b'Extend Your Compliance ProtectionFull Compliance Protection forwith Industry-Specific Services Federal Contractors R E VISION DATE: 02/22 Notice to Workers with Disabilities NLRA National Labor Relations Act Scan for compliance verification.EMPLOYEE RIGHTS Poster Guard for Federal Contractors Federal FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES Businesses in certain industries face additional mandatory posting requirements underContractor ofPAID AT SUBMINIMUM WAGESThis establishment has a certificate authorizing the payment of subminimum wages to workers who ar$7.25 per hour. A commensurate wage rate is based on the worker, and/or Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA)ed by the e disabled for the work they ar. Such subminimum wages arFair Labor Standarthan the FLSA minimum wage ds Act (FLSA)e re performing. eferred to as , oductivity, no matter how limited, in proportion to the wage and , and Authority to pay subminimum wages to workers with disabilities generally applies to work coverMcNamara-OHara Service Contract Act (SCA)commensurate wage rates and are less than the basic hourly rates stated in an SCA wage determination and/or less quantity of work in the geographic area from which the labor force of the community is drawn.s individual productivity when performing essentially the same type, qualityproductivity of experienced workers who do not have disabilities that impact their prIf your company does business with the federalEmployers shall make this poster available and display it where employees and the parents and guardians of workers with disabilities can readily see it.WORKERS WITHSubminimum wages under section 14(c) are not applicable unless a workers disability actually impairs the workers earning or productive capacity for the work being performed. The fact that a worker may have a federal and state regulations. Poster Guard Compliance Protection features expanded86-463-4574 PA DISABILITIES For purposes of payment of commensurate wage rates under a certificate, a worker with a disability is defineddisability is not in and of itself sufas: An individual whose earnings or prficient to warrant the payment of a subminimum wage.Disabilities which may af oductive capacity is impaired by a physical or mental disability, including fect those related to age or injury, for the work to be performed.unemployment; r oductive capacity include an intellectual or developmental disabilityrates: educational disabilities; chrdinarily af, psychiatric onic ectional disability obation.eceipt of welfarfect prparole or pr, a hearing or visual impairment, and certain other impairments. The following do not orwww.posterguard.com productive capacity for purposes of paying commensurate wage 2022 ComplyRight, Inc. Y TRANSPARENCY e benefits; nonattendance at school; juvenile delinquency; and corrgovernment, you must display up to 10 employeeN WORKER NOTIFICATION orally and in writing by the employer of the terms of the certificat pr oductivity of a Each worker with a disability and, where appropriate, the parent or guardian of such worker, shall be informed Nondisabled worker standardThe objective gauge (usually a time study of the pre under which such worker is employed.oduction of workers ONDISCRIMINATION PROVISION oductivity for the job) against which the prPay Transparency KEY ELEMENTS OFwho do not have disabilities that impair their prCOMMENSURATEworker with a disability is measurevailing wage rateor similared. work and whoevailing wage rates to be paid for SCA-coverposter services for restaurants, healthcare facilities and more. d PAY TRANSP a ii ain r ta a a c n r t pd li o g ssc . s p n ac lv w ts ce i u ri l u n t s he o h s stso atar N w o d in a co n e f gs e id d ao nt a em , a cln nw i vi rac uv ica n p o ce p s ss ofe lo It n uoftor slo ic n e or eS n dm fd , D o , te e a e w orp v e C t v e C n es ofl d e s m o o os i r c n t t doo evo v isi p C h es r r g bnI e lo I s R a a y a o .397 o t tp risptt ig pl he p r d c i i i byw y i o s e l po (a)p n n n I ina o tig t y o o r i e rw he p t l i li t i byw n i y h p sinati I v e d I o c s n c r e ti f e w ,e a n a he, s s I on,e e u thei ise p n n t an N s es hp v w s r t r twp orr a tw s e s ra hpa orpa oa t is ro e e Aa h pa t pa v m orpa ho v orc h d i vb b c cee be ce y h c yyye e o o g T T T e e y inyy ofyed p a ucah t hc inc toin ore toa l c a d I di orh ca o a lo a o a in I caI d c O cv e a I yau r u t n g a av s an e | e i e c r y ,sd s a s i n gt g l eav a r e N ee eto , o ,s s c yo ear gs pa nh s ec N r torast ct , eo s n , e pa ypa yh o o in h ARENCY s a c a h (c)m rc s asraase t e r ti h ce ye y o ty p o o y h ave o P / P c h e ( a (c)m ofofarc n g thh e c e r o )p c O act s y o a o i a ya e in ofs o n ti o e v c f v io or( io m cno rs n V ae c o e g a n C n d a m ) n orCP t , in ci , p ir Ii o t p n n o n S o d edio eoris fo c c o c q s r n l n t o n u r u C t o um s h d ac i CP n m ,s ai i i i I n a i n r c a t n n e pe r ng t i p e ,oS i( N s t e o t f o c t a th d fo ori v o tob n i c i dn)l no en o t s n u re I ,oa e m s t n d s d a b e m in a s at ,n io t oa toon c n n b e,, l w ownt,n orWAGE RATES hmanneriredGover include a wage determination specifying the prare performingDocumented measur Reportar al Inspector general del DoD. ABUSE FRAUD T LEAKS THRE LEAKS YWERS ABUSE WASTE FRAUD ABUSEBRIBERY THREAT TYABUSE Productivity for the sameThe wage paid to experienced workers who do not have disabilities that impair their The contractor will not dischargein any otherEvaluation of the productivity of the worker with a disabilitysuch work in the area.ement of theMosted work. SCA contracts inqudiscriminateeviewed, and adjusted as appropriate, whenever thereviewed, and adjusted if appre is a change in the job or a change in the evailing production of the worker with a disability (in terms of quantity and quality).notices in addition to the federal postings required forNONDISCRY TRANSPIM notagainstse use anyemployeesIS in orO applicantspa bey cor authe se tpa y aveThe wages of all workers paid commensurate wages must be r n with a covered contract with the FederalWASTE THREABUSE OF A BRIBER FRAUDY RETALIATION AGAINSABUSE T WISTLEBLOWERS HUMAN TRAFFICKING BRIBERY ABUSE OF AUTHORITYABUSEFRAUD LEAKS BRIBERYprevailing wage rate, such as when the applicable state or federal minimum wage is increased.opriate, at periodic The N PAP D A ISnot IS ap M N N A pa orT inorO O, orofdisclosedot their N WIOA es hey sof s toanotherthe comemployee pensationoductivity of hourly-paid workers must be reevaluated at least every six months us N PROVISIO abouor t, intervals. At a minimum, the prand a new prevailing wage survey must be conducted at least once every twelve months. In addition, prwages must be raipspcluicsasn ed, orcontr app willorR R notappclican vtheO an ARENCYin N N abtoioutheEXECUTIVE ORDERsection 511, which places limitations on the payment of subminimum wages to individuals with disabilities byMISMANAGEMENT UTHORITY LEAKSRETALIATION AGAINST WISORMATLEBLTIONOWERS RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERS RETALIATION A RITY GAINST WISTLEBLOWERSBRIBERY WASTEON ON willdischarge A . However, employees employees who have accas e a part of their essentialage for Contractors, established a minimum wage that actorTheY TRANSPARENCY IOdiscriminateor applicantsThe Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) amended the Rehabilitation Act by adding mandating the completion of certain requirements prior to and during the payment of a subminimum wage.contractorhcannotinformationw pa asR R otherof isemployee orFRINGE BENEFITS Executive Or orkers covered by this Executive Ore calculated pursuant to certificates issued under section 14(c) of theABUSE OF AUTHORITYcontremploye actorywilldisclosedIM liceownpa AorbecauseNPRotherofOofmannerdiscloseto , proce 13658to comcomplaintgenerally must be paid to workers performing on or in connectio LEAKS ABUSE OF A AUTHORIT LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INF FRAUD BRIBERYdisclosedlicantsor theotherces mannerO inq V V IO employeeouor t,peessential 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) workers with disabilities whose wages ar HUMAN TRAFFICKINGBRIBERY SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECULEAKS CYBERCRIME ABUSE OF AUTHORIagainstPAY TRANSPARENCY herwise hpaavy e of ac other employees or applicants toder and due the full Executive Order minimum wage include their owntheyof qudiscriminateFLSA.nment. Wder 13658, Establishing a Minimum Wunless theThe O nisct N jobDordthet. Howyother enotinjob functionspartofccp c ons cannotortheirtorin response to a formal(c)pensationorinchargeformat, i(obn) ,egular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.dance with the child labor provisions of theABUSE OF AUTHORITY WHISREPRIS MISMANAGEMENTN dis gpapiH of informationM dischargeapplicantstheotheranotherhaveabout, quirednsa Neither the FLSA nor the PCA have provisions requiring vacation, holiday, or sick pay nor other fringe benefits equire such fringe benefit payments eceive theMISMANAGEMENTdischargeanother Thed, or disclosedatheirN the other employeesmannereessentialessentialding, hearing, or action, including an job functions cannotve isemployeesownapplicantsformalanotherudiscriminatecharge theOVERTIME (or a cash equivalent). Workers paid under a certificate authorizing commensurate wage rates must r ABUSE OF AUTHORITYTHREAT SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY HUMAN TRAFFICKINGall employers. If you are in the construction industry,informationcontr eedlm otherdiscloseder, employ own or applicantsg, or hparttheiremployeeor(a)ation theemployer, orconsistentsuch as health insurance or pension plans. SCA wage determinations may r CYBERCRIME RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLAOT TLEBLOALWERHUMAN TRAFFICKINGifunctionsunlesse y acother employees applicants actoralsdisclosuretheirtheresponsethe disclosureabout,full fringe benefits listed on the SCA wage determination.in furthe jobionn urther con t. Howwill e yother(a)1.800 is (a)employeesm eeof oftoaanothercomplaint tshaetipartnapplicantstion ydin, g( ba) nCHILD LABOR ntact OFCCP Generally, if a worker is performing work subject to the FLSA, SCA, and/or PCA, that worker must be paid atSUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY ABUSE OF AUTHORITY SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITYdisclosureotherconducteddiscloseresponse eewww ssa formal,partnapplicantswritmha gtitoh uithMinors younger than 18 years of age must be employed in accor MISMANAGEMENT SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITYdjobunlesscannot, employeesformalatmannertheirn information,with the emdischargeo the comdiscriminate individu ainformationdisclosetheemployer,hother employeescharge employeetig least 1 1/2 times their r RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERS LEAKS CYBERCRIMEunlessstheoe nr, oetm o theiryeisees orhwahvoe of a h thec cceosms ptoe anotherwitheessentialPETITION PROCESS FLSA. No persons under 16 years of age may be employed in manufacturing or on a PCA contract. SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY ABUSE OF AUTHORITYifunctionsdisclosecomplaint investigationemployeesoapplicants legal duty to furnish information. THREAT BRIBERY ABUSEBRIBERY ABUSEMISMANAGEMENT CYBERCRIME HUMAN TRAFFICKING FRAUD BRIBERYin furtherance of an inve response.dol.gov stentof theirSUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITYicidaunat.s H wohwoe d s legal duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c)or charge, (b) information disclosuredisclose| TTY 1.877.889.5627iother employeessastor applicantsWorkers with disabilities paid at subminimum wages may petition BRIBERY ABUSE in ffunctions cannotthencomplaintioten intn con unless rtaicthe n hoc onod uncotet ed(a) o thb in responsehpa .889.5627s, h t41 CFR 60-1.35(c) .dol.gov/ofccp wiCtCPh theparticular form of petition is required, except that it must be signed by the worker with a disability or his or herABUSE OF AUTHORITY MISMANAGEMENTIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OFinvetsrtaicgtao ndvivedguali du con1.800.397.6251.6251| TTY 1.877 patoccn eformal 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) .6251 | TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccp Division of the Department of Labor for a review of their wage rates by an Administrative Law Judge. NoABUSE OF AUTHORITY RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERSotance of an investigation, pro mploye| www earincomplaintintact OF Administratorthe Administrator of the Wage and Hour venue NW,ABUSETHREATrsdisclosure| TTY 1.877.889.5627g, or a1.800.397 parent or guar, Wdian and should contain the name and addr LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION HUMAN TRAFFICKING legal duty to furnish information.If you believe that you have experienced discrimination co Washington, D.C. 20210. MISMANAGEMENT SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITYs legal duty to furnish information. ctionor , inchargecludin, g (ba) nage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Laboress of the employer, Room S-3502, 200 Constitution A. Petitions should be mailed to:SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERSthe number of additional postings can be up to 12. inveIf you believe that you have experienced discrimination coentWAGE AND HOUR DIVISION TTYwww.dol.gov/whd MISMANAGEMENT FRAUDE MISMANAGEMENTin fustigation If you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OF1.800.397 ted .dol.govcon/sofccp200 CONSTITUTION A du.6251ther,| www /ofccp 1-866-487-9243 HUMAN TRAFFICKING FRAUDVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.govcontractors legal duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c) RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERS HUMAN TRAFFICKING200 CONSTITUTION A If you believe that you have experienced discrimination co : 1-877-889-5627 wwwASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR : 1-877-889-5627 WH1284REV 01/18 HUMAN TRAFFICKI DESPERDICIO SUS LEAKS NG1.800.397.6251 | TTY 1.877.889.5627 | www.dol.gov/ofccpntact OFCCP WASTE GEMENTRETRETALIAALIATION AGAINST WISVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp LEAKS TION AGAINST WISTLEBLTLEBLOWERSOWERS200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY .dol.gov/ofccp : 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp MIMISMANA MIS MANAGEMENT200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20210 tel: 1-800-397-6251 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 www.dol.gov/ofccp RETALIARETTION AALIATIONGAIN AGST WISAINST WISTLEBLTLEBLOWERSOWERS MISMANA ECURITYHUMAN TRAFFICKINGNG BRIBERYSMANAGEMENTGEMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGPaid Si 200 CONSTITUTION AVENUE NW W EEO is the Law Supplement BRIBERY RET THREA ALI T CKING CYBERABUSE CRIME & ABUSO ABUSE ABUSECYBERCRIMETE THREAT HUMAN TRAFFICKINGHUMAN TRAFFICKING SUSPECTED THREASUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITTS TO HOMELAND SYHUMAN TRAFFI CYBERCRIMEMISMANAGEMENT MISMANAGEMENTSUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY HUMAN TRAFFICKIck LeaveABUSELEAKS BRIBERY ABUSE THREAT THREAT ABUSEMISMANA EC GEMENT Y GAINSHUMAN TRAFFICKING GAINS Y THREAT THREAT ABUSE OF A LEAKS GEMENT BRIBERYPoster Guard Compliance Protection for WORKER RIGHTSEEO is the Law Poster SupplementMISMANAGEMENT RETALIATION AGAINST WISTLEBLOWERS MELAND S WASTEURIT TION A RETALIATION A T WIS WAST WIS TLEBL TLEBLOWERS LEAKS OF CLASSRETIFIED INFALIATION ALEAKSORMA OF CLASSGAINSTIT WION IFIED INF LEAKSLEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION THREAT TLEBLOWERS SUSPECTED THREATS TO HO RETALIA FFICKING THREAT THREAT MISMANAUTHORITGEMENTY ABUSESTLEBLOORMAWERSORMATIONFRAUD LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION MISMANAMIGEMENTSMANAGEMENTATION AGAINST WIS HUMAN TRAFFICKINGWASTESUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITY LEAKS OF CLASSEATS TO HOMELAND SECURIT THREAOTWERS MISMANAGEMENT BRIBERY BRIBERY BRIBERYAT THRESUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITYEmployers Holding Federal Contracts or Subcontracts Section Revisions LEAKS WASTE LEAKS CYBERCRIMELEAKS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATIONLEAKSABUSELEAKS ABUSEBRIBERCYBERYCRIME ABUSE THREAT SUSPECTED THRIFIED INFORMATION ABUSE MISMANAUNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13706 RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXU HUMAN TRA GEMENTLEAKSMISMANABRIBERYPAID SICK LEAVEFORThe Executive Order 11246 section is revised as follows: AL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITnd requires affirmative action to ensure equality Y, NATIONAL ORIGIN WASTE SUSPECTED THREATS TO HOMELAND SECURITYUse common sense wi othftahney v sicetriimou. sA ivnojiudr my.o Cvailnl g9 1th1 e( ovric ottimhe wr ehmeneergveenr pcyo snsuibmleb;e brr)i fnograhseslpsu tosc hitiamti/ohne)rtirnasitneinagdKFonro ewm wehrgeeren cAyE fiDrs satn adid istance right away. Know the type of injuryONE HOUR WORKED, OF PAID UP SICK TO 56 