ofcit rurmeressr tr(sia,cr dtmiiosotnrrsieb, dtuo ct oacrer,sr a talaanindrmdp, irsoapnsepdn egsceutiarvsred.Industry-Specific Service 28-29 Rosh HEndsashanah 2829cehre 30 ngo, a srueb jerecat tsoon arebslyt ricsutsipoencs, et or job ap licants may also bring their own court actions. 27thaet Fe wi ser aqlpu29ty lnw oln.ieasm balpneloaaypc pcalonicmda nmadto vodaran tecimeon ipn ltoo ey mtehepe, lo bkynamroreiwnngnt upqnhudyasluiicefiae hdl oa irdnr dmshi 30 lies to certain employerssee note at bottiiseveb atilciitio TED, OTHER Pve 272526283031ARMED FORCES SERVICE Folders Poster Frames . 38 Yom Kippur Yom Kippur The law requires employers to display this poster where e y NNuOT EEb rt e a U o P r r m RR e ig rc mploye ao II t s d G in H e ooiz n n e I d es and job appld e e rT b EE t a D o h p va T lo e ly .-8 icants can readi in igly see it. U N Rne MEDAL VETERANS e r E T or y A I ce o e p sb ofn 5 gI o a o 0 D ed su so 4 S I tm U c ,o nn t f A El ro n d dwuy s L e b u i P ii S sRe a c c a l a s t n vih b tle tr ce ris a io e c :e h t o m e te n t ab a b 0 el.eem 8ll u ae ars iliFt o Ve r H t e n s do0 e ca ad 1 i i t ct C a sio D nn F tel ,t ar t or N I g m u a y S o n A Lre f : A mp l to in a n b boyran B rl ha vn I cifaca . L h dhoIT 19 l v udtvano,o a7 it s I u s istance Act of 1974, as amended, 38 U.S.C. 4212, prohibits job discrimination and2 5 la E 1r p S e e. p F MiV oo isC diE m U i u im o -P pr7 im je i ed mt pr se ov h p El E leEMPLOYEE RIGHTS e . d 20waysyRight,dInc.er: h r Jdi0r0ec5t6.c_o2m0V 07/16 F LABOR 1-86-487-9243 The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Ashas) beeh tho ptlreoctm veate ithin threOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 w.dol.gov/whd oeraera taliation chya f,rge Rie ivesm Humfor iwzyh eedidce) h,nvtaae ndtnedi s ArAaabrnrmlems e(devdvde FteFoteeorrrarccnaenesss s w s,se rehreovrcv icesiecene rtl mvym eeseddeda pdla ualw rvraieantsegt ed aarwPa rpderodc)e.ns r( rvoaenrt eisr n(a awn sca wmhpoa,i gwnh i leUNDER THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACTBegins Ends WNAIGTE AED SNTD HATEOS DUR DEPIAVIRSIMON Y: 1-879-5627 requires afi firmatiavr weot ihcrai rcipchteai olteaena ds ct eaoim n fre paoma Umigp.Snl ao .cby tm aai ary yoperantiro in u nepmroHalloweenRE d is prohibited against a person who files a complaint of discrimination, participates in an OFC eding, or TALIATIONLegal (Federal) Holidayotherwise oposes discrimination under these Federal laws.Confidential Personnel File/Folder . 44 2020 Time Off Request and Approval abhn.W y v pOe.,eWfsrhfsicesunh l odiwnfcgFhtoeoon dne Pt- t,aer D Con0t 2r doeln.gto ov,fA anc-e6 iP2orotg(rdtao m ilts-sf r n(eOoenan ResioD n-e 1po3r3a ces ntaY toi)v.fOeL aaFbcCotCior,n P20mo0ba lyCig aaoltsinoos ntibstue u tcnioodnne trAa ctvhteeen dau ebuty, oritiesTHE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISIONPlease Print LastFirstIn ad m heohp ro ep h r , Dueplic en .C. 2 rtm A m TIO eral1-o:c800-i397s an OFC R EX ) dCorc (rP2im)0, 2n).a S6t. 93 ur ice, listed in most telephone directories underLeave Entitlements ks of unpaid, job- ition;All workers have the right to: Employers must: rds. It is ilfrompersonse Fwith h a Progr ive IT am end L O lling eis tarnochPart-time at fm(irTemT e goh e foin istance gainstTToocbaornde f owr e einswa ho12- mwoonrkt hf opre ari ocdo vfeorre tdh ee mfopllooyweinr gc arnea tsoaknes :up to 12 we y ne. cesunable to __________________________________Remote Worker Service . 