b'POSTER SETS POSTERSGENERAL FACILITIESRETURNRETURN Our Commitment TOEmployee Safety TO WORKPatient Waiting AreaProcedures WORK to SafetyN0178 N0170 N0267Let patients and visitors know youre upholding key safety measures within your Communicate key safety Let employees and customersoffice to protect them from COVID-19. Set includes two top-selling laminated posters protocol for minimizing theknow you put their safety first.Keeping Patients Safe and Protect Yourself If Youre High Risk. spread of COVID-19. Laminated poster outlines steps LEARN MORE Laminated poster is available taken to mitigate the spread of in English or Spanish.COVID-19. Available in EnglishLEARN MORE or Spanish.LEARN MOREHealthcare Professionals N0172Keep staff and patients safe by communicating key precautions taken by your facilityRETURN RETURNEnhanced Safety TO OSHA COVID-19 TOwith this three-poster set: How to Wear PPE for COVID-19, Keeping Patients Safe andWORK Ten Steps All Workplaces Can Take toWORKMeasuresReduce Risk of Exposure to Coronavirus in the Workplace Protect Yourself If Youre High Risk. All workplaces can take tmeasures to protect workers:he following infection prevention N0162 Encourage workers to R d W00731.7. stayhome if sick. deisginufleacrtly s uclrefaacne asn,LEARN MORE Encourage relsupdiriantgory eq othekr2.eleumipemntesn ot,fathnedworetiquentg.environment.te ,c oinucghs andcoeveezriesNotify everyone who enterssn lace to wash 8. Use Environmental Communicate 10 OSHA-verified 3. P Protection Ageedn cclyeaningharonvdisd eo raaplccoonhtoali-nbinagse adt (EhPeAm)-icapalps rwovith label claimshrubscleaansdt 60% alcohol. against the coronavirus.your facility the steps yourorksseitneti aalc cweosrskers, Folow the manufacturers steps to keep your workplace safe 4. Limit w else.i 9.instructions for use of altfopoonslsyib cleaning and disinfectionproducts.business is taking to ensure E ex exible worksitesE rkerasn dto from infectious germs during an 5.(es.tga.b, tlieslhe flcleo mwmorukt hinogu)rs 10. renpcoorutr aangyeswafoety and fl ib bgered shifts), health concerns.(e staigif.fge.a,sle.their safety. Laminated poster isD F1-800-321-OSHA (6742). outbreak. Laminated poster is6.usiisncgo uortahgeerwwoorrkkeerrss from wowr wm.oosrhe ai.ngfoovrm/caotrioonna, vviirsuitsor p calRETURN whoorkn teos,o ldse asnkds ,e oqru oiptmheernt.available in English or Spanish. TTY 1-877-889-5627 available in English or Spanish. Essential Points-of-Contact TO 2020 ComplyRight, Inc. www.osha.gov 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) W021DLOSHA 3994-04 2020 WORKLEARN MORE LEARN MOREN0194Communicate critical safety information throughout your facility with this three-poster set: Social Distancing, Stop the Spread of Germs and Employee Safety Procedures. LEARN MORECOVID-19: Setting the Record Straight FACT MYTH Myth: Wf aCrOmVeIrD t-e1m9.peratures and higher humidity can stop the spreado a COVID-19 Fact vs MythFact: pronpd hriautem sitdeps during any season to protect yourself andates, ino tcludakine g Evidence show. Ts thhat Cats wOVhIy eD-1x9 cperatn be ts recormanmsmenitd tted ihat yn aoll cu climonthtoinsuee t around you.hpot aVS.Myth: Hand dryers kil the COVID-19 virus. Fact: Hr at lo aterN0079and dearsyt 6ers d0% ao nlcoot khoilll t-bhae vsed hirusa. Onnd rluy wb wasill khinilg hl gearnmds os wn yith soour hap aanndd ws. Myth: COVID-19 is just like the common cold. Fact: COVID-19 is in the same fats aamnid lly aats ter the cranosmfemrv on c hisAddress common misconceptions and misinformationviirruus osesr iugtiniliatzee hd wumitah bns as their primary hostse. d too hld, bumuat int is. Cs beomliemveon cd thoat tldMyth: Antibiotics can prevent or treat the COVID-19 virus. Fact: Antibiiroutsic.s do not work against viruses, only bacterial infections. COVID-19Myth: is a v ed through mail. about COVID-19 with this laminated poster.COVID-19 can be transmitFace Masks Required Fact: inefoepctle ced aanrenaost g. Teht te che coroonraovnirauvs dirus foers nom pot sauckrvaigve fes mor vaielerd fy loronm Cg on lhinea ot P err otherLEARN MOREor packages. sMyth: I got the pneumonia vaccine so I cant get the COVID-19 virus.Fact: Vacines for pneumonia do not protect against this new coronavirus. Myth: COVID-19 only afects older people.N0187Fact: health cOVoInDd-1i9 vtionirs sus cucah an is anfesctt ahmnay, ConOe at aPD, dniy aabegtee. Ps aenod hple weairtt dh pisreea-esxe aistpinpeg ar The Cto be more susceptible. Myth:Notify anyone who enters your facility that facial masks are required and detailFact: You can catch COVID-19 from your pets.iThere is no evidence that your family peur hts canadn ps waitsh sos on tap ahe nnd wew catoer afrontaevr airull s. H notewraevcetiro, int is s a gwith ood iyour dpeea tts o wsincaes ah ynimo als can spread other diseases to humans.02p0ly NR0ig07ht9, Inc. Trovisfiec pe sossiootr enora pilssi n icniotoenn ncdoernd aintongy yposroevr idcpiearticular s f tohr ep sruabctjeiccet(ss. ) Ycou overaee rd aunrd esd hog ulcdo nnostu blt e c apnopsrotrureiadteasl eleggaal l oor r mmeeddiiccaal l Also available as a download: N0079DLacceptable forms of covering along with instructions for proper use.Two-poster setC Itoe 2m # m Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; World Health Organization a pd h e np ucstop a gfaecntse, racil itarucwuatamioresnnta(se)s n.c eosincludes: Face Coverings Required and Masks Required. LEARN MOREDERECHOS DEL EMPLEADOEMPL YEE RIGHTS VELICEINLICICICICAIRARARPYPYPYPO O OPRO REREREN N N NEFNEFREMREMDEADDA DPDPA BGAAJDOA L YE YE XFAPAAMNILSIIAOSNP P P PDREI MLIEIEICREON C C C CIA EMPLOOYEE RIGHTS FPAID SICK LEA MM TR ST V U FAEM RESPUESTA AL CORONAVIRUS Families First Coronavirus Response Act FIALVE AND EXP O DST RCONRAMILAOVNIAMILARY AND MEDICAL LEAUNDUPUPUAID SICK LEA IEISLSL I I I FEFISR FSFSFSIANDED F UISR Y AND MEDICAL LEA FENRD ETETETHRH ET HFAEVE AND EXP CANDED F RSESESESE S S S RPEOSNPSOEN SASASAECECEC T T ACVE T DCOSCThe Families First Coronavirus ResponseLa Ley Familias Primero de Respuesta al Coronavirus (FFCRA o Ley) requiere que ciertos empleadores den The Families First Coronavirus Response April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.Act (FFCRAAct (FFCRA or Act)or leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. requires certain employers to provide their Act) leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. requires certain employers to provide theirCOVID-19. Estas provisiones aplicarn desde abril 1 hasta diciembre 31 del 2020. Illness Preventionemployees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medicalfa empleados licencias laboral pagadas o expansin de licencia familiar y por enfermedad por razones relativas alE3266Wemployees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical These provisions will apply from These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. PAID LEA VE ENTITLEMENTS DERECHOS A LICENCIA LABORAL PAGADA PAID LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS En general, los empleadores cubiertos bajo la Ley deben proveer a empleados: Generally, employers covered under the Act must provide employees: Act must provide employees: s two-week equivalent) of paid sick leave based on the higher o Hasta 2 semanas (80 horas, o el equivalente de dos semanas de un empleado a tiempo parcial) de licencia por GenerallyUp to two weeks (80 hours, or a part-time employees two-week equivalent) of paid