LEA HOURSVE FOR EACH EVER YEARY 30sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, a Mission:CHOKING fi Follow these steps for adults and children over 8 years of age who have an obstructed airway.Federal Contractors satisfies all current postingFEDERAL CONTRACTORS Executive Order 11246, as amended, prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, denunciar violaciones de la ley, norma o regulacin; of opportunity in all aspects of employment.and the exact location HOURS Executive Or es certain employers that contract with the FederalExecutive Order 11246, as amended, protects applicants and employees from discrimination based on inquiringProporcionar un medio confidencial y confiable para PAY SECRECYR (Cardiopulmonary Re PAID SICK LEAVE Contractors, requirovide employees working on or in connection withabout, disclosing, or discussing their compensation or the compensation of other applicants or employees. fraude, desperdicio y abuso; mala gestin, trfico de anrsdtCaPidR k tritasi narine gk,e cpotn. tTahcitsyinofuorr HmuamtiaonnRdeoesos unrocte ts aDkeep tahretm pleancte,olofc CaPl Red Cros or American Heart Asociation. those contracts with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours theyThe Individuals with Disabilities section is revised as follows:personas, graves incidentes de seguridad; u otra Government to prder 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal workup to 56 hours of paid sick leave each year. eventive care;INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIESconducta penal o administrativa que involucre Employees must be permitted to use paid sick leave for their ownSection 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, protects qualified individuals with disge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, abilities al personal y las operaciones del DoD, sin temor illness, injury, or other health-reventive carelated needs, including pre; or for red, or has other health-reasons resulting from, or to elatedfrom discrimination in hiring, promotion, dischar a represalias.requirements for companies that do business to assist a family member who is ill, injur to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise quaDetermineChoking is recognizable when the victim CANNOT breathe, coughPoster Guard for RestaurantsFailure to assist a family member who is the victim of, domestic violence, sexualand other aspects of employment.Disability discrimination includes not making reasonable accommodation 80 HOTLINE | |6 6.4.2019needs, including prEmployers are required to inform employees of their paid sick leave equests to use paid sick leave.applicant or employee, barring undue hardship to the employer.Section 503 also requires that Federal lified individual with a disability who is an loyment qualified individuals with1 if the victimor talkno air is mo Use common sense with any serious injury. with the federal government.ENFORCEMENT assault, or stalking. disabilities at all levels of employment, including the executive level.Departamento de DefensaRules about when and how employees should ask to use paidcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in empbalances and must apprchoking? If the victim can brving through the personeathe, cough or speaks throa, stand bt. Ask, Ary, but e yourequirements is available at www. Morove all valid re information about the paid sick leave .dol.gov/whd/govcontracts/eo13706esponsible for makingThe Vietnam Era, Special Disabled Veterans section is revised as follows:dodig.mil/hotline 4.879sick leave also applydo not interfere. sure employers comply with Executive Or PROTECVietnam Era TED VETERANS(COM(DSN)ERCIAL)2 is choking: CPR Chaell 9i1ct1i m(o rw oh(Ceanrdiopulmonary Resusc t pflopr to a shsiimst/ahnecre i rnisgtheat daw. Kanrogwen wcyh efirres tA aEiDds a anndd C fiPrRst t araidin kinitgs ,a croen kteapctt .y TohuirsHinufmoramn e tvioicnou droceessnDepartment,Includes all mandatory, employee-facing federal anddisplay theseThe Wage and Hour Division (WHD), which is rotections. WHD can investigate der 13706, has ofces acrossTheVeterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, 38 U.S.C. 4212, prohibitss sRIGHTS.424.9098(LNEAGRATUITA)703.604.879 h o aTO WORK ft oa ncgu oc ofht. nm racc Th on attse w m e s d ed t e cti ko s rw t Washington, D.C. 20210 alimty n uabout your workplace rights and pr employment, disabled veterans, recently separated veterans (i.e., within three years of discharon to recruit, employns, or Armed Forces service medal veterans. , and advance in ge or release MILITARCIVIL\x1f CONTRATISTAthe country employment discrimination against, and requires affirmative actiservices are fr. WHD can answer questions, in person or by telephone,from active duty), active duty wartime or campaign badge veteraemployers and recover wages to which workers may be entitled. All e unable to le a complaint ging workers whoMandatory Supplement to EEOC P/E-1(Revised 11/09) EEO is the Law Poster.ee and condential. If you arin English, WHD will accept the complaint in any language.The law prohibits discriminating against or discharoceeding under the Executive If the victim is NOTStand behind the victim and wrap your arms ar theerv eemr eprogse sn ibclye ;n burminbge hr)eitation) training. For eme y. Know the type of injury and the exact location of tha Res tim. Avooidt t makoev itnhge ADDITIONAL le a complaint or participate in any pr If you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OFCCP: 1-800-397-6251 | TTY 1-877-889-5627 | www.dol.gov. U.S. Department of Labor Service ContractOrder. v ound the personsexpiring contracts with the Federal Government starting January 1,Walsh-Healey Public Contract/Service Contracttalking, coughingwomach (abo ell belo lolcaacleRoef dCC PrRo s or American Heart Asociation. These instructions are for adults only (infant and children CPR differ). INFORMATION Executive Order 13706 applies to new contracts and replacements forEMPLOYEE IFIF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK s nateoborlsr isbk wh yo eaitfsh ncoymd naisingvaiicembntuil lciamtiybewso re e oram(iugnnepst,llr eoumsmysae cxdeneim urtc (atadiner izationtionEsta OEsrtga nOirzgaacniinza cin st aist above the nave the wvel. Maist and wake a fist, with thumb side against the2017. It applies to federal contracts for construction and many typesThe purpose of the discussion below is to advise contractors which are subject to the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act or the or breathing: and grasp your fist with your other hand. w the breastbone),postings Minimum Wage of federal contracts for services. www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts WH1090 REV 09/16 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS TS VE THE RIGHT or rp wfpuolirernkrssi s o htoonfiasge riachlsic,epcn plie This OTrhgisa nOirzgaatnioinzaerify ParPtica ySome state and local laws also require that employees be providedAct of the principal provisions of these acts.with paid sick leave. Employers must comply with all applicable WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION NTRA HA conditions are met) and children under 16 yearequirements. 1-866-487-9243 ON GOVERNMENT CO YOUC Walsh-Healey Public Contracts ActPull your fistUse quick upward and inward thrusts. Repea Employees Employees state postings for choking assistance, CPR, handwashing,Item #Price UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TTY: 1-877-889-5627 ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Gfo euthrnse , eUanrnaitde sld a PSfetratoy tevsn isfdo hri oetahnleths msatnau nTfdhaaicrstdu asrcee t eramptshlo,syu anxed ptero o,fh aoihbrroi tmtiscml teaehys e w, eoo xecrrm keeepeqrlsodu y i($pem1mxe0ecn,en0tp t.o0t n 0Thhoceemon anteectr rwa This Org erify3 toward the1 Make sure it is safe t : o. t as necessary, until/sheMUST sale of alcohol to minors, and others as required by yourLD1-U1200FC$54.99 can result inTHIS ESTABLISHMENT IS PERFORMING GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK SUBJECT TO:we the provisions of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 525) on a covered contract is not permitted. o w ms d r e lies to secondary contr.actors performing work under eo . S r ra i l t ns thentt O a s i Trhgias nOirzgaatinoinz ationParEtsitcaip iOrapt iarecgnieap nEna -iE zeV -anVec rEiei-rfniyVfyr ify(CHECK ONE)THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION In adition to its coverage of prime contractors, the act under certain circumstances apSERVICE CONTRACT ACT (SCA) All provisions of the act except the safety and health requirements are administered by the Wage and Hour DivisionThis establishment is performing Government contract work subject to (check one) contracts awarded by the Government prime contractor. PaPratit Piiacpiraptaiectisep aisan nit nEe s-E Vi-nVe rEei-rifyfyVvictims stomach: the obstruction is cleared or the victim becomes unconsciousDo napp.e oat prs tuo ht yoavue brseeelf in en dlaecngtreorc. Do nuted. oCt talolu 9c1h t1 ihme vmiectdim iiatef hlye. WORKER RIGHTS PUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (PCA) the Fair Labor Standards Act. m tehs atnh tehire b Faesdice rraalt me oinfi mpauym f owr aagl h oeustrsabwlisohrkeed di ni ns eexcctioens s6 s(10) aof Esta OErsgta nOirzgaacininza cin If this should happen, c tall 911 immediately MUST UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13658 MINIMUMSERVICE CONTRACT ACT (SCA)or Minimum WageC duvee reodnCovrekreerdsmemusptlo byee epsa midu ast t lceaursrte notnleyabned p aoidne n-hotal lfe tsi rk c T mploye oe in f) 4 any a a crstigp einasa n itEneiz-s VEa i-tenVir oEienf-ry Vife PartEiscPtiapa arOt iercngipa Ean-i Vezenar cEiif-ynVif ePUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (PCA) k. Overtime isaft y ao ura atree o nf o1t0 t0r atoin 1e2d0 i nc oCmPRpr oers sairoen us nac mominfoutreta ubnltei wl ainth A yEoDua n l sio t ing te approach p s th h he victim ad u h h s h ion. Avoid l s If its safe, approach the victim, tap him/her gently and ask loudly, l o n n in lc f h e e s ae u u t e o r n i e fe t. u or 1 FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORSMINIMUM WWAGESAGES Your Y ratemust be no less than the Federal minimum wage 7 er xperience, and leg . . r . os de- - laU w Call IER i an emploork as pr .)c p Overtimea d sur r fo prr c acise m c i ff d it l p n ry or ho o e rb t t .) azardous or dangerous t oe FeF ea ts citli nr a wSap ata y nf tu ole uH n us l d tlhy o the health an n ggD E fs a o rin o n i pe r ts v v/e v g ese t o e n ine ttsh c he t n p safety owork, Government and non-Government, performed by the e ta m iH e c c oa o n g t r t a t c aes s is t fio reli tr ctp o i i ev te s,If E I h s t i t ( c w y crm feo ay c a n m- t h o Dh es ne krg a 9 tn ainb y c c e E s o ap d c v te hi im a t rn y c i a E t o t F r H p h a t T F o e t n he a p v a 0 - hp e lo e o a nac e ue s t i fS e ( h u o o o d I E p o A hF r t F a a H u u a p y n h re V r0 e o F m i sa o rs a i u nc $ l m e e f m a r k a th g d a e s , o in f tod o o o r r v u u a p t t v n i 1 p u ) rf F a hre m tioni ayde r o o lth e m t m m oc reS o t ryw y I c e S cne k a o h h p n d E s 0 m m , h v tio o i e e r r v k t t v y e - n e i o lu a g o r If a h p t T o F E a H t A E H r F p A t t T t h a o c o it a m ecr w 0n r r ann r tte y p e s o r a f t p h o D t r l o o i c t o 9 l m m vr li rg m o e a e a o r -u i e f e t o aehd t , d e i , v d o o h e e o eI i a u n p a a p c re h h m 0 r hic n a r c Fa m V p isie d d r e g o o o r s d a in o o o lI r r lo lE n f D e q t e ei a e . lr id k rak l o e bmy m Eth 0 a t s sn c f o o e n v y d t en o y r r - - t e t r rs v v p n t t t g g a i a p p c y d a m u m i iv g ey e n o o tate m m r a u h m se h 0 t m m o SS I Ir r r r s y y u 9 9 e et sh l l s h h p h p o o z z r ic nt s t m mn a y v ei a r e e t e e y e - 9 - v r o w i s a y n - e e co c i i i e a a p a o o izi t b r a y rz a t t u p o n n e ti t V the t tr r r a 9 e e . o o e o v v a c h o t vt o o o l l i i i ni c y lo l ts e y n id r a t e e ei i v p il h E i y a a e m h p i r y e ltn o a rc e v v n d d o e o c c is srt r t b le a n n th t o t b r he n a a o ne l s u i y i n t n e i f tid e e e t e em d d .r b s u c . I i r o r r r r a f a u t f d c l l h t t e m r es e il i tu o n n e F p a t t T E h a o r Iiy F re e m e y u ua a p r o e c n g e r d o a y y -d - e a e e i i T a a a - L a c c i c C n y iy iz i ( F r t If o t a p a t9 A H h E F f e a e fc sr av r irf d n r u u st S ie a etw n li e a y t e inc s s r9 o tt p n l n t e z z z i y h s a o ob e o y u u t p a e d o a e tp r r e e o n p F c a t m c g e d t o cf s i re in d o r i n n t t abm c e p p c o o aa r c i s n (o c u u q f b t t a , f s r o b e ga F o n r k eoo o d s t t l y tr t d oym E t i b st i e o s o oo ot e e e m t e an o o l c ie n a i n n r v e t t v k r u h h i rp liy u u tt E lu s i i t io i o o f h h r r y i o s m i m d d t a a l e r o n n t o n ai rr r n v r w fe t l l t t t g y d un l e c sp g o a i r i i o ver o h p hy m n n n s t e o a i a m m i i e e n cs s m v o m d d d d t e m d r r sm n s s rt u u - v e a n p f o o rs y i e a a d i d f o i w t o h e e o i a t as tar oA m m i o v n n e e a - e n i hte l e p p o c c t o g g V n t p i r S h o a n o t e o iv n u u e e u bi c o in t o l o o y it m s n f f b l r de h a u p m d i n ae S S cw i V y v g e h c lc e c n r y y t an h o d v d ir pttieO r e o a l o ns v i e d s c n l o r o b t o o i ( t n e t t t t a r w w n a c E l i e o t t ar y t n o o e g e a t oe ej e e i is d i i E3 e d sS u e e o e r n r l a s I I a s r r d s s f f n d r e u u a r fl tr e e c r o le o o o otr t - my y e ei e t r t e i e i e n s o o e t t e , r I I r r o a y - - u e e e (r te rn la i t a a l i i a l a c c oe a t no n i o o e r ti o y o ii u n y o o - - e g n a r r tv jn E i s 9 9 s r y c a o o n n rt r o S is r c n iz z z s s a r c cS t y u d dmt n n nb - o e e n o k k 9 9t d d yn h n o w w w c y p l i i y b o n n t t i erlt( t t r c t g n n ia j V t e e . a c o u u u it y t t t b t i u t t S u u p p o n f f b - ke( h r c c r e A fch , g i k oih n b ili e h a e r o u h o i e d a n e n l a tst a a a a r y i i n oo o n e c o o o o e a r i V y o d d oo a n la eu n u o er e y t a a o ( a e ra r n e S o S a e r ey e n t e A f et nc b sh u rfa rtr p f n ) n r c i g s d a t atit o D ii nc n n f g o i i e o r r r rj o f t p ye c tn S tt gk d r lr f gi y ( jt s f e i e a n c r r i n ny n fk p s t S S o a u t s oo b wc p l ) tit i t s l oi t e t a k k o oy r d t i h i tts o D n c ft a i le l o f o o t o r o f w ic o ts y H y y e o o i r a aiy i e e i o s o t, m m li ls y a h tot y y s f t tb a r e e e a m o y r f A e l s ti o i e e ec b tth i f D n n it a o e n r e t r v f n a a o y Hcoty S in r o oe t o e s g g c u i E d n n ifd v n S l t a n e e o n n r w w f e s f s m n id m a a u uo y v e A p p ) n rn v e n ow yD n u s o y t c t t y e r i o i o o o u p tm u r s c c n eh y n ) - s u r ee en p p t u s s f t (S s a U m a e eE l l s s t t r o o o t y e -o m t t s p n t f eV oa a d E r r av v f fe i tr r o o y H u o a ts u o h e o o o f o r e oi e i i r V e h a a tD n e i r e a h q S o o e f fe n oa e e u in n r r i - ra r . D t o o ot e e r g nt j a e p m u a n n o y y c n ,y e e o t it S a n r o t n b - r u r S V g So e y j m e o k k t m ce h ir ne e e na ei m lm Suo u b - c .o s e y d h E E k k r r e a h f V a h p o y y m m lrtS e e n n e e n t t , h l de y t c l r r n r cU y n o o t u S t c e A, a . , V r be m l ) ir n iy t o l n eo t t h a n n a i o s U e Ai m in En p b ig o . g e m n i a e - - i n nm s p p i n Ef d a p p a a i ( s e o i n i m r t a a u t c .n y r c S u f r e e o p c V V ) c o y ( ) f e c ees n o o o c D y f t p t . ii u u o ntp- V a o to hh p . . s e - o y a a a n f f - y D n t l p o n n , ,e o o i i n o r p o E p t s e n n l r i c a o p o c l s o c f e V r t i i Vo o r ee s n s r sr n v t i u w y s H t o o oe r r e e n v d ay r if ir n h d d t d l c c fe n s r a y l H r ltu u o o t t n pf o b . c o i rei e S m i f i n lo o e e oit t t t e y a um o o df s a e . . ts nt u t n r S o ee iy a a im Vs y a m m i o c o r d nu b i E Ea e in u e S c l e y tt yyc c E e r r f f y tersif yin a End-V ewrilfyu y Sd t r eu i t a ln rp s t tt y yio u Ec a o p n y h y o n s y a n o g n i r if n e p h h e o u e l l hU m t f i ec 2 c o t ta o ) - - S V e r so i a n o o b p e l w w u u U r e t u o f aro te - r h r h e y n V e lg n i e c em ry V V y e a l i a u o o e r b b r ia m m io u r o y e S V . e n n le i g ne u e e o n e l i d d y p n , i u c ie .ti a a r S e o g o i i e fyi y e e te i n t i r s ,o b i n d n n e e e l e er S a st tc c t e e r e ca e t i n q i o f in ee n ia d l l c y s p p n n a ii t t y a e. a r r t h h n S i r v y n n d u e o iu c i c tt y g g y o e t an y . a o o p r ry r h cS u n n So u E e d f fr u i m s s l l y . o nm t ty u e g g a c y o , ice e t f s y y e d i o t i n u d n f E u rl f f h y u r t e c o d a ief nV t e n o y - n t f f o rt y p a i u d r on p t n o vu y i t t S o u o pc y y r l e w t p y y c a o c y tr s h u q u e s h n e e o y t u lo r n r to i m tb h n l u u , ,l