b'POSTERSPOSTERSINSTRUCTIONALHEALTHCARE RETURNCleaning and Disinfecting Clean and Disinfect TO Use Personal Protectiv eS uEsqpueipcmteedn otr ( PCoPnE)WrmheednCPOroVvIiDd-i1n9gHow to Wear PPEWORKCare for Patients withYour Work Area Before providing care for patients with suspected or con rmed How Our Facility is Keeping PatientsYour Work AreaCOVID-19, healthcare providers (HCP) must: for COVID-19PATIENT SAFETYSafe During the COVID-19 Pandemic Get comppprley ahennd rsievme otvre PainPinE, ug onn wderhsatat PndPiE ing ts nhe leceimssitaartyi, wons ohen if Pt sPE, and the propehould be worn, r care, hoaw tinto aenance, and disposal of all PPE. mOur facility is prepared for thneg pa potisseibntles s ararfie aval nad and rte treaatkmineg thnt oe ff poaltloiewnitnsg s wittehp Cs tOo VID-19.Keeping Patients Safe N0139 Be abloce tedo dureems. onstrate competency in executing proper infection control practiceso N0114ducre thW e coe rmmisk oitef C n our patients and sta : and prree a d tOo kVIeDe-p19 iiFarc ge soghgileelsdFar cge soghgileelsd Our sta membheer ps uhrapvoes eb eoef nb tertateinre edd auncadt ienqgu iopupre pda wtiietnht asd adbiotiuotnalThings to Remember: N95 or hoigherr Facemask .resources for t PPE m rly before enteringAn aceptthe importance of certain preventative measures. T nele i, an bond coth tughhe Reinforce the importance ofa patieunst at brea e w(oer.gn p. isroolapteion rnd boome w). ornWehspenir raetospriratorsa alternativeableMake sure employees in theehese pen. Td tisrseuaetsm, aenlct aohroel-absa. Ssed soap wanilil be rtizer, aeand tdily arasgh, rcaesnps wiraitll be aory hyvgaiielab N0115 PPE must remain in place a gO urse n f clloevaen, s O nonne p-staeir orile gf clleoavne, swtaiqituineg at reventative measures include handwashin vailable at all handwashing sinksproperly the entire time while workinge thoe bt aveasit lable, and in the restrooms.in potentialy contaminated areas.available alternative, like a facemask.We are monitoring healthcare personnel for symptoms of COVID-19.OT b nonne p-staeir orile ggohwiln oe prr aovdidjuinting re aespdjiursatteod (r/fea.cge. rmeatskyin) mpatvoe ims smpulceh ames fnted poever, co PPE should Nsg cWye h s licuiegs wh, oitr shin ohorutr ones s o ce if nbsretrauth tctino ng aont ry setpaormt to wembeorkr w. ithAs part of your everyday prevention actions, regularly disinfecting commonlyw are for a patient.Isolation gown Isolation gown healthcare industry know theWe are monitoring patients and visitors for symptoms of COVID-19.Assure patients and visitors that theyre safe in your office, clinic, hospital or other PPE mWe ask that all of our incoming patients and visitors call ahhis wead oill af tl ime if a s in a seuqsut bene rce tehmaot pverd ceveanrets sfulely alf-cnod pntaumrpinoasetifounl. ly so ver, cough, or shortnievse ms of bearseuarteh is ts po kreeesp eentv. Teryone in oouw ur fas to pymlan fptoom r cility safe. all employees should regularly clean and disinfect A step-by-step process should be erosvtidaibnlg pishead atiennt cd are.PREFERRED PPE. ACCEPTIBLE ALTERNATIVE PPEyucuh ar ars friveal and take preventatCOVID-19re sypmarpted tomos.quickly identify and separate patients withyour work area with special attention to: touched surfaces. 