sick leave based on the higher ofenfermedad pagada en base a su mayor tasa regular de pago, o el salario mnimo estatal o federal aplicable, de la , employers covered under the Up to two weeks (80 hours, or a part-time employeetheir regular rate of pay , or the applicable state or Federal minimum wage, paid at: siguiente manera:their regular rate of pay, or the applicable state or Federal minimum wage, paid at: 100% for qualifying reasons #1-3 below 10 total;100% for qualifying reasons #1-3 below, up to $51, up to $511 daily and $5,11 daily and $5,110 total; 10 total; 2/3 for qualifying reasons #4 and 6 belowmedical leave paid at 2/3 for qualifying 100% para razones calificables #1-3 (ver abajo), hasta $51Up to 10 weeks more of paid sick leave and expanded family andmedical leave paid at 2/3 for qualifying2/3 para razones calificables #4 and 6, hasta $200 por da y $2,1 por da y $5,1000 total; y2/3 for qualifying reasons #4 and 6 below, up to $200 daily and $2,000 total; and, up to $200 daily and $2,000 total; and Hasta 12 semanas de licencia por enfermedad pagada y expansin de licencia familiar y por enfermedad pagadaComply with the FFCRA mandatory posting requirement. LaminatedUp to 10 weeks more of paid sick leave and expanded family and12N3100reason #5 below for up to $200 daily and $12,000 total.an 500 employees, and certain public sectorlydd low). a 2/3 para razones calificables #5 de hasta $200 por da y $12,000 total. reason #5 below for up to $200 daily and $12,000 total.rs that the employee is normally scheduled to work rs that the employee is normally scheduled to workUn empleado a tiempo parcial es elegible a licencia por las horas que trabajara durante ese periodo.A part-time employee is eligible for leave for the number of houA part-time employee is eligible for leave for the number of houover that period.over that period.ELIGIBLE EMPL EMPLEADOS ELEGIBLESELIGIBLE EMPLOYEESOYEESIn general, employees of private sector employers with fewer th e eeyfoaaayyllprpi prior to their leave request may be eligible for up to andddlll En general, empleados de empleadores del sector privado con menos de 500 trabajadores, y de ciertos empleadores del Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days pya prtaiaiaiacal leave for reason #5 below de COVID-19 (ver abajo). Empleados que hayan estado en nmina al menos 30 das anteriores a su solicitud de licenciaposter outlines the FFCRA emergency paid sick leave law, which remains emploIn general, employees of private sector employers with fewer th id an 500 employees, and certain public sector 9t9t9te rdrde rlaeaeae.atatesdo rnrnesa (soenes b b (eseleleleoew )b)b)b).esector pblico, son elegibles a hasta dos semanas de licencia pagada total o parcialmente por enfermedad por razones additional 10 weeks of partially paid expanded family and medi le saivcvcvkekek lfeoarv v vCeO foVrI DC-O1V9V9V9 IrDe-l-l-la1a.additional 10 weeks of partially paid expanded family and medis picakcal leave for reason #5 below enfermedad por razn #5.ymerpsl,o ayrererers s se,l l l aiaigriebebebl l l el l ifififgoirb ulep f f otototor tutuwpo t ow teteteweoks s s s w oefe fkuslo of rfu ply r r r ototoirarararaprior to their leave request may be eligible for up to an Educate employees on how to combat the spread of the flu and other contagiousQU Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days e employee is unable to work, including unable topodrn ser elegibles a hasta 10 semanas adicionales de expansin pagada parcialmente de licencia familiar y por ALIFYING REASONS FOR LEA e employee is unable to work, including unable toUn empleado tiene derecho a tomar licencia laboral relacionada a COVID-19 si no le es posible