eol o S o o n n h a o ia m ,e s h ea d s d d o o e o s d oa ay i iu yt o t r rti s oud tr d n n . e l p , u As y h u i r lilar r a t r r y i cr r ley i e h Se yrify s w g b ) e , l y lei i z y e i en e z - , e eae o t o il e i f e lu i o n , d d h ru d tot r E a t h - s s m v e u s a amip e L S S q c o r r - lv V sP s re e e u o s o a u l p ie raEc t eeE qiupd s s r t E m sei go ea t ap r u a 7 E ip - u e e l r S p p L i S e a E d t u r a d ud u d f d e t r reS V l l e n av i e e nf int e s se b o . e le r v r if r r c a on ee m u a a Participala s s U l d s u o n l o e e r u le i e s rd er a o in ha i c e e m m o rd o y o c q E c na p e q a te c o t S a r L E d ip n t t c de q E o a i ph p a t l U E p p rq t Ld S c S S d t s a t le ao e s - g d d a e t ia r rn c e e b - n o u u c cdip l E n l u o o p s a a a u i e or e p d i e o e e a r p d e r a p uneg P o uln o u l l d u o d d i e rd d m y o o fa . iaa q d e - f u a i i is u o ert s m d d r e r a e l o m e . g u e l y q v . o l d o r d m ge ele di r lE V t a a e g g U e o o eh F a t y a .e o l a m nr r o o e ( a a b a ha a a r r r ac l ra s u S o ee . i q e i o e n nr r u o r e u e pa N N n naei u d p a - mb r u u a a p p l v r e o sn r pf e t e z F r U srn u d i p ud c ( s s r g o a l r ia V a F rt e slS i e y u s u t bc z a s d d e n u v d i e c u e e r n n e d d z q m iz s a i o c r o ia e n o o e l a a p a y y r et o . . o ts d fu E c a q rE ecr s u d ip n o e y o o r e m f y e c d e a a l e o a . . o l l e S a a i i u a A c c d i i r e e e i o o s pe E t q a a id n r r e d r l er ar rF ra d u ce r p nS E l d o a (i ild d r r b b o t rc m r r F u a d d n u r r c e ea q Esl e e r m p d a le d S t a a cc r m d t n e l r f o oo u i la u e o o v d a a apf . o o i l l e lo d on a e n ( eo a e i ia s s ir y y r pb a o e th ta U iz c y)a d a S l o a u m o c n n D l ia ui e o u a a u c ad cai oa a rp r r l o clp o q N r a a d a u N a a a a c n m o u c pa o p s c S s sf o i i p qpir l n i a a U A d e D s m m n n e l m H l a lfl e i n t r lc p ps a ue r d o d a r a sdp a n r r l e o r a d a d l a u a a l lu fa o d t a a e n o e a a a u ) p p il t t i e o r d a m t s d a lcS i(l i d e o u u u o rle o i c l f p n a a r ( a d e ri e e r ic i cp od o s n r ap l t ee c tlu r t up o pi i dc r c e e D s r r ( r d b lc a e a a ) r r a F r s o o re a f s e e r ,a i n oq e u rs ( a atu b r a aa jp S rlF a l Ip n a e in l oo r et e i ae io e i r n m a u s n n u c ie S o o9- H dc n q e ss le le p .s ic l o e u r r der t a l a o ae f I S r q d u e e n c y r a e u d c b f e s r,t a o t t c m d u u a r r p i ie - un e t n sa a o u o s a a d D S S a a a s te n E -Ver a m o o e c d d n n a rr e e s o o .eu Ee 9 o o e l a Al e - a mr r c o r e m c c n d nI s e eo lr ia t in as e a c a A e a q ret m c a d r e ae )c r si e l r e sI e eu - n . e a . e e ( a r p q q b l q pa p )-c a ta I d d u n i onq m l a h e b o u d r 9 s a a ) s o S is o l u - rui m s pst e fte b n se icl n n9 u a a b duo n n l l o t ( a su c l t a l a ae u btnp n t a tr o arp u q r a a is a fa A b a i i S e l a l D D e e a a a n e ( i a u a p a s n n . . e t m laE E t i ip te n e a e c u tr u pd o o p ap e a p d e td i le r y a De ce u n r i s s c n u b o rr t r d z s c o e d a A i e a c l r i p p - f r ee tf j t ld c q e r tS ue s n i r r a o u u r l, o a c e ie le afp i i d a o ao t c V V r a a i u o a u o e o ira m qy o o p p z f r e d H a e o u u n l,a e d a r t u e e p f r lo t t i )dlu na n pr e ri r s a m a e u e e s a ie r . es e a a c ii n e A be n e ) a e aIn r uis I ad s e e lr Eu rs a F .t b n s m l q i a o , S tp t o ia o o d -rf s e r r r p d n n m E e i i c n zi m m d oro e m r d d c l o e -9 t d r c s e 9 e u o n z z e e r c i s- u u it n d n E a e er t te t p i eet a a a e la a a o) d a E f f r D c a n e re te a m se e a r r n a a m n .u e e E d a i a t e e e a e pf y y V d d a p e e l l r E F n . r d e j s c o i z r o ,o ci p o - r o t eel d r r t eh ts ie s a c i a d n su o slre e l a q p V e e p e le r o s o V e p se e oalr . y o s i r i a p td o a o e e E E n s - u n t f a n pe l n y E a e a u p m m a r u o m a e z a r m c c D t e r e u ae e e V da e d p n ua n n s t r d E e e- e p t eb d v e e i n u cfl o u A d c p y f - e f s a q e t s h a r r z u n n a r la d i n r s b e tt e p i o p e sir r a p V F e n it e r l r r e e ea v t r y i i - l ot d iu r sl d f rlr t u a z e i e u e d te t ud u i t fja u o o d a e a r t t dli a e V n a z e e r orp r q d e y ae r ra f io d o ez, y r ie a ma r au u n e y y f n t p b l a a a e e o r o a oe e r r o re s , o e r ed ea e u a a s Ee d r y ilA a io o o na r u l i i c y y m a o ddrm i ss r s i z t ya p se p i u d p lf f o o t e t r d d y n , r e s n n s e o E l i r nac neu m E y yi u m a rj t a rr r r e u d d ac i E uo z u p lm u aron i e o o r r l s u o e Va o d u c c a a- a aIy f u t d re P/on o v u d io I-9n n - - p a u p n V u p la t h F rF d y r o iI io lr r b i t rV y p e V e -r e t e ro et v a a o a e a lar e o o- l s s o 9 pl a d a o e r e ee e z 9 uri n n y a a aep b d ln p d E rr a o i t u bi jo e s E z o r d a if a o m fo a o e a e e a ve y e e t f o m a d lr n . a i t n ey - a t r y r r r . r U s I r i u duna d d urj e r - d u t cu r j9 u a o i a d t 9 n a ay al u r et r e r nrp a a tr na rrno sn aa a ,ia a l i y c o a ia te f o raI-ja9b vvd rl u I e - e ezn za r rour rate must be no less than the federal minimum wageweek in which covered work is performed.theo basis of the total hours spent in alestablished by the Fair Labor Standards contracts Act ds Act (FLSA).(FLSA).if a wageChild LaborEmployer sN mo acyo pveroretedc tw toherk mealvye bs ea gpeainfostr umneidn tienn ptiolannalt sc, hfialdc ltoarbieors ,v bioulailtidoinngs sb, yo or bstaurirnoinugn dceinrgtisc oatr eusPempotifetNyoticeA higher rate may be r determination will beSafety and Healthaged in the performance of the contracn.t. The snodfe arg westablished by the Fair Labor Standar or age certicates are acceptable. f the employs eng PartiTcPih abecomes(head tilt-chin lt). epm wash hands wash hands suspension orEFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2022DECEMBER 31,PER HOUR 2022 FRINGE BENEFITS determinationNotice. DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAY pro subcontractandc m s ioin nE-Ver reahw m andE wstilel empleEasdt m ure ife minfoa macin de dsu -FormulqE oro in es macin 4 If the victimCaecrekf. uOly elany t hthee a viriwctiamyboyn p hlaisc oinr gh oern bea hcakn, dp roonte tchtein vgic tthime hse foadre ahneda difK uh einhbefore state. (Up to five industry postings may be required.)MINIMUM WAGE $11.25 FRINGE BENEFITS A higher rate may be required for SCAIf y pr IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK AY This Trhoi sp m s an e b ho im ondip ic e om re no ip to fir e hU m rcretE t Snyf w th vweirtnhm yeonutr with your al gobiernaoaUlre ao o re impaprlteicaiedpoairr e pna E-rltiVcipaif ye nyEproVpeorirfcy aiyo nparop orcio abuaedjar9 applies. Such to equirthis wage ed for SCA contracts if a wageare unsanita s Working on Government Contracts in a sufcient number of places to permit employes to observe a copy on the way to or fromposted determination applies. Such wage determination will be posted asPostingDuring the period that covered work is being performed on a contract subject to the act, the contractor must post copies of and the other hand under the chin and gently tilt the head backThe law requires certain federal contractors to display this poster where employees can easily see it. SAFETY & HEALTH an attachment to this notice. DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AW antantwo rbk wo m rin ortk Adm mu ed by their coverediu a izrekd t thoi sw()u noo u t (m pl tothyeisr ems rpel oquyierue id rrequir Seigrl leeuroE rimz rir rmfedereal l ) p annan neu tta blao o.d cm l g leli (a u t q dtpic rH t-r auunaey qr e noec ta p m r qem dp -Vr d o pleap m ei slt lu rito es a e atro stedi da as an attachmenthealth provisions of the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health AdministratioDON\'T LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYt in the wenship or immigr violate a part of the la secondary contractors. he laAre you all right? Do not shake the victim if you suspect a back or payments (or a cash equivalent). f yto wou haor, you wve the skills, e ay.Neither should the ation sal righour tatus tDoes not hire you or ryerenship sw aes yt ou ecto Employe inormaw ction on pran e cenship somplicotections rtaatus and nated.Call IER tom discriminational origin.o get mortion e Observe the sor uat , re o Cc n before Federal construction and service contracts are generally subject to aOVERTIME PAY SCA wage determinations may require fringe benetenship or immigr tion laws Call IER i an emplo etaliation a their place of employment. ased on citiz tice. ave v/ier v/ier ee Rights Section (IER)Contrtoaelo e epthTohyeisr e pmaptl iocyepar tpeasr tni m that yo amFfof ilulaSepreinaErpelEaas g cteoo ad Nacironrle lq.uUeU u. sted est autorizado para trabajar place y our citiz xperience, and legal right national origin or citiz ause o your y he launconscious: 2 ure c t atnh eobst it . A ee opn us .ahe icnk a fnodr o tabksetr iutcn gotecauisotpk in. in ng fjuroyr a. If tir, hheare ive a bs no rysetaspnodenr cse oall 9r th1e v, oir cctiam ill ys nouorst belf iref natho bing oystr oandnely rsreturning cancellation of If the contract was entered into on or between January 1, 2015 andequirder (EO) 13658 or EO 14026. es that workers be paid at OVERTIME PAY PCA itse fringe be paid benets. 1.5 times I place yshouldnt gee born or another aspect of yU.S.C.(a( ts guidancratea tatus (this ma n usurpcohs wImmigrant and Employee RighTY 1-800-237-2515ts Section (IER) sa e smoryoc ea c egfroinr gthe eb ewnnacgegtie rates and fringm im er V nd hySep maw ty h w te n aiwcetfiyo a,dt cH so , tD fm t o m artcictmiiact emmano trh bi nt. t r ec re aqnudir eadnd q r t durr n alne rr oasr a Ec .eoUennfo li sao lrcbprrvSa dlod de fy sls e -V lmpju a D rpiurme pa .m r couie taeu )iou m clu orte sE od y e usntac-o m rnc a ez aub ir vje fV oz y z y U. mpezar PCA contracts do not in the airway. If you seee a utct io minimum wage rate under either Executive Or requirSCA wage determinations may require fringe benefit payments (or aDoes not hir Responsibility for Secondary ContractorsPrime contractors are liable for violations of the act comthe federal govern Vdoeoa raefd ya nrole p iaunesdrt japr,lcash equivalent). PCA contracts do not rour citiz ay.Neither should the ation sour tatus viola e you or ryerenship sw aes yt ou ecService Contract Actbetween the nipples. Place the heel of one hand just below that EXCLUSIONS January 29, 2022, EO 13658 generally r CHILD LABOR You must to wou haor, yrate ou wve the skills, e .S. immigration lawsnational origin or citiz theerny x ause o your y 1-800-255-7688 T plies to every contract entered into by the United Statesw to give you writen instructions andce trai ionsn io oow en r r liyw ct a at aeudqtSou -lnVrir z-iadlEeo rp fsem niA e ccconiofinrema pro qr uees cur its -lu y lepom itc m scest naottional origin. part o U wor in the Ufairly while checking y inormaw ction on pran e cenship somplicotections rtaatus and nated.Call IER tom discriminational origin.o get mortion e Locate the middle of the breastbone by drawing an imaginget yIaf try lhe viour prne ictim recise locaesponds btion, and prut is injured oovide help with perr needs medical aforsming CPR. sistance, yoIf the contract is renewed or extended on or after January 30, 2022, or CHILD LABOR exceptions. naU ects legally-authorized w.S. immigrenship sorers rtom discriaatus andlaw a tU tour righ .S., including while c ou ar our righ e0 reo0pn rspmeev www.justice.gogov go rvse i nm tihnime Uunmi tewda Sge TY 1-800-237-2515 to work in the U.S.nd S vA onfir rhett ny So s EDepa ufr aitne ginopoarututonridzaodp od rpet uacrnoaind taradcb tdaejr a carlo, Dnesteatpcea taertrma aml eDnetpoa dreta pa un ezio r dU he hveels oor s rmly p traoivge yht douor hwn andPsla.ce the victim on a hard surface in a face-up position. ENFORCEMENT the contract in calendar year 2022. age and Hour Division (WHD) isENFORCEMENTcontract. Wagenciesyour basicshouldnt g of erequir or this la o help if an emplo Treats ytUou unor using .S.C.(a( or (a(incnipg ao te theased on citiz ry service employeatnesdtsharofeutgy ha tndhe huesaelt ho sf tsaenrvdicaerd se,m apnldo yemeuss.t ireo heH lu m cto m giv FieoE-Verify nca o-b nn V y.o ge tcs en ai r iu m c cnstru or uu rm m lg urityue uiep tyo uopirSsw egtteyo ogESobupliesvmeotgeorur opor Selu l rU emidpalde(Ndsoaocrio p m m pjata em ar pleador este nto del toypay e fringe benefits.(IER) ma ee born or another aspect of y Tror in the U E-Verify (this maompley violaour righting the te the t toco nThe Servi nish t soebrvsicet in the wfor mination ased on their citiz up for y tatus (this maodf ewrahli ch Immigr .jus t and Employand attempt to wakereturning least $11.25 per hour for all time spent performing on or in connection with No person under 16 years of age maybynational originou can read this law ayer trt w a te a part of the la General Provisions IER@usdoj.ance Contract Act a tr acoctn Wtraocrtkperforming any of the Government contract wi o HIft Eer-taVmueintrhiaf - ebto igip mm tictcod er (DaHtiSon)otro S coocn e y re (o ou sar Loesrqdo iy EoE.oet sroeUompuyoe dao mcon a r q it naoan eAsd cp i minimstraci n delda mpleadoall hours worked over 40 in a week. national origin. part o U There are someon ation of this la Rorm I- ou un.S., including while completing theistr toc f sr mC. 1-800-255-7688 Tgenerally requires that workers be paid at least $15.00 per hour for all time The.S. Immigrw tha ou can red wead this laenship sorers rw atom discriatus and t orm I-or using E-Verify (this may viola y this la IER@usdoj. re th ployer ca mal rrg cobuaielqruoie fre adcecril nlaeinnsour nstrran,a sdddidntaeocieVsqapemuuya atpereFoao nre azildtdrzamr oearu mdbl aalpaoa rpleaioaa d Ia-o You must be paid 1.5 times your basic rate of pay for all hoursea.S.ts yC.(a(If you dont see anything, immediately attempt chest comptarhree pes spiorhenosne.net o, an nsd ipemakmered soia ttheely p disrpoaceed ttchero t cahne n heexlp t syoute cph. eIf possibleck for bre, placathine g,a new contract is entered into on or after January 30, 2022, EO 14026 contract. prottional origin. ant and Emploorw arces isUe atCS.Che .R. art . U etaliaes agohiits r a specic exemption applies.ww s anl tice, Civil Rights Division, ImmigrIe ue be ion ri htect)ioesp tmne a rcm intmphsat loyern- ployer cannHtSruatSc)ru focia lVcm a iu leeanc tsu contra, incluyena bystander must phone 91. Recheck the victims condition frequently. spent performing on or in connection with the contract in calendar year SAFETY & HEALTH safety.agesponsibleects legally-authoriz for: yee Righwts Sectionea ts(the law pr fairly while checking y ed b e speakingU.S. Departmenyee Right o Justs Section, Januartice, Civil Rights Division, Immigryyoyee isawonainn m t e r m h sra nfirm that yiofailumSa erhce daur e aS aceognufirormSaorcqiaule (S SuSsAte)d p eeaHplrss que puedS zm i Administjracin raworked over 40 in a week. Therminae artion ased on their citiz ainst tt yo wou because yottou arected be speaking y this lawand Emploe some exceptions.y be able ton t the victim: m etwn p oe c If an unresponsive victim is face down, roll the victim to a face-upThe U.S. Department of Labor .dol.gov/whd/local/Web Specific DOL agencies ar you untions fairly in viola ended tTIENE DERECHO A TRABAJAR em. nTlothyreaec petsno p teienrxgfco eormsfs itnhsogef no$o2n ,ti5 igm r mm ay h m cem viso fom m ryo tm m erifynE o otom m mn fi.urm a rteha m m 8ta orgetry cye 8 q ue u p uneleuid d -V1 8 Segu mtrrabaj ar, estcems ne c d l q de a T a T olep nmp a T racin deldro i2022. SI USTED yer trea ts(the la .S.C.(a( or (a( nnrdeu erf s dof $2, 5usti vbegeqewuin pia reathgdideeanrlarooecttealsistuy for th th ecec liba meesdsnoi e c tat)eio arynocw noinatn gawtrieanshce,itd cahbinn tud thameinpe rnemodp celcv partamento de nbe employedin e U.S.C t IER en .S.C.(a(Wages and Fringe Benets he lamust be performed under conditions (IER) maThe you un Immigrfairly in violay be able tthat ant and Emploare o help if an emplotion of this lasanitaryyee Righ,tion, in aco be a final agency action, has no legally binding eect U.S. DepartmenregulaWork No person under 16 years of age may be employed on a PCAcordance ith applic es against tt yo wou becork as prause yot etesacrmpbts, including this guidanc ust be furnishedmrt ktrhpinaloctyoere\'sscdoolmodified at the Departmen wts Section up for yw prohiits retaliation atof the contract be paid less than the minimum wage established in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. to work.to work.The EO minimum wage may not apply to some workers who pr ENFORCEMENT and not hazardous or dangerous to he laemployees\' w that IER enhealth orces isUand .S.CheRetaliatour righ ect, and has no fge or effect of laeden.The document.Fvember 16, 2017.or more infe, do not est may be rescinded or ormation, see tablish legally n oeux rse sSsa foef t4y 0S taa wndeaerdk.sTAhcetCmoanyt rraecqtuloymentty ea. ty eg rcaeSi E olso- tomar cSui Eal-qVueireifry a cnoci pnu edne s cuo cnofinrtmra,r inqucelu uyesntedo e las t an o Employeessupport in connection with covered federal contracts for less than 20ovide of these hazarlaws. DOL the dous or danger To le and a Hour complaintenforc This guidance document is not ints discretts: Prohibition of Improper Guidanc Scet.v iHcoewever, the actand Employee Right o Justs Section, Januar y apc enrac lies to Government contracts in exW E-V m IHA-9d.e atiole orks fW t Department of s,e yoraiureque qutdueaLrSte enienacitniuez srsmE rmalto 8 if 7 y if Ss so y a oa pceuepdtaed coo unnaire om peH e uce o ar -m stleo q ar edeyo . r y oro p luaeo sregulations or this law are atCR. art .U.S.C.