31 Job Safety and Health e-.Sm. aGil oavt eOrnFCmCe a@ nsa ofoTitle VI __________________________________ prigoi btTelehce tee dbmi rlepthlaov yoi ftt hha e achiechimldlp dol or(ley epaleavsce e smmpoususenttebo,e fchiata cldkhie, lnod r wf opiarth raiendn o1t p wyteihooanr ohoarf s t fohase q tceuhira lclidfaysrie nb;gi rstehr ioousr p lhaceaemlthe ncot)nd;P regional or district ofGet instant access to employee data fromEmployee Medical Records Folder 41 Employee Name_________________p RACE, COLOR, N crdtio iA iscpimlroimy tim ts o ctivities eceiving Federal Financial As //pFeorrf othrem e tmhep leomyepelso yoewesnqjouba;lifying serious health condition that makes the employeition to the protec RIGIN, S ivil Rights Act of 1964, as ITS THE LAW! am NDIV Ditch ibitchms ed W men l-tof the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title VI of the C AneeFlmoigrpi bqlleouy aeelimfeyspi nslgop youseexeig eew, nhocchiie lisds, raeo lrca otpevaderer etnodt t. sheer vfiocreemigenm dbeeprlosy smpousente o, fc ahi lmd,il iptaarrye nmt, eomr bneerx wt hoofkiisn t hmea y also _________________________________________________________________________ Da______________asslieesn ltIodaXnyecm doe,ef. nptE innae tnoiotn dn t isihsce cr bimovasieniarse toidofrbnay cc aTeui, stcleeo s l oorI rfo dle naal roy rsoigcbrin icinnt iapvro tionfr ia tn r aidancicntiagivl i staieesrssvi isretceacnse cuievn inidsg e pFr resoudvceishrioa pl nrfo inogfar nacmiasl.mrt haneyatcpaioruse diEmployee Handout Service. 39 A safe workplace. Empploloyyee Hire/Service Date // Tit rogiuio ctivitieswh at tan ice h________________________________________ take up to 26 weks of FMLA leave in a single 12-month period to care for the servicemember with ee/Payroll # _______________________________________ ibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs Em Se cat esn Act of 1973, as amended, prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of disability in anya serious injury or ilnes m esdchiceadl ule ary or otherwise provivdin lieve enc ,s dwtis im iscordimatiinoant, iocna ni sp perrofohribmit tehdeine saslel natsipael fcutsn octf ioemns polof ythmee njotb a.R o y retaliated against.p h Em e A nr 2 1 n S o e 9 o 6 .withn e th luk w 2 2 t Me 0 C H p f eOLIDAYS A T 2 2 W 1 1 C h a o 9 2 ga o ovig s r 3 2 ttu 9 2 2 o HLL T e a ea 3 0 lr emplozyees a workplace fre il 3 3 F is 1 s s 1 l S 4 4 hi 1 oa la2 1 l 2 632 of t 3 e 4 rs s eseir4 Ts.WTIfe yo 2 ram or aecdyrtaiosilvu afi bithyniaal wi S P 8/ es ic whoi S 1eiavicntehrcsim e o,F eriyn wodaetuietr s al afuiguntal adirnn ecsiamti saiolmn na esaads bpiiaslerttoa eanglycrcca cemoo. mD notfa acnt yth ine sFtietudteioranlawgheincchy de1 2 p2en 1sS 3L M F2 e 17 2 2 10 1 1 O 8 b 7 4 Legal Public Holiday rY P G ionals DayA E U f Aenr memitpelod,y eeem dpoloeyse noes tm naeye tda ktoeleusaev ele ianvtee rinm oitneen tblyloc okr . oWn ahe rne ditu icseA e n dfo , t2 io r5 e taking leave;* and s. hi le tatk cinogm FpMlyL Aw ith wherever you have an Internet connection. Employee Record Organizer 42-43 reoaluaisr teee dmainspajlufoeryytey oroor rri l lhOneeSaslHtsh,Aw,c ooitnrh rcoepto Copmloypleee Ite innsfotorr ucations GHa h m aw,ne for usegal to retaliate Sign b eason(s) below.lementur s OC/E-1 (Revis so11/09) thmaevp eel.om Iyfe paelonsyeemmraspy no lcohooyremea sselu p,b aosirdt itu alenta eevsmeappcoclorluiyceieerd sm .paayid r leeqauiver efo, usr FeM oLf Aa clecrauveed,tphaeid e lemapvleoy wemushealth and safeety ceo includwing araisu ing a eir.M : Pingrk- E H ht m inst an nes 3 l. ap w cernOS th y noyor h 56OC 9/02 and OFC w a seable Wh 1 T1/09 Su W Terv 7r for approval. BehineProtections aa vevLAe. ,le maovset, e emmppllooyyeeerssmmususttbceo nrteinsutoer ehde atloth t hines usraamnece jo cbo voerr oagneeans eifa rtlhye Makkereqquestts