10" x 14" Applying PPE: proper technique for puttingWe are p arate area away from the mainow of tra c.location. Laminated poster details steps taken to minimize the spread of germs.all frequently touched surfaces throughout used when training staffa nd/or p Use N95 or Higher Respirator Use FacemaskPatients with sympptoms of COVID-19 will be required to wear a facemask and will be treated in a sed our sta on the proper use of personal protective1.Identify and gather the proper PPE you need. Ensure you have the correct gown size, Wqeu tipramineent (PPE) for COVID-19. e Tools you have the appropriate respirator/facemask (e.g. NIOSH-approved N95 respirator or approved Yloou m g ee a chang , oe itn thehrse pe, or yrsoou mnal pay be arotectsikved te eqo wuipemaer inn ot (i.erd. ger towo bens, mte ar p Workstations and equipment screens, laminated poster is available facemask), and the appropriate gloves (e.g. size and length). on and removing personalyourselfsksr, otect10" x 14" poster is laminated buttons, doorknobs 2.60% alcohol based. ves) tay shaant od outr shetras while in our facility. Perform hand hygiene using hand sanitizer. Make sure to use sanitizer that is at least o an and disinfect our facility routinely in Wred earr eto c ounpthionuldi nogu tr oo cwlenro stteacntdinagr dp aotfi heyngtsie fnreo mas C wOeVlIlD a-s1 9th. e CDCs3.Apply isolation gown. Make sure to tie all ties on the gown or snap all buttons. If you require recommendations for p d ii pmesnut lroce aanted iy sun orfaucer fs, sisucpaprdliedes .and equipment lLockers in English or Spanish.assistance with the ties or buttons, ask another HCP for help. protective equipment.Alil s d eq uwatlieennt is disinfected or d acility will continue to be 4.Apply respirator/facemask. Use a NIOSH-approved N95 respirator (use an apiece, make sure to fi t it to your nose pproved facemask sinuferfcatceeds , soru dpispcliaersd, aedn.n i Wlel p using both hands, and make sure it is not bent or tented. Make sure to not pinch the nosepiece located within 6 feet of aalrlo twoe bdeunder leth teos feuly enter ours,facility. LEARN MORECommon surface areas if a respirator is not available). If the respirator has a noseWe are controlling visitor access to protect patients.with one hand. When applied, the respirator/facemask should be extended under your chin and We ask that our visitors adhere to the limitations set in place inrliemgaitradtsio tno a vcicseitsosr sa nwdil lfacemask do not keep it under your chin or store it in your scrubs between patient visits.movement within the facility. If enVtrIaDn-1c9episrio ing ab 2020 ComplyRight, Inc.Phones, computer screens and keyboards N0156 both your mouth and nose should be protected. When you are not wearing your respirator/ 11" x 17" poster is laminated.be screened for symptoms of CO to discuss any questionsLEARN MOREWe encourage our patients and sta and/or concerns related to COVID-19. We ask that you contact us and not be afraid to use your voice. It is okay to ask our sta questions about appointment changes and ways to protect yourself and your family.WeV aIDre-19 st wayeinb pg uapg-et: www.cdc.gov/coronav a ation from CDCsLEARN MORECO o-date with the latest inirufosrm. srte nAlso available as a download: N0115DLWaaecnd oesstahry fers sor oafue. Wr facility. Please feel free to contact us with additional questions.e thank you for everyte whing yill koeeu ap yre dou ioninfg tormo ked aeep ybout any new precautioourself, your loved onnes ws, oe tur hink CItoe2mm02p #0lNR0i1g1h5t, Inc.y ler o a pedor msctaeel r adi i sc vianil pcte enroodr feeodsp stiioon inporan ols cvoin doena acnyegrsenpnii d n eg y c ticeeres. dY aonu d asrhe ouurldg end ottobec ocnosnuslt traupepdr oasp rleiagtae l vThgimsl o erial ocaufwr paacrtaesr, ntecicsirusc lauor smf tshittaue nasctuieobs jne(oscr )t. (ps)r acoc Also available as a download: N0114DLHANDWASHING RETURN Are You at Higher Risk?Stop the Spreay dofGerrmm s