(a(fforney General Jee documenfforcerson B. Sessions III, oenforceable responsibilities beyond hat is required by the terms of the applicable las.The DepartmenMemorandum for ll Componen e Documenable sts, from tatutes, regulations, or binding judicial precBegin chestne ahe hnd tanhden ps are olace tvehrle happeeedl o. Sf ttrhae sighecteon ynd houar and ormsn t, loocp ok ef tlbhoe fiws r st Notice to TippedItem #Price your contract. percent of their hours worked in a week. e do not askSpecic Work must be performed under conditions that are sanitary, and noty the terms of the applicable las.The Departmenable statutes, regulations, or binding judicial precffect, and has no fts guidanccontracts whicdho deso r nqeout ierxec the dra ardl sh oAuc e, do not esablish legallyxis s i ng s uecpdoe nrtovtraucrnnts ios inhf . t hethexce ce soesnsr tvroicafe c$ts2o. r, T5ohr0e0 s s umba For Ifr re erif erifWorksE or E ent of or E ae 8 c b -r er ey t eudotcphoormuotov guri n-V s erif les itindesod trhu dcaycrailo ean finsul9 D sp etoum n e -eS na P t om ar liifo r podos ,aThis guidance document is not in eetended t in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.adt e $m2,p5lo0ye earsepneorfto srmubinjegc tw toor kp roenv asiulicnghcraotent rdaectetsr bmein aptaioidn ns ootrletos st hthe asna tfehet5 compressions: ansd l If y er so yf bouhounldse, firs are in linse ab j : andsgently on the head and neck and theADDITIONAL The EO minimum wage may not apply to certain other occupations and Contactarous to employees health and safety tion, in aco be a final agency action, has no legally binding e Overtime orce or ets, including this guidanca nwdt may be rescinded ortors a a msE-Verify W for iio ons and an8 dinlitShineetaonuSierSeguridad Nacio ju le a tmFunciona P rV te odos ,ado approximately 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches on the chest.workers. help line ate reDivisionfor the administrationcordance ith applic woangterae documen ffect of la.The documen o rtkh ormation, see subcontracts the labor standards clauses specied by the regula rpg m ks -o y) o one oncone cto tm reo S m -V i m mmm m erif te ) o a la Administracin del workplace rights and protections, investigate employers, and r site at 1-866-4-USWAGEor obtain informationyond hat is required b and one-ha erson B. Sessions III, o t.F vember 16, 2017. and general og Le orsm tteioenmrmampca e Funciona Pfbajo ys cheost am r elalocw th cmpres other on the hip, turning the victim as a unit. responsible for enforcing this laws W. WHD can answer questions about yourthese laws. T at www.osha.gov. modified at the Departments discre ts: Prohibition of Improper Guidance Documents, from orney General Je lf th erTehgeulari rra Ltaeb oof re Fair Labor Standardso A p u tredtoeerfmttphhleeocyseoenersvt irceonelForm I-9.re fm erreslip oneo fy eygo ucprqt eomrptluentiadaod erifupde re meFuncio -rV dodos ri vfsyifo,plcannot retaliate or discriminate against someone who files a complaintContact 1-866-4-USW (1-866-487-9243),its toll-fr Safety and Healtheden psr,o vpirdovesid tehda tb yn oro nC tocan inym3 a a b ou do not suspec y tardtake over n p ipplee bs. Plaac Under Maryland law, a tipped employee is an employee who customarily and regularlyLosINFORMATION back wages. All WHD services are free and confidential. Employers ecoverWH1089 REV 11/21 UNITED ST www.wagehour e responsible for the administration ofxperiencia yLlame a la IER si un empleador: is more limited in scope than t hTcohen daictitoor more inf cet heieom cnop wlmohypeeerenescitao mmtionmayerbneeqcu esiers ewedn ob rbkyyo tahnlel a beleve fo trh ve ioelmatpiolonsye or fo tfh aen ay cot bc E-vVioeriflateydE Wp i-ltVp orerif ks for Every y m iio H V eifr one 9 orP if 7 usted crees srtfq ra s ree qfbocladyoao oa mlu e aa T de trabajo yodos por calling eable responsibilities beMemorandum for ll Componen involve the employment of laborers, mechanics, guards, watchmendol.gov.or visit its ee help line ator hazardous or dangerous to the health or safety of servico file a complaint or obtain information, contact theoundings or under working Wage and Hour Division (WHD) by calling its toll-fr Service Contract Act are administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ccthe Occupational AGE (1-866-487-9243), or visit Contact theSafety and Health Administration www.dol.gov/whd Notice to Employees Relehae vse picrteim ck or neck inur hese, kst teeo rpieng yturn toupr ho ieoatsns iitniognby placing one handor participates in an investigation. WHD will accept a complaint in anyFor additional information: SI USTED TIENE DERECHO A TRABAJAR a laV oelieve that your employer hasv ies, us mrespon 8 oceptado una oferta - Vso r ha v or (OSHA) by calling 1-800-321-OSHA (1-800-321-6742), or a pletll teliy b language. You can find your nearee 1-866-4US-West WHD ofAGE (1-866-487-9243). WWe can helpfice at www. visit (OSHA) by calling 1-800-321-OSHA (1-800-321-6742), or visitnacionalidad de orig ausa de sudteotre) rmmiunsatt piornov) icdoen tthaein eemd opl noOy tehn eethrweeit vdhe arast een o aini caer l vooic taf atus de ciudadana oerify W ase contact DHS. er S.8 very 889878-7-879 /e erif erif 1 rp mFunciona P a Todos normal position completely afetes s6to a nmdo 7ve or EMS per io e between t he are o e te h ife t the customery a aves the ew mploers plac or by calling toll-fr TTY: 1-877-889-5627 wwwWeb .osha.govsite Occupational Safety and Health Administration page 1 of 2 incluy to podra ro de los EE. UU requirement. e de la leto ydiscriminacin por motiv es conretlia , D.C. mion iE t e s E-pVleraisfye r ceospnotancsti bDilHitSie. oir dhs aPs 7 ar er m E-V Funcio t ec oan DtaHc ebae DriHfa Ty,S p. ridfoy nish Posteron the chest between compresions. Count the number ofreceived more than $30 each month in tips or gratuities.workers about their immigration status.1-866-4-USWAGE NO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE askse cy f Woor Enortvter er oneify, or if susE r-VefsapvEonr ocerifs Funcioaobfn de na PDHodosWorkers with disabilities must be paid at least the EO minimum wage rate NO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE a-Vr ciaotlvyiadnna Ptatsar S.art ompruessh fsioanss bt (ray ste oayf 1ing 00 tono 1e a20 cnd tomwo aprensd tsiohnrs a mee i Pnuutes)h h. b n n ho n a that le and t acth d o he h u t e c eel orf oaw r r nie h lnd j b h s sg t belo e Losemployers must follow the law that r 1-866-487-9243 WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION i usted dispone de las c eprapacidades, e REV 04/09 overn No lo contresenata o lo despide a c in 29 CFR Part 4 for Federal service contracts exceeding $2,500. Employment Standards Administration m ia or Evp -n dhs.go 8 -ver 1 cu orm fcq sissa lpideoasduse aesbm dilpi o d D d ara TodosI cnd p F s ood Aller Lc e a r t f h iche h r s es nso gies LD1-U1200FONLYREST$34.99 for time spent performing on or in connection with cover WWW (1-866-487-9243)S Wage andoriz Hour Division1-866-487-9243 atus migraten.orio o de podra reprtar una vulner fro Notice in SubcontractsThe contractor is required to insert in alst .,ag w e cts does no do na pDpl.iCc.a bInefl o rrmegautiolatnio pnesr taainndin gin tteor sparefet oFu violatpleasWorks ks D vfHyor Eone one ybe iirlfi t hi /e.go sus77erify Funciona P if-yS, .por ,and continue p ne e t m e mdh de n f t presio em dployer or pa nd on t inarypr More information about the EO minimum wage is available at: U.S. Department of Labor Employment ATES DEPStandards ARTMENT OF LABORAdministrationExiste una parte de las leyes migratorias de los EE. UU.Cdigo de los EE. UU.)secondary contractors.Esta ley puede ser complicada. Llame a la IER par U.S. Department of Labor s E- Vrifyfaor E m S.D 8-8 esu, ss utaPesu da srr etacesr dmpeu verify arcdl eo iEeoae bam-ErdnrVSd eh epetE.osaeriirafdo,DrTTY: 1-877-889-562 esenttar un obted naci o stculo , ni en o estatus de ciudadana (es informacin sobre las protos del esecciones etciudadana no debe r Responsibility for Secondary ContractorsObservance of the labor standards o Pfr tihes eMaryland law prohibits an employer from requiring a tipped employee to reimburse anSome state or local laws may provide grequireater worker pres the highest rate of payotections anded contracts derecho legal a trabajarar en que us, su es en.Puede consult contenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) del Ttulo 8 della nacionalidad de origen. TY 1-800-237-2515 Wage and Hour Division mraet ionfo ormn aE-tVioenr oifyn, Eo-rV ief P ia demourarsuecm eiinae fmqncou prismloe ntHaecia Vyeelo, Erariodf -y hosV,aa ieo vr siifoyl,a od so i i tampoco lo debe ser el lug any other laws or agreements providing for higher labor standards. er the vtims ch tlty t the first so the handre overee du ld tion toen yaour armysp o ocskwoagvided es toby co lvaewr the c, and oestm ofplo a cyeru isst promoehribs citehdar frgoe fom mr foakoind org a WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION .WAGEHOUR.DOL.GOV tatus de tan c tormaLo trta de una maner Other Obligations1-800-255-7688 T dp ilease contact DH dhs er ha 7781 - Ve oring le o om tbne by d ng an ima empleados empleados www.dol.gov/whd/flsa/eo13658 www.dol.gov/agencies/whd ningn otro aspecto de su nacionalidad de orig on la arcompraendo al c acin de partofce of the W Seccin de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Empleados (IER) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 - 421-004/59075 copnlyetascet D rcoHnSt.act dhs.gov/e re res naerb e tedc cte a DHS. yE HpvoiVorel que protegen a los trabajadores que cuen Additional Information an Addditoour l Inisf ionrm oart ithoenNanadtio cnoapl iOesf ofe t hine W aactssh inagnr rarbivileist ya ntod p isr orevaiddey r feosrc uues eb, rtehaet vhisc, tsimkip b setgeipn st c l o . ition, unless ot n employer fory the amoune oft o bfu a csinustoess wimerthos cut paharyige nfg for foor theod o crh baregveraes. Ige nUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR discriminacin por motiv al para trabajar de lala le obar su derompleecho a trta injusar el abajar en los EE. UUFormulario I-9ta a la forma deww.justice.crt-espanol/ier espobiliSties fasvpofaornvo cor contanfbtainalv English / Spanish Posterdebida autacin leg WHDos de su es m the neare IER@usdoj.govwhat you need to know IMPORTANT NOTE: One or more of the individual postings on this panel may not apply. Coverage depends on y ciudadana o nacionalidad de orig .Los r WH1313ove Ttulo 8 del Cdig may be obtained from the nearest ofce of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the National Ofce in Washington 33Revision Date: 02/ 888-897-788-788917- 1 y erify English / SpaEngnislihs hPo /s Stpaeresta leo de los EE. UU TTYwwwSeccin 1324b del Ttulo 8 del o utilizar : 1-877-889-5627 epresentar una vulneracin dePublication 1313 Open the airway by placing one hand on d gthee vnicvicadtiem h h ea rs ae in line ab plo ra ag DEBEN DEBEN La le y contenida en la Seccin de Der. .dol.gov/whd eglamen E-Verify cony (estenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) o (a)(6) delDepartamento de Justicia de los EE. UUechos de Inmigran., Divisin de Dertes y Empleados, echos dhs dhs.gov/e-vAfter 30 compressions 4 v Immediately begini : intaining the opend oawirnw aayp,pls a hem st a If ho pr n p f the s r e sia oe ecohntd h hr e r o pem f rs h he u o rwi u u A , l see v n r sv .es the employers place of business without paying thelavarse las Cdig r employers activ ata de una f to, c su derecho a tr esalias, segn se indic ta ley (la lefendido yCiviles, Seccin de Dert o de888-897-778 English / Spalisnih /s hSpa EPngonistlesishrhSpash Poster E213003/19Inmigrantes y Empleados (IER, por sus siglas en ingls) echos de lapped. Straig an Es posible que laToma represalias en su contra por haber dead t ck ad . M Millions of people have food allergies that injusta, en contra de esta ley. e fed 1324b(a)(5) del Ttulo 8 del Cdigo de los EE. UUrs. For more information, ask your office administrator. .go.gov/ev-v/eer-viferyifhhee ohaer h(ahed utidlt-chin lifitc metdi)n a imilt ts fohe vrehieyeclotabiudmor h was ns aadn ndd ls. Ueasin ong tvehe hr so yeeols our sf b rage iffoo m d ly psove gh pueda ayudar si un empleador lo tr eral g prohbe las reprabajar al amparo de esa en la Seccin enero del 2019bev ndthe customer lea Ttulo 8 del Cdig ment contracts and other factocharge fo , firorev ou y que hace cumplir la IER es la Seccin 1324b del roximately 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches on thedicha ley se encueno de los EE. UUtran en la Parte 44 del Ttulo 28 del 6 open the airway andfi M o rst re e c s n c h o u t e et r b a s r i e t n a ec t d hi ,ompres n tt r h e e e h s n e co ot n f i o lt r s - t c a h in b iy r n le l can range from mild to life-threatening t ht i or g o equired to make an improper payment or there has been anmanos antes Cdigo de Reglamentos Federales. o ser una decisin definitiva por part odos Los Componentos de orienrminos de las letes: La Prohibicin ctacin del Departectyes aplico jurdiconamenables, los reglamentra Documenamento, ente vinculantre ellos estos de Oriente y puede ser tos o los te documentacin Eng sternigently pinch the victims nose shut and cover the mouth wchest. ith youRrse, lease presure completely bithink n pushes, keepig y lavarse las rescindido o modific en responsabilidades jurdic te vinculan yes aplicables.Los documene de la agencia, no tiene ningn efwee ou Este documento de orientuth guard as shown. Ghivae tndhs oel tmest. Allow the chest to returnrImpropias, del Fiscal General Jefferson B. Sessions III, 16 de noviembre del 2017.e vinculantes.Pomo propsitara ms infamenamenormacin, vase Memorndum para Ttacin no tiene ccirectaim tting awo fn auilrl, stiglhot sw reeasl, ocue br usre a meathso. Each rauessec uthe be creheatsh st toh orltieo iusaeld .nt s n i ngo ormn tahl pe chest be plet atellyou per dy oo u ou have be bo youitr w stomerorien onforme a las letes ms all de lo que se requiere en los tprecedentacin, no estes jurdictablecamenado a la discrecin del Departbegin rescue breathing: bea dkue se burre yeatoh in oanke a re secegonudla ar (nndo st a dhoueeld pc) bt reg dizzy o n the voicstitimion cs cotween imy afote r ech cmc ofnseifro. m manos antesMost Common Food Allergens hoagut paes ryielatng tedh toe char a cugsteos,m yeorusmchaary cgeos ifnta thect th ceu After delivery of twoIf y reasctc elivered u t. This prevents you from ge ath betwr leeign ehtaohanf cecd pah odmedupsh f. resassit (onrs bate oy sf 1ay0in0 tg o 1on co d i k mves th p ed tiob nn si m ss wIndustry at:ionsERG02 All Poster Guard Services Include: lea nslacunt et neeird. CCommissioneee Labor and2e a ard W he victims c f it dos not clearlis nd fall after th 0 cod tmpwro aessniod tns a minu Pte).sh hu a rh t phC eersfo. I rmu ad m witagain before gvein de volver de volverPR or a ife ayour ability pvide rescue breaths, skip steps 5 and 6 and continue performing chest compresthesecond rescue breath. inute until an AED arives and is ready for use, the victim begins to move or EMS personnel take over care of the victim. Do not try more than two times to give a rescue breath that maat kae rsa tthee o cfh 1e0s0trtios 1e,2 b0e ccoamusper iets sisio imnsp ao rmtant to continue chest compresions. al trabajo. al trabajo.Oon the victims forehead and thpe oent htheer h aiarnwd uay nbdy epr tlahce vingi cotnime s chahndi)n a. Mnad gintaeiShellfisnntinly tg itlht teh hoe vpeinct aimirws ay, After 30 compressions head bTree nut r the mouwtnh w. Giivth ye thoe urs,12 months of automatic replacements/updates7 rescue breaths: 5 c b hi n emmbering tdo r sfaioln easre all pres Peanuts ives, stuhree y vico b ack (heasd tilt-chin lift Fismethhod i a headed. WatchDivisioDenp aorft mLabenotr o af nLda bInodrustry7ERG02Repeat the combination of 30 chest compresions and two rcgreeensacttluiy pne g ainn ach tirhte vighit scteimal, os nr uosse se a mhut aountd ch gouvaerd as shoth should be braeta open the airway andwosulwomcthts, rhatei on el ds/ ubin ure bet wsheeoun pld ucoshndvetieics anltivium tened tr tetu t , slow rescue breaotuhlsd. E caauch rse etshceu ce bherset atoa crih rse.e Mscauke e chee osft c roisme parnes rega tbhsre uanthtisl .a Yno AuED ar hio f oneeg seucolanr (dn aont a dd sheep) breath between eAmbulance:__________________________________________________Name:begin rescue breathing: eatihc. Thtimis