trabajar, incluyendo QUALIFYING REASONS FOR LEAVE RELAVE RELATED TTED TO COO COVID-19 VID-19 An employee is entitled to take leave related to COVID-19 if th RAZONES CALIFICABLES A LICENCIA RELACIONADA A COVID-19teleworkAn employee is entitled to take leave related to COVID-19 if th imposibilidad de hacer teletrabajo, porque el empleado:telework, because the employee:, because the employee:1.hh s is1 i a i s h a isis s s e aa o oo1 2s 1 l s ns abababdededteutineanvneanveveireienrnrsa e e ernananaedtdtil il ilianannaVtgegeIDrCrDdDCrde -tOtOlao1o1ao9V9 V9V9t t eCe IsDdDdDdDOy -tmtVmVmtmto1o1o1I 9 9pDC tso-o-o-O1ym9m9V9V9mV;s;s;IpD ato-o-o-on1md sis a snede kiksin n nsge e vvb 5.place of care is closed (or child care provider isu 1.h estde srauauauaujljlj,e,e,e tEtEtEtEtos tatataa tototardldld, eon lo o o o odcea lclclc urururuealrarararecniotennaad aoaali i isClaOmViIeIeIeIeDn-t1o9 eee FF h p ss o n ; 5.cuidados est cerrado (o cuidados infantiles noin effect until December 31, 2020. Bilingual versions are available for un5.av v vaplace of care is closed (or child care provider isha veedor de salud que secuidados est cerrado (o cuidados infantiles no s slu.auau.ua. tbtbtbtbioiiijijiijesssesessnc co ocsotlototltola u au urtrtrtotobtbtobdioj j j eeeeanrcr crF F F otrotort e e e ertrtrtoldlda eeaeaetataterr radaFadFr lee l ele,t l l dolodolSaSaSa e ettCtCtearaOdadOaOadOdtel l l ,tVtVt , , oS S oIo DCtCtCtCtra -lOlOto1o1ecVcV9VcV9c,a;a ;a ;oIoIoIoDlr r rq q q q-l1uouououocac9ac9ac;a;a;aral qnqnqututuinaera onrt ine oris caring for his or her child whose school orFse est cuidando a un hijo cuya escuela o lugar de is caring for his or her child whose school orest cuidando a un hijo cuya escuela o lugar de est cuidando a un hijo cuya escuela o lugar de diseases, such as COVID-19, with this set that includes two best-selling posters: 2.i ii ha i i s n elf. - - - bqbqbeuehshsheeeaeeaaeaelririreafaf-x-x-x-nqnqnqnpctutueinrigigige nCcOi44 1111 aaa biys ead h beya lalalalath h cearleteteteh p p p craoaorvrvreid 9pe;ro tvoi d d d d er toribed6. 6.ilnabvlea)i l l l adaubublele )t)t)o d CuOeOeO tVtVoI DC-O1V9V9V9 IrDel-l-l-la1t9e dre rleaeatataesdo nres;a;a;a; sorns; or 2.e d Fee e s e s a sgidao e inn saturururuutoid-coc u u upaorererere nununtntntne pnpnpnarararao m paoaoaorsrsrsC CdeOeOeOe VCIOD-V-V-1I9D9D9D9;- 19 y estt s 6.cuidados est cerrado (o cuidados infantiles no cuidados est cerrado (o cuidados infantiles no sa is experiencing any other substantially-similarpo n estn disponibles) por razones de COVID-19; ose m is experiencing any other substantially-similar3. est experimentando sntom sustancialmente similares a las especificadas por condition specified by the U.S. Department ofest experimentando otras condiciones condition specified by the U.S. Department of 3. is 333 e.xe e epdieaeieieaiisisisc r r maeaeael e e diaiaiacganl odsiaisg;nosis; kingHealth and Human Services. solicitando diagnstico mdico; el Secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos.Health and Human Services. wwi 4.hhhw Tw TTin s c h (.a. r)r)i i i nononoiiiiisnsnsnsrgrgc(s s s( sf1oa1oaer)r)r)lrf ififiin-ona-a-qrgrgn u u us s s fiaiaieneonorldrrrrlrdlrldaf fa af f-i-i-a-aivnqvnqvnqniutitutidudi i ninainiuauauneararada liaia nvnvnssitidududu i i ndbdbdbdubeajeajaje slslac c cscscsststst rururu r u t it itidbdbbdobobbdbboj eje e jeeaeaedsdsdscncnct tionr ornro titiborbrbo r d(d(e e e2aed)nr;i idnonoe r d(d(ds2ec)r;r;i i dbdbedsdsc cp o heo araraiutuyt hto rininityv etos t t tingngnavavetes taignadt e e e e nanfnfodrc c c cen fcformcep lciaonmcpepe l l liance whop q b q b p q prroje aa 4. ese stc crcrciututuaid d d deann (d(d(1o)aouenna a puetor-s-s-s-counaar esnununjtjtjtjtjeeeeetntntntaaa a a