Stop the Spread TO Precautions to Folow If You Are at High Risk of SevereProtect Yourself If Stop p the Spread of G er s sStothe Sprea d ofG e eelp St o t t h e Sp r ea y dof like rm s Based on what is known about the virus, individuals COVID-19: HIGH RISK GOT SYMPTOMS?h S d of GH Stot he Spre t a y y diseases eCC e ermSt op p th e S pre a ad of G e e O ms s WORK Ilness Due to COVID-19: Stop p t eof p read of GGermsHelpventhespread of respir a t tor y ydiseases lik lik O rm -19. at high-risk for severe ilness due to COVID-19 are: HStop the Spread of GermsHelp pree venentthespreadofrr espir a t or y diseaseseCCe VID-19. -19.elp elppr ev ent thespreadofrr espir ordiseases liklikO COVIDHelp prpreventthespreadof respiraa t t ordiseases liklik e VID-19. -19.H Helpprevtthe spreadofrrespira tt or ydiseases e O CO VID -19.H pree pr event ftsprof espiraa or diseases lik VIDVID of Germs Individuals age 65 yiedss oe iars anf annud ol e r-controled) such as:Youre High Risk elp vent 6fteadofespir ordiseases C -19.thespr ead espir or VID-19.thespr CO6f f ge, wprvent6t t ead OVID In y if the con rsindgith phormee-esx oisrt ilong mng-tedermica cl caroen fdaictiiloitnies sthe6ft6 6ft (especial6ft6ft Inddiivviidduuaallss, r wehgoa rrdesledition is not wel o severe asthma (about 2 arms eet tissue, then throw the tissue in thechronic lung diseraiosue os hr mearot cdeornadte tition y any of the folSta Stay at least 6 feet. Cover your cough or sneeze with a. . N0224 any form of a seumne sentystem caused bowing:N0116y at least 6 f eet. Cover your cough or sneeze with am rematStay at least 6 feet length)Cover your cough or sneeze with a (about 2 arms length). tissue ash and wow the tissue in the. . . wesamo ki e owr organ transplantsStay at least 6 feet Co o vtr tr , then thrash your handse with aackennced iern tgSta er your cough or sneeze with a fr fry at least 6 f length)C vtrer y our cough or sneeze with a (about 2 arms eet tissue, then throw the tissue in the om other people er your c ash your hands.Stay at least 6 f Co ver y ough or sneez(about 2 armslength)Cov , then thr ow the tissue in the (about 2 arms tissueash and wow the tissue in the from other people tissue ash and w ow the tissue in the e with a Stay at least 6 feet tissue our cough or sneeze with a Stay at least 6 f length)tr ash and w o w the tissue in theimfrom other people , then thr ash y our hands.om other people vtr , then thr ash y our hands(about 2 arms eet. ash and w ash y our handsfr (about 2 arms length)Co trer your cough or sneezHand Hygiene Hand Hygiene Stay Healthy. Wash Your Hands. Germs Awareness (about 2 arms length)tissue ash your hands Outline the various ways thatbomneu nme darci oencies Inform incoming patients andfrom other people. , then throm other people length) . tr ash and w our handsfrom other people. tissueash and wash your hands. poorly controled HIV or AIDS, then throash yw the tissue in the ash and wfrom other people. trGERMS ARE ALL AROUND YOU continued use of corticosteroids or other immuned weakbeensinitgy ( mBeoddiy Mcatiaosns Is ndex (BMI) of 40 or higher) seiavbeere oDoes It Matter How I Wash My Hands? W c cf When in public, wear a l l i it t t r r r fic c c s s s s l l lc i i i ,lc r r, ir r rt t r r r. .r e Do not touch yourClean and disinfect tectgerms are transmitted so theirc tes idney disease which may require dialysisands, if possible. visitors of who is at high risk tly touchedlivheror ndiic kseaseYou have to rub your hands for at least 20 seconds toN0137 N0112 cW cW ohthe fn a in be cu c obnw g ei nag v euoatvhe ar Do not touch yourfrequently t ouchedectHeres