belowwbbyppllaciinng s in caleenndaar daays. rsions U d retn to ySafety Receivenac ridenfsso,irn inmcyaloutiudorin nw ga onardklj strlaaazcinadg o u osn BLI with OSHA, or reporting a woFrek-brreulaatreydUSERRA Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act W re o LonAn leFleMnhea January 14 8 to OS 10, am oursr,k -arned te HA sta 18 19 20141March 234567 R1E4E MP 0 uary Martin Luther King Jr. Day empleloyf eietmess p &wlo yefreroees mno aosing any practice made unlawful by the FMLA, or being Employee Record Folder 46-47 R oubb shatazo 1 afr y 5ilu o ene rsa 677ino juryplyrwith a HA ah 25 licablens San ork Mndard 1112 13 YOUR RIGHTS UNDER USERRAFtM t thre one for FMFJa1n uaryNew Years Day1517pu 9 10 TH7EUN8IF ORME D8 S ERV9I CES1 E0M P1L1O YM1E2N T A1N3D28MENT RIGHTS ACT idnpeo nentmi crapel ltuotoyr eitrwmiathynoeqtui invatleernfetr pea wy, ibthe naenf iitnds, aivndidu aoltsh eFMr eLmAp rloigyhmtse onrttreertmalsia taend a gcaoinndsti tsioomnse.Enable employees to enter or update theirEmployee Records Jacket. 48 Drug-Free Solutions . 59 weoqrkupelsatc ea ni f OySoHu bA eilniesvpee ctthioenre acvw 2ta tac 1321 T Rep vid 16T t zw atiito hnin 8 18S tatio r in S alldinpatient25 26 27 28 115S 15S 16 17T 18 19T20F 21S a6r ch 5 Vraelesnidtiennetss D Daayy Pa inlivoglivbeilid tinyaReny qpurocireemedeinngt sunder or related to the FMLA.criteria in order to be eligible fatalpoiitiesi24 d los USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employmentusing or trying to use FMLA leave, opf an eye within 24 hours. 17 positions to undertake military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster 2222 23 24 25 26Ash Wednesdayr namhltaevh yecoa cnorneddpeirtnieotsinaeslntYOaotSuiv Hhe recotirtsS AprilMein a language and vocabulary they canT W TFpresent members of the uniformed services, and appl icants to the uniformed services.W ave workaeta1rn0 thhou ly to airline flight crew employe s within 75 miles of the riorg uhut to28Pro equired training to w Medical System. USERRA also prohibits employers from discriminating against past andonreFMmLpAlo yleeav we.ho Th ew oermksp lfooyre aecmousvetr:ed employer must meOSHA on your behalf. en n atnivdW orkpinlace. Fplay ts poste th Mservice and: 29 29 30 31 W 4 HEALTH INSURANCE PROTECTION Hm lsoc ksite. w heemrrspelotohfy esee re rfvmoicpr elao tiyn lee rta hsheta11s 22atmm leooannsttthh s5s; 0b eefmorpel oyeDaylight Saving Time beginsSt. Patricks Dayw m MayeREEMPLOYMENT RIGHTSJune 1 5 dent 6for April Po alsomsdoSvFeruirnddaayyor you and yourHaovperlko a yatet le easGHS/HazCom Postings . 61 u i Paarrttiicciippaattee) ( ionrahna vOeS yHouA ri rnesppec R F p by a 1 1in 59 2 mail)s2r602 7FR h s2 unders E9E 2 9S0 nntldy.d I2 10N 4 C E t 11yn tio 1 d 24 31 37 d co t 2 1 se iu rr 48 5 e ct1 562 72 13 2S 3 7M 3 2 2 3 11If you leave your job to perform military service,S 2 1 1 1 ly F A s general G iu m e c ct y, folow t wo girc e ivese ,us3a0nu -eadlm apyprsoclo aydeedveua nrmceuses. not notictief yo tf hteh ee mnepelody feor r aFs MsooLAn le aas vpe.o sIfs iibt leisnoandt ,m a m e ib gYou have the right to be reemployed in your civilian job8-16 personal information. First Impression Folders. 