cs phreevste. Inf its yt doou fes nrom got celetatrinly rg disie azzy ond fr lailgl ahtftfeTor telephoreh e figivrine nst g Nua i snn do/t o t rle r i im a se ei iifft d,c icroaba pe n ryu o a flendlo ssmi a u es oan d sae nthoin e t cineir sns v aioi tn c i u ano p p tsh r ,o C r nes t oo c p a o uyl ld ng tshti t tu litntao y o io c t d o o cs n han,i sw ynp he ue d ce u ioc f ic t c qh o uee ietss de ioon t scloorwpc stu p cu eoteh rrn n n e s g t s o t a th un s rs al im o p ar edtg tta io yn o 1100 od l n rnu s v. s Serit e 1vic 660e0 every time a mandatory change occursbegins to move or EMS personnel take over CPR. m n e a rEMERGENCY INFORMATION: CPR VOLUNTEERSn: two times to give a rescue bre Eggs thre v Milk p d ewh ltheca dwerilc Wheat ucing i tive information. Hcific fayctsonr yinEs. iTb tro sb -m isu ail: 1094 No6 GHBaltiu0)nt V 767moral-le, 235ey, MM7 DD2F 2a1x Number: (410) 333-7303Is Your Company a Federal Contractor?Emplorymtoh Eldeenn Wutt aw SteasSt Dntrdeeaivrt,de, S1 2Room00u311rescue breath, pueerf obrrema tthh.e head tilt-chin lift again be tit uinef foimr mber: (41the second resc d authoarita opinions on any speSo ulo ldliemploymentstandards-dllr@maryland.govTr medic911OR Do not try more tha ath that makes the che osh rois prodalu cadt visi cdee asnigdn eddo ttegsaoensnpd aroirotniv psgiidrn toghe adcet ulerategael rops orau an medr eicnRari pr nu asne ti srp owever, icoati rrni esgseu noorrrgvt i edcadiesm ryisctly ices yte.d. vid trugcty ioo y fn u ormtir r intliatiby involved in creating, produ oncerisp laegrohhlibalayite_______________________ Phone:________________________________ Unless sp belcal ly m g o er repanuy fto d rtmm a y beo tph her oi t.n c Yopu haernt, isth ste Local Emergency Phone #:______________________________________Name: _______________________ W Always let the guest make their own informed decision. R a SLY12 months of legal monitoring, analysis andPhone:________________________________ compeled to do so. Any other photocopyin PURSUANT TO 3-713 ( C ) OF THE LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ARTICLE OF THEwhol202 CPR Kit Location:______________________________________________ 6 _______________________ w.cPhone:pl:________________________________ c in e c gy ion oo rf 3ele0 ca RRev MARoY TmLHpArIeNSs DNio OnANs aTInNCEd tOw TINo rAT AesE cPDuLeCOACED EW, HEREEMPL OANYEYRS TI AREPPED RE EMQUIPLREOYDE ET OIS C EOMNPSPLOICUOYED.Uras 2 timely notifications about posting law changes You are likely a federal contractor under the law if:Name:t chen a guest informs you that someone in their ComplyRight, Inc.After delivery of twoood aller ft c ro ism intg t heOsSTre eastshusr.e b Yoe our R\'s below: ERMD2T 04/15berepaetaht ts, rhemeommbbeinr sPe all p ut swheeoun pld ucosnhteis anuend t tho is ww party has a f e cheos , follow the f ives, the victimW0324rescue breaths watcbh thationo ve or EMS person uring brunvteilr C anP RA.ED aromyright.com e pan reds sfiaoln ds/b .29/2 th20129 boegmins to m neel take oReferthe food allergy concern to the department manager, or person in charge.Ambulanc Review the food allergy with the customer and check ingredient labels. compelsed to rl hpa oynwedin cat ohne id re es or po u ranseioem tc o rurdi e lc aartal i sih in n ptinio th cri aantsio ey y yp sp eHn. a cifowic efavedctsru, cini to risg s en oorrvt dii ac esss.tur Tbibsuht p itint u le prgoodiescyt u s oh atlelyd .EMERGENCY INFORMATION: Remember to check the preparation procedure for potential cross-contact.This product is cdeenesyunaign dddan meeddrosadngteae in osrrp a i n nv di li em a dtc d aln s snotoehv aaitdc ugction l rComplyRiginv ive oinnlov suefo dosre ninm hepsrtin odcifg, pro e intgefofthroimrs aaaty have.CPR VOLUNTEERS:Phone:________________________________ Und/oetspecif oiadco llsyo r .oa fAel ssi ooto prortiv psgcin inetrogcsn tinoorpuying or reproducing bteeh eurh coiitcn.to wYqcuohouepos liatieedor eon r uro si nnogly rpedcawor httno,ec i nsecrostnnthressiu c yutloltsu yea n prm ir titaolnr n911OR Respondto the customer and inform them of your findings.olomeid rs cb aellwdi ea i fhv at i ther pho curate and authoriotbtyait liuitnta p tyiar ontondyuafocntsrdmma,n aw leigbiy Phone #: Sources of Cross-Contact:Phone:________________________________ at nloyey fgo purtahes, You provide goods or services directly to the federal government.Local Emere: genc __________________________________________________Name: _______________________Phone:.________________________________ 100% guarantee that our posting content ______________________________________Name: _______________________Cooking oils, splatter, and steam from cooking foodsCPR Kit Location:______________________________________________Name: _______________________Allergen-containing foods touching or coming into contact with allergy-free foods 202 ComplyRight, Inc.A (i.e. a nut-containing muffin touching a nut-free muf .c o in).y al h l t er m g y-free foods must W0328 complies with current regulationsYou are a first tier or second tier vendor to a federal contractor (for example,wwwmplrig.coben yth fooro d sra tnhieti zperdo cperisosrto use.odu egqhulyip cmleeannt euds eadn fo i ngof All utensils (i.e.,spoons, knives, spatulas, tongs), cutting boards, bowls, pots, food pans, sheet pans, preparation surfaces.MarylandFryers and grills. Department of Health or well pay the fine, no matter how big you supply parts or develop technology used to fulfill the federal contract). Wash hands and change gloves after handling potential food allergens. and Mental HygieneIf a guest has an allergic reaction,FAREcall 911 and notify management.Requirylanded b Fy:ood MD Health 21 Allergy Awar-330.2eness2014 Food Allergy Research & Education Visit service.posterguard.com/terms for details.Mar ERMD12 3.14You are a financial institution that carries federal deposit insurance.Your business works on federally financed construction projects. of a pa o a o r d edc 2 in C E S Y a y 2 1 rep v s sn n e h n op io o a u . . . C il rei o o d n a ur l l o O i C P c R T s a m A L cr , s t iedt o a o n t o h a o c a P f o a d io e i , o n f s e Y e O a m E t rk n o h a nt is i ioi t r ts a ty o n t outo b io p n d f n a a ta o o d f en t i oa lo e s u n h ils u s thin g F b ,n r f n lt s; y it e m o sT by.y e r r s t e u a l t ei c ;p o HE ; e b ro a u f k a i v p s en t a s s o ll u r ld e e ni un rR e v la d r d otaedcitaiotino nal ic y l w a ae e sc s T t F e v it t , i6. 2 R 4 th 1 5 3. 7 y 2 y ru e li o e n i o h o u g k P o e c a x ,d A oa h . . . . Ot a o s v Cc lie , un M In A i il P O a s n n o e u u t u i h a o a c or rb c pl a s o r u p ra a R n d s si e N , l sh c u i styn e a , b p n a p a e a , ft ya i s Ro r o d ce e o g p t ly S m su o l f , of o ru o e r l ;g p r e eth d r su t h o a p i 2 inr n A r n w w d x h rti s q y dr n k p re g n (o n e u to u M h d s e lo eo o gC t e ,f ul to e i ra m a a n y o g seth t rk q d v a o e r aionnsttr orl adRiaetgiounl athiaoza ( a e ir a yO I c f fa c a se a o4 r to C a re O y r t o e e u o y g ci v ) e s ti t l o oo r e O l e T r w rb ( io q a i e ru e L o c o p n s. r a u o e s , o l u c t su li e n u e r i rd O x n l di hp ph e li g it e mn r o t n e e e sS G n o h s e e - fr a r ; a e q s o d p c a p o a th e a o n a e l s a u e rk b n o to la n c n o f o o ia n d a le r h f t e t w R ge . t i y i y v eA af q c i t h re p o o e dg a e y y o n R o i u o o h s m s u i a a c d d n to s rfa n t ir in ih uit u p a l i p r e c s o e i E s o p e ro l e pt - o t lo i s n ac e h in sh s o rs t r e e l o ia fea d d l n p o p i a s is y a c m O u gs, ci o to l e t d t h E ty f e e t a l e ae n a c a g p io n d iot e e p e e ti x n it g R P o so c l i n l p i i l ; tl rar p bhy e hn n t c t a x o c O p e s y d R n o o e il a o o o e o f p tc c ra ey b r H n O ro S E s in s r e g a ya se r ne in o to y o u u l d a p T s, g N uin a a o r x rv d i d c i na n I n l d ,ao ve p C k N sp a lt t t n e d Then o e t t r i o a Y c i e ny G h e d e th eq in v n o e fo u u tde t c g o c c r o o r n e y n u a e Are re ti B r, , R qu ue e c ip R i o to tal he S oE a nh o e pS n Q n w g n r i e l I riteS c U b e t; n ld o2 d h o T a a a I te d d a 5 i I v w o e r w s T o d w HIS d r th R e t( n l n l e t A e u n io a a t r d y it h o e E a a d h h o . n T o od c a a rkr lY o d p d e C I y c g e emalpifoloryneiartoR agdiviae u t a n ee n l o p u fo g e r C h n tu u t p r p l s t h D p ep o e y c r h w a a E E o e eo ,c d u n E l c n c f le r e ss r e e t b ra a w i l i ri ftN io Ct a r as e n e ic t : t p n i o ( n ne A o ti a cb / if n a T a e T 2 a t ya l tte d o pa s a t c I c 4 n i oth y r l a n O m r h , e u tm o l p o s w u e i u i iv e r d oo p n e s u rN o r ir n o n ifl i e f o t w r ) r d f d s b e e e s o , n aS e re s l e ar . t s i in ti t1 n y c y e d . a i g e n ro a a l p i y a l c tc p re h r o o e s c t eu f T r0 t e i d fe g H p d a n e nt w a e h ic i n a i il t r a i o e t h s u vqa t e yr e g t p t s O a a r o C a L a i re rr in o e b e e a a a t Our Promise peu a p F Fo ef W t P U a F f m yo i O d r cc y Fu a i t d d h o f a t oe Ap Fo a tfI a drrnii W T B he h a Fn w p W be W p d d W T Iot r y in t d a ts a o r; l t sy a o o wa ren re n t p o itut p n n o u era ord uprp e er er eact l h o h la n ena o fa T e v n o d aly t ea tiv e r e gm e ti sc s rm el a l L r dN F n a y p eye a s n , d e n r r H rproiibst r P h fitm we c g f , i n t l ta l r , iy es l i tms m aole m n i ,Tr cd t th .3 hu w a rh s p o f m u dr f e eso o e n a ma w r h v oasae ta o re in tR c r o sh v t e ly o E b c th su r yra e o ae eq e t e f yl se e o s e ais n n mipc n e ti a s. a eI i a ou a o c u oT t tH rf r p .e on s a rt o .d n, nu f t t h ga I th eep leu, T p e e a vvo a i e .o e m eo r to gf ra ng s en y h I n l i gS p e C t s eM a r 0 cC s we vosy y re en ia a idy l os n m c Ac t t i la f v o i irs a e dri p o c gtls o r N e r t atu su 0 , hth r s ue c d p v/ y y u rw ti sac p w a n o cetc i m b a bl amw tnnot,m e rOb ele ioin o lnU 0 c S ly vi u ty oi Srt snu ateio ii in u rsta fi e tv a i n ti so r p a cd t yes hY e np liio n r e ie nA hme e ar sn d d reiefe to oua nte RA t io sir e a 2 2 in gs t is an r rdo o al t ,l an d q sp 0 1 s o 5 sih ct e r g pi e raf s n ia t onr H r 2 sn re eyino y 2 ro h n h y s I e ao o en io k t di n f fdc aar dnrmdeisa cot lwopioees near a yriset oi ocuimnorps mp aomrorndtita tentfcetoter dto dtou t 2 bc,ooc T 3) l s a u thes em o ,a u d n in C e aat o b l .is y c rr o L u . I g t rec toieoennni d l eo sfo t a oD ep e n hon tr n ivo f l m t hr p r g e fi E t orm te ecp ye c e oth p ntv h f is or tt a t Y p (b in vth P A (a o vi fo ya s u b o p s u e u on gs l re l ia la c rr io fll y rom 1 i m o t d o ciy a ) spy d r lo lo ic s ) n ep ed m ar y n os eo h a a n S rf 7 ca neutm rinin u re i n y e e h d n f m t e l n ea y e n s d assrnh,n r li a o , d ec sr , yi , o ili fot o au e u rar w o ec p (2 ( gn e m o b e t srth t a e is b y o nru m a 1m u hy ce ur o .m o b a n to uu a a iz an of r ar n ) ti ctr a e a fn e ayn E nrss w r e p yd a v i f r ld d Nfs r a u o th oue e n o n sem s a t e r to fr r tm C iRno srneto , or e r P m oase t h ea dui o y n be tcp h eera rol tptheue itn d x aa io hs it awsu pe e T o h p. q g p a o n ie ro p e y n urrc r lt nm oou i r a c Th th c W k d or e ni u u n oncd lo u ey s np fyti 1 eats n h te s HIPAA i . iT o e i t yis L d d P n u p e h c r e i t a p y ern eh pr n t y ci e p S sc l i N d e re de r _ me tge e re v p n o c r a h o s o a f dr r l p c a s e gern o ic e o d inusa ra te e d f a oi r rem lo ftn a eih a o rv or id f i w o c3 e a e r g g e t c st C y y y lu p w tand c reo nt a i v ctha o e r n _ p 1 s ef y e m ii n n atc d lc i lu i ia so o u w r n l h b i c tdc t t a e u o l o p y d p l su au t p h sq t 0 f ) i p a h i i i m P o e rde l l c s e a ica t n h f e ; t l n g u a u u f _ r pa , r elir lu a u g span juo u o a a ra sig r d u o o r c o t aa k n t a y th u lt h rh a i n y d a y y 4/ hoatt d llo t a e p o s n s. so s a a i t p g t l\' de r o y l d e a g e _ c n . a u e u rt b e to o n r h s (p b m f en d q al su d 1 re b e 2 a et g b o o u e, .t n n a st e ayr ts u In nt li u o o t t n re t t ia ia d o s T a _ i e iv h oeun.ei d u 0 d prov si nonto u p n se a s y s c p in e re a r r reu t tr t f , v , sta nnt s e e n i c d e a e s d a e _ on x id q tin g y e o. e ac e to r no r a a _ st e y o e W n W W u W r U o P der (ct i an A W cg les p w n h R ifo aae w C S We W Fo U W nee Fo t B W ex o p U p Ce pu m o R inr th i a W i cen cu p it r s n t n nf lff te d a e e u cao p o a i rvi f o t a c a ed ba ra s a or t i r ityo oh se r D qu pc i e wi e en _ 3 r se e n n tei rmity u pea e t ti sm o iieey n y a oas ns.th ar li a c a nd ir sie a to it o a d th n ndl r v p o d inn e c nn b a n _ e l ocie n ch it e a n c d n e h o f inv der au ,l T l i e tAs io fid a M a t U t in Pr . c qw ea eW e _ . h spin a pn hionT o bse ti o ou ret o s ap relan n s ore lu tiw r o s es s vit p rgr d c i v o gi tr e e DP r d ch s _ a nn ee eiotv p ic p z ch taia l o g t yrplu th e au a rk c h o on re a ni d u re o r i n in n cl c e in b sti an sm fta sg, to s o lesf o _ a pr d o oo p e q n s c, c o e e ou su se co t fD r cr al atif tre u or a( etau s yo a n ion n o ieu _ r p i mm r ti o isc l,as aw f u l n r er ncuerp n d e s na on e t rm b a in itr o W r a eish tcio rpr b o a s e l e e insg l t _ tio o e la e rt, o e h aw e n w y ri c )to fh m s to s n .,to ii l f o dme n i y u o H o e d o n to teac g o d r n o n ou rit lt s r ud re _ e r sea ow r n e tA e u han e es cmH fd e v a tP _ is e a d e p a d e P cn v ay n iv ll n ur r tg h p e sI ra n i o it o t, r r V ou d s r t h A _ d a c n c re ir p a ni o e e e i id a n n y n rs d t tit uri ven. f in m a ,isg ucoc e rrS udt e m e e n l e sen e ape ti i u n n tto foet th _ Itm w th i h t g oti a a n o c te ee y ha s ot n ps o r x n o t A f o p o na m c e or l ia np c _ e s o sy ru er io r sp t m u ud u t n ld lrk ri uoueps r m o to aw dnc v dz c an b b h an g i rtp v tta w st e d at in h aH esr _ e n u t i e or atn i tu io d r r o k e c o nn fo sa li t_If rti o te tie aa e o t sp op eti tsf in i h rk e e eigevn re e ti e n a e o yo n Tq: m orh i ets io n cee e ov l s th n o u t) l hli le t e H pb ci ld eo a ay u for o i c h te zedatsios s aut i )f a ay I h iso p eli r s o b er ao V yif o s oo l th u A I n e eA e oh afio e s ttv trol nfop _ f p he i c se b d ha e t f f o ia e dl rrsi ro t s t o ho an e i a c tet ta nev n , d y iw lte ic tri a o a , i osiseeeo g n l t a cad n n t fo l o e o g d c o e a itsibe irn u m avg r u a c re n g . rk q b ba e t er r a g ll s to ne g e s b u lu e u e i in a dg re g a y isa tt , n n titccl rtisi s q Junect s ti e r d h ioyin ov e e n t o r w ig p u ef ds ee iu n de c w ou e to r, rth e e le thg e hoo f o W a i po i uoo T T t H A T doe a uoese aa ltro t i a d a Y in h to ia q ansd uho t T Y nh s yn s d i n ha sv Y l t f dif p IF dha i If Y Yo wiell in y o C ch th y i D Poh r hht pf tle n n fffo c s th a io o s o oesai 2 oti siu da ds ea c m fu o f w epo eic e h o u u u u s r r bd cere o i r e fo se d h de orr re r Ue ett p r oo nnsly p an hedi t i n bs, fpa sa ist um r aoki o o m n o t aga or e th a .S. eorg ioein rn thf h c e .e i t r n na tiYD e r o o .o ade i nt nTrree n t f n nli e a c S e s be ilin oeep oti o em s, M e t s o hio , c lrthponsaeaeytd i y lly, u rn af etu r i n or r vmt c o es , r n t n n o ab nine av.e Tora ak gi se ef op n v t nu arforace n it h n a e tey In r d h h t the rea a i c ca eys. i eci r n oit ys .ri lt a pr ts a e feo tc a sc h o y d p g e v o re ii dth c era m fh u tco t f c to r T o o earr crm re .e f pe eourW . d e l , f oc nfdruta lnand a te qu li s i e se muisa a nc c m ,tr i o to sac o th p otcty irn nm ft a b e iu n p rinw ey ic ie l o t l fiinafletth am ar o r datr y ni e f y e n t do pdo t iH f d aos -n s t s fort oia il t. em lr iny ct tb i is m n s o p sre y(1) n g c e m nleoceanst tsoeu rnroiefatl otflhhy epeo e o ro se it odshu rov eiv tipcu e eafst i to ecy p y n H s ut a ntl fye f orner n a r lict r cn d or ctvdo e r n aa o ass e. oan v s i d icti ro e crfse gear a y s i h cp u dtii nad parn tsocunsc aliec el im uoteioot erecrdte esdbdtri hysic noletogaselhuhent h r r h d t, m otd t s ly sc uiro i t tp ngero y n a f airepo abw e a d l rm yu st ito o s c n s h actiota eecc o hnn out uacaqce bu i c ir u c sdsltpp py uec in yf u coo c rn rt t n o rt r y P oi e ir y el a ar r la .e m sitghtr n rr niw. ntivo ops a g ef a m g e aidt eo et atltth car ser oou . o o an.wyo d nwe t c ur ot c m o be p r epmro a o t d y eo ith yt anpp eo ix an d erf hy urin ti d w ingf l di e i n ro m n t t h c e ntl eyttshhcteora a tiuub setthehdoi,sairoifsfav ioteciueo in nr .z ted is p fon io ee ll teeod hn e: clo -r afhil a x apfd n o lpt qclae wr p es onr fm f so cs a y t motuuostmce. t tive bo e i bdous ationvely. : icet ayn.ctuse or neglecth, oosrp tihtaatl he la na IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK t antTE t T r t t ttt - e t p rie l s u i ) e c s m i t t t I r e v h l f f, e iio i i r r r p r tt r l l f . rt s o v o y r rh i u l r h l y v o - This OTrhgisa