a d eueueueusnsnscacacr oioioiotard eenn( (2);sss private employers as well as federal government employers.in4 desFlu Prevention Poster and Hand Washing. Th pp ENFORENFORCEMENTCEMENT eeppbbbAe w silululul bje cstu tboj epcet n ntaoaoaoa l l l ltpiesn alties AA Lu p CUMPLIMIENTOwitehUt .S m Lae se cumpla la FFCRA. Los empleadores nlawfully takes paid sick leave or expanded family and medical l qu a Divisin de Horas y Salarios (WHD) del Deonpnpnpn cacacpiriaoatad d lmramarararabenon retaoxl p ppppdpdpdpduaeaels g sgsg gsg Taaaaaarradrdadradr, bababad a a iosjo o oc oc ai i i i dpd dpeelelelixn EtEtEtaeErErErn,. . .s.soUoUoUi UdUdni.s s sdtctctcieeeereererei mnmnliecin ene ne e nlaanaanaanan r cr crca idididuauauauaue t t t tofofofo anrmiiimiiiiiiindndndgagaiagigailidda rn rnrnrndymemememempioioinodvroe e e ee santi ifi fifgugugugueanananarmr r r e e e eyem dhpaaldececec a e e eaeadrdrdrdrd o heiiite.e. .eh hFDDD UFUteh.p.C.CSSppeRaRa. r. . rF rF DADtFFemFmFm. C.e CEnpeeppEpEEeRnaRaRmtrtrA o t to.lfl f fo o EeELynmamet b b borporoprposososflflo r o o omLmLmLysysysae e e aWbrysososoa r r rn n gmmmmsoe tatataW W aydydananan isdsnsngdgdgococ e e Hhththaoaoaodnrurigsdsgdsgsgrc c c c e e DHh, i i vaovavaduriuirirusisisigrsgrsrsi ecoecoecoD,in,nini,ipi i i v v vd(l(l(l(iiWnsinsinssieoeHcoecHcHcni,n,in,in,Dp p pDpo o(l(l()WiWrWiriWrirn n nhoeaHaHat,hshs D D Do e)t)t)hrhrhr r r r hwoeoeoa ititiashshssshueue u e etht rdwisiscer i i i imdmdmdmisisisincartitititimeme iaiangatein asatgtgtg ainininys tete amanpyl o oeymeepepe l l lowowowoyheoequ mmprocelawfully takes paid sick leave or expanded family and medical l buujeo lle l lFiFFFeeeFgggmseAeAeA d,n, etptptpte rl eaeaeaeaea h sacepdrdroincge eudnidndngege r r u u uonrd d drerla a otererer drdre tlaoaoat tetetethdis t AoAoAoA ctht.i sE Amcptl. o o Eymerpsl oiny evriososo l liaiaiaint i i ovovovininino loafteave under the FFCRA, files a complaint, or institutes aiotothne o o o pfreave under the FFCRA, files a complaint, or institutes ar r rtotothveis piornononosvsvsi i sososoifo tnhse o o o oFfF F F tChChCeR FAF wCilRlRlRl viiiisssiFioaCnlmnCnCeeRRRFeFnCt auR suAonsasasade e e e eqr uuuseneuneunue j jjj jaoadoadod,eb,b,eb,be orjojrjoree tititicncncnoncoh i i icdoiaeaeae a mumumumu lininininicucuc leleplpleleptaros c c cye mdmdmdmimedieidnatosdbdbdbeaej j j oc u uom rpepeplllllliaiaiamtiviviveon atatatato e e epsotarlLae Wy. H HLDoDoDos. empleadores que violen las mand enforcement by WHD.For oad r dF tt dd ooi tr trifi oooooa o oo 1-866-487-9243 nnn rrreee da ttt ddd aaaaooo li ittt ic ii cc nn fio ffnf lll nnn ee oooa rl plllccc aannnn o tff i iiooo WH1422REV 03/20 DD DDIEIEIEVPISASASIRIRIROTNA MDEEEEEEE N N HTOOR D AESTYR SAABLAAJROROROI ODSESESESE ESTADOS UNIDOS Para informacin adicionalWH1422 SPAREV 03/20 LEARN MOREand enforcement by WHD. LEARN MORE WAGWEWEWE AGNGNEDEDE AHAHONONONODU RH ODUIUIUVRIS DIOIVNISION 1-866-487-9243 ationo para 1-866-487-9243 to le olo fem ra icattio ntp:plaint:presentar una queja:m oimornm UNITUEUEUEDN ISTTETETEADT SESESETSTSA DTEPSPA DRETPMAERNTM OEFNFNFN TL AOBFO LRABOR TTY: 1-877-889-5627hd dol.gov/agencies/whddol.godol.gov/agencies/whd WH1422REV 03/20 TTY: 1-877-889-5627TTYv/a: 1-877-889-5627gencies/wth fnd ceweerr ttain phan 5ubli0c e0 emmplopyleoryes. Aviso Importante: Esta publicacin solo se aplica a empleadores privados con menos de 500 empleados.Important NoteI: Tmphpios prtoasntit Nng oontley a: Tphpliis pes too pstirninvg oate enlmly aplopyperls wies tito ph fo pewrivevr tathe ean 5m0p0 elomyeprlos wyeis a es. Aviso importante: Esta publicacin solo se aplica a empleadores privados con menos de 500 empleados y ciertos empleadores pblicos.E326603/204 HRDIRECT.COM800.999.9111 5'