40 spilee aak incompprilvaaitnettwoi tthhe O inSHspAe withinhe pl 5 O t fo 136 147 8 ProAS 162 STA 173 eged violations. S 4 2 SNm 0oe 113 3 ber 124 2 135 2 146 if you leave that job to perform service in the uniformed2a 7 82 S 8 9or2 6 e7 sh mip 2 7 8thu2ifo 1 93 2 e0 183 you have the right to elect to continue your existingFo 1 ht h w2 1 1 S 5 w nc w 9 2 6 e w 0 N Y R h ten ah n h *Special hours of service requirements ap E E E b o m t th a a tio al pulo rm noiifso iloyrrFa Mctte ie em s, po ichie inntf oinrfmoratmioant iotoncthoule d you ensure that your employer receives advance writtenemployer-based health plan coverage f Requesting Leave889 up to1242mEoanstthse r wShuniled iany the military.30 days (by phone, online orPost OSHA citations at or near theor verbal notice of your service; 89 10Even if you don't elect to continue coverage during your Administrative Profes151810you have five years or less of cumulative service in themilitary service, you have the right to be reinstated in place of the al 15 1614 15 16 1719 20 fsyionguyhoavur e rbigehetn s. retaliated ag 26 272182233 25 an 296 20 218 uniformed services while with that particular employer;25 26 27MayMromtehder Fso Drcaeys Day poesnseibrleal yto,egmivpelo 3yh0e-eed sea mymsusp noloty t22your employer's health plan when you are reemployed, you have not been separated from service with aENFORCEMENT 2065 Memorial Day Lifesaving Posters . 59 Se any OSHA citations isued Jtou ly M T W rams TF y sta o identif suAn ltuagrid o upnMna-lty,T27 Tyou return to work or apply for reemployment in4T(e.g., pre-existing condition exclusions) except forEmppldloioey neisnr,ftsoohr amittinacg af naamily member at e mt leheead v eep ic eqrfo dialyigfeiee sd s a s, buwt iihvlLAus ptr potroecvtidioen e. nouSuf292 20 21 29230generally without any waiting periods or exclusionsoye28a timely manner after conclusion of service; andPersonnel Envelo-File. 49 yoeuqru eemstp clooypeier.s of your medical Srdsthiazrzoeadurdg eh sm iOsp SlaoHvyaAeirla-ssb,u lwep pittoohr otseumdtacclolit aan tm Wdisqualifying discharge or under other than honorableservice-connected illnesses or injuries. J Jun e Falatgh, Ve Dreterans Employmentfnmnlu s do not hnd aeevtmee prtmolo iysnehearirfte hcthaannotunlaorb ytleheratt oifhotphseepr finotaerlemizdahitfioosr n ole roa rhv ecer o isnjo tfibonuiran g the workaceprog 9 in ever te. 2 If you are eligible to be reemployed, you must be restoredThe U.S. Department of Labor a yDay reaesodicna lf otrre awthimcehn Ft Mis LnAe cleesasvaer yw. EmFS M T WFu14 as pprleovyeiouses mly ustatk einnf oorrm c etrtified.conditions. September and Training Service (VETS) is authorized to investigate to the job and benefits you would have attained if you had4ista 5e in filing 3 aco(Imonpbdlseaepinrvete,n ddoer) fnocre a Dnya yo ther infor-Securely upload and store all paperwork Personnel Pocket File 45 Smart Appsre jctuord ws,o trekislpltns laectshes,laongd .at measure haza inin 13 14 2 1 2 1610 3 11 9 10 11 12 13 not been absent due to military service or, in some cases,1 10and resolve complaints of USERRA violations. em hpp atll ooayydeedrrs itd icoeatnena lr rmieniqfnouiersmr eta hata iotc net rhitsei f ircceeaqrtuiitoifrniec adotr.io pne irsi oindicco rmecpleertteif, icita tmiousn ts uppropvoirdtein gawthreit tneene dno fotirc ele aindvei.c aIf titnhgery and121517 18141 13 148 59 17 mation on USERRA, contact VETS atwmployer Responsibilitiesa comparable job. r asALIATION at11 8 p:/RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATIONor visit its bsite S aet 4ph ttetpm:I /nb/wedrepwewn.ddeonl1c.