Onirzgaatnioiznait r v t z l l l y i i it v v l r t r r f l t t t y ry y - i - i y i i f r r r y s ti z i y y y t r t t r t y tt t t l y t f t v r t r r t t s i t i i i t v t l r i s s v t r s s i i t- y f r t r t ti t t j i i v r l r r f t y t s t r t l i i r t i - i i z z s s y ii t z i y r t t t r tt y t t t i t f - t ,l( ( i i y i y tr f r s r r f r t tj y r r t f i f i r t ) t r ti l lt t i t i t l lt y y rf s , s t t fr i rt it r s f ) ) r tr s - t f s s s l s l st f r t r f v f v t i r f ) i r i s r f f r i - r r r y i rt r t y t t y r r r y it t t r r t f , r i t t t t i i i . i - i - s i i r tr f r t y ( f f i-i t . s - i f y t , i s l l fii t s s v tl t r t i t r f s r l r t r f r r -i i t f y. . t f t r i i l r i t y t y r f f y r r s t y t y y t r i f i y - r y t t r l i l l r r f i . l i i r . r i i t i f r i y t t r ty i f i l s t rt r y . r . f s l y r r t r t y i i a f r f y ty i f i t f d r t t t t r o a t y y u t u r tionr tt , l li t ll , r ir rt r r l i t , l r f y f i rnrdr r t rr t e n l a r t E r i ew t t ry d e u i o e g i l r S f e e ll l b e a r u u l o a l i r r ir em r s t r s r r E i r rr r l l. t u s E v r if c d u Esta OEsrtgaa Onirzgaacniiznal r z r i i . r y r r t l r r tl t t t r l r ii r l l r f .i s r f f i i t y . r i i. r l s r t y l r l r r r -l j ir r l r rs i v l r f s st r i r i s l ry . t fi r l l t i l l i r t t r r r r r r (t r r s r r r l i r s r i l l i l f ( s s r r t i y t l u s s r r r r r j t s st i l l l l lr r l l r s i r y l , r r t t t . l i s r r r l l) r r s f r i r ii j r Iil r t iil- t l r s r r t l i ft r r s f f l r s t r i s t t r f i l I s i lr r i rI r - .s t s i r i r - s s s s l i l t s l t t t t r i t f i j ( r . t i r i t r r r r t l r r r li i tr i i f t r , r t f r t t i ) li s i z i i s s . l l-i r , t s i I ssi - t z s t l t ) r s r i l rj i r i r- r tl r r t r s t l l r s s r l s t r rt s t il y y f - - t s i t tr l r r it i l r t i t rt r l z r r l a j r p a n y fylr z z r s , c t e l, s r e a z e a nl n i ir ra r a i i t p i e cint t r s r r r j j t f r i r t f sl l r r ot y y , -l i l r r l tIl l r y rsr rr v y i f . r i oj u i z ca n liaornioa rI-9r t l l v l nr Yoeu Cr aPrreiv Aabcyout Notice of Privacy Practicesarbootuetc tyionugmyoauyr b ceon ufisdede natniadlhdeisaclltohs iendfo arnmda htioownyiso imu cpaonr tgaentt a tcoc uesss.Tthoi st hniso tinicfeo rdmesactiriobne. sP hleoawse m reevdieicwa li itn cfoarremfualtlyio.n d riieenvnsaft h,cor ypo mawoyaf wioeeoun nm rt ih oas eyprauehlsetrsaeho antilghtatsi oton a cicse isnsfao dattiontnoufno rpnoseistg rs .t atTahtinohadnti sa tortc iaeycrerromy ur oi tutetdas err empqoausiyere sdd ti oscb ayl be limited to the relevant requirements of the law. You wil be notified,Aevokethae ilsa y nilas u,paifthc rotao ihuoriinszb eiain qtoe urrdie rd tion at any time, in writing, except wfntoodrs t imhtchaeaatetlaw and wilOu equ iinrefodr bmya ltiaown. I. tP alrsoot edcetsecdr hibeeasl tyho uinr forri vtai coyyonuo d r trlahatrte rde hl aceealsth t obayruo ol yoo stur pyer uovrusito,c,eitpesnccr.etluesded Public Health osw u b,yl ooicfuahrn peyar olsthutec cahtu etuhdsoe hrs eoiatryl d tthhis iclt foiossr upmreerast.mioitn tefdo r bpyu lbawlic t h ecaloltlhe cact oirv riteiecsei avne dthintent to me iptti o un ro drif c hgohoptwsywy yiootuhumrre psapyre eocxette rtocc iteysoedutrhh eepsarelo ttrhie gcinthtefsd.o hrmealatht ion. Wer efm uaortgue rraree pqphuhicyi l Du onrem alltethhhe m a dasttyh chaoololsrrsiiutotyry d.,e is towc aillolfseobre ey imogunardgpe roofvoterre tnchtmeede pn huter apalgtoehsn ein cyof o ftrchoamnte isss c aolslsaobcoirates thatYour Rights Regarding Health Information About Your Le icfa blo oyr foirmsabblliiitilcciothnyha ing diseeacatistneedg,wi nbijytu hr ythhatis i sm coanntsa iynoeud m ina yyo iunrs pdecets iagnnda teodb tfailienfaor as long as Poster Guard for HealthcareTthaen daCrdaslif ofronri apCALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEA Y L TH EE atl hhaiaetna tlmtahina yo t rhi dceeon pnrtdifiiyS Yo otected health information;sures. the pub tiss std esm aesuekgt, ionis ociates s inyen lfaorwt bm,n asuch a on isn audits, For s,o iovvaersentthe a safom r clbrei ,fui isnewiendfo e mirnms ation, if dir her companyinhfo our mhlaalovtweio ntin hagenidsr a iagsbhtart itteeofmdieenssntcporhe elthnicrd copy of yourw pe rmotaeicntetadin h tehaelt hp irontfeorctmeda tion puay disclose your protected health information to our businNOTICE TO EMPLO gnir oveeftfe yecoctuet. dtWhheeis a nmlotahti yic necfho oarnf mgoueart i tholenegt;alear ndmdu fts ioeolflsoaownu drt n hpoer ittievcraemc ay tsaon praf oyc tutiirc mens oewithh ce e tr hneaestpw ea nrcteocttioucr eyr oewunitrll ly b eBusines unicable Diseases r provide us with services if the information isalatowede,dform ri recpdesignated file contains medical and bil dewciisnigo rnsec oaSTANDARDS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RADIAU any iIONON, T Scte.i .oYnou t hcaatnwobet maiani anntayi nr eavti tsheedtHimIPeA aAsNwoetl csoftoee prcefoesrrfam ocrromny fu ftonr braccilt ng t fh soeun urn svo,iccut to esponrse hoo toraeu lscf etror obtvheitcheh apeel.irf.vAaalnc ely ousce anttnedoras tctrr.eenobotlianyyuiv.c oih Ulo,n tact thedhriominoyahlat,oisrsaduw t ,y ohuorw epvhyers, icyoiaun m anadynthoetiofnfsicpee cuts oesrfcoopr my tahkei nfogl ing records and nsrCOORDTES OF ORENGPrhiev facolylowing examples describe difATIONIOtec ton edu semreaayry ad cihtsinacvlgoe o sber e ysenporu eerax pdproionsgteed ct thteoed dahi cseoeaamltsehmionurf nocicromnadbalteti r ocnon spaet otgivohernt asse eO ntvhceyerhfsoiegarh ltthhealth informad rtendiroosa tntle. hsaa lA, timtbnjenifenco rtriems tqotr ualateitaoswivntet t ahco oacttmini ospppnirlo eehocrtdi baipnrnitord s y th caoceesondi ssnago t,oublap rnar dndo ettespicciroigptetnedaa iy h sbm nofe, a olrht usm irnHo ectnifveo r Pmfroaarc attiilocl npeswrbotyeecrcetocenedita vhece taiinlnt thghoineu rffo uotrumf erent ways that we may use and disclose yourCom or disclose any information rigtiav reasoifg ena wahb tewlmteor feieenq ftouarei nas tanuthaectol pewcieetrs so.nenidc h a ecalopthyroefc yoordur o pf yrooutecr dtedesilteh. niWfeoremayati , o al tWh InfoarmasteNSc (luCdAeL IFORNRIEAPTORYprotected health information. These examples are not meant to be exhaustive, but to Health Oversight t pr o ude g anacieos, o.cwe Atr e tdomeaiyiions abcsidoeannryyp ttoyo ofduano eyrty rrea celretthd vai cininedawflo/ aorrrbem cloceor.at dpio.yn.CALIFORNIA RADIATION CONTROL REGULATIO ds.1. He AT tuypseeev esar on, d of ntrolDI EXPOS2U5R5)Eofh co crtem in csy o nmt c lose you r proteecttefidhealcgtlh imnfornm ionins.,e iaf saeu othr omrizaeyd o bthye rlawwis, et ob aeapet rrissonk an re eaparaes nes u muaescontact our of hice if you have que geaaltthed i fnfileo,rm YOUR Calpifly rnntsoiia bb iloitDythepfeoamrr ptmaloedynmet rinsio saft nerdPi nuegbm litcph loeyHseeee asslt.h tEa nndhfaoarrscd es mprewimnhtai crihsytixe tlp eo LimitsionsWe wil exoammyptier healthn pleraotehetltn echctnd ferto rhrremeeaadtlatmRegulations requirerdin naytoyour and civil rights laws. edmb agodu emoetn idntort atietooian ocltnhos, ntr tidna frekrptmpporaot stdaoui igoea tvntoteioraanng hsm,e enaaennsot nr oegru claomtopryan pryo rgeqraumirse dalusmo n poedlrneoianctegtbrceo lthe aibr ye t shfws iss yh ooofuImrtP rAeparyAaot tm bNeeceotn tinietcvd,epoh laoevfy eamlPdth reii nvniatnor hyeoucu rceeosst setstidentify. We may charge e dho dsri escso floafisnceed ydmoiasucry l nposreouvetreerschtteahdva hetrmeaelaasytho b nine ft moor ammdaaek teibyo ns oo muforre o t ohffi ect hefo.eWsl loewe d iianrsceglo We vcaspr the Californiatoo wr use and disclose your protected health information to provide, co d and Drug Administration You have the right to request a restriction of your protected health information. Includes all mandatory, employee-facing federalf you retieasnot noarb cllyie bnetl ioefv eth oer f a or its authorized iEnsSpPeOcNtioSnI BaIgLeI o w n p o o e rk rt Department ofm Public Health2. 20). nra tra ouo oirs cmlaosnea gper oyteocutr edvhreehthreititt esli nmf oirrte sop coscretut i pfai nyti ootuhn aerlecrraaeddiviiaaett iiooannn brya oeb tkmhele eram Fye opds,ao ibisdrc islaoo nol ourrc p Ardcmtectseie,sv dta rh nergan btslsuer,vpprreooilddlauunccttc e rd,e easfcae lrctels,qsotuoirineder yleis means you may ask us not to use or disclose any part of your protected healthE-Verify Poster ServiceIF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORKAbuse, neglect, or illegal, unprofessional or unethical eirro cd id ncIEieSs .tapw ncya s iapplya sa me fere iarscur tate 3.m specified iitanloya ic fo U nlth infordn y o aym to2 dsueunrradel Rtinoe m re isacen ofnt r n eaotmeidse einnrt hv(.oelgvae. se p rvicheiosdh .ma eWdsa t etyhoem b aneaptyer cheaeyslasssticionari gayht ou oistanceli tna by lawe.annyet ridf iitsocac tploioesrnef o yproumurrpopotrsheoetsr,e d dctuettieersm aiunthinog rcizaeud maoy efnd rm irsb seo r no grbreiipglaitncu tyrimfvpyoru w epe os ofoo tfihiscihe rtod. cuotsien ouored in aegal,erify Participa en E-Verify yousr e emCaplloifoyrenrs saxpfeotsyu srtea ngdraeradtes.rBthaaslim euctet atah hirayot n r pth.l,th aeelastaicye di absnees imcpiraaontiv on from time-to-im, eCoroners, Funeral Directors, and Organ Donation stahites nfrop irrmolyesq emaust ioeeamsnts bfdthoeerasrcs tthe p stririceti otonraegqreuee sttoe daarenstdr tioctiume rcaaacrioiecone nr.s e Yofotrbp o unero r dtefsii eratiions. dYEMPLOYEES R and n unconduct that occurs in a hospital must be of o tec o wto hoaumy cicaoaanyru ed rodpirs ihhcaeglyosasinltoecbe used, as neinphfyoescrialist or laboratory) w reWe m inrafolr dmi ed health informse b aoytfione. ta Wtoh ae o c rmo frooayr na tehlsroe o c dro misroecnlodesircea o ly re oxumrae mdicalec es piesc nifoict r reeconduct that occurs in a hospital must be reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Report yoo om thc1s0u,r eC ocdaoenn obefe xF pe esediagnose or treat you. radiation expo ferencing foar midi retcitoonr t oto a c faurnrye oraul td thireecirto dr,u atise as. uWtheo mri dbisyc llaowses inutsi .oochrndemr a yth ac ladtrhei sc colaproeseu rirtaeetio monf opyrou usrer rpopvriseocst which ictiuon wnh uomnle ysosu y woua narte t ahsek rieng us to restrict the shouldho knowm safetyiofrdses ure e re promptly(subparttniatt ahhedoitrhuactiavn , su erat aldcatitaiiotoinno sn3, 0 ap2na5dr3 te2rx0ep (1s0u rCe FtRo por opteercmteidththeea fltuhnisceel nyo aosupedr fporvo or etcdea cbdteay dva ehrnei cina otslinntf,ioo enrymaeloartreiov tiinse wtsuoerbe odsaoerdanar ttchhioaentrsph uwashrp eroenv erese.iontWhthveYotiohgh lis q tiiunensteed qst rdeuht,e raistc t ret in ted su hcea lti hynof ouinr pfomaridmat ioauntsio o ynou ttuo-wofa -iphshoe taclkoth ert ep sitnla rifnuctlfrstriction to apAbuse, neglect, or illegal, unprofessional or unethicalilitatb ta d ition w ohrie 2-1y mfpec odn agu sae a e or need teio vm a yheerv Your protected health information wil upon ex youroairFR a be atient or client of the facility ho is health information, your protected health infor on given tony. Ipf aotethit es eodfnsfo tilc eoelr yed in your care by providing asunprofessional or unethical a raoduiaa.tim ion o en hre emctieorng ensctyaen is th D 2c hd erstansnd nt rs fe lread tpo o rar dioa ency, mental healtrgm S T io mrirxravm nlsreh h aewseoe eu qmu dioactiaavnertdCarm.da, tuenridael rin0se .2 reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services. ciaqnn damnd y n rueg paardy iinmnagprr ertayimn Participates in E-Verify erifyownis ingu apnrodte rmation t others.sb ou in nintoredF) ,yeovuire rweleve tionay vinecs lourd pea cyesr tfoarin t ahec thiveitailtehs ded, to obtain payment for yourreasonably believe or no of inform reactieoinv itnhga tc htheem pichaysl idceapl oenr mdeennctya,lhmeeanlttha lo hre aeltlhfa orerthatbsyptourf a safety and c main em employeret oy cuhrlo dckrp u, rya onuddro nfoncthaaret y soerurv ihceeas we lth i rnescuormanmceen plda n c ch proposal and established protocols to ensure the privacy of your protectedyoutrrm hmhvytiectoiauamayo nhseir qodur- peasattrttaoynin, we mayenysy nsc orioett ns itursta scenice otteiirn roo vstiyuorderuicepemqaruetreysgtepnwaciytyh er 4. cility Rof infortheYO nm iv sev erq a eu sb hem el e io xp nn,e re am pa he facility orIN oe an oure ca ainep ud unedrDep ou ni,cd nsaguerr esc tahseitrtiv epoicrssoe.p iFstetao cprlteraeodxdvmiady r eo ecto must,oese d fuo ocat loyeo neracest nda n a troedmo mmaftaofrgueotaeforrd rey eth upe os ding information in reasonable anticipation of death. Protected health informs itehweier d theitse, dbelieves it is in your best interest to permit the umseat iaonnd w diils dcdl enoildso sctouto l ofnu ip ns t t o file ted. If this of ThTish OisT rhOgiarsg nOaizrngaizatainotinizo ant ionEstEast OaE rsOgtarg nOaizrngaizacaincinzi anc in krev ibceefos. rTe hiit sa mp sure as making a determination of eligibility or coverage for insurance benefits,protected health rebhuasbei,li tnaetigonle cset orvri ceexsp hloaitsa tbieo atea derly ord ledtd rep lto,n oi.nyobfuota rfimnoiran mtgio eanpd pibcrae olvd niaselc cflooerss seaitd hy t,oo as ynpidotua urlnhstdaeearylt tmahka ipynl rga enu qttuoilii orzbae beees ue msaeradcyh ahdnaisdcs dl c ste rovri ceexsp hloaitsa tbieoenn o, fi sa no re ldiel rblyeoard dveisrasbellye da fpfeecrsteodn b hya asb occurThe Standards for Protection Against Radiation define:TY ock port s ma mo pe nualng h re EG eg es h AT tu hAu hyseli O otare b o its ay u u O E acstuorres inergsnpeus, tpemochsaetis.o Tnh we niciansi,eth mnetein m eieshaffi all 6). rai r e oc ish cu Criminal Ac N ompepd N tioun paaluroilttsheimto ayrrent uyiyt c o al Sec ed Forretan nal has, is or il orm 019 25 his H tuon hinACe eo rrifne maimy orrmasnt f leo f ioarrm re aes elo eirm tdtssi uoaitnrinoevssn oawrlvi g iyou f e may f you have the skills, experience, and legal rightCall IER i an employer he la ParticPipaartiecsi pina tEe-sV ine rEif-yVerifyParticPipaart eicnip Ea- Vener Eif-yVerifyand state notices for biohazardous waste, HIPAA,f r yao uh ereaaltsho cnaarbel yp broefleiesvseio onra lemergency proceduresd. NDp AR agt S3health or chemical depende SPo our t itoqr fo inrepor tim onhar re mployonrf oedrmucaattioonn aa toll s adon i suotrer s cothut aeedrr hpeeerfaohltrism i makeore saucvoraislable m t ur dents,asl reeosaenlatsirhs tiaerc)einformation. y an f awmbelb e fleiete vterha rltd tiloienv ae s ctehfsfemao p disiscl aoesc peee syraosuroyrn toporr op theeecv tepeudn tb loirc .ofu ty oouf y fouulry o pwna yp ofockr tth,e yo sue rcavinc rese qouuest to tfh yaot tuherpinofocrkmeta. tiIof uhle e la fsogear rsivneisrtce vitsch eesPartTiPchiapisra tOticerisgp aiannt Eiezs-a Vitnei orEin-f yV ParEtsitPcaiap Orat riecgniap Enai- zeVanec rEii-fnyVOS ioFORprovisions of 10 CFR 20 bovsi ego eprehensive medcal rehabilitation, mental health or chemical dependency services, perpoovirdti nsug ccho minpforermheantisoinv ea ms soon as possible to the Department of State Health Services. patients receiv tm nd disclose your protected health information for health care operatiotnhealth mtivity ineenaatt d tth oste at htueeselh aowera lsd,th iws ocerlomssuaayfer ty ofnof info ot b yhe- pa daarlivtetes rghymto eut raelytceeerir nvb e cactiouvens efl onidocea cntltaioiiamnl. icsWo bmeemiu naciccoamtimonosd farteo m qenp aua trlihrl npoegf otsrofoeeuarsr . tmysfetorr wimoiutashtaiaonpnd,p lii icmchemical dependency or rehab 3.Wth tieri im on la mxpote ns en re ind thati in fa ro coiln fao ity ctivm yo he em s e le, yrsdoisncnloesle irte odfeBStatext oas 7ocx ey1poe Hea4ud8ro79s 31 v414rltied07-hce9 0Se3e4imyvr7oevi ulicesdliIha OF0h R oif oc euacsho inna fb olrym baera r pro sssoon as possible to the Department of State Health Services.tio rrf rill ab esengaed in c th an ducta tnhat isp loory meeigbe rvic s R n Spons hledsr eotinPpsd.,eOoo rT s.te ex. rs/Treatment Alternatives/Hea or a healthilita ryW y Ac rea sible to401.di viifsi cdilt uoissal en .percoestescaterydfhorea llathw ref aotdosorr enmtshsaa eb otblieroan s etaishq sufe toroe mrstthhsoe.tw eWh r oeped qa muoyfmea ycset.otyo h Ps tlweoaca ictsl.oe Wbnmdeei at hkiwaoeinn ltdthnliheodisst r aeorqecrquc suoepmseectstimiafnico ndaw eartiitxoitpionnlan og nbf ta oytainoaos uanklitr f nore pliei twis neto gha sedsu ibnjeEvery employer that participates in the E-Verify program mustysic de The De ty interl TEX NO for purposes of our joint health care operations. thilal ti nh lth-RelatedandMh oemrnca eythm aele anspotpadiurotschploorirsaitteie e ycsoo utnordiprditioeontnetisctf yea dpor phley a,a pwlpterhe on yn(of2 e rl a(1 lits ae rdyne ofeafe m rmation that the facility or an employee of the facility individuals covered by this noticeequip te aitke g nd safe onitoringy, safetyAS R ICE TFOR C MPLOYEESinformation of individuals who areio ffA m Vryomemutteae ncraatrdenedsaauhealth infbe engaged in conduct that is or might be ilointment Reminde oed requiremen teleuym thoay t a uybsooeuuath npaovde sds iainsbclel ao pstrpeeo ayitonmutrme pnernto to tfpecotiotre ntdr seh oatemra