What You Can Do to Protect Yourselfcy lo o h c uernnauo nepcavledire mwo ue avhe a eyyesesDo not touch yourobjects and surfacec es.get rid of the bacteria. Folow these instructions. lohhthee W a oh n h e nfaio ce p cuobvleicr,mi,i n nwwoggeeuooaatvvrrheearr , nose , and mouth. Clean and disinf ect nyouhe f cau o nep e u c obv n ed e mag vu o h , nose, and mouth. frequen tly touched eces Stay home and only leave your house for essential erW onh p nob ean e ic noa eyes, nose, and mouth. objects and surfacest Clean and disinfyaoio ue nnobeecanndgmat oea Do not touch yourfrequen tly ttly touched Do not touch yourClean and disinfylo upeeav w o eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and disinfcy l n n np vondo h. eyesDo not t ouch yourobjecequenouchedecest Wash your hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds. r,iw Do not t ouch yourfrequen fac es.Clean and disinfse oand ,mou , nose, and mouth. frts and sur faccW c cuvri eyyesesDo not touch yourobjecequently touchedspread can be curtailed. 10" x 14" for contracting COVID-19lohtuhern fClean and disinfy , nose, and mouth. frts and sur ouched objects and surfac1.Wet 2.Soap 3.Wash 20 Seconds Provide detailed instructionsInform employees of the manylo e , nose, and mouth. objects and surfacecestIn t ay also apply hand cW Clean and disinfohttuhherrnf f nnaa ioonccesse peecc u ooaabnvvnleeddicrrmiim, nnwgoogeuuooattvvrhh eearr eyes, nose, and mouth. frequenyou objec tly touched facfaceses sanhite eizer tvehnt tat ihs aat sot leaap ist 6s n0o% at avlcaoilhaobl ble, yasoedu m.frequents and surtly tyour nose and mouth. objects and surStay home when you are sick,,,Wash your hands often with soapt M laminated poster is available inAvoid close contact with people waeinngtath d re six fickee, it bef postwsieeblen e. If yacoh oteed her, u n and how to protect themselves.to be i ho ain ss.for washing and sanitizingsurfaces that can carry germs Stay home when y ,Wash your hands often with soap. M which in cs eqonutaal tcto a, mboake sut tuwre yo aoru mms l ed suersf,a ecetcs. , such as tables, ecept to get medic W ash yaaour hands of en with soap ondsonds Cloeoarnk naonbds , dciosiunnfteecrtto frpesq, luaepntotlyp sto, cueclhlphonStacept t o get medicou arou aral cal ce sicke sickararee and wter f t least 20 sec A May 13, 2020 11:00 Aexxy home when y and wter for aor at least 20 sec316917-4.Rinse 5.Dry 6.Turn Off Water C a a C d Sta s s ie c eeoo Sta s f , t h sm cept to get medicou aral ce sickare. rs r o uP n n d re rs r n nt n. T . o h ,Wash yaour hands of a U U .S t n D s ro nHheeaallrttghhec . 316917- 2 onds onds . p S S SlyoRu ig ig ig M M r r rh h h c c c c e: e. . :C C 0 0 0 DC 2 C C C 6 6 6Co2m02p0lyRight, Inc. 6 hv T oh giasl o id a s a periveenrce cing sontact 91 e r .ymptomsra 10" x 14" poster is laminated.exy home when y and wter for at least 20 secten with soap with paper towel Stay home when y Pd reovrse semen t or,and water f m 316917-A Ma y 13, 2020 11:00 A tND21 English or Spanish.Aigoheth scenarios.A May 13, 2020 11:00 Aexcept to get medical care. or at least 20 seconds r rilsl ck druuise e to iannd ncreased exon-essenpotiasl aure tir to lravaergl, ae gs tahthis periuntgs ys oof iu andt ividuals hands. 