-eg8 o6Dva6/yv-e4t-sU. S A-D OL This poster is available free from OSHA.19 2021 292330 214 2516 1718 16 9270 AND RET 15 present m 20ber21e un 22rmed s 1624An interactive online USERRA Advisor can be viewedOonoft ritaginfyhtesth maendp leo myreepeslpoosy neneesie ibfd ilh iftoeie rso le ru ndasvheeeiriss tfheoelir g FiabM lereL afAoso.rInfFMtthhLea Ate m mleaapyvl oeqy ueandaelif iys, have ap rvice; October Lasmbs/huosrH eDrsaryaa.nhatmh.26 27 28 33 214 25 21a pastlied for member December niformed service; or 25 .dol.g 2 1 o87v7/ 22e08la woo Kippur u enlciegeribatlehn e, em mFusMpltLo Aayles, trohbpeer ceoomvimpdeleos y ae anowr matriuscee ctober ovem T W TIf you: re22S in ofthe T23TIf you file a complaint with VETS and VETS is unable toifnd as FMLA leave, and if so, how much resolve it, you may request that your case be referred ato the Department of Justice or the Office of Special are obligated to serve in the uniformed service; Counsel, as applicable, for representation. no12Coaltuiomnbalu sB oDsa yDay16 initial employment; action against an employer for violations of USERRA. leave wilin one central location. Safety and Training Record Folder 41 Applicant Tracking 17 Contact OSHA. We can help. S 4M 6 TW7 8 T9 FS 38 S 1 M31 41 59 then an employer may not deny you: 26 M7 18 W9 1 37 You may also bypass the VETS process and bring a civil1 4 D Emtp eloliygiebrles ,m thusetenomptifloy yietsremmusptlo pyreoevsi dife le aa vreea swoilnlbfoer d ienesilgignibatileitdy .FThe rig Fts liste 31 Halowe111521314 1210 15 210111267131415 210 18 1 12 d here mNaoyv veamryb deerpending on the.htm. be designatedo masp FlaMinLt Aw leitha vteh.e U.S. Department of Labor, Wageio annd o r Hsuouperr Dseidveis ioanny, o srt amtea y reemployment; Daylight Saving Time ends15 2 16 2 172 2 92 17425 8 26 2 retention in employment; 21 2216 24circumstances. The tex tof this notice was prepared by 2 1N Emnpfoloryceeems menatyfwnoiles uict ti ition 1 al i -8 -9 nfo 6 24 rm 3)4T -U T I n or to file a complaint: Y Wage and Hour Division E3012Revision Date: 07/16because of this status. 2519 111 Teer gsiviyng22 16 13 11 4 2023http://www 263 6emVb Eleacntrkio asn DaDay Day Trrhi enlocg F aMalpLlarAwiv a dtooer e lscaolle a tac vfafeeg acbitna arstgn aya ininfe ndegme rapagll oroeyerem rs.teantettlhaawtpprroohividbeitsin gg rdeaistcerimr fainmatily or medical leave rights.promotion; or VETS, and may be viewed on the internet at this address: any benefit of employment .dol.gov/vets/programs/userra/poster27028 Federal law requires employers to notify employees of 25 assisting in the enforcement of USERRA rights,30customarily place notices for employees.12 e-c18 Hanuktheir rights under USERRA, and employers may meet Attendance 6 182 16 9270 2 2 21829 33034 1 22 9330 In addition, an employer may not retaliate against anyone31 this requirement by displaying this notice where theyFor ad -487 6- SWAGEincluding testifying or making a statement in2935Ce hrwi sYtemarassDEvaey27 28 1-800-321-OSHA (6742)TTY 1-877-889-5627www.osha.gov even if that person has no service connection. VETS U.S. DepartmentSpecial Counsel Employer Support of U.S. Department of Labor v/whdconnection with a proceeding under USERRA,OSHA 3165-04R 2015Enter data once and its shared across all FormsCompany Policies 21 Reason for Request:_________________________________________________________________________________________ (1-86 www.dol.go : 1-87-889-5627 WH1420 REV 04/16Publication DateOctober 2008 U.S. Department of Labor of Justice Office of the Guard and Reserve1-866-487-2365 1-800-336-4590___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wage and Hour DivisionComments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________IMPORTANT NOTE: The FMLA only applies to employers with 50 or more employees or public employers, regardless of employee size. See your human resources manager to determine if the FMLA applies to your employer.