altlehtne rti nno isaridnnget r m atimveesda itiocar lh ceaart unpr AD sfrofivciisailos nf oorf cinst pter rietiers f ;oormation to authorized federalpr ddoe svtiiodenysoaubwhnouiettthwaruigh e youeerd ynou have th uar protectedthhealth UREM worker exposure records conditionf eynro riavat e isstab ontrol A tionrds f alth and S Inmates po Notvisio iostn ea cnmtdead yohtbeheae dlrt sihismc ilnofislaorermd le bagtyai olunlyiefs tyaobul iasrhee adn p rinogmraamte os.f r 1100cribecard o vi dme br ceuertoainesticnoar ssyeoa,osum rwdneevem dsan accounting of certain disclosurfits and Service ation and the dates that you receiveds. a otbireeoy mani g pabnpyy mrtoapilhsleitori aa Ddrtyeeisc diation hazards,You mmaaattaiiyooti nhon.o htiqs ey ume afnt eque sihty an menredmet an am aiten enscttatdaetmidneemhthneenait. sl t ent and wil6. Proper use of caution signs, labels, aRESPemeILInc tha youdirectfim wass rfoo d st m doayfto tieunn.s nstyouprotedieopnaenl dore nucnye othri creahl aabnidlit tahtiaotn r eselartveisce tsopthroev oidpeedr ainti othne o ffa tchileit yf,a rceilpitoyr ot sr umchen itnafol rhmeaatltiohn,radiation, and others as required by your state.as soon as possible to the Department of State Health Services. NSIB rtment of Swith t ee e tfm xa maye services that may bloer sp ohefiyyquosurui coe she st to you. hs tio ONTRO on to cleho, no rtreal tott e ycdoo nbuet taonce trf yietmosu ai ntnoddIATs IO ta B rodtueccttivineg s enarvtioicneas l se tchuer iPtyr easnidden int teorl loigtehnecrs e s la aectsg iaalviulyt itaheous, hiiznoecldruiz tedodi nc.og fmorp ltyh emad e deny y reia teschnoo ndupysisn oafonfgry adth nowyueers u remmqcehau dyeir cpsebarteueld rptaatecl.o arPdl.e aYoes al ttqaou cyet osout umrr s uotafstftei bcmeeiif you haveParticipates in E-Verify Participa en E-VerifySi usted raonablemente cree 3. ra Texas Department of Health ev ou io ice ye ections. rge latin ERc lations, fo nt; m nDe M kerti artmeq qut o u teceo rr m m believealt m vre eortheice mofwem for y tle locwti eSre m th thenf in o mea.r Md, Heto ar cteecoreniaitvlsae cn tth yoteos ubeemf sorea fnteut nrit ice on m o rlysa,oi upsil.nega sea rysts erv Yoeiut hrm w paoryor ktuesceretse od crdohiemsapclloethns siena re e epb tio le alxst devicens trib,huthe Department of State Health Services.not retaliate againsta en shouldnt gt in the wenship or immigr la Does not hir t our right toinormaw ction on pran e cenship somplicotections rtaatus and nated.Call IER tom discriminational origin.o get mortion ephroisv o Form I-9 information to confirm that you arere illz e e e c u a nt S w o u st e g Este a co p b e c e o s s a e o o a a n e U d a c e n c q E e eU n g u o o o q o e a g e a oe au e n n a a m m a d a oe a o E e p p a e a a d e E p a le .u c a U a artteicd ae o p ,a c n q n a o u e e e e o n e u p e a p c o a e eo e au e d e n a a e u e q c e o rne a b a a e a u p e a e ap o p u c u p e o ae a e e oc e p u c n ea e nts o o cn d eee f o ic oo n e a a e a n q u e u o e d sF o e e -Vu n u o o ia am d a de onpa a rr po aI-ja9rstedez A complaint may be submitted in riting or verbally to the: qytuitcrimeomn tp diation Ctphaeectoras ndtioencp ttio noa nAyt kers C A complaint may be submitted in riting or verbally to the: 5. deeq vicueirse;ments foro u les re ke re ping PLOY ise ER\'S ired ng in in accordance Health She T tateen Unles eli itciaeet ys onuut s fsrue rop opofmrfo ir dcyte soiecaudn eing tim violate ct, He youtheorsafety G on a ificati ten osere Health Facility Compliance Divisiondisplay the E-Verify and Right to Work posters in English DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAYHealth Facility Compliance Division with y afety Code, Cha Yiosculo haes, uifvree a sthe fnoyr, rigpouf ryhpootur steo s p roterohcter t ecetheadnhetreaaltthme infnt, pormaaymetniot n.orhTehailsth r icgahtre operations as 7. hdcrereepquourerirtisen fmg eofsucht inepco ork; ga edratirequdirdeimtioenn, tisf . youpfr oytoeucrte cod vheeraaglteh ierv anyithp ylooyuer r pslpaon nssporoends ogr.r oup health plan, we may share an coorrmrecattiioonn ainl fa thceili tcyou arnsedoyfou prr opvhiydsiincigaprdoardvidse fod ri PnroTexas Department of HealthIF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORKCualquier abuso, negligencia4. The rights of wor Yo itea ehss fo wifsicu roepsw nc re31 ep o ess of rtmthew rtA W tal l a ip (re RK rsu risaisions of te m hefet ex ulesre an tro r tnhodet h P m eds el Facility Direoctoin tfhorromuagtiho nan riespaeet mr psoearnysdoyniossucilitehse 22. 8I9f .2y3ou1owf othrkiswtithleer (reeru indinvgid tou uosties l emonailtoring th t to mshre lig casesa, or disclosure of your health information.cta yinDep est 4oseth Streett turi h ithis tivhah;p pTeonemedtnoh t,teh in eisct bceepl urwedinsai lych; ocguonthteaino dmeepnetnadl eon celia b qieunmesictaar,f you haImmigry be able t ay.Neither should the ation sour tatus national origin or citize you or renship ses you ectatus (this maause o your y ased on citiz antto w a V e d sp po o d or n t ii ro yd n e o h ee a u n cu e on h o d o h eat w u a e e o e a S dc n e e ao o p iaa t oge e c o e s m o e U a n e k h o S nn .n oa n o Ve h n u ene u t wy c iS n aht n a u e rn e o F uw o u rem d dp al gobie erpnmleaoEapl sf dlegteeodoa rbeed mirpournefirmar que usted est autorizado para trabajar lae s uanl upda mcieennteta lo o c lsieenrtveic dioeslhdoe YM C proe l q 1100no or nrat dfioRe r w ivid s to: th Street i yo eir pron,v isionotincse tso oyf ovuio. re olm ;stricte ion dis nre sy se /7 m istrativ m ohir seacnbl oyleso uturoera 1m -8 heoirarponb amjretac yot,f tuyo ostiuhnerg pe prsroeo fes ct eddis chloe 0ortunity to agre nosh spo r(frie tn m tio Senrv ergy wimllm b andm tivit ra Ra ms cyoabfus elusenen d, aot rhnu dtrotohiiusoccgrelhi ozd sediwereh y aoiccctuqlhy ur y itpoosrutyo ior tenc, toae er cdivecp hr coverage.th l r ic I m roefm y o(1uremth atec otirodna nAceg awin rtainenx eveto prig e,mominoItoisPrAf,iarcAea stfa Ntirociinocitlour com rpf r oaenPcsrdetios vl.i raymTc, hytite oaPrfrtiaaiogmcnhtitisc.l teyo A s mrd. Iedectim etexiibovceelnur stahd lolieyss,rl alud del Estado de Texas. place y DON\'T LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAY If F p a If a e pEa n o e a a Vteh e e e c h if d a e aT e d zc d p e a o nofr al c s m if uc k o n co e e d s o v n kn e a e e n c c h w n c o m e e r.r b lr cn E o y c mt o St w e m b u a n aU g e e a h d a otev c n u yo th h na r ye a e wand e para confiprmarar cqo c c d d e re a o n o a o c n e o a a d u D aa p a e a a u e p e a eU e d a p e a o a e n c e a o o p o F o a e ae o e m d st e aem u aqa o n q a tn e c e er u au n e a a a p m e d tre e p e e n e d zsa e d uoe n a E s u d o p ir aa a o e e opr p eloiatsyr ruaioc n n d a b tr oo a e o-r9e n a n ee d u d U yayav una h i tyenodfou o.rrm reatcieoinv etdo y porourvi pdreo lteecgtaleldy h reeqaultihre an 1. ouPr L on itc olr on Rea ge est 4 tio -ly o pth r ogsi lm 756 isles io of sotomakerk availvoablvlein togysoouu rcas c oopf ray doiatiof the orules aula repres ipre SatcpoyurlatiHe oeyou object, we mtayi atoranue.sseArk e and dnisi cD ional jud np yreoort ouefcryht ro efamceilictryod mlo NS C m d, sh e (0 alreq latirn hq Sue ie We mayw ua l Uprit us ten is Y C orkHetativ yh r ienqufo Sinoth 10pocoth , im olnet. ys epqro. ou un on fre rs. -rtreidolaNnse ea loth rm Austin, Texas 775631ting f(2)r neglaottaivcaimne ndteeuanfeac ptaedras opnoar DONT LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAY c aut e teE gt m Vh n e h a Form I-9 information to confirm that you aree m a p uuetroi u E e S d n o eE n e o e s hn e d p n u i.a e o r.o -U e u a u d n a e a o e e o o e a a S er eq o eS a o z oa a o A n a daltlua. d d a c ac c eo n c p rra ag a e e e b e ua u 9 ss e u s op n o a c no a e u p a cr u m no a ln a a a e c e ae o d e r p a c u de o s t ru a s a n ru o d c ciF E e u p d p e a a njam su n p na e ci e z sacluiadn ma eon intacl aop adceiptaednad eennc uianhq oa m Telephone: ( m ta late inica rd att e rwfor lain re gthistratiose M ctisu flo ne those prov mipm mq se Co ye r pm e es al ts proepisa ninttyoo uyro ubre hste ianltthe rceasrt. eI wn ithl INC ibser ocotmplaintm istere atio)ee,n,t , owldil lcir tel ofn thdee r Ut.hSe.lDaewp, waret mmeunst to mf Hakeea dlthis aclnods uHreusm toan yo Suearlnerclaiiutlvtdetahcd at d S eacettmiendavco Telephone: (ve nhhp ifrtto ytttoeoocutore edhbcta avheivineea ae la gtnohr ep ineatdpfi oceetor rmo a cfca otcaeppion chassbnteyoenobtnirc beet rach.eielceaecch ft Werroodnem.icTar haus,elelryn e.urs wquirotifhiecneda tiontoplace y our citizenship or immigr w. violate a part of the law at he law can e complicotections rated.Call IER tom discriminao get mortion eto we o orkIh a u e l- m 9 ta p u is n I-9 i e c i s nfc c yo e n oore n cg u n h d a e n n c g io fta A n rnto n h ac a atc o nt y ui c p o o s rh u n e it S mh e h fy e o p S n ea E u o or o n o c w u o o o or oe required S te u pmo o u d fr a U za a S n nao e a o a q e eE o a a a c u o t d u p q F a ai d u ie .a alpnluaosifnefd a a a u o c m d aE-Verifrye emrysnif a uypEcF-yrioV opeprnarmor odir n o m a m n csa qu E o c eie aod e(Up to 17 industry postings may be required.) and Austin, Texas 7 di oe IBILI ndtes e TIE te lab 1570 s u rself f d uld thin taC terlo lirfdore tic Heesaclrithiob neostricte sru Req hed u dl ryoisf D culalotrii sgorieenod lui gtas toi oaw fpuehfisoiil aacptfhflei ioy ltionhau.a You have the op eosuqu eq)uivalentiv or 100 in n yourdads use taanidn ,iatio heeotecl ly to theseeefaoalattryhmpp poseatlsea ioson.f ovide notice to the sponsor of your plan,iions. ac the fol erent for electronic health records. etdisc io ye of OUT THIS NOTICE,I xperience, and legation sal rightatus t Call IER i an emplo tion at Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) TrhoiTsvh iedisme e ptmhlpToeprhy ofleiesovry di edpeemearr aprtphtllai ocegry oitfpeivecraedi tppreenaarstamr eitlnie scg n Eiioptn-v Va weEterie-trnVhsifmeyyirne ioaf nEuynt r-d aVwnewidtrihl ifwlyyi oal auteonr ilzoadeoS s p u Up rcio in rlteicaidpaorie peo p naler cltna iia c Eiuinpt-f oVdaoerizado p set ra o a a eo y to yib arr YOUR RESP tio mil nesn, tsd yoTY AS cfifbfiiccia tectitmon m radiationem e inor object to the use orst a enta , Al term nidc ews htoen in rveeqsutiigreadte b orytdheete Srmecirentea royu rYpouunhaha reqvveueu ethetheifst by first-clas ia t i yotoohurn:fe mail within 60 days of the event. A breach oc prottional origin. part o U Does not hire you or ryeres you ecause o your1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515Servicios de Salud del Estado.thse rth workingen men Radirati /w d the operating proceduresm re tate irededua lhr tehfaa mlcathri liye,.nafI byr sh sponsi mrem (1 h misS vo)rhtoer a anny ninuadliv didoseua rel oprgorta nin o wr tiritssinuge;.ortativ porotec em plorit att aonstoe otifychi vycauroawhacekiny eb o grto eriny e,origur s thathn ur dalft eafp ob rforiteef m eees crhoteviiaapelltrt yhhio a innorf m fotof hr wremeh bsaautretil patorle tfamisleeencytoo urontfaHccteo maourlpthl a apinnridtvawciyth to wor, you wour citizeree born or another aspect of y national origin or citizenship status (this may ased on citiz (DH a e h k d rh y F-u d Io y m yn o n o rtp e c If e h e p nE o p to o Vn o a .e o u g c o w c b iy dS c et s c S d o s m o e o n e it n u p toh t e p e n u eU a u S c n e oyf. h H o s E e r- o o o th re eatm o u y h yb d o n t i gy g ized EsS e o q e g e or ou uE e unid u e m a U fe d dd d e o h o ep p b V i z e e a o E ie o c ra eu m e a a a a n d co a a b o o up c b e e ja ia o, o in e em u u p cm D p c n eu q pue e ra d dc e a ulcz a e oq nis n e F od u u a e d A l ila informacin emYpEloRySeriRsE reS qu 00) 22 m NSIBILI thisatc lioss urerlee r eaul naytoeb soj tetchote,agency nsveoen tltvioef yam , sltrh egim noffo enthrtm,e d apertiootenter. cmItfein ydeo h uwe aahlereththneinorf tt ohprerme saetinto n,compliance with the requirements of Section 164.50 ia formation xpSovs)udu to taltoraeffdiatiectiovne if00) 221570to wor, yve the skills, eU.S.C.(a( inormation on prenship status and national origin.anoadmd ilaipcltyeio nns weC itchoo nntdrt m Yogof nv uld ateionrs. iarizeYo ter ad fsicao me pnetna ne r cafectada po eer idealeeyyt emuosrrmee om obinbrueeot ea Debre we -8 sicnYou frodsise,c loosnledy .the protected health informationac m ion feidscelroals ursatnr eaednx oca yro asu nrn yoprand Geneby lesoe da4/1/2022 and Spanish (even if you have no Spanish-speaking employees).IU ects legally-authorized w.S. immigrenship sorers rtaom discriation latus and ws - Treats you unfairly while checking ywww.justice.gogvov/ier Em Homel e sv i p p u e a o p n a k ea a u oe pn a c ec (ir on k e nfir e H inr u o p e a a e h o ne en h e a E n ie u a D c V n a n tD o n n e V a t u o g n is r a e n ow n u uu e u y in uur o ir eni E lpao-alV sgre aoEr a birom Sroeu d prlsr a a vu o ea e z uela o a le a a i d m e fb p a u a n p n u d a r oc p up d anu u n d o d m a nc a ou t e te ce td o u o a e a ue e o os o d u 9 e a e c o nu e d ait n ma e q d ey retab py e a me b lalop ae resstt dr to a ad en an unauthorized use or disclosure under HIPAA that compromises Posdty tio ein ec t WHAT IS COVERED BY THESE RULESy asr ject to such a disclosure, we may ou en dai stosecidtohlong na xposures if He eru be writice es an d Do formon on your radiation exp atmocn sure in tedfdo rvPLEA du(3) g. t, of y ntpoco profesional o poco tica que ocurshouldnt get in the way.Neither should theviola w atUor using .S.C.(a( or (a( IER@usdoj. I-9 informationca ennot confirm that you areoepqorequerido a d nd b o d .Uto rg tections that restrict th,eld fat tan bdr tioefro tmun hospital, se debe reportar al Departamento de Servicios de Sct ertatein rgenc y procedures; request.og teeopcuetrerredas bl h PECTIO ns aa tiatvrioeen,u a nthcalabeiflyceeeni stns g.underwriting purinspec stionc tativ forr t about the a inforef emPlnvnereevers, leg deostcrecti patigoainn osftfwurhtathe wr eb rareae cdhoeins.g to investigate the breach, mitigatemination ased on their citiz orm I- Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER)ospial quetic rop eo e s f ex ore ipa ic m els, dalim prd osa rts; ea set c ucn to pe ersdoicnaa, nspytr oinu eltrht si nafnodrm toa ticoon rtdoin aant ae uuyororma ma onnofftoohersar amtsi oissa nrtisaieotu the nd,crtmiclae aatsti nioomdnna . sfy ouF bronot ap srtcerkideb thei ice for more informHIsPm bDu ven thiye nw rfeoiltremha sayoet i uorn ,mplai ra artme e q nu doeslae rsvaicliuodsfpsaircaalaou were born or another aspect of y.S. immigration laour wsla C.(a(w awww.justice.gov/ier to give you writ e ct o rp n n a c i(pD trrutcsoin p yc c m ind etsne etasp niec an- V eenrti f il ltao telr aS cs it E-Veraiufyt onroz rpudeodpa ceo entrtfairbmajar rq,ueesd taues retemddp eluestadrn jrs e ia o a r dIa-otrrrapubedajara1. Limits on exposure to sources of radiatio your care of yo e ncesoattn altidntihvitee itn irooersnfotoarn he un hospital, se debe reportar al Departamento de Servicios de S national origin.U.S.te a part of the lapcietivs isegno or te REPO bnie qnudoesla salud alud del Estado de Texas. Wiesci lvmoisdauuy raue slisesi nroerv qdouilvsiin 2-75 shally, we may use or disclose information, you may contact our of ega i, nlths ta hlinei fsoo fn rmoytoiucaertiopwnrol itth __ pi rin oese not phr If you think we may have a vpie laidtepedl ainy yoouturwwi pthrh i vttahhece yUa.S.rdidrgh Dts,eeps The .S.C ou can read this law at Treats you unfairly while checking your right toU.S. Departmenyee Right o Justs Section, Januartice, Civil Rights Division, Immigryinclu o ork p lv c n e p n eed ne F c a o u a c fyo e o owm y n y o e e ha n gS o e b othi a etnio minsps ltaornuydce rton aiia onnse aqnudir eayn ca te p oelovtgenu op n e d r a o u n o m y i e db c (rS o e e lp du d o a a tu e d treustd c p rle cs n p ma Stre urel reifmy pyl pearodeer e n r porcuioendar 9 traProivideury so ouin ra ecci rmp l m to orktak rin (C) radiologicalCont ra s; an hoitwheeveldrm, ithaxate the la inou dri sparsottere cretelide fh eeafr cntyrsigwyhoatsuyDe latio r death. Final latio iC derstinra tble for are ysubjec rs,anotherwise permit morem paatritosn o.d issu i cthgro e au tio hsp yhfoumYOSUEHAASVEK T ANYO SPEAK QUES TTIO OONSUROPRRIV COAMPCYL OAINTFFICERS AB. e tporso dnteo r echomaboil itsaecai pno msibdleic aal, national origin. part o U wor in the U.S., including while cE-Verify (this maompley violating the te the1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 ak op or-izediau toh owroizrek,d t thois w eomrkp,l othyeisr e ism rpelqouyeire idso u Se sE g o r n a o p q odp dore con feiS ajd r lcaol nnDteapcatoratraaml Dnepoanpoturacin delto de Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado.RTS N YO s c DIATION EXPOSURE HISTORYn Control Regulations.tal inspecbe torssigned public or private enti oyrtotoh aesrsiriv na w ym Divisi a ne gal advice aydnde n m term dg o,l ieges o se r protects legally-authorized wenship sorers rtom discriatus and - orm I-or using E-Verify (this may violate theIER@usdoj.gov the aut m n authoritzoe gdiopevto yw u e a a o bs n o a e e m d o o StrD e u k u on n a g p V m e te ce S n S n p ) m nn y h c nd de elc e y a ad p ce youq h tsE d es e S L o p d u s E o m a ulu c tunidadd a p (D oIr-,9cn n i.ec ta ud c safo irm dd a D os e e u D c V ep ra oin u p e u o u u tr ta m a u e c m nired by Lawredclodsibne yyyoloauuwr.r Tphrheoaet eltucthse ec doa rrh eeda.islcthl oisure wil dddtiisonclo tosu trheesetxo tfeanmt thilayt the use oren authorization, unles ido abuso, national origin.ou can read this law a (the law prohiits retalia and Emplothe employer\'s license or registration with regard to radiological working conditions in which theEff (IER) ma ant and Emploo help if an employee Rights Sectionyer trea tswor in the U.S., including while completing the abuso o negligencia, o que ha ocurrido pab . Op 9.2 pti st b nre gn cs, ire ers reRA mo erv Ra qu ecgistratio HIGH oayalt re 7)ofrspoesstyh acenrhd o udtsheisescr olaopry sdu inres sta io ed or required by law. You maylatio ealth and Human Services. We wil mination ased on their citiz Retaliaes against tt yo wou becork as prause yotou arected be speaking y this law A TRABAJAR hav AdTmhinisi setmrarp U.S o e e e-9 enltoot ieiutanryny kcswe ,teia nDepartm e p o e oa a m p e fy y e ,y u ya e c np ciitiaythlo yeoS one om ae eguridad Nac e niA p accd u m s ils e lo e c ne iode qa H p c d u S c c a e Vc e a q m d e A rr p pu e o o a ees o n a rm d ep m d c p a a lyb e a yu mpaedzor alu up for ytour righportion of a restricte 28Ca or i les d in a suficient number of places in every establishment wh hb workpartmeer is netn ogfa gState pworka istered, in ac mY eopu.b TU.S.C U.S.C.