10" x 14" laminatedto reinforce the importance anoodmm HppullyymRRiiaggnhh Sttes exy home when y al carone.tT ,Wash y e Cee our hands often with soapD21 in bo erxe seSta cept to get medicou arou aral ce sicke sickare. Wash yaour hands of 316917-A May 13, 2020 11:00 A Cal your healtymhcpatroem ps arosfsocessiiaotned wal if yith Cou aOrVe sID-ic1k o9. If sr and wter for at least 20 secten with soap Stay home when you ar ,Wash yaour hands of 2020 Com Sourexy home when y and wter for at least 20 secten with soap onds.cept to get medicou aral ce sickare. recommendation bbiysy e tth havee Wash yter for at least 20 secten with soap onds.sruuv cept to get medical ce sickare. and waour hands of onds tNex f o th r iisCenaatettee r iiaafollddr oDoeiessseannosoettcCcooonnsstttrioitute endo oveemen and wa ntC, er for at least 20 sec lyRe: Cexcept to get medic em tiio en il.a SbGGleoo ovvnee rrtnnhmmt,DD weeeppbaa ritttm e feeonnrtt off H 2020 Compou tND Item #N01 ler m peodr micteael ra disidc vinail ptce ernoodr feeosdps toiion ipnoran los covin doena cnay e gresnpning yosp rleiagtae l Cn m tlaattneneddee t ohrriissrreemmccaooatmmteemmrriiaaelleiinnssddooaatttthhiiooeernnrwwbisye t haev aUila.Sb. lGeo ovner tnhme eCnDtC, D weepbasrittme efonrtnoofcHheaarlgthe . 20 02 20 C lyRe: C ecial coauwfr paacrteasnr, tieccsirucslu aor smf tsihttaeun satcuieobs njeo(csr )t. (psr) cacotvicerees. dY aonu d asrhe ouurlgde nd ottobeco cnosnuslt traupedpposter is available in English of frequent handwashing. Cnodm HpulymRiagnh Stes ruvsicee osf,othr isC emnatteersr ifaol drou LEARN MORE LEARN MOREanodmHHpuulymmRiaagnnhStSese rruvvsiicece eoss,,f toohrriCCs meennattteeerrssriaffool drrDDoieissseease Control and Prevention. 0 CoommpplyRightN02116DeisseanansosoeettCCccoooonnnnsstttrrtiioottullu aten de nPdreovresnemtioenn. t T Tohhrii ssremmcoaatmteermriiaalleiniss d ooattthhioeernrww biiyss eet h aaevv aaUiill.aaSbb. lGleeooovnnerttnhhmeeCCenDDtCC, Dwweeepbbasrsiitttmeefefoonrrtnn ooof ccHhheaaalrrtgghee How Do I Clean My Hands withor Spanish.10" x 14" poster is laminated.Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer?Use enough to cover all the surfaces of your hands.1.Place 2.Rub Until Dry LEARN MORE LEARN MOREAlso available as a download: N0116DL2020 ComplyRight, Inc.N0154 CItoe2mm02#0lNypR 0i1g1h2t, Inc. l o T erh gias ml oe podr msictaeel r daisdic iavnil ptce ernoodr feeodsps tiioon pnioarn ols cvoin doean nacy e gresnnpin e eg y c riafilocaufwr paacrteasnr, tceicrusc loaur smf tsihttuaen sautciebos nje(ocsr t). (ps)r cacotvicerees. d Yaonu d asrhe ouurldge nd ottobec ocnosnuslt traupedpi s ra osp lreiagtae l Keep Calm and WashHands That Look CleanWash Your Hands WASH YOUR HANDS! GOT SYMPTOMS?Can Still Have Icky Germs. Stop the Spread of Germs Got SymptomsStopStop the Spread of COVID-19 t Got SymptomsStop Your Hands 1.Wet Hands N0109 G nree sss rteeplas yteod su cyamn tptaokme ts? o avoid spreading germs to others: G ym opthoemrss? H: ere are steps you can take to avoid Hoert ie al sport CeadOiVnIgD C-1o9 rroenlaavteird sus toRemind employees and Self-QuarantineA the Spread of GermsCall Your Doctor Ahead of Time the Spread of COVID-19 KEEP N0113 Do not go to work, school, or public areas where you couldSeek medical attention immediatreoly vider prior to inform them that thcare psproeid lade gaevrinmg ys our home as much as possible; except to seekBe sure to call yooruor hnaeviarlurs so tival hat they may take precautionary yoeu masuary hes abvee cfore your armmvedical treatmoeunr htousehold items with others you live with Wear a FacemaskCALM Use this simple message to 2.Get Soap customers that even hands thatDo n N0082 When you cannot avoid contact with others, wear a facemask;A e N0077Avoid hot sahnadrle ying any pets in your home if possible especialy when seeking medical treatmentSelf-QuarantineWear a Facemask Do not g germo wso t ork, school, or public areas where you could When you cannot avoid contact with others, wear