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Absence Report 11 Em________________________________________________________________ D ________________//Supperlovyiesoers Ss Sigignnaaturture eDaattee //Smart Apps you may purchase in the future. Employee Recordkeeping 80 Authorized ApprovalT ________________________________________________________________ d oDate________________//________________________________________________________________ ________________ ApprovedDeniedComments:__________________________________________________________________________Attendance Calendar and Kits 8-9 A030_2020 2019 ComplyRight, Inc. Thhies i npfroodrmucatt iiosn d eiss ipgnroevdid toed p rwoitvhid teh ea cucundreartest aann yn ip s ro a u efu or ect rth pc urch lr titative information. Hn oignw vyeoovulverre ,p di tai rinst i cncruoeatla atrinssguit,bu pasrttiotioudntue a cfinnodrg aleonrgy ad ls iasptdervciibifciucetiqannugde t sdhtiioosen ps sr nooodrt u cpcotrno icvse inrdeon stlyleigoauballome fpoaiyrnihaoannvysedo. n anagye ssp aercisiifincg f oacutstof the use or services. or pinoarbtilintta .co d eto d ianoungtsh utahseForms I-9 & W-4 . 20 Imto o teu:s eT hthii sspdproctv . d Y o dira rue s eubgye m a ta ra non nayt ltypo.e rTrnhseoyisnf cooornr mceen mrtintyiay not be shared publicly or with third parties. amTwo easy ways to reorder: hr800-999-9111Employee Warning Forms 23-24 Harassment Training 55FMLA Administration System 14 Job Application . 16Job Applications 18-19 Progressive Discipline . 22Payroll Forms 25 Time Off Request . 7Performance Appraisals . 24 Safety Training 54Time-Off Forms 10 Training Greeting Cards Employee Training . 58Anniversary Cards . 72-73 Harassment Prevention . 56-58Birthday Cards .62-71 OSHA/Safety Training 60-61Other-Occasion Cards . 74-75 Wall CalendarsPlanners . 15Personalize Your ProductsProduct personalization options are indicated in the boxes below. Use1. Ink Imprinting3. Foil Stamping*the typestyle list to choose your desired typestyle. Refer to Stock Ink Colors: Foil Stamp Colors:the product page or hrdirect.com for pricing.1. Ink Imprinting 2. Foil Imprinting 3. Foil Stamping 4. EngravingBlack Burgundy Red Brown Green Dk. Blue Gold Silver Forms Workplace Award FramesAwardsStock Ink Color $25.00 each Type-Only Setup $30.00 Greetings Cards Foil-Stamp Logo Setup $50.00 Personnelly YoursFoldersClocksBlack is FREE when used as a single color.CardsPresentationKeychains You may print up to two stock ink colors. 4. Engraving WorkplaceJackets/Folders PinsGreetings Cards Ink Imprinting Logos Free Engraving with use of provided Plaques Setup . $30.00 templates, online @ hrdirect.com. 2. Foil Imprinting* Engraving Logo Setup $50.00* Allow extra time for foil-imprinting/stamping.Typestyles Foil Colors:No-Risk Return Policy If youre not A:Palatino Roman D:Zapf Chancery Italic* Gold Silver Red Dk. Blue Green satisfied with your purchase, please call Customer B:Times Italic G:Belwe Medium Service to authorize a return (800.888.4040, M-F, Foil colors cannot be combined.8:30 a.m.6 p.m. ET). Then return the item in its C:Helvetica Roman J:Times Roman original condition and packaging within 30 days Foil Imprint Setup. $15.00If no selection is specified for Ink imprinting or Foil items, Style A will Foil Imprinted Cards . 15 ea.of the original invoice date to receive an exchange or refund. Please note that Smart Apps, Poster be used. If no selection is specified on Engraving products, Style J (added to ink cost) Guard, personalized products, drug tests, digital will be used. For pins, engraving is available only in Style J. Learn more @ HRdirectApps.com *Not available in all capital letters. Foil Logos Setup . $50.00 products and other services are not refundable. HRdirect reserves the right to modify its return policy at any time.80 SMART APPS HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 81"