(a(and Emplo S a m pe r D a e o -Vi o e ndH Some w id a uloru k d np a a d e c tf o c ay a H t e ie m q n o e hly o p n e h h o s a cialSrte Snour e oqo dnin requ p a ripdaledEaS lisNdetoaegrcu e ipromiaadnrratclliedleca iiDNpndHaotruccionescSrei )opn on aE aratlV i lc(aeDi rpAHifadyS pem )yo no iprn m Eareis-io slVtparcea orAricrtidcfioymioynyi una nndpaerrtl p aocricinodnearlo puede ser ilegal, poco profesional o poco ti Ex tic c UR n respecifies rthlimitson exposure to radReiation.loye (TAC)Right, Inc. be made in compliance with the orin you unfairly in violation of this laces isUe atCS.Che .R. art . Rew a .S.C.(a( or (a(e speakingU.S. Departmenyee Right o Justs Section, Januartice, Civil Rights Division, Immigryworni h g Home c Ie e A p a o m m S n ft e e o a s S d o e th a b o icd cu E d h o f ie m au n ey dtm c u a n U w a o eq p .g ri s m e ou are t autoreizramd Si E-Verify no puede confirmar que usted est abuso o negligencia, o que ha ocurhospital o de los servicios para la salud menta RadiationMachAines.) This sub dicas abcheinr oefs), plac to pse inreeitv em P Co ssh ING REQUIREMENTSEHCA04 03/15 ordance with 25 TAC 289.232 (relating tonstalacionesdicasSI USTEDTIENE DERECHO so you h F c k arm adr c a at9 u c gi d ie p c o d n io a a n n n o g irAaifotyiro m(nD ya(HtSiSoS)A ot)r os oSco oycnoifauirr ilc mS o g d c ySA)d urityLosS n ep q g aod u ofrrr v m d e nr(S onal (DHS) o a la aAdm s o ta m ue e e a ysen a E a e -v p V oein en tra, Item #Price S iu uns pterdo freasioonnaabl lmemdeinctoehcar epea rot itcieipnaed oin,f oersmt d aRrea tDo observe a cLo3 p) y on tGhe way to or from tNheir place of employment.RH 23 Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado. Our E-Verify Poster Service provides the required postings, he la taliatUtes against you because you ar provide the federal government with your is tomar cualq m iv n d p rSao)o (o icp nnfiaefatoadrl crae(mS trqaaSurlAc -e alia )p lpnuDina edefrdopaera qsm reuuta aeFcm oppireunmzne tadtuorealaadser euimo i sF pIo-roe9rz maur laario I-9 regulaw thations t IER enor this laorw arSe puede presentar una que Ra IC lation" or ord eryp elostaybelie xpempSi ustedo freasioonnaalb lmemdeicntoehcare pea ort itcieipnaed oin,f oersmta participando o partcin que el hospitali coi puanr e emnp lceoanddou dctealhqousep eitas lThe Immigry be able tant and Emploo help if an employee Rights Sectionyer trea tsup for your right to work as protected by this lawh Fo m v A e o m n o o h e ye ir sao e re er c oilm e si In o o a o c m a uo e S p p et k o e o D ga y n c yr oe oa a n etah e d m o o n eo D e a m g c nb a l e n c uie d m rl u c e o m o n if s e rcana oh s P u Ss a idt-oem h e o a d p e S a S e o d cs a b c e Vu e er a c do para trabajar, este empleador est (IER) ma1mTita) ypaop e in the rulesoin n iatio RADIATIONSe puede presentar una quea por escrito o verbalmente a la:you unfairly in violation of this law. (the law prohiits retaliation at Ho oo res S cb n sdh hm S y asr na d n n e u u o y eu e iof w ys U.S. t p n p o y p nu v n yo e e E op e c a b e oi o e uyn u o h e aned SLi Eo-seV nee mrloipfsyl e EnaoEd. pUoruUee.sd.dce d u yrlm rb c e o ir cH d a b D n (o m a e a onl td A au a n dd r a .a q incl t e mdy E edr o lsatr aa por escrito o verbalmente a la:oin 27-5106 64 n pre ser ilegal, poco profesional o poco tica y eso est relacionado con la operacin delThis guidance document is not intended to be a final agency action, has no legally binding effect, and has no force or effect of la.The documenor more infe, do not est may be rescinded or ormation, see tablish legally er aer tm glv v9 p eira naisuttrhaotlaa a nol njo g a e e iinsn o y h m it e je m la c D o e o ina y v u p o e o n n e n n te le h o c hd e o u pye ty e ouq comploetado e N e do d n u id bsoen o ia nna)ltiprda os trceee biaispa en E-V e i iadet oa mmE atb a V u d a de d o oa un a sa bajo y,aod so i To contact the Radiologic Health Branch, phone (916)modified at the DepartmenU.S.C.(a(oorized to work in the too cu, o innfcirlmud tinhgatyou aregro a da en su contra,l, dependencia qumica o servicios de rehabilaci OST spital o de los servicios para la salud mental, dependencia qumica o servicios de rehabilacinregulaw thations t IER enor this laorw arces isUe atCS.Che .R. art .o a ze ne taE knm cno eioyenurourw s o w oro raegin lo e u m u dn a n (S u minacitnrdmeinsuarEbuc qel.iaeUumlmnqeUp dua.ul.ei eeaor tn. seo ed m a e a tS a m p lr o f p dqpo r- ita yit una Codiatio nstalacioneser issued by the agency may be viewed at the following location: _ Servicios de Salud del Estado. Departamento de Salud de Texas enforceable responsibilities beor ll Components discreyond hat is required bts: Prohibition of Improper Guidanction, in accordance ith applicy the terms of the applicable las.The Departmene Documenable sts, from tatutes, regulations, or binding judicial precornets guidancy General Jee documenfferson B. Sessions III, ots, including this guidancedent.Fvember 16, 2017. Ift eEr-amVueitnrhiafotyriI nitcfzeg aeEr nym-dVno iteounortra wi cfteyionm cnrgpkfa ily rnoinomnyu mto htrth ecan moUt ny.p. Soflio.urym am rtehn at. yocteiadl tShecrquneui d e e io el ied da ad Fdd p o e d if m o e e no r)o uc m mo apuuteil iuzsatre Ed- Vesetrif y una vez uMemorandum f r acciune cloo npfuiremdaern qLD1-U1200FONLYHLTH$34.99 en el hospital, reporte tal informacin tan pronto como sea posible al Departamento deAREA r yfroedm in th aete of registratioande annt.yassociated documents, our operationone year of legal monitoring and automatic shipping of This guidance document is not intended to be a final agency action, has no legally binding effect, and has no force or effect of la.The document may be rescinded orEm to a Em a o H e n ta ea e n vl etl ain b n r a Scm u Ao tr ot m r ( e nHd er l u -V b n yand esoSlveegrua Vi d u o tc ed l i l lp gdem q b a lcy N m o ae na n ss a aSrlq S m ln lp y p eel,n m e p iz ar ed n cp lu aa n e f c u d n lu ed ve feApplicable section of 25 TAC Chapter 289 may be viewed online, at www.dshs.texas.gov/radiation. Our li n de Cumplimiento deenforceable responsibilities bets discreyond hat is required btion, in accordance ith applicy the terms of the applicable las.The Departmenable statutes, regulations, or binding judicial prects guidance documents, including this guidancedent.For more infe, do not esormation, see tablish legally he s V e g m d m e h d o p u E y y w m orio A n n e o e e e e g kloe b e,and anS e c ver rmartiro em ptu o pe co doe uonnidtaada me rio I-9. Dlcaart -n e i paorrtemsteVe e ez e onpies onfthCoisn tronotil Rece shgualatioll ben ps ofstore Ded inntal a s Raufficidiatioent nn Mmutom oebnset wrvhee reaceompyp loony cense en el hospital, reporte tal informacin tan pronto como sea posible al Departamento demodified at the Departmen utmitEp n h oit g nit g n to n oin jo o lvntp o a n V m coe oe d Segucroiqdmapdle NStieaagdcio rtFdh S HtSaon aa ll a(D cAHm) ineianto d u ynto d e1100 est 4th Street75631(For employers holding a radiological license or rHigh Registradiation ation and possessing rArea Warning EHG04adiation-emitting equipment and/or materials.) EHTX0410/19 e A e a F Em ccre c V e iy e e e o gn o oW o e erif ed n p m a Ve n ym or e a p ks V the e e emp or h oy nib d h cm L u esa E iv n a tr a b erifra yE c u m e o ctare as a a n uua mcqqa d h u 9 e ae n izuaerA Fn cc l, e ine ie fiyz e b o c a d i ouIV o aeld ez you wr orfrufiteh ctionsDivisin de Cumplimiento de and any "Notice of V eseawrea ayn tod/or certifica ti vpitlaciese reg of empnloAustin, Texas 7 Memorandum for ll Components: Prohibition of Improper Guidance Documents, from orney General Jefferson B. Sessions III, ovember 16, 2017. opprvaorta o E a So sr p m nn b V oS ie Eu ks c d o ns and a one L rli c E em le m N A erif ley dc )a n ln inu eu enld ars mo o EDepartamento de Salud de Texas o g I-iv9.e F ynoorum w Ir-9it.t en instructic)o omt.Seguoporro SocSiaegl (uSrSoA S)o pcaiaral (qSuSeA p) upeadra qeumep peuzeard a empezan m meprocedures,Telfono: (00) 221570 Form F I- o 9 aoc m nn p e a e eictyu rtiot yc (oDnHtaSc) to Dr eSpoacritaml eSnetc oufr itys he ue usted alquier ac o le o qp du u o in te te ea sm n a a be c ar m a T m eb eoa dl m- d na odosAustin, Texas 7 1100 est 4th Street75631AdmHFoinopoirpmsmoter raIlAt-at9dino. dmn S i(nSeisSctuArar)it tsiyo n( Dy (oSHuSS cA) ao)n srboS eoygcoiiunac toa n lbegin to Snegouro te ee p ia iS -V d esFunciona P a Tuedaoplau eda ioastr fora or E m lu ,egin t ccar cualq snus nm dses o.udnpet r qeaoe in odosTelfono: (00) 221570 c inkaet i th olve the issue bemfore yim eg l aSeuiriety Los etemrmplienaL omar cualqFuncio u.eEe uymodos u ify e one pleo. slo pueden utilizar E-Verify Texas Reporting of Abuse EHTX02 Texas Reporting of Abuse EHTX02 replacements whenever a mandatory change occurs.SI USTED TIENE DERECHO A TRABAJAR Eamv pt Eym m le o F erif ye vc a o c n y n bW b ks EW y mnie o E n c m c p c p u or E u y n a ssaa P t ae u -V s o -V o m z i y s nFuncio nna P na tr 9. a oferta de trabajo y m loyou, a dc er e mi seprlelstu a erif yy or E peding dosrn eriface lona P p a TRequired by: Texas Health & S. 161.132; 25 TX ADC 133.47 (For hospitals providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation, mental health or chemical dependency services.) Required by: Texas Health & S. 161.132; 25 TX ADC 133.47 (For hospitals providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation, mental health or chemical dependency services.) Form oa .aco d a ocuintri aoe n cbapg ainust you V pn n ot d y m on lo ero td c o c E-Veriiffy, or i com tm que usted haya aceptado un Emifeyfy yh 9ei.Employers can only use E-Verify once m c p aya aceptado una oferta de trabajo y h te inn pte jo m o ati yp-oV o e om a oofpo nla ye oreee y, e tio a m d ities, s a p a el Formul m s m u lF eq u o odo ssu lenV r ,oaEoFom I-9. For m h ru esmu onjno e dbcm e n E soe m oiy mpo h s, l uss tree d P a aio ra e m ebu s iol ida e c p s lario IbE or lra vsif old on e oe s m n oc m so9r.mm sourlaplead a cpeubee ts eE a rlt tfe evoe a h que usted haya aceptado una oferta de tratu eederNO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE I-r po meo p il ou da o s o m if a fo e nE sroip V b . plie e 8- y one 8 r a - sted cru y osq d F a v os rm on me eaod eomr ph rify,o pi -V or you bveiloilavtee dth iattsyEo-uV cstsi bDiHlitSie. ues ip Er-eV eElae- aVvdieNO DEJE QUE NADIE SE LO QUITE crm I-9.Vb o na m pe m p sted creedes d ha Evio olera rdifoy , por u uempleadorviolated eits E-Venertaiafscye tr cDeosHnSota.rn favor cofnatvaocrt ec oan DtaHcSt.eted dispone de las c , su esatus migrxperiencia y Llame a la IER si un empleador: Esftormacin sobr E-V ease cpolWtfaor E er88 8987-7-87E-V n a-V e sabiliedades de ar odosi usecho leg discriminacin por motiv -VerifyE Wp-lVorksor E one onesus responsabilidades de E-Ver a DHS.ifa Ty, pS al a trabajareprapacidades, e atorio o de No lo contrata o lo despide a causa de su in a ley puede ser ce las promplicotada. Llame a la IER parecciones existentes cona ms tra laE erify Works for Ev or Ever 8 81erifyfE Funcio Funciona Par a Todos ciudadana no debe r nacionalidad de orig la nacionalidad de origen.os del estatus de ciudadana oeerif orcvterS y one 97-E-V1 erif tactear ar S.ningn otr on lapodra representar una vulneren o estatus de ciudadana (esacin de parte de la leto ySeccin de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Empleados (IER) io a e yc ks ks D vfHy ery dhs ifra er s 778 ify r coynna P aa T a TodosE-Verifyo Funciona P DHodosesenttar un obted naci o stculoen. , ni E-Verify Wor 888-897-7781 erify Funciona Ptampoco lo debe ser el lugar en que usatorias de los EE. UU.contenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) del Ttulo 8 del1-800-255-7688 TTY 1-800-237-2515 e dhs.gov/e.go-vervif/ey-ver ne fcru ac e E-VItem #Price Existe una parto aspecte de las leo de su nacionalidad de origyes migr Cdigo de los EE. UU.) .,www.justice.gov/crt-espanol/ier For moreF ionrfo mrmoraet ionnfo ormn Eat-iVoenr iofyn, Eo-rV ief rify,v/ev mP ianrfao rmmasc infno rsmobrei En- Vseobrirfyelo,r a Eroidf -y hoVs,a i eovr siifoiy l,a od soique protegorizen a los tracin legabajadoral para tres que cuenabajar de la tan cLo trata de una manerecho a tra injusabajar en los EE. UUta a la forma de enero del 2019 v violan S. dhs.go oP cr if q eu u e ee mqupele sud ebomr ehpalevaiado o do,por debida aut Seccin 1324b del Ttulo 8 del onsultarcomprobar su der epresentar una vulneracin de IER@usdoj.govyiooFulaoy tbroe emudl p btivelteesidola i Eleisatv-es otlr imyeovysatue t rEyri etoo -hesVnuapme roto rp enynilfmo oysEuiy pr-breVel ioreelsi ytprhmieieoafprysns ,lh, o s oayirbes ii rlfi tiesus,s utPseuad srr et a meuens ts lr ie ntacte a DHS.discriminacin por motivos de su esen.Puede ctatus de incluy ompletar el Formulario I-9 o utilizareyrveoe u itn hbtVfee Eec dtrop-h Vinflateetaricsfyet D rceHosnSpt.oacst iDbHiliSti.es, hasesdp oscures eareb qispmonacsibnial sociudadana o nacionalidad de orig Ttulo 8 del Cdig .) please contact DH 888-89878-87-788917-7781 d asdue aesm dpiedl eEaa-rdVdeosrrid fhye, e E pviSVolarifrysus responsabilidades de E-VeriHf-oy,r .e pCdig y contenida en la . E-Verifendo al cenida en la Seccin 1324b(a)(1) o (a)(6) delfavor confatavcotre c ao nDtHaSc.te a DHIGH esta leo de los EE. UU y. ata de una formala ley cyon (est to podra ro de los EE. UU o de los EE. UU.) Departamento de Justicia de los EE. UUechos de Inmigran., Divisin de Dertes y Empleados, echos 888-897 er 78 1 favor co EnglisEngh /l iSspah /ni SspahE ngniPosslhits ehPr ost/ Spaer nish PosterLD1-U0004S$24.99 Es posible que la Seccin de Derechos de Toma represalias en su ceprabajar al amparesalias, segn se indicontra por haber deo de esa en la Seccin ta ley (la lefendido yCiviles, Seccin de Der dhsdhs.go.godhsv/e.govif-verifypueda a tes y Empleados su derecho a tr -v -7 /eyInmigr ontra de esta le (IER, por sus siglas en ingls)1324b(a)(5) del Ttulo 8 del Cdig v/e-verifyinjusta, en canyudar si un empleador lo tr RADIATIONLa ley que hace cumplir la IER es la Seccin 1324b delprohbe las rTtulo 8 del Cdig an en la Pdicha ley se encueno de los EE. UUos Federales.art.Los re 44 del Ttulo 28 del eglamentos deCdigo de Reglamen trt Size: 11" x 17".rescindido o modificado a la discrecin del Departtes.Para ms infamenamenormacin, vase Memorndum para Tto deEnglishE /ng Spalisnih /sh S paPEngonistlseishr Poster AREA Este documento de orientacin no tiene como propsito ser una decisin definitiva por parte de la agencia, no tiene ningn efecto jurdicamente vinculante y puede ser h/ Spanish Posterprecedentacin, no estes jurdictablecamenal General Jeen responsabilidades jurdic yes aplicables.Los documenodos Los Componentos de orienrminos de las letes: La Prohibicin ctacin del Departyes apliconamenables, los reglamentra Documento, entre ellos estos de Orientos o los te documentacinorien tot, ce vinculanviembre del 2017.onforme a las letes ms all de lo que se requiere en los t (For employers holding a radiological license or rHigh Registradiation ation and possessing rArea Warning EHG04adiation-emitting equipment and/or materials.) Laminated, bilingual. Impropias, del Fisc te vinculanfferson B. Sessions III, 16 de no E213003/19 Required by: 29 CFR s 1910.1030 (g) (l) (ii) (For HIV and HBV rFederal Biohazard Information Sign EH4004esearch laboratories and production facilities)Required by: 29 CFR s 1910.1030 (g) (l) (ii) (For HIV and HBV rFederal Biohazard Information Sign EH4004esearch laboratories and production facilities) 26 EMPLOYER COMPLIANCELABOR LAW POSTERGUARD.COM800.999.9111 27'