a facemask spvroeid ladela treag ytmounr htome as much as possible; except to seek AND appear to be clean can carryCover Your Mouth and Nose Educate employees on the steps medica vin d itemos wme iitf poh otshseibrs yle ou live with Educate employees on the steps remind employees to wash 3.Scrub 20 Seconds Avoid using your handszer sDo nAvoid hot sanhdarle ying aounr hy peouts isen yholour hWASHtheir hands and manage stress.germs.10" x 14" laminated Uisse a t A to take if they feel ill and whenCover Your Mouth and NoseA to take if they believe they have Avoid using your hands Dpose oissuf ue osed tr yoiusr asuers im tmo cmedoviear yteloy aur cnd pourgohms apntld sy wnaeesh o Uisse a tDpose oissuf ue osed tr yoisur asuers im tmo cmedoviear yteloy aur cnd pougrohms apntld sy wnaeesh ozer ssavnoiitdi zteo uyocuhrin hga ynodusr face with unwashed hands savnoiitdiz teo yuocuhrin hga ynodusr face with unwashed handsYOUR10" x 14" poster is laminated. 4.Rinse poster outlines proper Wash Your Hands Regularlya ontaining at least 60%its safe to return to work. ForWash Your Hands Regularlycontracted COVID-19 and when Wash with soap and water for at least 20 secondsWash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds Use an alcohol-based hatear nnd sot aanviatiizlaebr cle ontaining at least 60% Ulsce a alcohol if soap and wohon al if solcohaop al-bnad wsed hatear nnd sot aanviatiizlaebr cle HANDS handwashing technique. Disinfect alHigh-Touch Surfaces Daily COVID-19 specific information,Disinfect alHigh-Touch Surfaces Daily its safe to return to work.Use a houe s.ehoeld cll plheoannein, cg sopmrpay outer wr, dioope trko cnolbesa, en atcn.)y high-touch surfaces (g. cTrack Your SymptomsLEARN MORE 5.Dry Use a household cleanin, cg sopmrpay outer wr, dioope trko cnolbesa, en atcn.)y high-touchPay atention to your symptoms ention or call 911 surfaces (e.g. cell phoneff w k immediate medical atIor oermseerngineng, seeciesC Right, Inc. Item #N013 IteomC NR0ig1h0 y 9, Inc.t Th o ler giasml oe podr miscteael ra disdic inil pte v a roasp lreiagtae lTrack Your Symptoms ention or call 911choose product N0077.When Its Safe to End Quarantine B 10" x 14" poster is laminated.cenroodr feeodsps tiioon nipoarn ols covin doena nacyegrsenpnineeg yrcail ocaufwr paacrteasnr, tiecicsrucslu oar smf tshitteau ansutciebos nje(oscr t). (ps)r acocticeeres. dY aonu da srhe ouurldg end ottobceo cnosnuslt truapedpv LEARN MORE Pay artsteenntiniogn, see to yk ioumr msyedmipattoe mmsedical at Endinug home isolation should be made on a case-by-case basisIf wofor emergencies Ste sre to consult with your healthcare provideray informed with updates from state and local healthcare agencieso2m02p0ly2m02 p#0l 2m # C Th o ler giasml oeodr miscteael rd aisdic iavnil pcte enroodr feeodsp stioion ipnoran los covin doean cnay e gresnnpineg yecaril ocauwfr paacrteasr, ntieccsirucsl auor smf tsihttuean astucieobs jne(oscr t). (ps)r accovticerees. dY aonu da srhe ouurldg end ottobeco cnosnuslt truapepd raosp lreiagtae lp 10" x 14" poster is laminated.Cm 02p0l N yR0ig07h7t, Inc. Th l oposctaeel ra disdic inavil ptce enroodr feeodsp stiiono pinoran los covin doean acnyegresnnpineeg yrcail ocaufwr paacrteasr, ntciecisrucs loaur smf tshittaeun sactuieobs nje(oscr t). (ps)r acoctiecrees. dY aonu d asrhe ouurlgde nd ottobec ocnosnuslt truapedpr oasp rleiagtae l v LEARN MOREItoem 02p0ly NR0ig08h2t, Inc. Iteo2m # er gisaml oedr mi Also available as a download: N0113DL LEARN MORE Also available as a download: N0082DLAlso available as a download: N0077DL6 HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 7'